THE SUMMER NEWS Vol. 1 No. I X. Y., 950 ATTEND 1930 SUMMER SESSION 18 thai in a lew w h o will a t t e m p t more student* t o r e g i s t e r at tin coiuodatioii* fur llieni. Dr. Mill.m li. \ c l * o n , pr.i|'c**or of education in the winter session of Slate College, is the dire, lor ol the I'M!) summer school, Oilier member* of the regular session include: Arthur Kennedy lieik. professor of education, I larry Birchenough, professor of mathematics. Helen. I'., ( r o o k s , supervisor ol practice teaching in the Milne high school, Howard \daius I ),,hcll, assistant professor of mathematics, , David llulchinsun, profess,,,- ol'| government, Helen ('. lames and Alice M. Kirkpatrick. assistant in- [ struetors in library science, Richmond, H e n r y Kirtlaud. professor of cdu cation. Harry .1 Linton, assistant! professor of education, Carelton Kldcrkin Lowers, assistant professor of phvsics, \,|i,a Wood Kisle\, professor ,n l i i s l u n . I lonual V Smith, assistant professor of his t o n . Karl I'.cniicil South, assistant professor of educalion, Harold William Thonipsoii, professor of TEACHER EXPLAINS ENGLISH METHODS Teacher Training In England Is Topic Of Bradbury In Lounge 20 MEN TO PLAY IN SECOND ANNUAL COURT TOURNAMENT illi indicate 10 t e n t s per copy Mr, I L. Bradbury, lecturer in I- uglish MI t'hesler college, and cxtill-!. .11 lei Hirer ill T.uglisll in the Cnivcr-ity of Liverpool, talked to tin- facultv in the lounge ol Kichardson hail, Wednesday night. T h e subject of his lecture was the I ca. her I raining in T.iigland. Mr. Bradbury i- a graduate of i luring the I Ixl'ord I Diversity sununei session he is leaching the Shurl Sl.,r\ course. ( Mr. Bradbury has succeeded in 'I he second a n n u a l M e n ' - I c n u i * the whole system of tournament to be coiidui led this reducing -muiiici will t a k e i t * f u l l - w i n g Knglish education to a one page when twenlv m e n will match - k i l l diagram. Kduralion o, tin masses in on the c o n n - at W a - l n n g l , ul park T h e lir-1 r o u n d o f the t o u r n a m e n t Kngland, he stated, began on a 150 years ago. will h a \ e been c o m p l e t e d l>> t i n * large scale about T h e lirst schools were denominaafternoon. tional, which, after mice proving I he -c, oiul r o u n d ol the lourna s successful, were often nielli will be c o m p l e l e d by W e d - j l h n subsidized In the -laic. This, he lie-day, July -'_', w h e n tell *ur\ ivor e.\|ilaineil, was typical of Knglish of ihe lii'-t round will again c pel,- III malched play. I he third I ' ' " " ^ r v a t i s n i round of the play, which will aK,,! Has 70 Institutions be the finals of the tournament Kimlaud is relatively the same will have been c p l c t e d b y I'ues- size as New York Slate, but it ' dav, lulv 2'lth, i has seventy Teacher Training ("olThe following men have signified j lege* while New York ha* but tlieir intention to participate in the eleven such normal -chools. T h i s *iiumicr tennis t o u r n a m e n t : Nicho- fact doe- not seem so amazingla- Yucca and Simeon Maslan, when he said tint Chester T r a i n Irving K, Coewcv and Travis ing college, being one of the toilette Sanlord Levinstein and largest, ha- an enrollment of only Daniel Corr, W ils.ui and Howard 1 25(1 student*. Baker, Arthur Levinstein and I'II'odav, Mr, Bradbury says, inef Stallmeii, Lawrence Wheeler I Lngland has a unified system of | t,() \\\ru p' n i iik McKarland I education, adiuiuistered by the :m,| Anthony Srl.ka coiinlie*, which correspond roughly |M ,| | | , . M I V Blal'ner '.,,„] | | , , u , n - , | M a n u , \ incenl ( Iniiic to our -tales The denominational I tcwski and \ l c \ a n d e r School-, and pail ,.l tinsystem, and the j \|j,|,:u.