Document 14064036

Tell It To The Marines fw<.e.i) j , ^ ^ "'v' ' t W o ^
Increase Seen
Will Cooperate Iowa State Inaugurates System (or Financing Students
On Production Who Return to College to Complete Post-war Work In Teaching Jobs,
return to graduate ? to the time of induction or enlist- economically possible at State," he
Of Radio Scripts ThatWill isthey
the question foremost in ment, maintaining graduating grades said. "It might work at the Univer- Reports Bureau
Students to Participate
In Defense Broadcasts
everyone's mind as more and more
students substitute army camps for
college ampuses.
This week a number of State College instructors express their opinions on a plan formulated by the
University of Iowa to give financial
aid to students who will return to
complete their studies after the war
is over.
The plan at Iowa provides for
gifts of not over $200 to each returning student who needs assistance. A
fund will be collected by voluntary
contributions of 10c a week from
the students still in school, and this
money will be invested in U. S.
Defense Bonds.
The fund is being collected on a
group basis. Presidents of fraternities and sororities, leaders of dormitories and such groups, are responsible for collecting their quotas.
Students who receive the $200 gifts
must have seen at least six months'
service in a U. S. armed force. Also
they must have attended the University of Iowa from October 15, 1940
Radio for victory I Everyone has
heard a lot about it, but the average student's conception of just
what it means is a little vague.
The "radio for victory" group
composed of students and Albany
citizens, about one hundred people
in all, writes and produces radio
scripts for the Albany City and
County Defense Office. Most of the
writing is done by the citizens, the
students being occupied for the mast
part in research and production.
How Script Is Made
What happens to a script ? Mrs.
Frederick B. White, publicity director for the Civilian Defense Office,
sends to the radio script committee
a list of subjects that the Defense
Office wants publicized. The committee decides what angles are to
be stressed and gives this information to the research group. These
people collect material through library work and interviews. At a
weekly meeting the entire script
group is divided into four sections,
Modern John Paul Jones
with a member of the research and
Is Milk, Hamburgers Hero
production committees in each section. The research people supply the
The spirit of '76 came back !
facts while the production people
With the aid of 3 quarts of milk
tell how to approach the subject and
and 4 hamburgers, a State Colwhat points to stress. Then the
lege senior became a twentieth
writers go to work. The following
century John Paul Jones.
week, all the scripts are turned into
It all came about when one
the editorial staff who choose the
nameless '42-er with a strong
best parts from each script to make
desire to join the navy jourup one good script. When it is apneyed to a distant city to take
proved by the Civilian Defense Ofhis physical examination. Much
fice, the production people put it on
to our hero's dismay, he was
the air.
found lacking, not fiat feet or
First Production March 26
high blood pressure—he was
The first production will be heard
underweight !
on March 26, the subject being the
Necessity is the mother of
library in defense work. The cominvention. Our senior consumed
mittee has invented an average famthe above-mentioned milk and
ily, the Victor family, who will aphamburgers and dashed back
pear in some of the broadcasts.
(pardon us, staggered) to the
Actors will be members of the State
recruiting officials.
College Radio Guild.
Again he mounted the scales
Other subjects in various stages of
—they registered one pound over
development are sugar, salvage,
the minimum weight—he was
posters in public schools, auto meadmitted I
chanics, gardens, blackouts, and
edible weeds.
Dr. Jones stresses the point that Barden, Curtis to Direct
no one person may take credit for
any one broadcast. There are from Student Plays Tuesday
fifteen to twenty-five people conBetty Barden and Jane Curtis,
nected with one program.
junior directors, will present two
one-act plays in the Page-Hall
Auditorium next Tuesday evening,
Junior Prom—
under the sponsorship of the Ad(Continued from page S, column r>) vanced Dramatics class.
Miss Barden features in her play,
made the 1939-40 Dean's List. Worried parents drew their own conclu- which is a tragedy, Doris Lichtwart,
Harold Ashworth, Arthur Soderlind,
sions !
Came another revolution when the Robert Loucks, sophomores, and
John Lubey, '45.
Soph Soiree introduces a series of
Actors in Miss Curtis's play, a
innovations among which were the
featuring of two orchestras in place romance, are Morris Gerber, Harold
of the usual one, the abolition of a Peigenbaum, juniors, Trece Aney,
name band, and a lowering of the Georgia Hardesty, and Roderick
Praser, sophomores.
dance bid from $3.50 to $2.50. AlMiss Barden's play Is an example
though the sophs had no band 12
of expressionism, while that to be
days before the dance, these new
presented by Miss Curtis portrays a
features resulted In a neat profit and
conflict of wills.
the largest crowd in years.
After a hard fought rivalry contest, the sophs reluctantly but gracefully bowed to the freshman class,
Unabashed, the Indomitable class
of '43 displayed their ingenuity when
in a National College Culture test
t3ken last year, they proved their
superiority intellectually. Today the
college anxiously awaiting one of tin;
biggest events of the year—the Junior Prom—a combination of soft
light, sweet music, and a traditional
Under the leadership of Peeney,
Mattlce snd McCann elas.s activities
(•how perfect coordination. The rest
of the year shows promise of continued .successes.
during this time.
Dr. Hartley, definitely enthusiastic
about the plan, declared, "It would
be a good way for us to cooperate
and help those boys who serve the
armed forces and whom we're going
to need badly as trained leaders
when this war is over." He stated
that it would be a means of helping
both the country (by buying Defense
Bonds) and some of our own friends.
Mrs. Eggleston, also In favor of
the plan, believes that "it is a very
far sighted view of a college problem
which is going to become more and
more pressing," and that it should
also provide for girls who are entering the army. However she raised
the question, "Suppose the fund were
not large enough to take care of the
number of people who return ?"
Dr. Jones, when approached on the
subject took out his pen and began
to figure. He estimated that there
would be approximately 900 students
here next year and that this number could provide a fund of only
$3600. "I don't believe it would be
Council Schedules
Various Debates
Debate Council has released a partial schedule for the second semester, 1941-42. On March 23, State will
meet Hobart and William Smith at
home. On March 13 some of the
State debaters will engage Colgate
here while others will journey to
New York to meet Columbia,
Queens, Pordham, Rutgers, and New
York University.
The question "What part shall
American foreign policy play in
forming a more workable world order" is the same for all the scheduled debates.
These debates are held in the
farm of panel discussions, and there
are no decisions. The following four
phases of the question will be discussed: causes and difficulties of the
present world crisis; a revitalized
League of Nations; Pan-Americanism; and Union Now.
Plans are being made to go to
Syracuse to take part in a panel
discussion on a radio defense program. The date has not been set.
Newman Slates Bible Quiz
An intellectual battle of the sexes
concerning religion, biblical history,
and morals, in addition to the general business meeting, will provide
an unusual program at Newman
Hall on Thursday, February 19, at
7:30 P. M.
sity of Iowa, but they have 7000 students."
"It's a little early to march the
boys off to the tune of a pension,"
declared Dr. Rienow when asked to
give his reactions on this idea. "The
motives are admirable but it's
stretching the truth a little to suggest that such a plan would be a
major factor in improving morale."
As he sees it, something of this kind
will be needed after the war is over,
but he doesn't think we should bribe
the students to come back.
Admitting that there may have to
be some stimulus to get the boys
back and that the Iowa plan may
have merit in lightening some of the
government's many responsibilities,
Dr. Baker nevertheless questioned
whether such a plan would work.
"Effectiveness will depend much on
the psychological effect of the war
on the individual," he declared. Because of the uncertainty of the future, he agrees with Dr. Rienow that
the plan is a little premature.
Men Find Cobwebs, Dust;
Coveted Banner Still Hidden
Two groups of men, crawling
stealthily through subterranean
passages, brushing cobwebs off
their faces, wiggling on their
stomachs through otherwise impenetrable holes, lifting dusty
panels in a vain search . . . That
was the sum total of Monday
night's banner rivalry.
Sophomores turned out in a
definite minority to brawl with
the freshmen diligently searching for a banner they never
found. Lack of enthusiasm was
evident on both sides, despite
class meetings which were expected to enliven the men of
both classes.
The men didn't even seem
envious of the women's success.
War Emergency Opens
New Teaching Positions
Look at your prospects, State College I This year's prospects for securing teaching positions look bright.
Last year's definite increase in calls
is being reemphaslzed this year, r e ports Miss Irene Semanek of the
Student Employment Bureau.
Primary reason for more job opportunities is of course laid to the
existing emergency. Records indicate that fields in which men have
specialized will hold more chances
for women teachers, especially science, mathematics and commerce.
A definite shortage of science teachers is anticipated by schools because
of the number of men being drawn
out for selective service. Several of
the selectees have secured instructorships in service branches.
Marriages Withdraw Women
Increase in the number of marriages during war time tends to draw
some women out of the profession.
