Li B A D E R Eligible Lists America'i Largest Weekly for Public Employees Vol. XXIII, No. 3 0 Tuesday, April 3, 1 9 6 2 See Page 16 Price Ten Ceiils GRIEVANCE INERY, 'DEATH GAMBLfc BILLS GET 11th HOUR PASSAGE Coup ^ 1 T Mahoney Bucks Union Grievance Plan Stand; CSEA Jubilant On Wins Troopers Join Fellow Offhers mh40-Hr, Week ALBANY, April 2—A f o u r - y e a r drive to reduce t h e work week of S t a t e Police f r o m 60 to 40 hours was completed last week when Governor Rockefeller approved legislation t h a t adds more t h a n 600 new troopers to t h e force. T h e drastic reduction was accomplished t h r o u g h t h e co-operation of t h e SEN. WALTER MAHONEY Civil Service Employees Assn., t h e Governor, State Police Spoke for CSEA bills. S u p e r i n t e n d e n t A r t h u r Cornelius a n d others. • The measure already signed Into law by Rockefeller, creates 608 Local Offices Now new trooper positions and 50 civilian positions at a cost of $4,- Have Right To 100,000. The bill was sponsored by Close on Saturday Sen. Janet Hill Gordan (RPublic offices in political Norwich). subdivisions may close their Governor Lauded CSEA Aid doors to Saturday business if they so choose as the result Rockefeller had recommended of leg:islation approved by the Thomas P. McGrath, president' approval of the measure in his anState Senate and Assembly of the Fort Orange Stamp Club. I ^aul message to the Legislature last week and sent to the GovAlbany. New York, has announced i ^^ ^^^ ^^e same day ernor for approval. , ' , ; I m a personal message to CSEA that a national stamp exhibition; p,esident Joseph F. Feily. exThe measure was endorsed will be held at the Albany Insti-, pressed his appreciation to the by the Civil Service Employees tute of History and Art. 125 As^sociation for its work in behalf Association and sponsored by Sen. Frank E. VanLare (RWashington Avenue. Albany, New of the 20-hour reduction. Monroe) and Assemblyman York, on Saturday and Sunday. | The Employees Association had Christian H. Armbruster (RApril 28 and 29. | been in the forefront of the battle Westchester). The bill extends to reduce the troopers' work week Tlie exhibition is being held by, , since 1956 when the Legislature to each city, town, village and school district authority to the Fort Orange Stamp Club' Club mandated a 40-hour week for all whose membership is composed of ^ other police agencies In the State. close its public offices on Saturday — the same authorsome 110 men interested in phil- At that time, troopers were averity previously granted to the ately (stamp collecting to the un- aging 109 work hours a week. In State and counties. initiated) residing in the Capital 1959. their weekly tour of duty was shortened to 60 hours. District Area, many of whom are State employees and members of When It Starts the CSEA. Mr. McGrath is an Cornelius told The Leader that associate attorney in the Depart- the shortened work week would go ment of Taxation and Finance into effect as soon as the newly(Continued on Page 16) authorized troopers could be recruited, trained and put on the job. "We would hope to accomplish it by the latter part of the current fiscal year or the early part ELMIRA, April 2—Elmira city of the next fiscal year," he said. councilmen, at the request of the In numerous meetings with the EUnira City Chapter, CSEA, tentA choice of dates and a choice Governor and his department of places to travel are avail- heads prior to and during tlie atively have agreed to increase the able to members of the West- just-concluded session of the Leg- mileage reimbursement for city ern and Capital District Con- islature, Feily continually stressed employes using their own cars on the Immediate need for the reducferences of the Civil Service tion of work hours. In October, at official business. The City Council tentatively Employees Association. Hawaii a special conference with Rockeaicnase tiie race from and Euroi)e are featured this feller, Feily carried word with him a year, space is going fast and that more than 1,000 delegates 8 to 10-cents-a-mile in the new you sliould make your plans im- attending the CSEA's 51st annual 1962 buJget. City Manager Carl Sanford mediately. See details on Page meeting had given the reduced work week resolution their unani- said tlie CSEA chapter had asked 14, mous support. for a 12-cent-a-mile rate. Albany Club Sets Infl. Stamp Show Travel On Your Mind? 10c Mileage Planned For Elmira Aides The Civil Service Employees Association scored s m a s h i n g victories in t h e closing hours of t h e 1962 Legislature in Albany last week. Two of t h e most cherished employee bills on t h e CSEA legislative program—elimination of t h e so-called ' d e a t h gamble" a n d m a n d a t e d grievance m a c h i n e r y for local public employees—passed both houses in 11th h o u r actions. Here are Leader press time reports on both measures. Grievance Plan OKd 'Death Gamble' Is Eliminated (Special to The Leader) ALBANY, April 2 — A bill m a n d a t i n g grievance m a c h i n ery for t h e State's political subdivisions—the Number One goal of t h e County Division of t h e Civil Service Employees Association — passed both houses of t h e Legislature late last week despite last ditch union e f f o r t s to t h w a r t t h e measure. T h e legislation, Introduced by Sen. Ernest Hatfield (RPoughkeepsie) for t h e E m ployees Association, sped t h r o u g h t h e Assembly Friday a f t e r h e a t e d debate t h e p r e vious day on t h e Senate floor. If approved by Governor Rockefeller, the measure, drafted and sponsored by the CSEA, takes effect next October 1. It applies to all political subdivisions in the State having 100 or more full time employees, with the exception of New York City. Three Stages Under tlie bill, the political subdivisions are given one and a half within which to establish their own grievance procedures, appropriate to their own needs and constituting of at least three (Continued on Page 16) (Special to The Leader) ALBANY, April 2 — A jubila n t Civil Service Employees Association scored a m a j o r legislative victory in t h e closing hours of t h e 1962 Legislature last week when b o t h houses gave their s t a m p of approval to a CSEA bill to eliminate t h e so-called ' d e a t h gamble" f r o m t h e S t a t e R e t i r e m e n t System. The measure, one of t h e most eagerly sought pieces of legislation a m o n g t h e 100,000 local a n d s t a t e m e m b e r s of t h e Employees Association, was d r a f t e d and sponsored by CSEA. It now goes to Governor Rockefeller for signature. Comptroller A r t h u r Levitt h a s urged approval of t h e bill. Choice Offered The legislation will allow survivors of the employees in the Retirement System, who die while in service beyond their retirement age, to choose between the ordinary death benefit or the reserve for service retirement, whichever is greater. The CSEA bill was introduced by Sen. Dunton S. Peterson (ROdessa) and Assemblyman Guy L. Marvin (R-Greene.) The fate of the measure hung Correcffon fire until nearly the end of the The date of the annual dinner session. It had gained Senate apof the St. Lawrence County chap- proval earlier but was stalled in ter, Civil Service Employees Asso- ' the Assembly Rules Committee. ciation, was erroneously given as ' Only in the last hours was It May 19 in last week's Leader. The released for A.ssembly action. correct date is M^y 12. Pinal plans I Notice of approval reached The and location will be announced ^ Leader on deadline. Details, there! later, according to a Chapter i fore, will have to be reported in a future issue. repiesentative. CIVIL Page Sixteen The Veteran's Counselor SERVICE LEADER St. George Unit Of State Aides In City Meets Tuesday, April 8, 1962 Your Public Relations IQ The St. a«orge Association chapter no. 83, of New York State employees in New York City, held By LEO J. MARGOLIN a meeting recently at the St. George Hotel In Bi'ooklyn. Tlie group heard the report of Its <Mr. Margolin Is Adjunct Professor of Public Relations ui cne nominating committee, and .set By FRANK V. VOTTO New York University School of Public Administration and is a vice'* May 8 as the date for installing Dir., N.Y.8. DIv. Vet's AffMin president of the public relations firm of Martial & Company, Inc.) Questions on veterane' tnd lervicemens' rirhta wU) b« answered new officers. In this column or by mail by the Stat« Division of Veterans' Affairs. The Installation will be held at Address questions to Military Editor, The Leader, 97 Doane Street, the Shavey Lee restaurant In Chinatown. Reservations for It New York 7. N. T. INTELLIGENT PUBLIC rela- Ills findings should be enlightencan be made by calling Kay York, 80 Centre St., CO 7-9800, Ext. tions go hand-ln hand with sim- ing. In 16 years as a Government Questions Answered 624. ple, ddrect, understandable com- editor, he has come to some tenmunications. Failure to make one- tative conclusions, and has used Are present servicemen cover- jects must be above the high .•rylM self understood Is a major cause some Interesting i-ules to guide ed by rovernment life insurance? school level, however. of bad public relations. himself. Not unless they have policies Does the VA still operate a hosIssued before April 25. 1951, which pital at Fort Logan, Colorado? MANY GOVERNMENT agenFOB EXAMPLE, he follows, No, the hospital, buildings and they have kept in force. No mUlcies — and some very large busl- some rules set down by the late most of the grounds have been tary service since December 31, nes« organizations — are eligible George Oi-well, British novelist 1958, has entitled a serviceman turned over to the state and Is for good public relations by their and political essayist: no longer a VA Installation. or woman to government life inachievements in the public InI am a widow of a deceased WW Burance. However, those separat• NEVER use a flpfure of speech terest, but strike out by bad comed from active service with a n veteran, and have been told I which you are used to seeing In munications. service-connected disability may may be eligible for death pension, print. ALL OF WHICH makes the apply to VA for special "RH" in- but not death compensation. What • NEVER use a long word U.S. Labor Department's Career surance. This Is the only goveni- is the difference? where a short one will do. Dependent sm-vivors may be eliSeiTice Award to Lawrence R ment life Insui-ance contract that Klein more significant. The honIs issued on current military ser- gible for death, or dependency • IF IT Is possible to cut a and Indemnity, compensation if vice. The New Rochelle Civil Ser- or went to the editor of tlie De- word out, cut It out. Is there a deadline by which a the veteran's death is the result vice Commission ha.s sche- partment's "Labor Review" for of a service-incurred disability. • NEVER use the passive where beneficiary of a veteran's GI induled a n examination for t h e suggesting that he study GovernDeath pension is paid if the death you oan use the active. ment wi'iting extensively and then surance policy should flic to obposition of police p a t r o l m a n was from causes not connected reconnnend ways to Improve It. tain the bisurance payment? • NEVER use a foreign phrase, with the veteran's service. There in t h e City of New Rochelle, There is no time limit for a AS A PUBIJC relations profes- I a scientific word or a jargon word Is a diffeernce in rates of pay- open to residents of Westbeneflciai7 to apply for the prochester, Bronx, Nassau, P u t - sional. we have always been i if you oan think of an evei^day ment. ceeds of a veteran's policy. Usun a m , a n d Rockland Counties strongly opposed to Government equivalent. What happens to a veteran's ally, the VA sends the proper who m e e t t h e qualifications gobbledygook. Murkiness of ex• BREAK any of tliese mlea foi-ms to the beneficiai-y of record National Service Life Insurance if for t h e position. pression, double talk, or just plain sooner than say anything outhe neglects to name a beneficiary upon learning of the veteran's Candidates must be graduates bad writing 111 befits a democracy ^ right barbarous. death. But there is no limiting to collect the proceeds after his • FOR ALL those who deal in death? Do the funds remain in the of a standard senior high i-chool or where lota of light sliould be date for payment. words — and that means eveiyspread around for all the people i Treasury? must possess a high school equivCan a nonserviceconnected body — Mr. Klein's findings will If no beneficiai-y has been des- alency diploma issued by the Uni- to see, rVorld War 11 veteran still under- ignated, or none Is alive at the be required reading. We are cerversity of the State of New York MR. KLEIN is planning to take tain his results will lead to better take educational courses under the time of the insuied's death, the or a G.E.D. certificate issued by the a year oflf to make his study and public relations all around. go-called Gl Bill? proceeds are payable In one lump Armed Forces of the United States, All educational rights for non sum to his estate. acceptable by the University of the service connected World War n How does the VA define "child" State of New York. vetex-ans have now expii'ed. for the purposes of death penThe salary range for the povsiThe VA hospital where I was sion? tion is $5,240 to $6,300 a year. Cantreated years ago wants me to Tlie term "child" means a per- didates must have reached their return for a recheck, in connec- son unmarried and under 18 years 21st birthday on the date of applition with a medical research proj- of age, or under 21 yesaa of age cation and must not have passed ect. Will this affect my compen- If pursuing a course of Instruction their 32nd birthday on the date of sation? approved by the VA, or of any age appointment. A minimum height No. A research po'ojeot has if the VA determines that tlie of 5'8" and perfect eyesight withnothing to do with compensation. child became pennanently incapa- out glasses are required. You can make a valuable con- ble of self-support by reason of Applications and complete Intribution to medical science by physical or mental defect prior formation may be obtained from returning to the hospital for re- to age 18. the New Rochelle Civil Service examination. Commission, 52 Wlldcllff Road. I'm a wartime veteran but not New Rochelle, New York. NE 2a service-connected one. Is it posApprentices in mechanical trades a r e being offered 2021. The closing date for filing sible the government might pay career-conditional positions paying $78.40 a week a t t h e applications Is April 27. 1962. the cost of my transportation to Brooklyn Navy Yard. Council PresldenI ft VA hospital for treatment? There art no qualificatior or exYes, if you ai'e financially unS i a r l s M o n t h l y l l i ' p o r t perience requirements. The only able to pay for the transportation Council President Paul R. Scre- requirement is to pass the test. C i t y N e e d s and secui-e from the VA authorivane has announced plans for a It will contan questions designed Seven diflterent cashier ex- series of once-a-month reports via to measure aptitude for learning sation IN ADVANCE for the Dockbuilders a m i n a t i o n s are now open for radio and television beginning and performing the job's duties. travel. t h e flUng of applications in The full title of the exam is "apAre those who fought in the Wednesday, April 4. He will in$ 9 , 3 0 0 Mexican Border campaign against Nassau County. Included are augurate his monthly Council prentice (fli-st year) mechanical A t Villa in 1916 eligible for veterans, both open competitive a n d President's Report over Municipal ti'ades." Complete information on The City of New York needs promotion tests. Applications stations WUHP (TV Channel 31) it li In Announcement No. 2-1-1 benefits? 24 dockbuilders a t the p r e s e n t Tliey aie eligible to receive a will be accepted until April 20 at 7:30 p.m. and WNYC radio at (1962). buiial flag at the time of death. for all seven. 8:30. The announcement and appli- time, a n d is offering t h e m Although other beneflts have been Council President Screvane will cation forms are available from $37.20 a day for 250 days of The open competitive tests are: proposed In Congress, no legisla- cashier (which pays from $3,785 have as his guest on this premiere most post offices (except the work ($9,300 a y e a r ) . And a d tion for benefits has resulted. to $4,830 a year) and pennlt cash- program, Eric J. Ti'eulich. Vice- main post office in Manhattan); ditional vacancies are e x c e p t Must an eligible war orphan ier (starting at $4,620). Chalrman and Majority Leader of from the Executive Secretary, attend college to take advantage Boatd of U.S. Civil Service Ex- ed to occur in t h e f u t u r e . The promotion tests are: cash- the New York City Council. Dockbuilders must have five of the War Orphans Education ier (same salary as above), permit aminers, New York Naval ShipAssistance act? yard, Navy Base, Brooklyn 1: years of experience doing carcashier (starting at $4,190), senior Named Visitor No. Vocational training and oth- cashier ($4,400 to $5,600), tax and from the Second U.S. Civil pentry and repair work on docks, ALBANY, April 2 — Cover- Service Region office, 220 East piers, bulkheads and feriy terer subjects that will help toward cashier ($4,620 to $5,900), and minals. Included In therl duties a career are permitted. All sub- senior tax cashier ^starting at nor Rockefeller has renamed 42 St., New York 17. Clai-e C. Rossell of Syracuse to are manning a pile driver or float$5,930). the Board of Visitors of the SyraThe Trades ing derrick and towing timber Further information and applicuse State School. His term will CIVIL SKKVICB LEAUCa The apprenticeiihlp trades are: rafts. Anieiioa'a Leading Newimarazlnc cation forms are available from expire Dec. 31, 1968. (or I'ubllo Eoiployeea A physical test will be given and Blacksmith, boatbullder, boilerI.BAUEK PtBI.ICAllONS. IHC. the Nassau County Civil Service will count for 30 per cent of the maker, coppersmith, electrician, 91 Unaii* St., New York T. N. V. Commission, 54 Mineola Blvd., T«lepboiie> B K t k m u S-tiOlO Renamed To Post electrician (power plant), elec- final grade. A practical test will Eutred M ieooud'ClMi matter October Mlneola, N. Y. 8, 1V30 at the poet offlc* at New tronic* mechanics, joiner, machin- count for the other 70 per cent. ALBANY. AprU 2 Prank TarU, N. T. and BriUveport, Conn.. Applications will be accepted A. Mmray of Ogdensburg has been ist, machinist (marine), molder, BBder the Act of March 8, 1879 If ember ot A adit Bureau of Clrculationa FREE BOOKLET by 1). 