Are You •LEADER America'» Vol. X V I — No. 1 C H A I V « E . S Largest Weekly for Public Tuesday, Seplembrr 14, 19.>4 I i \ C i v i l . Employees Of f r i • Price Trii f enta S E R V I C E L A V I W Cetf'ng V.H^" ' coVkV ts? See Page 3 P R O P O S E D : Dismissal for Refusal to Answer Official Queries; Curb on Budget Director's Veto; Hearing With Counsel in Disciplinary Cases PO.\-T RKPKAT THIS DEWEY, WAGNER, DiFALCO, JAVITS SEEN STRONGEST BY CIVIL SERVANTS CIVIL SKRVICE employees from iiarts Ql the State, including New York City, see Thomas E. Dewey as the most powerful candidate the G O P could run. Even after his electrifying announcement pulling out of the race, returns in a L E A D E R poll showed that Dewey has strong hold on the imaginations of civil servants as a dynamic candidate. Returns in the poll coming in prior to his announcement, overwhelmingly named the Governor. A f t e r his announcement, the name of Irving Ives has been dominant. But the poll shows Dewey as undiminished in the eyes of civil servants as the strongest political figure in New York State. Democratic Picture T h e Democratic picture is more fluid. While there may still be a little back-door maneuvering among politicians, the preferences of civil service employees for the strongest Democratic candidate (Continued on Page 2) ftll Pay Day Is October I A L B A N Y , Sept. 13—Sources to Comptroller J. R a y mond McGovern reiwrt "pay day" for State employees drawing raises under the State's new salary plan will be October 1. The Department of Audit and Control even now, as this Issue goes to press, is running off the checks, which contain the retroactive pay boosts back to April 1. A recommendation to provido that public employees claiming a constitutional privilege against self-incrimination or who refuso to waive immunity or to answer questions concerning their official conduct or duties upon any duly authorized inquiry shall thereby vacate their office, has beea adopted by the Temporary Stato Commission on Revision of tho Civil Service Law. Assemblyman Fred W . Preller, of Queens im Commission chairman. Such a provision now exists foe N Y C employees. T h e proposed law would apply to all employees ot State and local governments. T h e Commission also recommended amendments designed t « keep disloyal persons out of tho public service by authorizing inquiries and investigations into t h « loyalty of public employees and applicants for public employment, by requiring public employees and applicants for public employment to give full information upon offiinquiries into their loyalty, Warwick State School's undefeated softball team for 1954. The State employees whipped cial and by authorizing the suspension every team in the league with ten straight victories during the regular season, then took of employees without pay pendinf five straight in the playofFs, for the "double crown." Team members are, bottom row, from determination of court proceedleft, Frank Piranio, Bobby Powell, Anthony Gobeo, Jo« Bertholf, Jay Burd and Tony Pig- ings to review administrative degery. Back row, from left, John Logan, Art Piggery. Dave Chitwood, Don MacDonald, terminations in loyalty cases. T h e Commission also made t h « Norris Minor, Al Raponi and Roland Spencer. Jack Wolek, John Crank, Hank Mason and following recommendations whlck Gustav Unger were absent when the picture was taken. are of general public interest. Extended to all permanent e m ployees in the competitive class tho and beauticians, have been alloca- right to a hearing on stated charges, which is now enjoyed by ted to a grade higher. Mr. Rowell noted that account clerks are expected to answer more technical questions to piove their ability for more detailed responsible work when they qualify com petitively for their jobs in State service than other kinds of clerical work. I n institutions the volClaude E. Rowell, president of points his argument by noting that ume and type of work plus the rethe Western Conference, expressed janitors, stenographers, attend- sponsibility Involved demands dissatisfaction with some of the ants, and power plant operators, wide knowledge of work process. allocations under the new salary among others, have been allocated Clothing clerks and stores clerks plan. He said that these were to Grade 4, therefore account because of their specialized activonly part of the inequities that clerks seek at least an R - 5 grade. ities should also be allocated to a still existed now that the allocaHe It is also pointed out that the higher level than Grade 3. tions have been announced. suggests that clothing clerks and barbers and beauticians allocated His analysis points out that the stores clerks should be in Grade 5 allocation of the position of ac- in Grade 5 have not received ade- Launderers who are allocated to quate consideration in allocating count clerk in Grade 3, with the Grade 3 should be on a par with specialized work and training re- them to this grade, especially attendants in Grade 4, since they when motor vehicle operators, who quired, violates the principle of are constantly responsible for equal pay for equal work. He pin- were in the same grade as barbers the care and guidance of patients who work in the laundry, M r Rowell expressed a hope that during the appeal period many more of the existing inequities will be corrected. HeadofWesternConference Lashes Inequities' Under New State Salary Plan Metro Conference Sets Up Large Education Program For Employees in Area Civil service employees are in- education includes special subjecU terested in improving their edu- that interest many employees. cational backgrounds, and the Among these subjects are: Metropolitan Conference, CSEA, is a. Drawing doing somethlnc specific about it. b. Driver training T h e Conference Education Comc. Sewing mittee is attempting to reach all d. Father and son hobby c l a i m employees in the area to get an « . Typing and shorthand Idea of what the educational needs t. Photography g. Interior decorating Two Categories h. Citizenship and English A circular issued over the names 1. Lawns and landscaping 9t Al Sanko and A. J. Coccaro, of ]. Statlonai'y engineering the Education Committee, lists k. Handicrafts possible courses for State em1. Fundamentals of supervision. ployees, These have been broken Otljer courses desired by in#own In two categories: I. Those desiring high school dividuals will also be considered, equivalency diploma. This diploma and the committee urges all emla acceptable for the following pur- ployees to write in suggesting what they would like to learn. poses; Never T o « Old a. For civil service qualifications T h e committee statement reads: b. By business firms and the " Y o u can never be too old to itrmed forces. c. Colleges have individuai rules advance yourself, whether It Is for personal satisfaction, to better M « » r d i n g the diploma. a. T h « second group tor adUlt /our8«U U yoitr job, « r juat a subject in which you are interested, but have been putting off because of some obstacle." T h e courses will be set up with the assistance of the Civil Service Employees Association and the State Training Division. Where to Apply Employees who would like to participate in this educational are asked to write to A. J. Coccaro, c/o Kings Park State Hospital, Kings Park, L. I., or to their local chapter president, who will convey the information to the Education Committee. Give the following Information: 1. Are you interested in a high school equivalency diploma? a. W l m t adult education subject would you like to study? 3. W h a t comment have you to make on the plan, or what other courses would you suggest? 4. Don't forget to Include your aame and adcireiis. Thomas Indian School N E W O F F I C E R S of Thomas Indian School chapter, CSEA, are: Dolores Rupp, president; Florence Roberts, vice president: Inez Vail, secretary; Harlan Gage, 4elegate; and Frank Mons, alternate delegate. Mr, Mons also heads the membership committee. T h e chapter meets at 8 P.M, on the first Monday of each montb in its rooms at the school. Steve and Ethel La Grenade axe attending the Canadian National Exposition at Toronto this, week. Edna Pullen has returned to work after recovering f r o m an Injury to her foot. Ray Samelson Is attending the Cattaraugus County Pair at Little Valley. He said he likes the ball games and races, but he's been observing the oscillations and girations of Fatima. Burnell Marble and Mrs. Marble are touring in Maine and poinU east. Bob and Mrs. Strang h a » « retuined from a vacation trip; congratulations are in order lor Bob, who passed the exam for farm manager. Lester Bell has returned to duty aft<ir an appendectomy. AssemblymoH Fr*d Prdl«r, chairman of th« Temporary State Commission on Revisiea of th* Civil Servic* Law. His group will recommend a number of substantial changot ia the existing law. war veterans, and exempt volunteer firemen; broadened and liberalized tlia provisions relating to transfer of employees; continued without change tha present statutory veteran preference in retention upon abolitloa of positions; transferred to the State Department of Civil Service the power t * classify and allocate positions l a the State service; abolished the " v e t o " now exercised by the State Budget Director over such actions. All these actions must of coursa be acted uf)on by the State Legialature. Assemblyman Preller said that the Commission's report and recommendations will be submitted to the Legislature In 1955, t o gether with a comprehensive biB for revision of tiM ClvU Servlaa Law. WHERE TO APPLY FOR Civil SERVICE JOBS D. 8.—Second Regional OCBce, O 8. Civil Service Commission 841 Washington Street. New YorU 14, N. Y. ( M a n h a t t a n ) . Hours 8:30 to 5, Monday through Friday; closeJ Saturday. Tel. W A t k l n s 4-1000, Applications also obtainable at post olBces except the New York, N. Y. post ofBce. S T A T E — R o o m 2301 at 270 Broadway. New Y o r k 7, N. Y., T e l B A r c l a s 7-1616; lobby ot State Office Building, and 39 Columbia Street, Albany, N. Y., Room 212. State Office Building, B u f f a l o 2, N . Y . Hours 8 30 to 5 exceptin" Saturdays 9 to 12 Also Room 400 at 155 W e s t Main Street, Rochester. N. Y., Tuesdays, 9 to 5. All of foregoing applies also to exams for county Jobs. N Y C — N Y C Department of Personnel, 96 Duane Street, New York 7, N Y ( M a n h a t t a n ) two blocks north of City Hall, Just west o) Broadway, opposite the L E A D E R office Hours 9 to 4. excepting Saturday, 9 to 12. Tel. COrtlandt 7-8880. Any mail Intended for the N Y C Department of Personnel, should be addressed to 299 Broadway, N e w York 7, N. Y . N Y C Education (Teaching Jobs O n l y ) — P e r s o n n e l Director, Board of Education. 110 Livingston Street, Brooklyn 2. N. Y . Hours 9 tr 3;30; closed Saturdays. Tel. M A l n 4-2800. N Y C Travel Directions Hapid transit lines for reaching the U. 8., State and ITYC Civil Service Commission offices in N Y C f o l l o w : State Civil Service Commission. N Y C Civil Service Commission— I N D trains A, C, D, A A or CC to Chambers Street; I R T Lexington Avenue hne to Brooklyn Bridge; B M T Fourth Avenue local oi Brighton local to City Hall. U. S. Civil Service C o m m i s s i o n — I R T Seventh Avenue local tc Christopher Street station. Data on Applications by Mail Both the U. S. and the State Issue application blanks and receive flncd-out forms by mail. In applying by mail for U. S. Jobs do not enclose return oostage. If applying for State jobs, enclose 6-cent Btampcd, self-addressed 9-inch or larger envelope. Both the U.S. and tlie State accept applications If postmarked not later than the closing date. Because of curtailed collections, N Y C residents should actually do their mailing no later than 8:30 P.M. to obtain a postmark of that date. N Y C does not Issue blanks by mall or receive them by mall except f o r nationwide tests and for professional, scientific and administrative Jobs, and then only when the exam notice so states. T h e U. S. charges no application fees. T h e State and the local Civil Service Commissions charge fees at rates fixed by law. V > STATE TESTS NOW OPEN Open-Competitive T o apply by mail f o r any c i t h e following State tests, mail request to the Examination Division, 39 Columbia Street, Albany, N. Y., and give number and title of e x amination; also enclose a large gelf-addressed envelope bearing 6 Bxcept with filled-out application cents postage. Do not enclose fees Required fees should be mailed t o the State Department of Civil Service, State Office Building, A l bany, N . Y., with the filled-out lorms. Applications may be obtained In person or by representative at the following locations: I n f o r m a t i o n Desks, Examinations, Division, 39 Columbia Street, or Lobby of State Office Building; N Y C . State Department of Civil Service, R o o m 2301 at 270 B r o a d wsy, corner Chambers Street; B u f f a l o . State Department of Civil Service, State Office Building, B o o m 212; Local offices of New Y o r k State Employment Service. Last day to apply given at end •f each notice. 0235. I N S T I T U T I O N T E A C H E R . $3,540 to $4,490. Vacancies in C o r rection institutions f o r teachers of arts and crafts, commercial subjects, common branches, d r a f t i n g and blueprint reading, English, homemaking. Junior librarian, mathematics, music, physical education, science and social studies. Requirements: approporiate certi- A U T O INSURANCE Any A g e C a r — A n y A g e Driver. Small monthly payments. S R 22 Secured Jr 1 I. MINTZER Phmin, HT 2-.|7U6-0M|-.i Eve. f l i o n r OK 7 - 6 « 7 0 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER America's Leading Newsmagazine for Public Employees CIVIL S E R V I C E L E A D E R . Inc. 97 Duane St., New York 7, N. V. Telephone: BEckman 3-6010 Entered as second-class matter October 2, 1939, at the post office at New York. N. Y.. under the Act of March S, 1879. Members of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Subscription Price 93.00 Per Year. Individual copies, lOc. ficate f o r public school teaching in New York State. Junior libranans need not have ilbranan's certilicate if tliey have bachelor's degree with 20 hours in library science. Fee $3. ( F r i d a y , October 22), 0236. INSTITUTION VOCAT I O N A L I N S T B U C T O K , $3,540 to $4,490. Vacancies in Correction institutions f o r instructors of agriculture, auto mechanics, bakmg, barbering, blacksmlthing, bookbindmg, Drickiaying and masonry, carpentry and cabinetmaking, electricity, f a r m mechanics, laundry practice, machine shop practice, painting and decorating, plumbing, printing, radio and television maintenance sheet metal work, sewing and dressmaking, shoemaklng and shoe repair, tailoring, welding and upholstering. Requirements: appropriate certificate f o r public school teaching of shop subject ( t r a d e s ) ; or graduation f r o m Junior higher school, or equivalent, and five years' Journeyman experience. N o written or oral test. Fee $3. ( F r i a d y , October 22). 0237. R E C R E A T I O N SUPERV I S O R , $4,350 to $5,460; one v a cancy in State T r a i n i n g School f o r Girls. Hudson. Requirements: ( 1 ) bachelor's degree; and ( 2 ) one year' experience in recreation work; and ( 3 ) either ( a ) one more year's experience or ( b ) 30 g r a d uate hours in appropriate field, or ( c ) equivalent. P e e $4. ( F r i d a y , October 22). 0238. R E C R E A T I O N I N S T R U C T O R , $3,360 to $4,280; 13 v a c a n cies throughout State. Requirements: ( 1 ) bachelor s degree or three-year diploma in physical education; and (2) either ( a ) undergraduate study in physical education, or ( b ) one year's experience in physical education or recreation. or ( c ) 30 graduate hours With specialization in appropriate field, or ( d ) equivalent. Pee $3. (Friday, October 22). 4 Dont Repeat This (Continued from Page CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES ONLY NEW 1954 GHEVROLErS BEL-AIR 4-DOOR SPECIAL Summer Closeout of 1951 P A C K A R D S F R O M $1075 U p These Cars Carry New Car Guarantees. PACKARD 0239. A S S I S T A N T RECREAT I O N I N S T R U C T O R , $2,720 to $3,520; 35 vacancies. RequireB R O A D W A Y A T 61st S T . ments: ( 1 ) high school graduCO. 5-3900 ation; and (2) either ( a ) one year's experience In recreation S P O T N E W S of eivU aerrlce program, or ( b ) bachelor's degree With four hours In physical educa- happenings, with forecasts of tion or recreation, or ( c ) equival- what will i^psken. Is found weekly ent. P e e $2. ( F r i d a y , October 22). in the Newsletter folmna. By aU (Contlniied m P a c e S) means r e a i ttk SEDAN Signal L i g h U - Undercoat - Slmonize - Radio and Heater Large H u b Cap - Two-tone Paint - Clock - Fender Sblekhi and Foam Cushion Seats $1875®® 210 SERIES~$1,775.00 150 SERIES—$1,675.00 EQUIPPED AS A B O V E NEW 1954 FORDS 8 GYLS. GUSTOMLINE 4-DOOR SEDAN Radio and Heater - Signal Lights • Undercoat - Simoaiw $1,875.00 TRADES ACCEPTED DANE MOTORS INC. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS TO GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES O N L Y 4042 AUSTIN BLVD. ISLAND PARK. L O N G ISLAND. N. Y. Phone LOng Beach 6-8104-5 O P E N 9 A . M . T O 10 P . M . 6RT T H E D E A I . OF T O U R . n the LIFB '54 OLDS T h e Glamonr Car ot the Tear Buy Your Year Ahead Oldsmobile Now at Substanfial Reductions Dndrr 200 Old Reliable Olds T o a r " O l d a " Uralrr tar t decade. First Ave., Cor. 91 St. Spen e r a . to 10 P . M . BA S-OdOO —1952— CIIE V S 4-dr. Smlans, IT'S DOWNTOWN! FOR THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN * I I I '54 PONTIACS ; '2068 Choie* 779 Inelade > aew Urea a Colon PULL PRICI MV .Hp eovers Polo Ground Willys Authorized WILLYS Dealer 1922 Amiterdam A v. ( M r . 166 8 t . ) M.Y.C. AiU 6 - 1 9 1 0 O p e « 'til 9 Let Us Tune Up Your Car (Son Equipment) Plugs - Points - Condenser Adjust Carb. - Analyze Motor PASS. S R D A X EOIIIrPED DELYD. N. T . • TERMS AS L O W $442 I SERVICE I We Offer An Exceptionally Attractive Deal to Civil Service Workers Henry Caplan, inc. Direct Factory I $13.50, I Authorized Factory Dealer I OR 3-lli.'0 OPEN KVKS. TILL » | ^ • • T T T V V T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T ^ • JUST LIKE WE SAID ^ NO GIMMICKS E r t THIS IS IT W e Are Cleaninq Hoat* 1954 PACKARD Clipper Sedans •with Ultra Matie »»ciio & Heater, New L o w Transm LuBtr® Price $2559 —DEU AL LAFAYETTE INC. : 1105 WinthroD St. Bet. E. fiSth St, & R o c k a w i r P a r k w a y . Brooklyn Phone P R 2 .1300 • A ^ A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A i .$1195 — FULL PRICE •53 PONTIAC I^U MO.NTlll.Y P.W.MENTB •B-4 III ICK Ilardtop «14M 'Sa P I . Y M , 4(1 (^miilirouk . . MM '62 F O l i l ) Tuilor 60S '81 01 n s " n s " Coiivort lOM '61 Itl K ' K !i dr. Hardtop . . 1000 '61 DODGE 4-daor 1M 100 O T I I K K S SE HAIII.U E . S P . W O L EAGLE AUTO SALES 733 E A S T 149 ST. CY 2^779 i'or. roiicord Ave., Oi>i>. Itobt. H a B O I K N KVKMNti.S TIl.L 1* Dealer. 1491 Bedford Ave., Brooklyn MA2-4300 Establishoii Over 35 Tear. Iflontrose-Pontiac Brooklyn's Largest Pontiac Dealer NEW '54 PONTIAC For the Best Deal In T o w n See Us B e f o r e Y o u Buy Montrose-Pontiac 450 B'way, B'klyn EV Summer Clearance We Want Action!! a Ohrck our dm! before 5YOU WILL under BE GORMAN MILLER ^^ MOTOR CORP. 3215 Broadway Author. Ue.Soto kc. I §1 (125th I'lymouth St.) IHiaiw Front Wheel Alignmaiit taqulor Price With TkU $5.00 B K A K K 8 AUJU»TKI> W m i J i ; VOU W A I T 6 I'usa Sntaa «u:viu>ijra, SUKPRISI XOO niilea $8.50 , • 4-6000 THE BEST PEAL FOR YOU ON 19$4 BENSON bDTlac De Soto or Plymouth SANDY'S SERVICE 3-03OU 177* Aiv*., C Y 9^649 WebstM- ^ • , 39-2nd Ave. (2nd St.) N. T. ' STATION Chrysler-Plymouth I AS , Downtown Pontiac Corp. \ 6 C y L $10.00-8 Cyl. $12.00 63—8th Ave. (Cor. 13 St.) CU. 2-9355 I TM.\JM OP P ICES FO R TR ADES L Rmi.Miia rxftt iKAVISit Special 2 Weelcs Only VILLA&E I • Miles Poll Isn't Scientific As this column said last week, this poll is not intended to be a scientific analysis, but merely to present an indication of civil service employees' thinking as we went to press. T h e poll shows these results: ( a ) public » employees f e e l that Dewey is the strongest candidate and his bowing out of the race Is therefore a weakening f a c t o r on the G O P side; ( b ) the Democrats have a number of strong candidates, and there Is httle feeling of " t h e " strongest: (3) on both sides, there is an attitude t h a t m a n y good candidates are available f o r other positions on the ticket; (4) f r o m comments accompanying the voting, it seems obvious that the coming race will be a close one. T h i s column also asked its r e a d ers to indicate which party in their opinion is likely to win the election. Since results are still coming in at press-time, no tabulation has been made. Readers who have not yet done so are Invited to submit their opinions; and at a later time Don't R e p e a t T h i s m a y p r e sent a summary of civil service thinking on the relative strength of the Republican and Democratic parties. ^ FOR 1) ran in this order: First. R o b e r t F. W a g n e r ; with Franklin D. Roosevelt Jr., Averell H a r r i m a n , and James A. Farley running closely together as second choices. T h e r e was a scattering of votes f o r Judges Charles W . Proessel and Harold Medina. Other G O P Candidates T h e civil servants showed much independence in their construction of the remainder of the tickets. On the G O P side, the choices for lieutenant governor were nearly evenly distributed between Oswald D. Hecks and R a y m o n d A. McGovern. Assemblyman Joseph Carlino led the roster of Republican choices f o r comptroller. H a r o l d R i e g e l man. who had been the G O P candidate f o r M a y o r of New Y o r k , received a scattering of votes both f o r lieutenant governor and f o r comptroller. On the choice f o r attorney general, the long-time incumbent, Nathaniel Goldstein, ran first, even though he — like Governor Dewey, has said he does not wish to run again. Congre.ssman Jacob K. Javits was a close second. T h e r e were scattered votes f o r Congressman Paul Pino. Other Democratic Candidates On the Democratic side, the leading choices for lieutenant governor were: Supreme Court Judge S. Samuel DiPalco, first, followed by Congressman Leo O'Brien. Others named were Donald. K r a m e r , M a y o r of Binghamton and f o r m e r N Y C Comptroller L a zarus Joseph. T h e r e was also a scattering of votes f o r James A. Lyons, specifically i d e n t i f y i n g the B r o n x boro president. T h e r e had been a slight boomlet f o r another James Lyons, former Sullivan County assemblyman, but this was not reflected In the votes of the civil servants. James M . M e a d ran first in the poll f o r the post of comptroller on the Democratic ticket, closely f o l lowed by George Bragalini, f o r m e r N Y C postmaster. P o r the position of attorney general, Francis W . H. Adams, N Y C Police Commissioner, ran f a r ahead of others. But this was before the run-in on bingo and the busting of a top cop who Insisted on enforcing the anti-gambling laws. I t is, of course. Impossible to say what a f f e c t this news might have had on the vote A d a m s received. Others who ran h i g h as Democratic candidates f o r c o m p troller were Judge N a t h a n R . Sobel and Jules Wickler. A F T O M O B I L E S A i T u e s d a y , Kepl«mlH>r 14, 1 9 5 4 C I V I L S K R T I t i E L E A U I c n r a g e l u r e * Fringe Benefits — Public and Private Policies Compared R I N G E benefits have become an important factor in the recruitment efforts of both government and business personnel administrators. This takes on real significance in light of the fringe benefits enacted by the Federal government (and described in last week's L E A D E R ) . According to a new report of the Civil Service Assembly, fringe benefits are regarded as an important condition of employment by American workers striving to attain economic security as well as a better standard of living. A s commonly understood, the term " f r i n g e benefits" applies to a wide variety of rights, privileges and special activities which employees consider along with salary as attractive features of a job. Over the years, fringe benefits have been developed by employers on their own initiative and by employees through collective bargaining. A s a result of agreements granting these benefits, many workers today regard A group of gals attending the recently held annual steak roast at Picard's Grove, spon- " f r i n g e s " as guaranteed employment rrights which an emsored by the James E. Christian Memorial Health Department C S E A chapter, sport the ployer is obliged to