% State College N e % v v N E W YORK S T A T E COLLEGE F O R T E A C H E R S VOL. X No. 9 =*4 $3.00 perfyeSf ALBANY, N. Y., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1925 TO JUNIOR GIRLS MET CHORUS SELECTIONS FROSH NOVEMBER 11 BROADCAST STUDENTS EXPRESS VARIED OPINIONS ON FROM WGY i n d c r the direction of QUESTION OF SMOKING Seniors Trim Sophomores In Fast Game, First Of Series ELEVENGAMESSCHEDULED The churns Professor T. Frederick H. Cimdlyit will broad ast a program over WGY Monday, November If), al 7:-t5. T h e program will be broadcasted from the choir room of All Saints' Cathedral and will c insist of the following selections i line is on the Win*;, Fraiichanson .Von Nobis Dnminc, liyrd; Spanish Tarn Wednesday, November 4, the Girls Interclass Basketball schedule was niiii :c Gii Schumann; Lullaby, tiatcd by ; game between the senioi rahni;; 'I he Roll-Man, Forsyth; Skyc sophomore teams. game oatsoitg, ('a lly i; 4 he Snow, Klgar; peppy one results irs 19. ly, Singing I '.iid. F.lear; (cantata) mores 18. rid Pan," t'andlyii; The 4:45 "The Great chcdttlcd The trar ck Monday and Wcdnesc ay from lllue Danube Strauss, the chorus who will Members . n w until < hrislma hour a r e : First sopranos, T. I. brriatlleast ast are necessitated by frci limaa MeV er, M. A. I.omax, G. \'. ChippenThe schedule follow c inner dale. / . Gorman, A. 1.. Holroyd, M. Wil... i ,r—Sll|,|] . Mnvcm junioi M. I lamntei'slcy. N. Nethaway, soph; November Id, n Wallcrmire, M. O'Connor, I). II. yembcr 18, junior fro sh; Ni wiling; second soillingham se• i:r r—junior; N' vei ipn R. C . Mo e, F. St. Denis, K. frosh; November .30, frosh—seiior; 1 )e p rail' K. Deans, C. E. Rab ccmber 2, soph junior; December Deu lily, a lie. Curtis, A. F. Flanagan, D. frosh—junior; December 9, frosh—soph lowland, I. L IS.IIV N. [. Manville; December 14, junior—senior. irst alios, R. F e, iVI Wilkins, R. HcrThe captains and managers of lb nan, ,\l. Rhcii M. Wenzel; second .•lass teams a r e : senior—captain, F dtos, N. Cole, Gillett, C, Jones, M. Looming; manager, A. Rnirior; junior— swart, A. Marti c p t a i n , (i. Sweltmanit; manager, M Neville sophomore—captain, M. Seegcr I!. Wi'i hi. Freshman captah manage and manager have not yet been chosen Following the story which appeared in the columns of this paper last week, opinions of several members of the student body have been gathered for the purpose of determining what the attitude of the leaders in our student group is regarding the question, "Should College Girls Smoke?" In the neighborhood of one hundred refused to he quoted but one of these staled that she agreed with Professor Beaver in every way. Several others, including members of Myskania said thai Coach Baker's attitude was the be a bu< you eau judge for yourselves from |l following statement what llr JUNIOR PROM TO BE HELD AT TEN EYCK Bertha Zajan, Vice-President Is General Chairman For Affair IS MAJOR SOCIAL EVENT The Junior prom, one of the four large dances at College, will be February 6 i i the ballroom of the Hold Ten Kyck, Miss Bertha Zajan, vice-president of (he junior class, who is chairman of the arrangements, announced today. Committees have begun work for the dance, which is expected to be one of the largest II the college's social calendar. Bertha Zajan has app niilcd Ihese comnittee chairmen: Ii use, Kaiherine 'ilenis; floor. William I. Clarke; decoraions, Marcella Street, Hilda Sarr, Mil'••ed Graves; favors, Julia Fay, Lois Dunn, DeWilt C. Zch; programs, Ruth F-f. Mc.Vull, Neva Stoddard, Esther liluci; invitations, Louise Gunn ; faculty, Nunc Stcidinger; publicity Edwin Van ileeck; refreshments, Gc"trtidc Svvellnaiiu, Mildred Pavvel; distribution, Conlance llaiimanu. Georgiunna Maar, Vfyi'a llarlmaiin; music, Melauic Grant, I Marjorie Olt, Cornelia Williams. Oleila Rent, would maintain I renu'.ali in and tin best of health i add not sm ke " Leah Cohen, 28: 'Il is a mailer perfcetly up to ear i and e . e v girl lo rlec'di for herself and il is ness." Kathleen Doughty, 2 8 : •Il i s a l right tliev if they waul lo sni' don't do il in public." Helen Dynes, '27: "Tl is entirely a matter of personal taste. A girl has as much right to smoke as a man, but she should not smoke in public, especially on the campus." Kent Pease. '27: "Should girls smoke? Should girls drink coffee? One question is is reasonable as the other. Morals are as intricately involved in Final arrangements have been made the second as in the