| Tcpidino and K.uail M, school* in Kugiand today arc a Stciubrickcr. ' t e a c h e r - are paid In llie -late, \ I | |, ileiioiiiiuaiion own- the build| C r r M M r D cCCCinW '"•-"' ; " " 1 l l , r " , " 1 " ' " - church \ jUlYllTlLn oLOiJiUIl \ i* taught There i*. Iherefore, I I* c d u , a l l , u i in every Knglish ! even thoimh it ionly cil uin- h u n d r e d o v e r t h e e n r o l l m e n t tu 1(J3() You are requested to leave a record of your Albany address and telephone n u m b e r at once in the office of the Director, room 108, D r a p e r Hall. It is necessary that we have this information if i m p o r t a n t messages and telegrams arc to be delivered without delay. M. G. Nelson Director of the S u m m e r Session T h e registration "I tinI'M) stliiinier session of Stale i ollegc i* upprnxiiiiat -ly nine hundred and fifty student-, a r c Ig In tl the n g i figure* luained fi-i years, the t o t a l n u m b e r of 18, Director Requests Students To Leave Addresses In Office M e m b e r s of W i n t e r Faculty Included O n P r e s e n t Teaching Staff Ir.i July I lr. Milliin (,. Xclsun, prul'i ii ediiialiun directs the State cue summer session. Dr. Nelson Welcomes C JUmmer lulihii's Ci J i D J dtUdentS DOdy A,,;,'. ///<• In//,,a•iii!i , " ' " < / ' ' ".' -''' <•""' ' " " " ' *"'<(''"' "I ''"' •""'"'"''' wf"! MIX untie* ol ' ' v / ' ' ' • '' " ' ' • 1 """" 1 ' •••r.ssiun.i T h e school year is an exhaust| n g drain on the teacher. She is called upon constantly to give both of herself and of her knowledge. T h e opportunity to study and exchange stimulating personal experiences with a student body "ol approximately a thousand offers replenishment for the personality as well as for the Knglish. \dani Alexander W a l k e r . intellect. Discussions may prove proles-or ol economic* anil socio-I to be invaluable when they are logy, Kalherine I'.. Wheeling, a- | held with people who are facing sislaut prol'e**or • >I Knglish. and (he same professional difficulties ,,| the Bible. which confront you, who are , (,c,,rge Morell ^ • M"k. prolcs-m- ol Church H a s Control i'i crcc. ! working on the same problems, \ new ,,,111'se ,u s,i, ia| s c i e i u e ' mi the - i w n l v teacher* t r a i n i n g I he member* oi the siiiunn i and whose interests and ambihabeen introduced into ihe colleges m Tngland, I. o l \ are scssiuii la.ully, who aic visiting lions are similar to your own. -mum, r , I I . in i i. ul tin w a r d u uial. tinI Imr, I ot in«lru>lors are: H a n i - i Mien. Cooperative study which is being In Di lioimal \ S i i u l h ..i the T'uglaud . o t t t r . i l l m g the m a j o r i t v , '"' '• '"'•'' advocated more and more for lli-loiw dcpai'luii in I Inr-e \h Bradhun -aid Ml the colsecondary education may be i will he , , . i l l u m e d in the u, M two Ii gi are re-ideiil , ,,liege-, and i v c n ; ,ial by teacher ' -uniuici -ess,,,,is, ,,ud - i \ , n i l i l - - r ind b, aid i* paid for in a ADDS HISTORY 20 Z\ UNDER DR. SMITH 5 Women To Compete • « In Tennis Tournament , h u e woineu have - m m i n d then inlenlio p.II tn malum m wonnn'- l • I. on,cut |.. I,, coiidui led sl iliirnm ihe -imiiuer, 'sI In \ a i'i i iei trinli- II Heishheru', I K . , I \ , . d , . , i . LeahM I",.i:..n, I M IVlleugih \nila Soholcski Ml w ,,, who ,.,i,i play i.iini- and who would like, In p a r l u i p a l i an reipie-ied I., nn Ihe in,mi hull, hi hoard in lIni,it,in,I,, Name- ol opponent- and | date- ol in,ii, hes will he posted a* i -o.ui 111 a- all the e n t i l e - an '. durng handed students ; this summer session. Pro rani,! 01 ,u<ly s l l d * l .t f T, T will he allowed loi the c n t i n . oiil'se ' l u m p s l i m Willi the tuition I he or two . i c I n , i,,r .-a, I, „ er, ideal heme worked t o w a r d is to a, n u d u m to I n \ . 1 ,.,n di leK clniimal i the massed \ '.-real deal ol m l , r, 1 ha hi i u dm oi v and n plan- M with a - a r o u s e d anion.- both 111< • lu.I, i l l - - H u b h, dl i I'm , a, I, m d u i d i i a l and Ihe i.ii n l l \ a- tin i an , v p e n H i d . ul ! menial i ..• I In n i p i o b a h K I nglaml ha- , , p e r u i i e u l e d w i t h be your sole interest although, of course, your study should be cared for first. T h e attempt of the O s w e g o Normal g r a d u a t e s . no to form a group the organiza- nth, , , Stall - , ,,ll, ,-, win. h oit, i in the ., I unci , nurse M. G. Nelson Director of the Summer Session the i lion ol tennis and baseball, and 1 Irani I, ... In i - in ,.. - . u m < . a the production ol this s u m m e r I t i n - n, u i c i- lo do session newspapers are all laud- . I hi I O I I I ..