8. Got- feappoinrted « member of the painter, patternmaker, pipe cover- fl-om April 4 to 24 at the ApplicaSwbeerlption Prlre $4JI0 Pw VMU ernment on Social Security. Bfall Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Au- t r and insulator, pipefitter, rigger, tions Section of the Department Individual ooi»lea, lOe BEAU Tba I.Mider •very week only. Leader, 97 Duaue Street. thority for A term expiring Jan. sallmaker, sheetmrtal worker, of Personnel, 96 Duane St.. New tor M l Uvi»«r(uiilUe« New Yerk 7. N. Y.' 1, 1967. The poiitdoo ii unsalaried. •hipfitter, shipwright and welder. York 7, N.Y. A Deserved Award Policemen Sought In New Roihelle Seven Cashier Tests Open In Nassau County Mechaniial Trade ApprentkesSough AtNavYYanl;$78 Tuesday, April 3, 1962 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Page Thr«« Junsdktiott on Changeov For Broome County Stho Distrkts Said Diffitult ( F r o m Leader Correspondent) BINGHAMTON, April 2—The Broome C o u n t y Civil Service Commission experienced some difficulty in t a k i n g over jurisdiction of n o n - t e a c h i n g employees of county school districts l a s t year because school officials w e r e u n f a m i l i a r with local Civil Service procedures. Subsequently, difficulties be—— tween the commission and school payrolls, filling of po&itions and officials were overcome through other matters. a series of meetings. "The school districts had Just This information came from not been through it (the new proHugh J. Heffern, a Binghamton cedures) and it was an educalawyer who is commission presi- tional process on their as well as dent. our part to acquaint them with The commission's 1961 report Civil Service procedures locally," T h e Palisades Interstate PRESENTED CODE Eugene H. Nickerson. right. Nas ^ was submitted to the Broome he said. P a r k Commission, Bear Moun"When the problems were exCounty Board of Supervisors. In sau County Executive, recently was presented a copy of the "Code of the Civil Servant" as a gift from Nassau County chapter, Civil Service It, A. Taylor Lord, executive sec- plained—ours to them and theirs tain c h a p t e r of t h e Civil SerEmployees Assn. Irving Flaumenbaum, chapter president, makes retary of the commission, said: to us—there came about an un- vice Employees Association, "In the beginning, we encoun- derstanding" and "complete co- will hold a dinner-dance a t the presentation. tered difficulty in obtaining the operation with the school districts necessary cooperations f r o m throughout the county," Mr. Hef- t h e Platzl B r a h a u s , L a d e n town, on April 7 a t 7:30 p.m. school administrators in order to fern said. Officers of the local Chapter According to Mr. Taylor's reeffectively administer the Civil port, the State Department of are: Angelo J. Donato, president; Service program." Civil Service had been unable to Gerald W. Borra, treasurer; and Service Point Changed do a good job of administering Elizabeth Jayne Geen, secretary. Asked to comment on this, Mr. the Civil Service procedures In To Honor Retirees Heffern said: school systems because of Inade"The non-teaching employees of quate staff. The Chapter will honor at the ( F r o m Leader Correspondent) the school districts had always "When this commission was meeting: Abe Conklln, Thomas MINEOLA, April 2—The Nassau C h a p t e r , Civil Service been serviced out of Albany. Employees Association, aided by its recently-adopted payroll When the Legislature saw fit to directed to do the job, we found Clark, John Gelst, George Malller records Inadequate and inaccurate and Ernest Riedel, who have rededuction plan, is n e a r i n g t h e 6,000 m a r k i n m e m b e r s h i p . turn the employees over to the in most schools," Mr. Taylor said. tired from State Service within Irvinff Flaumenbaum, president County Civil Service Commission New Practices the past year. of the chapter, reported this week 223 of the Old County Courthouse. for service, it meant a complete After initial difficulties had Elizabeth J. Green, Chapter that more than 4,000 county The offices is staffed by Mrs. changeover in the submission of been cleared up through a series committee chairman, stated that workers are now enrolled in the Marie Carlni of Franklin Square, of conferences, the "situation was tickets may be obtained from any chapter, with nearly 2,000 other a former county employee. improved," he said. Records kept of the following committeemen: members from the towns, cities, Mr. Flaumenbaum praised the by schools now include "a roster Vincent Bell, Gerald Borra, Max^villages, special districts and " w o n d e r f u l cooperation" of card and personal file on each well Davidson, Angelo Donato, school districts in Nassau. County Executive Eugenett Nicknon-teaching employee and each Frank Forman, John Green, Jr., The payroll deduction system, erson and the members of the school now submits payrolls to James Gunn, Gene Herrington, which will go into effect this board of superivsors for their aid this office for certification," he Joseph Humphrey, Michael Leach, month, simplifies the chapter's in setting up the headquarters. OGDENSBURG, April 2 — Fire said. Joseph Martin, Betsey Rose, Harry dues collection problem and makes The office telephone is Pioneer Chief Francis R. Cadieux, who The total number of non-teach- E. Rose, Eve Rose, and Walter It easier to both get and keep 2-300, extension 2180. The office helped spearhead a drive last year members. The deduction system, is being used by John Corcoran against a mayor's plan to make ing school district employees un- Stout, or by contacting any Park allowing for the purchase of spe- Jr., Long Island field representa- city fire fighters "safety officers", der the jurisdiction of the County Stout, or by contacting any park cial CSEA Insurance, also at- tive, CSEA, and other CSEA and has retired. He had been head of Civil Service Commission is 1,052. foreman. Tlie affair is open to tht tracts new members. insurance company representa- the department since 1937. Succeeding him is the assistant chief, To handle the payroll deduction tives to put the payroll duductlon Henry Montroy. The new chief has and allied plans into effect. paperwork and to provide a heada temporary appointment and will Similar payroll deduction sys- be required to take a civil service quarters for the Insurance solicitations, the county administration tems in the townships are expected examination for his probationary designation later this year. has set up a CSEA office in Room to follow next month. Bear Mountain CSEA Unit To Meet April 7 Nassau CSEA Membership Heading Toward 6,000; Co-operation Is Cited Leader Against Safety Officer Plan Retires Syracuse CSEA Defends Property Appraisers; Private Surveys Cited (From Leader Correspondent) SYRACUSE, April 2—Syracuse C h a p t e r , pivil Service Employees Association, h a s come t o the defense of appraisers who valued property on Syracuse's S o u t h Side, which is being •^appropriated by t h e s t a t e f o r construction of I n t e r s t a t e Highway 81 t h r o u g h t h e city. In a resolution adopted unanimously, the Chapter declared the passed bills giving the owners of competent private consulting apSyracuse property owners are be- seized property $300 towards mov- praisers and not by the personnel ing "unfair" in accusing the ap- ing expenses, prorating taxes up of the Department of Public praisers of "high-handed meth- to the date the property Is ap- Works. ods" and of setting values of prop- propriated and providing for pay"All appraisals made by private erty low. ments up to 80 per cent of the or state employees must be based Also, the chapter declared, the estimated value of the property upon true market value backed by appraisals were made by i Ivate in advance of the final settle- comparable sales in the area. appraisers affiliated with private ment. "Many of the complaints arose flrma, not by state employes. Commenting on the widely-pub- from expenses, such as forced And, most of the complaints licized plan to send appraisers to moving, apportionment of taxes, dealt with other items than the schools to study new appraising closing costs on purchases of new value of property, the chapter methods, the chapter said the homes and the difficulty of obpointed out. school proposal was advanced be- taining loans by older persons, fore the Syracuse complaint de- which the state is not authorized Governor Involved The property owners com- veloped. to pay." plained directly to Governor Resolution'! Point's Rockefeller last month when he The resolution said. In part: FOB THE BEST IN j In Syracuse. As a result, both "The appraisals made on the South Side were made by fully HOMES — SEE PAfiE 11 f HIGHWAY QUEEN —— Barbara Greene, a stenorrapher in the Brookhaven Town Highway Department It shown being congratulated on her selection as a queen candidate to represent the Highway chapter of the Civil Service Employees Association Ui the queen contest to be held at the Lonr Island Civil Servlc* Employees Show and Exposition. The Exposition will be held in th« Commaok Arena, Commack, Long Island, on April 13, 14 and 15* Congratulatluf Miss Greene is Charles W. Barraud, Brookhaven Tows Highway Superintendent. The Town of Brookahvea is planninr a disjj^ay In the Exposition, which la sponsored b j the Lonf Island Com" aiittee •( the MetropoUtaa Conference, CSEA. CIVIL Page Sixteen S E R V I C E Tuesday, April 8, 1 9 6 2 L E A D E R Where to Apply For Public Jobs The followiiiK directions tell Where to apply for public ,lob« and how to reach destinations in New Yorii City on the transit •ystem. NEW YORK CITY-Thc Applications Section ol the New York City Department of Personnel Is located at 9(5 Duane St., New York 7, N.Y. (Manhattan). II is two blocks iiorth of City Hall, just wes' of Broadway, across from The Leader office. Hours are 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. Closed Saturdays except to answer Inquiries from 9 to 12 A.M. Telephone COrtland 7-8880 Mailed requests for application blanks must include a stamped ielf-addressed business-size envelope. Mailed application form.s must be sent to the Personnel Department, including the specified filing fee in the form of a check or money-order, at least five days before the closing date for filing applications. This is to allow time for handling and for the Department to contact the applicant in his application Jfi incomplete. The Applications Section of the Personnel Department is near the Chambers Street stop of the main subway lines that go through the area. These are the IRT 7th Avenue Line and the IND 8th Avenue Line. The IRt Lexington Avenue Line stop to use is the Brooklyn Bridge stop and the BMT Brighton Local's stop is City Hall. All are but a few block-s from the Personnel Department. Dletv Police Chief ISamed at Brooklyn Army Terminal Jesse La Due, civilian employee at Brooklyn Army Terminal, has been named chief of the Terminal's civilian policemen, succeeding the late David J. Malarkey. • * • Postman Cited By City Fire Commissioner Michael Paciullo, a mail carrier with the Post Office, was recently awarded a certificate of merit by New York City Fire Commissioner Edward Thompson. Sean P. Keating, regional director of the Post Office, attended the ceremony in the Fire Commissioner's office. Paciullo received the award for meritorious duty performed at a fire at 1755 Seward Avenue, the Bronx, a little after five o'clock in the morning of March 20, 1962. He rescued two small children who were dangerously exposed to fire on the second floor of the He made these re.^x;ues at JESSE Imminent peril to his life before Cliief La Due has been at the the arrival of Fire Department Terminal as a soldier, watchman apparatus, according to Commissioner Thompson. and policeman since 1930. • * • As Chief, he supervises a force of approximately 50. Their duties Retirement Ends ISavy cover the entire Terminal area Career of 43 Years and include regular security A Navy career of over 43 years checks of many sections. came to an end recently when • » * Miss M. Grace Siegmann, assisPostmasters tant employee relations division supervisor at the Supervising InTold They Must spector of Naval Material, North- Leatr STATE — PU-st floor at 270 '-Take The Post Office Department, Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.. corner of Chambers St. telephone as the largest civilian employer BArclay 7-1816; Governor Alfred in government, "must take the E. Smith State Office Building and lead" in carrying out President The State Campus, Albany; State ! Kennedy's Executive Order forOffice Building, Buffalo; Room mally recognizing unions in the 100 at 155 West Main Street, j federal service. Postmaster GenerRochester (Wednesdays only): I al J. Edward Day said recently. and 141 James St., Syracuse (first I At a meeting in the Hotel New and third Tuesdays of each I Yorker, Mr. Day personally urged more than 100 postmasters from month. Any of these addresses may be seven states in New York and New used for jobs with the State. Tiie England to observe both the letter State's New York City Office is aqd spii'it of the President's two blocks south on Broadway order, which he termed "the most from the City Personnel Depart- important enunciation of federal ment's Broadway entrance, so the policy in the area of laborgame transportation Instructions manage relations since the Lloydapply. Mailed applications need LaPollette Act of 1912." "It is in your bailiwick—the innot include return envelopes. dividual post offices—that most Candidates may obtain applications for State jobs from local offices of the New York State Employment Sei-vice. FEDERAL. — Second U.S. Civil Service Region Office, News Building, 220 East 42nd Street (at 2nd Ave.), New York 17, N. Y., just .west of the United Nations building. Take the IRT Lexington Ave. Line to Grand Central and walk two blocks east, or take the shuttle from Times Square to Grand Central or the IRT Queens-PlushIng train from any point on the line to the Grand Central stop. Hours are 8:30 AJ^, to 6 P.M. Monday through Friday. Tele{hone number Is YU 0-2626. Applications are also obtainable at main post offices, except the New York. N.Y., Post Office. Boards of examiners at the parlloular Installations offering the tests also may be applied to for further information and appllcallon forms. No return envelopes required with maUed requests tot application forms. management - employee problems arise," Mr. Day told the postmasters. "Your familiarity with the Piesidential Order and the actions you take that come under it will in large part determine how successfully its directives are discharged." LPNs Needed Filing continues for positions a s licensed practical nurses a t Kingsbridge Vetera n ' s Administration Hospital in t h e Bronx. T h e hospital is convenient to t h e Broadway a n d J e r o m e Ave. subways as well aa t h e I n d e p e n d e n t Sixth Ave. lines, hospital officials point out. In addition to the subway lines listed above, the hospital can be reached by three Bronx bus lines. Licensed practical nm'ses start at $3,760 a year, and applicants must have successfully completed a full-time program of study In practical nursing approved by a legaUy designated state approving body. Applications and additional Information can be obtained by the TREE BOOKLET by U. S. Gov- Placement Officer at the Veterans •mment on Social Seouriiy. Mall Administration Hospital. 