However SEB has had definite indications that a number of schools,
which have had the policy of not
hiring married women, will keep
them on if their husbands are in
Salary liaise Anticipated
A few school principals feel that
they may have to raise the salary
scale to take care of the increased
cost of living. Not as many $1000
and $1100 positions as in the past are
anticipated, although some rural
communities cannot afford to increase the salaries of their teachers.
Miss Semanek said that it is a
little too early to predict absolutely,
but it looks as If the teaching picture
were changing. The war is having a
definite influence on the profession,
and it is feared that It will become
feminized again. The SEB is urging
all service men to keep in touch with
the bureau.
G E O R G E D. J E O N E Y . P R O P .
DIAL 5-1013
1 9 8 - 2 0 0 CENTRAL AVENUE
You '11 find
At the
State College News
Scholarship Bill
Will Not Affect
State Students
Lack of Funds Blocks
Passage of Amendment
by Gravelle and Stengel
"State College students will not be
affected by any amendment to the
education law relating to State
scholarships," declared Assemblyman W. Milmoe, Chairman of the
Committee for Public Instruction, in
an exclusive interview with the
STATU COM,BOB NEWS this week. Be-
cause of insufficient funds to provide for the necessary appropriation, Milmoe's bill proposing the
doubling of State scholarships is no
longer feasible. Had the bill been
passed, students already in possession of scholarships would receive
$100 for each regular term and the
same amount for summer sessions.
"However," said
Milmoe, "it is generally accepted
that there will be a reapportionment
of scholarships in the ease of those
students who complete three terms
in one year instead of the usual two
terms. These students will receive
$50 per term."
AH yet the legislature has not
taken action on the State College
budget. The appropriation for the
fiscal year of 1942 was less than
$200 below that for 1941, but various
college expenses showed a large
enough decrease from those of 1941
to account for an actual increase in
the budget as a whole.
You tenia In ice-cold Coca-Cola a thing that is good — a
pure, wholesome drink with the quality of genuine goodness. Coca-Cola delights your taste, gratifies your thirst and
leaves you happily refreshed.
Nothing El™ So Good
101 Central Ave.
Albany, N. V,
Is So Good For You
"Keep 'em out" could refer to
the Japs or the Nazis (or possibly the moths), but it doesn't.
It is something much easier to
accomplish — than keeping out
moths, at least. It's the lights
of the college — the electric
lif/htn, we mean,
President Sayles h a s requested that all students cooperate in keeping down electric
and gas bills by turning out all
lights when they are the last
persons to leave a room. You
wouldn't leave a ten-dollar bill
to its own devices--if you had
one, that is—would you ? Well,
that's what you do when you
don't push that switch — you
leave valuable money wasting
away. And it really doesn't
cause much wear and tear on
your finger to "push the button." So, whether you're on the
campus being educated or at
home — recovering from your
education — don't forget — it's
lights out!
Sociological Film Shown
In Todclay
s rvssemt
The main feature of today's assembly was a documentary film,
"The City," sponsored by the National Education Association. The
projecting machine was operated by
A. Harry Passow, '42.
"The City," a sociological film, was
made three years ago to be exhibited
at the New York World's Fair. It
depicts the present day city including its traffic problems, and living
conditions in the apartment houses
and In the slums. The film also
shows the city as it would look under improved conditions.
Major change in the program to
render Husted and Page Halls usable
at night is the decision to blackout
the gymnasium. Shades will be put
up so games and practices may be
held there after dark.
Following the basketball season,
the blackout provisions will enable
the gym to be used for night dances,
such as are held on Moving-Up Day
night and school formals,
The auditorium has already been
equipped with blackout shades and
is prepared for use during play rehearsal and presentations, Dr. Louis
C. Jones, Instructor in English, who
is at the head of the blackout program, said that the library in Hawley Hall would be impossible to
All defense classes held at night
will be in Husted Hall. Shades for
the rooms in Husted have rrrlved
and will be put up as quickly as
The new policy of eliminating
lights outside of the college buildings was inaugurated Tuesday night.
You trust iti quality
226 No. Allen St.
Albany, N. Y.
Meteorology Speech Slated
At a joint meeting of the mathematics and chemistry clubs In the
auditorium on March 4, Mr. James
Cassldy, a State graduate, will speak.
The time for the meeting is fi:00
P. M. and the public is invited.
Mr. Cassldy has worked with the
weather bureau for some time and
now Is head meteorologist at the
airport, He will speak on the importance of mathematics and chemistry in meteorology, and the importance of meteorology in national
Action to discontinue baseball as
a varsity sport was taken this week
by MAA Council headed by William
Dickson, '42. Curtailment of the
athletic programs of other colleges
has made this action necessary.
With a shortening of the spring
The plan of the Student Employ- term only four games could be
ment Bureau Committee, headed by scheduled this year. Hamilton, which
June Haushalter, '42, to keep the was to be our opponent in the first
Student Employment Bureau and two games has discontinued baseball.
the students related, has resulted In We were to play RPI in the third
the scheduling of three panel dis- game which was scheduled for a
cussions. The dates of two of these time when RPI was holding exams.
Thus only sophomores would be
discussions are, however, tentative.
available to play and there were not
On Thursday, March 5 at 4:30 enough sophomores, The only posP.M. in Room 20, Mr. Paul Bulger, sible game would be the fourth one
and Miss Irene Semanek, Director in which we were to meet Pratt, a n d
and Assistant Director respectively it was thought unwise to sponsor a
of the SEB, will meet with seniors baseball season for one game.
and graduate students in order to
Lack of sufficient material and a
answer and clear up any questions 10% cut in the MAA budget are furstudents may have concerning place- ther reasons for this measure.
ment problems. Since the bureau
Coach Hatfield says: "It is too bad.
has asked many questions concern- We need more than one thing to
ing letters of application, etc., the afford relaxation for the boys in t h e
techniques of applying for Jobs will spring athletic program. We will put
be discussed thoroughly, Miss Sem- more emphasis on tennis but we may
anek says that this will be a good run Into similar trouble thfro."
opportunity for clearing up the
William Dickson added In view
things that any of the students are of the impracticability of continuing
baseball now MAA Council sincerely
unsure about.
March 0 is the tentative date set hopes that it will again be an infor a panel discussion of school prin- tegral part of the athletic program
cipals. The subject will be the ob- when more favorable conditions
taining of a position from the ad- make It possible."
ministrator's point of view.
March 10 has been set as the tentative date for the report of the
Student Committee on problems of
appearance and interviews.
SEB Committee
Slates Discussions
Greeks W i l l Hold
Formal Initiations
Two sororities and one fraternity
will conduct formal Initiation on
Sunday, March 1.
Kappa Delta will induct the following freshmen pledges: Jeannotte
Buyck, Jean Brown, Betty Clough,
A leen Coddington, Nora Crumm,
Marion Duffy, Betty Howell, Lucille
Kenny, Shirley Mason, Mary Sanderson, Jeanne Solkirk, Joan Smith,
Martha Sprenger, Jean Wlnyall, and
Eunice Wood.
To be formally Initiated In Chi
Sigma Theta ore: Marge Curran,
Lorraine Do Sevo, Lucille Oerg, Dorothea Smith, Ellen Vrooman, and
Betty Walsh, freshmen; Elaine Grogan and Dolores DiRubo, sophomores.
The following will become members of Kappa Delia Rho at Sunday's initiation; Harold Archambault, Harry Baden, Collin Burnett,
Richard Beach, Glenn DcLong, LoRoy Oroff, Ray McNamara, Nicholas
Murphy, Zollie Prlvett, Joseph Tassonl, Donald Walsh, and Dante Zaccagnlni,
Recently admitted to P«i Clamma
are Betty Carinnny, Jeanne Burlshard, Alma Beckcrle, Virginia Driscoll, Lois Drury, Agnes Fltzputrlck,
Grace Forbes, Nora Glavelli, Nancy
Hall, Janet Mather, Mary Now, Peggy Sohlott and Mildred Tymeson,
freshmen; Edith Beard and Juno
Ban than), sophomores; Flora Gaspary, '43, and Madeline Grunwald,
Cornell Meeting
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of
the College, will attend a two-day
conference at Cornell University
Tuesday and Wednesday, March 2
and 3. This conference will be a
meeting of the Committee on Teacher Education of the Association of
Colleges and Universities of the
State of New York. Dr. Edmund E.
Day, President of Cornell University, is the chairman of this committee, and Dr, Sayles Is a member.
The main topic for discussion by
this committee will be the arranging
of a reciprocity agreement by which
students in Statu College, University
of Buffalo, University of Rochester,
Cornell University, Syracuse University, and St. Lawrence University,
who are preparing for Leaching In
secondary schools in the state may,
under certain conditions, take their
graduate work In any one other of
the aforementioned colleges,
In order to transfer to one of the
other colleges mentioned above to
complete work for a master's degree,
three conditions would have to be
fulfilled. The student must have
completed satisfactorily the requirements for either Bachelor of Science
or Bachelor of Arts degree, he must
be selected by a faculty committee,
unci he must be recommended by the
president of his college.