first, nod in neither. for the girls' swimming program of this The evils of tobacco are no more danThe State folic e freshman team will chool year. Helen Tcmpkins, '27, cap- gerous lo the female than lo the male meet the learn of Rensselaer High School ain of swimming at State, said r n e a - Trust Mr. Kipling, who said 'The female lly, The increase in the G. A. A. o the species is more deadly than the in the college gym Friday, November 1.1 Coach Clarence Nephew predicts a vicind-.ret allotment from $500 to $800 has Tuesday evening, November 24, Poli- Tiaclc it possible for the members to male' and let the dear things continue tory for the yearlings ia spite of Friday tical Science club will introduce its latest participate in the swimmintr activities to 'hum' their cigarettes 'off us." Grace Seaman, '29; "I don't think the thirteenth. novelty—a Thanksgiving dinner! Plans it a very small cost. The Public Bath they should. A girl who smokes has On Thanksgiving eve, November 26, for the approaching event are going for- .3 has already been obtained for twenty very little intelligence to start out with Tuesday nights fr >m 8 to 10 o'clock. the freshmen will meet Troy High ward rapidly under the direction of Two classes have been formed. The and she has less when she eels through." School on their court. Louise Guiin, '27; chairman. The affair •lementary class closes at nine, at which Francis Radding, '29: " Y e s ! This is The yearlings lost a thriller to the will lie featured by unusual entertain- 'ime the advanced class begins and a free country where we are supposed to Prerequisites for have equal rights and if it is proper for '.cam of St. John's Academy at Rensment, novel and attractive decorations, c'oses at 10 o'clock a man to smoke it is just as correct elaer. Friday night by a score of 12 to and good eats, Miss Gunn said. Miss entrance into the advanced class are the for a woman to do so." 11. The game was slow, long shots deRuth Miner, an Albany lawyer has been ibility to enter water head first, the Kathcrine B. Peck, '29: "I fail to "'ementary back stroke, the side, breast secured as the speaker of the evening. >r crawl stroke, and a float. The pro- understand why college women should termining the contest. Artistic place cards will he an added ram of this class consists of an entire think of smoking. Tt is bad enough for F r e s h m e n : G. F. P. T. P the men. Men have invariably looked feature of the decorations for which course from floati"<r to life-saving. 1 2 4 Carr, rf lo the women for their standards of livThe elementary class commenced with Louise Nottingham, '27, and Kent Pease. 0 (1 0 ing. If these are lowered the race vvil' Wallahan, li '27, are the committee. Of course, Poly the float and will continue with the side The majority of Gold ring, c I) (I Hrea't. or craw! stroke at the option of eventually suffer. 0 Sci won't attempt to crptal mother's 'he swimmer. Strict discipline is en- women have an inherent instinct which Klein, rg . . 2 0 1 Thanksgiving dinner, hut here's a chance forced in the classes, and all the time leads them to adopt the best interests Auerbach, lg 0 0 0 to h e n training for the home event two but fifteen minutes is devoted to actual in life. A nation can never rise above Carpenter. If 0 0 0 teaching. Instruction is supervised by the ideals of its womanhood." days later! Csnfain HPIPI ^"tnnWns. assign! 0 (1 0 Reginald Stanhope, treasurer of the Herney, lg Poly Sci will initiate on Tuesday «wiming cantains. Betty Bender, Betty evening. November 17. About forty-five Strone and Bertha Za.ian. Miss Isa- freshman class seems to be eager to ad6 2 2 Totals vertise a certain brand of smokes for he candidates, eligible to memherslu'n as helle Toh'iston and Coach R. R. Baker. says. "It is a matter of the girl's own " t . J o h n ' s : E.G. E. P. T. P Ivi'di h majors and minors, will be athletic directors plan and supervise the onioi'in 1 don't care whether they smoke w e ' e med into its ranks. Ella Greona- methods used. 0 4 2 or not but if they do I hope they smoke Maguirc . . . T way, '26, is chairman of the initiation. h e first swimmine meet of the season "Ltickies." .3 '"onners . . . . 0 3 D the last meeting, Miss Catherine will be held December 8. It will be both Mberta Ncff, '29: "I suppose it is a!' •eily . . 