130 West taly. Leader, 97 Duaoe Street. Kingsbridge Road, Bronx 38, New Kew York 1, N. Y. York. CARRIER CITED — Postmaster Robert K. Chrlstenberry is shown presenting an official award to carrier Michael A. Paciullo of Soundview Post Office Station in recognition of a special act of bravery, in assisting the rescue of two children and an elderly man from a fire recently. Lookingr on, at left, is Philip Lepper, Prrsideni of Branch 36, National Association of Letter Carriers. eastern, retired from the Federa? Service. Highlight of retirement ceremonies was a testimonial dinner • • i • B i )t the Gramercy Park Hotel, attended by high ranking Navy officials, co-workers, and manyretired employees. READERS OF THE LEADER B i Who Never Finished I HIGH SCHOOL " H I • ore are invited invited to to write write for for FREE FREE booklet. booklet. Tells Tells how how you vou con earn a Diploma or Equivalency Certificate. AT HOME IN SPARE TIME AMEJtlCAN S C H O O L , Dpt. 9 A P - 3 S 130 W. 42nd St.. New York 86, N.V. Call BRyant 0 1 6 0 4 Day or M e h t Send me your free 55-page High School Booklet. Name Address City _ Zone Age Apt. State OUR 65th YEAR ACCIDENTS take a TERRIBLE TOLL yt SICKNESS accounts lor 70% of all disabllltiesi It's a fact, cach year millions of Americans lose billiotis of dollars in lost wages as a result of accidents and sickness. Statistics show that 1 out of 3 people will be disabled before age 65, and approximately 1,000 people are perrnancndy disabled due to accidents alone each day! The C.S.E.A. Accident and Sickness Insurance program administered by Ter Bush & Powell, Inc., ofTei-s this vital protection to any active C.S.E.A. member. Over 38,000 employees arc already covered and many have received benefits which total'millions of dollars. Enroll now in the C.S.E.A. Accident and Sickness Plan and provide an income if an accident or lickness disables you. Call or write us today. An experienced hisurunce counselor in our Civil Service Department will give you full details. H/», WSWELL, INC. ^mmc^ l / J C»qt«a ftbantehirfy 1, N.Y. • f f M k k 4 0 T I 1 • Albw»y f - 9 0 ) } l l l b f W g * iMg.; lirfNIs t , N.Y. • M o t i o n I M S • 4 1 Modlton Ave., N«w YMk N.Y. • Hill t - f W f \7, tkmvi V •I • CIVIL Tuesday, April 3, 1 9 6 2 S E R V I C E L E A D E RPageThr«« Army Has Jobs Open in Cify for Computer Aides Transportation Terminal Conir mand, Atlantic, l«t Avenue and 58th Street, Brooklyn 60, New York, or call Qedney 9-5400 K«tension 2105. Vacancies exist for digital computer progFTwiuners at $6,435 to $7,426 a year, and digital computer systems analysts, at $7,560 to $8,860 a year, for duty with the U.S. Army Oversea Supply Agency. Apllcants selected will be scheduled for the five week 7070 and 1401 Pi'ogramming Training Course at contractor's school. Salary will be paid while attending school. For additional information and application: apply to the Civilian Personnel Division, U. S. Army Hospital Needs Stock Clerk The Veterans Administration Hospital, 800 Poly Place, Brooklyn 28, New York, has a vacancy for an inventory or stock control clerk, GS-4, preferably with • knowledge of key punch operations. Salary from $4,040 to $4,670 a year is offered. For further Information, vWt or write the Personnel Office ftl hospital, or call Mrs. Baron ftt TE 6-6600, Extension 389. T h e R e c o r d P r o v e s T h e V a l u e of O u r Training! Thollsanf1^ upon thousand! of men ami women have benefited greatly by DELEHANTY SPECIALIZED INSTRUCTION, Many who •uocestfully prepared here lor their first Civil Service exame have come back RPain and awain to itndy for promotion. Tliey have risen etep by etep to attalp top supervtsory and «Iniiniatrativ« positions in grovernmental •ervioe. Why risk failure and frustration u well aa time and money on hlt-or-mise do-lt-youraelf methods when expert fuidanoe can be yoiira? Attend any Delehanty CIas» ihat Infereeti you . . . be our ruegt, tliere is no charge and no obUsration. If yon then wish to enroll you may pay our moderate f r e in instalments to suit your biidiret. FAREWELL PARTY — shown at a recent farewell party given in her honor Is Mrs. lienors E. Bauer, principal account clerk, who retired from the Psychiatric Institute after many years of State service. With her are, from left: C. O'Connel, treasurer, Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene; Dr. Paul Uoch, Mental Hygiene Commissioner; and Dr. Lawrence C. Kolb, director of the Psychiatric Institute. Edmatiott or Experiente Positions as treasury e n f o r c e m e n t a g e n t s , with t h e U.S. G o v e r n m e n t are open now for filing, acording to t h e Board of U.S. Civil Service Examiner. These positions are located in New York S t a t e with t h e Alcohol a n d Tobacco Tax Division of t h e I n t e r n a l Revenue Service, t h e U.S. Secret Service, t h e Bureau of Narcotics and t h e Bureau of Customs. Applications will be accepted until t h e neds of t h e service have been met. ~~ Tlie application form and copy President of the United States and criminal investigative work An adof Announcement No. 2-55-11 his family. Most agents carry ditional year of criminal investi( 1962), or ii.formation as to I firearms and are required to be gative work is required for grade i\lu'ie they may be obtained can proficient in their use. Applicants GS-7. Appropriate educational subbe secured in any post office in must possess a valid automobile stitution for experience is provided New York State except New York driver's license. A rigid physical up to a maximum cf three years. N.Y.; Second U. S. Civil Service examination will be made by a Superior academic achievement Region. The News Building, 220 federal medical officer before will be given additional credit. A East 42nd Street, New York 17, appointment, the cost of which complete six year law course may N. Y.; and the Board of U. S. Civil must be borne by the applicant. be substituted for all of the experiFor grade GS-5, three years of ence required. Such education Service Examiners, Internal Reappropriate experience is required must be completed within nine venue Service, U. S. Tieasury Department. Room 1107, 90 C h u r c h with a minimum of two years in months of filing application. Street. New York. N. Y. | Treasury agents conduct investigations of crimiiKil activities and DO NOT BUY . . . UNTIL APRIL 15th apprehend persons involved in ilThat is the date when the legal activities concerning illicit GOVERNMENT CAREER EXAMINATION distilleries, counterfeiting plants, narcotics, contraband, etc. Some' SERIES (GCES) accurate may be assigned to guarding the • Electronics Men Sought to $2.98 I r The U. S. Army istallation at Fort Totten on Long Island is accepting applications for the • pasition of electronic equipment installer and repairmen at W-7. W-9 and W-11 $2.57, S2.78 and $2.98 per hour respectively. Duty locution is tlie Guided Mi.shile (Nike> Repair Shop. North ' Belhnore, L. I. | For details concerning experi- j ence requirements and duties. | contact the Executive Secretary. Board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, Headquarters Port Totten, Flushing 59, L. I., and ask for • n n u n c e m e n t No. 2-37-1 • 62) which will be open until April 24. MOTOR VEHICLE LICENSE EXAMINER SALARIES ''TnrZpVx' ' $5p000 to $ 6 , 1 5 0 a Yr. MEN 21 to 40 (Veterans Older) MINIMUM HGT. 5 Ptet 7 Inehei VISION: 20/40 each Eye with Glaisei PermiHed DUTIES: Test applicants for choHffeHrs and operators licenses and! investigate violations of Vehicle and Traffic Laws. Our Course Prepares for OfFiciol Written Test Classes In ManhaHan TUES. & FRIDAY at 6:30 P.M. Treasury Men Being Recruited By Coyernment appears with its initial dynamic Home Study Course volumes: Appiieotiont Close Apr. 9! N.Y. Stat* Written Exom May 12 for ^Zl uthenlic Authoritative CLERK (available April 15th) MAINTAINER'S HELPER. GROUP A (Apr. 15) MAINTAINER'S HELPER. GROUP C (Apr. 15) SENIOR CLERK (May 15th) SUPERVISING CLERK (May ISth) SENIOR STENOGRAPHER (May 15th) SUPERVISING STENOGRAPHER (May 15th) Unusual Opportunity for Men & Women of All AgesI High School or Equivalent plus 1 Year of Office Experience or College Qualifies for N.Y. City Exam July 7—Many Fine Positions as CLERKS - $77 to $98 a Week Advancement en Merit to Supervisory ft Admlnistrotive Careers Full Civil Service Benefits including Pension, Social Security, etc. Prepare at Our Classes Now Meeting in Manhattan & Jamaica MANHATTAN: WED. at 6 P.M. or THURS. at 5:15 P.M. Classes Meet at 126 East 13th Street JAMAICA; PRI. at 6:15 P.M. at 91-24 168th Street PATROLMAN-$7,615 After Only 3 Years PREPARE FOR NEW EXAM TO BE HELD SHORTLY Application tiiuj' be proriirt'd ami tllcii miu. Mrn who are appolnttMl vvUI be required to live in N.¥. City, Nai4>itn ..r Westclu'ster Counties hut there U no resilience requirement at time of miplicHtlon. Hinlniiim lleislit: S ft. 8 In., inquire for complete detalli. Thorough Preparation for Written & Physical Exams Start Training Without Delay MANHATTAN: TUES. I PRI. at 1:15. 5:30 or 7:30 P.M. JAMAICA: MON. & WED, ot 7 P.M. HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA NiH'fjod by Non-Oraduatei of Hisii School for Many Civil Service Bxnmi 5 Wceli Coiiree. Prepare for EXAMS cnmiucteij by N Y. State Etept. of Ed. ENROLL NOW for Classes in Manhattan or Jamaica ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN! REGISTRJITION LIMITEDI Prepare for OCT. N.Y. CITY LICENSE EXAMS for • REFRIGERATION MACHINE OPERATOR CLASSES START THURSDAY. APRIL 12 at 7 P.M. • STATIONARY ENGINEER CLASSES START MONDAY. APRIL 30 at 7 P.M. Expert Instruction • Moderate Fees Poyable in Instalments File Application Before April 6—Wr/ffen Test May 26! NO EXPERIENCE IS NECESSARY! Numerous Career Appointments for Men & Women 17 Yrs. Up including June High School Graduates CLERKS-T $62.1®'""r" $83,?? FULL CIVIL SERVICE BENEFITS. PENSION & SOCIAL SECURITY Our Course Prepares Thoroughly for Official Written Exam Classes In Manhattan: MON. & PRI. at 5:30 and 7:30 P.M. Prepare NOW for July 7th Promotional Exams for SENIOR & SUPERVISING CLERK T»ur exitm ilute hue been delliiltely •(•!. ANY ORI.AY IN KTAKTINO I'KKPAR.ATION WILL SERIOUHI.T IMPAIR VOIR CHANIK OF 8l!CtES8t MANHATTAN: WED. at 6 P.M. or THURS. at 5:15 P.M. Classes Meet at 126 East 13th Street JAMAICA; PRI.. 6:15 P.M. at yi-24 168th St. Specialiied Gymnasium Classes in Manhattan & Jamaica for SANITATION MAN Candidates Improve Your Rating t Be Appointed As Much As 2 Years Earllerl Supervised trainitif In our ipecially equipped gyninaaiuuta ahiouid enable you to improve 10 f* ur more before the oaiclfii Kxami Moderate Fee • lusttilmcniit. POST OFFICE CLERK-CARRIER BOOK ATTENTION: Svnior-Supervisor Crude CuniUihUfs Oe sale et our offices er by mail. No C.O.D.'s. Refund IR Tlie Sfiiiur-SiiiKMAiAor Gruile huoks iiu-lude h •pei-ial Beetiuii oji Siiperviiiioii, Atlministnitiua and ()r|;uuizatioii, •iippli'iiifiited bf nuiiieroiis i]ui*i«ti«>ii« and answer* of tli« actnal exaiiiiiiation typa. MARK THE DATE: APRIL 15th. 1962! Available at book stores everywhere, or order direct: Make Your Career with CIVIL SERVICE PUBLISHING CORP. 132 Livingston Str««t Brooklyn 1. N. Y. ULstor 2-8601 In 8 days if not satisfied. Send chech or money ord. r. V O C A T I O N A L jy^.'w COURSES DRAFTING AUTO MECHANICS ManliHttao A Jamaica Long Ulauii City TV SERVICE t REPAIR Mauhattaa The DELEHANTY INSTITUTE MANHATTAN: 111 l A S T IS S T R U T P k e M GR 3 < * f 0 f J A M A I C A i f . 2 i M I R t l C K BLVD.. b e t . J a M « l « « & H i l l s i d e A v e * . MI'GN MIIN ru rKI e .A.M • I'.M -11UIHBD ON •ATIIKUAV* CIVIL Page Sixteen SERVICE Social Security J L X i A D E R Below are questions )n Social Security problems sent in by our readers and answered by » legal Member Audit Bureau of Circulations expert In the field. Anyone with Published eicry Tuesday by a question on Social Security LEADER PUBLICATIONS. INC. 17 Duan. Sfree*. Ntw York 7. N. Y. r'-kman 3-6010 should write it out and send it to Jerry Finlielstein, Consulting Publisher the Social Security Editor, Civil Paul Kyer. Editor Joe Ueasy, Jr., City EditoService Leader, 97 Duane St., New Gary Stewart, Associate Editor N. H . Mager, Business Manager York 7. N. Y. ALBANY - Joseph T. Rellew - 303 So. Manning Blvd., IV 2-5474 Amertca'g Largest WeelUy for PubUe EmployeeB K.IN(;ST()N. N.Y. — Charles Andrews - 239 Wall Street, FEderal 8-8350 lOo per copy. Subscription Price $2.22 to members of tbe Civil Service Employees Association. $4.00 to non-members. TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 1962 | CSEA Rides Home With Two Big Wins T HE Civil Service Employees Association h a s done it again! With only h o u r s to go, this 100,000-member organization Bcored two of its most impressive victories as t h e 1962 Legisl a t u r e raced to a close last week. T h e smashing, h o m e s t r e t c h r u n — w h i c h h a d been p r e ceeded by such accomplishments as a salary increase for all S t a t e employees, a 40-hour work week for S t a t e troopers a n d o t h e r i m p o r t a n t measure?—brought CSEA success in establishing m a n d a t e d grievance m a c h i n e r y for local public employees a n d eliminating t h e so-called " d e a t h gamble" f r o m t h e S t a t e R e t i r e m e n t System. Let t h e r e be no doubt about it; t h e f a t e of both measures was u n c e r t a i n until t h e very last h o u r s of t h e session. There were m a n y persons responsible for t h e two l a s t - m i n u t e victories b u t this newspaper feels t h a t S e n a t e Majority Leader Walter Mahoney lent o u t s t a n d i n g — a n d m u c h needed—supp o r t to both bills. I n defending t h e grievance m a c h i n e r y m e a s u r e f r o m u n w a r r a n t e d a t t a c k s on t h e floor of t h e Senate, h e not only improved t h e bill's chances of passage b u t followed u p his pledge of last year to "see t h i s bill t h r o u g h to completion." At this writing, t h e final CSEA score c a n n o t be totaled a n d reported on yet. B u t again, one m u s t be impressed by the f a c t t h a t 100,000 employees in State, city, town, village a n d school districts have again been represented with efficiency, courage—and success. Tuesday, April 8, 1962 LEADER Civil Service LAW YOU By HAROLD L. HERZSTEIN: IJCi ssteln Is • member of the New ¥orh bar (The views expressed in this column are those of the writer and not necessarily constitute the views of this newspaper or of any receive organization.) account reported all my Will the statement I about my social security show how much has been by each employer for working years? No. The statement will show your total earnings under social security. It will show, separately, how much of this was earned before 1950 and how much from 1951 on. Itwill also give you a yearly analysis for the last three years. By checking these totals against your own records you can tell whether all your earnings have been correctly reported If the totals on the statement do not agree with your records, contact your local social security office promptly. • * « Criminal Law IT IS RARE for a civil service controversy to be prosecuted In the criminal law. When that happens, we stand up and take notice; and quietly await the result. That happened in Schenectady County this year. Now, we have the result, and I will give it to you. THE GRAND JURY of Schenectady County recently indicted the three members of the Schenectady County Civil Service Commission, under Section 1841 of the Penal Law. In brief, that Section provides that any public officer of whom a legal duty is required, who wilfully neglects to perform such legal duty is guilty of a misdemeanor. DID THE commissioners "willfully" neglect to perform a duty? The Schenectady County Court said that they had. On the defendants' motion to dismiss the indictment, the Com't denied that motion and wrote, as follows: The first count in the indictment charges the defendant Commissioners with failure to give timely examination to civil service employees who were already serving their provisional appointments. THE COURT then added: Later and at the time of the trial both the prosecution and defense will have ample opportunity to present both sides of the case. For this reason defendants' motion to dismiss Count One is denied. If I became disabled, how long must I have worked under Social Security in order to qualify for benefits? Roughly, you must have worked AT BAT in employment or self-employment covered by Social Security THAT MEANT that the defendants had to be tried on Count One. in at least five years out of the Judge Archibald C. Wemple, stated his reason in plain language and ten just before you became dis- gave a picture of what he thought the trial might be about. He wrote: abled. The main issue here is simple and clear cut. The supreme issue * • • relates to the guilt or innocence of the defendants in the perI work for the State of New York formance of their duties of holding or providing for the holding as an attorney and I am not covof examinations. . . . The defendants are entitled to their "day in ered by social security in my prescourt" on this question. In the trial court the status and holdover ent position. I have a small pracof provisional appointees in other counties may be pertinent, the tice that I run from my home and explanation of the delays in examinations in Schenectady County earn about $1,000 annually from it. certainly will have bearing, and in general the facts related to Can I pay social security taxes on performance of duties by these defendants or their lack of such the earnings from my self-employperformance will be properly resolved on all the evidence presented ment? before a jury in a fair and impartial trial. It is mandatory for a person THE RESULT earning $400 or over from selfTHAT MEANT the indictment charging violation of the Civil Service empIoymenH to pay social security Law was good, and it also meant that the defendants, the commistaxes. sioners, could be tried for violating it. It did not mean that they • • • were guilty. I am 38 years old and disabled, THERE WAS a real hot trial about that in Schenectady a short and I think I can qualify for so- time ago. Mr. Harry Brodt, the Assistant District Attorney, a very able cial security disability payments, man with whom I discussed the case, prosecuted, and Mr. Harold but I have heard I would get a Blodgett, an experienced and excellent defense attorney, defended. A monthly payment that is much special Judge, Hon. Robert Johnson of Schoharie County, was called less than if I were age 65. in to handle the trial. The amount of your monthly AT THE end of the People's case ,the Judge directed a verdict of disability insurance payment is acquittal. He indicated that the indictment was based upon the failure the same as the amount of the to hold examinations for competitive positions; and that there was old-age insurance benefit you secretary and Samuel Brecher of Representatives of City, State no clear duty to hold them. The jury, of course, responded to the and Federal bureaus