- i- d , m n e d lo pr, , in able enterprises. ' ill. I.,, i. . 111 I.I I p. all u n d e r I take this opportunity to land,,,.,' oi the | e s. line.welcome you to the S u m m e r i ,- ,.| ih, high , h.iul and Session of 1930 and trust that -I Id , i l - o ., i w a- an orieiila it may prove in every way a c o i u - e I.n i f . , - , who are ml satisfying experience. ' i i j hi' alioiial \ -l.-in and mid In de cntal lu ihe • l u d i nt I the cdu, alioiial point ,.l view, i 'ills three ,,r ol the -, M u l \ lea, her In u • "Meg, are l . . d . . \ i i * i n g the , o cdu. alioiial * \ *t em. Social hie seemed I., iill.-rleie with -tuiL under this *y*tem. Mi Bradhuiw -lat.d ' ' » - ' " I Ihe g n a t problems ui THE SUMMER NEWS Ambiguity be conducted, at which time p e r s o n s ' cession of furnaces which arc hardly Professor to c l a s s : " N o w listen mm cut the educational field to be kept under control; a succes- class. I don't k n o w why it is— wm It I e secured as speakers on I sion of unsolved problems winch it every time I get up to speak, some tonics of mutual interest to us as | will be difficult, if not imposs.ble to fool talks." teachers. This unique plan has solve by pacific mean" T h e r e are t w o times in man's Though divided on many points all been tried and proven successful life when he should not speculate: when undertaken several years ago German Parties have combined in a When he can't alTord it. and when in the summer session at State real fight against "war guilt." General von Seeckt decides against he can. college. And we reiterate, it can Mark Twain be done again. It is up to the a United Europe because, "the State "What is the u s e of T h i n k i n g " that voluntarily submit to these students to decide! T h e regular session of all high I shackles should reflect whether it is | not, in doing so, attending the funeral schools and colleges has come to an end. Editors national as aspiration KIII/IV.) otf national 111.10010. • •"• >-">•• .. , , B U U n U Alexander Schoor Andrew llritz MthmiHl, v.m Seeckt is ..piinsed m . T h e g r a n d f a t h e r ^ ' ' s o i l soapy Manau'mg Editor The Soiro '» American C ivilisa lion, l ^ ,,„.,„ „f Republic, its speakers, at the convocation ccrcexistjn(, Helen VValtermire by Charles S. Johnson. Henn 1 s i | ) . ,| K . w a r s e c m s to justify monies, all voiced the same opinion: I the hope that Germany may ....ulillMIcontinue "A "AtI Ithe high schools and colli. Halt Co. «J ?4 Associate Manai/iiiy Editor I I . . I. & V. I",, ...... , I I , . I,i.,l, tt.-lliink .'Mill (••llll'lM's 1 ., • "' ' the youth of the nation is hei ,, Frances V. Peck "The Negro in American Ciyiliza- j a ' " a ""l')enillcrati'c' Shit trained for useful and courageous Easiness Manaijer tion came, as the prelace tells tis,' . .tizenship." Vcs, they all said that Maxine Robinson as the result of a long process. Doctor Here and T h e r e ,,,,,,., , what the u||ii]ii] what America needs, not Desk Editor Johnson is director of the social artmeiV'at "h'iske univerSignificant is the fact that our I whole cock-eyed world needs Bernard Kerbel '"."•""•n','; ''l»ml* is nothing more or State college students are well 1 ]!K .„ a n d women who can think. Subscription Mtimtycrs W ' t h a i ^ o l t u V ' l a U on every ,,.presented' a. Suminer Session. | , l l t n high scl I and college Leah Durgan T r i e of the ecoinomic life of the However, don't believe this is any seniors looked interested. 'I lieu Elva Nealon ' * There are chapters mi health, indication of an unsuccessful year, afterwards they all stood up and Associate Editors "oMi'ncs on migrations, lads about but their attendance is probably received their diplomas Gertrude llershbcrg •Hue lynching and delinquency. W e ' due to their ambitious nature It was this slimmer that I asked (jeneve Winsluw , , 's'e i , on the housing problem Kveryone appears .0 be happy and | m , , , , b e r of the lacuhy one dav: Si Maslan Ray Collins , „ , „ education, and on medical enthusiastic especially a ng H e I),, you think a final exam i.s ani .