0 0 0 T'eUz "f the English faculty, spoke de- ronmetitive. demonstrative, and amu c i"!T right for those who like it but persina"y (I 2 1 livhtful'y on "My Impressions of Paris." Form divine and swimmin"-. nov^''v 1 can't see why they want to smoke Boyle . .3 1 1 ''he -''d 'hit the espcial charms which races, and i n t e r - c D " ••*""* i-^mrnse *he Conlon especially in public." P a n ; held for her were narrow, wan program -It is eyn<wed that 'he student Totals . . dcri'ig streets, and old cathedrals. ( P a g e T w o , Column T w o ) body will be allowed to attend. COURSE IN LIFE SAVING GIVEN TUESDAY NIGHTS POLI SCI CLUB PLANS THANKSGIVING DINNER FROSH TEAM TO MEET RENSSELAER TONIGHT •..-:": ' . ' " Y ' < ... •: Sr.'V'l'l-] UULLISfiE MSW8, NOVKMlJlOlt 13, „U>35,. Page Two E S T A B L I S H E D BY T H E C L A S S OF Vol X '"'.' 1918 No. 0 Nov. 13, 1925 STUDENTS EXPRESS VARIED OPINIONS ON QUESTION OF SMOKING (Continued From Page 1) Published weekly during the college year by the Student Body of the New York State College for Teachers at Albany, New York. The subscription rate is three dollars per year. Advertising rates may be had on application to the Business manager. Esther jariscli, '26: "Whether college girls, or in fact any girls, should smoke, should depend entirely upon the physical and mental effect which it has on the girl and upon her own feeling in the matter." ATTITUDES IMPORTANT T H E N E W S ' SIGNED ARTICLE HY A F A C U L T Y M E M HER IS CONTRIBUTED T i n s DEAN WILLIAM H. METZLER O u r attitude toward a subject will to a very large extent determine our success or failure in that subject. This being true it is vitally i m p o r t a n t that we all take the proper attitude t o w a r d s the thing we have to do. A s t u d e n t w h o dislikes a subject is not going to get much good from studying it, certainly not the same amount of good as if he cultivated a liking for it. There, are yet those w h o think that to acquire a liking for some subjects is impossible and because of this they do not try. T o all such I would like to say that they can prove for themselves that this is a mistaken n o tion. Interest ,n some subjects c o m e s natural and easy, but in others only with effort, hut the effort must be m a d e if we are to succeed and get out of it what it has for us. There is no d e v e l o p m e n t without effort and students should keep tnis constantly in mind not oniy in selecting their subjects but in w o r k . n , at those that prove hard. It is so easy to follow the path of least resistance that m a n y yield to the t e m p t a t . o n rather than expend the energy necessary to overcame the difficulty. Difficulty overc o m e is usually victory won. ' ' T h e easy roads are crowded, Lola H. Mawdslcy, '28: "College men smoke for the pleasure it affords them. College women have the same privilege Managing Editor if they care to use it. The only reason E D W I N V A N KLEECK, '27 I can see why they should not use it is Business Manager thai they can get a lot more pleasure H E L E N E. ELLIOTT, '26 for the same price in some other way," Subscription Manager Olga Hampel, '26, editor of the H E L E N BARCLAY, '26 Quarterly: "Since it is a rule of the Copy Reader college that girls belonging to the student MARGARET B E N J A M I N , '26 body should not smoke, and since the Assistant Business Managers concensus of opinions of the faculty and MYRA H A R T M A N , '27 the student body is that they should not H E L E N Z I M M E R M A N , '27 smoke, they should not while they are Assistant Subscription Manager here; but after they leave it is a matter TIIELMA TEMPLE, '27 up to themselves. I think they should Assistant Copy Reader adhere to college rules. I think if there J U L I A F A Y , '27 are any had effects they are physical Associate Editors rather than moral." Sara Barklcy, '27 Louise Gunn, '27 Guinevere Stuart, '28, and Kathcrinc K a t h a r i n e Blcnts, '27 Anna Kotf, '26 Saxton, '28, thought together and finally Joyce Persons, '26 decided: "It is up to the girl's own Reporters L e a h Cohen MacMullen Elizabeth ; pi.linn, We can not see that it is a moral question at all." T h c l m a Brezec Lcla Van Schaick Agnes McGarty, '2'J; " r think college Virginia Wiggins [Catherine Saxton girls should settle the matter for themAdelaide Hollister D o r o t h y W a t t s selves. It would be better not to smoke E l n a h Kricg B e r t h a Zajan in public hut there is no more wrong in college girls smoking than there is in the A n d the level road are j a m m e d , OPINIOiNS DIFFER smoking by the beys." T h e pleasant little rivers Bertha