will form a the City Register's office as would get if you were already 65. Judge's direction, as they must. Consequently, the three membei's of * • * panel to discuss "How the Per- treasurer. the local civil service commission walked out of the court room free I have been told that I am men. •onnel Officer in an Operating "fully insured" by Social Security. Department Views the Central IT SEEMS to me that in the Civil Service Law there was a clear Does this mean I caa get the duty for defendants to have done something to alleviate the conditions Personnel Agency" on Tuesday, highest benefit? April 10. which precipitated the continuity of the provisional appointments. I No. Fully insured means that do not say that their failure or refusal constituted a crime. I pass on Meeting at the offices of the you have worked long enough to be Civil Service Law not Criminal Law. If the defendants have not or U. S. Civil Service Commission, 220 East 42 St.. the panelists will The Columbia Association of entitled to Social Security bene- will not take steps to remedy a bad situation, I know there is ample be: Mary O'Connor, personnel of- New York State Employees in the fits. The amount of your benefit room for compulsion in the Civil Service Law. ficer at the Army Pictorial Cen- Metropolitan area will hold a is determined by several thing ficer of the Thruway Authority, dinner dance at the roof terrace the amount of money you have iicer of the Thruway Authority of the Hotel Shelburne, Manhat- been earning, when you reach reftnd Joseph Rechetnick, person- tan, on May 6, according to Pas- tirement age and the length of disability benefits? I am now re- Disability benefits, your disability ceiving Social Security payments. must be of such severity that you nel director of the New York City quale Longarzo, chairman of the time you have worked under SoNo. To get Social Security Dis- are unable to engage in substanHousing Authority. committee In charge. ability benefits, your wife would tial gainful activity. This meeting is the third and Tickets are available from the cial Security. • • • final session sponsored Jointly by following committee members: need Social Seccurity credit for the Municipal Personnel Society, Josephine Bennett, Rita Calistro, How much work is required to at least five years of work under I worked off and on under Sothe Public Personnel Association Charles Carnival, Albert D'Antoni, be insured for Social Security Social Security. Since she has cial Security before I took a job •nd the Society for Personnel Ad- Anthony DeRosa, Lawrence Gi- payments? until she is age 62 to apply for not covered by Social Security. ministration. The purpose of the usto, Antoinette Infortunio, AnThe amount of work required to wife's benefits based on your So- How do I find out how many panel discussion is to attempt to gelo Lombardl and Alfred Same. be insured depends on when you credits I have? cial Se'^urity account. describe how each of the intergral Dominic DeRicco of Taxation • • « You should ask the Social Seunits involved in public person- and Finance, member of the board reach retirement age. A person I'm receiving 75 percent disabili- curity Administration for a statenel administration regards the of directors, will be awarded a who reached retirement age In other two. plaque for leadership and his keen 1956 or earlier needs about V/i ty pension from the Veterans Ad- ment of the earnings posted to Prior to the discu&sion, the interest In Columbianlsm and in years of work. One who reaches ministration. Also, the company your Social Security account. A Municipal Personnel Society will civic and community affairs. De- retirement age in 1962 needs about doctor where I used to work will special post card for requestinf hold election of officers. The nom- Ricco is also President of the 2 % years of work, and one who not permit me to return to work, this statement can be obtained inating committee has submitted State Tax Examiners Association. reaches retirement age in 1966 and I can't find a job anywhere from your Social Security office. the following slate of officers for Joseph M. AJello, Sr., president needs about S^i years of work. else. Can I get my Social Security The statement will be mailed di• « • the 1962-63 year: Morton S. Nagel- of the Association, has set a meetDisability benefits? rectly to you from our accountlnf berg of the Transit Authority as ; ing for Tuesday April 17, at 80 My wife is 42 years old, and we • Each disability program, govern- office in Baltimore. Maryland. This president; Max Saslow of the De- Centre Street, Room 659, at 5:15 partment of Personnel as vice- ! p.m. Members are urged to pay have no children. She has never ment or private, has its own dis- statement will show your earning* ^ president; Prances R. Goldberger , for reservations not later than worked under Social Security, but ability requirements. In order to and how many quarters of cover- ^ of the Department of Personnel as I this regular meeting. she Is disabled. Can she receive be entitled to the Social Security age you have. Three Personnel Off lies To Form Discussion Panel Stale Employees Columbia Group Sets Dinner Tuesday, April 10, 1 9 6 2 CIVIL S E R V I C E L E A D E R Heod Laundry Supervisors Needed at $96 Genesee ConunlMloiier ALBANY, Aprtl 2 — Robert B. Waters of Medina Is the newest member of the Oenesee State Park Commission, succeeding Sanford B. Church, whose term Head laundry supervisors are expired. Mr. Waters Is editor of needed for jobs at Attica Prison, the Medina Dally Journal-Regls- Syracuse State School and St. ter. Lawrence State Hospital, Ogdensburg. They get $96 a week to start and have five annual raises to $118. Men's Fine Clolhes • Factory To Wearer Applications stiould be filed by AprU as. Candidates should have four years' experience in large-scale commercial or Institutional laundries. Applications and additional In- SAVE ON NEW KELLY 250 POSITIONS AVAILABLE JULY 1st B E F O R I YOUR P H Y S I C A L I — VISIT — with New York City Government Agencies $270 Month to Start Auto Insurance Any Car - Any Age Driver ST, OEOROB POOL AS LOW AS MA 4-5000. Ext. D304 CLOTHES, inc. Oiitstandlnc ^meflt iiroftram Includes: ReKxInr snlary Inrrpanps, 4 w w k t paid vuration per r r u r . r a i d tick l«>ave and liolidayg and (lie nmny olliw attro«tiv« feature* of secure. Miinlripnl eniployinent. Hlgli Scliool or •qulvalener dtplnmn Is reqnlred prior to employment. For app4ieatloii blank or fui^her Information, ploas* ••ad ttamped, self-addressad onvolopo to: MR. NORRIS — AT — N. Y. C. PERSONNEL DEPT. (»i»en 7 Da^fa a Wfek 9 i Duanc S t r e e t KDDIB WHITE. Prop. $12 621 RIVER STREET TROY Cor. U9th St. & Hillside Ave. Jamaica AX 1-2229 LONG WHY SETTLE FOR LESS? Emigrant pays the highest bank dividends in New Yorl( State ISLAND CIVIL total per year LATEST QUARTERLY DIVIDEND regular, plue 0pecial> o a savings on depofil for four conseou* tive quarters pri* or to the dividend period. Are your savings earning tiie highest dividend that the State aUows? EMIGRANT, one of the world's largest mutual savings banks, hM paid consistently h i ^ dividenda through good times and bad. Your money on depodt in a savings bank, such as Emigrant, works for you—and you only! Open an account or make a deposit through April 1 3 t h . . . your dividends will start firom April Ist. AND SERVICE EMPLOYEES EXPOSITION APRIL COMMACK ARENA COMMACK PiUS fxfi'tf Dividend Days Every Montht Dividends From Day Of Deposit! Dividends 4 Times A Year! 13*14* IS VETERANS MEMORIAL H WAY LONG ISLAND, NEW YORK EMIGRANT MEET • THE CSEA BEAUTY QUEEN indusfriol MEET • 5th AVE. MODELS DRESSED TO THE QUEEN'S TASTE SAVINGS BANK 51 Chambers Street Opposite City Hail Park Open M o n . a u d FrL t o 6 P . M . S East 42nd Street (Aiiather eniraRM tO Ei$t 43r4 StrNt) Betwten Fifth and Madi»<m Avenu^ Open Mon. to 7 P.M., FrL to 6 P.M. 7tii Ave. a 31st Street ••I... • New York 7, N. Y. "CAREER EMPLOYMENT FOR COMMUNITY PLANNING Insurance Brokerage FOR THE BEST IN REAL ESTATE - PAGE 19 • Down Brook 2 blochs Ne. of Heesick St. Pass your copy of The Leader on to a non-member. High School Graduates (June '62 grads eligible) MEN'S MASSAGE STUDIO SPRING CLOTHES formation may be obtained from Recrultement Unit 76, New York State Department of Civil Service, The State CampuiT Albany 1, New York. CLERKS"••••—(Male & Female) FREE B O O K L E T by U. S. G o v - ernment on Social Security. Mall only. Leader. 97 Duane Street, New York 7, N. T. Page F i f l e e n Oppotit* Penn Station .OpenMon. sod Frl to6:80 P.M. • Without obRgotfon—itnd Oltrotur* OA fcow I <oa itoft bufldbt^ • good co»h r«i«rv« in on emlgronl Saving* Account I o« tnt*r«it«d IN O* G Indlvlduol A(«o«Mt O JoM AccovM O Trvi* ACMM* ^ or. Indoted b I. • b my nam* olone O in my nome b trvi a In my nome (oioHy with forward postbooli to O Ms. •to OPSA OA OCCOMt • fmr UAua (UM l*9i*t«rod Mol whM Mnding Mi* POPULAR TV & SCREEN STARS MEET* YOURSELF AS A TV STAR MEET* LOCAL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS FOK INFOMATION: L. I. CIVIL SERVICE SHOW AND EXPOSITION • o x 42. HUNTINGTON, NEW YORK t p e n w j lyi 10N» liUNO e O M M i n i l Of MITIOrOllTAN CONMHNCI, JTA1I, WIMTIR RSEINAK OTRCSIT INSURANOS EOMOIURIO« MEET* emi. m v i c i IMNOTIN ASSOCIATION 0SL-4T^ CIVIL Page Sixteen S E R V I C E L E A D E R File Continuously YHth City The Tjity of New York has 20 examinations for Jobs In various departments and locations, which are open for the filing of applications on a continuous basis. For most of the exams, applications are available at the Applications Section, New York City Department of Personnel. 96 Duane St., New York 7, N. Y. The titles, with salary ranges, are: Assistant accountant, $4,850 to $6,290. Assistant architect, $6,400 to $8,200 a year. Assistant civil engineer, $6,400 to $8,200 a year. Assistant mechanical engineer, $6,400 to $8,200 a year. Assistant plan examiner (buildings), $6,750 to $8,550 a year. Civil engineering draftsman, $5,190 to $5,590 a year. Dental hygienist, vJ,500 to $4,850 a year. Junior civil engineer, $5,150 to $6,590 a year. Junior electrical engineer, $5,150 to $6,590 a year. Occupational therapist, $4,250 to $5,330 a year. ALL CiVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES FAMILIES - RELATIVES - FRIENDS THE WEEK OF APRIL 9th HAS BEEN DESIGNTAED AS CIVIL SERVICE WEEK Patrolman, $6,133 to $7,616 a year. Public health nurse, $4,590 to $5,150 a year. Recreation leader, $4,550 to $5,990 a year. Senior street club worker, $5,150 to $6,590 a year. Social Investigator Trainee, $4,850 a year. Social case worker, $5,450 to $6,890. X-Ray technicial, $4,000 to $5,080 a year. Secretarial Jobs For the following secretarial jobs, apply to the Comrne-cial Office of the New York State Employment Service, 1 East 19th St.. Manhattan. After pa-sslng the test City application forms, whi h Ihey ANY NIGHT APRIL 9, 10, 11. 12 i Includes 3 % % a year regular plus lAVo a year special for money on deposit since January 16, 1961 L U N C H E O N DAILY I N THE O A K R O O M — 90c UP 12 TO 2:30 — FRKR PARKTNO IN R F \ R — 1060 MADISON AVE. ALBANY Phone IV 2-7864 or IV 2-9881 ATTACHED IS A COUPON FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE ALBANY Washington Ave. Albany, Thfidtrfi 9:30 P.M.—MON.-THUR. N.Y. Enclose Check or Money Order $1,25 — $1.50 YOUR PRICE! ADDRESS Performance DATE NOW! COLD BUFFETS. $2 UP FULL COURSE DINNERS. $2.50 UP A SPECIAL DISCOUNT O F 2 0 % WILL BE MADE TO EACH PERSON ATTENDING ONE OF THESE PERFORMANCES. NAME The Onondaga chapter of the cently at the Yates Hotel in SyraCivil Service Employees Associa- cuse. Leona Appel, chapter presition held its quarterly meeting re- dent, presided, and Ray Schumacher reported on the CSEA will the^ file at the Application dinner meeting, which was held Section of the Department of Per- in Albany. sonnel, 96 Duane St., Ntw York 7, More than 200 members of the N. Y. Chapter took part in the St. PatCollege secretarial assistant A, ricks dinner and dance at the North Room of the Yates hotel $3,700 to $5,100 a year. Stenographer, $3,500 to $4,580 recently, Arthur Kasson and Hilda Young were in charge of a year. Typist, $3,250 to $4,330 a year. arrangements and program. ACCOMMODATIONS FOR PARTIES. OUR C O T I L L I O N R O O M . SEATING 200 C O M F O R T A B L Y . MON. thru THUR. EVE'S. Onondciga Group Meets in Syracuse PETIT PARIS RESTAURANT FOR HELLMAN Tuesday, April 8, 1 9 6 2 Am't.. -No. of Tickets ( K K O r L A K I>RICE.S FOR TIIKSK I'KKFOKMANCKS |il.50-!|i'>.00) BRANCH OFFICE FOR INFORMATION r t e a n l i n g advortUing Please write or call JOSEPH T. BELLEW 303 s o MANNING BLVD. ALBANY 8. N . y . Phoone IV 3 B474 SPECIAL RATES for Civil Service EmplDyees' M A I N OFFICE 30 No. Ptarl St. P I N E HILLS O F F I C E >V*»tern Ave. ond West lowrence Sf, ALBANY SAVINGS BANK (Main Office) 2 0 No. Peorl St., Albany, N. Y. Enclosed !s $ open a savings account* Pleas* moil me my passbook. GET ACQUAINTED Q Individual A c c o u n t • J o i n t A c c o u n t with O Tru»t A c c o u n t Mr. Mn WITH. HOTEL Wellington DRIVE-IN Q A R A Q E AIR CONDtTIONINQ . TV No parking problems a t Albony'i lorgest hotel . . . with Albany'* only drive-In oarage. You'll like the comfort and convenience, tool Family rate*. Cocktail lounge. 136 STATE , (Use own first nam*) Misi.. Address.. City Zone State (If you tend cosh, pitase uie regittered mail) Member Federol Dipoilt Iniuronce Corporotion 40 STREET OfPOSITI S T A I I CAPITOL See yovr frhndly fravtl agent. SPECIAL WEEKLY FOR EXTENDED KATES STAYS MAYFLOWER • ROYAL COURT APARTMENTS — Furnished, Unfurnished, and Rooms. Phone HE. 4-1994, (Albany). ARCO Budget Term* NEW Arranged PATTERN IN I I K I R L O O M *X j ^ r d / i ^ SPECIAL SAVINGS d N SERVING PIECES tugar Spoon ^mon Pbrk '•bit Spoon, Pcd. •llyStrvar M MMt Fork •vyUdlt vnil B*t |.00 Now % S . 7 B Will Bt S 6.00 Now f S.78 .00 WillBtill.Op Now 9 8.29 WillB«$ 7.6) Now* 5.62 Will Bt $13.80 Now 910.12 Will B« $11.60 Now 910.12 I R I f A V I N Q PIECES ALSO AT S P I C I A L SAVINGtl b B limited tlmo offer to introduce the new ; pattern. Inquire about our •pedal 4 lor 3 iettlngs and placa letting pieces tool 'nde-fflirks of Onildi^ Uil. PUMI Incl. Ftd. Tu & Rosenthal, Inc. 10S CANAL STREET NEW YORK 2. N. Y. WAIk«r 5.75S7.8 CIVIL SERVICE BOOKS and all tests PLAZA BOOK SHOP 380 Broadway Albany. N. Y. Mail & Phone Orders Filled In Time of Need, Call M. W. TebbuffsSons 176Stote Albany 12 Colvin Aib«07 HO 3-2179 IV 9-0116 Albany 420 Kenwood Ddmar HE 9-2212 11 Elm Street Nassau 8-1231 Ov«r III y t o n of O h f l a u h M h a t r a l S«rvl<« I Cood Houseke*pin{ J r ^ANN PAGE P t f f « 160 NOODIES 1 LB PKC 33 Delicate yet hearty, extra flavorful. Delicious tossed with butter and grated cheese, ideal with pot roast, In casserole dishes, with creamed fish or chicken . . , •nd soJ[HRIFTYI .More Ann Page Valuesi Ditalini Macaroni Spaghetti Tomato Soup Preserves ANNPAGI ANNPAOI ANN PAOl STRAWBERRY A N N PAGE Super 2r LB 2 i l ^ 39^ 1 LB JAR 39' Markets AM|KI(4$ DIHINOABK FOOD MIRCHAHI SINCi !»$» TO BUT, RENT OB SELL A HOME PAGE 11 PilCIS IFflCTIVI IN ALIANY A i l A ONLY CIVIL Tuesday, April 3 , 1 9 6 2 Racing Chemists Cite Peterson of NYS Commission The Association of Official Racing Chemists, an international organization devoted to the advancement and exchange of scientific techniques employed in the detection of drugs in samples from race horses, presented its annual award to Harry Peterson chief chemist of the laboratory of the New York State Racing Commisfiioji Mr. Peterson, who has been Secretary-treasurer of the Association Bicice its incoption In 1947, Is also a member of long standing in the Civil Service Employees Association. The presentation of the awa; d "Was made in Los Angeles, California, where the Association v;as holding its 16th annual meeting at a joint session between the AORC and the National Association of State Racing Commissioners on March 6. S E R V I C E Page Thr«« AUTO INSURANCE YOU PAY OFF BUREAU RATES YES, 2 0 % O F F F O R ^ DRIVERS! YOU GET AN ADDITIONAL 10% DISCOUNT... .v^HCP YORK'S lAROCST StUCTIOH~. " L E A D E R mm BLAUPUNKT\ TELEFUNKENX NORDMENDE^ GRUNDIGx IF YOU QUALIFY UNDER THE BUREAU SAFE DRIVER PLAN. STATE-WIDE SUBSCRIBES TO THE BUREAU SAFE DRIVER PLAN "\\LpEWEx DON'T WAIT SALES a n d SERVICE GERMAN-TRAINED SPECIALISTS GERMAN Hi-FI CENTER TILL Y O U R P O L I C Y 1574 3rd AVE. (88fh ST.) AT 9-6609 EXPIRES! Look at your policy tonight! C h e c k the a m o u n t y o u p a y f o r Y O U R auto i n s u r a n c e . . . a n d Compare State-Wide's Low Rates BUY DIRECT AT DIAMOND CUTTING PLANT For the coverage required by New York State Compulsory Law for eligible l A O residents. (Suburban) OUEENS BROOKLYN BRONX NASSAU TrenieiKlouM Savinss — All SizrH ami Sliapi-H Available. Kliiiiinate All Itliddleinen CALL FOR APT. J U 6 - 6 9 81 L O A N S $25-$800 FOR FULL Y E A R Regardless of Present Debts DIAL "GIVE MEE" (Gl 8-3633) For Monty Freedom Finance Co. Prepare For Your $35-HIGH-$35 SCHOOL DIPLOMA //V 5 WEEKS OET your High School Equivalency Diploma which U the legal equivalent of 4 years of High School. Thi« OiitloDia it accepted for Civil Service po8itioni anJ ether purposei, ROBERTS SCfiOOL 517 W. 57th St., New York 19 PLaza 7-0300 Please send me FREE Information. HSL Name Addiess mty FREE BOOKLET by D. S. GOT•rnment on Social Security. Mall only. Leader, 17 Duano Street. New York 1. N. Y, Don't be a "scatter-money"! Stop PREMIUM where In t h e United States a n d C a n a d a . throwing money away needlessly. You've got t o have auto NEW, CONVENIENT STATE-WIDE SERVICE insurance. Why not g e t t h e best you can b u y - You c a n now finance your State-Wide p r e m i u m and save BIG M O N E Y a t t h e same t i m e ? State-Wide gives you dependable, fast, payments If you desire, up t o 8 monthly ins t a l l m e n t s — a t regular bank rates — W I T H N O fair claim service—and t h e policy covers you any- BROKER SERVICE CHARGES. ACT NOWl SAVE NOW! state-Wide insurance Company A Stock Company Jamaica:90-16 Sutphin Blvd., Jamaica 35 I. AX 1-3000 I Brooklyn: 2344 Flatbush Ave., Brooklyn 34 i CL 8-9100 I Bronx: 3560 White Plains Road, Bx. 67 I Kl 7-8200 I New York: 152 West 42nd St., New York 36 I BR 9-S20G I ^ ^ E IN...WRITE...OR PHONE Ple«se send me more Information with* out obngetlon..,no salesman will call. Nam*. Address. city. Phont. Pristnt Insuranet Company. f«r reiir Ceavtiftiic*—To strv* yo« b«H«r: JAMAICA OFPICI OPEN DAILY f A.M. to 9 P.M.