CLINTON, NEW YORK, <AOP)An answer to the question of how
many books the average liberal arts
student draws from the college 11brury during his four-year course is
made available by u two-year statistical study Just completed by Dr.
Lewis P. Stolg, Hamilton College librarian,
That unswer—for Hamilton—Is 78
books, of which 10 are drawn out as
a freshman, 10 as a sophomore, 24
m a Junior, and 2B as a senior.
In general much more leading Is
apparently done the second semestor than the first
Authorities Plan M A A Eliminates Baseball
To Blackout Gym
From Varsity Sports List
Canadian Soldiers to Get
Most Hamilton Students
Lorey «J/
'•The College Jeweler"
An Editorial
Sayles to Attend
Read 78 Library Books
Keep 'cm
Post-War College Fees
Canadian students who quit their
classrooms to Join the dominion's
armed forces will be able to complete
thoir studies at government expense
alter the war Is over,
This Is tho substance of a recent
federal order. Under its provisions,
dischargees will, if they apply within intern months of their discharge,
I'iioto by Wi'sM'liimti
and providing their course of study
Auninla Club from 10 P. M, to 12 A, M, Is approved by the minister of penFriday night, Retiring Queen "Duff"
sions and national health, have their
w,u attended by Juno Melville and
fees paid and In addition receive a
Reigning Prom Queen Marlon DufThe coronation climaxed the program
fy, '42, lit caught by ttio NEWS oamof the Junior Formal which (cultured
era a« the plaoee the Junior Prom
the music of Don Redman and hie
Crown on the head of Mildred MatMarllynn Rich, Junlore, while Shirley
Mlee Mattlce wa» Qeneral
tlce, '43, newly-elected Prom Queen.
Chairman of the dance, held In the
Eaetman and Dorothy Cox, also Junlure, were the attendants for new Queen "Millie*."
weekly subsidy of $0 for unmarried
students and $13 for married students,
War Fronts
•by FeigenbaumEd, Note: In a move to supplement the work of this
column t h e administration h a s set up a large m a p <jf
the world opposite t h e Publications Office door. Watch
for NEWS Bulletins.
T h e British have set Are to t h e city of R a n g o o n .
T h e public in London was w a r n e d t h a t , with t h e J a p s
only GO miles from t h e city, R a n g o o n will become
a n o t h e r Singapore.
T h e J a p a n e s e h a v e landed on t h e island of Timor,
300 miles n o r t h of Darwin, n o r t h Australian n a v a l base.
T h e y also won a foothold on t h e island of Bali, 1 mile
west of J a v a . D u t c h a n d American n a v a l u n i t s a n d
aircraft inflicted heavy losses on t h e J a p s .
An unidentified submarine shelled t h e oil refineries
in t h e region of S a n t a B a r b a r a . Only one h i t was
scored, Unidentified planes flew over Los Angeles, b u t
no bombs were dropped. T h e only d a m a g e was from
falling s h r a p n e l from t h e a n t i - a i r c r a f t guns.
T h e R u s s i a n s h a v e encircled t h e G e r m a n 16th Army
in t h e region of S t a r a y a Russa, 140 miles s o u t h of
Leningrad. T h i s is a serious t h r e a t against t h e G e r m a n s e n c a m p e d before Leningrad.
Violent s a n d s t o r m s in Libya h a v e stopped all action,
a n d G e n e r a l M a c A r t h u r is still holding on t h e B a t a a n
T h e D u t c h have voluntarily destroyed all t h e oil
wells a n d refineries in southern S u m a t r a . T h e d a m a g e
is e s t i m a t e d a t half a billion dollars.
Sighs and Applause
-The Critic-
Tell It To The Marines
Recently, all newspapers in the country, large and small,
received from the United States Government, Office of
Censorship, a pamphlet entitled "Code of Wartime Practices
for the American Press." This pamphlet was printed at the
request of many editors who wished "an outline of newspaper and magazine practices which the Government feels
are desirable for the effective prosecution of the war." It
is extremely significant that this outline was voluntarily
requested by the newspapers for their own use, because
they wished to know how to best serve the interests of the
country in time of war. This is the way in which the
American form of government will meet censorship.
The following are pertinent excerpts relating to subjects
which should be avoided in publications:
Troops—their location, identity, or exact composition,
equipment or strength, their destination, routes and schedules, the assembly for embarkation, prospective embarkations, or actual embarkations. Any such information
regarding the troops of friendly nations on American soil.
Weather—all weather forecasts other than those officially
issued by the Weather Bureau.
Photographs and Maps—detailed maps disclosing location
of munitions dumps or other restricted Army and Navy
areas. (This does not apply to general war maps showing
the ebb and flow of battle lines, aerial photos presumably of
non-military significance.)
The spreading of rumors in such a way that they will be
accepted as fact should especially be avoided. Perhaps most
of us will never have any of the above information to disseminate, but we can help by education against the dissemination of any information, especially what we are not sure
is true. It is all right to tell it to the Marines, but it is not
all right to tell about the Marines.
As t h e first performance to be presented in t h e
blacked o u t Page Hall auditorium, Betty B a r d e n ' s
symbolic f a n t a s y h a d a m o r a l lesson for Hitler a n d
his gang, b u t typed portrayals which would m a k e even
a S a r a h B e r n h a r d t a "ham,"
W i t h t h e t h e m e t h a t those striving relentlessly for
personal gain suffer only disslllusionment upon a t t a i n m e n t , t h e play, although obviously well directed,
restricted t h e t a l e n t of t h e actors.
Two performances, however, compensated for t h e
frailities of t h e play. Harold Ashworth was unique
a n d successful In his characterization of t h e coarse
buffoon with a n insatiable appetite a n d carrot r e d
hair, while J o h n Lubey t r i u m p h e d in his role a s a
disillusioned old m a n . His excellent m a k e - u p was
displayed despite t h e shadow cast on h i s face t h r o u g h out t h e play. Art Soderlind as t h e sensuous poet
lacked restraint—"L'amour, toujours, r a m o u r i n g all
over t h e place." I t is h a r d to u n d e r s t a n d why Doris
Llchwart's obsession was one for m o r e clothes, w h e n
she looked so well in h e r own.
Bells to Betty Barden who m a d e t h e multi-colored
lights t h e o u t s t a n d i n g feature of t h e play. T h e set
was realistic a n d well clone, a n d together w i t h lighting effects m a d e t h e stage pictures commendable.
T h e production directed by J a n e Curtis was successful in its sole purpose to present a n a m u s i n g a n d
romantic story-play. Georgia Hardesty was excellent
as t h e rebellious R u m a n i a n girl who r u n s off with h e r
gypsy lover. Her scene with Trece Aney, who portrayed a n old nurse, displayed a striking c o n t r a s t
between age a n d youth. T h e climax of t h e play came
when G e r b e r swept t h e heroine off h e r feet a n d carried
her away. Heavy sighs a n d applause r a n g t h r o u g h o u t
the audience.
TheV oice of State
-CommunicationsT o the Editor:
In those d a y s of m o m e n t o u s crises why is It t h a t
t h e STATU COM.HOH NIOWH dovotos p a g e s to t h e e v e n t s of
S t a t e a n d only two inches to " W a r F r o n t s , " a column
dealing with t h e significant h a p p e n i n g s of more t h a n
c o n t e m p o r a r y Interest?
Clamor Philosophiae
Do you know the Rcpublkl Who was St. Augustine?
What is l)e Seneclulel What were Montesquieu's ideas on
government? Did Will James advocate "pragmatism"? Have
you heard of Hume?
If you cannot answer these questions then you know
little about philosophical thought. This is perhaps a vehement condemnation of you; but one must, neverthloss, face
the facts. Philosophy, no one will deny, is an important
phase of our culture, It has played, is playing, and will
play a considerable role in the development of political,
social, and economic thought. Who can estimate the influence
of Aristotle, Rousseau, Hegel, Nietzsche, or Freud on western civilization?
Yet, how many of us can instanteously put our Angers on
the exact theories of the philosophers ? ft is true that some
of us are vaguely familiar with certain ideas gained, perhaps, from a study of Latin, French literature, or Education
10. Hut is that enough?
As future teachers, we are expected to formulate a philosophy of life and u pholsophy of education. We are expected
to form such a philosophy without any formal Introduction
to the rich philosophical heritage which man has accumulated
through the centuries, On an understanding of this heritage
depends our understanding of present and future happen*
ings Superficial notions may be collected through reading
outside the classroom, but accurate concepts can be gained
only through the guidance of a master
At one time State did have a philosophical master. The
last few years have seen none. A resurrection of the chair
in philosophy would perhaps clear up the confusion in our
minds when we start thinking of a "raison d'etre."