provide. latest fad for the members of the "weaker s e x " Pipes away, gals! Smiling prettily for Furthermoi'e, a number of laws now exist which reEdmund Freitag, staff photographer, left to right: Jeanne Leonard, Edith Vincent, Marcia quire employers to grant security and welfare benefits to Warner, Dottie Behm, Irma Comeau and Dottie Kemmy of the Offices of Business Adminisemployees. Previously, these benefits were " f r i n g e s " in tration and Public Health Education. that they were given at the discretion of the employer. But since these benefits are now required by law, they are no longer fringe benefits in the sense of being voluntary expression of an employer's interest in the welfare of his employees. For example, some states require employers to give employees time off to vote. And overtime ROME, N. Y., Sept. 13—Whafs Cocktails will be served at 5:30 payments are compulsory f o r the mass of industrial workState salaries? This will be the big P.M., and dinner at 6:30. Dr. ers covered by the Federal Fair I^abor Standards Act. right and what's wrong about James P. Kelleher. director of feature of an all-day meeting of Rome State School, and Mrs. N Y C employees who have ap- Those benefits are no longer considered by employees as the Central Conference, scheduled plied for a refund of accumulated for Saturday, September 25, In Kelleher will be guests of Port deductions are asked not to com- " f r i n g e s " as guaranteed employment rights which an emRome. The Fort Stanwix chapter, Stanwix chapter. Officers of the municate with the N Y C Retire- continually being brought forth to attract and hold Rome State School, will act as Civil Scrvice Employees A.ssocia- ment System about date of payworkers. host to the Conference, which is a tion will be guests of the Confer- ment. unit of the State-wide Civil Ser- ence. The report predicts that the American worker's presSays Isabel M. Keleher, secrevice Employees Association. Davis Patchen to Preside tary of the Retirement System: sure f o r increased fringe benefits from employers will L. Shultes, who headed the CSEA Robert Patchen of Rome State "This request is made because salary committee in its negotia- School will be master of ceremoncontinue as long as individual security needs are not comthis ofKce receives numerous tions with the Governor's repre- ies. John P. Powers, CSEA presiphone calls and inquiries by mall pletely satisfied. It adds that as soon as nation-wide prosentatives, will be modei-ator at dent. will be principal speaker. from members who have applied the salary discussion. It is antiMrs. Irma German, president of grams are established which provide adequately for the cipated that many knotty ques- the host chapter, is chairman of for refunds prior to their actual tions will come from the audience. the committee on arrangements, separation fi'om service, because security needs of employees, present fringe benefits will of accrued vacation or sick leave The meeting will begin at 1:30 assisted by Mrs. Lennea Swanson time which will not expire I'or a become obsolete or new benefits will be devised. and John Cole. P.M., at the Beeches in Rome. month or six weeks. They do not Industry Becoming More Liberal Dinner reservations should be seem to understand that although Raymond G. Castle, the Conference's 2nd vice president, has been made with Mrs. Swanson, care of their agency accepts the resignaThe disparity between fringe benefits offered employappointed to fill the vacancy cau- Rome State School, Rome. N. Y. tion and refund blank, that the sed by the retirement of 1st vice not later than Saturday, Septem- refund is not forwarded until after ees by government and industry is not nearly as great president Gerald Reilly. The Con- ber 18. the actual resignation date. These as commonly believed. ference will elect a new 2nd vice Margaret M. Penk is chairman cases cannot be processed until The Civil Service Assembly reveals that the gap is president. Charles D. Methe is of the Conference's publicity comseparation from service is vericonference president. mittee. narrowing between the practice in government and infied." dustry regarding vacations. The vacation policy in most Hold Up Resignations, She Asks Miss Keleher added that her governmental jurisdictions has been regarded as liberal office would "appreciate if payroll f o r many years, especially in the Federal government clerks would delay accepting resignations or applications for refund. service. But recently the Federal vacation period has been Usual processing takes four to six decreased while the vacation allowances of industrial weeks. firms are becoming more liberal. In many cases, vacation Applications for amounts in exA large meeting pf the SouthThe new State pay schedules. policies of business firms exceed those of local governcess of $5000 must be presented to ern Conference is scheduled to be Consideration and endorsement the Board of Estimate for ap- ment agencies. held at Wcstfield State Farm on of candidates for the Civil Service proval. This also delays things. Saturday, September 18. The report says that formal sick leave programs are Asked what members can do to Among items on the agenda are Employees Association. these: It is expected that the Confer- help speed up action on their ap- offered more in government than in industry. But the sick Discus.sion of 47 resolutions ence meeting also be a social event plications, Miss Keleher replied: which have been submitted to the of rare excellcnce. 1. Proper completion and execu- leave allowed government employees is usually not supCharles Lamb, of Sing Sing tion of the application. Including plemented with hospitalization and surgical insurance, Resolution Committee of the Conwill preside. ference. signature as it appears on the re whereas most industrial firms provide f o r sickness with cords of the Retirement System. 2. Filing the applications di- non-occupational health and accident insurance and conwill receive $3730 to $4,720. or rectly with the department in R-12. tinue all or part of a salaried employee's compensation Positions eliminated from/ spe- which the employee last served. 3. Avoiding unnecessary calls in f o r about two weeks while he is receiving insurance bencial T B Service designation, and pay differentials, are bacteriolo- attempting to expedite payment. efits. Also, many industrial firms give workers hospital gist, laboratory helper, medical and surgical insurance for which they pay all or part of technician, senior medical techni- Brisk Business cian, senior X - r a y technician the cost, and on-the-job medical services are given emX - r a y technician. X-ray aide, and On Pay Appeals social worker. Henry Galpin, salary research ployees of a number of companies. A L B A N Y , Sept. 13 — New salary Certain State park employees on analyst of the Civil Service EmNo fringe benefits are granted exclusively to govscales for State employees in the Long Island will be given a new ployees Association, and Charles ernment employees as a particular advantage of public field representative, Tuberculosis Service and on Long title designation, traffic and park R. Culyer, Island park.s have been announced officer, at R-12. $3,730 to $4,720 have been doing a thriving "busi- employment. Industrial workers, however, are offered seva higher salary than similar work- ness" at the office of the N Y C by J. Earl Kelly, director of ers in upstate parks. Traffic and chapter, at 80 Centre Street. eral fringe benefits that government by its nature cannot Classification and Compensation, park corporal will receive $3,92fb Mr. Galpin has been meeting grant its employees, according to the report. Example* State Civil Service Department. to $4,950; sergeant, $4,350 to $5.- with employee groups who want to Entrance salaries in 24 titles 460; lieutenant, $4,830 to $6020; appeal their grades or salaries given are profit sharing, bonus allowances, and discount have also been upgraded, Mr. captain $5,640 to $6,970. under the new State pay plan. and purchasing facilities. F Capital Conference Be Patient on Announces Fall Meeting Refunds,NYC Aides Urged Southern Conference Plans Meeting for September 18 State TB, Park Aides Get New Pay Kelly announced, to aid recruitment efforts. Differential pay for employees In the T B Service is continued for all but eight job titles. In general, one and two-grade differentials have been provided. Attcndant.s 2 Grades HlKher Attendants in the T B Service a r e rated R-6, $2,720 to $3,520, a two-grade jump over other attendants. Staff' nurses are graded R-10, >3,360 to $4,280, and supervising nurses, R-14 $4,130 to $5,200. Institutional teachers ( T B Servlc«) Among the 24 positions which will have increased entrance salaries, to aid recruitment throughout the State or In certain localities, are: Dental hygienlst, statewide, $3,358. Stenographer, NYC and vicinity, $2,598. Regents printer, Albany County, $4,986. Senior draftsman, statewide, $3,730. Senior engineering aide, stat«Wl4e. $3,730. Last Thursday, Mr. Galpin met with representatives of these groups: Building guard, elevator operator, hearing reporter, payroll auditor. baker, junior accountant, railroad inspector, medical photographer, telephone operator. Mr. Galpin advised these categories on procedure for making appeals. He will be available to other groups of State employees in the metropolitan area on Thuisday, September 30. New Laws May B « the Answer The report explains that industrial employers are lesi restricted than government employers in adopting new personnel practices because they do not need legislative authorization to adopt new policies. For example, rest periods are not formally provided for as frequently im government as in business because of lack of clear legi»lative authority f o r their establishment. (Coutinued on r « f e 6) Pa|(e CIVIL Four SERVICE LEADER Tuesday, September 14, 19S4 Live Bloodhounds, Cute Teachers, Western Conference Will Disney Cartoons—Public Employees Feature Tour of School Show Their Many Jobs at State Fair Pay Scales For Armory Employees S Y R A C U S E , Sept. 13 — M o r e than 220,000 visitors to the State F a i r in Syracuse were made more a w a r e of the service rendered to t h e public by State and local e m ployees a f t e r viewing an exhibit of the Civil Service Employees Association. Volunteer workers at t h e CSEA booth answered the questions of thousands of f a i r goers, and the space was a g a t h ing place f o r the numerous C S E A members at the big event. Exhibit Is Popular T h e C S E A exhibit, part of the Association's public-relations program, was one of the most popul a r attractions at the fair. A large part of he fairgrounds was devoted to booths and exhibits of the various State departments and agencies, staffed by employees who served as pitchm e n and actors f o r the occasion. The State troopers' exhibit showed police equipment—cycles, police cars, radio, guns and even t w o live blood hounds who spent their days making friends with the young f r y who stopped to a d mire them. Department Exhibits Other attention-drawing a t t r a c tions were tlie exhibits of the Correction Department, showing that crime doesn't pay, and the Insurance Department, which showed Disney cartoons. Agriculture and Markets featured a m o del electric train. T h e State University set up a model classroom with an attractive teacher and a classroom of cute pupils. Actual classes were conducted T h e T h r u w a y had a toll booth set up. Color-Vision Tests M o t o r Vehicles inspectors gave color-vision tests. Commerce D e partment provides an underground "vista showing the mineral wealth of the State. Division of Veteran A f f a i r s sent free 25-word messages to persons in the service anywhere in the world f r o m relatives. A group of workers with i m paired vision sat through the day working on delicate instruments to Illustrate the work of Social W e l f a r e . T h e " H a u n t e d H o u s e " of M e n t a l Hygiene gave visitors an insight into the workings of a troubled mind. Vocational training programs In action, w i t h students working in metals and wood showed one activity of the Education D e p a r t ment. Testing, Testing Civil Service Department set up testing equipment and allowed visitors to take tests which were rated quickly by electric scoring m a chines on their knowledge of literature, history, science or a g r i culture. Those rating highest were awarded " e x p e r t " buttons. A m o n g other attractive displays were those of the H e a l t h D e p a r t ment, Y o u t h Commission, Public Works, Anti-Discrimination, L e g islative Committee on problems of the Aged, Workmen's Compensation, and the Commerce D e p a r t ment's W o m e n ' s Division. Topics of Interest What Happened to the Pay Raise? Court, Legislative Employees AreV/ondering L e a d i n g the questions asked by State employees, according to Philip Kerker, who spent much time as "answer m a n " , were queries about social security f o r State workers; salaries; and organization of State troopers. A L B A N Y , Sept. 13—Employees of the Legislature and the Judiciary are disturbed because they have as yet received no i n f o r m a tion concerning increases they are to receive under the new salary bill on October 1. Announcement of new salary rates f o r most E x e cutive employees was issued some weeks ago. action on this matter, and has learned that some of the courts have not filed their recommendations f o r increases. T h e law provides an appropriation of $75,000 for employees of the Judiciary and $75,000 f o r e m ployees of the Legislature, with the proviso that all increases must be approved by the chairmen of the Senate Finance Committee and T h e Civil Service Employees and the Assembly W a y s Association has been pressing f o r Means Committee. bis steps T h e cast is headed by Frank DeJulio and L e o LeDuc, with W i l l i a m Cooke, Loretta Ratcalles, M y r a Larson, Edna Mulligan, Jean Fogerty, Marie Horvath, Donald Bailey, Chris Pena, Julia Pitou, Alice Cosgrove, Ida Finkelson, James Vicari and M a r g a r e t D e siderato. Arnold Cortazzo is chairman of the band uniform committee; Florence Goodfield, vice chairman; Tracy Plain, secretary; Albert Langenstein, treasurer; Alyce Teichmann, in charge of tickets; Mrs. K a t h l e e n L. Hennessy, publicity chairman, and Methel Stevens and Marie Salvatore, publicity. WITH A DIME SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN T R U S T . . . F O R H I M l It's not just now that there s need for a cushion. Those little feet will grow. I here will be hrst steps to school, to college, to a career, to the wonderful world of tlie future. You can cushion tlicm so easily by opening a D i m e Savings Account in trust lor the child of your heart. Parent . . . g r a n d p a r e n t . . . godparent — anyone and everyone can open a D i m e Savings Account in trust for a child or children. All through your lifetime the money is yours to do with as you like. After . . . the money is payable to the named beneficiary or beneficiaries. It s a wonderful idea! Just one of the many ways T h e D i m e Savings Bank helps you to save for what you want — the way you want. Use the coupon below. Open your account toilay with a first deposit of as little as $5 — as much as $10,000. R e m e m b e r . . . you can bank by mail at T h e D i m e and when you do we pay all the postage. offers you—the government employee—an opportunity to own the finest automobile insurance protection at low pfeferred-risk rates. If you are not yet a member J of our family of satisfied policy owners, we invite DIME you to join over a quarter million government employees w h o now entrust their automobile insurance protection to Government Employees Insurance Company SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN MAIL THIS CX)UPON FOR RATES ON YOVR CAR DOWNTOWN BENSONHURST FLATBUSH CONEY ISLAND N O OBLIGATION—NO AGENT WILL CALL (A Copttol Steel Cwnponr . . mot allilialtd wHh 0 . 5. Govuitmnl) < AAUKBklUBklV IBkJSI AWaec i^CIIM A U ABlUILOINA, ••111 nlftj J*WASHINGTON A • tJ ^ «Ak^ «OVIIINMENT MrlO Y K S INSUtANCI I, > D. C. A B N«m« t t i i d t M i Addraii Oty »' Zoiit — M<lr< Single Co)u\ly INo. of Childrtnl.. ..St«(. "•;• Mad«l IDI>..atc.l|Na. Cyl I'lody Stylt I.l«tl.n- Mtrrltd • M<rltil Stitui Coit I Purcliiii OtU • Naw / / HuLd N . . <;( Cklldrtn-' • 1)1 .ror; (bl li c<r uxd In any eccup«lioii or kuilKMi' lEicludlnf lo and from workl • Yai • No I, lallmatad n>llaa«a diiria« naif yaarl... My praiaitl laigraaca aipirai....-/ /..... C MMIO H*4 jato laqairy cardi lor dUtrlbution to my •iiociafat Qj^ Fulton Street and DeKalb Ave. 86th Street and 19th Avenue Ave. J and Coney Island Avenue Mermaid Ave. and W . 17ch St. Mimbtf ffjerai Dipoitt Insurance Corporation t ' Claude E. Rowell, president of the Western Conference, states that he expects this to be one of the best meetings yet held by the group. Other Conference officers are: Celeste Rosenkranz, 1st v i c e president; V i t o J. Ferro, 2nd vicepresident; K e n y o n T i c e n , t r e a surer; Mrs. John L a v e r y , secretary. A L B A N Y , Sept. 13—Here m the new grades and rates of p a r f o r State A r m o r y employees: A r m o r y Superintendent grade 1. Old rate: $3200-$4200. N e w g r a d * and r a t e : R-13, $3920-$4950. A r m o r y Superintendent, grade 2. Old rate, $3000-$4000. New rate and grade: R-12, $3730-$4720. A r m o r y Superintenden, grade S. Old rate, $2800-$3400. New rate and grade: R-10, $3360-$4280. Assistant A r m o r y Superintendent, set at R-11, $3540-$4490. A r m o r y Engineer, grade 1. O l d rate, $3000-$3400. N e w G r a d e and rate: R-11, $3540-4490. A r m o r y Engineer, grade 2 b e comes R - 8 , $3020-$3880. Security G u a r d goes f t o m t h e old rate of $2515-$3095 to the n e w grade and rate of $2850-$3350. T h e p a y Increase is retroactive to April 1. On October 1, e m p l o y ees will receive a lump sum check covering the difference between their old and new pay f o r the six months between April 1, 1954 and October 1, 1954. Cushion Willowbrook Players To Give Original Musical S T A T E N I S L A N D , Sept. 13— T h e Willowbrook Players, a group of employees of Willowbrook State School, will present an original musical play, " O n c e Upon A n I s land," in the school auditorium at 8 P.M. September 16, 17 and 18. T h e show was written and directed by Vincent Lombardi, instructor of music at the school. M r . Lombardi, it was reported, devoted his entire vacation to the production, and the Willowbrook Players have spent several nights each v.eek in rehearsals. Proceeds will be used to purchase uniforms for the school band of which Willowbrook is duly proud. R O C H E S T E R , Sept. 13—A s p e - ' cial feature of the Western Conference meeting scheduled to be held in Newark, N. Y., September 18, will be a tour of the N e w a r k State School. Although classrooms and shops will be closed, operations of other sections of the school will be shown to all those interested. T h e tour will start promptly at 1:30 p.m. f r o m the school building, thus enabling the business meeting to begin at 2:30. Dr. W o l f s o n , director of the school, has urged that as m a n y as possible avail themselves of the opportunity to .see the establishment. T h e afternoon meeting of the Conference will be sparked by a d dresses f r o m K e n n e t h Stahl of the State Retirement System and John Conway, regional attorney of the Civil Service Employees Association. Dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. at Caruso's Restaurant. Dinner reservations are being made through Mrs. Edna V a n D e Velde, 529 Church Street, N e w a r k , N. Y . T h e cost of a reservation is $3.00. V I I I I I Mail this coupon to any office of The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn I enclose $ • • • Please open a Savings Account as checked: Individual Account in my name alone Joint Account with Trust Account for NAMEAODRESSL. CITY, ZONE NO., STATECash ib»kld b$ ivm regiittrnd maii. 1 33-CSL f f * xams Now Open For State Jobs (Continued from Page Z) •ZiO. A S S O C I A T E L I B R A R I A N , $C,250 to $7,680; one vacancy in Regional Library Service Center, VTatertown; one expected in T r a Teling Libraries Section of Education Department, Albany. Open iifttlonwide. Requirements: (1) State public librarians' professional certificate; (2) bachelor's degree plus 30 hours in library •cience: ( 3 ) three years' experience; and (4) either ( a ) two more years' experience, or ( b ) one more year's experience and 30 more hours in library scince, or (c) equivalent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). negotiation, etc., of contracts, grivances or union-employer disputes; and (3) either ( a ) bachelor's degree, or ( b ) two more years' experience, or ( c ) equivalent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). 0250. BOOKBINDER, Bronx County, $4,150; one vacancy in County Clerk's Office. Open only to residents of Bronx County. R e quirements: two years' experience in bookbinding; and (2) either ( a ) completion of bookbinding course in trade, vocational or technical school, or ( b ) three more years' experience, or ( c ) equivalent. Fee $4. (Friday, October 221. 0260. D I R E C T O R OF C O R R E C T I O N A L R E S E A R C H , $8,090 to $9,800; one vacancy at Albany in Department of Correction. R e quirements: (1) bachelor's degree; (2) three years' experience in major research programs concerned with soco-economic, criminological or correctional problems; and (3) either ( a ) five more years' experience, or ( b ) 30 graduate hours in appropriate courses plus four years' experience, or ( c ) Ph.D. in appropriate courses, or ( d ) equivalent. Fee $5. (Friday, October 22). 0261. S E N I O R R E S E A R C H A N A L Y S T ( C R I M I N O L O G Y ) . $6,590 to $8,070. Requirements: (1) bachelor's degree with specialization in .sociology, psychology or social economics plus 6 semester hours in statistics; and (2) four years' experience in sociological research, including two years in administrative capacity; and (3) either ( a ) one more year's experience, or ( b ) 30 graduate hours in appropriate courses, or (c) equivalent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). architecture or engineering plus one year of one of above types of experience, or ( c ) 5 years of experience assisting In work related to hardware design, manufacture or installation and one more year of the above described experience in the preparation of hardware specifications, or ( d ) a satisfactory equivalent. Fee $5. Exam date, Saturday, October 23. (Friday, September 24). 0219. J U N I O R E N G I N E E R I N G AIDE, $2,720 to $3,520. There are 209 vacancies in the Dept. of Public Works at Albany and in the District Offices; more expected. Requirements: (1) high school graduation or equivalency diploma; and (2) either ( a ) one year of experience as a helper on engineering projects, or ( c ) a satisfactory equivalent. Exam date, Saturday, October 23. (Friday, September 24). high school graduation or equival* ency diploma; and (2) either (a). 4 years of experience assisting in engineering work by performing simple technical ta.sks and manual work in office, field or laboratory, gineering, or (c) equivalent, or (b) a bachelor's degree In e n Pee $3.00. Exam date, Saturday, October 23. (Friday, September 24). 0226. S U P E R V I S O R OF S O C I A L W O R K ( M E D I C A L ) , $5,090 to $6,320. There are three vacancies, one each at Syracuse, B u f falo and Albany. Requirements: (1) completion of two years of graduate study in a recognized school of social work; (2) two years of satisfactory medical social work experience, within the last 10 years, in a recognized institution or agency offering casework services, of which one year must have been under the supervision of a medical social work supervisor and one year must have been in a supervisory, consultative or administrative capacity; and (3) either ( a ) one more year of satisfactory medical social work experience, or (b> one more year of social casework experience and specialization medical or psychiatric social work in the graduate study listed above, or ( c ) a satisfactory. Pee $5. Exam to be held Saturday, November 6. (Friday, October 8). 0251. C A N A L S T R U C T U R E O P E R A T O R , $2,870 to $3,700; two vacancies each at Albany and Buffalo, one each at Utica and Rochester, in Department of Public Works. Requirements: either ( a ) two season's experience as canal helper, or ( b ) two years' ex0217. A S S I S T A N T H Y D R A U L I C perience in operation and mainENGINEER, $5,360 to $6,640. tenance of mechanical and elecThere are two vacancies in the trical machinery, or ( c ) two years' Dept. of ?»ublic Service at N Y C . college training in electrical or Requirements: (1) high, school mechanical engineering or techno0262. R E S E A R C H A N A L Y S T graduation or equivalency diplology, or ( d ) equivalent. Fee $2. 