—Sot. fill 4 IIOOKLVN AND MONX OPEN TUBS, k THURS. TILL f. SAT. TILL 4. NEW YORK P.M. DAILY. ( M C « p t Sat.l L4.1 CIVIL P i ^ e Ten S E R V I C E L E A D E R Tttesdaf, Aprfl S, 1 9 6 2 experience of which one year must have been in development and writing of specifications or estimating co&ts for construction, alteration and repair of buildings, will qualify. For further Information and application. Interested persons r ay call at Civilian Personnel DiTlie U.S. Army T r a n s p o r t a - vision at the Terminal, or phono tion C o m m a n d needs a n GEdney 9-5400, Extension 2111. a r c h i t e c t u r a l engineer to fill a G.S. 11 position, paying Professor Appointed $8,340 a n n u a l l y . T h e opening ALBANY, April 2 — Dr. Paul Is a t t h e Brooklyn Army T e r - Pettit, professor of English at the minal, First Ave. a n d 58th St., State College at Albany has been Brooklyn. appointed a member of the AdA degree In engineering, plus vlsoi-y Board of the Albany In3 years professional englneerlngstltute of History and Art. U.S. NeeJs IngiBeer; $8,340 REAL ESTATE GUARD CITED Lester Hopskins. center, of the State Education Department buildiue cuard staff, is shown being presented a ITS merit Farms For Sale - N.Y. Stat* WORLEY HEIGHTS HOMES Grand opening of the 3rd sec- VIIiiACrE Hotel. 15 rmi. larjre diuiiiB rm tion of Worley Heights Homes In •eatinr cap. 100, fully eqpt.. Miiall bar. Bloooming Grove, Monroe, N.Y., $Sn,500. Terms. Rec. Duncan Hincf. Terrific b a r r a t n . Colonial 8 rm home IV2 miles toward Washlngtonvllle •ward. Presenting the certificate and check Is Dr. on Route 208. renovated, 160 acres (Xeitile) barn, ideal beef ranch $16,500. Poultry f a r m . 50 Ewald B. Nyqulst, left, Deputy Commissioner of The new homes will have a acres, 3,000 cap. good 6 rin. honi» $5,500. 8 acres roreeons view. brooU, Education. Looking: on is Lewis P. Binns, Assis« touch of the futm'e with all the b a m irara*©, $3,000. W. F . FeiirHon, modern appliances for milady's tant Superintendent of the Education Buildinf. Realtor, Rt. 2 0 . SlooiiavUle, M Tel. convenience. All homes are on Centr»l Brldco 28S. large country sized plots of land f o r large freo catalogue. Washington with shrubbery, gi-een grass, etc., SEND County propertlej, all price*. Lyttle with a gorgeous Mt. view. Mr. Tex Agency. Greenwich 6, NY. Worley for many years a builder Fresh Air Country Homes. 2 of hundreds of beautiful homes is HEALTHY bedroom. 8 rooms on 2 acre«*. $ 8 0 0 the designer & builder of all moddown. Bal, £ Z terms, Bloodffood Realtor, els including Ranches, Split Lev46 W. Main, CobleskiU, NV. els & Cape Cods, all of which have fully electric kitchens and many other new innovations. Pric- Farms & Acreage - Ulster Co. es start at $13,100 with $400 down LARGE LIST OP COUNTRY P R O P E R T Y . .UartUa Lown, 8handeken, N.Y. on FHA controlled Mtge. Nineteen State Exams Open; 12 More Set T h e r e a r e some 30 open competitive e x a m i n a t i o n s open for filing now or scheduled to be opened within t h e n e x t few weeks by t h e New York S t a t e Civil Service Commission. T h r e e of t h e more popular s t a t e e x a m s a r e Included in t h e schedule. These a r e : stockroom worker, u n e m p l o y m e n t Insurance c l a i m s clerks a n d women's correction officer. To apply f o r t h e m , a f t e r t h e opening d a t e given, c o n t a c t t h e S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service, a t T h e S t a t e Campus i n Albany, or 270 Broadway i n New York City. The exams are listed below by title, test number, salary range, • Senior welfare representative open for filing until May 21, and and opening and closing dates. (medical), 8112, $7,740 to $9,360. announcements and application Open Now • Consultant on eye health, forms will be available on April The following exams, unless 8113, $7,000 to $8,480. 13. otherwise noted, will be held on • Hospital administrative of• Associate publicity agent, May 26. and the last day to apply ficer, 8115, $12,330 to $14,583. 8087, $9,030 to $10,860. for tiiem is April 23. • Senior building electrical enOpening on April 13 • Senior sanitary engineer, The following exams will be gineer. 8116, $9,030 to $10,860. 0894, $9,030 to $10,860 (State • Food service manager, 8117, residence not requiied). $5,940 to $7,220. • Head laundry supervisor, • Mental health representative 8096, $5,020 to $6,150. (alcoholism), 1188, $8,580 to • Assistant valuation engineer, $10,340. (closes May 7), 8097, $7,360 to • Associate attorney, 8119, $8,910 (State residence not re$11,120 to $13,230. quired • Associate attorney Insur• Stockroom worker, 8099, ance) $11,120 to $13,230. $3,100 to $3,875. • Senior attorney (securities), • eSnior attorney (realty), 8100 The State of New York Is seek- $9,030 to $10,860. $9,030 to $10,360. ing teachers for institutions • Horticulture specialist, 8122, • Account clerk-stenographer, throughout the state. These posl- to fill horticulture inspector jobs Mohawk Valley Association (open tions begin at $5,020 and are for at $5,320 to $6,500 and horticul<i(to residents of Fulton, Mont- teachers in all fields of educaturist jobs at $4,760 to $5,840. goinery and Schenectady coun- tion. • Milk accounts examiner ties). 8492, $3,800 a year. No written test la required. trainee, 8123, trainee salary Ratings will be made from In- $4,490. Closing May 7 • Assistant plumbing engineer, formation given by applicants in • Women's corectlon officer, training and experience questlon8104, $7,360 to $8,910. 8124, $4,760 to $5,840. • Railroad equipment inspector, airea. An oral test may be given • Traffic and park officer. Long to candidates who qualify on the 8105, $5,940 to $7,220. Island State Parle Commission, • eSnlor civil engineer, 8106, basis of the questionnaire. 8126, $5,020 to $6,150 (open to $9,030 to $10,860. Vacancies are in t h t Departresidents of Nassau and Suffolk • E&tate tax examiner, 8107, ments of Correction. Health, MenCounty). $5,620 to $6,850. tal Hygiene and Social Welfare. • Assistant hospital adminis• Housing management repreMinimum requirements for intrator trainee, Tompkins County sentative, 8108, $8,580 to $10,340. stitution teachers are college • Property manager, 8109, graduation and completion of the Hospital, Ithaca, 8521, $5,330. Teach In Institutions GET THE ARCO STUDY BOOK FEDERAL SERVICE EXAMS Simple Study Material EXAM QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS TO HELP YOU PASS HIGH ON YOUR TEST $4.00 LEADER BOOK STORE 97 Duano St., New York 7, N . Y. Name Address City Stato -S5,020 $7,740 to $9,860. • Unemployment insurance •lalms clerk. 8900,, $3,800 to $4,720. Clotiing May 21, No Residency Required • Assistant director of mental hygiene social woiker, 8102, $9,030 necessary teaching requirements for ths provisional State teaching certificate. Senior institution teachers must havs a permanent teaching certificate and two years of experience. Applications and further In$0 $10,860. formation may bo obtained from • Medical record librarian, 8110, the Recruitment Unit, New York 14,490 to $5,530. State Department of Civil Ser• Senior medical record libra- vice, Box 13, The State Campus, rian, Bill, $5,620 to $6,850. Albany I, N. Y. Court Reporters Meet April 13 The Association of Official Court Reporters of the City of New York will meet on Friday, April 18, at the offices of The Machine Reporters, Room 1902, 154 Nassau Street, New York City, i t 9 p.m. Matter of current interest to the reporting profeesion will be discussed. If you want lo know what's liappening to you to your chances of promotion to your job to your next raise and similar matters! FOLLOW THE LEADER REGULARLY! , Here Is tho newspaper that tells you about what Is happening in civil aervlco, what Is happening to tho Job you have and tho Job you want Make auro you don't misa a single Issue. Enter your sub•cription now. ^ ^^ „ The price Is $4.00. That brings you 82 Issues of tho Civil Service Leader, filled with tho government Job new® you want. You can subscribe on the coupon below: CIVIL SIRViCI LBADM 17 Duoao Stroot Now York 7, Now York X enclose $4.00 (check or money order) for a year's subscription to tho Civil Servlco Loader. Please enter tho namo listed below: NAME •(••••••M'StartiacMsvttatt***^* ADDRESS MB* cmr a-* • • • • • • « • • » • • « • • • •'••I*-*** •'•«!«'«'•'•'• a Z O N B Tuesday, April 3, 1 9 6 2 C I V I L L E A D E R Page ESTATE REAL HOMES S E R V I C E Thr«« VALrES CALL BE 3-6010 LONG L O N G ISLAND ISLAND LONG THE ADVERTISERS IN THIS SECTION HAVE ALL PLEDGED TO THE SHARK ISLAND EY-BROWN LAW ON HOUSING INTEGRATED 4 OFFICES READY TO SERVE YOU! Call For Appointmenf VACANT—MOVE RIGHT I N ~ P A Y LIKE RENT SPRAWLING, 6 room ranchcap* and garage, detached on tremendous 100x100 corner plot, extra building let Included. A modern home boasting of 4 rooms and bath down, plus 2 rooms up, located nr. everything. $650 cash and you move in till closing. 17 South Franklin St. HEMPSTEAD ESTATE L I Q U I D A T I O N LEGAL 2 - F A M I L Y 6 ROOMS and bath up, 5 rooms and bath down. Central location. G.I. NO CASH DOWN CIV. 500 CASH DOWN M A 3-3800 135-19 R O C K A W A Y BLVD so. OZONE PARK J A 9-4400 S O . O Z O N E PARK $12,990 • • J A 3-3377 OPEN TO ALL J AMAICA JMIVIMIVM t k . J k . J k . J k . J k AX 7-7900 A . A Includes down payment and closing fees. This unusual, excellent home In So. Ozone P a r k offers 7 big rooms with 3 bedrooms. Only $13,990. BE FIRST TO SEE IT CALL NOW AX 7-2111 E. J. DAVID REALTY CORP. 159-11 Hillsside Ave., Jamaica Open 7 Days a Week SUBURBAN IVj HAZEL B. GRAY S O U T H O Z O N E PARK BUNGALOW • • • • • 5 Spacious Rooms Completely Redecorated Modern Kitchen Ideal for Newly-Weds Veteran's Administration Approval • 6 1 NO CASH DOWN • $85 PER MONTH TO BANK $400 CASH CORNER OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK PL 7-9600 Home & Business - Upstate Home A buaiueaa, lirenae, b a r , r e a t u r a u t , cuuntrjr Inn, hotel lirenaa, b a r , r e a U u r a n t 168-33 LIBERTY AVE. JAMAICA ruuina. In bua. AX 1-5858 - 9 Farms — D e l a w a r e Co. FULL PRICE $5500 Villaga home. 8 rnis. 2 b a t h i . M o r k e t i , churohen, t p o r t i aiul KY b i u within 9 blouka. Chtiup taxe*. Uaiullton Blty, S t a m f o r d . NY. SULLIVAN COUNTY — New York Stat* Dairy-Poultry (arnia. taverna, fioardini Houaea, Hotela. OwelliiiKa. H u n t i u f 4 Builiiinc Acreage. The Tegeler A|;eui.'jr Ino., JeHeraouvilla. New York. j j < OR. PARSONS BLVD. & Illl.f.SIDE AVE., JAMAICA CAMBRIA HGTS CAPE C O D Beautiful - family home, all master size bedrooms, deluxe kitchen, Hollywood bath, -jal ousie doors and windows. A-1 condition.- Inter-com. system throughout. 1 car garage, wall to wall carpet, 4 years old. $20,700 othar I & 2 family Hemes ^ . l a yra. MId-Uudaoa VaUey. m o a t aeU bcv. of illneaa. »<»\ Z48, e / o T H E LEADKK, 07 DUANE ST., N . y . 7, S.\. U p s t a t * Properties RIDINU KA.NCH, 100 acrea, near dtlea. Lidiia. 'Z ponda, Paddooka, club houw, Dtlioiiil mxe arena. 7 room modern bouie. I ' r u e f','6.000 Includea borBta, tack, traitor, hay wayona, farm equipuicut, kit<lirii (iiulpment. One third down phvni.i.i MOKT W I M l ' t B . UKAL'rOM. bluaii*\lilt, M.T. MII.E9 Next door to Seara-Koeburk, Ind. " E " or " F " train t o 169th St. Sta. r.^RKINO FROM MONROE. N. Y. Worley Heights 3-BEDROOM RANCH $13,100 $400 F. H. A. Down P a y m e n t and a u p r o x . $89 P E R MONTH Pays Principal, Interest & Taxoa WITH C E I X A R , SEWERS & WATER SPLIT LEVEL 80x170 f t . Homesitea $600 DOWN LARGER. FULLY INSULATED ELEC. KITCHENS. HOT WATER BASEBOARD HEAT. MANY OTHER FEATURES. BUS-R.R.-SCHOOLS-SHOI'PI NQ 66 Mins. f r o m N. Y. City line talte N.Y.S. T h r u w a y to Harrinian, Exit 16, then R o u t e 17 to Monroe E x i t , turn right on Route 808, Ifo 1M ml. towai-da WashluKtonville OR P r o m Lincoln Tunnel, taUe Route 3 New Jersey to Route 17 to Monroe Exit, t u r n r i e h t on R o u t e 280, ko milea towaiUa WaaUlngton- villa OR Georra Washington Bridife, Route i New Jersey to R o u t e 17, Monroe F x i t , t u r n right on R o u t e 208. go IVi milea t o w a r d s Waahiu^touvillo, to WORLEY HEIGHTS. INC. MONROR. N.Y. STORY 3-44r,f, W A N T A G H - (Nassau) Income itroin-ity. Leffal ii laiuiiy. I'rivate entruiict'ii, full bHUit, ~ car garage. Walk t o achoul: s t a l i u n . OWNEH, CAatle l-a73U. lUVfciUSlUl' UKIVE, IVk * a v i priTSU •partnipnu tot^rarlal. rurai«h»4 Ttt* talfw 7-411* CONVENIENT s OFFICES AT HEMPSTEAD & VICINITY G.I. NO CASH s DON'T WAIT A GOOD DEAL DUTCH COLONIAL 7 large rooms, newly decorated, 60 X 100 plot, patio, basement, oil heat and garage. Good area. $490 on contract. HEMPSTEAD COLONIIAL, 8 rooms, 4 down. 4 up in good condition in finest area with finished basement, oil heat and 2 car garage. $500 on contract. FREEPORT GRACIOUS LIVING EXTRA SPECIAL FOR VETERANS s GORGEOUS COLONIAL on corner plot, 50x100. This modern home is near everything with full basement, oil unit and 2-car garage. Top area, $500 on contract. HEMPSTEAD BUNGALOW, iVz rooms, 2 baths, garage, 80 x 100 plot, oil heat, basement, low tax. near everything. No Cash G.I. ROOSEVELT AND $15,000 On R o u t e 208. T E L . MONROE INTEGRATED LIVING In the Town ot Blooming- Grove ON ROUTE 208. A CORNER 2 G O O D BUYS 2 FAMILY Fully detached on 50x100 plot. Three up and 4 down newly decorated,- modern, kitchens and baths, oil heat, 12 years old, nr. schools and shoppint^. Many extras. $21,600 A Open 7 daya a week TIU 8 P.M. AX 1-5262 O^AA 143-01 HILLSIDE AVE. im Payment W O W ! 159-12 HILLSIDE AVE. JAMAICA This sprawling ranch located on a tree lined street. In fop drawer area. 6 immense sun-drenched roooms, full playroom basement area ready for finishing. Modern conomlcal gas hheat. All this topped off by fully landscaped front & rear gardens, plus Cadillac size garage. This wont last. Bring wife, discharge & deposit. Ask for B-367. ST. ALBANS 170-03 Hillside Ave. Jamaica, L. I. FREE Detached Ranch U Down J E M C O L REALTY 192.05 LINDEN BLVD. ST. ALBANS Fieidstone 1-1950 i *16,500 i $600 All Others No Cash Gl i i i i E-S-S-E-X kJ No CALL FOR APPT. HURRY St: Albans kJ G. Belford D. Harty Jr. DETACHED, 7 rooms, modern kitchen and bath, full basement, automatic heat, extras galore. Only $400 on contract. INTESRATED • A REAL BUY — DON'T PASS IT BY ONLY $500 D O W N — CALL N O W $36,900 FROM »;30 A.M. TO 8:30 P.M. • Detoched, lovely landscaped plot, 50x100, 2 separate entrances, 2 modern kitchens and baths —- oil heat, refrigerators, storms, screens, windows and doors. Second opt. rents for $125 — Your payment to bank $119.85 ~ So you live RENT FREEI HEMPSTEAD ALL 4 OFFICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK • WALK TO SUBWAY Custom Cape, brick, 4 bedrooina baths, flnUhed baHement with bar, !i car a u t o m a t i c garage, 70x3tj5 plot, a u t o m a t i c iprlnkler system, !20x40 ft. RwimmiiiK pool with bath hoUNe. Marble rIuhh Hollywood kitvlieii, enclosed patio. E x t r a s Include Washer, Dryer, Dishwasher, wallto-wall cariMt, 2 f r f c z e r s . Asking BETTER REALTY • LEGAL 2 FAMILY A DREAM! IV 9-5800 SPLIT LEVEL G . I . 200 Cash C i v . $600 Cash MAGNIFICENT home on over Va acre plot, 3 large bedrooms. Hollywood bath, cabinet lined kitchen, hugh living and dining rooms, family r«om, basement, garage and all appliances. Full price . . . $16,500 277 NASSAU ROAD ROOSEVELT SOUD BRICK 4 BEDROOM, brick 75x300 plot, finished basement, garage. Summer house on land. (24.500 ~ $3,000 Cash SMALL C A S H ST. ALBANS Mother & Daughter, sold brick bung, 5 rms down, 2 up and bath. Finished basement, 2 car garage. Asking $22,900 HOLLIS 4 bedrooms, stucco, IV2 baths, garage, oil heat. $19,500 INTEGRATED LIST REALTY CORP. OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 14 SOUTH FRANKLIN STREET, HEMPSTEAD. L. I. IV 9-8814-8815 Directiona: T a k e Southern State P a r k w a y under the bridge to South Franklin Street. Ext. 19, Peninsula Boulevard 135-30 ROCKAWAY BLVD., SO. OZONE PARK JA 9-S100 160-13 HILLSIDE AVE., JAMAICA OL 7-1034 OL 7-3838 BROOKLYN PROPERTY 2-FAMILY BRICK C r o w n Helghts-Flatbush Area Idnil f o r Civil HervHnte with good rrMlit, b e u u t i f u i houke with modern kitrhriiH and batha. Call owner. BU 7-7251 - Bet. 12 & 6 Wanted REAL ESTATE balfcuien or •aleiwomen, apply HAKTy, KI. 1-1950. CABIN Court. 