STATIC COU.MIIH NMWH IS a c o m p a r a t i v e l y
State's Basketeers Win
Over St. Mike's, 46-38
By Htrb Ltntlctrl
/ / Hitler ever takes Gibraltar,
the howl of the
British Lion will be equalled only by the wail of the
Prudential Life Insurance Company
J u s t out—an oilcloth-like fabric which you c u t In
strips a n d apply to t h e edges of chairs, s t a i r steps, e t c .
During t h e blackouts your fabricated f u r n i t u r e is o u t lined in phosphorescent light. Saves wear a n d t e a r
on t h e shins . . . .
While on t h e subject, State's group houses should
immediately equip refuge rooms, in order t h a t studying
as well a s n o r m a l activities m a y be carried on. U n doubtedly it will take a surprise blackout, lasting t h r e e
or four hours, to impress t h i s on our a p a t h e t i c m i n d s . . .
Soldiers a n d Sugar
Bob Agne, pilot of t h e 1941 SCA, is now located a t
732 Lancaster Avenue, Syracuse. Bob works a t t h e
Syracuse Secretarial School in t h e m o r n i n g , as S u p e r visor of Machines, in order t h a t h e m a y t a k e g r o u n d
school work a t t h e University in t h e afternoons . . .
Len V a r m e t t e , featured two weeks ago, is now in t h e
station hospital a t F o r t M o n m o u t h , N. J. I n a letter
to Mitchell (in which he playfully s l a m s t h e c o l u m n eering efforts of t h e diminutive Sports h e a d ) V a r m e t t e
writes t h a t h e is undergoing t r e a t m e n t for a badly
infected eye, resulting from a cold.
F r a n k Kvans, '42, who enlisted in December, writes
from F o r t Bragg, N. C , t h a t all is O K . "Army life is
great. I t ' s h a r d a n d exacting, but I enjoy every m i n ute of it." S t u d y i n g for t h e artillery, F r a n k s p e n d s
m a n y hours a d a y in school training for his specialty—
t h e gunner's job.
Although he h a t e d to leave college, F r a n k saw n o
other course, a n d as every m a n m u s t d e t e r m i n e h i s
own way of living, h e u p a n d joined . . .
Pvt. F r a n k Evans
B a t t e r y A. 4th B a r r a c k s , 2nd C o m p a n y
F o r t Bragg, N o r t h Carolina
Bob Hertel, recently p r o m o t e d to S e r g e a n t , c h a n g e d
his mall-box slightly. L a t e s t known correct a d d r e s s is
Sgt. Robert Hertel, Co. B, 31st Engineering B a t t a l i o n ,
Fort Belvoir, Virginia . . .
Lynn Burrows, r e t u r n i n g from a c a m e r a house p a r t y
in C a n a d a , relates t h a t our n o r t h e r n neighbors seem
to have no s h o r t a g e of sugar, as far us r e s t a u r a n t s go.
This brings to m i n d t h e fact t h a t t h e patriotic m o t i v a tion of t h e Boul in conserving sugar suddenly c h a n g e d .
Maybe after c o m p u t i n g t h e cost of envelopes, p r i n t i n g ,
a n d labor in filling t h e sugar-savers, they viewed t h e
"emergency" with different eyes . . .
Mirth, Morale, a n d Money
March 20th will be a red letter day for S t a t e College,
as tho m e n of Myskanla, collectively tucking their long
black nightgowns In their well-pressed trousers, gallop
down t h e Page Hall court In t h e face of terrific odds,
namely t h e faculty,
On t h e same night, t h e practice teachers will leavo
sanctum s a n c t o r u m to also enter t h e lists — creeping
around, stumbling over their own feet—trying to keep
their myopic vision c o n c e n t r a t e d on t h e flaming y o u t h
(Milne, '42) cavorting u n d e r their educated noses.
T h e proceeds of this herculean contest; this m a s s
display of C h a r l e s Atlas physique (when h e w a s a 97
lb. weakling) will go to t h e W a r Activities Council a n d
to the Red Cross.
This will i n a u g u r a t e a program whereby t h e s t u dents will c o n t r i b u t e t o t h e war effort, a n d enjoy t h e m selves while doing It. This program will raise
while raining money- and should abolish the odious,
though well intended, sacrifice savings plan,
doomed by poor presentation
and negligible
school paper, but w h a t is it doing to keop students
Informed a n d u p - t o - d a t o on world h a p p o n i n g s ? W i t h
a m i n i m u m of four pages a week, t h e NHWH IS j a m m e d
with news of a local n a t u r e , We h e a r about fraternity
and sorority Initiations, w h a t t h e M a t h Club discussed
a t its latest meeting, and about Blockheads In a
Certainly wo w a n t to know what's h a p p e n i n g on t h e
campus, b u t events of a minor n a t u r e a n d Importance
a p p a r e n t l y a r e taking precedence over world ovonts of
u t m o s t significance. " W a r F r o n t s " receives only two
or three inches.
More space for Folgenbauml
Established May, 1916
by the Clan of 1918
Associated Oolleglato Press
•>!, \W<
No. II)
Tim iiiiilni'ifi'inliiiilii iinwHpnpnr nf llui Nnw Vni'U Btllti) Colluge for Tuiti'iii'i'H piilillHlmil uvory F r i d a y nf llin oollogo
your liy Uiu NIOWH Uonrtl for I ho Htudont Association,
I'IIIIIII'H; Office, fi-OirTllj Dorriiuoo, 8-2848: Hols'toln, n-MHM:
Ui'iinwiilil, 8-01188.
Entered an neaontl otass mutter Albany, N. Y., pustafllao.
The Weekly Bulletin
Di'. Jiilm M. Siiylus, Printlilmil i>l' SIiiIn Ciillogo, will
iiri'iiiiii' HI. n jiiini mooting
ill 1 l l i n I ' l i p l l n l
il I n I r I II I
h i ' M i i i i i ill' I In' N n l l i i n i l l V u cit I I o n it I ( l i i l i l i i n r u
AHHIII'IIIIIIIII a n i l llin lOimlurii
llinI I'll'! V n r i l l l . i l l l l l Mllll l l l l l l l H l l ' l i l l Al'lH A H M I I I ' I H I I I I I I , w l i l r l i
lin llrlll
lll'I'H i l l l l i n
riillnKn «ll Milli'l' 7.
III llin Ai'iiilimiy nl 110% of
llin miHt of rutflllur llinilllini'Hlilp.
Dr. Li ' In A. w i 1
nl' I ' l i l l i r i i l l i i l l , w i l l
dim* Unit
l l u i l u p i n " 11(1 w Hln .Sl'lllllllll
I ' I I I I I l i ' l p In N i i l l n i i i l l H i '
I l i i i ' l l i i y , A H H I H I I I I I I I'rufi'HHiir
III' I ' l l l l l l ' l l l l l l l l , W i l l . p r i l l ' m i
' T H i u i i i i ' . llui Hi'liniil Program ilii'iiiuili Ailillii v•IMIIIII
A M I " mill w i l l pi'imiiiii mint
M I - I I I I I I T I I I I I | I III l l i n A I I I I T li'llll
III' I'lllllll'lll
Ht'lniii'i! IN now
In Hi I H I U I I I H III $,'1.(10 11
HIuiii'iiiii in HOOUI'U nil Hut
HOdlAI, ( A l . l i M l A K
I'Vlmuiry 27 N('A Clionm,
Uoiingo, Ditto I', M
'J7 K l i p p u
l l l l l l l ' l l , II |>. M
liH Biiylim
Mill'i'li :i O l u l i
X Itll'I'lllIU
Il . IiHi uI InI Iy' . I ' ,
l l n i i n i 111), «:»(II
I', M ,
National Advertising Service, Inc.
I'ublhhtrs Keprcsentnlitv
4 2 0 MADISON A v i ,
i iiimun i Homos • i n . ADuiuii • Bun rmnciaco
The Newt Board
CO-EOITQH I N - d i m r
Mli I I'll
I t i i n i i i 8 0 , N l>. M .
P, M.
Meet Stalwart Sophomores
College House, Potter Club
To W i n Easily
Tie for Basketball Lead
State's varsity basketball squad
defeated St. Michael's quintet a t
P a g e Hall yesterday afternoon by a
decisive score of 46-38. T h e Eagles
spurted in t h e t h i r d q u a r t e r to take
the lead from which they were never
Both t e a m s were slow in getting
started, but t h e V e r m o n t e r s ' attack
perked up a n d they took a 10-6 lead
a t t h e end of t h e q u a r t e r . S t a t e still
occupied a back s e a t in t h e earlier
p a r t of t h e second quarter as St.
Michael's lengthened
Takes Lead
At this point S t a t e ' s offense began to function a n d five points by
B r a u n e r a n d a foul shot by Dickson
in t h e last two m i n u t e s narrowed t h e
gap to two points a t intermission
23-21. T h e Eagles continued their
a t t a c k in t h e third stanza as they
took t h e lead.
