SIO 217B Atmospheric and Climate Sciences II Winter 2012 Homework #2 Due February 2 at the beginning of class 1. Two dominant features of wintertime near-surface atmospheric circulation over the midlatitude NH are large semi-permanent low pressure centers located over the North Pacific and North Atlantic. They are commonly called the Aleutian Low and the Icelandic Low as a result of where the lowest SLP is located. The continents are contrastingly dominated by the semi-permanent Siberian High and North American High. The wintertime pattern of low SLP over ocean and high SLP over land reverses during summer, when near-surface circulation over the ocean is dominated by the North Pacific High and the Bermuda/Azores High. The center of the former is located over the North Pacific at the latitude of California, and the center of the latter is located over the Azores and/or Bermuda. These large and SLP low and high centers affect the meridional direction of the near-surface wind, but the zonal component is generally always westerly at middle latitudes. (a) Explain why NH midlatitude oceans have low SLP during winter but high SLP during summer and NH midlatitude continents have high SLP during winter but low SLP during summer. Hint: consider that the ocean has much greater thermal inertia than land. During winter the continents cool down much more than the ocean because they have little thermal inertia. The cold air over the continents becomes dense and the thickness between pressure levels is reduced. The geopotential height of pressure surfaces in the upper troposphere decreases, and an upper-level low develops. Air converges into the upper-level low, thus increasing column mass. Greater column mass means higher pressure at the surface. The transfer of mass from over the oceans to over the continents means lower pressure at the surface over oceans. During summer the continents warm up much more than the ocean because they have little thermal inertia. The warm air over the continents becomes less dense and the thickness between pressure levels is enhanced. The geopotential height of pressure surfaces in the upper troposphere increases, and an upper-level high develops. Air diverges out of the upper-level high, thus decreasing column mass. Less column mass means lower pressure at the surface. The transfer of mass from over the continents to over the oceans means higher pressure at the surface over oceans. (b) Assuming surface friction is negligible, what will be the direction of the meridional component of the near-surface wind on the eastern and western sides of the ocean basins during winter and summer? Why? If surface friction is negligible, wind will be nearly geostrophic. Geostrophic wind in the NH has low pressure to the left and high pressure to the right. During winter there is low pressure over the central ocean basin, so the meridional wind component will be northerly on the western side and southerly on the eastern side. During summer there is high pressure over the central ocean basin, so the meridional wind component will be southerly on the western side and northerly on the eastern side. (c) At the same latitude, the western coasts of continents are typically warmer than the eastern coasts during winter but cooler during summer. Provide one reason for this in terms of meridional temperature advection. Provide another reason for this in terms of zonal temperature advection. During winter the meridional wind component is southerly near the western coast and northerly near the eastern coast of continents. Southerly winds in the NH come from the warmer subtropics and thus warm the western coast. Northerly winds come from the colder subarctic and thus cool the eastern coast. During summer the meridional wind component is northerly near the western coast and southerly near the eastern coast of continents, thus cooling the western coast and warming the eastern coast. Zonal winds are westerly during winter and summer, but the ocean is warmer than the continent during winter and cooler during summer. On the western coast during winter, zonal winds come from the relatively warm ocean and thus have a warming effect. On the eastern coast during winter, zonal winds come from the relatively cold continent and have a cooling effect. On the western coast during summer, zonal winds come from the relatively cooling ocean and thus have a cooling effect. On the eastern coast during summer, zonal winds come from the relatively warm continent and cause warming. 2. Midlatitude winds have a much stronger westerly component in the middle and upper troposphere than is the case near the surface. There is also much less land/ocean difference in the meridional wind component in the middle and upper troposphere than is the case near the surface. (a) Explain why the wind is strongly westerly in the middle and upper troposphere at middle latitudes. Temperature decreases toward the pole so thickness between pressure surfaces also decreases toward the pole. Pressure surfaces in the upper troposphere will have lower height toward the pole and higher height toward the equator, so wind will be in the westerly direction. The thermal wind relationship indicates that westerly wind will increase with height when cold is on the left (poleward side). (b) Describe whether winds will turn cyclonically or anticyclonically with height on the eastern and western sides of the NH midlatitude ocean basins during summer and winter. Describe whether warm or cold advection occurs on the eastern and western sides of ocean basins during summer and winter. Near-surface wind has a northerly component on the western side of ocean basins during winter and on the eastern side of ocean basins during summer. This turns cyclonically with height to westerly wind, indicating cold advection. Near-surface wind has a southerly component on the eastern side of ocean basins during winter and on the western side of ocean basins during summer. This turns anticyclonically with height to westerly wind, indicating warm advection.