•vie There are parts describing ' professional group, who undoubt- criterion of the amount ol knowl 'cccupaional tendencies of . h c j , d l ) have had successful seasons , , , K , ,|,e s t u d e n t , obtain from a FORGING A LINK , , . . , , , , „ | ,,„ women and children' a l , d are eager lo resume their work . .. . .iere is in 1 use 1.1 I'astry. We read page after l'agej II,c-e still remaiu as usual a p i - thinking about it." he replied, "final Col.I.Mac Niiws was published for the first time as a summer paper exams we always had and probably , data and learn nothing ol the real . ponderauce ol the la re sex. hi in the s u m m e r session of 1°2I, and \ n o t h e r pro e ,,r society of the negro. the men seem to be holding their always will have." was discontinued after the 192" \ftcr the best research the r e s u l t - ( o w n " in spite ol their severe haudi- fesso'r told me. that if you do n,,t session. This publication attempt ssion. This publication a t t e m p t s • f | j s t . l ) V c r j e s W ere revealed in a ( a p s . Long dresses seem to pre- believe in final exams there is no t . . . . , carry on, from the • point where '£ . , , l m ( |erstaiiding way, stim- dominate and the men continue to right lor you to be a teacher. John J. M u r r a y , associate pro ie last newspaper finished, exactly ," .,.,. ; n U . r c s t of the reader to protest. T h e older teachers will the newspai eight years ago, under tin- name, further studv of the subject. This pmbahlv be a great asset is guid- fessor of economics in the lloston T h e S u m m e r News. We have been , |. j s ., c | c ver collection of rewritten j„ K our undergraduates who olten university's college of business ad ministration, states that examinafortunate enough in securing the inninhlets statements, and studies. ! tend to materialize their ideals co-operation of members of the T e second part of the hook conT h e |,,ckcr room has been r e g - tions are comparatively true tests faculty who have given us many ains papers used at the Washington j Hvely quiet since the^ boys clout of a student's knowledge ol his He said that a few stu news stories. We are interested in National Interracial Conference ii inch time to hesitate and an subject. dents are able to bluff their way the maimer in which the students er-anxious to get I, |'J28. ' 1 m a m courses, 1.10, but, 111. that to hmi of the session, either local or out7...' |,,. |ohnsoii writes of time. T h e cause no doubt can b. | m many coiuses, 11 10 of-town, react to the different j ward of Northern Philanthropy. ] , onlrihuted to this highly developed j mind, none is able to slide through subjects in the curriculum, the * m | |J. n | w ( . ., r c lc ,|,| f a ,ts, not the professional altitude which the .four years of study at college with extra-curriculum activities, and tlieir, - (|| . ( | u . m | l u | . t he result of undergraduates are seeking to ae- otil sincere work 111 those courses, ! Professor Professor W. W. Williams Williams ol of the thr impressions of the city of Albany. . ' , mure. \ s a reference hook, it may ,, up.Any communications received uy us 1 _ (|(. v a ! l Rue , |hut , ,0:111 (il a s s e s are scheduled to start at English faculty of the college ol n | 1 uto read tor lor a. a Any coinnuinications received by lis from both members of the student . .., a , „ | broader understanding of ten minutes alter the hour to en- business administration in Hoslon body and the faculty, dealing with] ' p r u hlenis it is uuiiupi.rlanl, I able the conuuuter from the farm | unirersity, held that no man to his situations in common, and of i n - | m " " _ , to ,,, finish their cchores h o i . - ami catch the ,I „,„,„,. know ledge ,, H . has ,,,.