0242. A S S I S T A N T I N S C H O O L ( R E N T ) , $5,090 to $6,320; one va- ma; (2) one year of satisfactory experience in the cancy in Temporary State Hous- engineering A T T E N D A N C E , $5,360 to $6,640; (Friday, October 221. one vacancy in Education Depart0252. B U O Y L I G H T T E N D E R , ing Rent Commission, N Y C . R e - field of hydraulic engineering or ment, Albany. Requirements: $2,450 to $3,190; two vacancies at quirements: (1) bachelor's degree; in the supervision or operation of State permanent teaching certifi- Utica, one at Buffalo, in Depart- and (2) four years' experience in a public water supply system; cate; (2) master's degree with ment of Public Works. Require- economic research involving sta- and (3» either ( a ) a bachelor's •pecialization in guidance, school ments: either ( a ) one year's ex- tistical analysis. Fee $5. (Friday, degree in civil engineering plus one more year of above expernurse teaching or secondary edu- perience in repair or operation of October 22). cation; and (3) two years' experi- gasoline-driven motor boats, or 0227. S E N I O R S O C I A L W O R K 0263. R E S E A R C H A S S I S T A N T ience and one year of experience assisting in such work, or ( b ) a ence in elementary or secondary ( b ) two years' experience as ( B A N K I N G ) , $4,130 to $5,200; master's degree in civil engineee- E R ( M E D I C A L ) $4,350 to $5,460, education; and (4) either ( a ) one helper or service man in repair one vacancy in N Y C with Banking (Continued on Page 8) more year's experience, or ( b ) 30 and serving of automobiles or Department. Requirements: (1) ing with specialization in hydrauadditional hours in above fields, other interal combustion engine- bachelor's degree with appropriate lics plus one more year of above or ( c ) equivalent. Fee $5. (Friday, powered equipment, or ( c ) equi- courses; and (2) either ( a ) one experience or one year of experyears' experience in financial or ience assisting in such work, or October 22). valent. Fee $2. (Friday, October O F C A N D I D A T E S For business research work, or (b) 30 ( c ) 5 years of experience assist0243. A S S I S T A N T I N T E S T DE- 22). ing in work described above and graduate hours in appropriate V E L O P M E N T , $5,360 to $6,640; 0253. S E N I O R B U I L D I N G C O N - courses, or ( c ) equivalent. Fee. $4. one more year of the engineerone vacancy in Education DepartS T R U C T I O N E N G I N E E R , $6,590 (Friday, October 22). ing experience as described, or ment, Albany. Requirements: (1) to $8,070; one vacancy in Divis(d) a satisfactory equivalent. bachelor's degree with 12 semester 0264. R E S E A R C H A S S I S T A N T , ion of Housing, N Y C , and 14 in hours in education; (2) two years' Department of Public Works, A l - $4,130 to $5,200; one vacancy in Fee $5. Exam date, Saturday, experience in objective test work; bany. Requirements: ( 1 ) State li- Albany in Department of Correc- October 23. (Friday, September FOR THE EYESIGHT TESTS OF and (3) either ( a ) two more years' cense as professional engineer; tion. Requirements: (1) bachelor's 24). CIVIL SERVICE REQUIREMENTS experience, or ( b ) master's degree and (2) two years' experience in degree with six semester hours in 0218. S E N I O R E N G I N E E R I N G in education and one year's ex- supervision of building construc- statistics; and (2) either ( a ) one AIDE, $3,540 to $4,490. There are DR. JOHN T. FLYNN perience, or ( c ) two years' experi- tion projects. Pee $5. (Friday, years' experience, or ( b ) 30 sem- 72 vacancies in the Dept. of PubOptometrist • Orttioptist ester hours, or ( c ) equivalent. Fee lic Works at Albany and in the ence in education, or (d> equival- October 22). 300 West 23rd St., N. Y . C . $4. (Friday, October 22). District Offices. Sixty-six more ent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). Br Ai>i>t. Onlj WA. O-SOl* 0254. A S S I S T A N T HEATING 0244. A S S I S T A N T I N SCHOOL A N D V E N T I L . \ T I N G E N G I N E E R . 0215. SENIOR A R C H I T E C T . are expected. Requirements: (1) LUNCH A D M I N I S T R A T I O N , $5,360 to $6,640; two vacancies in $6,590 to $8,070. Open to any $5,360 to $0,640; one vacancy in Albany with Department of Pub- qualified citizen of the U. S. There Education Department, Albany. lic Works. Requirements: (1) one are 33 vacancies in Albany, 150 New Exam Has Been Officially Ordered for Requirements: (1) master's degree year in design of heating and ven- more expected. Requirements: (1) in institutional food administra- tilating systems; and (2) either a professional architect's license; tion, nutrition education or home ( a ) bachelor's degree in mechan- A N D (2' 2 years of experience in economics education, (2) two ical engineering plus one more work similar to that of Assistant years' experience in institutional year's experience and one year as- Architect in State service perfood administration; and (3) sisting in mechanical engineering forming important architectural (NEW YORK CITY POLIC€ DEPT.) either ( a ) one more year's experi- work, or ( b ) master's degree in work on building plans and deence, or ( b ) 30 additional gradu- mechanical engineering plus one signs. Pee $5. Exam date. SaturAtltr HUfUoc ate hours in above fields, or ( c ) more years of experience, or ( c ) day, October 23. (Friday, SeptemMOIMT Vwn equivalent. Fee $5. (Friday, Octo- five years' mechanical engineering ber 24). ber 22). design experience, or ( d ) equival0216. S E N I O R HARDWARE Includei $I2S Annually for Uniform and Equipment AHowanc* 0245. S U P E R V I S I N G D I E T I - ent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). S P E C I F I C A T I O N S W R I T E R , $6,T I A N , $4,130 to $5,200; nine va0255. A S S I S T A N T S U P E R I N - 599 to $8,070. There is one vaENROLLMENT NOW OPEN! cancies in Mental Hygiene institu- T E N D E N T OF C O N S T R U C T I O N , cancy in the Dept. of Public Works (1) tions. Open nationwide. Require- $4,130 to $5,200; seven field jobs, at Albany. Requirements: Classes Start Week of Sept. 27t1i graduation or an preparation, nutrition or institu- 8 more expected, at Albany in high school la Both Manhattan and Jomaica tion management; (2) three years' Department of Public Works and equivalency diploma: (2) 3 years Complete Preparation for Written and Physical Tettt experience in liospital dietetic one vacancy at Babylon with L.I. of professional experience in the FRCfi MEDICAL EXAM: Doctors in attendance at oar Main Buildiaf. ments: (1) bachelor's degree with State Park Commission. Require- preparation of hardware specifi115 E. 15 St., Manhattan, Tuei. ft Thars. 10 to 11:45 A.M., work; and (3) either ( a ) one more ments: either ( a ) bachelor's de- cations which must have involved 5:30 to 7:45 P.M. specialization in dietetics, food gree in civil engineering or ar- developing, writing and reviewhardware year's experience, or ( b ) post- chitecture, plus one year's exper- ing specifications for N. Y. City Civil Service Exam Ordered for graduate hospital traming course ience as building construction su- and fixtures used in building conPermanent Positions in Varioas Departments a* as student dietitian. Fee $4. (Fri- perintendent, contractor, inspec- struction and maintenance; and tor engineer or architect, or ( b ) (3) either ( a ) a bachelor's degree day, October 22). A YEAR 0246. S E N I O R O C C U P A T I O N A L master's degree in civil engineer- in architecture or engineering plus SALARY THERAPIST ( P S Y C H I A T R I C ) , ing or architecture, or ( c ) three one more year of above experience Bated o« Prevailing Scale and Assurance of 250 Days Yearly Regardlett ef $4,350 to $5,460; one vacancy in years' experience, or ( d ) equival- and one year of experience assistWeather—No Age Limit for Veterani, Others up to 50 Years Old, 5 Years Department of Correction at Dan- ent. Fee $4. (Friday, October 22). ing In work related to hardware design, manufacture or installaTrade Btperience or Equivalent in Training and Experience Qualifies. nemora State Hospital. Men only. 0256. J U N I O R A R C H I T E C T , tion. or ( b ) a master's degree in Requirements: (1) either ( a ) oc- $4, 350 to $5,460; one vacancy in FULL a V I L SERVICE BENEFITS INCLUDING PENSIOM cupational therapy school gradu- N Y C with Division of Housing, Oar Special Coarse Prepare* Yoa for Official Written Teet ation or ( b ) bachelor's degree and one more expected at Albany with 10 months' training in O.T. school; Department of Public Works. R e • « Oar Gaest of a Class Sessioa Monday at 7 P.M. and (2) two years' experience, in- quirements: (1) high school gracluding one year in treatment of duation or equivalent; and (.2) Class Starting for Next (Jan.) Exoir for mentally ill patients. Pee $4. ( F r i - either ( a ) bachelor's degree in NEW YORK CITY day, October 22). architecture or architectural en0247. C O U R T S T E N O G R A P H E R , gineering, plus one year's experSupreme and County Courts, 5th ience, or ( b ) master's degree, or Thorough Preparation for Official Written Exam Judicial District, $9,570; one vaby Instructor of Long and Successful Experience ( c ) five years' experience, or ( d ) cancy in Supreme Court. Open equivalent. Pee $4. (Pi-iday, OctBe O w Gaest at OPENING CLASS, THURS., SEPT. 16 at 7 P.M. Electrical and mechanical enonly to residents of Herkimer, J e f - ober 22) Classes Thereafter on TUESDAYS and T H U R S D A Y S gineers, qualified in design work ferson, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga and for supervision of construc0257. S E N I O R D R A F T S M A N , Classes Now Formiag for or Oswego Counties. Requirements: (1) three years' experience $3,540 to $4,490; 17 vacancies at tion work, have jobs waiting for them at the N Y C Department of la general verbatim reporting, or Babylon in L. I. State Park ComPublic Works. T h e positions are (b> two years' experience as court mission; one in Downstate M e d on a provisional basis, which laqaira for Particalars reporter, or ( c ) equivalent, or ( d ) ical Center, Brooklyn; one in means that appointments can be •ertitled shorthand reporter's cer- State College of Forestry, Syra- made immediately upon applicaBUSINESS COURSES: Stenography - Typewriting • Secretarial tiflcate. Pee $5. (Friday, October cuse; 14 in offices of Public Works. tion, with a good possibility of f u Requirements: (1) high school VOCATIONAL TRAINING.f;^?; 7"Dr'a«.;'?'.V..".'M:c?a.Vc. 23). ture qualification for permanent 0248. C O l i R T S T E N O G R A P H E R , graduation or equivalent; and (2) tenure through passing a civil Bupreme and County Courts, 6th either ( a ) four years' experience, service examination. ARI OPPORTUNITIES ESCAPING YOU7 or ( b ) bachelor's degree in engiJudicial District, $9,570; one va T h e D P W points out that while Kjep iutormed about conili« eiame br fillnr a CONFIDENTIAL QUBSTIOMeaacy in Supreme Court. Open neering, or ( c ) equivalent. Fee $3. the beginning salaries are someNAlKl!: with ua Eivinr your aualincationa. We will notify j o a br mail withonly to residents of Broome, Che- (Friday, October 22). what lower than the engineers may out cliarre ol apiJroachioc popular exams tor which yoa may be eltelMe. mung, Chenango, Cortland. Dela 0258. J U N I O R D R A F T S M A N , be able to demand in private InQuestionnaire forme mailMl V K E B er may be obtained at our offlcee. w«re, Madison, Otsego Schuyler $2,720 to $3;620; three vacancies dustry, they will acquire a wide Tioga or Tompkins Counties. Re- in Albany and 33 throughout and valuable experience on the quirements: same as No. 0247, State; 11 more expected. Require- job. above. Pee $5. (Friday, October ments: ( 1 ) high school graduaT h e starting salary for junior IS). tion or equivalent; and (2) either engineer is $4,080, and those with •249. LABOR M E D I A T O R . ( a ) one year's experience, or ( b ) some experience may qualify for H.iMM) to $8,470; vacancies expec- bachelor's degree in engineering, assistant engineer at $5,006. A p MANHATTAM: I I S EAST IStk STRECT — Aft. 3-«tO« M In State Board of Mediation. or ( c ) high school courses in gra- plicants will be interviewed at JAMAICA: 90-14 SUTPHIW BOULEVARO — JA. i - B I M Requirements: (1) high school phic statics, structural design and Room 1821, Municipal Building, Ofllce l l u u r a : M U N . t o ITKI.. • A M t o • P M ; S A T . • A l l to 1 H I (nuluatlon or equivalent: (2) five drafting or ( d ) equivalent. Fee $2. Park Row and Chambers Streets, experience in arbitration. (Friday, October 23). Manhattan. 0241. A S S I S T A N T I N EDUCAT I O N OF H A N D I C A P P E D , $5,360 to $6,640; one vacancy in Education Department, Albany. Requirements: (1) master's degree in education with 12 hours in education of handicapped; (2) one year's experience and (3) either ( a ) two more years' experience or (b) doctorate in education with 24 hours in education of handicapped or ( c ) equivalent. Pee $5. (Friday, October 22). Visual Traming Police, Housing Officer, Transit Patrolmen PATROLMAN M,040 - ^5,140 3 PAINTERS—057®® Engineer Jobs Pay $ 8 0 to Start MASTER PLUMBER'S LICENSE • AUTO MECHANIC • CARPENTERS DELEHANTY ^NMta* C I V I L Page Six li E Amrrira's tMrgent ALBANY—There's Weekly SERVICE T E A D fi; R NEWS tor VuhUc M e m b e r A u d i t B u r e n u o f Circiilnliong Publiihed every Tuetday by CIVIL S i; R V I C R LEADER. 5 Comment Jidt^ already speculation a n d m a n e u v e r i n g in top Kmployeett d e p a r t m e n t a l echelons. W i t h a n e w a d m i n i s t r a t i o n c o m i n g in, m a n y INC. of the b o y s a r e s t r e n g t h e n i n g fences. I ' o u n e v e r k n o w w h e n y o u m i g h t be a p p o i n t e d a c o m m i s s i o n e r , a n i l i t ' s n e v e r too e a r l y to s t a r t m a k i n g friends. 97 Daan* Street, N*w York 7, N. Y. •Eakmoa 3-«010 W A S H I N G T O N — A court test is under w a y to determine If the Jerry FInkelKlein, Contulling Puhlinher sick leave pay of Federal employees is tax exempt. T h e suit is being MnxwctI* Lehman, Editor H . J. B e r n n r a , Executive Editor N. H . M n g e r , Buninett Manager Instituted by the American Federation o l G o v e r n m e n t Employees. There's a clause in the new law exempting f r o m Federal income taxes l O e P e r C o p y . S i i k s c r i p l i o n Price $ 1 . 3 7 to memltera o f llie Civil sick benefits up to $100 a week paid by employers a f t e r the first Service E m p l o y e e s AKSociation. $ 3 . 0 0 lo n o n - m e m b e r s . week of illness. Tuesday, September 14, 1954 A L B A N Y — E m p l o y e e s of S t a t e P a r o l e w o r r i e d over r e o r g a n i z a t i o n u n d e r C h a i r m a n Lee M a i l l e r . T h e y forsee c h a n g e d a s s i g n m e n t s , possible u p r o o t i n g f r o m t h e i r h o m e to g o elsewhere. An Experiment In Education he LEADER feels that an experiment being conducted by the Metropolitan Conference of the Civil Service Employees Association deserves commendation. More, it offers a guidepost to other employee groups. The experiment is one of education. The Metropolitan Conference fights vigorously to improve the economic conditions of employees. But that is not the total reason for its existence. It feels, and rightly, that other aspects of the employee's life require action by his organization; and that of these, education is among the most important. The group is now canvassing State employees in the area, endeavoring to determine what their educational interests may be. Some may require high school'equivalency diplomas, and the Conference is ready to help them "bone up" for the nece.ssary examinations. Others may want courses so diverse as drawing or stationary engineering. The course may be, as the Conference points out, " f o r personal satisfaction, to better yourself on the job, or just a subject in which you are inteiested." T The step taken by the Conference is a long one. It will help improve the quality of new employees and their own satisfaction in living. Other groups may well watch with interest how the experiment thrives. Good Cops—or Coldstream^ Guards? he N Y C Police Department refuses to drop its minimum height requirement. Mayor Wagner wants more patrolmen. Commissioner Adams wants more patrolmen. The entire city is disturbed over the prevailing aura of crime. Since 1950, test after test has produced an insufficient number of patrolman eligibles. The men who applied for the most recent exam aren't even showing up for the physical tests. The pay of patrolmen in New York City is still insufficient to maintain a family decently—and it's tough for the City to have to compete with private industry for its men. T There comes a time when a police department, like everyone else, must f a c « reality. If present standards are leaving the City short of an adequate policing force, then those standards ought to be re-examined. Some requirements simply cannot be cut. Others can be. Height appears to be one qualification upon which compromise is possible. There might be others. A f t e r all, we ai-en't looking for a corps of Coldstream Guards. And, of course, if the ante is raised high enough, you'll always get the men. Fringe Benefits (Continued from Page 3) Unemployment insurance, long a protection h«ld by •mployees in private industry, is still not enjoyed by all government employees. Time-and-a-half for overtime work M common practice in industiy, but rare in government. The report notes that because government competes im the same market as industry, government personnel administrators should recognize the cuiTent trends rpgard ing fringe benefits and take maximum advantage of those ^hich they can utilize in order to attract and retain high•alibre workers. In sum, Uie old argument that public employees get • lot of fringe benefits that private worker^ don't get, does B*t atand up. Jt ie likely that the struggle for higher yrmgei in government will be supplemented with drives $mc mHuy additional fringe benefits. N E W Y O R K C I T Y — P o s t a l employees are raging-bitter about t h e i r f a i l u r e to a c h i e v e a p a y raise. O d d l y , t h e i r ire is n o t t r a i n e d e x c l u s i v e l y u p o n P r e s i d e n t E i s e n h o w e r , w h o vet-oed t h e raise. T h f . / c a s t b l a m e u p o n C o n g r e s s , too; a n d feel they were deliberately p u t i n the m i d d l e of a " b u m deal." A l l t h i s m a y h a v e political r e p e r c u s sions. W A S H I N G T O N , Sept. 1 3 — T h e u n i f o r m a l l o w a n c e i n the " f r i n g e " bill i s w h a t c a u s e d the P r e s i d e n t to h o l d b a c k h i s s i g n a t u r e u n t i l a l m o s t the last m i n u t e . E a r l i e r p l a n s h a d called for the bill to be s i g n e d i m m e d i a t e l y a f t e r the veto of t h e p a y raise, t h u s t a k i n g s o m e of t h e s t i n g a w a y , but t h a t o l d b u g " l e g a l t e c h n i c a l i t i e s " stepped i n a n d d e l a y e d the p r o c e e d i n g s . E a r l i e r e n a c t m e n t of the bill w o u l d h a v e m e a n t d e n i a l of the $100 t a x - f r e e a l l o w a n c e to 133,000 Here's w h a t happened. C h a i r postal w o r k e r s . m a n R c e s of the H o u s e P o s t Office a n d C i v i l S e r v i c e C o m m i t t e e , w h o wrote the bill, n o t e d t h a t the w o r d i n g l i m i t e d the a l l o w a n c e to those " p r e s e n t l y r e q u i r e d by l a w o r r e g u l a t i o n " to w e a r u n i f o r m s . A call to the P o s t Office revealed the i n t e r e s t i n g fact t h a t p o s t a l employees wear u n i f o r m s as " a m a t t e r of c u s t o m , " a n d t h a t p o s tal r e g u l a t i o n s r e q u i r i n g the w e a r i n g of u n i f o r m s h a d been a b o l i s h e d m a n y y e a r s ago. T h e s a m e s i t u a t i o n also w a s f o u n d i n s o m e a n d the P r e s i d e n t a g r e e d to h o l d o t h e r agencies. P h o n e w i r e s to D e n v e r got b u s y back his signature until the dep a r t m e n t h a d a c h a n c e to d r a f t the n e c e s s a r y r e g u l a t i o n s . T h a t w a s d o n e a n d the bill g o t t h e e x ecutive O . K . j u s t before the deadline. NEW Y O R K C I T Y — T h e Teamsters are quietly moving in on M i k e Quill. T h e City Employees Union, a unit of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, has a 40-man organizing committee in the T r a n s i t Authority, working on motormen and conductors . . . T h e new groups are going to meet at Teamsters headquarters, 170 Nassau Street, on Tuesday evening, September 14 and Thursday evening, September 16. Some of the Teamsters are preparing for the possibility that T W U adherents might attempt to break up the meeting. N E W Y O R K C I T Y — J o e Schechter, n e w N Y C P e r s o n n e l D i r e c tor, i s h a v i n g a h a r d t i m e f i n d i n g top m e n f o r the r e o r g a n i z e d d e partment. G o o d m e n from private i n d u s t r y w o n ' t come over: they e a r n m o r e t h a n they w o u l d get f r o m the C i t y . N E W Y O R K C I T Y — Stanley Drear, who worked out the pay allocations on the original G r i f l enhagen classification plan, Is g o ing to work for the Commerce and Industry Association. His job is research on government operations. He'll probably come up with stuff concerning personnel activities. PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY? IT'S ALL THE S A M E — AT T H E TRACKS, THAT IS T h e r e is no distinction between permanent and temporary public employment, in the statute which prohibits certain public employees f r o m holding pari-mutuel racing connected-jobs, Attorney General Nathaniel L. Goldstein has ruled, in an informal opinion. C o u n t y P r o b a t i o n Officer M u s t A v o i d Trat^k J o b I n a informal opinion regarding the Pari-Mutuel Revenue L a w , Mr. Goldstein ruled that a county probation officer is a "public ofticer," and not a "public employee," so that " h e is not within the exception in favor of certain public e m ployees" w h o may accept racing connected empluyment. POLICE CONFERENCE LAUDS 'LEADER' Editor, T h e L E A D E R I n appreciation of your c o n tinued interest in presenting t h « problems of our members to t h e public, the Police Conference, a t lt« 29th Convention held in Syracuse, August 23-26, unanimously passed a resolution commending the Civil Service L E A D E R f o r this e f f o r t . W e are confident that the p e o ple will support any proposal that will maintain the highest s t a n d ards of police service, and we f u l l y realize that this can be a c c o m plished only by dissemination of facts. T o this end, you have d o n e an excellent job. I a m sure t h a t the policemen of this State, particularly in your city, are grateful f o r your cooperation, and I am pleased to h a v e this opportunity to extend my p e r sonal thanks to you. F i y r E R K E R E S M A N , Secretary Police Conference, State of New Y o r k ! Kingston \ / Looking Inside By H. J. BERNARD Social Security N O W T H A T the law is signed, permitting f o r the first time Social Security coverage f o r State and local government jobs covered by their own systems, and the regulations under which the new law is to be administered have been adopted, it will be interesting to see to what extent employers will extend and employees seize the n e w opportunity. Certainly it is an opportunity, and the older an employee, the greater the opportunity. Benefits to those approaching age 65, compared to the cost t o employer or employee, are almost unbelievable. A man or woman w h o obtains Social Security coverage at 62 could retire at 65, under o p t i mum conditions, and get back in pension checks in two and a half months all the money he or she put in, besides continuing to draw a pension r/ about $1,300 a year f o r the remainder of life. Don't Be Deterred T h e exclusion of policemen and firemen f r o m the dual coverage law by their own request, and the lukewarmness of many teachers, should not deter other employees. T h e arguments in f a v o r of adding Social Security coverage are overwhelming; the arguments against such inclusion are o f t e n not only speculative but ill-founded or stubborn. T h e f e a r that once the U.S. gets a foothold into a State or local government retirement system, it won't be long before the U.S. will be running the whole show, is supported, if you can call it that, by examples of a f e w States that discarded their own r e t i r e m e n