8 unite aniall tea room partly eijuiPDnl, " 4 lane highway. l'ri'»-d to ^ell $«,0(i(t. W. K. Pearsou, Kt UU. Sluaii»ville. NY T e l : Central Bi'idge HOLLIS Luxury & Economy Detuchdd curitom biult rea with an auxiliary income, ^ a i n rie 8 rum, 4 bdrmi, 2-tone col tile b a t h moderu-atre kltch a 3 rnt p t ideal (or additional income with vrpa r a t e b a t h ft k i t c h . Excel luratinn cioKe to gchU & auper ahopiiiiig A only 5 min f r o m 8th Ave »iib. Onl.v 1)700 cash down. Live .iir.oiit retv f ' l e . SPRINGFIELD GDNS. A l l Brlch Ranch K yrs (lid. () rmM, Iiui»lii'I i-iiit, gii' Only $UI)0 ciitih il iv n L O N G ISLAND H O M E S HllUide Ave., UE W-7SM Junmlia CIVIL Page Sixteen SERVICE Tuesday, April 8, 1962 LEADER Men: No Experience Filing To Open This Week For Or Education Needed Senior Clerks For File Clerk Jobs Men without experience or education a r e being recruited by the Social Security Adm i n i s t r a t i o n to fill file clerk jobs in t h e A d m i n i s t r a t i o n office in New Yorlc City. These Jobs pay $67 weeMy to s t a r t . Duties of the position include the sorting and filing of claims interpretatlon. spelling and gram- Island; or from the Director, Secfolders and tiie sorting of incom- parlson, word meaning, reading ond Civil Service Region, 220 East 42 St., N. Y. 17, N. Y. They will ing correspondence. The work in- mar. volves considerable standing and Examinations for these positions also be available and accepted at bending and the carrying of claims will be given in Brooklyn, Jamaica the Social Security Administrafolders. and Manhattan. All applicants tion's office, 250 Hudson St., N.Y. This examination will not be must agree to fingerprinting at the time of the examination. used to fill other positions. Passing Mark A written test, taking about 2Va The passing mark for the examhours, will be given to test applicants aptitude for learning and ad- ination Will be 70 percent with a justing to the duties of the posi- minimum score demanded on the tion. It will include alphabetizing, first four sections of the examinaWatervllet Arsenal has a $1,computations and arithmetic tion. A minimum age of 18 years 335,640 work-order to make howreasoning, name and number com- Is required for filing for the test. itzers—and an urgent need for There ia no maxUnum age. skilled employees to do the work Applicants must be physically on tn.f and other wear'>n.i manuLKUAL NOTICB able to perform the duties of the facturing Jobs slated for the ArBALAH. MKSSAOUD BEN. al^o known a« MESHAI I) BEN SALLAH and MASSAUD position. Good distance vision In senal as the nation builds up its BEN S.M.I.AH.—File No. P 8B1, CITATION.—The People of the State of one eye and ability to read with conventional armament. New York, By the Grace of God Frpo and out strain all printed matter larger The Installation's most pressing Indoppn<l«inl. To BOUMHIDI BEN SALAH, namod in will a« Boumahdt Be.u Salah, than typewritten characters Is re- need is for 50 qualified machinists eAHRA J)RNT SALAH, HADOUCHK BENT SAI.AH, named In tho will aa KUadouzc quired. Hearing aids and artificial and 25 machine tool operators. Bent Saliiii. limbs will be allowed. Some posi- Other skills urgently needed to fill YOU ahf; hereby cited t o show CAUSE hefoce the Surrotrate's Coiut, New tions are also suitable for ampu- Impendilng orders are: toolmakers, York County, at Room 604 in the HaJl ot Records in the County of New York, Nnw tees and the deaf. However, any machine tool designers, tool and York, on .\i)ril 10. 1902. at ]():H0 A.M., physical condition which would gage checkers, heat treaters, and why a (S'Piain writing dated April 2!ind, 1863 wl>i(!li has been oKerpil for pro- cause the applicant to be a hazard production planners. Starting salbate b.v UAIVI ALI BEN MOHAMED and ABRAHAM MOHAMED residing at respec- to himself or others will cause dis- aries for these po.sitlon8 range tively 401 West 58th Street, New York. qualification. from $2.40 to $2.96 per hour. K»w Yorlt, and 331 - 13th Av(>niie. Newark, .Now Jersey, should not be proApplications may be obtained The Arsenal Employment Ofbated M the last Will and Testament, relating lo real and personal property, of from main post offices in Brook- fice will be open on Saturdays MESSAOf 1) BEN SALAH. aluo known !iii MESSAUn BEN SALLAH and MASSAUD lyn, Flushing, Jamaica, Long Is- from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., as well BBN SAIiLAU, DeceoJied, who wa* at tho time of bin death a reeldent of 334 West land City, Par Rockaway or Staten as during regular week-day work48tb Strfot. New York, in the County of ing hours, to receive applications. New York, New York. Watervliet Needs Over 100 Skilled Workers Dale Att'-Hted and Sealed. March 8. 1»03. HON. JOSEPH A. COX, (L.S.) Surrosrate. New York County. PHILIP A. DONAHUE, ' Clerk. LKOAL NOTICE r i l e No. PI00!!. 1002—CITATION — The People of the State of New York. By the Grace of <!od Kree and Independent, TO LOUIS .1. liEFKOWITZ, Attorney (General Of the siaiP of New York: THOMAS I. yiTZGKU V(,», Public Admlstrator of the County of New York; The heirs at law. next of kill and distributees of Paul Fiske Wlllard. ticceasiMl. if llvinf, wid If any of them l>« (lead, their heirs at law, next of kin, di.-<(ri>)utee!i. legatees, executors, administriitors, aHaigrnees and successors In Interest whose names are unknown and eannot )><• a8c«rtained a f t e r due diligence YOU ARK HEREBY CITED TO SHOW CAUSE liprore th« Surrogate's Court. New York Comity, at Room 604 In the Hall of Rpconls in the County of New York. New York, on April 80, 1962, at 10:30 A.M.. wliy a certain wrltinr dated October 30, IMOI which has been offei-ed for MObate by CHEMICAL BANK NEW YORK TRUST COMPANY, a corporation duly orcanisiod tinder the laws ot the Staii> of New Yorli. with i>rlncipal placf of btislness at I (>5 BtoiulwiK^. In the City. County and '^lattr oi New York, should not be probal^*!! tlu- last Will and Testament •f P A M , WniLARD, doccased, who was ;it (Up time of hie death ;t resident of 17 Wrfit 54 th Street, in the ^ u n l y of New York. New York. Ditlrcl, Adc led and Sealed. M a n h ll», lOU-J. L.S. HI IN. .lOSEPH A. COX Siirrosriite, New York County Philip A. Douahite, Clerk HYDK, -M XUOAUKT. — Pile No. P 1)02. 180';. < irATION. — The Peopls of the State of New York, By the Grafe of God Free hikI liulciiLndent. To Bridie Greeley, Patrlol; (lieelry. John Greeley, I'atrlck Joseph Ci-ecle); and to Margaret Conroy, Grat-e Cuiiro.v, iMary Conroy, Harry Conroy, John Conroy and Steven Conroy If livliiif. and if lluy bo dead, to their helm at l;iw, next of It ill and dlntributecs. whose tianuK and plini.s of reddence are unknown and aftor (ItliKcni inijitiry cannot Im ascertained ami if any of t h e n died siibsciiuciit to tho (l.i'ctli'iil iiercln. to their r e - p c i i v e •xscutom, iidininUtrators, leifatecii, devisees. ae-iiuiit'i'.ii and successors in inleiest all of whose naiiies and places of rosidencH ui" i.iiUnoun and cannot be ascertained, ii"'l to any other hell's at law ,tnd next of U.n of Marirarel Hyde, ilnciiih^'tl. Whose i>; ini's and places of ret^ldeiui: aio linkucwii. YOU AKE IIKREBY CITED TO SIIUW OAUSf; Ivfoiv tlie Surrogate s Court. Ni w York Coiii.'.y, at Room 504 In the Hall of lUoord* i.i tho County of New York, N. w York, on AmiI 17, 1062. at 10:80 A M . why a n i l , n i l writing dated May 7. 1050, which h.-.-,i ottered for probate by Bridle (Jf.-Uy. rc-idiuf at 337 East 82nd Street, N w York, New York, should not be prob.'s.l as the last Will and Testament, r r i a t m r to real and pfcr»ouul property, ot -Ma.Y^s'et Hyde, Decoa^ed, who was a( ti H itKU ot tasr death a resident •f 13ct \V(..t OOth Street, la the County •f New New York. Dated. Aii(«tt'd and Sealed, March 1, 1«0'4. HON H. SAMUEL DI FAf.CO. (lit.) SuiTKtsto. New York County. PHILIP A. DONAHUE, Clerk $6,210 Offered To Inspect Construction For Nassau County An open competitive examination for construction inspector jobs (Which pay from $5,340 to $6,308 a year), and a promotion test for senior construction inspector Jobs (at $6,210 to $7,980) are now open in Nassau County. Applications will be accepted for them until April 20 by the Nassau County Civil Service Commission, 54 Mineola Blvd., Mineola, N. Y. LROAL T h e r e are over 60 Jobs now open In various New York City d e p a r t m e n t s for senior clerks a n d m a n y more e x p e c t ed in t h e n e a r f u t u r e . Applications f o r t h e s e $4,000 to $5,080 a - y e a r Jobs will be accepted on a n open competitive a n d p r o motional basis f r o m April 5 to 25. Both an open competitive and a promotion exam will be given English usage, and interpretation for the Jobs. Thus, there will be of data. open' competitive, general proTo apply for the exam, canmotion and departmental promo- dldaets should contact, after April tion lists resulting fro mthe test- 4, the Application Section of tha ing. City Department of Personnel, 0S The te&t is scheduled for July Duane St.. New York 7, N.Y. 7, and applications will be accepted from April : to 24. High school graduation, or equivalency, and one year of fulltime office experience are required. One year of college education may be submitted for the experience requirement. The Public Health Service HosSenior clerks are eligible for pital on Staten Island has anpromotion to supervising clerk, a nounced examination for career$5,150 to $6,590-a-year position. conditional appointments to tha The duties of senior clerk.<5 Inpositions of electroencephalograph clude performing difficult and retechnician, GS-5, at $4,345 a year, sponsible clerical work, or assistand electroencephalograph teching in the performance of adnician, GS-4, at $4,040 a year. ministrative duty. Senior clerks Further information and applimay supervise subordinate emcation forms may be obtained ployees. from the Second U. S. Civil ServWritten Test ice Region. News Building, 220 The written test, which will East 42nd treet, New York 17, New probably be of the multiple-choice York, and the Executive Secretary, type, will be designed to deter- Board of U. S. Civil Service Exmine the candidates ability to aminers, U. S. Public Health Servperform the duties of the position. ice Hospital, Staten Island 4. New It may Include que.stions on York, or at any main post office, clerical procedures, supervisory except in Manhattan or Bronx. practices, government, vocabulary. New York City. Medical Techs Needed On Staten Island State Taking Application For Stocl( Cleric Position Starting At $63 Weekly NOTICB CITATION. — rax f'KOlM,K OV THE STATE OK NKW YOKK, By the Grace of Qod, Free and IndependMit. IX): Attorney General of the State of New York; Sa«he (<. I.aursen: Eva Petit Vorch; Clidle 1'. Rayfuae; Sadie P. Jforleyl Laura H. Steven*: Wilson De Baiim; and to "John Doe" the name "John Doe" beine: fictitious, the alletred husband of Tiaura O'Connor. aUo known a.s Laura fi, O'Connor and I.auia I.ord O'Connor, deceased, if livinif and it dea<l, to the oxocutors, adniini!jtratoii«, diatributecH and Huaisrns of "John Doe" det«ased, wlio^c names and post o&iiv addi-tMttes arc iin known and cannot after diligent inuuiry be ascertained by the i>ciitioner liermn; and to the dlBtrlbutec,H of Laura O'Connor also known as Laura h. O'Connor, and Laura Lord O'Connor, deceased, whose names and post ofUce a^lilrcHRes are tinknown and cannot after diliirent inauiry be ascertained by the petitioner herein: belnr the persons Interested us creditors, distributees or otherwise in tha estate of Laura O'Connor, also known as L a u r a L. O'Connor and I,aur.a O ' O n n o r , doceaoed. who at the time of her death was a resident of »18 Weit ulbt Street, New York. N.Y. Send CKIOKTINO: U|)on the petition of 'Hie I'liblio Aduiinistrator of the tUiunty of Ni w York, haviiiir his otUiv at Hall ol Kecords, Uoom 300. Borourh of .Manb.i lan. City ami County New York, iKlininislrator of the irooili, chattels and crediti* ot tiaid deceaed; You and each of you are hereby cited to show cause tjcfom the Surnnfalc's Court of Now York Coun'y, held at the Hail ot Uecoiils, In the County of New York, on tha 8tU day of May. lUt{!j, at half-past ten o'clock In the loronoon of that day, why the account ot proceedintfs ot The I'ublio Adniintstrator ot the County of New Y'ork, as athnlntslrator of the (oode, cliattals aud credits of said deceased, .should not b« judicially settled. IN TKSTIMONV WUKKl^Ol', Wo have caused the S'-al ot the Surroirate'e Court ot tlie said Ct»uuiy of New York to be hereunto atlixed. WITNESS, HON. JOSEPH A. COX, a Surroi;ate of our Coun ty, at the (Uiuuty ot Now York, the -iOtU day of March, In the year of our Lord one thousand aiue huudrotl and Hisiy-two. (leal) Hiilip A. Uonahtie". Clerk ot the Surrogate's Court Tliree positions in tlie s t o c k m a n class of New York S t a t e service are open f o r filingr until April 26. These positions—clothing clerk, storage clerk a n d m e c h a n i c a l stores clerk—require n o educational or experience background prior to filing. Salary for these jobs begins at $63 and increases, in annual steps, to $78 weekly. Tliese figures do not include the five-percent increase for State employees in the Fall. The examination will take placs on May 26 throughout the state. TYPWRITKR BAKGAIN3 Gomes & Novelties The exam will also be given in Smith $17,60 Cndei wood-$yJJ 60: ochrre Vuur 8CKA1IBLE needs our "MCliAUI.i:"• I'ettrl Bros., 4'il) Smith, Bkn, TK New York City, the State Civil Compact plastic turntable. Cli|is on. turna smuothly to each i>iayer. .No Service Commission reports. HKLH WANTKD: CASE SUl'KU VISOR^ more scrambled letters, spoiled kuiik s. GRADE B. ITBMC ASSISTANCH, Order NOW I $1,98 postpaid an.v lu re. Jobs are open throughout the ONTARIO COt'NTY. Salary range Money back if not delu-'liicd I 800 $5,100. Open to (lualillcd reNidi nta state in institutions, office build- SI'KCIAI-TY SALES OF N.Y.. Oe|it. f of New York siatc. K.tani. l«, 400'.' - Uth Ave.. Brooklyn »-.'. \ . \ . ings and other state operated lOfi!;. Last day for tllinsr applic'itnuie April 18. 19H:.'. Applii.ations and furfaoilities. ther inf'irmation available at the otlue of the ONTARIO COUNTY CIV'U HELP WANTED These "blue collar" workers opSKRVICE CO-SfMlS^ilON, COt RT HOUHB erate oftice machines, store, orCAN.^NDAIUUA. NKW YOR.C. MALE der and distribute supplies and CROWN HEIGHTS operate machinery in duplicating Flatbush Office Needs shops and tabulating equipment. No physical examination is giv- 4 Part Time or Full Time Real Estate en but .sufficient strength is required to meet the requirements of Salesmen K«i>erlenre not neoesssry. Apiilbuntthe Jobs. A general intelligence niust have drivers Hceuse and a cooil written te&t will be usu to find kuowltHise of Brooklyn kud the uhiiil.t (o learn. FuU tndaliig procruiiimr in position on the resulting eligible eluding salee, mortgafee and ln\t'»tiAddlnv MockiRM meiits. Interested appUeiints shoulil call list. Typewriters for a p p o i n t u e u l • • • Mimeographs Application are a v a i l a b l e • U 7.7250 Addressiag Macklnet at offices of the State Civil Service tiuaranteed. Also Kentals, Kevalre Commission throughout the state ' Applionet Strvlcet ALL LANAUAeiS or from the State Civil Service Salea & soivice reoond Utinti* .Stoves. TYPEWRiTII CO. .Mtchiues, combo emUs ( i i u r s n i r c a Commission's New York City of- Wash CH«1SM S-MHM Tlt.^Cy UKfUltiKKATlON—Cy t> 6U0O l i t W. tSrd ST.. NKH V O U I . N. f fice. 270 Broadway. N.Y. 7, N.Y. t l t t C Ht> St. A 1S04 Castle H<IU Af Bs Shoppers Service Guide 25 TKAC'I •KKVIVI.NQ 00 Kf. CIVIL Tuesday, April 10, 1 9 6 2 US Offers Finamial Analysts $6,435 to Start; $12,212 Top The U.S. Civil Service Commi.ssion h a s a n n o u n c e d a n exa m i n a t i o n for financial analyst for filling positions paying i r o m $6,435 to $12,210 a year in the Housing a n d Home F i n a n c e agency in Washington, D.C., a n d a t various locations t h r o u g h o u t t h e country and in P u e r t o Rico. No written test Is required. To q\ialify, applicants must have had appropriate experience including specialized experience of a comprehensive nature in the analysis, evaluation, or development of lofliis to private or public corporations or municipal governments. Pertinent college study may be .siib.stituted for part of the required experience. Applications for these positions will be accepted until further notice. Full information on the requirements to be met and instructions on how to apply are I m m e d i a t e Jobs await m e n given in civil seervice announcew i t h experience in inspection ment 276 B. of trucks. The I n t e r s t a t e ComThe announcement Is available from the Board of U.S. Civil Sermerce Commission reports vice Examiners, Room 413, at the t h a t this job title is open on General Post Office in Brooklyn: a continuous basis. from other post offices, except the The jobs pay $4,345 a year to main one in Manhattan; and •tart and require at least two from the Civil Service Conmiisyears of experience In investiga- sion's Information and Examintion, supervision or administra- ing Office, 800 "E" St. N.W., tion involving motor vehicles or Washington 25, D.C. highway safety. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and in region of the U. 8. Civil Service good physical condition. Commission, 220 E. 42nd St., New For further Infonnation and York 17, N. Y. The announcement Application forms, visit the second Is No. 259B. Jobs For Inspectors Of Trucks Now Open SERVICE LEADER Page Fifleen One Week Left To File For Jobs Examining Licenses One week r e m a i n s to file for positions with New York S t a t e as motor vehicle license examiners. T h e S t a t e Motor Vehicle D e p a r t m e n t will close applications on Monday, Aprils 9. A m i m i m u m high school equivalency diploma Is needed before t h e applications will be accepted. The age limits are 21 and 45, with exceptions for veterans. All years, without any revocations. The written test, scheduled for candidates must be at least 5 feet The duties of tbe job include May 12, will be designed to test 7 inches tall and must weigh at examining candidates for motor for knowledge of the New York least 135 pounds stripped. They vehicle operator, chauffeur, and State Vehicle and Traffic Law; must have good hearing and sat- Instructor licenses, and investi- knowledge of operation, control isfactory eyesight, glasses per- gating applications for dealer, and mechanics of modern automitted. driving school And private service mobiles; knowledge of first aid; knowledge of English grammer bureau licenses. License Necessary and vocabulary; ability to read The major requirement Is that They conduct road tests, precandidates must have been reg- pare reports, assist In office work and comprehend written ma«;rlal istered to drive a motor vehicle in dm'ing certain periods of the year and to follow dh-ections; ability to make arithmetical computaNew York State for at least tluree and perform 'Elated work. tions; and ability to conduct investigations and deal effectively with others. Complete Information on thla test is included on Announcement No. 8101, which is available from the State Civil Sei-vice Department, Tlie State Campus, Albany, and 270 Broadway in New York City. The New York City office of the Civil Service Depai-tment will New York S t a t e tax collector positions are now being issue and receive applications in offered in New York City a t a n a n n u a l s t a r t i n g salary of the lobby, first floor, of 270 Broad$4,760. E x a m i n a t i o n s a n d filing for these openings will t a k e way. place in New York City. The specific requirements are either a bachelor's degree, or two NEW years of experience In an investigative program of which one year was spent In field investigation, or one year of experience in collection or Investigation work, of which six months was in the field collection of delinquent accounts. Appointments will be to the State Department of Taxation and Finance, and the Division of Employment, Department of Labor, The maximum salary for the title is $5,840. I y Candidates whose applications are accepted will be notified of the pftme and place of examination. They must have the written notification with them when they go for the test. The Exam The exam will be designed to test for a knowledge of collection principles, procedures, and terminology, and for general abilities, as paragraph reading, table interpretation, arithmetic reasoning and vocabulary. The official aimouncement. No. 314, and application forms are available from the State Department of Civil Service, The State Campus. Albany, and from the New York City office, Room 2301, 270 Broadway. Co//ect Taxes For N, K State MAYTAG WASHER loaded with features Fully Automatic Lint-Fil^ Tub! ^ t y - L i d Switch! Special IntroJuciory Of far FOR A LIMITED TIME BUY 3-.GET 1 FREE I To acquaint you with Vivant* well give you ONE fro* with your purcbAM of AIM . * • whether you buy buflviduil place setu'og plecN or coxQplett place vettlitgi. I t l t mOAOl yoa pay for tbr«»-«sd fOt Maytag.Agitator Action! Water Temperature Selection! Erie CSEA Unit News oind Notes Members of the Erie County Chapter, and the Home and Mtttng>t7l0 firmary Unit, d the Civil Servlcd Bwtkru s4HtHt»-fHlkilO»thHLiM Employee* Association, hav« exnrad* mark! of Ontlda Ud. tended their sympathy to Nick PrlOMlMllrftPlitM Oianelll. whose mother died recently. She wa« The Chapter has also announ«ed that Mrs. Pearl A. Iwanskl, R.N., has retired after 80 years of service at the Ei-ie County Home Leading Downtown Dept Sfore and Infii-mai7. Tlie CSEA unit at the Home presented Mrs. Iwanskl 68 Cortlandt St.. New York RE 2-7600 with a gift, HEINS BOLET all this for the low price AAODEl A-100 ^198.88 P L U S .. .the most important feature of A L L - MAYTAG DEPENDABILITY! American Home Center, Inc. 616 THIRD AVENUE AT 40TH STREET NEW YORK CITY CALL MU. 3-3616 page rourleed CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, April 3, 1962 Space Nearly Gone For Capital District Tours To Europe And Hawaii S u n - s o a k e d Spain, Portugal, Morocco, M a j o r c a , F r a n c e . Or a r o m a n t i c g r a n d tour of Europe covering F r a n c e , Belgium, t h e N e t h e r l a n d s , G e r m a n y , Italy, Switzerland a n d Monaco. Or m a y b e j u s t a couple of weeks in California a n d Hawaii. If you a r e a m e m b e r of t h e C a p i t a l District C o n f e r e n c e of t h e Civil Service Employees Assn. you c a n t a k e your pick of exciting travel p r o g r a m s f r o m t h e list above, which is being offered as a service to m e m b e r s by t h e Conference t h i s y e a r . Space on b o t h tours is n e a r i n g t h e sell-out point. M a n y Jeune, Dr. MustUle, assistant director (clinical); G O W A N D A GRADUTES - - Dr. Rossman, director; R. Colburn, business officer; persons who waited overlong to book passage last year were Shown above are recent grraduates of a course in F. J. Miliiman, grroup leader; J. Brecht. In baclc are: disappointed so i m m e d i a t e action Is necessary. ''Fundamentals of Supervision" given at Gowanda T. Stizel, Jr., N. Parker, M. Bristow, J. Barten, Deloras Fussell, Conference presldent, announced that this native feast are part of the activiState Hospital. From left, front row, are: R. Le- J. Snyder, R. Kiefer, R. Burns, T. Welch. year's European trip would present ties scheduled here. Interesting a choice of two itineraries — a trips to other Islands in the Hawaii southern tour of Spain, Portugal, group may be purchased. A free the island of Majorca and Mor- boat ride around Pearl Harbor is occo or the grand tour listed above. another activity. Price for both, Including round On the return home, the group trip air transportation from New will stop at San Francisco. EnYork, all hotels, land transporta- tertainment highlights here intion abroad, tips, most sightseeing clude a visit and dinner in famous and meals, will be $720. Chinatown and a side trip to the On the southern tour, cities to beautiful Redwood Forest. Remaining seats may be applied be visited Include Toledo, Madrid. A g r a n d t o u r of Europe, a S c a n d a n a v i a n tour or a visit to California a n d Hawaii Oporto, the famed shrine city of for by contacting Harry L. Ginscomprises t h e comprehensive travel p r o g r a m now available for i m m e d i a t e booking by m e m - Fatima In Portugal, Lisbon, Tan- berg, 106 Orlando Ave., Albany— bers of t h e W e s t e r n Conference of t h e Civil Service Employees Assn. gier, Seville, Granada, Palma on IV 9-6311, or A. A. Kranker, 18 Marwlll St.. Albany, HO 3-0506. Majorca, Barcelona and Paris. Last year's extremely popular , — — The grand tour section will InHawaiian program is being reclude Paris, Brussells, Amsterdam, peated and this year will leave Bonn (and a journey up the Rhine Buffalo on Friday, June 8, returnby steamer), Heidelberg, Lucerne, ing there two weeks later. Again, Interlaken. Milan, Florence, Rome, tbe program will include a visit Nice, Avignon, the old French to Hollywood and Disneyland; a Roman town of Vienne and Paris. long stay directly on Waikikl (From Leader Correspondent) Applications are now available Beach in Honolulu at the famous AUBURN, April 2 — ReAt a recent meeting of the ministration many important bene- from Miss Fussell by writing to her Hawaiian Village Hotel, with quests f o r salary increases f o r Bight-seeing tours, a beach party, Westchester County Civil Service fits have accrued to employees of at 111 Wlnthrop Ave.. Albany, or Cayuga County employees a r e etc., and on the return home, a Employees Association (which is Westchester County, chiefly the calling evenings — IV 2-3597; or being studied by t h e salaries visit to scenic San Francisco, the the largest Unit of the Westchester adoption of the State Health In- Janet Strube, 13 Leach Avenue, nearby Redwood Forest and a final County Chapter) the following surance Plan and the assuming by Albany; telephone HE 8-7621 or committee of t h e B o a r d of Supervisors. celebration of dinner in famous were elected officers for the com- the county of the first five points HE 8-1549. Tlie Supervisors have already apChinatown. ing year: Michael Del Vecchio, of the retirement contributions. The tour—both sections leave proved a 10-cent an hour boost president; Michael J. Maffel, first In addition to honoring the counand return together—departs AuApplying (or Hawaii for all employes of the Coan^^ vice preslednt; Edward Semlnara, ty executive, the Association an-1 gust 7 and returns September 7. Price for all the above—includHighway Department. This inround trip air transportation second vice president; Olive Mc- nounced that it will also honor Hawaii Trip crease was reque&ted earlier and Sherry, secretary; Eileen Kelleapproximately 200 county employfrom Buffalo and all hotel r o o m s Available space for the Hawai- was approved by the Board's her, financial secretary; James A, ees who have attained 25 or more is $495. Applicants in the Buffalo ian tour is already half gone and highway, salaries and finance area should apply immediately to Bell, treasurer; and James Beck- years of county service. It is Conference members are again committees. planned to present a free ticket John Hennessy 276 Moore Ave., ett, sergeant-at-arms. reminded that several persons Seek 5-Point Plan to each one of these employees In addition, the following were Kenmore, N. Y. and to Claude E. were left disappointed last year for Among the other requests being Rowell, 64 Langslow, Rochester, elected directors for a three-year who are also members of the Civil failure to book early. considered now is one by 63 em20, N. Y., In the Rochester area. term: Thomas Wren, Anthony Service Employees Association. The plane for Hawaii will depart ployees for payment by the county Members of the Westchester Persons who applied late last year Rapolla, Emma Mazzeo, and Percy could not be accommodated and Matthews. The officers were in- County CSEA were advised to from Albany June 22 and head of the five per cent cost of the therefore early booking is urged. stalled at the meeting by Thomas watch The Leader since forthcom- for Los Angeles. After a tour of pension plan. Approval of this To offer a wider choice of travel J. Luposello, Association field ing articles will more fully des- Hollywood and Disneyland, the request would mean a raise of cribe the final plans for this gala g ^ u p will depart for Hawaii and more than five per cent in the In Europe, the Conference this representative. event. Tickets are now on sale and a long stay at the Hawaiian Vil- employees' take home pay. year has approved two separate Dinner Dance May 3 are available to all employees re- lage Hotel, directly on Walklkl Other salary increases have itineraries, both priced at $727 for The main subject of discussion gardless of affiliation with the Beach. Tours of the Island and a been requested by the Civil Serthe 25-day tours, including round vice Commission and by the Welat the meeting concerned the 25th Association. trip air transportation. fare Department, which has asked annlversaiy dinner dance of the To Europe June 26 A&T President a $300 annual boost for caseThe tour groups will depart to- Westchester County CSEA, to be Middiefown Unit workers. held on Thursday, May 3, 1962, at ALZANY, April 2 —Tlie forgether from Buffalo on June 26 The raise for highway emmal Inauguration of Dr. Edward and return to New York City on Playland Casino, Rye. New York. Gives Dinner ployees was granted to bring their While plans are still in a formaJuly 22. Upon arrival In Europe, The Mlddletown chapter of the J. Sabel a3 president of the Agri- wages into line with those pretive stage, it is the intention of cultural and Technical Institute those who have selected the grand Civil Service Employees Associatour will visit France, Belgium, the Association to honor the in- tion held a spaghetti and meatball at Coblesklll will take place Apr. vailing in the state and neighborHolland, Germany, Switzerland, cumbent county executive, Edwin dinner recently at the Veterans 19th at 11 a.m. He was appointed ing counties for similar jobs, it was said. July 1, 1961. Italy and Monaco. Those booking G. Mlchaellan, under whose ad- Fii-emen's hall in Mlddletown. However, in opposing this inthe Scandanavian tour will visit crease, Supervisor Bert O'Hara France, Belgium, the Netherlands, reminded the supervisors that the Oermany, Denmark, Sweden, NorBoard had earlier passed a resoluway and Luxembourg. The price tion to "hold the line" on salaries. of $727 will include. In addition "I see no reason why the superto the air transportation, all hotel visors have changed their thinkrooms, all land transportation in ing since last fall. If we open Europe, most meals, sightseeing salary hearings now, it will go all toui's, tips, baggage handling and along the line." he declared. other items. Fii-st class service and The approval was by a 36 to 2 « complimentary bar will be feavote. ture® of the flight Itself. The European program this year can only accomodate 80 p e r s o n s Lefkowitz Names Aide no more—and therefore Immediate ALBANY, April 2 — Attorney General Louis J. Lefkowitz haa apbookings are really necessary and pointed James P. Walsh of Staten initial deposits ahould be made at Island as a deputy assistant a t once to assure space. torney general. He has been aeIn the Buffalo area, write to signed to the Albany office of t i ^ Celeste Rosenki-anz* 65 Sweeney tlve ef the State Association. Offlcen ere, from left: 6t.. Buffalo, and to Mi's. Melba WESTCHESTER INSTALLS — James Beckett. •erfeant-at>tntt8{ OUvt MoSherrjr, State Law Department. Bimi, 149 Elmdorf Ave. in Roch- The new offlcer* of the Westchester County Civil secretary; Michael Del Veeohle, president; Edward SHOW what CSEA Is dolnf. Past ester for complete description of Service Employees Associatlou were lustalled re- Seplnera, second vice president; Mleheel ftfaffel, yeur cepy ef The Leader en te a tUe tour and t n application form. cently bjr Tboinaf LuposeUe. left, field represent a- first vice president; and jMiMk BeUt, treasurer. aen-wemher. WEST COHFERENCE'S TRAVEL PROGRAM NOW OPEN FOR BOOKINGS Wesfchester Unit Installs Officers, Makes Plans For Anniversary Dinner Cayuga County Studies Aides' Pay Requests CIVIL TiieiKl«7, April 3, 1962 STOP W O R R Y I N G ABOUT YOUR CIVIL SERVICE TEST SERVICE LEADER The Job A Sarvty Pag« Pifleett Market Opportunlfftt In Privot* liidMtry l y A. L PITERS PASS HIGH the EASY ARCO WAY Stationary Engineer & Fireman Men and women brush makers I mathematics and science; women with at least one year's experience j in home economics and physical are wanted to make cased paint j education. Salaries range from $4,brushes by hand. They will aver- j 800-8,000 depending on experience age $70 a week on piece work; and degrees. Positions are open n basis. j all college ranks from Instructor Experienced women lace cutters I through full pi-ofessorship in all can average t46-50 a week on' subjects for Jobs In New York piece work basis cutting laces us-1 State. Applicants must have Ph.D. ing curved scissors. Auto body re- j Salaries are $4,500-10,000 . . . pairmen are wanted in Manhattan ! Brooklyn and the Bronx to straighten body j There are many openings In fenders on passenger cars. They: Brooklyn for young machinistli must be able to braze, weld and helper trainees who have had vosolder and must have at 3 cational high school ti-alning and years recent experience and must wish to continue in machining. $3.00 have full set of tools. They will. You must speak and understand get $2-2.75 per hour depending: on ' English well and be able to read $2.00 experience for a 5-6 day. 40-48 a micrometer. Salary paid is $50 hour week per week. Truck mechanics with minimum Colorists will be $2 per hour to of 7 years exnerience are wanted assist chemist in matching and $'-00 to perform general repairs on all mixing colors. Must have ink or makes of heavy trucks. Fl'et ex- paint matching experience. Radio perience not acceptable. Must mechanics with 2"/^ years experi$3.00 havp own tools. Will get $2.60 an ence are wanted to repair and hour. install receivers and transmitters. $3-00 Offset pre,s.«!men and platen Must pass physical and strict pressmen will gpt ."580-175 a week theory-practical test and be U. S. $3.00 depending on experience to make citizens. Will get $2.90 an hour. ready and onpi-ate various presses. Ornamental iron workers are $4.00 Must have minimum of 6 years needed for $2-3 an hour jobs decommercial exnerience . . . Ap- pending on experience. Any good $4 00 ply at Manhattan Industrial Of- experience in the fabrication of fice. 225 \V"<;t 54 Street. railings, gates and fire escapes Is $4-00 acceptable. Neon sign servicemen Clerica! Jobs will get $75-125 per week depend$4 ®0 There are many openings In ing on experience to erect, service Manhattan for stenographer's. and repair neon i&igns and do re54.00 Salaries range from $85-100. with lated work . . . Apply at Brooklyn liberal frinee bon^fits. Secretaries Industrial Office, 590 Pulton St. are wanted for F'li^-al rifs $3 00 Midtown either in Washin'^on. D C. or Wanted in midtown Manhattan overseas — women over 18 for $4 00 Washington and o'/^r 31 for for- are experienced bllndstich maeign duty. Must be sinstle. h'<vr cliine operators, safety stitch ma$4.95 no denendents and be U. S. citi- chine operators and samplezens. They must also be able to makers. The men and women $4 00 take .«:tenography at 36 woids a blindstitch workers will operate minute and tyne 45 words a miJi- , machines doing section work — ute. Must be high scV>ool grodu- i children's sport wear and dres-ses, $3 00 ates and have good character and the safety machine operators references. The jobs pay $4,405 will do sectioii work. Experience per year, plus living allowance"; • on any garment acceptable. Opfor overseas work . . . Anply at the ; erators will get $50 per week and Manhattan Commercial Office, 1 up depending on experience. The East 19th Street. ' samplemakers, women only, will make complete samples of childCamp counsellor positions ai e, ren's dre.sses or sportswear. No now being filled for next summer.' cutting experience neces-sai^ but There are many openings ir. reri- must have experience on similar dent and hotel day camps, an'i garments. They will get $60-80 per $3 00 day camps in New York d t v . ; week depending on experience . . . Tcachers group workers and col- Apply at Manhattan Apparel In$3-50 lege students are invited to regis- dustries Office. 