T h e g a m e grew faster, a n d rougher as State's a t t a c k cruised forward
while t h e Vermonter's offense bogged
down considerably. T h e end of t h e
q u a r t e r found t h e locals ahead,
Both teams substituted freely in
the last quarter as t h e Eagles scored
11 points to six for their opponent,
a n d win with plenty to spare 46-38.
Brauner High
B r a u n e r featured in t h e a t t a c k
for t h e varsity as he slipped in four
baskets a n d six foul shots for a total
of 14 points. He was followed by
Dickson who chalked up 10 points.
L i n n e h a n scored 11 points to lead
St. Michael's In a losing cause. P e puinot, leading scorer of the Verm o n t squad was held to a mere three
points by State's defense.
T h e box score:
I *<•<IIII • 11> I
r, I nimlinn
('ill n
,'l I
i n I'll
f i r ! HI il
lll'll UNIT
I llllls'l'll
i in
Varsity to Play
Alumni in Finale
Next Saturday, M a r c h 7, will be
the last c h a n c e of t h e c u r r e n t season for S t a t e basketball fans to see
the Eagles in action. T h e game that.
day will bo against t h e Alumni, and
will climax t h e fourth
Alumni day, which, this year Is u n der t h e c h a i r m a n s h i p of Ed Reed.
Duo to t h e recent front-office ban
on night activities, all events of tho
day will take place In t h e afternoon.
P r o m ono until t h r e e o'clock, tho
"ancients" will Indulge In such pastimes as their fancies dictate. Pingpong, bridge, volley-ball, a n d "bull
sessions" are offered as possibilities.
At 3 P. M. tho preliminary basketball game will s t a r t . It will be
t h e feature game of t h e Intramural
loop, the play-off between College
House and Potter Olul).
T h e varsity-Alumni game will
s t a r t a t four. Prospects a r e bad for
t h e letter-men this year, for t h e Invaders will be even stronger t h a n
they were last year when they beat
the varsity, 40-34. George Bancroft,
Duke riorsh, Will P r a m e n t , George
and Jerry Ainyol, a n d J o h n n y H a v Ico will no doubt be back, also
Anile E'llcrlii, a n d Clorry Saddlemire, two of last year's stars.
Almost all of this squad h a s been
In active touch with basketball since
leaving State. Some have played
semi-pro ball, some have couching
Due to t h e unexpected c u r t a i l m e n t
of t h e i n t r a m u r a l basketball league
by t h e blackout r u l i n g e n a c t e d last
week, a play-off w a s necessitated b e tween College House a n d Potter
Club for t h e league c h a m p i o n s h i p .
Upon t h e advice of Coach Hatfield
t h e captains of b o t h t e a m s decided
t h a t the c h a m p i o n s h i p will be
awarded to t h e w i n n e r of two out
of three games. T h e first of these
is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon,
while the second will be played as a
preliminary to t h e v a r s i t y - a l u m n i
contest next S a t u r d a y .
T h e two contests scheduled for
last Thursday were able to be played,
and as a result, College House a d vanced to a tie for first position by
defeating K a p p a B e t a , 23-16. C H led
Final Standings
W i l l i I.OHi
Colli'itd HnilHU
I'lllll'l- ( l u l l
Ktippil lli'tn
throughout, a n d except for a short
spurt by K B in t h e t h i r d q u a r t e r t h e
winners were never challenged.
T h e Ramblers recorded t h e i r fifth
win of t h e season in t h e last regular
game of t h e shortened i n t r a m u r a l
basketball season. T h e c o m m u t e r s
opened up in t h e last q u a r t e r to
lengthen the narrow g a p a n d coasted
to a 20-10 win over T h o m a s More.
Klley scored 10 p o i n t s for t h e winners.
With Potter Club a n d College
House fighting It o u t for t h e first
two positions, S L S gained third place
In league standings. They a r e followed by K B a n d t h e Ramblers.
T h e league s t a n d i n g s wind u p with
Sayles Hall, K D R , a n d T h o m a s More
in t h a t order for t h e last throe.
Wednesday the mighty women
of the frosh class will meet t h e
s t a l w a r t Amazons of t h e soph
class In a basketball battle royal
for t h e h o n o r of garnering five
points towards rivalry c h a m p i o n ship.
N o r a Giavelli will c a p t a i n t h e
frosh aggregation. Although n o
definite s t a r t i n g line-up h a s y e t
been chosen, t h e following frosh
will probably be given a c h a n c e
to b a t t l e for t h e glory of '45:
J o a n Hylind, Angie Prabrizio,
" S a n d y " Sanderson, a n d t h e
"prez", F l o Garfall.
M a r y D o m a n n , of Dorm A's
u n b e a t e n trio, h a s lined u p a
m i g h t y a r r a y of talent for t h e
foray, including: K i t H e r d m a n ,
P a t L a t i m e r a n d Betty Gravelle
who says. "We'll mow 'em down
to tiny bits."
So come, all you frosh-soph
rooters a n d cheer your favorite
t e a m on t o victory.
Five Girls Obtain Fencing Credit
T e d d y J a y , c a p t a i n of fencing, a n nounced this week t h a t five girls
have obtained fencing credit: Assini,
Bostwick, C u r r a n , Pine a n d Schlott.
O t h e r s lacking only a few h o u r s t o
m a k e t h e t e n hours necessary m a y
complete t h e m within t h e n e x t few
Freshmen Complete Basketball Schedule
With One Win Against Seven Losses
by Ray Verrey
T h i s year's Frosh have one more
win t o their credit than last year's
yellow devils. They won a game.
T h e significance of this one win
over Delhi is of g r e a t i m p o r t a n c e .
Delhi's m a t e r i a l a n d facilities c o m p a r e closely to State's. T h e Delhi
t e a m which t h e F r o s h played was
composed of m e n from b o t h years
of t h e two-year course a t Delhi. A
decisive victory was won by t h e T a n agers over t h e Aggies on t h e Page
Hall court, b u t Delhi merely eked
o u t a w i n on t h e i r home court.
Some s t u d e n t s feel t h a t a S t a t e
College f r e s h m a n t e a m should b r e a k
even with a n Albany Academy t e a m .
We m u s t realize t h a t Academy p r i marily is t r a i n i n g m e n for college
athletically as well as academically.
Academy h a s m u c h more m a t e r i a l
t h a n a S t a t e College freshman t e a m .
All t h e other games t h a t our y e a r lings lost were because of experience
a n d m a t e r i a l . T h e men on t h e Alb a n y L a w a n d YMCA t e a m s were
from five to t e n years older t h a n
any m a n on t h e freshman t e a m .
T h i s alone gave t h e m too g r e a t a n
edge over t h e T a n a g e r s .
I t should be a disgrace t o a freshm a n squad of such a school a s R.P.I.
to lose to a yearling team of a col-
lege such as State. R.P.I, can a t t r a c t good athletes from all t h e surrounding schools.
U n d e r such odds we can feel t h a t
our yearlings did as much a s they
could be expected t o with only t w o
m e n on their squad who earned l e t ters for basketball in high school.
In Hippick, Mullin, and Susslna
appear definite varsity material.
W i t h more coaching a n d experience
n o one c a n tell into w h a t many of
t h e other freshmen m a y develop.
Hippick's aggressiveness a n d deftness m a k e h i m a n invaluable scorer
on a n y t e a m . Mullin, w i t h e x p e r i ence, m a y be able t o become p r o m i n e n t in S t a t e College athletics.
P e r h a p s t h e most n a t u r a l a t h l e t e
a m o n g t h e yearlings is Susslna. His
lack of experience, alone, k e p t h i m
from s t a n d i n g o u t t h i s year. D i s a p p o i n t m e n t w a s registered w i t h Art
Olivet, w h o a s yet h a s n ' t seemed t o
have h a d t h e spirit t o improve on
his already a p t ability.
Since t h e YMHA s q u a d c a n n o t
play in t h e afternoon, t h e F r o s h YMHA game for tomorrow h a s been
T h e a n n u a l P r o s h - S o p h classic,
which was t o have been t h e p r e l i m inary to t h e Varsity-Alumni g a m e ,
has been postponed t o M a r c h 11.
Pastel Accent on Black
You can rely on thi.s wispy-looking bit of black
faille to take you through your busiest days looking infinitely feminine, but functional. The pastel
pink or blue collar and cuffs may be j A AC
removed for laundering. Sizes 9 to 15.
Yesterday Psi G a m m a won two
games of its m a t c h with P h i Delta,
thereby g a i n i n g t w o points to
tie with G a m m a K a p p a P h i for
the lead in t h e WAA I n t e r - h o u s e
Bowling League. T h e t h i r d g a m e of
the Phi Delta-Psi G a m m a match
will be bowled a t 3:30 Tuesday. T h e
scheduled Alpha Epsllon P h i - J u n i pers match was n o t played, b u t will
also be bowled on T u e s d a y .