t systems, and substituted Social Security. " I t can happen here," is the warning to State and local g o v e r n ment employees in N e w York. N o mention is made of the fact that Social Security benefits are incomparably better than those o f f e r e d under the discarded systems, and the employees got a real break. T h e States had no relish f o r their own systems, and the employees less. Pension benefit of say $50 a' month a f t e r thirty years' service represented about the degree ot liberality of those State systems. T h e Department of Health, Education and W e l f a r e , through i t s Social Security Administration, has met unfair arguments with f a c t s of its own, stated with poise and diplomacy. W h e n States wanted to bring under Social Security employees of State or local government, the U.S. has gone to great lengths to make it as easy for a Staite as the law allowed. Such full service was enjoyed by New Y o r k State, too, when it made the necessary arrangements whereby 100,000 employees could be brought under Social Security who were n o t members of any State or local government pension system. Southern States, too, sought and received similar help, although the e l d Siates'-rights shibboleth is not thereby well served. Employees will get an opportunity to vote secretly in a r e f e r e n dum, whether they would like to be included also under Social S e curity, but the Governor not only would have to sanction the r e f e r e n dum but be responsible f o r its integrity. Once a referendum is a u t h orized, one might assume the administration in power would be willing to put up its share of contribution cost, if the employees v o t e to do likewise. T h i s could run up to $84 a year, based on m a x imum covered salary of $4,200, but since the average salary in S t a t e and local governments is about $700 less, the average contribution would be $70 a year or less. Those paid less than $3,500 a y e a r would pay proportionately less, but still 2 percent of pay. I n a n y event, because of additional pen.sion, and the f a m i l y benefits, a j well as excellent Insurance benefits. Social Security offers a n e x ceptional " b u y " . Older employees, both men and women, would likely faver dual coverage. T h e danger lies with the younger ones, particularly the girls. For the younger employees, need for adequate pensions seeme soniething too remote to require present consideration, ,£*n4, besides, one can have so much extra f u n on that $70 a y e a r ! T h e girls usually look f o r w a r d to marriage solving their problems, so t h e retirement system to them appears to be a f o r m of depositing im a compulsory bank. T h e employee organizations have a large ahead, to show their members just what the advantages are, and, in some instances^ to save their members f r o m being misled by ignorant suspicion* and even false arguments. G e t t i n g the law pas.sed was a hard, uptUil fight; it would be a slianie if the possible benefits are loiit by defauNi r TsM^ar, S«pl«»l>er 14, 19S4 CITIL SERVICE Page Svrea LEADER The Civi Service Leader and the Around-the-World Shoppers Club Invite You to Accept THIS EXQUISITE HAND-ENGRAVED DIRECT BY MAIL FROM Val Saint-Lambert^ Belgium POSTPAID, DUTY-FREE If You Join the Around-the-Worid Shoppers Ghib f r ^ O demonstrate the quality and v a l u « I of Aroimd-the-World Shoppers Club gifts, let us send you this beautiful Crj'stal Bell, a verified $6.00 value, direct from Belgium with our compliments as an inducement to join n o w ! Your Crystal Bell stands over 41/2" high, and has aa exquisite ringing tone. It was handblown in the picturesque village of V a l Saint-Lambert, and is genuine Belgian Crystal, handengraved by skilled artisans with techniques going back hundreds of years. When you see it, you will agree it is one of the most beautiful are objects you've ever seen . . . and it's yours as a FREE Gift when you join our Club! Read details belowrl J> Shown Actual Si/c Beautiful, unusual gifts mailed to your home each month from all over the world—without payment of duty or postage! W o u l d n ' t you Mke to go shopping around the glob* with a world traveller who knows where the finest merchandise and biggest bargains are to be discovared? Wouldn't you like to visit distant lands, g o through the fantastic workshops of the Old W o r l d , watch the native craftsmen of A f r i c a and the P a r East create beautiful things with their ancient skills? Best of all—wouldn't you like to make your own home a wonderful "show p l a c e " with t h e exciting g i f t s you've purchased—values as much as double w h a t you are asked to pay for them? A Thrllliig Syrpris* « i f t S M * T « r e a r Horn* Each Moafti T o introduce you to the thrills and e n j o y m e n t of •hopping abroad, let us send you this handsome h a n d blown and hand-engraved Bell of Belgian Crystal direct f r o m Val Saint-Lambert without charge. T h e n , as a member of the famous A r o u n d - t h e - W o r l d Shoppers Club, each month you will receive a surprise package •eat to you direct from a diiVereiit foreign country— and with it will come a colorful brochure telling the story of your gift and adding evea more glamour ta •hlpment! —« GIFT MEMBERSHIPS. t» g i f t s , p l e a s e use s e p a r a t e and attach t o the coupon are entitled t« ttve ro« "'»»« to gly. Memberships sheet, s p e c i f y term of so t h a t w e hand-engraved may Crystal know your Bell « membership, at an friends extra gift. J*iB T e d « y t y MalTlaf the Ca«|>o« Around-the-World Sboppert Clab. Dept. 112 c / o Civil Sorvico Leader f 7 Daaao St.. New York 7. N. T. Please enroll me as a M e m b e r Check here if this and send me the hand-blown is a request f o r a Crystal Bell direct f r o m Val renewal or r e i n Saint-Lambert F R E E for joinstatement of your ing. Start regular monthly shipments of the Club's selection of membership M foreign merchandise direct to w e can avoid d u me f r o m countries of origin and plicating couacontinue through the following tries. term of membership: S o — c o m e aboard our magic carpet and let's set out on our shopping trip around the world! Y o u may j o i a f o r 2 months at $5.00, 4 months at $9.00, 6 months at $12.00 or 12 months at $22.00.When your surprise g i f t packages begin arriving, covered with fascinating stamps f r o m abroad, you'll be delighted you j o i n e d t h e Club! However, if you b f c o m e displeased in any way, simply resign membership and your unused p a y m e a t will be refunded at once. Furthermore, if y o « are not delighted with the first selection sent to your home, keep it as well as the Crystal Bell and receive a full refund. n • W h y not mail the coupon now while this lovely Crystal Bell from Val Saint-lAmbert is being offered F R E E for Joining! • • „.$S.OO ( 2 2 Mo«tlii t.OO ( 4 4 Meatht— —12.00 ( * « MoRthi ....22.00 (12 12 Moiittii gHh $2.50 aach) gifh at $2.25 each) gift* at $2.00 each) gifta at $1.13 ••eli) I • a e U f o rMaittMC* f « r SM O T S : T h e r i ( ( a w * aliippad d i r e c t l y t o y o u f i o u i poiuta o f o r i e i a • U o v a r t h e w o r l d , iM'elJiaid. T l m a , y o n beooine uu tiiipui-iur w i t h o u t •nx of t h e headaeheit which, uuually u i l f i i i j iui|>urutliutis. We r u a r a a t e e t h a i tho t i l t a w i l l be d e l i v e r * ^ t o yuu w t i h u i i t datitaii^ a u i t h a t t h a r w M be w o r t h m u c h m o r e t l i a u t h e p r i c e y«>u P V * Around-the-WoHd Shoppers Club, Dept. 112 c/« Civil Servico Leader, 97 Duane St.. Hew York 7. N. Y. \ I I I Addratt i Ci»r I I I I I I I Name (flea ZeM AM eamtm Stafa.. tm*. (KOTH. ataipoieaU te 7 * « p o a l » « U ao^ d M r H u w e i a r . t h e U . S. f o a t O B o e U e p t . e k a i s e a • e e r v i o e l e a • < l & c f u r d e l i v e n i i r t u r c i c a p a c k a c a a , w h i c h ta cullfc'ted b r r a a r puatmiw and cuiinot he p r e p a i d . ) C A N A D A : » mux.. 9>5.&U: 4 wua.. > 1 0 . 5 0 : • mua. > 1 4 0 « : U iiiua. mStt.OO. U f l i v r r e d t o y o u r huius w i t h o u t p a y u i e u t e ( aMMU o u a l d u t y o r piMiuce A d d : » 7 1 M . T t a i a t l i / St., M a n U Page Efffht CI V I L S E R V IC E L E A D E R TiMNMlflf, Srt>lem1>«r l i , 1 9 5 4 Exams Now Open For Public Jobs 1 F M and A M types; and (3> either R - 7 or higher. Fee $3. (Friday, ply Kiven at the end of each notie*. 0548. P U B L I C W O R K S U P E R <a) high school graduation or September 24). Nyack. equivalent, or ( b ) four more year's 9093. P R I N C I P A L A C C O U N T - L N T E N D E N T , Village of (Continued f r o m P a g e 5) experience, or ( c ' equivalent. P e e A N T (PUBLIC S E R V I C E ) , Rockland County. $4,900. ( F r i d a y , T h e r e are two vacancies In the $3. ( F r i d a y , October 8 ) . ( P r o m . ) , Department of Public October 8). State University Medical Center 0549. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R Service, $8,090 to $9,800; one v a 0232. J U N I O R M E C H A N I C A L at Brooklyn and one in the Dept. cancy in Albany. One year as A T O R , Erie County, $3,390 to $4.D R A F T S M A N . $2,720 to $3,520; o* Social W e l f a r e at Albany. R e 350. (Friday, October 8). two vacancies in Department of associate accountant or associate quirements: <1) completion of t w o 0552. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R accountant (public service). Fee Public Works, Albany. Requireyears or graduation study at a A T O R . Village of Blasdell. B r i « $5. ( F r i d a y . September 24). ments: (1) high school graduarecognized school of social work; 9094. A S S O C I A T E A C C O U N T - County. $3,500. ( F r i d a y , October tion or equivalent; and ( 2 ) either C2) one year of satisfactory mediA N T (PUBLIC S E R V I C E ) , 8). ( a ) one year of d r a f t i n g room e x cal social work e.xperlence within 0553. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R ( P r o m . ) . Department of Public perience, or tb) one year In colt h e last 10 years in a recognized A T O R . Village of Depew, Erie Service. $6,590 to $8,070; one v a lege engineering course, or ( c ) Institution or agency o f l e r i n g case County, $4,200. ( F r i d a y , October cancy each in N Y C and Albany. high school courses In mechanical work services under the super8). design, construction and drawing, One year as senior accountant or vision of a medical social work 0554. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R senior accountant (public seror ( d ) equivalent. P e e $2. ( F r i supervisors; <3) either <a) one A T O R , Village of Orchard Park, v i c e ) . Fee $5. ( F r i d a y . S e p t e m day, October 8). more year of medical social work Erie County, $3,550. (Friday, experience, or ( b ) one more year 0233. I N S T I T U T I O N F I R E M A N , ber 24). October 8 ) . of social case work experience and 9095. P R I N C I P A L . C I V I L E N G I $2,720 to $3,520; one vacancy each 0555. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R epeclalization in medical or p.syat Letchworth Village and Central N E E R ( D E S I G N ) , ( P r o m . ) , D e - A T O R , Village of Nyack. R o c k chlatric .social work in the g r a d Isllp State Hospital, two each at partment of Public Works, $9,950 land County, $1.60 an hour. ( F r i uate work Il.«ted above, or ( c ) a Pilgrim and K i n g s Park State H o s - to $11,920; one vacancy in A l 0220. JUNIOR LAND A N D pitals. N o educational or exper- bany. T w o years as associate civil day, October 8). satisfactory equivalent. Pee $4. 0556. D R A F T S M A N ,$4,350 to ience E x a m to be held Wednesday, N o - C L A I M S A D J U S T E R , requirements. Candidates engineer (design), associate civil $5,460. T h e r e are 11 vacancies in must have sati.'factory hearing and engineer, associate civil engineer er County, $2,695 to $3,295. ( F r i Tembsr 6. (Friday, October 8). day, October 8). the Dept. of Public Works, 4 each ( h i g h w a y planning) or associate 0557. S U P E R V I S I N G M E D I C A L 0079. P H A R M A C I S T , $4,130 to at Albany and Buffalo, one each vision and generally pood physical soils engineer; plus State license SOCIAL WORKER, Department $5,200. T h e r e is one vacancy at at Rochester, Hornell and W a t e r - condition, pc.ssess a State driver's as professional engineer. Fee $5. license. Fee $2. (Friday, October of Public Welfare, Westche.ster IJannemora State Hospital and town. Requirements: Either (1) 8). (Friday, September 24). Coufity. $4,245 to $5,365. ( F r i d a y , Green Haven Prison. Require- three years of satisfactory exper9096. SENIOR A R C H I T E C T October 8). 0234. E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R F, ments: <1) po.ssession of, or eligi- ience in the appraisal, negotiation, of Public 0561. JUNIOR BUILDING bility for, a license to practice settlement or trial of real proper- A B C B O A R D , Herkimer County, ( P r o m . ) , Department vacancy. Work.s, $6,590 to $8,070; 31 v a - P L A N S EXAMINER. Town of pharmacy in New Y o r k State; C2) ty claims ari.sing out of the ac- $3,540 to $4,490; one graduation from an approved quisition of real property f o r a Open only to residents of H e r k i - cancies in Albany. T w o years as Amherst, Erie County, $2,900 to Fee $3. (Friday, assistant architect; State $3,720. ' F r i d a y , Octobcr 8). school of pharmacy; and <3) two governmental agency or large pub- mer County. as pro[e.ssIonal engineer. Fee $5. 0562. S E W A G E P L A N T O P E R years of experience as a licen.sed lic utility; or (2) one year of such October 8). (Friday, September 24). ATOR, Town of Orangetow'n, pharmacist. Fee $4. Candidates experience pUis: college graduaSTATE w h o have rlready filed need not tion or two years of law exper9097. A S S O C I A T E L A N D A N D Rockland County. $4,200. ( F r i d a y , file again nor pay another fee but ience or four years of engineering CLAIMS ADJUSTER ( P r o m . ) , October 8 ' . Promotion should submit notarized state- or real estate appraisal experience; 0563. P L A N N I N G DIRECTOR, Ciindidates in the following Department of Public Works, $8,ments bringing their experience or ( 3 ) college graduation and one State promotion exams must be 090 to $9,800; seven vacancies. Rockland County, $7,500. ( F r i d a y , up-to-date. Exam to be held Sat- year of engineering experience, or present, qualifled employees of the One year as senior land and claims October 8). urday, October 23. t Friday, Sep- a master's degree in engineering; department or unit mentioned. adjuster. Fee $5. (Friday, Sep0564. P L A N N I N G D R A F T S M A N , tember 24). Rockland County, $3,400. ( F r i d a y , or ( 4 ) proof of having passed Last day to apply given at the end tember 24). 9098. A S S I S T A N T L.\ND A N D October 8). 0036. PROCESS S E R V E R , Parts 1 and 2 of the profes.sional of each notice. 0565. D R A F T S M A N , T o w n of CLAIMS ADJUSTER (Prom.), G R A D E 2, N. Y . C O U N T Y . U.sual engineering examinations: or (5) 9073 (reissued). S E N I O R Department of Public Works, Greenburgh, Westchester County. salary range $2,361 to $3,385; ap a satisfactory equivalent. Fee $4. pointments to be at $2,995. A t Exam date, Saturday, October 23. T R U C K M I L E A G E T A X E X A M I - $5,360 to $6,640; three vacancies $3,120 to $4,500. ( F r i d a y , O c t o NER (Prom.), Department of at Albany, one each at Rochester, ber 8). present there Is one vacancy in the (Friday, September 24). T a x a t i o n and Finance, $4,830 to W a t e r t o w n 0566. S T R E E T C O M M I S S I O N and Babylon. One District Attorney's Office, New 0221. P A R K M A I N T E N A N C E $6,020; one vacancy in Utica. One year as junior land and claims ER, Village of North Pelham, Y o r k County. Requirements: U) County, $3,600 to civil engineer, Westchester high school graduation or equival- S U P E R V I S O R , $5090 to SG320. year as truck mileage tax e x a m i - adjuster, junior junior civil engineer (design), $4,000. (Friday, October 8). ency diploma; and (2) one year One vacancy in the Long Island ner. Fee $3. (Friday, October 8). 0572. DIETITIAN, Tompkins engineer (highway of full-time paid experience in the State Park Commission at Baby9074 (reissued). T R U C K M I L E - junior civil service of legal papers, or in field lon. Requirements: Experience In A G E T A X E X A M I N E R ( P r o m . ) , p l a n n i n g ) , junior soils engineer or County. $3,350 to $3,900. Open the fields of building and/or high- Department of T a x a t i o n and F i - junior laboratory engineer. Fee $5. statewide. ( F r i d a y October 22). investigation or as a law enforce (So22. G U A R D - F R A M 9 R , W e s t ment officer. Fee $2. Candidates way construction, of which five nance, $4,130 to $5,200; two v a - (Friday, September 24). must have teen legal residents of years must have involved regular cancies in N Y C , eiglit in Albany, 9099. JUNIOR LAND A N D chester County, $3,155 to $3,875. N e w Y o r k County for at least four supervision over supervisory e m - four in Utica, three in Syracuse, C L A I M S A D J U S T E R ( P r o m . ) , De- Open statewide. ( F r i d a y October months immediately preceding the ployees, journeymen, maintenance six in Rochester, two in Buffalo. partment of Public Works, $4,350 2 2 ) . date of tlie examination. Candi- men and helpers. Fee $5. Exam T h r e e months as junior tax ex- to $5,460; foiu- vacancies each at 0558. D I R E C T O R O F M E N T A L dates who have already filed for date, Saturday, October 23, ( F r i - aminer. Fee $3. (Friday, October Albany and Buffalo, one each at H Y G I E N E C L I N I C , Department this examination, originally day September-24). Health, Tompkins County, 8). Rochester, Hornell and W a t e r - of scheduled f o r M a y 15, 1954, need 0 2 2 2. A S S I S T A N T SUPER9101. P R I N C I P A L S T A T I S T I C S town. One year as senior d r a f t s - $12,500. Open to nationwide. i P r i not file again but should submit V I S O R O F P A R K O P E R A T I O N S , C L E R K ( P r o m . ) , engineering aide, dav. October 22). Albany office, man, senior a notarized statement bringing $3920 to $4950. One vacancy at including Poughkeepsle office. D e - junior civil engineer, junior civil •059. A S S O C I A T E PLANNER their experience up-to-date and Jones Beach State Park. Require- partment of Education, $3,730 to engineer (design), junior civil ( R E S E A R C H ) . Westchester Counmust submit an additional fee of ments: T w o years of supervisory $4,720; one vacancy in Albany. engineer (highway p l a n n i n g ) , ty, $4,655 to $6,095. Open n a t i o n $1. Exam to be held Saturday, experience in the operation and One year as senior statistics clerk, junior laboratory engineer or wide. ( F r i d a y , October 22). October 23. ( F r i d a y , September maintenance of public recreational or two years in clerical position junior soils engineer. Fee $4. 24'. COUNTY A N D VILLAGE facilities and buildings. Pee $3 previously allocated to G - 6 or (Friday, September 24). 0510. CASE W O R K E R . J L ' N I O R Exam date, Saturday, October 23. now allocated to R - 7 or higher. Promotion 9100. SENIOR ENGINEER S O C I A L C A S E W O R K E R , various (Friday, September 24). Fee $3. (Friday, October 8(. AIDE (Prom.).' Department of Candidates in the followint: cities and counties. Salaries vary 9102. S U P E R V I S O R OF SO- Public Works, $3,540 to $4,490; 72 county and village promotion 0228. A S S O C I A T E B I O S T A T I In the different juri.sdictions, vacancies in main office and in 10 C I A L W O R K ( M E D I C A L ) , exams must be present qualified ranging f r o m $2,100 to $3,250. A p - C I A N , $0,590 to $8,070; one v a - ( P r o m . ' , Department of Social district offices; 66 more vacancies pointments will be made to fill cancy at Roswell P a r k Memorial W e l f a r e , $5,090 to $6,320; one v a - expected. One year as junior e n - employees of the department menvacancies in many local W e l f a r e Institute, Buffalo. Open nation- cancy each in Albany, B u f f a l o gineering aide, junior draftsman, tioned. Last day to apply given at Depts. ( N Y C W e l f a r e Dept. will wide. Requirements: ( 1 ) bache- and Syracuse. One year as senior junior mechanical draftsman or the end of each notice. 9456. S U P E R I N T E N D E N T OF and 30 graduate not use this eligible list). Require- lor's degree rrchitectural draftsman. M A I N ' F E N A N C E social worker ( m e d i c a l ) . P e e $5. junior AND CONments: ( 1 ) high school gradua- hours in statistics or biostatistics; I Friday, October 8). Fee $3. ( F r i d a y . September 24). STRUCTION (Prom.), Highway tion or an equivalency diploma; ( 2 ) three years' experience, in9103. A S S O C I A T E B I O S T A T I S Department, Chautauqua County, and ( 2 ) either ( a ) college g r a d - cluding two years in biostatistics; T I C T A N ( P r o m . ) , Department of C O U N T Y A N D V I L L A G E $5,108. ( F r i d a y , Octobcr 8). uation, or ( b ) four years of satis- and (3) either ( a ) two more years' Health (exclusive of the Division Open-Competitive 9457. S E W A G E PLAN'f SUf a c t o r y , full-time paid experience statistical experience, or ( b ) com- of Laboratores and and Candidates in the following jobs P E R I N T E N D E N T ( P r o m . ) , T o w n In social work with a public or pletion of requirements for Ph.D. the hospitals), $6,590 to $8,070; with counties and their subdiviof Cheektowaga, Erie County, $3.private social agency adhering to in statistics or biostatistics, or ( e ) one temporary vacancy in Albany sions of New Y o r k State must be 400. (Friday, October 8). equivalent. Fee $5. (Friday, Octoacceptable .standards or in super office. Senior biostatlstician since residents of the locality mention9458. S U P E R V I S O R OF DEvised teaching in an accrediated ber 8). November C, 1953. Fee $5. ( F r i - ed, unless otherwise stated. Apply S I G N I P r o m . ) , Engineering D i v i school, or ( c ) a sati.sfactory equl 0229. A Q U A T I C B I O L O G I S T day. October 8). to offices of the State Civil Service sion, Department of Public Works, valent. Fee $2. Exam to be held ( M A R I N E ) , $4,130 to $5,200; one 9104. E X E C U T I V E O F F I C E R D Saturday, October 23. ( F r i d a y vacancy In Department of Con- ( P r o m . ) , Alcoholic Beverage Con- Department, unless another ad- Westchester County, $6,685 to $8,dress is indicated. Last day l o ap605. "Friday, October 8). September 24). servation, Preeport. Open nation- trol Board, Nassau County, $5,0223. EXHIBIT D E S I G N E R , wide. Requirements: (1) two years 090 to $6,320; one vacancy. One $3,360 to $4,280. T h e r e is one va- of college itudy. Including appro- year as b e v e r a g i control investiARTLLLTIKK OF K:]«II>M>VKKK IIV STATE cancy in the T l n u w a y Authority at priate courses; and <2' either ( a ) gator. Pee $5. (Friday, October 8). Albany. Requirements: ( 1 ) one bachelor's degree plus t w o years' 9911. SENIOR UNEMPLOYcers who are, in addition to Pres. year of experience in the design experience, or ( b ) bachelor's de- M E N T I N S U R A N C E MANAGER Roeder, vice president Maurice construction and decoration of ex- gree plus either master's degree ( P r o m . . ) , Division of Employment, Jeannette CSEA President John P. Powers Schwadron, secretary hibits and displays; and ( 2 ) either or 36 graduate hours in fish con- $5,940 to $7,320; three vacancies ( a ) satisfactory completion of two servation or related field, or i c ) in N Y C . Six months as U I m a n - and Dr. Theodore C. Wenzl, can- L a f a y e t t e , and treasurer Joseph Lavenia. years of an art course at an ap- six years' experience in fish con- ager or e m p l o j m e n t security m a n - didates f o r president of the CSEA proved school with m a j o r work in servation; or ( d ) equivalent. Fee ager. Fee $5. (Friday, October 8). have been Invited to attend a commercial art, or ( b ) high school $4. (Friday, October 8). 