- been , , . . , , able t< terest to all, will be printed in this trollc, It is probably lue also I through bis courses without di work required of him. paper. T h e publication is issued 77;, lulurc o\ the l.cniian liufu, ( h ( , i u . t . l i s < i t v u | expar ling their ] the far the hells I feh that examinations are in with the sole imrpose of providing by General von Seeckt. I- ' • j sU rplu.s energy. TIluis h u s ta , h a i c been ringing periodically and ' t r u e test of a student's ability the students of the summer sessioi Dutloii .V t "no examination ever \nilole IPrance tells u- that the C h e classes have been passing ac- added that lb with a common means ui knowing Analole one a n o t h e r and gelling acclimated. perfect tvpe of military man "thought | eordinglv, I presume the bells are devised 1 an truly test a student " Crosby C h a p m a n and George W e are happy to state that several !,i nothing at all." Gencr-' "... , .1 jailitol :• 1 .—•.1 1I. ,-..... il lo , alln the 1 S 1 .mils 111 their hook ,ailed extra-curricular activities, as a . .. kl fails to run Inn- to form. understand win the princi| baseball team, tenuis t o u r n a m e n t s , This last book sunis up hi, political tiniie lo res "Priu. qdes ,,f Education" say that, and dances have been or will he 1 reed in a way that may have great xeeplioiially line " in modern education there are The la. nil I iron, tlrn. point 1 eh, s ,,| the medieval Imah-u inaugurated during this period of inllueni e on the poliln al future ol our association I he greater the (icrinanv. which sought to give finished ex \iew good res„h-. ar. iuevitab interest shown in a projet 1, the anJ planalioiis to all problems of cxi-i I he d u e , lor, Hr Nelson, has ma I Inns v,,n Sceckl has no u-, for bigger the success and we who of I euce: 111 m a i n deparlnieiits ilia Ills Piesideul 01 the interrogative attitude, that straigh summer school have a p r i d e ' ^ ' C \ ^ ] ^ ^ \ ' ^ U A \ . g regislrali Hid apparentl situation well ,11 hand His fair 1 forwardness thai open m m , l . d m .n,|,.,| |IN ,l„. -„!>„ in the college and will do even ,„, 1,,.,,„„, ing the 1 ,e, relarv u m l i u u e - to smile and is ' which is essential lo thought, 1 thing lo make this sessio experts. lie sees little or -till d i s p l a u u g nukiiown quail- repressed so thai s • -a, red .. successful one. lor German) in the Par tin h w r y l l u u g seems I,, point established social pri\ilege -ha stL-ll ' Agriculture must he the i'..uni|.ilion Gl'.T'S ORGANIZE jllsl I Ma\ be I am queer, but what ' .01 this new "Might Stal. " I In pro-pen u It has been done before at the -ens.- ol lr\ ing lo gel a login '' I 1 ioveriiineut should aid with export i r o i i i i d l b irner believe it should be done education • Vreu'l urn -ii|,] d n .'.'" and import dil'l'u ulties Tin niliin P.n 1 NU If not this year, next sear ii-e l o u r brains, or 1 n't ,1 lb ' I foreign polio erin.un ,- ilearl) are referring to the e-labh-l " " ' j suggesled In the .latenienl Improved Conditions Financially I proper thing to do Must \oi of a Milliliter session .ludeiil a "- ". I "These peace ire,lie. In one road D a d d y : When I was \, | accept i w c r u h i u g the prols am tiati<m. I 'nder this arrangeuiei a- glad to b:ne lo eal I k- tell you, or mini \oii uol ' . " " ' or another are leading toward then all sludeiils who beioiue Uleuibei Five Year Old: Voii're mm h What . a n be done with llmse -In [ion. and tin abrogation 1- tin of such an organization would I Is w h o a l w . n - d o w e l l 111 Iheil I,. Iter oil now sour hi ing will l 1 1 .1 ( r , entitled to receive tree ol work each dav, bill wl eu 1 '„ ' y' .. .'? |'l ''" ' ' " slniggle il -land- 111 need ol aren't mil, I kid,I copies of the S11 make a good showing in an ex | might, the 1 reatioii m wlm h 1- italso he admitted to all college Itnu. Il is almost liinin Jack: \lrighl you wait and -ee a mall,1,1 ' lirsi task." lions without lost. Extra currit" | lai less i 011 are cursed w lib a sei loin Below the P a n t r y W i n d o w '"'| Is Germain looking forward to a activities would be fostered tindei vhen she ma) light the Ire.,is ml and r e . o g u i / e the Irage.h ol J e a n : (3 years) I'm a great I the direction of the governing I n | \ersailles with for, c all, how hard the profs would body ol H e student association | q . , ; , , , treaties have replai ed a J a c k : (4 years) \w go on y,\\ work looking over the final e\an. which would be apponile.l |,j all |: l l r i ) | K , „. w |,ich there were a lew re not I papers, rather than Use their w 11 • iiieinbers ol the association | |ll( , differences, which siale-crall has J e a n : I am too a big man l a little mole and grade their -In II hel when >oii glow up \oi d dent- according to how well ihei I ' n d e r sin h a plan, weekl) -|> for decade.