Last T h u r s d a y a n d Tuesday G a m m a Kap's team, league leaders for
three weeks, m e t t h e J u n i p e r ' s quintet. Paced by Eleanor M a t e s who
bowled 107, G a m m a K a p garnered
four points. T h e h i g h score for the
league—107, was also bowled by
Eunice Smith of t h e J u n i p e r s . Newm a n Hall's keglers, second place
team in tho league, bowled against
tho K a p p a Delta squad. P o u r points
were added to N e w m a n ' s score as
tho result of this m a t c h , Rivalry
a m o n g tho teams bowling in tho
league Is strong a n d Interest is high
a m o n g tho competing keglers,
"Join Us at Johnson's"
Ever so simple . . . ever so flattering ! True-blue navy in a wearable
charmer with the new dropped
shoulder. Only ornament. . . crimson crocheted edging and | A A f
buttons. Sizes 9 to 15. IU-3FU
BRING T H E G A N G TO . . . .
Sandwich & Ice ("ream Bar
Psi Gamma, Gamma Kap
Tie In Bowling League
All niiiiiiiiuiiloiilliuis should lm iiililrnssuil to tliu utlllor mill
IIIUHI. lm slunml.
NiiiutiH will lm withhold upon
Tim HTATl!) C'OhUWIQ NIOWB IIHHIIIIICS IIII r U i u . i s l U l l y
for opinions luprnsHiid In lm (miliums or mimiiiunlmitlinU,
us niii'ii I'MH'i'iiiiiniiH do not niicossarlly rnllnot Its view.
Mighty Maidens of '45
Team Off Slowly; Cage Play-off Due
In Intramural Loop
Rallies at Half
I lii'lmlf
l l n i i n i SO, \'l n o o i l ,
137 Central Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
I , , . . —
Let's Make it 'Victory—not 'Defense'
Closing of Library Troubles Students; DebatersSchedule Rienow ExplainsCom Club, P G M
W i l l Suffer Scholastically, Socially
Collegiate Series War Democracy Will Roller Skate
by Jeanetto Shay
Sad are the hearts of many State
College lads and lasses as they
realize that they can no longer
abandon their lonely rooms at night
and go to study in the library in an
atmosphere of "bright lights" and
activity; that they will no longer
enjoy the benefit of fresh Albany
breezes which always woke them as
they traveled from home to school;
that they will no longer be able to
choose interesting "study" companions and will have to fall back on
their previously neglected roommates. Seriously though, the closing
of the library at night presents a
grave problem to many students as
indicated by comments overheard
during the last two or three days.
Practice teachers and students
who take subjects requiring a great
deal of research work are most hard
hit. "The only possibility for me is
to get my work done in the day
time," said Arlene Sadler, "because
sometimes I use fifteen or twenty
books at a time. I don't mind the
change except that it will probably
be a strain working all day."
Practice Teachers Hit
"It affects me a lot," declared
Shirley Ott, "because I'm social
studies. I'll have to study in the
library till 5 P. M. except for the
days I have 8:10's and need to catch
up on lost sleep in the afternoons."
According to Joe Levin it's going to
make those people who have to use
the library try to get their work done
in a shorter time. "Who wants to
carry five or six reference books
home!" he declared. It's his opinion
that it is more necessary to provide
black-out curtains for the library
than for the auditorium.
One frequenter of the library admitted, "It meant quite a bit to me
because I can't study in the dorm.
Now I have to learn to study all
over again." When asked if she
didn't mind the movements of people
around her in the library, she said,
"No, in a place like that I can isolate myself from everything else."
Social Advantages Cited
The Cooper House girls advance
as their reason for visiting the library at night the fact that it's so
near by. "We'll also miss a lot of
the social advantages of coming to
the library, going to the Boul, and
stuff like that," declared Mickey
One ambitious young man suggested that the library be opened for
a couple of hours on Sunday afternoons. George Seifert, however,
says that this won't be necessary
since "in five or six weeks, it won't
get dark till about 8:30 anyway, and
the library can stay open until
Pear that the cost of living in the
dorm will be raised Is felt by the farsighted Shirley Eastman. "People
used to go to the library and study
two hours, then come home and
have a date," she said. "Now they'll
just have a date and that will increase the lighting bill in the Ingle."
No matter whether opposed to,
indifferent to, or in favor of the new
measure, most of the State students
realize that it is necessary and they
are willing to rearrange their schedules to make them conform. "It will
be just a matter of time, and we'll be
able to adjust to the situation," declared Esther Tein.
Canterbury W i l l Hear
Rev. McNulty of China
An opportunity to hear reports of
situations and conditions in China
as they affect missionary work will
be made possible on March 3 at 6
P.M. when Canterbury Club has as
its guest the Reverend Henry A.
McNulty of Soochow. All students
who are interested are invited to attend the supper meeting, which will
be held at St. Andrew's Rectory.
Reverend McNulty, a missionary
in China for 28 years, is now home
on furlough. Graduated from Princeton in 1895, he entered the General
Theological Seminary and was ordained for the ministry.
Though Neglected, Hartley
Plans Myskania Slaughter
Dr. Hartley has been vilely
treated! He was very hurt because his name was not mentioned among the other faculty
members in last' week's NEWS
story on the Faculty-Myskania
basketball game.
He claims that the faculty is
bound to win, for they are employing a scientific approach.
They have made charts to map
intricate plays and secured the
aid of Dr. Morris and Miss
Hayes, whose department will be
Statistics—what form of statistics he didn't say.
Dr. Hartley's last game was
a faculty-varsity game in which
he declared the varsity stayed
out of school for a week.
Hartley himself will employ
the psychological approach as a
carryover from his ED. 10
classes. When asked what the
psychological approach was, he
declared, "Brass Knuckles!"
Can They Bomb
America?— See
Albany Exhibit
Can America Be Bombed ? In
answer to this question that is uppermost in the minds of the American people, the Albany Institute of
History and Art is sponsoring an
exhibit until March 15, which points
out vital facts in regard to airplane
power and the vulnerability of land.
It took 20,000 hours of research
and actual work to construct the
huge exhibit. Models of bombers,
airplane carriers, bombs, and air
bases are chief features of the display, with everything constructed to
scale. Globe segments are shown
representing "this shrinking world,"
plus charts and maps showing the
gradual decrease in the time necessary to cover specific distances.
Pacts concerning fuel and supply
requirements of bombers are presented with remarkable clarity. Two
large charts depict the tactical mobility of airplanes and their strategic immobility. Airplanes need air
bases, advance bases, and advance
depots to refuel and take on supplies.
An actual model of an air base is
displayed, showing clever camouflage tactics employed to disguise its
real purpose.
The model bombers shown are the
Douglas B-19, which can make a
non-stop flight of one-third of the
world, and which cannot take off
from airplane carrier ships, and various other types of army planes.
A set of pictures shows how masonry structures are destroyed by
the detonation from falling bombs
by the effect of air pressure, whereas
modern steel and concrete buildings
are less easily damaged.
One of the main attractions of
the exhibit is the large lighted map
showing the chief areas of the
United States that figure in defense.
Albany is shown as a transportation
center between the Great Lakes,
New England and New York.
Finally, the exhibit answers Its
question Can America Be Bombed?.
YES—if control of the sea lanes is
taken from us by the enemy. NO—
if our navy and the navies of powers
friendly to us control the North
Atlantic. But even more important
is its service to the American public
through the exposition of Important
facts about the implements of war
in relation to the area of the earth.
Debate Council and the Freshman
Debate Squad have scheduled a series of debates in which the State
students will compete with students
from the nearby colleges. Their
topics will consider some phase of
current events.
"Peace—Plans and Prospects For"
forms the basis for two panel discussions here at State College, to be
sponsored by Debate Council. Harry Wurtz and Joe Higgins, sophomores, will meet harangers from
William Smith College in the first
debate; Marion Sovik, '44, and Shirley Wurz, '43, will debate in the
second. Also scheduled for March
is a debate with speakers from
the University of Dayton, Ohio,
on the topic: "Resolved: That the
federal government should regulate
labor unions." State speakers for
this affair will be Rolf Toepfer, '43,
and Betty Cummings, '42.
The freshmen debate squad composed of Gordon Baskin, Sunna
Cooper, Louis Rabineau, and Sam
Scott will journey to Colgate this
weekend to participate in a series of
debates on the following subject—
"Resolved: That every male citizen
upon reaching the age of twenty-one
shall have received one year of military training." The team coached
by Glen Walrath, '42, will leave Friday afternoon by bus. The group
receiving the highest number of
points will receive a loving cup as an
award. The State frosh will engage
in eight debates—it is not known
which side will be taken, the affirmative or the negative. In case of a
tie a "play-off" debate will be held.