9089. A S S I S T A N T S U P E R I N - luncheon meeting of the C o m Department chapiter on graduation or equivalency diploma B E A C H merce 0230. M A R K E T I N G FACILI- T E N D E N T OF JONES POWERFUL Warwick State 20, Edwin and t v o more years of above e x - T I E S S P E C I A L I S T , $4,350 to $5,- S T A T E P A R K ( P r o m . ) , L. I. State Monday, September School Softball team whipped Pine perience, or (c) a satisfactory 460; one vacancy in Department Park Commission, $6,590 to $8,- Roeder, chapter president, a n Island 8 to 0, to add the W a r wick equivalent. Fee $3. Bxam date, of Agriculture and Markets, A l - 070; one vacancy expected at nounced. T h e meeting, first of the T o w n s h i p Softball League playoff f a l l sea.son, will be held at AssoSaturday, October 23. (Friday, bany. Requirements: (1) high Babylon. One year in position al- ciation headquarters, 8 Elk Street, crown to the league flag they had September 24). school graduation or equivalent; located to G-20 or higher. Fee $5 Albany, at noon. already won with 10 straight v l c 0225. O F F I C E M A C H I N E O P - (2) two years' experience in cen- (Friday, September 24). torie.s. T h e Pine Islanders last Reports of committees will be year's playofi and pennant w i n KKATOR ( C A L C U L A T I N G — K E Y tralized marketing of f a r m prod9090. S E N I O R T R U C K W E I G H D R I V E ) . $2,320 to $3,040. T w o ucts: ' 3 ) either ( a ) bachelor's de- E R CProm.', Department of Pub- made. Appointments of new com- ners, were the fifth straight v i c vacancies in New Y o r k City and 3 gree f r o m ccllege of agriculture lic Works, $3,020 to $3,880; 20 mittees will be announced, and tims In the playoffs l o fall beIn Albany. Requirements: Either with specialization in economics vacancies throughout State. T h r e e procedure for salary reallocation neath the deadly hurling arm of three months ot experience in the or education, or ( b ) two years In months as truck weigher. Fee $3 appeals will be di.scussed. Prank Piranio. The rotund operation of a calculating (key agricultural division of agricul- (Friday, September 24). Arrangements for the luncheon mound.sman pitched his way to 15 d r i v e ) machine iBurroughs, C o m p - tural and technical Institution plus 9091. S E C R E T A R Y O F COM- are under the direction of Gloria straight victories this sea.son with tometer, or similar type) or the two years' experience, or ( c ) equi MISSION OF C O R R E C T I O N Bernstein, chapter .social chair- no relief at all. I n the playoff succe.ssful completion of an ac- valent. Fee $4. (Friday, October ( P r o m . ) , Department of Correc man. Assisting her are Mrs. Abbie final, he was aided by errorless ceptable in the operation 8). tion, $7,300 to $8,890, one vacancy Perrin, Mrs. B e t t y Da.scher, Con- ball played in the field. of such machine. Pee $2. T h i s 0231. RADIO T E C H N I C I A N , at Albany. One year in position nie Cry.stal, Virginia Catalano, and Leading hitters for W a r w i c k in test will be held in Albany and $3,920 to $4,950; one vacancy In which as of March 31, 1954, wa.s Robert Humes. the final game were M o e M i n o r N Y C only. Exam date, Saturday, Department of Conservation, L. I. allocated to G-25 or higher, or is Tickets are being distributed by with ihree hits, including a triple, October 23. (Friday, September State Park Commi.ssion. Require- now allocated to R - 2 2 or higher W i l l i a m Bouchard, ticket chair- and T o n y Gobeo, who slammed 24'. ments: (1) second class or higher Pee $5. ( F r i d a y . September 24). man, and Jane Oliver, M a r y the game's only homer in the 0224. S E N I O R B U S I N E S S C O N - radio telephone operator's license 9092. D I S A B I L I T Y B E N E F I T S Thomson, Harry Kapp, Helen fifth. Jay Burd and Bobby Powell SULTANT (AIR C O M M E R C E ) , f r o m P C C and State driver's li- E X A M I N E R ( P r o m . ) , Workmen's Alexander, Mildred Cotrell, Helen added two hits each in the w i n $6,590 to $8070. Open to any cense; ( 2 ) three years' experience Compensation Board, $3,360 to Gorka, Joseph Kutey, Lorraine ning effort. qualified citizen of the U. S. T h e r e in installation, maintenance a<:id $4,280; seven vacancies in N Y C Brundage and Marion Kirby. A f t e r the game, both teams e n Js one vacancy in the D i p t , of repair of standard land and mobile One year in po.sltlon allocated to T h e meeting will be the first joyed refreshments supplied by Commerce at Albany. Require- radio transmitters and receivers of G - 6 or higher, or now allocated l o of the year f o r newly-elected offi- M r . MacDonalU and M r . l U U i ) ^ STATE Open-Competitive ments: T w o years of satisfactory full-tim^ paid experience in the evaluation of air commerce potential f o r subml.sslon to the Civil Aeronautics Board. In air route cases or Involving Justification of air service to p a r ticular communities or areas; and ( 2 ) either ( a ) 6 more years of e x perience in the field of aviation as an air pa.ssenger representative, traffic manager, or traffic research for a scheduled airline or In a responsible nosition with an aviation con.sulting firm or public agency handling aviation matters, or ( b ) a bachelor's degree with specialization in transportation and 4 years of the above experience or ( c ) a satisfactory equivalent. Fee $5. Exam date, Saturday, October 23. ( F r i d a y , September 24). Commerce Dept. Warwick State School f Motor Vehicle Lie ense T u M ^ y , S«pteiMl>*r 14, 1 9 5 4 C I V I L S K R V I C R L E A D K Page M I M R Examiner Study Aid T h e L E A D E R publishes study material for the coming State motor vehicle license examiner test, scheduled to t>e held Saturday, gptember 25. .Examine each of the following statements. If you thinii a statement is true as a general rule, even though it may have exceptions, mark the statement True, I f you think a statement is false when applied as a general rule, mark the statement False. 61. T h e present legal combined length of a motor veliicle and its trailers can not exceed 50 feet. 62. T h e present lawful length of motor vehicles does not include bumpers. 63. The greatest number of motor vehicle accidents occur between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. 64. The majority of motor vehicle accidents in which women are involved are of minor nature. 65. T h e greatest number of motor vehicle accidents occur on ACTIVITIKK OF highways with wet or icy surfaces. 66. T h e dangers involved in maicing right and left hand turns are equal. 67. More accidents occur between sunrise and sunset than between sunset and sunrise. 68. Motor vehicle drivers with physical defects are rarely involved in a fatal accident. 69. When defects in the automobile are responsible for an accident, defective brakes are the mechanisms most often at fault. 70. The word "shall" as used in the Motor Vehicle Law is permissive. 71. A semi-trailer must be so constructed that no part of its weight rests upon the towing vehicle. 72. A person who has lawful use of a motor vehicle for 15 successive days is deemed by the law to be the " o w n e r " of the vehicle. 73. All records of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles relative to the K3ll*LO¥KE.S Pilgrim State Hospital T H E R E G U L A R open meeting of Pilgrim chapter, CSEA, was held the first Thursday of the month. Much was accomplished at the meeting, as it always is. Everybody has a chance to express opinions and vote freely on all questions. The fact that almost 500 employees have already volunteered blood for the blood banic was loudly acclaimed as an exmaple of what can be done when all employees pull together. The chapter unanimously voted support of on 25yar retirement, vacation and sick pay, and progress toward timeand-one-haif for overtime. The resolutions, proposed by the Mental Hygiene Association group, will be presented at the CSEA meeting in October. By unanimous vote, the members figreed to initiate inter-personnel problems machinery, in cases wliere this is required. Also, at this meeting, methods for implementing the objectives of the civil service were discu.ssed fully. Chemung C l l E M U N t ; chapter s third annual outing and clambake was held month at Big Pond, Pa. The 100 members and guests who attended enjoyed the wonderful food prepared by Phil Rossi of City Maintenance, who was general chairman. Albert DeRenzo was cochairman for the City, and M a daion Sanstead, co-chairman for the County. Appetites were tempted with steamed clams, turkey, shrimp, hot sausages, hamburgers, and all the "extras" that made the clambake a real success. Prank Troccia of Chemung County Airport and James Hennessy and Donald Marvin of the Water Board have been named as representatives on the chapter's executive council. T h e chapter regrets to announce the death of Paul Broxholm, an employee of the Welfare Department for 23 years. He passed away September 2. Paul was chief account clerk in the audit department. Sympathy is extended to his wife and son. THICOIJOIIOUT officer. Upon their arrival, a definite date will be set for their distribution and for the bowling meeting. Ken Roseixiom, senior pharmacist and secretary-treasurer of the league, reports much interest among the new employees, both male and female. Sincere sympathy to Walter Dilts, head nurse, Rec. Building, on the death of his mother September 6. Edward O ' K e e f f e and Alfred Traflord, former attendants, are among a new class of nine girls and six boys who will attend nursing school at Creedmoor. Twenty-five year service pins will be awarded soon. Dancing and refreshments will be enjoyed after the presentations. Celeste Benedetti, daughter of Gus Benedetti of the garage, left the hospital to take up the duties of a housewife. She now lives in Northport, L. I. Get well wishes go to Anna Murray, Margaret Brett, Agnes Mulcahy, Mary Bartlett, Adele Poole, Neuman Scherhaven, Annius Johnson and John Coultaus, who are in the sick bay. T h e patients' softball team had a most succe.ssful season, winning 13 and losing only one game against sucli competition as Central Islip, Kings Park, Manhattan, Bronx Vets Hospital, Letchworth Village, Brooklyn State Ho.spital. Hillside Hospital, and U. S. Naval Hospital, St. Albans. T h e employees baseball team enjoys a 13 won and 3 lost record the best semi-pro teams of New York and New Jersey and U. S; Army teams. A new innovation in field day activities, called an informal " f u n day," was held September 9. In addition to the large number of patients in the recreation classes, groups were selected from all working activities and wards to compete in the events. A large turnout of more than 3,600 patients and visitors attended. Among the highlights of the a f - shall be open to public inspection licenses of operators or chauffeurs during regular office hours. 74. T h e only information concerning physical disabilities that must be stated on an operator's or chauffeur's application are impairment of eyes, ears, and limbs. 75. Every application for an operator's license must be signed and verified by the applicant before a person authorized to administer oaths. 76. Examinations of applicants for operator's licenses must include a test of both their healing and eyesight. 77. A school certificate is not valid proof of the age of an applicant for a license. K E Y ANSWERS 61, false; 62, true; 63, true; 64, true; 65, false; 66, false; 67, true; true; 68, true; 69, true; 70, false. 71. false: 72 false; 73, true; 74. false; 75, false; 76, false; 77 false. .^EW YOllH .STATE ternoon were the folk dancing group and the large glee club composed of men and women patients. Presents were distributed to all who took part in tlie events and prizes were awarded to all winners. Refreshments were served to all. A bouquet to Prof. Irving Fiedler, Creedmoor band master, for his conducting of the C.S.H. band and glee clu'o. Many thanks to the N Y C Sanitation Department band, composed of 65 pieces, for helping make this such a gala affair. Congratulations to Jack Duffy, recreation director, and his competent staff, who directs the large undertaking annually for the hospital, mm King Size Bargain NEW HOOVER 1& Goes Anywhere Dirt Goes Complefe with Tompkins C O N G R A X r L A T I O N S to Dolores Blaker of Tompkins County Memorial Hospital. It's a boy! Barbara Barrus of the City Clerk's office is a patient in the hospital. URANIUM—URANIUM Who's got the URANIUM? Which companies are the b<^st for your investment? W > w i l l Bcml you lln> naiiirs or I r H i i i i i i i i roni|Miiii«>H and iiHliislri<.H l l i r r c l l y ri' t o t l i e pxpaliNioii (>r A t o i u i c d f v i ' l n p i n c n t In tJiU l O l h .\i>«r o f ( l i e A t u n i i e A i ; e l!»."i I . Vl> bi'li«>^'e tMiiiipHiiifK o f thin t.vpp ofl>r yon ( l i e l i o t iliniirit o f p r o H l i n e by t h r l^rlllrKt niNli in ( h e hif4(ory o f A i l l e r i o a . ^ i i l e I'railitiin rush. Write or phone for your Free Copy CAPPER & CO. aC Brtmd .St., N . 4, N. T. HA 2-«W5M0 Brand new. xniU-si^e Hoover out dirt wherever it's hiding-neatest, fastest ^ay ever to clean everything you own P o w e r f u l - s t u r d y - w e i g h s only 4 Creedmoor State Hospital PL.-VNS are under way for Creedmoor chapter to send a delegation to the Metropolitan Conference meeting at Brooklyn Stale Hospital September 18. Salary appeals will be discussed. 'I'he Creedmoor group will include chapter president John M a c K e n zie, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thompson, Mrs. Peterson, Miss MacDonnell and Mrs. Quast. The chapter suggests that .some of the launderers who didn't get a fair shake on tiie salary deal, in the chapter's opinion, should contact M r MacKenzie and make sure to be at the Conference meeting to present their case. W e received a card from Lill Gunderman, who's in Montreal, having the time of her life. Other vacationers include: Mr. and Mrs. Ed King, Mr. and Mrs. Pete Sweeney, A1 Richard.son of P Building, and Assistant Director Bennett, on vacation in Reno, Nevada T h e bowling league will meet soon to formulate the schedule and team line-ups for 1954. T r o phies have been ordered by j«>t>eph Andei'&on, senior business Atfachmenfs pounds, tucks away in a drawer. And yon don't carry the new Hoover Pix.e. you wear it-strap slips over your shoulders. leaves both hands free. Includes attachments for cleaning draperies, books, stairs, closets, springs chairs. Extra long cord reaches out to W/l/fllilllllMlf^ T a k e up to 18 months to pay! C h a n c e of a lifetime for you parents and s t u d e n t s to own a brand new • RADIOS • RANGES • CAMERAS • JEWELRY Typed work d o e s look better. Gets you higher marks, too! C o m e in and try this s e n s a t i o n a l typewriter! • TEIEVISION • SILVERWARE • TYPEWRITERS • REFRIGERATORS MIDSTON MART, INC. ANCHOR RADIO CORP. ONE GREENWICH ST. ROYAL PORTABLE 157 E. 33rd ST. N.Y. 16, N. Y. .Murray Hill U-aiM)? AM NaiioiiuMy Adverllbi-*! I ' r o d i h t g Apjilium-ff. T r l f v i f i o n . Funiilnre. oririi, liouMfuinifehiiigH, Hi-fritrcratoi-)*. WuHhinsf Mh'.-IiIIU'h, G i f t W a r e . A i r Tonii)tioitiiiir the car. Come see the new Hoover Pixie now. TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES • ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES iCor Bo'te'y Ploce N Y.t T E L WHitehall 3-4280 l o b b y f n i r o n c e — O n e B'wxay Bldfl (OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE) MIDSTON MART, inc. 157 East SSrd Street • All New York 16, N Y. MURRAY HILL 6-3607 Nationally Advertised Products H o u t t f u r n l t h i n q t • W a i h i n q Machine* • G i f t W a r * A p p l l o n c c s * TelevUion * F u r n i t u r e • A c c e t s o r i e s * R a f r i q c r o t o r * Latest Eligible Lists Issued by State STATE Open-Competitive RKNT INSPECTOR M,risky. Harold, Whltpstoixi ,.()Sr>00 PftBtor. James. Jacksn Hift , , , , 8 H r » 0 0 mnmra. VinOTnt, N Y C SBIWO Lostcr. William, N Y C SliOOO Brown. Prarl, Bhlyn B+BOO Oiovniinicllo. J., Bklyii 84000 Grant. Sanies. Jamaica S-iOOO t.n'alamiia. Peter. Bronx ...,«;;000 P i t i x . Thomas. Bronx H:tOOO Handel. Lawrence. P'orest His 8.'*000 Parrell. John, Mohawk 8';r>00 Stein, iMaxwoll, B k l j n S'lOOO White. Lawrrnce. NVC 8'!0(M) Paikofl. Charles. B k l j n 71(000 Fr.-»nkel. Hnrrj'. N Y C 78.ii00 Olwtler. Jacob. N Y C 78r.00 Glass. Louis, Bklyn 76500 Toiif. Joseph, Bklyn 7&500 4l'.MOI! S.WIT.ARV ENGINflKR Daniels. UaptJ.iel. Bronx DOl-TO Cell, James, Wash DC 82!l«0 Marcinkowski. H., Buffalo . . . 80570 Brace. Willard. NcwljurKh 80JBO 1. 2. 3. 4 » H 7. 5 9. 10. 11. Vt. 1.1. 14. 15. 18. 17. 18. 1. 2. :i. 4 r.xRrrTivB o r n c F B AMOHOIIC R K V R R A G E C O N T R O I , B O A R D , 0.<4W KUO COUNTY. 1. McOrath. M.auricc. OsweltP . . . . S i n S O ••RINCirAI.. OKKICE M.ACBINK OrF.RATOR (TABIJLATINO-IBMI, flBHT, H K ( O N D , A N D T B N T H JI D K I A I , DI3TRKTS. I . O Haire, William. Middle V I * . 80000 S. Schneider, Jopcph, Glendale ,.70700 3. Rosenthal. Paul. Forest His . . 7 0 8 0 0 4. Maylniry, Marion, Flushins ,,79000 .\<JI VTIC IlKH.OCilKT Khlini,"-r, Neil, Rome DOIiOO Daviiloll, Eilwin, Dllfrwy Utali 81000 Slu-phcnl. Wil'iam, Norwick .80000 I'l Itf I I A S I N f i .AfJKNT Birckc, Ciirard, T r o y D-UiOO rioHcnberir. Leonard. Bronx . . . . 8 7 0 8 0 f o i i i n . Eiliih. Astoria Hft-tUO VrtnZandl. C.. T r o y S.WOO, EiJwin. Bklyn 84I-.10 Day, KIlis, Syracuse . 8:5070 1 STATE Promotion RKNf KXAMINKR, Tpmimrnry State HniisloK Bent ConimlHsion. Edwards, Cartyle, LOUK Bch . . P 0 5 0 0 Cherlotr, Sydney. Bklyn 8(i8-10 Kinal, Walter, Rochester 8S150 Bernstein, Bcrniec, Bronx . . . 87050 Miaskolf. Anne. Bklyn 8I1S30 M a i i e . Dorothy. N Y C 80S00 Rotolo, P f t e r . N Y C 80000 Brown. John. Mt Vernon . . . . 8 0 i r > 0 Jones, Richrtta NYC 85000 Richardson, Elipc, Bklyn SiSflSO O Coimor, James, Bronx ff47O0 Warden, Sylton, Corona 841,50 A r r i n j t o n . Rtlth. N Y C 8.15.-0 Corn, Rose, Bltlyn 8;0,30 Ward, Bcrnice. Bklyn S'lHOO Liddie. Emma. S Ozone P k . . . 8 - ; 3 j 0 Pappas, Ocorsre. L I City 8-:000 Joseph, A l f r e d , N Y C 813.50 Franken. Rohcrt. N Y C 80.100 Martin, Edwin. Bronx 8l>':80 Dotts, Zetta, N Y C 80080 (PnHn.), 1. 2. ?,. 4. 5. 0. 7. 8. 3. 10. II. !•;. 13. 14. 15. in. 17. IS. 10. ':0. 21. H E A D A C r O l N T CT F.RK (9087) ( P r o m . ) , Department a f XnTntlon Finance. .n:)5B0 1. Malcolm, Rotjcrt. Albany . .01400 2, Garry. John, Cohoes .90950 .1. Colbert, Abr.aham, L I City .70050 4. Pezzulo. Andrew, Albany , H E A D A C t O I N T CI.KRK (Ofl.W) ( P r o m . ) , Department nf 1'a\ati«n and Finance. .101600 1. Kramer. Benjamin, Bklya ..00850 2. Burtw, Francis, Albany 3. McAlea. Edward. Bklyn . . . . ..08000 ..07000 4. Sullivan. Marie, Belleiose 6. Riiuch, Josepti, Queens V l y . . 0 4 2 5 0 . .n';550 6. Woods. John, Yonkers ..87050 7. Stenzler. Isidore. Bklyn 8. Simon, Joseph. Albany . . . . . . f«700 I I X A N C I A I , SEt K E T A R Y , ( P r o m . ) , State University of N e w Y o r k . 1. Byrnes. Marjorie. CobleskiU ..88020 3. Seawell, Bernard, Canton ....88850 3. McDowell, Robert, A l b a n j . . . . 8 3 1 8 0 4. Lane, Morton. Babylon . 84580 83800 5. R U f f i . Vincent. Bklyn . . . 80070 8. Aster. Leonard. Woodside SENIOR SANITARY ENGINEER, ( P r o m . ) , nepartmrnt of Health (Eielaslve of the Divislnn of IjihoratorlM and Kesearch and the InHtltiitlons). 1. Grossman. Irving:, Glovcrsvie . , 8 5 6 4 0 2. Scor.alick. Henry. Pkeepsie 80400 3. Maneri, Charles, Albany ....78880 4. Hcnniffan. Roljert. Syracuse ..78880 SUPERVIStING D I S T R I C T F O B E S T RANGER. ( P r o m . ) , Deitartinent of Conservation ( E t eluslve o f the DIvisioa of Parks and the Divlsioa Saratoga Springs B « « « T ' ration). * SHOPPERS If'ometi'M Specialty Women's Specialty Shops Imported woollens and silks f r o m ail parts of the world F a r Below Wholesale M i l l Price! Silks, for street wear, evening wear; brides; (values up to $4.'j.00 yd.) f r o m 89c to 12.50 yard. S p e cial sales! Dress weight, 54 inch woolen $1.00 yd. MILL END I M P O R T S 76 E. 12th St. f e w doors West of Bdway. G R 73595 • • • N E W F A L L DRESSES. 3.95 to 12.95 NEW FALL BLOUSES NEW FALL SKIRTS Specially Priced W o o l or Orion S w e a t e r i On Sale G. M. C. 178 C H U R C H S T . Bet. Diiane and Reade St. Hoitseholtl Goods For Sal« Ul(risht piano, fireplace, complete IhmI room suite, sofa, tables, mirrord cUoAp. Ti'l. C Y 4 ( i l 8 7 . Mora or 'EvcninB II Household Storet Rebuilt Refrigerators AU makes, all sizes A.C.. D.C.. Gas. From one to two yrs. fuarantee. Expert 3ervic« and Repair. W'e also sell or rent small refrirettes. KEM REFRIGERATIOM SALES 51 Seventh A v e So WA. O - O m Vpholtlering Upholstering • New & O l d Slip Covers Draperies Made to order your or our fabric*. Also travers rods, any lenffth. made I * ordar and installed at reasonable prices. S P R t l A L S A L E : 3 WEEKS ONLT S o f a ; T w o Chairs and 0 Cushion Sliy C«Ters (t>r>.00: Formerly (133.00. Free estimates ANDREW F I S C H E R Open evvnines till 8 P.M 134 7tb Ave. S.. nr. lOth S t . CH 3-74S8 PINE QUALITY UPHOLSTERING Bottoms rebuilt expertly your home. Cliaire S1.05. Sofas $B.i<5. Furniture recovered wide selection Encore Decorators, 1537 Sccond Ave.. BU 8 ^150 and T i Wast Siitk MO 6 3243. 4ir pholstering Bottoms Rewebbed Si •HOKAS $U (^tom Ma^le Slipcovers & Retipliot<tt«ff7 at Lowest Prices. Special Uate-t tor 3 pc. living rot. renpliolstered MaCtre-.'ies re-nnide & stfrll., f i . e a ap Bi>i .S|>riiiS4 Onllts Pillowj Al.l. W I I R k tillAKANTUKU l)ir,-U': Janiaic.i A v . . Kirhmonil lliil 1 0 % Kisronilt to Civil Ser. Uorkera VI. O-OOGS Moving and Storage LOADS. pa4l loads all over tIS.\ speijiilc/ Calif, and Florida. Special rales to Ci^ii St-Tvice Workers. Doughboys W A 7-0000. TOSCANOS NEW INSURED VANS $7 Hr. Plat Rate to All Points CY S - ' i U O MEN — WOMEN EARN EXTRA MONEY! W o r k P a r t time, light messenger work. Openings for all d a y time hours, steady. 4C1 4th Ave. 131st Street R o o m 804 LE 2-6019 SAI.I^VIKN C'L-;!,-.) ( K I I.L .lU P A U T T I M E . S hoar.i I>cr day. Morn or eve. .\ccu«t J.117 wUl.v. unnic. Comm. EJu.Ji t i o n i l scrv. Call M r . Feiler , 0 1 ' ! PM lA) 4-i;[;U. lor in>pt rcirarililntf nrsn IntLVown. 1'.'5 W 10. Km 1170. cor B w i y Or in N . J. call Mr. Roberts, M I 3 ".OtS <11 HiWi'y St.. Uocm y, Newarii Mr, ti.xit PANTS OR SKIRTS T o u a t e b voai laekeu. 3OU.U0U pattema Law^iOB Tailorliu i Weavtni Co.. lOS rultoD S t . eurnei B r o a d w a j N T.O <1 fli«i» o p I WOrtb 3 2617 8 T y P E W B l T E R S l . E N T E D For Civil kKaiiia. We ilo deliver to the tiou Uooms. All niuKe*. Easy teruis. Addi u t MacUines. Mimcoifrapbs. International Typew/itur C o , 841. E. « a i h St. ttE * 7UaO M. r . C. Open till 6:50 p.m. ht»lruction$ L I C \ U N i II U K E Y PUNCH, 40 M SO biiurii Dorothy K a i i « SeliooL 11 W. * •troel. N.Y.C. S P O T N E W S of civil service tn the Newsletter column. Bjr all luppeiiiiics, with forecastii of what will liappen, is found w«^ekt/ Metuu read it. 1954 Mitchell Greatly SALE Air-Contdifionea Reduced. $169,90 ID54 ai-TON DE L U X E . CASH & C A R S T PRATT LE ELECTRIC 4 5452 CO. LE 4 WANTED French lessons in exch. f o r 2^'i h r s week o f f i c e work, sewing, bkpg. M U 5-4160. th» Fully Handyman in Your The One And Only Automatic Repair* TV Service—Today! Brand New Picture Tubes lastalled—^H year warraify 10" M2.95 17" »20.95 12" 14.95 19" 23.95 16" 19.95 20" 24.95 ^tyntnts armsoid. Ms mssty tfnni All rrtcee laelude k o w D M TV Repatrt at Lew Prieet MONX—MAN.—•KLYN—9UIIMI all IN. 9-670 $1.50 + PARTS ME 5-2926 I^tabUHhed 3 Yrs.—AU Work «td. Onlx New, Dated Parts used. Old P a r U Remain in Y o n r Home*. HUB TV — Bronx Service Oaly 5° Cigar BELIEVE A couple—man employed or retired, Good home. L i g h t household duties f o r wife. Phone I N . 9-3552. A f t e r 5 P,M. C L 2-7407. For Television G U A R A N T E E D TV SERVICB Within 1 hour Payment* a r T W i l « « SO 8-2068. 114a Prospect AT*. Conditioning SPECIAL llirtw Crown Brdding & Upholster* ISecessitiei F l R M T t K E RUOS A T P R I I ES I Ob CAN AFFOKO Furniture, appliances, eirts, clotliinc. etc. tat real savings) Miinleipal Fmployees Service. Room 4'.>8, IS Park R o w . CO 7-531MI. LIf»l Wrench No Coils. Swinffs. Screws, No Adjiisiuients Reiiuireil. Sturily Chrome Vanadium Steel O N E W R E N C H 5/tl ' TO I M " O P E N J A W IT OR NOT TAMPA PRINCE B y D1 Fiore D e m a n d T h e m — Smoke T h e m Box SO - 230 I f not available at your store Call MA 4-4970 By M a i l : DiFore, G.P.O. Box 634, Brooklyn, N. Y . Postage Prepaid to CivU Service W o r k e r s O N L Y $4,95 PREPAID Money Biuk Gu'iraiitee If Not Sutisflad St'iiU Tush. ChpfU or Money OiJer lo ^>ueleet^io Corp, Kinpire State Bids. N . T . Moving and Storage L I U H T .MOVI.NG & M E S S E N G E R S E U V I C K T H E DOOERS T K U C K . MOTORCVCLK S T A T I O N WAGON JOHN W A G G A M A N CH. 3 913S Hett H ' A N A M A K K K ' S N E W P K T SHOP a W A Y A T 8 T H ST.. 3D F L R . OR 3-4700 Selection of all breeds of Puppie*. Also T a m e Monksys. Canaries. Parakeets. Tropical A GolUtiiib * a full line of •cceHorie* Baby Sitlert I.KT T H E 4 A V N T 8 l>0 I t BABY S I T T I N G SHOPPING M . K Y U ' K Ni':VVBUKN B A U Y C.\KK TYl'INQ Fersonaliy conducted Sirbtseetnf „ or what do you need} Spanish. Vionek Hid English spoken. AC ( 8 : U e • . ! • . S:9e OB 3 - 4 5 1 1 ETMJG WEEKEND^. FOR $30 Y Q H C a n Afford to havo Professional Color Movies M w l * sf Your Weddini. Bar M i l o a k . Soi'ial Attaira Family Katheriiigr*. mmi pariiat. For more inforniatioii- C a l l PR 8-0642 ANY WALLPAPER 50% O F F Jiuy Wholesale! Standard Wa11i>aper Any JUST ^ Phone for LIST PIUC« OrUera D^^ljverad C A L L IN Pattern Number & Quantity • & L WA.LLPAPER CO. 725 AVE. U, B-KLYN DK jt-l'.'IU MESSENGERS PART TIME M o n d a y to Friday. W h a t e v e r days you have available. 