Zajan, '27: "Smoking is not The "News" is nuiiiing a scries of With the drifting folks are morally wrong in my opinion, unless one crammed. Opinions, students as well as faculty, on considers any avoidable detriment to the question of smoking. The issue has | one's health a n v r a l wrong. In that case, But off y o n d e r v. h TC it's rocky, become, in the last few years, a vital it may be applied to both men and W h e r e y i n get a belter view, It is no more wrong for a one not alone in our colleges but in women. social life everywhere, and discussion of j woman to smoke than it is for a man to do s o " to the discretion and good taste of each it among college students especially has, j Richard fenseu, '28: "It is really a individual. I have no objection to anywe feel, made the question sestn of more: matter of the '.'iris' opinion hut I believe one's following the guidance of her own importance than it really is. We are, it lowers a girl's morality and lowers conscien e " surely, at least over-emphasizing it. Are ' her in the opinion of desirable gentleFrancis Griffin, president of the sophowe nut worrying unduly about I he actions j men. It has become an established fact more class: "(iir;s have hist as much and is ethically accepted that a girl's right to smoke as men. I'll be darned and ideals of others, and neglecting our | smoking in her home with her parents' if I like to cec a "irl sin ike, for it looks own ? consent is all right hut 1 don't believe like the deuce U 'd'Hiblcdly it is a ve-y that they should smoke in public." bad habit, and since it is known as such We all have habits, some (if us doubt- | Evelyn Graves, vi e-prcikleut of the I I can't see whv girls wart to take it up." less more than others, which are hinder- J freshman class: "Emphatically n o ! I ; DoVVitl C. / e h '20: "As far as being frig us from being our be :t Why not dc- \ don't think that try girl slvu'd smoke I i matter of ri lit I think girls have a vote our energy to ridding ourselves of i Girls are supposed to be looked up to right and should smoke if they get any these? Why not try to make of our- and respected, but if they sin ke this is pleasure out of it. If they don't, however, and continue to smoke just to keep selves what we would like to make of an impossibility." Betty Van Allen, '29: "I think that up with the times and other members of others? All of us are far from perfect, it is entirely a matter of choice. 1 .heir sets t h e ' t bee ires a w r o n g " but we can all strive for an ideal. If personally don't care for the habit for j Carolyn Coleman, '26: "I disapprove smoking destroys one of our ideals then . it rums the teeth." of it in public, but I think it's up to the let us avoid it ourselves but, at the same Ruby lie-man, '26, president of! individual." time, recognize that it may n 't be one of Menorah: "It is a matter entirely up Clarence Nephew, '28: "1 think that the ideals of others. The cither man or • to the girl. She must make up her own women should smoke without molestation mind in matters I k e this." if they do so in the e r r e d places. I woman may have an ideal far better Da.vid Smurl. president of the freshthan any of ours. We might well take man class: "Smoking is not a question' also say thai they should not smoke to such a i extent or so vi ilently as to injure counsel from Marcus Aurelius who said, ' f morality for cither men or women. their health." "Make it not any longer a matter of Let either smoke if they want to, but in In Wesleyan there ,vas taken a vote dispute or discourse what are the signs I my mind the woman who smokes loses in the student b >dy recently to determine and properties of a good man, but really j a certain finccss, It will lower her a the number of smokers in Ihe student bit from the high pedestal on which man I body a id the e r c u l t s were obtained: and actually to be such." Let us line j has placed her, and Ibis she cannot 1. Do y it smoke habitually? Yes, up to the standards we yet for ourselves afford." .362; No, 928. and, as far as possible, believe that our j Esther Lazarus. '26: "I don't t h i n k , 2. l ) i you personally fed restricted by fellow men are living up to theirs,- never they should smoke, at least in public, but the present rule? Yes, 380; No, 894. foruetting that it is not one quality alone it really is a matter for them to decide | 3. Do you feel that your parents would approve a more lenient rule? Yes, 470; which makes a man