PTEB Fills 2 9 6 Leads
In Three-Month Period
The Part Time Employment Bureau has just released its report for
the period of September, 1941, to
January, 1942. During this time, 377
leads were received and of these,
296 were filled, a percentage of
76 of the 81 unfilled leads were
impossible to fill with State College
students; that is, they were jobs requiring over 30 hours per week,
room and board jobs, pin-boy jobs,
PTEB would like to remind anyone who wants a lead to make an
appointment with Harold Feigenbaum, '43, or any other member of
the board. Appointments may be
made in the office of the Dean of
Women, at the PTEB desk.
Second semester cards should be
filled out as soon as possible by students who have not already done so.
Debate Council is also making
plans for attendance at a state debate conference to be held at Skidmore College in April.
In Radio Speech
In a fifteen-minute speech to radio listeners of the Farm and Home
hour on Tuesday at 12:45 P.M., Dr.
Robert Rienow, Assistant Professor
of Social Studies, chose the topic entitled "Democracy Can Fight." The
text of the speech disproved the notion among many United States citizens that a democracy becomes a
dictatorship in war-time. Dr. Rienow
employed an imaginary "Mr. Croaker," a typical citizen, who argued
that the United States is fast
becoming a dictatorship; that the
Bill of Rights and the Fifth Amendment no longer protect the fundamental rights of the citizen. "Mr.
Croaker" illustrated several instances such as restraint of press
and speech, the espionage law, the
regulation of factories, railroads
prices, and rationing in which the
central government had supreme
authority. Dr. Rienow admitted that
such a citizen, who complained about
the loss of "good old days," has a
good argument. He questions, however, whether the centralizing authority means dictatorship.
Warning the citizen not to "kick
the terms dictatorship and democracy around," he explained that a
legislature in the form of a "robot
cheering section," appointed by a
central authority, is a dictatorship;
a legislature elected by and responsible to the people is a democracy.
Dr. Rienow argued that to his
knowledge 1942 congressional elections have not been cancelled and
that Congress still listens to public
opinion is evidenced by the repeal of
the pension bill. He also cited a
typical example when on November
26, a plan was proposed for the
establishment of an artillery range
on Henry's Lake which swans frequented. Since other places could
be used for the range, pressure was
brought to bear on the President
himself by a small group thereby
causing the plans to be changed.
Corner Ontario at Benson St.
Milne, State Undergo
Revisions in Personnel
Rheingold, Sporborg Obtain
Temporary Absentee Leaves
Several changes have taken place
in the personnel of the College and
the Milne High School. Pat McLaughlin is to replace George
Creamer, former Supervising Janitor. Mrs. Sarah Rheingold, secretary
in Milne, and Mrs. Ruth Sporborg
of the Extension office have obtained
leaves of absence from their duties.
Miss Alice Jones is temporarily
assuming the duties of Mrs. Sporborg, Miss Marion Clancy, formerly
in the Registrar's office, is taking
over Mrs. Rheingold's duties; Miss
Margaret Sayers is filling Miss
Clancy's position; and Mrs. Annette
Malseed is taking Miss Sayer's place
in the office of the Dean of Women.
There's something pleas-
antly exciting about ice-
cold Coca-Cola. Delicious
117 8. PEARL
taste that charms a n d
never cloys. Refreshment
that brings a happy after-
D I A L 5-1913
sense of thirst contentm e n t . You trust the
quality of the real
You trust its quality
A L B A N Y . N. Y.
ate College News
SEB Lists Result
Of Job Survey
Throughout U.S.
The following report is a comparison of the Student Employment
Bureau of New York State College
for Teachers with the report submitted by the Eighth Annual Teacher
Placement Survey of the National
Institutional Teacher
Association. The Association's survey involved 170 Institutions engaged
in teacher education in 40 states. The
report gives State College students
their position in regard to the national supply and demand.
Math-Science Deficiency
One of the most emphatic oversupplies was found in the Social
Studies and English departments.
The local bureau reports a similar
excess of students majoring in the
Social Studies, but not in English.
In addition, an undersupply of
teachers in science, mathematics,
commerce, and many specialty fields
was noted. Consistent with this, the
SEB has an undersupply In the same
fields, particularly Commerce. Although no undersupply was mentioned in the survey, there is not a
large enrollment of students in the
library department here.
The only teaching combination
with which the SEB strictly agreed
was science - mathematics. Other
popular combinations include English-library, English-Social Studies
and French-Latin. Commerce calls
are seldom received in combination.
Although the survey does not give
any definite data on average salaries,
but rather approximate percentages
of increases, the following data on
average salaries has been compiled
by the SEB.
Wide Salary Range
The lowest salary for inexperienced elementary teachers was $912,
while the highest was $1,350. The
lowest lor secondary inexperienced
teachers was $1,000 and the highest
In the experienced elementary
guild, the lowest salary was $1,000
and the highest $1,600. The lowest,
salary for experienced secondary
teachers was $1,200 and the highest
was $1,900. The average beginning
salary was $1,191.17 for beginning
teachers and for experienced men
and women il was $1,476.34.
State To G o Irish
A t Harp's Riot
Pi Gamma Mu, honorary social
studies fraternity, and Commerce
Club are planning a combined roller
skating party at Mid-City Park,
Saturday, March 7. All members of
both the commerce and social studies
departments are invited.
Nicholas Morsillo, '42, Chairman
of Arrangements for Commerce
Club, says that tickets will go on
sale next week for $.45. This price
i n c l u d e s transportation charges.
Busses will leave at 8 P. M.
This is the first time that these
two organizations have organized
such a party. It is hoped that the
joint social function will attract
more members of both clubs than
when each society holds a separate
June Haushalter, '42, president of
Pi Gamma Mu, urges members of all
classes to come to the party at the
Menands rink. She says, "Keep 'em
rolling has taken on a new meaning.
Let's have an all-out turnout for a
swell time."
226 No. Allen St.
Albany, N. Y.
In an atmosphere of pixies, shamrocks unci Mother Machree, Page
Hall gymnasium will go Irish for
the Harp's Riot, the annual St. Patrick's Day dunce sponsored by Newman Club, on Saturday, March 14,
from 9 to 12 P. M.
Irish folic dancing, jitterbugging,
and community singing of old Irish
songs will contribute to the program,
accompanied by the music of Bill
Grattan and Ills orchestra.
Kay Martin, '43, general chairman
of the affair, explained that no stags
would be admitted. "There will be
no way to amuse them if a blackout
occurs," she said. "Bids can be
bought by anyone for only seventy
A special Lenten program is slated
for the Newman Club meeting on
Thursday, March 12, at 3:30 P. M.
in Room 20. Motion pictures concerning the Mass will be accompanied by a running commentary by
Rev. William Cahill, Newman Club
chaplain. A short business meeting
will be precede the program in which
plans for the annual Retreat and the
Harp's Riot will be discussed.
Myskania Requests Lists
Myskania requests that all juniors
submit lists of their extra-class activities to a Myskania member, or
place them in the Myskania mallbox. They must be in not later than
the first day following spring recess.
Faculty Expects To Dine
At Expense of Myskania
Reputation is not the only
thing at stake in the coming
Myskania - Faculty
game, for the two rivals have
placed a wager on the outcome
of the melee scheduled for
March 23.
Victory for the faculty means
that they will dine at the expense
of Myskania, but if the tables
are turned, the faculty will be
under the table. After having
carried out an extensive training program, the faculty arc
very confident that they will be
Myskania, too, has been prnctising very diligently and perseveringly; they themselves arc
determined to outwit the faculty.
Who knows? Time will tell I
Council Schedules
March Debates
Ira Hirsh, '42, President of Debate
Council, recently released the varsity
debate schedule for March.
Tomorrow afternoon in the Lounge
at 3 P. M„ Rolf Toepfer, '43, and
Betty Cummings, '42, will meet
speakers from the University of
Dayton, Ohio, on the following topic:
"Resolved: That the federal government should regulate by law all
labor unions in the United States,
constitutionality conceded."
The following Wednesday, March
11, Harry Wurtz and Joseph Higgins,
sophomores, will meet with speakers
from William Smith College in an
in formal panel discussion on the
direction of the American foreign
policy after the war in order to
bring about a workable world order.
This discussion will take place at
3:30 P. M. in Room 20.
On March 14, two students from
Colgate will meet Marion Sovik, '44.
and Shirley Wurz, '43, in a formal
panel discussion concerning further
facts on the direction of American
foreign policy after the war.
Verna Snyder, '43, and Lois Hampel, '44, will meet two girls from
Keuka College on March 23, in an
informal discussion of possibilities
for better relations between the
United States and the Latin American countries.