73c per hour. L E 2-6019, 2 0 % to 50% off OINMERWAIIE CHINA STEMWAAE T E R R I F I C VALUES UN T U K M K N U O l ' H I.INK OF •ROAOLOOM CARPETINA TorrllU' 220 Valll"^ ua Furniture Wool, Kayon i u i t e UUO Cuttoa, SIROMO Stb AVE. Cor 26tli St. MU U-^TIO 1. 5. 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. CI«o(««. A b r a h a a . Albany ....I14M Petty. Clarence, ParlshvllB . . . . 8 5 8 6 0 Welrht, Forrest. Mlddletowa . . 8 6 3 9 0 Madison. Harold. NorthTille ..R»000 Kruerer. Henry. L a k e w o o d . . . . 8 3 0 6 0 Pohrman. Fred. Northyille . . . . 8 2 1 8 9 Roche. Robert. Bath 80S90 SchradM", Victor, Athena 80790 COUNTY AND VILLAGE Promotion SKMOR STRNOORAfHRR, ( r r o m . ) . Kdnard J. Meyer MemarW llospltnl, Rrle County. 1. P i t j p a t r i r l t , Joan, Buffalo . . . . 9 0 4 8 7 2. T o k a r i . Dolores. Lackawanna . . 8 5 8 4 0 3. Miehslska, Helen, Buffalo . . . . 8 2 8 1 3 T h e L E A D E R continues publication of the State clerk, file clerk, account clerk and statistics clerk elig^ible lists. Names higher on the lists appeared in issues of Augrust 31 and September 7. S14. Kota. K a r r a r e t . T r o r 31S. Vanalstino. Loren, Cohom . . . . 82B0e 218. Bayer, Albert. R i d t e w o o d . . . , 8200e 217. Read, William, R o m e 828ie 318. Summers. Kathryn. Queena T i c 8 2 8 1 * 219. Iveson. Jennie, Rensaelaar ., 828ie 330. Lewis. Delorea, Bklyn 826.?e 221. Ritter, M a r y . W Seneea . . . . 82540 223. Kowalski. Henry. Stuyveoot K a 83540 223. Howe. Veronica, P t CHiester . , 8 2 5 4 e 324. Staesser, Shirley, L o n r Eddy 8 2 4 5 * 235. Ryan, Francis. Dannemora .. 823n» 226. Peschel. Ine*. State Schl . . . , 8 2 2 7 * 237. Bclka. Elizabeth, Syracttaa . , 8 2 2 7 * 228. P e s k o w l t i , Estelle, Bklya . . . . 8218* 8218* 229. Watta. Arlen, P a w l i n r 3,30, Kettle. Geraldine. Albion . . . . 821Re 331. Russo, Ciro. Forest His . . . , 8 2 0 9 e 333. Coleman, Alfred, W Albany . , R 2 0 0 « 8209* 233. Mietx. Neil, Bklyn 3,34. Kranz, Barbara, Sonnd Bch 8 2 0 0 « 235. Williams. Joseph, Bklyn . . . 8200* . . . 8200* 238. Hammer, Irvinir, Bklyn 8200* 237. Rcdlo. Belle. Buffalo 238. Gruber. Arlene. Valley 9tr . 8 2 0 0 » 239. Jordan. William. Bklyn . . . 8300* 240. Deminr. Dcnna. Newark VTy 8 1 9 1 « 241. Lorenz, Elfriede, Islip Mnp . 8 I 9 i « 343. Clancy, Mary, Far R c k w a y . 8 1 8 2 * ,8182« 243. Jol.v. John. Offdensburr . . . ,81R2» 244. Dipaco, Francis, N T C .8173« 345. Kramer. Marion, Staten U . .817.3« 246. Ducharme, Corinne. Cohoeo . , 8 1 7 3 » Albany 247. Brcuniff. Dorothy, ,S17.<1« 248. Burnett, June. Buffalo .81640 249. Closson, Jatils, CIncinnatna . .81BR* 250. W.albrook, lona. Bronx 261. Collins. J.. N T C sin.i® 353. Kicinski. Shirley. Albany . , . .81650 Kaufman. E. J.. Albany . . . . ,R15B» 253. 254. Laniran, Martin L . . Albany . .81BB» 355. Roe«ch. Frances B.. Albany . , 8 1 5 R « .81560 356. Hasren. Ixjis A.. N.-wsau 257. Anita. Binffhnmton . . 8 1 4 6 * 358. Delahoyde. M.ary, Pkeepalo . . 8 1 5 7 * .81570 259. Cox, Ethel, N Y C 260. Mnllipan Gcor?e. Albany . , . .812R» ,81280 261. P f e i l . Barbara. Buftelo 262. Ashkinaay, Philip, Bklyn, . . . . 8 1 2 8 * 268. Bunk. Alphnnse, B u f f ^ o . . . .81JB« .8110« 364. Chapla, Thomas, T r o y .81100 265. Debarbiert, B Bklyn 266. Eldridffe. Naaidcn, H o m o n . .81100 .8110* 267. T m e x , Helen. Middletown .81100 268. Bowen, Marian, N T C .8110« 269. Ses-er, Joseph, Albany .8110« 370. Bartholomew, Ruth, Atlanta . .81010 271. Feuerherd. Victor, Westbnry . .81010 272. Souhr.ida. Marylon. Suffolk .8101* Ranirel, Ddorea, Rensselaer . 273. .80920 274. Gray. Ruth . . . . R e n s s e l a e r . .80920 275. Nash. lyorraine. W. Hempated. .80920 276. Wensing, Clyde, N e w b u r t h . . . 8 0 9 2 0 377. Lindsey, Annie, Bklyn .80930 378. Goff, Anna. Lindcnhrst . 808,30 279. Smith, Lovina, Lackawanna . . 8 0 7 4 0 280. Shapiro, Bernard, Bklyn. . . . .80740 281. Halvorsen, K., Red H o o k . , . . 8 0 7 4 0 282. M a n u r e . Nancy, Albany . . . . . 8 0 7 4 0 888. Crist, Barbara, Gowanda . . . .80700 384. Borden, Alice. F a r R o c k w y . . 8 0 6 5 0 385. St. Clair, Beatrice. Buffalo . . .80650 286. McCarty. Marjorie. BMyn. . . . . 8 0 6 5 0 387. Sickles, Grace, Albany .80650 388. Files. David. Watertown . . . . SOOISO 289. Giermek, Ann, Buffalo .80650 390. Dewey, Mary. Menanda .80650 291. Lapier, Roland, Pl.attsbnrc . . 8 0 6 5 0 .80660 203. Marrone. Esther. Bklyn . 80.'>60 393. Mastronardi. J.. Bronx 204. Benjamin. Bcula, Whitehall . . 8 0 4 7 0 295. Mannion. Marg-aret. Woodstdo. . 8 0 4 7 0 .80200 396. Shealy. Euitene. Albany .80200 237. Shapiro. Shirley, N T C .8030# 298, Pramuk. Asneo, 3B». Shipitey. Georrs. Albany . . . ACCOI NT CLERK (Continued from A q r . 31 Isaae) 78. Gliokenstein, E., Staten Isl . . 8 9 2 0 0 77. Jablon, Herman. Bronx 89120 78. Gassner. Henry, Staten Isl . . 89020 79. Roscoe. Joseph, White Pins . . 8 8 9 8 0 80. Bosnian, John. T r o y 88932 81. Adler, Elizabeth, E Worcester 88840 82. Bradley, Geraldine. Ovid 88750 83. Graber, Elizabeth, Alb.any 88750 84. Rabineau, Sadie, Albany ....88750 85. Vanarker, G.. Rensselaer ....88750 88. Meyerbers. Ralph, Bklyo , . . . 88750 87. Murtaugh, Wanetta. Syracaaa 88480 88. Fabian, Dorothy, Jamaica . . . 88,190 89. Holden. I > a h . Bklyn 8R300 no. Johnson. John, B r o n * 88300 91. Leo, John, T r o y 8R0.'J0 93. Harris, Rnth, n t i e a 87940 93. .Taeobs, Herman. Perrysburr . . 8 7 8 5 0 94. Natly, Theresa, Whitesboro . . 87850 95. Adelstein, Dorothy, N T C 87850 98. H o f l . Helen. Albany 87850 97. Schwartr.bard. S.. Bklya 87780 98. Barrett. Margrery, 0 t i c a . . . . 87870 99. P a v l i k . John. Johnstown ....87680 100. Myers. William. Albany 87580 101. Gaiter. Elisabeth. Staton Isl . . 8 7 4 9 0 102. Goldstein, Norma. Bronx 87400 103. Gody, Frances, Patchoirua . . . . 8 7 4 0 0 104. Davie®, Helen, Dannemora ..87400 105. Asher. Helen, Bayshore 87400 lOfl. Sprasrue, Doris, Plattsburc , .87400 107. Briensa, Prances, Oneonta 87400 108. Underman, V., N Evans . . . . 8 7 3 1 0 109. Curthoys, James, T r o y 87220 110. Runre. A'.ex.inder. T l W m w d 871S0 111. Ziajka. Victor. TTtiea 87130 112. Burke. Rickard. Renssrfaer . 87130 11.^. Moscarelli. Louiae. Bklya . 86950 114. Robinson, R<ibert. Collera P t 86950 115. L e v y , Cella, Bklyn 88950 118. Hendershott. D.. P i f f a r d 86950 117. White. Gertrude. K H a r t f o r d 86950 118. O'Connell. Florence, Ossininr 88880 119. Swett, Ida, BuRalo 86770 120. Ptacek. Edwni, Albany 86680 121. Pytlewskl. R., BofTaU 86680 128. Como. Joseph. Bklyn 86680 133. Walker. Vincent. Pkeepaia ..86590 124. Fowler. Bertha. Albany 86500 Quinn. Douglas. Bklyn 86500 126. Kottke. Patricia, Schtily 80230 127, Campbell, Jejsis, Porters Cor 86336 138. Oapp, Theodore. T r o y 86140 129. McQowan. Francis. Bklya ..86140 130. Hacker. Rnth. Chatham Ctr . . 8 6 0 6 0 131. Wells. Janice. Collins 86050 133. W o t f . Louise, Baldwin 86050 133, Hawbecker, John, Elmira 8B050 1.14. Chomak, Ev.'lyn, Bklyn 86050 1,35. Wilson. Willard, Albany 85960 136. Wilhelm. Bemieo, Buffalo ..85780 137. Anderson, Lavinia. Syracuso . . 8 5 7 8 0 138. Corry, Marsraret, W.ash D C 85780 139. Martin. Evel.TU, BkI.Tn 8S690 140. Miehaelis. Lillian, Buffalo ..85800 141. Wiltsey. Robert. T r o y 86600 143. Manell, Thomas, Whitehall ..83600 143. Stevenson, T.. Cohoes 85600 144. Duffy, Helen. N Y C 85000 145. Cornelius. Ruth, Cincinnati ..8,5600 148. Burnett, Winifred. Jefferson . . 8 5 5 6 0 147. Schurlr, Water, N Y C 86510 148. Stranss, Lillian, Bklyn 86510 149. Hnrhes, Eusene, Queens V l r 85420 160. Calms. Ruth. Staten Isl ,...86420 151. Fahey, J.araes. Albany 86330 163. Phillipo, Pauline. Bklyn 853.30 153. Haber, Dorothy. Schodack J j i d * 85240 154. Lonrhlin, William. Albany . 86240 155. Y o u n r , Alice, Schtily 85240 156. Miller, Shirley, Albany 85150 157. Lamm, Chailes, N T C 85150 158. Dommermuth. Freda. Oneonta 851S0 159. Boyer. Marsnerite. Cohoes ..85160 160. Bailey, Edith, Horncll 86160 161. Ijynn, Yvonne, Buffalo 85060 163. Rnobloek, Madeline. Utiea ..86060 163. Kirton, Edith, N T C 84880 164. Mileo. Robert. Buffalo 85790 164. Milea, Robert, Buffalo 84790 165. Cain, Evelyn. Dannemora . . . 84790 166. Ferris, Aline, Dover Plua . . . . 8 4 7 9 0 167. Decristofaro. N.. Bklyn 84750 168. Ponco. Raymond. Albany 84750 109. Delsonno, E., Bronx 84700 170. Theroux, J „ Albany 84700 171. Reynolds. Charles. Albany .,84700 173, Miller, Daniel, Albany 84810 173. Karamanlis, A „ T r o y 84610 174. Zaidel, Victor, Buffalo 84520 175. Deery, Vivian, Oneonta 84430 176. Goldhamer. Bernard, Bronx . . 84340 177. Blum, Patricia. Albany 84S40 178. Steenrod, Joan, Middletown . . 8 4 3 4 0 179. Burns. Helen. Binehaniton ..84340 180. Charbonnean. R.. Watertord . : 8 4 3 5 0 181. Kalstek, Clara, W Seneca 84250 183. Duffy, France*. Islil< 84350 183. Roehminskl. O,. AveriU P k . . 8 4 1 0 0 184. Konopka, Viola, Bklyn 84070 185. Luther, Charlotte, Albany ...83980 186. Youmans. Chailes, T r o y ....83980 187. Kowalski, Charles. Jamaica . . 8 3 9 4 0 188. Deluise, Philip. N T C 83860 189. Tobin, Edward, Fredonia ....83800 190. Bemis, Carolyn, Crown P t ..83800 191. Fanchar, Kay. Edinbarc 83800 1Q2. Tanre, Beulah, Northvilla ..83710 IDS. Barrott. Adole. T r o y 83710 104. Kulikowski, HHen, Willstn P k 83630 196. Goldstein, Evelyn. Bronx ....83820 106, Gerard. Alice, Attica 83620 197. Rennle, Marjorie. Bklyn 83530 198. Kowel, Anne, Bronx 83630 199. Baumann. Frances, Hempstead 83440 200. H i f h s m l t h . G., Bronx 83440 301. Austin. Verneal. N Y C 83400 3 0 » . Loa. Evelyn, Oswejio 83850 Johiiaton, Mary. Koehestar ..83S60 •:04. McCarthy, Eilene, Elmira ..8U260 205, Rock, Sylvia, CaOyville ....SS'lSO SUO, Smith. Anna. Morrlavillo ....832S0 307. M o s k o w l l i . Jxnnio, Bklyn ,.83170 208, Kroenini, Esther, S»iibora . 83170 2U>. Hart. Hazel, Nassau 83170 310. Moulton, Marie. T r o y 83080 311, Sloi'iroaa, Wanda. Altuiuout , . 8 3 0 8 0 213. Viale. Dofotliy, T i o y 8':i)00 21S. Wisotsky, Baibara, B r o w^OM (Continued on P a c * Itl REAL ESTATE BROOKLYN HERE Is The Largest Selection Of Houses For Sale in Brooklyn! Move Right in! P U L A S K I ST 13 Rooms Price L E X I N G T O N ATT. 10 Rooms Price KOSCIUSKO ST 8 Rooms Prioo GREENE AVE 9 Rooms . . Prico D E A N ST Leral Rinr. House . . P r i c e L A F A T E T T E AVE 13 Rooma Price M O N R O E ST 11 Rooms Price H A N C O C K ST 10 Rooms . . . P r i c e 9T. J A M E S P L 13 Rooms . . . P r i c e LEXINGTON AVE 13 Rooms . . . P r i c e OBAND AVE 10 Rooms Price H A L S E T ST 8 Rooms . . . Price LEXINGTON AVE 8 Rooma Price H A N C O C K ST 15 Rcoms Prico HANCOCK 3T 30 Rooms Price M A R I A N ST 8 Rooms Prico PARK PLACE 13 Rooms ...Prioe VEKNON AVE 13 Rooaas Price PUTNAM AVE I t Rooma Prico K. T. A V E 1 « Rooma Price All A-1 n4.00« $11,600 (12.600 913.000 $16,500 $16,500 $14,600 $16,000 $14,600 $11,000 $13,600 $12,600 $13.00« $16,600 $15,600 $12,500 $14,MO $14,600 $16,700 $14,700 iHlldingt CoHdItloi Herman Robins, Inc. 962 Holioy St. I'lilya Open Sun. bjr Appointment Only G L 5-4MM Tuesday, V p t e m b c r 14, 19S4 C I V I L ' S E « V 1 1 1 ? L E A D E in > REAL ESTATE • HOUSES — HOMES — PROPERTIES THE BEST GIFT OF ALL — YOUR OWN LONG ISLAND JAMAICA LONG Completely Detached LOOK 6 ROOM NOME FINISHED 7 rooms, brick, basement with bar, oil ail modern. 112-52 175 PLACE. ST. ALBANS J A 6-8269 — 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. — Sun. 11-6 P . M . ST. ALBANS 147-05 Hillside Ave., Jam. JA. 6-4034 ST. ALBANS W KKK 8 l h A t » . SllbwilT "K" TRNIA T o Slitpliln l l l v d . S U I i o n North K i i t $n.750 ST. ALBANS B K I C K — bi'iiucifiil drt.Khpd brink bunffalowi with a wooil-hiirninr flrepliicf. Oil heat, j i i r a K e . E x p a n eion attic. ST. ALBANS $10,990 NOTICE MAN* •Mr. Otis R miller, f o r n u i l j ' o f KudUi'r ANrtooiiileH, Inc.. n o w wt^nciateU with U l I ' l ' E L R E A L T Y , INC. OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM MALCOLM BROKERAGE 106-57 New York Blvd. Jamaica 5. N. Y . R E . 9-0645 — JA. 3-2716 % l * r f c • f i r e t l o n or othpr c h o i c e hoin#a In « ] ) price rnnses A $11,600 1 f a m i l y . 7 rooms detached home. L a r g e plot. Garage. M o d ern tile bath. Loads of other features. Small cash. DeUKhwl tt rooms in a lovely Qeig'hborhcod. N e a r all convenieiiccfl. WEEK l^EW ST. ALBANS $13,060 Brick shingle. Brand new, with every luxury. $17,300 and up ST. ALBANS BVz rooms, brick, garage, oil heat, modern kitchen, colored tile bath with stall shower, real fireplace, extra large living room, $12,600 uoTf>I.T 1.4>nr Ibland Homes »t Prires (« suit in the motit desirable •ecUons N E W IJSTINC.S DAILY (M ON« 115 . 43 Sutphin Blvd. SECURITY (Corner H 5 t h D r i v e ) Olympic 9-8561 OWN YOUR HOME Can Y o u Raise a Deposit? I f So Buy and Stop P a y i n g Rent. BROOKLYN EAST K - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * BE A PROUD HOME OWNER * Investieate these exccptionaJ J buys. * INCOME PROPERTY * H A N C O C K ST. •NEAR HOWARD — 2* AVE. — ^ f a m i l y bricic. combination sinks,^ • s t e a m . Price $17,500. Cauh $ 3 . - * % D E C A T U R ST. % i T H R O O P — 8 family, m o d e r n * • bricic. Price $35,000. J % H O P K I N S O N AVE. % ^ S T . M A R K S — 7 apartments,$ 4cl store, po.sses.sion. Price $15.-* • 500. Cash $1,500. * ELMHURST Charming 1 - f a m i I y brick bungalow, 7 years old, 5 very modern rooms, completely redecorated in the latest color scheme scientific kitchen, colored tiled 9ath, satin-like finished hardwood floors, steam heat g a s lovely community. Down p a y ment $1,600. $12,000 T e r m s Of CourH« MANY GOOD BUYS J a n u c K St. A l b a i i e , So. O z o n e C A L L The J A Realty C o . Uc. Broker Beat PR. 4-6611 LEE ROY SMITH 11 (-04 Merrick Blvd. Jamaica .L.I. JAmaico 6-4592 LAureltoa 7-i85S FURNISHED APTS. Screen*, * FURNISHED HOME Furnislied ranch home to rent by Uie weelc. For further information call R E g e n t 7-6060 or Scldea 23576 (wetik ends). G . I. $1,000 C A S H N E E D E D Buys this lovely fully detached 6 room home P L U S screened rear porch; modern throughout, gar. etc. Must sell owner leaving town SPRINGFIEVD • • • • • Storm W induwt Aluinlniiiii WiiMlowH and D o o r * ScretMiH K c w i r c d V c n K i i i n ItlindM • Ju)oubl«« Hhowcr llourH U u t h t n b Kiu'lu**iiri*ii BO. 3-3509 Continental Screen Co. IN* OS 7tMli A v e . . K o r n i t Hill* 30x100. No. No Cash for G l 4 i 4 4 $14,700 4 FULLY DETACHED 8 ROOMS 4 5 BEDROOMS 4 NO CASH FOR Gl 4 ESSEX 4 4 $12,200 $13,200 6'/2 rooms, fully detached, oil steam heat, located in the heart of Queens Village. No. 384. 6"2 rooms, plus attic, fully detached and shingled, 40x 100, oversized garage. No. 359. " No Cosh for G l 368 GARAGE 88-32 138th S T R E E T , J A M A I C A 100 f e e t North of Jamaica Ave. on Van W l i i l e Blvd. — Call f o r detail driving directions. Open everyday. READY!! r -NOW BRAND NEW HOMES See the new all modern brick. 1 family, 6 room homes, full basements, ceramic tiled bath, ultra modern kitchen, formica top cabinets, casement windows, automatic heat, extra lavatory on main floor, Venetian blinds, laundry in basement, four burner gas range, landscaped plot with parking area. Price $13,060 T e t e r a n s — D o w n P a y m e n t $1,960 M o r t g a g e ( a t 412% for 25 years) M o n t h l y P a y m e n t of Principal and Interest $61.15 Located at East Side of 171st Street, between Foch Boulevard » n d 116th Avenue. St. Albans, New Y o r k . Office: HERMAN CAMPBELL ST. ALBANS $9,990 GARDENS G. I. O N L Y $1,300 C A S H Beautiful detached f r a m e dwellng, 8 large modern rooms, e x tra lavatory, oil heat. T e r r i f i c location; can easily be converted into 2 - f a m . $13,000 Several Desirable Unfurnished A p a r t m e n t s f o r Rent. Many Other Excellent Values I n 1 and 2 Families 186-11 Merriek Blvd. Springfield Gardens. L. L Laurelton 7-2500-2501 33-21 Junction Boulevard. Jackson Heights 72, New Y o r k H A v e m e y e r 6-1151 — H i c k o r y 6-3672 M o d e r a t e down payment f o r non-veterans OUTSTANDING VALUES HEMPSTEAD AND UNIONDALE S T . ALB.'^NS: New 2 f a m i l y detached brick and shingle. 4 ^ rooms up and rooms down. Every modern COA convenience. Price R I C H M O N D H I L L : 1 f a m i l y detached, 6 rooms, 3 rooms down, 2 kitchens, 2 baths, large f r a m e house, oil burner, hot water heat. N o garage, needs painting. Near transportaQAA tion. Excellent buy for only ^ O . T v w OTHER 1 AND 2 FAMILY HOUSES FROM $7,500 UP — LOW DOWN PAYMENTS ~ MORTGAGES ARRANGED ALLEN & EDWARDS l * t - 1 t Liberty A v « . . lOS-l.-) N r w Y o r k B l v d . . J a m a i c a . N . V , Urookl7*4< • OiMn tiuiidB7t II u « ************************ Hoqmv Ebtate I CUMMINS REALTY| • i t M a c U u i i i a i 81. Family WM. RICH • P A C I F I C ST. * • BROOKLYN — 4 story, 8 * W h i t e - Colored. 1 ai d 2 room • apartments. Cash required $2.-* apts., beautifully furnished, kitch•500. * enettes, bathrooms, elevators. K i s A S P E C I A L S i v a l l a t u e ( o 01s. S met Arms Apartments, 57 H e r k i • DON'T WAri- ACJ TO DAY | mer St.. between B e d f o r d and Nostrand, near 8th Ave. and Brighton lines. • Ai>k (or Leonard Cummins ;(.- % Two TOWN REALTY Park 6-0250 Qisodwill »nd garage, ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ A X . 7-7900 2 FAMILY 4V2 and 3 Marlcngre and Tcrnii Arraii(eri DIPPEL HOMES .«:team, 394. No Cash for G l 5 0 x 100 X 3 e d r o o m s - 2 Story T h e s e are brand new homes with every luxury and every modern improvements. $13,500 A S T E A L — T h i s 7'/a room solid brick detached home with IV2 modern tile bath, finished attic, oil heat, newly decorated. G a rage and other features. Small cash. S. GONE PK. . . $10,990 7 DAYS $14,000 Gorgeous 8 room home, consisting of 5 bedrooms, 3 modern tile baths, finished basement, 2 car garage. Oil heat. All i m provements. A c t quickly. Small cash. 5J f a n i f l y cM.nMmt antJ elucoo. 2 five room apts. F i n ^ h n l attic and 6 roome in baflonient. eteum heat, ouinbinntion windows and doorR. I V r r i f l o i n c o m e . Cash d o w n $1,500. OPEN $13,650 2 f a m i l y detached home f e a turing 2/4 room apartments. 2'/2 modern tile bath, finished basement, oil heat, garage and load.s of other features. Small above G.L mortgage. Fully detached and shingled, 5 rooms, modern kitchen, A - 1 condition. No. 393. No Cosh for G l 100, f r a m e , oil. ARTHUR WATTS, Jr. 'The Real Estate Super Market!!!' ST. ALBANS . . $10,000 rooms, 5 bedrooms, plot 50 x F.H.A. k 6 . I. MORTGAGES ARRAMOED HOLIDAY JAMAICA $12,999 1 f a m i l y 6 rooms, corner 50 x 100 all modern, oil. SPRINGFIELD GARDENS t $10,500 $8,900 $13,500 $12,500 Addisleigh Pork LONG ISLAND NO CASH FOR Gl BARGAINS $11,500 Chapelle Gardens MOLLIS SEE T H I S B A R G A I N TODAY A THESE ,6 3 f a m i l y , brick, « l a t e roof 5 beautiful brick 1 f a m i l y rooms up, 3 down, oil, finished rooms, plot 40 x 100. basement and bar, finished attic. basement. Owner is sacrificing beautiful detached home which is in immaculate condition and set b a c k on large landscaped grounds. T h e r e are 6 large rooms and a finished basement w i t h an extra icitchen and stall shower. Oil heat many extras. Only one blocic f r o m subway bus. 7 DAYS AT ST. ALBANS lASEMENT NO GASN Gl OI'KN LONG ISLAND ISLAND WHY PAY RENT $10,490 HOME Kitchens & Bathrooms MODERNIZED for oniy pennies H O L L I S % daj NO DOWN PAYMENTS S'HA T e r m t 6 Yrt. to Pay FREE BRICK ESTIMATES Call A X t e l 7-8585, or visit our showrooms. Atlantic-Craft Products 147-30 A r c h e r A v e . , J a m a i c a 3 S , N . f . ( I block f r o m U l l U Stutlon, Juut oO Suti>hiu lilvtl,, JiiUiAiea A v e . 1 OpcD Daily to 5 : a 0 P M , Mon.. f r i . to 8 P . M . Sat. to 1 P . M . t'UEE! P A H K I N O D O N ' T R E P E A T T H I S , Authoritative political analysis column, appears weekly in T H E L E A D E R . R e a d it every week, to k ( e p aheiUl oi the political newii. BUNGALOW Only 2 years young this outstanding, detached 5 room with large expan.s(on attic, ultra modern kitchen, tile bath, full basement with oil heat large plot 50x100, g a r a g e — m a n y extras. R u r e Selection o f nnpainlPd Cabinet! R E A D E R S have their nay in the Comment column of The Lli^ADER. Price too low to mentioni Act now — Call OL 7-1635 L O O K I N G I N S I D E , Informative, authoritative comment column, appeiti-ii weekly iu T h e L E A D E R . Be sure to read It. F a g * E T w « i v « Names on State Clerk (Continued f r o m Page 10) S^iiidom, A n a s t a t i a , I.ROAL Bay Shore 80110 MOTICB STATU OP N E W Y O R K — INSURANCE DEl'AHTMENT, ALBANY I . A l f r f d J. HohllnKcr, Supcrintpniifint o f Innuratice o f t h e S t a l e o f N e w Y o r k , hereb r c c r U f y pursuant t o l a w , t h a t the Ball o u r - G i i t h r i s I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y , o f San F r a n f i H o o . C a l i f o r n i a U - d u l y liccnacd t o trannact t h e iMlsincas o f i n s u r a n c e in this • t a l e and t h a t its s t a t o m c n t fliMi f o r t h e y e a r ended D e c e m b e r 3 1 , 105.3, s h o w s t h e lollowinir condition: Total Admitted Assets yi.rn.0(16.31. Total Liabilities j T s n o " : . ! ' ; . c i i p i l a ; paid u p $r>;!5.000.00. Sunrtus and V o l u n t a r y r e s e r v e $ 5 1 8 , 0 0 3 . 1 9 . S n r p l u s a.s rcffarde p o l i c y h o l d e r s $1.04.1, I n c o m e f o r t h e y e a r $ 1 , 1 0 0 , 1 8 0 . 0 0 . Disbursement f o r the year $01,001.50. T H R I ' E O I T . K OK T H E S T A T E O P N E W T O I H f , Ily t h e G r a c e o f G o d F r e e and I n depcn<lrnt, t o O T T O D A I I L , E M I L D A H L . I I . S A C O I . K . I S I D O R E D A H L Send GreetI n e : upon t h e peMtion o f E r i c h D a h l , w h o resides at 707:J C o r b i t t , S t . L o u i s , Misso u r i . y o u and each o f y o u are h e r e b y cited to show nauee b e f o r e the Surror a t e s C o u r t o f N e w Y o r k C o u n t y , held a t the Hall of R e c o r d s in t h e C o u n t y of New Y o r k on the 5 t h d a y of October. 1 9 5 4 , at h.ilt iw^t ten o ' c l o c k in t h e f o r e noon o f Ihiit d.iy, w h y O T T O D A H L A N D E M U , D.\Hr, s h o u l d n o t be d e c l a r e d and w h y l i l l e r a o f A d m i n i s t r a t i o n on t h e g o o d s , c h a t t e l s and c r e d i t s o f O T T O D A H L . D e c c i s n d , l a i c o f Brussels, B e l g i u m , s h o u l d n o t be issued to E r i c h D a h l . and d e c l a r i n g t h a t O l i o Diilil t o h a v e died at t h e berinnincr of the 1 0 4 3 . .101 30"?, .103. 304, 305. ,'!0i|. 307, 30S. 30!). 310. 311. ;:13. 313. 314. 315. 310. 317. 318. ;tl!». ;i';0. 3-!l. ;!'!•!. ,'!•::!. 3:i 3';5. I n t e s l i n i o n y w h e r e o f , w e h a v e caused t h e seal o f the S u r r o i r a t e ' s C o u r t o f t h e •aid C o u n l y o f N e w Y o r k to be h e r e u n t o affixed. Wilne.»s. Honorable Georee Frankent h a l e r a Suir-oir.aic of o u r said c o u n l y . at t h e Ciiunly of N e w Y o r k , t h e 2 0 l h d a y o f AuBUst in t h e y e a r o f o u r L o r d o n e t h o u s a n d nine hundred and f i f l y - f o u r . ( L . S.) P H I L I P A. DONAHUE, C l e r k o f the S u r r o c a l e ' s C o u r t STATE OF N E W Y O R K — INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, ALBANY L A l f r e d J. IlohlinBcr, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f of the S t a t e o f New York, In urance h e •eby c e r l i f y p u i s u a n t t o l a w , t h a t t h e L l mbcrincns M n l n a l I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y , M^ nsfield. O h i o i6 d u l y licensed t o transact th( businc.aa o f i n s u r a n c e in t h i s s t a l e and t h a t Is s t a t e m e n t f i l e d f o r t h e y e a r endi'd Deceinl)er I I I . ] !I53, s h o w s t h e f o l l o w i n f f eondilion: Total Admitted Assets $15,KOO.OT.'I.ST. Total Liabilities $10,R5'J,« « f ) . i i n . Surrilus as rcB.arda polic.vholdcrs $4,n47.,'!s.'l.!i|. l u c o m o f o r t h e y e a r $10,1 7 5 . 4 ! i l i . ! i r . Di.anirsements f o r the year STATE OF NEW Y O R K — INSURANCE I)l:l'AHTMENT, ALBANY I . A l f n •d ,1. Hiihlinffcr, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f the Stale of New York, I n s u r a n ce of hereby r l i i y pui-su.ant t o l a w , t h a t t h Mutual A n t o n obile Pa Bureau Insuranee C o n i p :iTiy, C o l u m b u s , Oh to is d u l y licen.Hcii l o li iiinsacl t h e business of insuranee in Ihi, s l a t e and t h a t its e l a t e m e n t filed f o r I III y e a r ndd Deccmbi 31, 1053 S h o w s the f o l l o w i n f f c o n d i t i o n : T o t a l A d m i t t e d ASKCIS $ 1 ( 0 1 2 4 . 