-, continued In huge, b\ a their work each da seiubly or chapel meetings could new Purope in which there is a sia it you're a THE SUMMIT N'liH'S Published: weekly during the summer session by the Students of New York State College for Teachers Summer Session at Albany, \ \ Y. The Subscription rate is forty-five cents for five issues or ten cents per copy. (Articles, manuscripts, etc., must be in hands of the editors before Monday of the week of publication.) BOOKS THE SUMMER NEWS 950 ATTEND 1930 Students Are Invited SUMMER SESSION College House Rooms SUMMER SESSION To Go To Battlefield ADDS HISTORY 20 Open To Men Students An excursion to Saratoga BattleREGISTRAR STATES UNDER DR. SMITH], ' - ' ^ V V V - T V , Wa|field, Sehulvcrville. and other places (Continued from column I, page 1) director of vocational guidance, Niagara Falls, N. Y„ J. L. Bradbury, lecturer in English, Chester college, England, extension lecturer in English, University of Liverpool, John S, Brubacher, assistant professor of history and philosophy of education, Vale university, Lillian IV Clark, formerly assistant in bureau of Naturalization, U ashing ton, I), C , Clenn M. Davis, head of the department of romance Ian Ullages, Albany High school, Albany. N. V., Harold I'. French, principal of public school, Mcnands. N, V., Frank E. I Inward, pn.fc-.-or! of historical importance in the Uontmued from column 3, |mge li vicinity of Albany, is being planned lecided as to their major interests under the auspices and direction of in the social science subjects. The social sciences consist of the History department to take economics, geography, history and place Saturday, August 2. sociology. Changes are now being This trip is being made for the made in the junior high schools, special convenience of the students especially in New York slate, to of History S.i.V However, an inteach a social science i o n i s e rather vitation is extended to all students | than a straight history course, acto lake part, at cording to I )r. Dun- j cording to |)r. Smith. Similar nal V. Smith. I work is being done by the general A bus will leave the college in mathematics and general science. the morning and return in the even ll is hoped that ill the junior high Hue f a c u l t y mi n i b e r of ll in the near lutiire the social llisl, depai t m e i i t will accompai , general mathematics and nand explain and point general science will be permanently " " ' "' of special historical im- : introduced into its curriculum. " " I I' 1 il 11 1 .1,..! 11 '" education •• " l'^' " "^^,;;,-,,;,,;,-' T h e fare will pmhablv I ==T Middlebury college, \ e r i n o i i t . Arlie j H . SI 25. according In Dr. Smith I F.stes McCuire. professor of educa j .Ml student-, outside ol History turn and head of the d e p a r t m e n t of! u h " ' i ' , ""' > ' " :-•"• " l:l > p u r c h a s e , , ,• , .-, . , i " ki-i - m Ki i HW at a time to education, Concord Male normal , , ,, | school, Alliens. Wcsl Virginia, | " |,'' ,|iere' is a general a p p r o v a l ' Clara I'i, Spriugstead, a--i-taul and a wide inlercsi anioiig the superintendent of schools, \nister- students, similar excursions will be I dam, V V., Chester J. Tcrrill. conducted to the (ieneral Electric j head of the commercial d e p a r t m e n t , ! plant, Hudson Training School a n d ' Albany high school, Albany, \ Y., jollier places ,,i" interest. I and II. M. Terwilliger, instructor Suh.sei|iiciil developments in t h i s | of secretarial studies, Male Normal I affair will be announced t h r o u g h ' School, I'latlsburg. N. Y. I this paper I ! lace