bu: s e v c a l taken f,;r themselves." Estelle P. Vanderburgh, '29: "r think No, 710. together, it is a matter of individual taste. The Last week they lo-k another vote in strongest argument used against it is the I a student assembly regarding the matter TICKETS FOR R E A D I N G objection from the aesthetic standpoint. : of amending smoking rules of that insti1 There will be absolutely no rtudeul Personally, I have no objection to t h e l l l l i M l , tickets sold at the door tonight fur Miss woman who smokes." Most of ihe colleges i» the country, Futtcrcr's reading. If tickets are not Helen Barber, '27: "For healthful! both co-ed and women's are becoming purchased before, the student will be e-isons. ( think smoking should not be more and more broad-minded on the subcharged the regular price for an on: i'-dulral in by college girls, college men, ject a"d are lcav!"g the matter entirely sitler's ticket, which is fifty cents. or any other class of people. It is up ' up to the discretion of the girl herself. Editor-in-Chief 'HARRY S. GODFREY, '26 WEEK UY You will find the ranks arc t h i n n i n g . And the travelers arc sew. W h e r e the going's s m o o t h a n d pleasant You will always find the t h r o n g , F o r the many, niore's the pity, Seem to like to drift along. But the steps that call for c o u r a g e , A n d the task that's hard to do, In the end result in glory F o r the never-wavering few." BOOK-ENDS A Weekly Kevlew of Current Fiction by the Editor of the Ouurtnrly. ARROWSMITI-I By Sinclair Lewis The scientist is perhaps ihe least appreciated of the worlds workers, The result of many long ni, lit vigils and labors, saving the lives of millions, may be understood by only half-a-dozen oilier .c.iciiti t s ; a whole lifetime of research may end in failure and nobody knows at all. So Sinclair Lewis fell it was hiyh lime thai someone sang the srmo <>f the forgotten, and vouchsafed its accomplishment by doing it himself. Martin Arrowsmith was the great grandchild of sturdy pioneer stock and .on of J, J, .Arrowsmith, proprietor of ihe New York Clothing Bazaar in ihe unambitious community of Elk Mills. And Martin Arrowsmith caught the vision, albeit imperfectly, of the joy of labor for its own sake; caught it • imperfectly, for ihe glass he looked through was Hawed and dark, being the life philosophy of old, drunken Doc Vickcrson, expressed in his filthy, unsanitary office. "Don't let things slide," muttered Doc. "Get training. Go college before 140 medical school. Study Chemistry, Latin, Biology, Fundamentals," Then at the university there was Pro lessor Max Gottlieb, The literary professor thought little of his incomprehensible desire to spend his mysterious days and nights in a laboratory. But Martin Arrowsmith caught the vision, infinitely clearer now. So Martin became a scientist, and Science is a harsh, jealous mistress, demanding purity of devotion and utter oneness of purpose of those who seek her honor. Martin learned to pay the bitterest price with fine nonchalance. Afterward—. "I feel as if I were really beginning to work now," said Martin. "This new quinine stuff may prove pretty good. We'll plug along on it for two or three years, and maybe we'll get something permanent—and probably we'll fail!" CALENDAR Today 4:00 P. M. Chemistry Club— Room 250. 8.15 P M. Miss Futtercr's Reading—Audit! ricni. T u s : a y N o v e m b e r 17 4:0(1 P M. Political Science Club — Room 101. 4:00 P. ivl, M e n o r a h — R o o m B. 7:30 P. M. Advanced D r a m a t i c s Class Play—Auditorium, T h u r s d a v , N o v e m b e r 19 4:00 P. M. 'Spanish C l u b — R o o m 103. 7:00-9:00 P. M. Political Science Club Initiation—Gym. F r i d a y N o v e m b e r 20 7:30-11:00 P. M. M a t h e m a t i c s Club I n i t ' a l i o n — G v m . JJK Si1 ATE COLLEGE N HWS, NOVUM HER 19, 1.025 LOEB REAPPOINTED LANGUAGE CHAIRMAN !^ COLLEGE NEWS AT A GLANCE I'age Tlii'uo WHITTIJL&RIGGS On November 21, Miss F u t t e r e r will Llewellyna Gill, '25 and Louise I'erread "Lady Windemere's Fan" in Lock- sons, '22, spent the week-end at the At the; Modern Language meeting port, N . Y. Besides this, she is slated Kappa Delta house. BROADWAY-MAte]fty/l/V$»E which was held in Schenectady, October to appear in llioii, Brockporf, Troy, and Kappa Delta sorority held its fall E S T A B L I S H E D - l S H j O *f, 29-30, and at which Miss Charlotte Port Washington. house dance Saturday night, November I ocb, Miss Maud Malcolm, and Miss seventh, from 8:30 to II :30, Dr. and Orma Harding, '25. and Dorothy Mrs. Powers and Dr. and Mrs. Stevenson Burbaus were present, Miss Loeb was T H E N E W G O S P E L @L ** reappointed vice-chairman of the eastern llaij.lil, '25, were week-end guests at | ;lctf(l as chaperoiie TABERNACLE ', '"•" . section of the New York State Modern Beta /.eta house. 