8 1 3 . 0 5 . T o t a l L i a bilities $.s,-...sii0,0';2.7;j. Surplus as regards noli.yholilcrs $23,255,700.33. Inc o m e f o r lli<. $1 24.1 .->3.700.41. Disbur.semenls f o r t h e y e a r $ 0 0 , 4 2 3 , 2 0 5 . 0 3 . STATE OF N F W Y O R K - - I N S U R A N C E DKI'.VHTMENT, A L B A N Y L A l f r e d J. llohlinirer. S u p e r i n t e n d e n t of Insuiancc of the Slato of New Y'ork h e r e b y e e i - i i f y pu'TUiant t o l a w . t h a t t h e Farm lliii-oail Life Insurance Company Colunibus. O h i o is d u l y licensed t o transact • • t h e business o f i n s u r a n c e in this s l a t e and t h a t its s l a l e n i e : i t liled f o r t h e y e a r ended D c e i u b c r 31. 1 0 5 3 s h o w s t h e f o l l o w i n i r eoniiilicni: T o l a l A d m i t t e d A s s e t s $ 5 7 , 2 5 0 , 805.H8: T o l a l I . i a b i l i l i e s $50,832,004.05 C a p i t a l p a i d - u p $ 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 ; S u i p l u s and V o i m i l a r y re.scrves $ 0 , 1 2 3 , 7 0 1 . 8 3 : Surpluf aa rciranl.s policyholders $0,423,701.83 I n c o m e f o r Ihe year $17,120,578.08; Dis bur.sements f o r t h e y e a r $ 1 5 , 7 4 5 , 7 3 5 . 2 3 . STATE OF N E W Y O R K — INSURANCE DEl'AKT.MENT, ALBANY I . A l f r e d J. ISohlinsrer, S u p e r i n t e n d e n t o f Insurance of the S l a t o o f New Y'ork, h e r e b y c e r i i l y inirsu.ant t o l a w , t h a t the F a r m Bureau M u t u a l F i r e I n s u r a n c e C o m p a n y . Coluniliu.s, O h i o is d u l y l i c e n s e d t o tran.saet the iinsiness o f iisurance in this s t a l e nnil t h a t its s t a l e i ^nt tiled f o r t h e y e a r cn.lcii D e c e m b e r 31 1 0 5 3 s h o w s t h e f o l l o w i n i r condit o n : T o t a l A d m i t t e d A s s e t s $14.IOS„-,r5.l)8. TotiU Liabilities $11.094, Su plus as regards policyholders $:i,:tl 1 OSIS.IO. Income for tl: y e a r $1 .'l.ll.s 1.821.20. D i s b u r b c m e u t s f o r t h e y e a r $10.0TU,008.0C, SUl'LSKMF. C O I U T OP T H E S T A T E OF N E W YOltK. C O U N T Y OF N E W YORK--T A T H I O I . A l i O K A T O R l E S , I N C . , I'lailltilT, auainsl INTERNATIONAL THEATRICAL & TKI.EVISLON CORPORATION; SCREEN (UHl.O I'llODUUCTIONS, INC.; MODERN S O l f R l ) I ' l l TI R E S , I N C . : and others, Def e i i . l a i i l s . — I'laiMliff d e s i i f u a l e s N e w Y o r k C o u n l y as the nlace o f t r i a l , — SUMM O N S . - . IMairitiff resides at 1 0 5 E a s t lOOlh Sired, New York, N. Y , T.i I h e a b o v e named Defend.ants; Y O U A l l i : I I E U E U Y S U M M O N E D t o .an• w e r I h e coiiiiilaiut In this a c t i o n , and t o s e r v e a c o p y o f y o u r a n s w e r , or, i f Ihc c o m p l a i n t is not s e r v w l w i t h this s u m m o n s t o s e r v e a n o t i c e of aiipearaiice, ou « i e Plaiiilifl's Allorney within twenty days a f t e r llii' 8<.rviec of Ih summons, exelu• i v e of i h e d a y of s e r v k •; and in case o f y o u r f a i l u r e Ui .inp.'ar, or answer, j i i d i m e i i l w i l l be l a k e u ag-ain it y o u by d e f a u l t , l o r 111,. relief Uenialided in the c o m p l a i n t . D a U i l , A u s l l s t 1054. JAMES L. O'CONNOR, A l l o r n e y fur I'laiiilitf. •«1 i P o s t O I H l i ! A d d r e s s 11 West 4:;nd S I r e e i . l l o r o u s l i of M a n h a u a n . City o f New York. TO THE AllOVE-NAMED D E F E N D A N T S IN THIS AITION: T h e (urcBointT suniinons is s e r v e d u p o n y o u liy pnlilieallDn pursuant l o au o r d e r o f M r . Juslii'c Euireno L . Ilrlsach, d a t e d t h e 30111 day of A u g u s t , ll'.">l and lih-U w i t h l i i e l o n i i i l i i i t in I h e olliee of tin Clerk uf l l i e S u p r e m e C o u r t o f the Slat, « t N e w Vurk, C.iuiity o f N e w v . i r k , at th, C o u n l y Cuiirt H o u s e t h e r e o f in tlio C i t y o f Hew Y o r k . DaleU. S e p t e m b e r 13. l O f i f . J A M E S L. O I D N N O R , Attorney fur I'lainlilt, 4 P O. Address. 11 W e t I ' M S t i v e t liiiriiu»U of M a n h a t t a n , City of New Vuik, Hcinrick*. Aria, Albany ., Daudario. Qarald, Astori* Brown, Oertnide, Bklyn Callahan, Rorer, D o v e r P l M , L a u r i a , A n n . Queens V I k .., Whipple, Barbara. L i t t l e V I r . Marks, Alexander, B k l y » . Skinner, Elaine, N Y C B r i l f , Charles, W i n d s o r .... Samuels, Ernestine, T r o y . . Rudnian. A l m a , B r o c k p o r t . Grosvenor. Carmine. B r o n i MeOinnis, Mary. Albany .. A p p l e b a u m , Saul, B k l y n , ,. O'Brien, Mary, T r o y K o r a n , John, W a s h , M l « .. Kiwsler, S o p h i e , B r o n x , . .. Rifenburffh, Amanda, Albany Alpert, Renee, Bklyn Clifford, K., Cohoes Gorwit?., U r s u l a . A l b a n y ... Church, Ann, O x f o r d Dunbar. Etheline, N Y C .... Keeher, Richard, Albany .. Graham, Asnes, N Y C I.KO.VL .80119 .80030 .80020 .70930 .70030 .70930 .708*0 .70840 .79840 .79750 .79760 .70760 .79750 .79750 .70750 .79750 .70000 .70000 .70000 .70060 .70060 .70570 .70570 .70670 .79480 NOTICE A t s S p e c i a l T e r m P a r t I o f t h e Supreme Court of the Stale of N e w York held in the County of Bronx, at the B r o n x C o u n t y B u i l d i n s in t h e C i t y of N e w Y o r k , B o r o u e h o f t h e B r o n x , on t h e 16th dan of A u i u s t , 1 0 6 4 , P R E S E N T : HON. JACOB M A R K O W I T Z , Justice. I n t h e m a t t e r o f t h e A p p l i c a t i o n of ODESSA C E N T E R O F T H E BRONX, I N C . , t o r an Order D i r e c l i n B t h e T r a n s f e r f t h e .assets o f t h e said O D E S S A C E N TER OF T H E BRONX, INC., T o THE B R O O K L Y N H E B R E W H O M E A N D HOSP I T A L FOR THE AGED. U p o n the a n n e x e d p e t i t i o n o f Samuel Weiiicr. Milton A . Teplin. H y m a n T i p l i t z id C h a r l e s H . K o p l e f f , d u l y acknowledsred the 31st d a y o f M a y , 1 0 5 4 . I . K T all persons h a v i n s a o y Interest, h o w cause b e f o r e this C o u r t at a S p e c i a l T e r m . P a r t I t h e r e o f , t o bo h e l d a t t h e U r o n t C o u n t y B u i l d i n r , 851 G r a n d Concourse, B o r o u j h o f B r o n x , C i t y of New Y o r k , on t h e I s t d a y o f O c t o b e r . 1 0 5 4 , It 1 0 : 0 0 o ' c l o c k in t h e f o r e n o o n , o r as loon t h e r e a f t e r as counstfl can be h e a r d , W H Y an o r d e r e o u l d n o t be m a d e directi n s t h e t r a n s f e r o f t h e assets o f O D E S S A C E N T E R OP T H E BRONX, INC to T H E B R O O K I . Y N H E B R E W H O M E A N D HOSP I T . A L F O B T H E A G E D ; and SUFFICIENT CAUSE A P P E A R I N G , L E T r v i c e of a c o p y o f t h i s o r d e r and t h e p e t i t i o n u p o n w h i c h i t la srranted, u p o n t h e A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l of t h e S t a l e o f N e w Y o r k , t w e n t y d a y s p r i o r t o t h e said l e t d a y of Octolier, 1 0 5 4 , bo d e e m e d sufBnt. and let n o t i c e to the members, c r e d i t o r s , and c o n t r i b u t o r s t o t h e f u n d s o f the said ODESSA CENTER OP THE B R O N X , I N C . be itiven b y p u b l i c a t i o n o f c o p y o f this o r d e r o n c e e a c h w e e k f o r f o u r successive w e e k e in t h e N e w York I . a w J o u r n a l and t h e C i v i l S e r v i c e L e a d e r , I j o i n i t w o newspai^ers o f greneral c i r c u l a tion p u b l i s h e d in t h e C o u n t y o f Bronx, be d e e m e d s u m c i e n l . E N T a Justi.-^e o f the Supreme S t a t e of N e w Y o r k . K . J.M. Court 9t (ke S U P R E M E C O U R T O F 5?HE S T A T E , O F NEW YORK, COUNTY OF N E W Y O R K G E O R G E B , W A R R E N , a « T r u s t e e under a c e r t a i n A f f r e e m e n t o f T r u s t d a t e d the 24th day of September, 1929, between Edward Tuck, as Grantor, and G e o r e e E . W a r r e n , as T r u s t e e , and T H E CHASE N A T I O N A L B A N K OP T H E C I T T O F N E W Y O R K , as C o - T r u e t e e ain>oinled under A r t i c l e S e v e n t h of the aforesaid Aereement at Trust. Plaintiffs, against HELEN JUUA BERRY. VINA M JONES. H A R R Y T, LAWRENCE. MIRIAM LAWRENCE. GERMAINE BURI3, MARIE DENIS. MARIE PELON, GA BRIELLE CAMILLE FLAMMARION, FRANCOISE GUILLEMIN. LUCIENNE GUILLEMIN. EUGENIE KRANS. LOUIS A. L E J E U N E , ROSE M A R C H A K . ALICE FOURRAT ( a l s o k n o w n aa A l i c e May). H E L E N P . R O O K E B . J O H N T U C K , DOROTIiif WHITNEY, DOROTHY MORGAN HOOKER. A N N E HOOKER BOARDMAN. CAMPBELL STEWARD, aa E x e c u t o r o f t h e L a s t W i l l and T e s t a m e n t o f Martha B e e c k n i a n F r e n c h , deceased. C A T H A R I N E HOOKER BARCLAY, THOMAS HOOKER, JULIA TUCK PIRTH, JULIA FRENCH W I L L I \ M 3 . A M O S T U C K F R E N C H , JR,. I n d i v i d u a l l y and aa T r u s t e e o f t h e trust f o r Pauline F r e n c h M a c R a e under t h e W i l l f A m o s T u c k P r c n c h . deceased. T R U S T E E S OP D.VRTMOUTH COLLEGE. JOHN FOSTER M E C K . aa V i c e P r e s i d e n t and Treasurer of D a r t m o u t h College, "JEAN DOE", " E L S A DOE", " L O U I S DOE', "JOHN DOE", "MARIE DOE", ANNETTE DOE". "VIRGINIA DOE", t h e l a s t s e v e n n a m e s b e i n g f i c t i t i o u s and tended t o d e s c r i b e and designate the heirs a t l a w , next o f k i n . distributees, s r a n t e c s , assigneee, e x e c u t o r a , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s and successors in interest of Jean Boursuiffnon, Elsa Macchelta d'Allegri, I . o u i s G a i i i e r , J. B r o o k e P a i r b a i r n , M a r i o Fossat, A n n e t t e O. N o b l e t . Virginia F. lli<!,'ins. deceased, w h o s e t r u e n a m e s a r e unknown to the plaintiffs. Defendants, ,1Se, 3X7, 328, 32». 330. 331, .132, .1,13. 334, 335, 3.16. 337. 338. 330. 340. 341. 342. 343. .144. .14S. 346. 347. .148. 349, 350, 351, 353. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. BoMOthal, Mllaa, MTC 70460 Macaular, Jenie, Cohow ..,79480 Belardo, Joseph. A l b a n y 79480 Hourtaton, Shirley, W a t e r v l i e t 794B0 Stmmons, Ralph, Maiden ...70480 Adrian, Robert, Hoosick Ft ..79480 Beach, Fred, B u f f a l o 79380 W y s o k o w s k l , 0., Bklyn 79300 Serniek, D o r o t h y . W a t e r v l i e t , . 7 9 3 9 0 Gentile, Domenlck, Bronx ....79390 B r l » h a m . Mildred, OMinin* ..79390 Davarone, Vincent, Albany ...79300 DonneKy. Paul, T r o y 79300 Brock, Mary, Kenmor* 79300 Kdrar, Anna, nion 79300 Orden, Catherine, T r o y 79210 F l e m l n r , Helen, A l b a n y 79210 Nilseon, Beatrice, Bklyn 79120 Kane, W i l l i a m , K l n r s P a r k ..79120 Hitchcock, Floyd. Troy 79030 Oreen, Harriet, B M y n 79030 Gold. Ida, N Y C 78940 D i l l o n , HHeanor, C h e e k t o w r a . . 7 8 9 4 0 Loufrhry, Marcaret, Buffalo . .78940 Godfrey, Reba, Queen. V l » ..78940 Manairhan, L e o . Staten Isl. ..78940 Drcseher, Cynthia, Jameetown . 7 8 9 4 0 E d w a r d s , B.arbara. N Y C 78940 Keysor, Francis, Saranae ..,.78940 Snow. Bradford, Bklyn 78860 W,axman, K e n n e t h , B k l y n 78850 M,ahan. P r a n c e s . A l b a n y 78860 Bailey. Robert. Bklyn 78850 T y r r e l l . Dennie. T r o y 78850 Allahut, Mary, Bklyn 78760 Lique, Maureen. Albany 78670 Marmine, R n t h , B k l y n 78670 D i v e n , Sophie, Syracuse 78580 LEGAL NOTICE CITATION T h e People of the State of N e w Y o r k , By the Grace of God, Free and I n d e p e n d e n t , T o A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l o f the State of N e w Y o r k : Ida LIntusalml, Iso k n o w n as l i d a J o h a n n a , and K e i j o V o o r l n e n as A d m i n i s t r a t o r s o f t h e E s t a t e f D a v i d L I n t u s a l m l , also k n o w n as D a v i d L u n d g r e n , T a a v e t t i L i n t u s a l m i and D a v i d Lindgren, Deceased: A l m a Saari; Hilma N i s u l a ; U d a J. R a n t a n e n : T a a v e t t i Elo; Siiri 1 ^ 0 ; E r k W J. L i n t u s a l m i : C o n s u l General o f F i n l a n d ; T h e Society » t the N e w Y o r k Hospital; Ranha Lintusalmi to " J o h n D o e " the name " J o h n D o e " being flctitious, the alleged husband of Samla E l i d a A a l t o , deceased. If l i v i n g , o r i f dead, t o t h e e x e c u t o r s , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s and n e x t o f k i n o f said " J o h n D o e " deceaaed, w h o s e n a m e s and P o s t O f f i c e addresses a r e unk n o w n and c a n n o t a f t e r d i l i g e n t i n a u i r y b e ascertained b y t h e p e t i t i o n e r h e r e i n , and the n e x t o f k i n c f S a i m a E l i d a A a l t o . deceased, w h o s e n a m e s and P o e t O m c e addresses are unknown and c a n n o t after diligent inquiry be ascertained by the p e t i t i o n e r h e r e i n , b e i n g t h e p e r s o n s Interested as c r e d i t o r s , n e x t o f k i n or o t h e r w l s s in t h e e s t a t e o f S a i m a E l i d a A a l l o . deceased, w h o at t h e t i m e o f h e r d e a t h w a s a resident of 9 2 0 F i f t h A v e n n e , N e w York, T . Sond G R E E T I N G : Djlbo the petition of T h e P u M I e Administrator of the County of N e w Y o r k , having his o f f l o e at B a l l » f R e c o r d s , B o o m 309, B o r o u g h af Manhattan. City and County of Mew Y o r k , as administrator of t h e g o o d s , c h a t t e l s and c r e d i t s o f said deceased: Y o n and e a c h erf y o n a r e h e r e b y c i t e d t o s h o w cause b e f o r e t h e S u r r o g a t e ' a C o u r t o f N e w Y o r k C o u n t y , h e l d at t h e H a l l o f R e c o r d s , R o o m 609, la t h e C o u n t y o f N e w Y o r k , on t h e 1st d a y o f October. 1964, a t h a l f - p a s t ten o ' c l o c k in t h e f o r e noon of that day. w h y the account of proceedings of T h e P u b l i c Administrator of t h e C o u n t y of N e w Y o r k , as a d m i n i s t r a t o r o f t h e g o o d s , c h a t t e l s and c r e d i t s o f said deceased, s h o u l d n o t b e Judldally settled. l a n s t i m o n y W h e r e o f . W e h a v e eaused t h e seal o f t h e S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t o f t h e said C o u n t y o f N e w Y o r k t o b e h e i « n n t o afflxed. W i t n e s s , H o n o r a b l o W U l i a m T . C^Uins. a Surrogate o f our said County, at t h e County of Mew Y o r k , the 11th day of August la the year of our L o r d one t h o u s a n d n i n e h u n d r e d and fifty-four. (Seal) P H I L I P A. D O N A H D B , C l e r k o f t h e S u r r o g a t e ' s Cloart. T It 864. see. 3e«. 367. 368. 860. 870. 371. 872. 378, 374. 37B. 876, 377, 378, 37». 381. 382. 388. 384. 386. 386 387. 388. 389. 391. 390. 392. 393. 394. 306. 396. 397. 398. 399. 400. 401. 402. 403. 404. 406. 406. 407. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 416. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 484. 426. 4Z8. 427. 428. 429. Lists m Coea*. AInelie, R « 1 H M k . . ,78D80 C h a r l e e w o r t h , Jane, U t i l e T l y 7 8 4 9 0 DIIIatMOCh, Janet. W a t e r t o w m . 7 8 4 9 0 Johnston. Patricia, A l b a n r ...78490 O n b * . Teeeie. C o h o « 78400 Pallcv, Row). Bklyn 78400 C m U w l e a , P.. B u B a U 78400 Serino, M a r i o o , Bronx 78400 Guarino, John, F a i r p o r t 78810 N o M e , Wendell, A l b a n y 78220 Bcckhans, Lucille. Cntrl, I i l p . , 7 8 2 2 0 V o « e l , Anne, Farmincdle ....78220 Re4dy, J o h n , B r o n x 78220 R u t l e d f * , Janet, B r o n x 78130 Lyneh, Mary, Albany 78130 W h I U . M a n r a r e t , S p r f M Ond 7 8 1 3 0 78040 VeBa. Marcia, Albany Johnson, J e a n e t t e , M e d i n a . . 7 8 0 4 0 Mercer. Frederick. Bklyn. . . .78040 Gray, Dorothy. Bronx . . . . .77950 .77050 O p e x i o , Sandra, B a y S h o r e .77060 Leone, Anthony, M t . Morris .77800 Mason, RIts, Nnnda .77800 Falk. Lorls, N Y C M l l l s t e i n , Jordan, B k l y n , . . .77860 .77770 Simon, Bert. N Y C .77860 Welnsteln, Brenda, Bklyn . .77770 Manno, Mary, Buffalo .77680 Woinaa, Mary, R o m e . . . . . .77080 Babcock, William, Hudson . .77080 KalpaxU. Plora, Bronx .77080 D e l a h a y . Charles. B e a c o n . . . 7 7 8 8 0 P o w e l l , Joan, N , B a l t i m r e . 77680 B r o w n , Dolores, B u f f a l o .77500 Rush, Nancy, Buffalo .77600 Disarro, Frieda. L o u d o n v l l e .77500 R o t t m a n n , A . , Ctrl I s l i p . . . .77590 Bennighof, Harold, Gowanda .77500 T.irr, Ethyl, W a t e r l o o .77500 Borpeo, B u r t . L i t t l e N e k . . . .77500 Cirella, V i n c e n t , B r o n x .77500 Hanley, Agnes. Richmond HI .77500 S t o l l . Joan, B o l i v a r Engelaman, Arthur, W . Albany 77500 Rogers, Anne. Hudson 77500 Coren, D e l i a , B k l y n 77500 S t a d l e r , Susanne, G o w a n d a .,77410 Cohn, Edna, B r o n x 77320 H o h l . Shirley, B u f f a l o 77230 Bums, Robert, Albany 77230 Head, Richard, Johnsonbr* ..77140 L a c a s s e . Janet, W . A l b a n y ..77140 Connolly, Virginia. Bklyn. ...77140 Oxley, Homer. N Y C 77050 Gyacek, Rita. Pkeepsie 76000 OreTlous, Herbert, Bklyn 70000 M e G o v e m , J.. N . W h i t e P I . . . . 7 0 0 0 0 Risxo. Patricia. A r v e m o 70000 Fontaine, Charles. T r o y 70000 O o n l n , Ethel, A l b a n y 70600 Clark, Monica. Albany 70000 B e c k , SIgrid, T r o y 70000 KiUmer, Oertnide, Schtdy . . . .70po0 T.eonard, S h i r l e y , D c K a l b Jet . . 7 0 0 0 0 Barats, Anna. Laurclton 76600 (Contlnaed on Pa^e 13) I.KOM. OER'TIFICATR OF NOTICK k ^ , S i p l w l i i r l i , 1 9 S 4 SCPRBHM CODMF, B I O M X OOUMTT N e w Y o r k L i s c Oorp., p l a i n l U f . s c a l n a l Louis Salasso, Ladda Oalasso, Isabelte De Oross. Slecfrisd Do Oroes. M a x i n e D o Gron Noe, Josephine Slelfell, CSiarloa Waller lYinchard. Oeorge A. Trinehar^ Olga T . Badon, Inea T . St. Pierre, • n n l e o T. Danigole, William F. T. Trinchard. Bertrand F. Trinchard, S r „ Charles W. T r i n c h a r d , Jr., E d w a r d B . T r i n c h a r d . M l lian M . C u r M y Trinchard, "James Q u i a . Ian" and "Mary (Jnlnlan," said names being flctitious. t r u e n a m e s o f mtid d e fendants being u n k n o w n , persons intended b e i n g I h e h e l r s - a t - l a w , n e x t - o f - k i n a n d d i s t r i b u t e e s o f Eutrenla Q n l n l a n , d e c e a s e d , l a t e of San F r a n c i s c o , C a l i f o r n i a , all o f w h o m a r e u n k n o w n t o p l a i n t i f f and a r o s u e d as a d a e s , " J o h n Q u i n l a n " and " J a p e Q u l n l a n , " said n a m e s b e i n g fictitious, trua V a m e s o f said d e f e n d a n t s b e i n g u n k n o w n , persons i n t e n d e d b e i n g t h e heira-al-law, n e x t - o f - k i n and d i s t r i b u t e e s o f P r a n c i a J . Q n l n l a n , deceased, l a t e o f N e w Orieans. lyouislana, a l l o f w h o m are u n k n o w n to plaintiff and are sued as a class, " R o b e r t Quinland' and " R o s e Qninl,m," aaid n a m e s b e i n g flctitious, true names of said d e f e n d a n t a b e i n g u n k n o w n , persons intended beinir the h e i r s - a t - l a w , next-ofk i n and d i s t r i b n t c s o f P r a n c e s J. deceased, l a t e o f N e w Orleans, L o u i s i a n a , all o f w h o m are u n k n o w n t o p l a i n l l f T a n d are sned as a class, H o w a r t l I m b r e y , L i l l i e M . P i t c h e r , indlvidu.a1Iy and as E x e c u t r i x and T r n s t e e u.ider the L a s t Will and T e s t a m e n t o f Bert L a M o n t , l a t e o f J a c k son County, Mif'ouri, deceased, Cullen L a M o n t , i n d i v i d u a l l y and iw E x e c u t r i x and T r u s t e e u n d e r t h e L a s t W i n a n d T e s t a m e n t o f B e i t L a M o n t , also k n o w n as B e r t C. L a M o n t , decea.=ed, B e r t r a m V . C u l l e n L a M o n t . D o m i n i c F,asulo. H a y w a r d H.all S h a n n o n . D a v i d Zofrlin, R o s e Z o g l i n , h i s w i f e , J. H o w e s D y e r , i n d i v i d u a l l y a n d ,aa E x e c u t o r and T r u s t e e under t h e T..TSt W i l l and T e e l a m e n t o f L u c y A . D y e r , l a t e of Melrose, Middlesex Counly, Massachusetts, deceased, R o w l a n d S. H . Dj-er, •as S u b s t i t u t e E x e c u t o r u n d e r t h e L.aal W i l l and Test.ament o f L u c y A . D y e r , l a t e of M e l r o s e . Middlesex County, Mass,.!chnsetts. deceased. M a r y H o w e s Council, Georfre Edw.ard H o w e s . C u t h b e r t B. S t e e l e , C l a r a M . H . Steele, his w i f e , Aufrust C. R e p s . P a n l R e p s . L u c y B. R e p s . L o u i s W . R e p s , Sr., and as E r e c u t o r o f the L a s t W i l l and T e s t a m e n t o f W i l U a m Reps, !ate o f Sprimrfleld, Mis.muri, deceased, E m i l i e C. H I p a . e o m c l i n i e s k n o w n as C l a r y E m c l i a R i p a . I n d i v i d u a l l y and as t h e A d m i n i s t r a t r i x G.C.C. o f t h e E s t a t e o f S v a n t e O. R i p a .-ilso k n o w n aa S v a n t e Olsson R i p a . dece.ased. A M R i p a , "Mrs, A l f R i H a . " said n a m e beinir f i c t i t i o u s , t r u e l a m e u n k n o w n t o p l a i n t i f f , person i n l e n n id beinsr t h e w i f e o r w i d o w , i f any, o f A l f R i p a , C l a r a E . R i p a and all o f t h e a b o v e , if l i v i n g , and i f t h e y or .any o f t h e m b e dead, t h e n i t in i n t e n d e d t o s u e their heirs-at-law, devisees, distributees, nextf-kin, executors, wives, widows, lienors nd c r e d i t o r s and t h e i r r e s p e c t i v e successre In interest, w i v e s , w i d o w s , heirs-atlaw. next-of-kin. devisees. distributees, reditors, l i e n o r s , e x e c u t o r s , a d m i n i s t r a t o r s ind successors In i n t e r e s t all o f whom and w h o s e n a m e s and w h e r e a b o u t s are I.IMITRD PARTNERSHIP S T A T E OF N E W Y O R K , O O D N T Y OF N E W Y O R K : S9: W e . t h e undersigned, b e i n g desirous of f o r m i n g a limited partnership pursuant to t h e l a w s o f t h e S t a t e of N e w Y o r k do c e r t i f y as f o l l o w s : 1. n > s name of the partnership is Baltic Linen Company. 2. T h e c h a r a c t e r o f t h e p a r t n e r s h i p ' s business Is t o c a r r y on. in N e w York C i t y and e l s e w h e r e , t h e business o f selli n g linens, c o t t o n s , c o t t o n piece goods towels, tablecloths, napkins and other s i m i l a r and r e l a t e i t e m s . 8. T h e p r i n c i p a l p l a c e of business o f the c o - p a r t n e r e h i p la at 60 L l s p e n a r d Street, B o r o u e h o f M a n h a t t a n , C i t y and S t a t e o f New York. 4 . T h e n a m e and p l a c e o f residence f o r e a c h g e n e r a l p a r t n e r intereeted In the p a r t nerehip Is as f o l l o w s : ARTHUR GREENBERG. 1487 Califor Bla S t r e e t . R o c k v l l l e C e n t r e . L . I . . N . Y . M A R V I N G R E E N B E R G , 4230 Surf Avenue, B r o o k l y n , N . Y . T h e n a m e and p l a c e o f residence of e a c h l i m i t e d p a r t n e r intereatd In t h e p a r t n e r s h i p is as f o l l o w s : BEATRICE GREBNBERS, 4280 Surf Avenue. Brooklyn. N. T . 6. T h e t e r m f o r w h i c h t h e co-partnei ship la t o e x i s t la f r o m t h e 1st d a y c Jrtly, 1 9 6 4 t o t h e c l o s e o f business thi 3 0 t h d a y o f June, 1 9 6 4 . e . T h e a m o u n t o f cash and a descrlp H o n o f and t h e airreed v a l u e o f t h e othei p r o p e r t y eontribnied by each limited part ner i s : B E A T R I C E G R E E N B E R G , cash In the sum o f $ 6 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 7 . N o a d d i t i o n a l c o n t r i b u t i o n s are t o b e made by the limited partner. 8. T h e e o n t r i b u l i o n o f the l i m i t e d p a r t n e r Is t o b e r e t u r n e d t o h e r u p o n t h e dis solution of the partnership. t . T h o s h a r e of t h e p r o f i t s o r t h e othei compensation b y w a y of income which t h e l i m i t e d p a r i n e r s h a l l r e c e i v e b y rei son o f h e r c o n t r i b u t i o n i s : T h e partnership guarantees that it will p a y t o t h e l i m i t e d p a r t n e r , $ 6 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 pel annum. 10. T h e Hroited p a r t n e r h a s n o right t o • n b s t i t u t o a a assignee as c o n t r i b u t o r ir her place. 11. Mo f a r t h e r additional limited part ners m a y b e a d m i t t e d l o t h e p a r t n e r s h i p 12. T h e r e b e i n g o n l y o n e l i m i t e d p a r t nsr, s h e Is n o t e n t i t l e d t o a n y p r i o r i t i e s o v e r any o t h e r l i m i t e d p a r t n e r as t o eon t r i b u t i o n s , o r aa t o e o m p e o s a t l o n b y w a y of Incoms. 