NEWS TO Attend Convention
Members of the NEWS Board will
journey to New York next week to
attend the Columbia Scholastic
Press Association Convention. At
this convention, March 12 to 14 at
Columbia University, high school and
college publications throughout the
country will be represented,
S C A Conference
Begins March 11
Rev. Fisk To Preside
Over Panel Discussion
Campus Christian Conference, a
two day conference to be sponsored
by Student Christian Association,
will take plnce Wednesday and
Thursday, March 11 and 12. Reverend Chester Fisk, Chaplain of the
Church of Christ at Darmouth College, will direct the conference. Both
faculty and students are welcome
to attend any of the meetings.
The conference will begin on Wednesday at 3:30 P. M. in the Lounge
with a general meeting led by Rev.
Fisk. On Wednesday at 7:30 P. M.
in Room 161 a panel discussion will
be held on the needs and plans of
the college student along the line of
"Marriage and Vocations in the
Years Ahead." Those who will participate in the panel are Rev. Fisk,
Dartmouth College, Mr. Paul Bulger,
State College, and Miss Elizabeth
Scherer, of the Russell Sage faculty.
There will be a Club X meeting
on Thursday in the Lounge at which
Rev. Fisk will present some of
the ideas of the conference. On
Thursday at 3:30 P. M. another general meeting will be held in the
Lounge; Mr. Fisk will preside and a
number of ministers from this city
will be guests at that meeting. Following this meeting the guests will
be escorted to some of the group
houses where they will be dinner
guests and leaders of informal discussions following.
SCA will also have as its guests
on the two-day conference Miss
Katharine Duffield and Mr. Ray
Sweetman, traveling secretaries for
the Student Christian Movement.
State Summer Session
W i l l Begin July 2 6
The summer session of State Collego will begin on July 6 and close
on August 15 this year. Special fee
for New York State residents will
be thirty dollars, and out of state
attendants will pay forty-five dollars.
For the first time a unit course
(6 hours) will be schedulde in laboratory and field biology for teachers of Biology in junior and senior
high schools. Information about
other new courses will be revealed
Graduate courses for those seeking the master's degree and for
those desiring to qualify for state
certification as school superintendent, high school principal or high
school supervisor, and for those
who wish to specialize in guidance
or to extend professional or content
background, especially in Commerce, English and the Social
Men Formulate
For Victory Drive Against
Now it's Myskania's turn—to predict the results of the great Myskania-faculty game that's coming
up. That patrician body, being the
honor society of State, cannot conceive of its honor being dimmed on
the hard floor of Page Hall gym. But
they're doing a little practicing, just
in case—And since the affair is
bound to be a "survival of the fittest," Myskania is on the market for
any process by which they may become fit.
Ralph Tibbetts plans to work
under the no-stop-think theory. He's
been walking across the park twice
a day—he said, mysteriously. As for
the faculty, he gives 'em ten minutes
before they'll all be out on their feet.
Bill Dickson will "hit before he hits
me" and fully expects to see the
entire faculty degenerate into a
team of corpses after the first five
Own Rules
Faculty Team
Ira Hirsh was discovered at one
end of a straw with a bottle of milk
at the other end. He arises at 5:30
A. M., takes a two-mile hike and
eats a hearty breakfast. Throwing
a body block will be Hirsh's main
contribution to the Myskania five.
Smoking not being ethical for an
athlete, Bernie Perlman has limited
himself to one pipe a day—but you
should see the pipe I Perlman is the
fast man on the Myskania team. His
technique is running in circles
around the flloor until both teams
get dizzy. Then Perlman is free to
shoot baskets for the duration of the
Other members of Myskania refused to reveal any techniques that
they intend to use. They plan to
spring a test on the faculty—to determine their marks (manship). And
they're positive that the faculty will
not rate more than a C
Sayles Plans For Reduction
In Price of Annex Milk
Eight State Men
Enlist In Class V - 7
Mathematics Required
For Student Applicants
The United States Naval Reserve
has accepted tight men from State
College for the Class V-7 Midshipman training. This places State
fourth among colleges contributing
men to the selective program through
the Albany recruiting station. Williams College is first with 23 enlistees, followed by Syracuse University with 17, Union College with
11, and State with 8.
The men included Morris Gerber,
Harry Kensky, Solomon Greenberg,
juniors; Jackson Frederick LeVarn,
Vernon Seeley, seniors; Frederick
John Day, Dunton F. Tynan, Charles
Quinn, graduates.
Students who are interested in
enlisting for this training must be
college graduates, seniors, or juniors
between the ages of 19 and 28.
Undergraduates must get certificates
from the registrar stating that they
have credit in two one-semester
courses of college mathematics or
will have them upon graduation.
They should also have credit for
plane trigonometry taken in either
college or high school.
A new program was inaugurated
on March 2, whereby 80,000 college
undergraduates between 17 and 19
years of age will be enlisted annually
in the United States for midshipman
training and flight training schools.
They will enter first the new Class
V-l. After taking comprehensive
Navy examinations during the second semester of the sophomore year,
20,000 will be transferred to Class
V-5 for flight training at the close of
the sophomore year, while 15,000 will
go into the V-7 class.
State Alumni Branch
Plans Annual Dance
The Eastern Branch of the State
College Alumni Association has
made plans for its semi-annual
meeting, Mrs. Bertha E. Brimmer,
Executive Secretary of the Alumni
Association, disclosed. The meeting
will be held on March 21.
A luncheon will be served at 1 P.M.
at Pierce Hall, following which MLss
Frances Smith, '28, President of the
Eastern Branch, will preside at the
regular meeting. Dr. Watt Stewart,
Professor of History, will be the
speaker. His topic is "Understanding
Latin America." Miss Pauline Baker,
'22, will introduce Dr. Stewart.
Immediately following the meeting, the graduate council will meet.
This council is composed of councilors from each class since 1890, branch
officers, and officers of the Alumni
Association. Mrs. Olive Horning McDermott, '17, is chairman of the
graduate council, and Mrs. Marion
M. Bulger, '34, is vice chairman.
During the meeting a report will
be given on the financial results of
a cord party held by the alumni of
the college in the Farrell Mansion
last month. The Association plans
to discuss the purpose for which it
will use the money.
Home Nursing Movies
Four short motion pictures will
be presented at 8 P.M. on March 17
and 18 for people in the Home Nursing Course and for all others interested. Those who wish to see the
motion pictures should sign up on
the bulletin board outside Room 107.
Precautions for Health
Will Cause Removal
O f Vending Machines
Tentative plans to be effective
after the Easter vacation are being
made in regard to the reduction in
the price of milk from 7c a half pint
to 5c through the elimination of
the vending machines, according to
Dr. John M. Sayles, President of the
College. Dr. Sayles stated that such
a change would be beneficial to the
general health of the students, since
all consumer and health department
reports reveal statistics pointing to
the detrimental effect of concentrated beverages on the health of
the consumer.
Added Cost Raises Price
Raising of the milk price by 2c
early in the first semester was necessitated by the increase in cost of
various foods in the Annex. According to former reports it was estimated that the rise in the milk
price had cut down the sale of milk.
Students affected by the new price
turned to the vending machines to
buy soft beverages.
The students who consider milk
an integral part of their luncheon
menu were anxious to see the price
lowered to its former 5c. They felt
that compensation for the rise in the
cost of food should come from other
commodities than milk.
In order to reduce the price of
milk, the elimination of the vending
machines that sell substitutions is
necessitated. By taking this action,
the sale of milk will undoubtedly
increase. This action was taken not
only to safeguard the health of the
Milne students, but also the students
of State College, since the present
emergency taxes everyone's resources more than usual. Since milk
is regarded as an important element
in the diet of growing young people,
demands have been made that the
price of milk be reduced so that its
purchase may be increased.
Students Neglectful
Still another factor contributing
to the move to eliminate the vending
machines is that many students
have been negligent in disposing of
empty bottles. The bottles have been
carelessly thrown in any available
place without any regard for sanitary conditions.
The method of the distribution of
milk has not yet been definitely decided upon, but Dr. Sayles assures
the students that whether the milk
is sold in the Annex or from a
machine, it will be cold.
A D to Close Season
O f One A c t Plays
The Advanced Dramatics class,
now preparing for its spring production, will present its last Tuesday
night plays on March 10 at 8:30 P.M.
The first play, a tragedy directed
by Betty Marston, '43, will be treated
in an e.xpressionistic manner. By
the use of skeleton furniture and
wooden planks as walls, the set will
represent a living room in a mining
town. It is the story of a miner
(Morris Gerber, '43) who is cruel to
his wife (Jean Tracy, '431, beats his
eight-year old daughter
Olough, '45) to death, kills a doctor
(George Seifert, '42) with nitroglycerin, and blows up a mine.
The second production is a character play directed by June Melville,
'43. The story lies in the conflicting
opinions of mother and daughter on
marriage and of an aunt who tries
to set things straight. The characters are portrayed by Marian Sovik, Eunice Baird, sophomores, and
Betty Taylor, Dorothy H u y c k ,