649-651 W a s h i n g t o n Ave. / Q ^ Announcement has been made of the Language Association. TnbernacleC^ Nov.Dedication 15, 3:00 P.of M. Miss Sara Wood, '17, spent the week marriage on August K, 1025, of Miss Opening and During the World War, an agency .aid at Dartmouth. Sylvia Potter, '^2, of Kappa Delta to College S t u d e n t s Cordially Invited which provided in formation concerning Allien h'. Marshall of lloosick Falls. Preaching a t 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p, m. French orphans was formed, and many Rev. F , L. Squire;), Pastor Mildred C'urric, '25, and Marion ('line, Mrs. Geilrich and Miss Eleanor GcllAmerican societies adopted French orphans. Since most of the war orphans '23, were week-end guests at Gamma i-toll were i;ue.;ls ol Louise (iellrieh, '17, at the .Alpha Delta Omricoii house last are now talcing care of themselves, the Kappa Phi. week-end. agency has disbanded and the French (lamina Kappa Phi announces the mar- j club has been unable to get an orphan Albany, N. Y. lu a to care for this year. riagc of Marcella Ryan lo Frank Ryan ' " A l l n ; i ! ' i l , m ; a l " 1 Mm " ' " . ° [ The next remilar business meeting of m O c t . ihe Spanish department were entertained Caps—Gowns— Hoods the club will be held Wednesday afterrecently id the .Alpha Delia Omricoii l-'OI' ALL DEGREES house. noon at four o'clock. Gamma Kappa Phi has as house members Catherine Bermiii'. ham, Helen Psi Ciamma wishes to express her most (Jiiackeabu h, Marie Nixon, Blanche sincere sympathy lo (.aniline Wheeler, Merry, Beatrice I lodgins, Mary Mellon, '2S, fi r ihe recent death of her mother. "A Good Place to Buy" The \lbany branch of the Psi Gamma Mildred Schmiller, Ellen lloyland. Elnah Krieg, Dorothy I Inline, Gertrude Walsh. Alumnae Assoc.atioii held a meeting and SHOES lea al ilit* sorority hoti.se November 7. The iuitiali m of the ('hcinistry club Florence Vernon, Sarah Petherhridge. 125 C e n t r a l A v e . at L e x i n g t o n look place Thursday evening, November Miss Pierce is dean of the Albany 12 in Room -'50. 'Before the real fun Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilsey (nee Open Evenings began, supper was served. The main Mildred Kullli ) announce ihe birth of a Si boot ol K'ciij ions Education this year. feature of the initiation was a sltr'l I lelta (line;.a heal its an m.it fall house For Particular People given by the initiates, entitled, "A nieht . ,, ,. 7~ rw t dance la I Saturdav evening. Professor O U A R ' J 50 c . ., at the ilrand." A group of f air took P I N T 30 c . Mr. and Mrs. Karl < Ibcnai.s nee e inedy and Mrs. Robinson, K part. Juggling stunts, music, and one ,,,.,. „..,. Katberine Monk) announce the bull, ol ^ h ^ m ^ ^ . i , , , , , , , , , . , , , act plays were the vaudeville acts riven 11 daughter. | i l l l l ! ( U l , n . i n l . h a | .. (, n f Mi i r c c n : , Street by the others. .About twenty students ..., ,. , ,, ,, , ., , , . . . . ... , Marion Wright was chairman of the rewere taken into the club. Dancing folI he first fa I Beta / e t a and t i n Siumn .onunit.cc. About thirty | lowed the entertainment, I beta house dances were held on Salur nip e att< day, November 7. ,s icatii II of the Kappa The Beta /eta dance was held at the The alini house, 37 I li'dilaud avenue. The music I id, i s.or n-ily bad liinehe m Saturday afternoon at the Pewter Pitcher tea -, is him. bed In /il i • ol'dic I.' i Mi s room n l.a-k street, Miss Louise I'erM 'he re ;u!ar meeting of Spanish Maud Malcolm, Miss Laura Thompson, .o,:s is president of the organization, Dob, November 5, plans for the club' and Mrs. Ilaight, house mother, acted Mis, 'eau ilungcrford, secretary, was pi lure hi the Pedagogue were discussed .i • diaper.mes, chairman of the committer on arrangeA membership drive will he conducted , , ,, , m e n s . M i - ||en- ; ella l-'i'ch was ehairAll stude its inlere ,ted in ll.is week. ( hi Sigma I beta also held open house m ; m ( | f , l u . ( . : j m l n i t u . c , ,„, decorations. Spanish cust< ins are urged to join tin- on Saturday evening. I lie chapenincs __ I T S HOME MADE club. An iuitiali HI ->arly will be held v.erc Miss Keim and Miss Wheeling. „ w ,,.,. h ,,„. ,,. ,]Mv:{V\- o ( j - c e c o n . for new members some lime after the "... ' c c r n i n ; absences," says Miss Van Denand O'Jlcr liaise dances will he held on i im -,,|, " j , nill'dclcably l e s s " next meeting, November 1°. I Handle Merry, chairman of the program com- Saturday, November l-l. at tin* houses of ' „ ,R, |>( , w n ] , v ' M ( , m is' 'workfiifi very "Deliciously Different" ( a n n u a Kaupa Phi and Psi Camilla s a t i " facluri1 v. as far as I am concerned," mittee, will be in charge, The Psi Gamma chapcroncs are Proles- s . , v s | | r i ; i "\ft.