238 Wpst 35th ter immediately for summer jobs. Street. Students must be 18-years old and $3 00 currently attending college. Openings on all levels for specialist's $4 ®0 •INTENSIVE BUSINESS COURSES and general counsellors. Salaries range from $100 to $1,000 for the $4 00 season plus room and board and Schools in All Boroughs transportation. NEW YORK, 154 NASSAU ST. Teachers are wanted for eleQpp. CITY HALL. BEikman 3-4840 mentary and high .schools and col$4 00 leges. Must have New York State $4.00 Certification. In elementary and high schools demands are for Thoro Civil Svc Training $4.00 teachers, men and women, in Cilj-Sliit*-Ki'ilfral i Pvoni ICxawh Stenotypist (N.Y.S.) $3 00 Stenotypist (G.S. l-?) $3 00 Apprentice 4th Class Mechanic Civil Service Arithmetic & Vocabulary Civil Engineer Civil Service Handbook Cashier (New York City) Clerk G.S. 1-4 Clerk N.Y.C Clerk Senior & Supervising Correction OflFicer T Employment Interviewer Fireman CF.D.) Foreman Gardener Assistant High School Diploma Test Home Study Course for Civil Service Jobs Insurance Agent & Broker Janitor Custodian Librarian Parole Officer Patrolman Personnel Examiner Postal Clerk Carrier Real Estate Broker School Crossing Guard Senior File Clerk Social Worker Senior Clerk N.Y.C Sr. Clerk Supervising Clerk N.Y.C Stengrapher G.S. 3-4 $4 00 You Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline Chart of New York City Governnf»ent." With Every N.Y.C. Arco Book— ORDER DIRFOT—MAIL COUPON P 4Sc for 24 hour tpacial dalivtry C.O.D.'i 30c txtra LEADER BOOK STORE 97 Duane St., New York 7. N. Y. FUaie The U.S. Air Force has nermanent and temporai-y Job openings for stenographers and typist® at Its New York Air Force Contract Management District, 111 East 16 Stieet, New York 3. Salaries begin at $3,760 and $4,040 a year, depending on gi'ada of job. Applicants may contact the Recruitment Office at SPring 7-4200, Ext. 580, regarding written test, in which typists must mak« a speed of 40 words a minute and? stenographers receive dictation at 80. Journeyman Machinist at $2.9L Sought The U.S. Public Health Service Hospital on Staten Island has an opening now for a journeyman machinist with welding skill. The job pays from $2.91 to $3.21 an hour, and there are liberal fringe benefits. To qualify, applicants should have completed a four-year apprenticeship, or have had four years of practical experience in the trade. Interested applicants .sJiould contact Naomi Lynch, Chief. Personnel Section, U.S. Public Health Service Hospitals, Staton Island 4, N.Y. Senior Cleric Classes Meet Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. Saturdays 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. Supervising Clerk & Steno Classes Meet Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 P.M. Saturdays 9:30 to 11:30 A.M. Write or Phone for Infomiiition Eastern School ALH 4-5029 7'M Rronilway, N.T. S (ii«>«r Nt.) PleasR write me free about the CLERK PROMOTION COURSES. Name .' Address Boro VA DRAKE Social Investigator FREE! Air Force Has Office Jobs Open i«nd m« copiai of booki I •nclot* ch«ck or money ordar for $. ck«ck*4 • b o v * . Typists and Transcribers Paid $3760 The U. S. Civil Service Board of Examiners at the Veterans Administration Hospital, 130 West Kingsbridge Road, Bronx 68, New York, Is recruiting of clerk-stenographers GS-3 and clerk-dictating machine transcriber, GS-3 at a salary of $3,760 per year. The minimum typing speed is 40 words per minute and the stenography test is dictated at the rate of 80 words per minute. Applicants who pass the examinations will be offered appointments leading to a career in the Federal Service. Interested persons may obtain additional infoimatlon from the Placement Officer, Veterans Administration Hospital, 130 West Kingfijridge Road, Bronx 68, or by ca^Un^ t u 4-9000. Ext, 217.. . , roST Ol l irK rl.KKK-(V%KHIKR l''KI)I<:a..\|. KNTBANTE KXAM.S HIGH 84'liOOL KQIIIV. DIIMX)MA KI.KCTKIC.\I. INiHPKCTOH GOV'T Al'I'KKNTICK JUB8 Jr (Uvil ft Mei'hatii' al Knylneer Kxame Senior Clerk Siipnpvitinr 01«rk Govt File ClU l^Ioior VuUide Lie Kxnir Kncineerinir Aide <,'<)H8lruetion Incp MtKXSE I'Kia'.^RATION Refriiferation ()p«'raior. Portable & StHtioiipry Kin(ii)enr, Surveyor, Master Plumber. .Viuntor Kleotrioisn M XTHKMATICH Arilli. Air. O o n i . 'lVi». Pliysit.'w Imlividiial * <'l;ihr- limtr Day-Kvf-Sat MONDELL INSTITUTE L'.IO \v. 41 (Tiini'H Square( W1 " aOKa 5'J Vr. Koi or«l I'l-ftparing 'njounaiidi Civil Svcu Te' huual & Biitfr. Kxanu Earn L8 Your High School Equivalency Diplomo for civil service for personal satisfactiuo Class Tues. Ss Tfaurs. at ft:30 Write or Phone for Information Eastern School AL 4-5029 721 Broadway N.V. 3 («t 8 St.) Pleaae write me tree about the H r b Scliool EquiTtlency claM. Name /Iddreii Boro PZ M SCHOOL DIRECTORY MONROE VIHUGo i vMHU^UL m v n K V / B SCHOOL—ILBM COURSES w w n a E a liRfc:PARATI0^ V FOR i i . SKRVICK IBM TESXt. lAppiored toi Vete.) ewiichboard, trplnf. Dv uid Kve Clawea. falait li-eniout Ave Boston Bead Bronx, K1 Si-66U0 IBM-—Key Puucb. JperatloQ. Wlrinc liYec., Blec., T}-pibC, SwUibbd. Coiuptonietry, All I Machine Shorthand) PBKFAUATION for OIVIL I ' l a m n t Uct 1713 Ktiur* Hwy BUl;u Nexv to ADELPHI-EXECUTIVES' Sorter. Taba, ColUtor tUpi o<luv«r. SRCHETARIAL—Medual I^Kal. Stenoi, Dictaphone. STKNorVFB SEBVICB. Coed. Dts Kv« t'UK* Avalon Theatre DU 0 00 !(HOPPING FOR LAND OR HOMES LOOK AT PAGE 11 FOR LISTINGS CIVIL Page Sixteen SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, April 8, 1962 By CHARLES E. LAMB Correction Officer Decision NEVER OBSERVED a more disillusioned group since Correction Officers were informed their request for rellocation of salaries had been denied by J. Earl Kelly. THE LACK OF knowledge of the functions of this position and the comparisons expressed in the decision only discredit employees working in the field of penology and reformation. The claim that there have been no essential changes in this position during the past four years should be well received by the Department of Correction. The Department is continuously initiating new treatment processes in which the uniform personnel participate. The "Hack", "Screw", and "Turnkey" have long since been removed from the correctional field. Please, Mr. Kelly, alert your people that time marches on. GREAT STRESS was placed in the decision that the comparative positions used were armed Peace Oficers. Did the Division ever read the Penal Law designation of Peace Officer status? Surely they must have found Correction Officers so listed in this category. Although qualified to use all types of equipment in an emergency, Correction Officers do not have this security in their normal function but must depend on leadership and example to enforce rules and regulations I in the operation of a Penal community. SKILLS OF officers are called upon in the operation of huge inPLANS DISCUSSED — Gom? over Employees Associaiton; Sy Kramer, public relations dustrial plants which return many thousands of dollars to tax payers. chairman of the Committee; H. Lee Denison, Counthe plans for the Long Island Show and Exposition, What othei' state agency can make such a claim as being partially to be held April 13, 14 and 15 in the Commack ty Executive of Suffolk County; Anne Mead, Deputy self sufficient. Was this taken into consideration in the decision? County Executive; and Gary PerkinsoUj CSEA asArena, Commack, Long Island, are, from left: MENTION OF Transfer Officers, Grade 12, by Mr. Kelly, appears Charles Monroe, chairman of the Long Island Com- sistant director of public relations. The show is a little confusing as I believe the duties quoted under this title are sponsored by the Long Island Commmittee. mittee of the Metropolitan Conference, Civil Service the exact of a Parole Officers. These officers were appointed from the Correction Officers list because Civil Service claimed their duties were comparable. I wish the gentlemen who recommended their reallocation to grade 12 had worked on ours. WE might be in grade 19. MR. KELLY ADMITS Correction Officers face hazards but are not on their own as police officers. Did his office try to observe our functions during the recent priosn disturbancse? Any official or officer will certainly disagree with what Mr. Kelly describes as togetherness in our position. Mr. Kelly stated "Recruitement is not difThe new officers of t h e M a n - ficult in the Correction Officer title." I can see no reason why this even entered the decision inasmuch as in his denial of the Division of h a t t a n S t a t e Hospital c h a p Employment application he admitted he could do nothing in this area ter of t h e Civil Service E m by stating "Recruitement problems are a matter for the Legislature to ployees Association were sworn adjust." sociation and the Conference of in recently by Association (Continued from Page 1) THE DECISION claimed the recent examination for Correction Mayors. j field representative Ben Sherstages. If they fail to act within Officer will produce 2,840 candidates. Candidates, Mr. Kelly. I believe Mahoney told fellow senators the allotted time they automatic1 man. the list will show about 600 names. With luck about half will accept ally fall under the basic grievance that "Last year I proposed a three! The o f f i c e r s are: Charles appointment. Many of these after investigation or during probation step grievance procedure for pubprocedure spelled out in the bill, "Which provides two procedural lic employees in the firm belief Loucks, president; Jennie A. will be dropped, others resign during the first year. I would say that stages and an appellate stage. Un- that all such employees should ' Shields, first vice president; Rose really gives the Correction Department a real big choice of candidates. .der the first procedural stage, the have the right to air their griev- j Battles, second vice president; THE CORRECTION Officer position is now commonly referred employee presents his grievance ances without fear of reprisal. This Larry Lillis, third vice president; to as one of the better paid secondary jobs. Is this what New York bill, which is endorsed by the Civil to his immediate supervisor who, : Frank Rozeboom, secretary; Leon State intends to train as its future supervisors in operating a major If he desires, may consult with his Service Employees Association, superior. The discusion and reso- represents countless hours of con- Sandman, treasurer; John Wal- state department? IN CONCLUSION the recent Leader editorial really summer up lution of grievances at the first sultation by my staff, employee lace, delegate; and Doris Roberts, the current opinion of the Division of Classification. "A mishmash of stage are to be on an oral and representatives and representa- alternate delegate. tives of management In the politiinformal basis. Loucks named committee chair- illogical arguments." Sta^e two consists of a request cal subdivisions." i man and praised the members of I\ote by the employee for a review and the nominating and election comOthers Speak Out Through the efforts of Warden Denno of Sing Sing Prison and determination of his grievance by He extolled the CSEA as "a fair mittee for their efforts in getting James Adams Correction CSEA representative, cash for overtime rethe head of the department or and judicious organization that a large turnout of voters — the cently accumulated is in the offing. agency concerned. In this stage, the employee and his immediate forcefully represents its 100,000 largest turnout in the Chapter's supervisor each submits to the members." He said the present bill history. The chapter has praised the head of the department a written represents "a milestone in personstatement detailing the specific nel practices in this State." Hospital's motor vehicle operators, Mrs. Gordon said "Upstate who drove employees to and from naturp of tiie grievance. At the request of the employee, tlie de- jurisdictions and civil service em- work during the bus strike. partment head Is required to hold ployees want and need this bill." an informal hearing at which the Hatfield echoed her sentiments. Despite the opposition in the employee and/or his representative may appear and present oral Senate, the measure went through and written statements or argu- the Assembly without difficulty. (From Leader Correspondent) Assisting its passage were Assemments. (Continued from Page 1) SYRACUSE, April 2 — An advisory committee to study Th" appellate stage of a three- blyman Orin Wilcox (R-Jeffer- and a member of the CSEA Tax personnel problems of Onondaga County employes a n d m a k e son), chairman of the Civil Service member grievance board appointChapter. r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s for solutions of these problems will be ed by the chief executive officer Committee; Paul B. Hanks, Jr., The Exhibition, known as the jurisdiction, to which the (R-Monroe) and Prescott B. Hunt- FOPEX-1962, will be open from appointed by County Executive J o h n H. Mulroy. ington (R-Suffolk). employee may appeal a determinDeputy County Executive David V. O'Brien said the com10 A.M. to 10 P.M. on Saturday, ation bv the head of his departm i t t e e will focus on t h r e e a r e a s : Office hours, sick leave a n d April 28, and from 1 P.M. to 9 ment. The board is required to P.M. on Sunday. April 29. Col- t e r m i n a l leave. Mr. O'Brien explained t h e plan in tlie absence hold a hearing on the appeal with the employee and his representalectors from all parts of the of Mr. Mulroy. tive and to supply them with a country will have on display porHe said the committee will be others from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., copy of its findings. .ASSOCI.VTK I'l.lMIUNG KNGINKKK — tions of their collections and will made up of personnel experts and still others from 9 a.m. to 5 The bill was opposed in the I'lKI.IC MOKKii be competing for various awards. from, private industry and business p.m. InequaUties exist, he exPotts, J., S(lieaecla<l Orr, upper house by Senators Prank J. 1. Thoiiiatf, K., itciiHselaer I'.'it A "Court of Honor" will be de- firms in Syracuse and the county, plained, because employes in like Pino and Manfred Ohrenstein, a. Trainer, T.. NYC Sr.' voted to the display of a portion county department heads and • positions receive the same pay but New York City Democrats, who UISTKK'T KNCilXKKR — I'tJUIJC of Cardinal Spellman's world representatives of county employe work different number of hours. claimrd the bill would not be efWOUKS rrananc.v. W.. Uoihedler 1010 famous collection of stamps, in- groups. County employes are memfective. Senator Pino said the bill 1. Kraj»f, The committee may also look N.. Buffalo lO'.Ti was opposed by every union in the 3. Hoheiulein, C.. t'ayeltevU IMi,'. cluding those of Vatican City. bers of Onondaga Chapter, Civil into the problem of second jobs Ul'o State, particularly the API,-CIO. 4. Norton, J.. Watertowu McUinuis, K., Uitbyloii t)?.") The Post Office Department Is Service Employes Association, the held by county employes, Mr. and declared that its passage was 6. <1. Cn'fc'gr, K., Uinshamtoa »»t!0 cooperating by establishing a Onondaga County Employes As-' O'Brien said. A survey made by 1»»T merely an excuse not to amend 7. Hallenbeck, L., Hornell special post office at which letters sociation and other groups rep- himself and Mr. Mulroy showed 8. Uofinaan. W., Trof the Condon-Wadlin Law. Smith, P., Albany H'-T> may be mailed which will receive resenting special employes, such that between 80 and 90 per cent 10. Noon. F SIi.-, Ma honey Fights For Bill Xi. Noon, A., Seheneetad SUO a special cancel reading "FOPEX as the Court Aides Association. of county cleaning employes have Sf'nute Majority Leader Walter STATION. ALBANY, N.Y," In 8KNI0R KI.K( TKOMO rOMPliTfIR Seeks Uniformity second jobs, he said. Mahoney of Buffalo and RepubVltUliK.\.MMi:K — KMlM.UVMI'^N'l' Mr. O'Brien said the areas to be a v a . A.. Albany 1010 addition, many prominent stamp "We hope to determine which lican .sfuutors Janet Hill Gorden 1. JMann. R., Albany tUl dealers will have bootlis at the studied by the committee are now persons are using the county job Norwich, and Hatfield rose in 3. MfDonoiiirh, U., Albany H 'O defense of the measure. Mahoney I'MXCIl'.M., H< ItOOI. OF Nl'KSUXfl, siiow for the display and sale of under the jurisdiction of the var- as their second job. When this is told the crowded chamber tliat INSTITI ilO.VS — M K M AL IIVOII'IM: philatelic accessories and stamps. ious department heads "and tliere found out, they will be asked to MorrU S^il The geaeral public is Invited to the bill iiad the full endorsement 1. Julien, J., 1),Mt. iluuppauKo is no uniform policy.' terminate second jobs if they conof the Civil Service Employees As- '.I. I.inilvull, Wllliins, v.. Midillelowu 7s:! attend and learn more about this Por example, he said, some emflict with their county jobs," Mr, "fJI | sociation, the County Officers AS- •1. Pan. J. . K Noillipor 5. Boie», M . Ko. lu'iter 7JS popular hobby. ployes work from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., I O'Brien said. Mandated GrievanceManhattan State Hosp, Machinery Made Law Unit Elects for Local Employees Stamp Show Set For Albany Eligibles OnondagaCommitteeAim To Clear Up Inequities Among Counf-y Employees