Strevell, 29, ( ail W a t e r m a n , I'2'), and Kobcrt Barnuui,'.W, the first group bouse for men was founded two years ago. Since its founding, College House, as the r o o m i n g called, liasTbeen ihouse n two was different sites. h e firstsituated house was located on the corner of Robin and West Streets. In the early part of last September, it was moved to its present location at 13-1 Central Avenue. This summer is the first s u m m e r that the bouse has been open to students. T h e r e are six students residing at the house. I'hey are: Walter Hutzer, Wilbam Hayes, Ralph P liiighston, Be nard ( . Sullivan ludson Walker, and Albert Worden, who is also house manager for the summer ses- Joseph Barbagallo For Better Work— Cleaning - Pressing - Dying COLLEGE SHOE REPAIR SHOP 4 6 4 Washington Ave. Phone 4-6222 SAM HERKOWITS TAILOR Work Called for and Delivered Athletic Rubber Footwear 514 Washington Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. Finger Waving Manicuring Marceling Telephone 3-9403 Scalp Treatment Shampooing Facials PRIMROSE BEAUTY SHOPPE Edward Price & Madeline Hannan Permanent waving by latest method. Evenings by appointment 2 2 4 Central Ave. Real Home Made Ice Cream fWUhs Art |Jrraa Printing SANDWICH /HCP .VM-.W B r o a d w a y Albany, N. V. BREAKFAST 7:30—11:30 STATE COLLEGE BOOK STORE a la carte LUNCH Invites you to spend that odd half hour looking at our exhibits 11:30—1:30 Fifty-live and Seventy-five and a la carte Open from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. Cents Cinn & Co. Houghton DINNER 5:30—7:30 Eighty-five Cents and One Dollar and a la carte Corner of Quail and Mifflin Iroquois Allyn & Bacon and twenty other publishers are represented. Western A. HAGAMAN & CO 1885 1930 BAKERS 8 7 7 - 8 8 5 Madisoi ALBANY Ave lue BRANCH STORES 200 Laid St., Albany, N. Y. 885 Ma lison 20A Stei ben St., Albui y, N. V. 1 110 Mi diso I 7 i Ceni ral Ave. Alba ,y, N. V. 1 50 Qu ,1 Si 1228 Bro udway, Mb.,,, •, N. V. 121 So. l'e„ 12 lourl > St., T oy, N Y. 176 Del i war TAKE HOME A BOX OF CANDY A v e . Alba iy, N. V. , Ave., Alb, ny, N. Y. , Alba »y, IS . Y. 1 St., .\ l b a i y, N. Y. ! Ave. Alb my, N. Y. "BUY BONNIE BREAD" LAUNDRY WASHING —brings leisure hours WATERVILLE LAUNDRY 2 8 9 Central Avenue Albany, N. Y. Phone 6-1207 THK SIJMMKR FACULTY SUMMER SESSION SUMMER HEARS BRADBURY NINE PRACTICES TALK ON METHODS Team (Continued from column -I, page 1) Composed Of Veteran teacher training in England, acPlayers T o Represent cording to Mr. Bradbury, is choosSummer Session ing the s t u d e n t s for entrance w h o T h e State college s u m m e r session will m a k e successful teachers. N o baseball team has practiced several student is allowed to enter before times this week at the home clia- he • is • eighteen • • years old nor is •he moud at Bcverwyek park in pre- permitted to teach before he is paration for its opening contest ol twenty. In considering the candithe season against the Lincoln Athletic club nine, Monday at 0:30 date for admission to the teacher training colleges, the examination P, M. on the Lincoln park field. T h e Ik'verwyck park diamond record is considered first, next the will be used for the practice ses- character recommendation of the sions, and some of the Stale t olThe extra-curricular legian's future names will be played head master. I lis activities are also considered. on that grounds. Plans for the rest of the team's home and religious activities are schedule, include contests with the also investigated. These qualificaScluiylers, the Sagamores, the Next tions being satisfactory, the student Stars, Sacred Hearts, and other Kin id baseball aggregations in the is given a personal interview. H vicinity. T w o names a week lor the officials deem the applicant the remaining time of the s u m m e r qualified, he is then allowed t i term will he played if tentative leach. a r r a n g e m e n t s are completed sue- j ^ ^ . ^ ^ ^ [n[uuui, ]n^[u_ CL '?.l?1,ullf', , • , , „ I ; , I - , I , . J lions emphasis practical teaching he b-t o pi'ospeclive caniliilates ' , ' . .' , . .' ' i