(ZiC|. 803 M A D I S O N A V E ' '. •in- and Mbs. Winifred ('. Decker. Eta '"• ' Phi's air ual dance is scheduled for NoM i s s M .„.,-.,,.;,. Siiiuott, '2.!. of Rhine velllber 21. beck, spent ' the weekend al the Chi Si.uiua Theia house. Beta / e t a has as h-m e members tins Photographer The Biology club enjoyed a hike on year Mai -ia Cliatlield. Elizabeth MilMarjoric Malhewson, '2.1, and Mrs. Saturday, November 7, lo Six-Mile mine D o r s Youngs oi '>(>; Sara Wood, ( i l ..„. v (•„,.„.,, f , r m e r l v Harriet Ritzen Reservoir. The club met at college at Marion Vedder, Dorothy Rex, Ruth (l|- Schenectady, spent the week-end at 10 a. in., and look the Western avenue Ellis, '27: Ann Holroyd, '28. D e l i a Cine-'a house. bus to Magazine street. From there, the members hiked cross country to ihe Me ervoir, where they built fifes and Albany, N . Y . 130 State St. cooked their lunches. The hike was u-'de- the superv'simi of Miss Scotland. Saratoga Springs 360 B r o a d w a y A series of indoor meetings are hcin > All ihe members of Newman club are The game between the juniors and n'an'-ed by the club for entertainment cordially invited by the girls living at j , ,,,,f ,,,,,,, during the winter months. Trips will sophomores on Monday exhibited the Newman hall to attend the first of a • be taken to various places in the city, best speed the girls class teams have yet series of at homes to be given Saturday, I . which are of interest to Biology students. achieved. For many of those playing it November 14, from three to five o'clock, was their first time on the court this at Newman ball, 7-11 Madison avenue year; yet swift passes and technique An interesting entertainment is being planned by Josephine Donley, house for stood out as not at all impromptu Molly Neville's neat shots and Tommie's l "The C, aiiiHial Newman hike scheduled YOUNG MEN and MIOSES PinTLHMfUflTC The Mathematics d u b on Thursday, "drops" could not quite catch up with for Saturdav, November 17, has been; ^ H J | M I f1 Li, H A I 5 , November 12, was addressed by Miss Dot Rowland's "whole court" passes and indefinitely p .stunned. Newmanites are ! _ __ „« Hazel Rowley of the Physics department the sophomore forwards' accurate shoot- requested to watch the bulletin board on ' T h e Correlation of Physics and ing, so that the fourth quarter ended with Mathematics." Ruth h'.ddy, president of a score of 22-21 in favor of the sopho- Dunncv from the last meeting of New-. _ n % r\ t Ihe club, reported that over twenty stuSteeiCl BrOtlierS dents have joined the club this year and mores. The line-up w a s : Juniors—for- man club, plans are under way to hoi.1 | that a party will he given in Ihe gym wards, Tompkins, Neville, Wenctawo- a -other meeting this month at a lime ; J.I1C. on November 20 for the new members. wicz; guards, Falle, Empie, M a a r ; when a larger percentage of the fre h- I man class can bee present. Not'ce of | CTATF STATP Eligibility for Math club by receiving FLORJ^ & 11-jkJL n* COTRELL & LEONAnD KOHN BROS. CHEM CLUB INITIATES TWENTY NEW MEMBERS SPANISH CLUB HAS DRIVE FOR MEMBERS OWEN'S ICE GREAM BIOLOGY CLUB VISITS SIX MILE RESERVOIR GUSTAVE LOREY GAME BETWEEN SOPHS NEWMAN HALL TO HAVE AND JUNIORS SPEEDY "ATHOME" SATURDAY SMART CLOTHES CORRELATION OF MATH AND SCIENCE IS TOPIC %::'^™Z^„,,«,,j r.iiiiiuiiii \ m i i\ ia in U U I I nv i u i : m i i s redll f o r ' t h e first cal geometry. . ~ \ \ • ' I,*. i - H I i ,A. SHOES, HABERDASHERY i i M semester of analy-1 sophomores-forwards, S e c e r , Wright, , j u . meeting will be posted on th • liu.ic S t r o n g ; guards, Lee, Josslon, Rowland. ' tin board. wmmmm Pago Pour STATIC COhVmti NEWS, NOVUM HHIi III, 1025 NON-SORORITY GIRLS CLASS IN ENGLISH 20TO HAVE GYM MEET, THIRD IN STANDINGS VISITS ALBANY HIGHFEATURING PYRAMID According to President Bntbiicher, Last Wednesday morning, groups of BUILDING AND DRILLS the average of tlic non-sorority student, students from Miss Wheeling's English WRKLEYS as compared with that of the sorority student is 1.69, The Highest of the sorority standing was 1,75, while (he lowest was 1.39, The standing of the nonsorority group places it third in rank. Dr. Brubachcr also announces the standing of a new sorority, now on probation, Phi Alpha Tan, as 1.57. This sorority is composed of (ircenwald, Gordon, Gould, Raff, Marquis, Fisher, Stone, Pcrck, and Tarsches, 20 class, visited English classes al Albany High School, Groups of five or six attended the classes of English li, III and IV every hour from eight until eleven o'clock, Miss Wheeling is planning to have the students visit the classes ill freshmen English some afternoon soon. The different methods In the leaching of English are to be observed in the many classes. This affords an excellent opportunity for all the people who iulend to teach high school English, MEWRAH AFFILIATED WITHNAT10NALC0UNCIL The Citizen Seoiils will have a G, A, A, council member and sport captain. Girl Scouts will spend tile week-end of November 14 at the Girl Scout Camp al East Grceiibush The committee in charge of this affair consists of Anne Raynor, Mildred Wilson, Mildred Loiitan and Kalhei'ine (ileitis, The chapcronc'i will be Miss Johnston and Doctor 'rcasdale. G. A. A. will have a "Gym Med' December 16, for all elates. The mail, features of this cu'iil fir ihc first time ••ill be pyramid building and wand drills, ECONOMY G. W. WEYRICH BARBER State College Cafeteria West L awrence Shoe Repairing Shop Mcnorati society, under ihc direction DRESS GOODS STORE of its social committee, held a meeting Phone W-379I-M Tuesday, November 3, in Rooin B, 215 Central Ave. Constance Bamitnmi, '27, chairman of Silk - Woolen - Cation 299 ONTARIO STREET the social committee, pieseuled a most HfnsUlching and Trimming Special attention to college students Interesting literary program. A great OPEN KVKNINGS deal of literature is being sent to the local chapter of Monorail from the Inter-collegiate Meuorah association, with whom they keep in close touch. Ruby Herman, '26, president, appointed a committee to draw up a local constiSHOE SHINE tution, All members of Monorail are MATTEO LAVENIA urged to pay their dues immediately. Luncheon or dinner 11:15 — 1:30 Cor. West Lawrence & Western Ave Your Printer T h e Gateway Press QUALITY PRINTERS At your elbow—West 2037 336 Central Ave. YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION 5 Lodge Street Swimming Pool Cafeteria Gymnasium Rooms Clubs Classes For all women and girls. ENDIC0TT-J0HNS0N NOVELTY PUMPS Get A Hair Bob At The COLLEGE BARBER SHOP CONRAD HEYES, Prop. 82 ROBIN S T R E E T Cheerful Service Shop JOS. A. WALSH, Prop. Appointment 107 Central Ave, N o w For Your XMAS PHOTOS VELVET—PATENT—SATINSUEDE ffibimaua Sftvfaw 5 NORTH PEARL ALBANY OXFORDS IF IT'S ANYTHING NEW for Healthful exercise for the teeth and a spur to digestion. A long* lasting refreshment, soothing to nerves and stomach. The Great American Sweetmeat, untouched by h a n d s , full of , flavor. (Orirntnl mid (Occidental lUstaurant 44 STATIC S T R E E T Dancing Every Evening r„:«.i v\%, tTlodel College Shop 14 SoPearl SI, Allamj.Tl.lJ. J CLOTHES OF QUALITY 7 Horn I >elow Lexington Ave, Authentically Collegiate in Style "Clothes that are Distinctive Hut nut Expensive" H. E. STAHLER'S R E S T A U R A N T Special Rates to Students in -•^JTMEAL benefitaffords aa well V<X\ leasure. Hosiery for Pooplc Who Cure, LlNOEItll —OK.NTH KlJItNIXIIIMiK INFANT® WEAR GIFTS HOSIERY 5% T o College Students Distinctive Gifts for All Occasions Have you seen the new Lincy Do Yuur Christina* S/irp/iing Early in silk gloves, and the slipper The Kraft Sljnjx VeJ! I Av, back hosiery, all shades. Make T h e AFTER "THE BEST IS NONE TO GOOD" Candies, Ice Cream, Soda, Cigars 307 CEK TRAL cAVE. Albany, <§A£ Y. Phone West 644 MILLS ART PRESS 394-396 BROADWAY ALBANY, N. Y. STREET AND SCHOOL TAN—MEDIUM BROWN—BLACK "Ickal Service" AT Our Popular Prices $3.95—$4.95 SOCIETY PRINTING YOU WILL FIND IT GRAIN LEATHER Luries ' Id;al Food" IDEAL RESTAURANT Gsorge F. Hamp, Prop. 208 WASHINGTON AVENUE PHONE TWO ALBANY STORES 60 No. Pearl St. 255 Central Ave. 54 South Pearl Street R031 !ar D'nn.r 40c 11 a. m, to 3 p m. ALBANY, N. Y. CONNECTION SPECIAL CHICKEN DINNER SUNDAYS 00c Supper 40c 5 p. m to 8 p m J