experience. Inhe student nets weeks ; for the nine is very promising and ' .h , ,, , , ,• , (, „.. I u practical work in various schools than in one school provided includes excellent material Irom rather ' well-known colleges in the Last. for such a purpose, Mr. Ilradbur\ \ \ hen the student graduI'rcderick Scholtz, Colgate grad- stated. uate and former veteran luirler at ates from a teacher training college, to teach, that University will share the pitch- he is given a certificate , . r l l l , ; „ , ,„ „.,,„ mg assignment toge he with L | r A mi, star hurler at State college..... . . , ' ' ,, ,, ,i i, I ho-,e who c es re a degree must ast vear. Benjamin Becker, who . . « : ii i ii i ... :,, ,,, , i ,if ' a s - an exaiiiinatioii given bv a was behind the bat m most ol 1 . • the battery. complete State's contests last season, will " ' " w i s i t w a ut h e r positions on the team will • lO At the close of the lecture, membe filled by the following m e n : bers of the faculty asked questions Lluicr Stahliuan. (ieorge Taylor, about soeial and political problems Francis O'Brine, L a d ('adv. Frank in Luglish education, as well as Howland, Lllis Koloduy, Richard further details of the Luglish Hughtoii, Robert Stiuebricker, Al- system. , bert W o r d e n , Victor Scroyer, and Alexander School*. F R A N K H. Simon Maslaii, is manager of the nine. T h e captain will be elected at a meeting of all players next week. NEWS Learn Albany's Past and Present Glory; Visit Museums and Capitol While Here Of course you know that Albany D o you know whom Alexander is one of the oldest cities on this H a m i l t o n married and where? , . . | Do you know where General hemisphere, | B u r g o y n c w a s k e p t a s prisoner? T | 1 e a l 1 S W e r to all these questions Of course you know that Albany is the best city in the world. and many other questions you m a y Of course you know that Albany K"d in Albany or in places a r o u n d has played a very, very p r o m i n e n t Albany; I'bilip Schuyler's mansion, part in the advancement of human located in the South b u d ol the liberty and modern civilization. | city, is open to visitors every day But do vuii know any of the including Sunday, State bdtication intimate f a d s of the men w h o I building, T h e Stale Capitol and made Albany a name to he con- m a n y oilier places and buildings hired with? ' " Albany and the capitol district Do vou know whv Alhanv Is are also open to visitors. Many one of' the o u t s t a n d i n g posts of ol these buildings shelter historical American civilization? m u s e u m s where visitor- may ac|),, vou know of what signiti- quire a delimit- knowledge ol the cancc t'hc village of Kinderhook is? past and pre-.ait glors ol Albany. YOU ARE ALWAYS WELCOME AT DON'T FORGET 25c Plate Luncheon Ask Me Another If winter conies after a fall, can summer come ii spring be far behind? General Printers 16 and 18 Beaver Street ')! S t e p s Fast of Pearl Street Western & No. Lake Aves. CALL 3-7768 WE DELIVER COLLEGE CAFETERIA ENJOY A LUNCH A T OUR 4:00 to 6:00 P. M. SANDWICH BAR DRUGS AT CUT PRICES MEET YOUR FRIENDS A T Lang's Luncheonette SALLY VALASTRO Shoe Repairing 145 CENTRAL AVENUE Sundaes - Ice Cream - Sodas Sandwiches 250 Central Ave. Booth Service CIGARS EVORY&CO. Density 37. 2. F a t h e r : W h a t are you washing your feel with voiir socks on for? Bright Boy: I've got In the water's so cold. The College Pharmacy Dancing CIGARETTES Willnrd W. Andrews.Pros. F.WaylandBailey. Sec Albanv Teachers' Agency, inc C. P. LOWRY Watchmaker and Jeweler 74 Chapel St. Albany, N.Y. 171 Central Ave. COLLEGE CANDY SHOP 203 Central Avenue (near Robin) Homemade Fie and Cake Toasted Sandwiches W e need teachers for appointm e n t s at all s e a s o n s of the year \ \ rite for information or call at the office ALBANY, N. Y. E v e r y s a n d w i c h made up fresh t o i n d i v i d u a l o r d e r Geo. I). Jeonev t-ToH jj|nuUntarft (^afirtwta IM8 Central Avrnui' - at Wobin Albany. N. V. Phone We Deliver 6-6733 JOE'S DELICATESSEN & SANDWICH SHOP 8 5 1 Madison Avenue Albany, N. Y