18. H i e r e m a i n i n g g e n e r a l p a r t n e r shall h a v s t h e r i g h t t o c o n t i n u e t h e business on the death of the other general partner but • a b j e c t t o t h e f o l l o w i n g t e r m s and conditions: In the event of the death of any of tho general partners, the interest o f the deceased p a r t n e r in t h e p a r t n e r s h i p s h a l l cease and t h e s u r v i v i n g p a r t n e r e h a l l purc h a s e t h s deceased p a r t n e r ' s Interest at b o o k v a l u e , t h e first p a y m e n t f o r w h i c h s h a l l bo t h e proceeds o f t h e U f e I n s u r a n c e p o l i c y o a t h e l i f e o f tho d e c e a s d p a r t n e r and t h e b s t a n o e s h a l l bo p a i d i n m o n t h l y i n s t a l l m e n t s o v e r a tteriod mt five (6) years e o m m e n d n f BO d a y s a f t e r death and t h e p a r t n e r s h i p s h a l l n o t d i s s o l v e . BRANIOAM, IRENE MARIS CITATION P . 2031, 1964 The People at the S t a U o f N e w Y o r k , By the G r a o s of G o d F r e e and I n d e p e n d e n t T O PDBLIC A D M I N I S T R A T O R OF T H E C O U N T Y OF NEW YORK, ELLEN WILCOX. KFITT OAT BURROWS. ALBERT HOORIHAN, G E N E V I E V E M A H O N E Y , ROSE CODRTN E Y , T E R E N C E B R A N I G A N and " J A N B " •CONVBLLB" ( t h e name "Jane" beinr flctitious, t h e t r u e first n a m e o f s a i d person b e i n g u n k n o w n t o p e t i t i o n e r , and I h e lame " C o n v e l l e " being the approximate lumame of the person intended to desicl a t e a p a t e r n a l aunt o f d e c e d e n t ) i f U v i n g and i t d e a d t o t h e i r h e i r s a t l a w , n e x t o f k i a and d i s t r i b u t e e s w h o s e n a m e s and p l a c e s o f residence a r e u n k n o w n and f t h e r died s u b s e q u e n t t o t h e d e c e d e n t herein, to their executors, administrators, legatees, devisees, assignees and successors in i n t e r e s t w h o s e n a m e s and p l a c e s o f residence a r e u n k n o w n and t o a l l o t h e r heirs at l a w , n e x t o f k i n and d i s t r i b u t e e s of Irene Marie Branigan, the decedent P l a i n t i f f s d e s i g n a t e N e w Y o r k C o u n t y as herein, w h o s e n a m e s and p l a c e s o f resit h e plaec o f t r i a l . T h e p l a i n t i f f , G e o r g e denco are u n k n o w n and c a n n o t a f t e r dHiE . W a r r e n resides in N e w Y o r k C o u n t y . g e n t i n q u i r y , bo a s c e r t a i n e d , t h e n e x t o f and h e i r s a t l a w of Ireno Maria T h e p l a i n t i f f . T h e Chase N a t i o n a l B a n k o f k i n the C i t y o f N e w Y o r k h a s its princlpaJ B r a n i g a n , deceased, send g r e e t i n g : otlice of t h e C l e r k o f t h e C o u n t y o f N e w W H E R E A S T H E C O U N T Y T R U S T COMCounly. S U M M O N S . T O T H E A B O V E N A M E D D E P E N D A N T S : P A N Y , h a v i n g i t s p r i n c i i M p l a c e o f bnalYOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED t o ness at N o . 2 3 6 M a i n Street, W h i t e P l a i n s , a n s w e r t h e c o m p l a i n t in this a c t i o n , and i n t h e S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , h a s l a t e l y a p oar t o s e r v e a c o p y o f y o u r a n s w e r , or. i f plied t o t h e S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t o f the complaint is n o t s e r v e d w i t h t h i s C o u n t y of N e w Y o r k t o h a v e a c e r t a i n Ooauniiiions. t o s e r v e a n o t i c e o f a p p e a r a n c e , i n s t r u m e n t In w r i t n l g b e a r i n g d a t e on t h e p l a i i i l i a s ' a t t o r n e y s w i t h i a t w e n t y t o b e r 2, 1 9 4 8 , r e l a t i n g t o b o t h r e a l and d a y s a l l o r t h e s e r v i c e o f this s u m m o n s , p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y , d u l y p r o v e d as t h e l a s t e x c l u s i v e of t h e d a y o f s e r v i c e . I n case w i l l and t e s t a m e n t o f I r e n e M a r i o B r a n i o f y o u r f a i l u r e t o a p p e a r or a n s w e r , j u d g - gan, deceased, w h o w a s a t t h e t i m e o f m e n t w i l l be t a k e n a g a i n s t y o u b y d e f a u l t h e r d e a t h a resident o f W e s t 1 8 3 r d S t r e o l Pinehurst Avenue, the County of f o r t h e r e l i e f d e m a n d e d i n t h e c o m p l a i n t . and New York, D . i l e d : N e w Y o r k , N , Y . . A u g u s t and, T H E R E F O R E , y o a and e a c h o f y o a a n 1951. 14. n o l i m i t e d p a r t n e r haa a o right t o cited t o s h o w cause b e f o r e t h e SurroMil.BANK. TWEED, HOPE & HADLET g a t e ' s C o u r t o f o u r C o u n t y of N e w Y o r k , d e m a n d and r e c e i v e p r o p e r t y o t h e r than 15 B r o a d S t r e e t . a t t h e H a l l o f R e c o r d s in t h e C o u n t y o f c a s h l a r e t a r a f o r h e r c o n t r i b u t i o n . New York, N. T . N e w Y o r k , on t h e 2 2 n d d a y o f September, ARTHUR ORBENBERG Attorneys for Plaintiffs. o n e t h o u s a n d nins h u n d r e d aiid fifty-four, MARVIN ORGBNBB&O TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED a t h a l f - p a s t ten o ' c l o c k i n t h s f o r e n o o n BEATRICE OREENBERtt T h e forcgmuar s u m m o n s is s e r v e d upon o f t h a t d a y w h y t h e s a i d w i l l and testaS T A T E O F N E W Y O R K y o u by p n b t i c a t i o n p u r s u a n t to an o r d e r m e n t s h o u l d n o t be a d m i t t e d t o p r o b a t a C O U N T Y o r N B W Y O R K , 9 8 : of the Honorable Martin M, Prank J u s t i c e o f t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t of t h e S t a t e as a Wtu o f real and p e r s o n a l p r o p e r t y , On thW a i r t d a y o f A u g u s t , 19(i4. beIN TESTIMONY W H E R E O F , wo havs fore me porwoally came A R T H U R G R E E N o f N e w Y o r k , dated t h e 5 t h d a y o f A u g u s t , 1U51 and liled w i t h t h e c o m i A a l n t i n the caused t h e seal o f t h e S u r r o g a t e ' s C o u r t B B R O . M A R V I N G R E E N B R R O and B B A o l l l c e o f t h e C l e r k o f t h e C o u n l y o f N e w o f t h o s a i d C o u n t y o f N e w Y o r k t o bo T R I C I O & E E N B E H O . l o BM k n o i m and affixed. WITNESS, H o n o r a b l e k n o w n l a aas t o be t h e i n d l v t d a a l s 4 s Y o r k at t h e C o u n t y C o u r t House, City. h e r e u n t o W i l l i a m T . C o l l i n s , S u r r o g a t e o f o u r s o l d s c r i b e d l a and w h o e x e c u t e d t h e f o r e c o i n g C o u n l y and S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k . C o u n t y o f N e w Y o r k , at said C o u n t y , t h e i n s l r u m e n l and a c k n o w f o d g o d t o m e t h a t D a t e d : N e w Y o r k , N . Y . , A u g u s t 10. 1 3 t h d a y o f A u g u s t In t h e y e a r o f o u r t h e v o x e c u t o d I h e aaaoo. 1051. I . o r d ons t h o u s a n d nine h u n d r e d and flttyAL PBOK. MILBANK, TWEUD, HOPE A HADLBT four. N o t a r y P u W l o , S t a t e at M e w Y o r k . M o . 15 B r o a d Street, 24 880fWOO. Cert, fllad ta Kiocs Ca. New York, N. T . (LJJ P H I L I P A. D O N A U U M , Psmmlsitnn awtn* Attorneys f o r f l a i u t i f l t . trf Um Sui-rpcale'a V « w t . k n o w n t o the p l a i n t i f f and who are j o i n e d and desisruated h e r e i n as a c l a s s " U n k n o w n Defendants." defendant T o the above named defendants: Y o u are h e r e b y snmmonetl t o answc t h e c o m p l a i n t i n this a c t i o n , and t o s e r v e a ipy o f y o u r a n s w e r , or If t h e c o m p l a i n t is not a e r v e d w i t h this s u m m o n s , t o s e r v e a N o t i c e o f A p p e a r a n c e on t h e p l a i n t i f f ' s allorney within twenty ( 2 0 ) days after the s e r v i c e of t h i s s u m m o n s , e x c l u s i v e o f t h e d a y o f s e r v i c e . I n case o f y o u r f a i l u r e lo appear or answer, judcnient will be t a k e n a g a i n s t y o u b y d e f a u l t f o r t h e rol i e f d e m a n d e d in t h e c o m p l a i n t . Dated: N e w Y o r k . Auirust 2. 1 0 5 4 . HARRY HAUSKNECHT, Attorney for Plaintiff, o m c e A P . O. Addrees, 1 3 5 Broadway. N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k . P l a i n t i f f ' s atWress Is 135 B r o a d w a y N e w Y o r k , N e w Y o r k , and pKaintiff desiirnatea B r o n x County iM t h e p l a c e o f t r i a l . T o the above named defendants: The forefiroinr amended suprflemcntal s u m m o n s Is served u p o n y o n b y p u b l i c a tion p u r s u a n t t o an o n l e r o t H o n . J a c o b M a r k o w i t i , J u s t i c e of t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t o f t h e S t a t e o f N e w Y o r k , dated AUKIISI 26, 1 9 6 4 . and filed with the amended supplemental and consolid.aled complaint in t h e o f f i c e o f t h e C l e r k o f B r o n x C o u n t y , 161st S t r e e t and G r a n d Concourse, in t h e B o r o u g h o f T h e B r o n x . C i t y of N e w Y o r k . T h i s a c t i o n is b r o u g h t t o f o r e c l o s e t h e f o l l o w i n g t r a n s f e r s o f t a x l i e n s sold b y t h e C i t y o f N e w Y o r k and n o w o w n e d b y t h e p l a i n t i f f , all b e a r i n g i n t e r e s t at 1 2 % per a n n n m and a f f e c t i n g p r o p e r l y s h o w n on t h e T a x M a p o f the B o r o u g h and C o u n t y o f B r o n x , C i t y and S t a t e o f N e w York, aa f o l l o w s : Lien No. 62718 6,1220 032S1 6,1222 62830 62831 62832 63833 628,17 62838 62839 63840 62841 76597 63042 63066 6,1066 63067 83276 64014 63048 63218 See. IS 16 16 IB IS IS IS IS IS 16 IS IS IS 15 IS IS IS IS IS IS IS IS Autfust December December December October October October October October October October October October February Deceml>er December Deceml>er Decemlier December March December December Tm* Bloek 8090 4098 400t 4098 403S 402S 402S 40»S 402S 40SS 40«S 4028 402« 4068 4068 40M 40M 4080 40M 4*88 4088 40M Baled: * Date 11, 1 0 4 2 15, 1 0 4 3 15, 1 0 4 3 15, 1043 20, 1 0 4 3 20, 1043 20, 1 0 4 3 20, 1 0 4 3 2 0 , 11M3 20, 1 0 4 2 20, 1 0 4 3 20, 1 9 4 3 20, 1 0 4 3 15, 1 0 4 9 15. 1 0 4 3 15, 1 9 4 3 15, 1 0 4 3 16, 1 9 4 2 15, 1 0 4 3 33, 1 0 4 8 16, 1 0 4 3 16, 1 9 4 2 Amount $1,034. 207.41 055.08 4.702.23 :i:io.5i> :i30.B» 272.07 272.07 2 1 0.04 105.54 1 12.08 0.501.4» 0.102 5 S ,'l 1I33.10 4 ,7I>H 0 8 '!07.0« 40'i.7l 4.H77.2T 444.IS B.4O0.7» 4.H67.Sa 2,428.U» 68 38 39 41 14 16 16 17 24 26 26 4 6 14 26 33 34 85 60 66 26 66 Mow Y c r k . A u g u s t 3 1 . 1 9 5 4 . HARRY HAU9KNBCHT. Attorney for Plainlia. P. O Address, I M .ll M i n y , I r I W I i i r t S « p l e m l M r 1 4 , C 1 9 S 4 I State Eligibles 440. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 466. 466. 467. 468. 46». 400. 401. 462. 403. 464. 406. 466. 467. 408. (Cofitlnned from P » c e IS) ..76404 « a o . W v n e r , Wkltcr, Dknnemora ..7M10 M l . Oralt. Worence, » « r m l D » d l « .,..76610 « 3 2 . M o w s t , M a r . Onondva. HI 76420 433. R r u . Mslie. MTC 4 3 4 . B e r e r . S h l r l e r . HOWM C » T » . . 7 6 4 2 0 76330 4 3 5 . Carbone, J a m M . B k l y n 76330 4 3 6 . P e M o l a n t l . S.. B k l y n 70330 437. Rorka. Leonard, Elmira 4 3 8 . D a m e * . Jacquoline, B k l r n ,..,76240 4.19. B o n d l n o n e , V l n e e n t , M T C ....76240 4 4 0 . Probberrr, E i l e e n , J a m a i c a . . . 7 6 2 4 0 4 4 1 . S a n I , CHa<lyB. e i e n m o n t 761B0 76160 4 4 2 . O'Connell, Ruth, A l b a n y 443. TbomiWon, Arnea, Waddlnfton 76150 444. Brawli^, IuBbell, Bklyn 76060 ....76000 445. Inrram. El»lo, Waterrliet ...76970 4 4 f l . Cole, A r t e n e , W . C o M a c k * 76970 4 4 7 . Tyraenon, Ikiward, T r o y 4 4 8 . Bennett, M a l c o l m , A t U c s ..,.76970 ENJOY V I L ,76880 .76700 .76700 .T6700 .76700 ,76700 .76700 .76700 .76610 ,76610 ,76610 ,76610 .76010 ,76010 .76610 .76620 .76430 ,76430 .76*40 479. 479. 474. 476. 47«. 477. 478. 470. 480. 481. 482. 489. 484. 486. 486. 487. 488. 480. 490. 401. 4M. 499. 404. 496. 496. 407. 498. 49«. 600. TummrTnmt ' HERE IS^ LISTING OR ARCO I COURSES for PENDING EXAMINATIONS INQUIRE ABOUT OTHER COURSES • • • • • • • • • • • • a n • • • • • • • _ n n • • n • • n • • • a • • • • a • a __ • n Q • nn n • • n n• Admlnistrotiv* AisUtaat Accountant & Auditor _$2.50 N. Y. C $2.50 Auto Enqinemon $2.50 Army ft Navy Praetie* Test. _$2.00 Asf't Foremai (Sanitation) $2.50 A-Hendant $2.00 Attorney $2.50 Boolikeeper _....$2.50 Bridge & Tunnel Officer $2.50 Bus Maintainer $2.50 ...$3.00 Captoin (P.O.) ...$2.50 Car Maintainor ..$2.50 Chemist Civil Engineer $2.50 Civil Service Handbook $1.00 Clerical Assistant (Colleges) $2.50 Clerk. CAF 1-4 $2.50 Clerk, 3-4-5 $2.50 Clerk. Gr. 2 $2.50 Clerk. Grade 5 $2.50 Conductor $2.50 Correction Officer U.S $2.50 ....$3.00 Court Attendant Deputy U.S. Marsliol ....$2.50 ....$2.50 Dietitian Electrical Engineer $2.50 Elevator Operator $2.00 Employment Intervievyer $2.50 Fireman (F.D.) $2.50 Firt Copt $3.00 Fire Lieutenant $3.00 Foreman _...$2.50 Gardener Assistant $2.50 H. S. Diploma Tests $3.00 Hospital Attendant $2.50 Housing Asst $2.50 Housing Caretakers $2.00 Housing Officer $2.50 How to Pass College Entrance Tests $3.50 How to Study Post Office Schemes $1.00 Home Study Course for Civil Service Jobs $4.95 How to Pass West Point and Annapolis Entrance Exams $3.50 Insurance Ag't-Broker ....$3.00 Internal Revenue Agent $2.50 Investigator (Loyalty Review) $2.50 investigator (Civil and Law Enforcement) $3.00 Investigator's Handbook $3.00 Jr. Management Asst $2.50 Jr. Government Asst $2.50 Jr. Professional Asst $2.50 Janitor Custodian $2.50 Jr. Professional Asst $2.50 Law & Court Steno $2.50 Law Enforcement Positions -$3.00 FREE! n • • • • n a • • • a n • n • n • • a n • • a • • • n • a • • • n • • n • • n n • • a • • • • n • • • • Ploygroand Director Plumbor Policewoaiaa Postal Clerk Carrier —$2.00 Postal Clarfc la Chorg* Foreman $3.00 Power Malataiaer $2.50 Practice for Anay Tests $2.00 Prison Guard Probation Officer Public Health Nnrso Railroad Clerk $2.00 Real Estate Broker $3.00 Refrigeration Ucense _$3.00 Resident Building Snpt. $2.50 Sanitationmaa $2.00 School Clerk $2.50 Sergeant (P.D.) Social Investigator Social Snpervisor Social Worker Sr. File Clerk $2.50 Surface Une Dispatcher $2.50 State Clerk (Accounts, File & Supply) $240 State Trooper $2.50 Stationary Engineer & Fireman 43.00 Steno Typist (CAP-1-7) $2.00 Stenographer. Gr. 3-4 -..$2.50 Steno-Typist (Practical) $1.50 Stock Assistant $2.00 Structure Maintainor _$2.50 Substitute Postal Transportation Clerk __$2.00 Surface Une Opr. $2.00 Technical & Professional Asst. (State) $2.50 Telephone Operator $2.50 Title Examiner Trackman Train Dispatcher $2.50 Transit Patrolman $2.50 Treasury Enforcement Agent $3.00 S. GovemnMnt Job* $1.B0 WHh Every N. Y . C . Arco Book— You Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline Chart of New York C i t y Governn^ent." ORDER DIRECT—MAIL COUPON _ L E A copiai ef kooln ekecked ebovo. Cochrane, Kathleen, B u f t a l e . . 7 6 2 6 0 VMIppIno, r d a . A l b a n y 76260 M c N e i l l , Josephine. N a e a a a . . . 7 6 2 5 0 Mapoli, Frank, Jamaica 76260 Moaely, Robert. Bronx 76160 Holland, riorine, Bklyn 76160 Arlitx, eoldle, BMyn 76160 Randolph. John. N T C 76100 S c h m i d t , Doria, B n f l a l o 76160 Stack, Edna. Hlon 76160 Maurizio, Madeline. Bklyn ...76070 Mancuel. Dorothy, Woodbonrae 76070 Dowen, Sally, W a t e r t o w n 76070 MaeieHo, Marie, Bklyn 74980 Hall, Edwin, Blnirhamton ....74980 Mc<,-aulHTc, E., G r a n v i l l e 74980 Kelly, Allcc, Tonkers 740R0 Delaney, Mary, A l b a n y 74980 Connors, Charlea, A l b a n y 74980 Silrerman. Isidore, Sunnyslde . 7 4 8 9 0 Blnme, Lucia, Schtdy 74890 Tenier, Darid, N T C 74800 Baker, Meryl, N e w a r k 74800 Bonrlas. Martin, Otdensburc . ,74710 B r o w n , Annette. D o v e r Plna . , 7 4 7 1 0 Nurent, Anna, Troy 74710 Herbert, Paul, T r o y 74020 I.odre, Ethclyn, Delmar 74620 Myers, Stanley, T r o y 74620 Nam* Addreu P a g e K T h t r l c e a Ceninf Far J3.426 T O START Filing Sept. 8-23 Eiam Soon INTENSIVE PREPARATION NEW COMPLETE CLASS Class M e e t s T i i e s . and T h i i r s . a t • ; 9 0 Beginning Sept. 9 W r i t e or P h o n e f o r Informallon Eostara School AL 4-5029 133 2ad Ave., N.Y. 3 (at I St.) Please w r i t e me tree, about Inreetlgator course. the Social NAMK ADDRESS BORO PHYSICAL TRAINING CLASSES PZ Lfi City Exam Coming * Day & Evening Sessions * Small Groups * individual Instruction * Full Membership Privileges * Free Medical Exam For PAINTERS $2.89 hourly, 350 days a year ($6,066) A g e l i m i t 50. Helper experience counts INTENSIVE PREPERATION NEW COMPLETE CLASS B E G I N N I N G S E P T . 14 at 7 P . M . On the last Foreman of P.iinters e i a m . 8 o f t h e t o p 10, and 17 o u t o f t h e 2 5 w h o passed, w e r e o u r students. Write or Phone BRONX UNION YMCA 470 E. 161 St. (3rd Av. 'El') ME 5-7800 Eastern School CIVIL OLympia 8-3438 UCENSE ELEC. ENGINEER Housini; Insp. A n t o Mechanic Electr'n Helper Machinist Helper Plumber Helper T r a n s i t Ex.nmB Bldff. Enprr ftain for a well-payinr career m CoBveetloa & Court Reporter Steeograph & Steeetyp* EXAM COMIN« SOON Also Aeeonntlnv * Bnsineaa Adminlsteatiaa Coma In. phone ar Trite (or Cat. U t ADDRESS BORO t s o W . 4 1 s t St. AUTO MECHANIC (Est lOlOl Wis 7-208« lor Ttaonsandl 5 OHU Berriee Bnirc, Ueenae Bxama. ClasB.MeetH T h u r K d a j H 7 t o » P . M . I t e g i n n i n g S e p t . 2,3 W r i t e or P h o n e f o r M o r e I i i t o i m.-ition S A V E I f o r ^ Eastern School AL 4-5029 133 2nd Ave., N.Y. 3 (at 8 St.) r i k O r a d * throush Hish School y Kseelva fllO-16« s aso. day aaaaiaa; ar 9ao-8« a mo.nre. session. Oal I ar wiMa Mr. Jerome, Veteran Advisor TIME REGENT^. COLLEGE - BUSINESS I DAYftiVS. CO-iO. Accrwlilsd eul O i r i O M A ADMITS t o H A L L $ 5 , 3 0 5 f o r 3 6 0 d a y s a .viar years experience needed Intensive, Thorough Court* Complete Preparation APPROVED lUSINESS COURSCS ~ KOREAN VETERANS Please write nie. free, A u t o Mechanics course. COll£GE ; B O R O A C A D E M Y I U l . i - J 4 4 7 - « a e » s » l Cololse . t a f a l l Now . NAME [ SPEED Sadie Graded Dictation 60-125 W . P . M A l s o b e f i n n e r s , and r e f r e e h e r elasse» Gregg - Pitman I N T K N S I V K TK.\1NING DAK-KVK Broadway, MOTS Tark M. says:' DIPLOMA S a t u r d a y .Morning Clashes N o w Forming AI-SO Business Administration • p p o s l t o City Hall. B K S-4840 B r o n x , f o r d h ' m R d . - Q r . Cone. C T 6-8200 Waak. H U . , I S l s t - S t . IMcb. T O 7-SOOO B ' k l y n , F l a t b u s h at O k B r r l i B U 2-3703 B'klyn, B r o a d w a y a t O a t e s e L 5-8147 Jamaloa, Sutphln BWd.-Jam. J A • 3835 Vtaab'c, C h a m , o f Coaaai BUf. r L S-3B36 I s l a n d , St. O I 7-1516 J. L. MENDELSON Brown EQUIVAI.ENt\ BUSINESS SCHOOLS New York, 104 NASSAU BT. WrMa^ sastd far aMUeaUoa lMH<Hli>y LI HIGH SCHOOL DRAKE Short Bookkeeping PZ. . OUR 16-WKEK COACHING tOIJJSK WII.I. r U E P A K E YOU FOU T H K ESTABLISHED 1884 Bookkeepers make bic mon«x. Always In demand. Sbori ooorso far kactnncrs daalmed to break yon Into Mc paylnf lleU. Slmpllflrd Inatnetloa mthad. PiOTtoaa adueatian aat miatlsl. your f BORO W O R K F O R U.S. G O V T . ! M e n W o m e n , 18-55. S t a r t h i g h as $350 month. Q u a l i f y N O W ! 23,000 jobs open. Experience o f t e n unnecessary. G e t F R E E 36-page book showing jobs, salaries, require ments, sample tests. WRITE: PrankJin Institute, Dept. W - 1 7 . Rochester, N . Y . about ADDRESS MONROE SCHOOL of BUSIMESS K. 177tti St. a K. T r e m o n t A v . , R x . U S-5000 L3 City Exam Coming For Bronx, Bklyn A Jamalra Over 4 0 y r s . P r e p a r i n g »4 W 74 8t ( • « Cent Pk) SO 1-17M Day-Kva. Appraved tar Att Te«a Oa-«d PZ PREPARATION MONDELL INSTITUTE Msthh&U) QjMii^^Branches (nt 8 S t . ) about your exaiiiination NAME Prof. Kneineer, Architect, Master Electrician, Plumber, Stationary Engr. Belri« Oper. Oil Burner. Portable Engr. D R A F T I N O . DESIGN - M A T H E M A T I C S A i r e . Mecb.. Elec., Arch., Struct^ Blueprint B d f , B l d r . E s t i m a t ' I , CiTil Serr., A i i t h . . A l g e b r a , O e o m . , T r i g . , Cat.. P b y s . APPBOVED FOB A l i , VETS NON-VETS AL 4-5029 1 3 3 2nd A v e . , N . I . S Pleape write me. free course f o r the Painter ENGINEER-PROM ASST CIVIL, MECH. Jr. Civil Eneineer Enrrc Aide Jr. A r c h i t e c t S n p t Bidsr. Const Boiler inspector Staty Bnrr-Elec Heat. Vent. Plumbinr. 1 4 0 - 1 8 Jamaica Ave., AMead ane session without sbUcittton lira Ix«M SOCIAL INVESTIGATOR Transit Patrolmen Brawnea School VETS — City Anrus, Charlotte, Albany ....89M0 Adler. Eliiabeth, • W o r c m t r 89100 Nunn, R e j i n a l d , Ototer P k ..80100 Charbonneau, R., Waterford 8P000 G i l l e s p i e . Jane, C a s t l e t o n ....89000 Hill, Mildred, Bronx 89000 Fowler, Bertha, Albany ....8H000 Pastore, Anna, Bklyn 88700 Anderson. Lavlnia, Syracuse 88"00 F a b e y , James, A l b a n y «8T00 Charpicnticr, E d i t h , F l u s h i n c 88500 Haviland, Richard, Chatham . . 8 8 4 0 0 Edwards, arifflth, Albany ....88200 G a i t e r . E l i z a b e t h . Staten I s l . . 8 8 1 0 0 Burns, H e l e n , B i n r h a m t o n ..88100 Chapla, Thomas, T r o y 88000 Hackcr, R u i h . Chatham Ctr 88000 Wlllscy, Robert, Troy 88000 A n d e r s o n . Mari?aret. B k l y n . .88000 C a r t o r a , Euercne, N T C 88000 (Continued on Faire 14) Dr. Anthony J. Ferrerlo Jr. A c c o u n t i n g Executive • Bookkeeping Secretariol s t e n o g r a p h y - T y p i n g - K c a l K^tute InHuranee-riiblio Speaking-.XdverlibiHg balesmaiiKliip - R e f r e s h e r Coiirbet DAt * E V E N I N G - CO K D All Vets Accepted - Apply N O W COLLEGIATE BUSINESS 501 MadUon Ave. INSTITUTE (82 St.) PL 8-1872 ^Illililllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllll|£ EQUIVALENCY HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA _ = hy M.T Board • Coachliif • Bogla E = • ladlvldual = • Small E E = = CoarM Aeademie A H M M M • M«a oBd Wem*B Clastot Building A = = $35 - T O T A L C O S T • $35 = = SCHOOL DIRECTORY of Aiiytima OaU ar aaDd lor tohkr Y M C A Evening School ALL VETERANS BOKO HALI. ACADEUS, U L 8 2447. E M l Madison Ava-tat Sit Bt.>rL •-I87S Btationaf) Flatboith K i t , * W A l i B l N U T O N BUSINESS IMSl'., and e l T i l a e r v i c e t r a i n i n g . College Custodian Car. F u l t o n , Buslntaa Preparatory Engineers Ucense Bklyn. KegenU h Prrpnrationa G1 Approved, Behooli l e i O b - l t b A v e . ( c o r . S c . ) , M o d e r a t e e o s t . M O 2 0080. N.X.C. Secretarial M O N K O K SCHOOL OV B U S I N E S S , Secretarial, Accounting. Veterans Accepted. aH| S e r v i c e p r e p a r a t i o n . E a s t 1 7 7 t h S t . and B o s t o n U o a d ( H K O Cheiiler T b e a U * B l d g . ) , Bronx K I S 6000. LEARN IBM KEY P U N C H — L B. M. 4 0 to 60 hours. D o r o t h y Kane 11 W . •lauil S t r e e t , N . Y . C . Bchovl, MACHINES » O B IBM TAB, SOKTINQ, WIRING, KEY PUNCIUNO, VEUIFYINO. KW, O e to the C o m b i n a t i o n Busineaa S c h o o l , 13(i W . 1 2 C t b St. U N 4 - U i ' ; 0 . Bus. Machine Inst. - IBM Non-VeterMU COLLEGIATE mad ConimerciiU Plant Management, = U W. Mrd St., Mrw Xork *S, M.T. BNdleott B-811T E AkM eUsscs for State. E 101. 102. 103. 104. 106. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 112. 11.3. 114. 116. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. STATISTICS CLERK <OMi«inne4 f r o m A S K . 9 1 l a s m ) Oaasner. H e n r y . S t a t e n I s l ..80800 Wolinsky, Fredrlk. Albany ..89800 U n d s e y , Annie, Bklyn 89800 Fabian, Dorothy, Jamaica ..89600 Hnmphrey. Ellen, Dunkrlk ..89600 Brehm, Blanche. Bklyn 89600 Dnify, Hden, N T C 80600 Hardinr, Marjorte. B i n r b u a t e a 89600 mek, Miriam, Bklyn 89600 Ton may attend achool trom a AJI. to 1 PJt. ar 1 to « P.M. and nceive ftiU mbalatenoe witb Mrt-tlma work priy. Uacea. IHaaifale program arranged. AIX BXItCUTIVK 8ECBK-IABIAL AOCODNTINO * BVSINKBS OOVKHBS Bay « Ere. - rree PUeement Bcrrloa — D •8. Clark, HUMB, Bklyn 89400 M. Hecht, Milllcent, Sllnrerlnd ..SO.IOO 76940 76340 100. Farnham, Wayne, Bklyn . . . , 80300 fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii? 97 Duane St.. New York 7. N . Y . City E RcKnIap—SnbsUtnte TfiorouRh intensive preparatlan. OatstandliK remits In prtrrlMs •nunlnatlons. Twice Weekly Satarday* 10 AM Wedn<sdays 7 PM Starting Sept. 11 Moderate Fee = E LEADER B O O K STORE I eoclou ckeet or money er«Ur for C COMPLETE COURSE Teacher In Elementary School E 36c for 24 hour tpacial delivery C. O. D.'i 30e extra PlasM tend ma 9*. •0. •1. n . 09. •4. 98. •6. 97. Llentonoat (P.P.) Librarian -$2.00 Maintenance Man .42.50 Mechanical Eagr. Maintainor's HelpM-$2.50 (A & C ) Maintainor's HelpM- (B) $2.50 Maintainor's Helpw- ( 0 ) $2.50 Maintainor's Helper (E) $2.50 Messenger (Fed.) Messenger, Grade 1. -$2.50 Motorman Motor Vebiclo Liconso Examiner -$1.00 Notary Pablic Notary Pnbiic Oil Burner Installer Park Ranger Patrolman Patrolman Tests la 44.00 States U. I T*«at Aeeonnt Clerk CIIkIMm, BM. POTATO CNIPf a a V 471. Cair, Jean, Round Lake fiMPS^ giwmfif I J K 4 7 « . K l n r . Cecelia. A l b a n y DELICIOUS Flavorful-K»»p hH on hand alwayt... Guaranteed freshi I 4«e. SlMUten. Kenneth, WatarrlM. 76940 L a w y v , Tkclma, AltMny . . , , Lopei, Wanetta, Mt. M o n t e . Bottooc, Julia, A t t i c s B e a n d e t t , C., T r o y Buaimaa, Henrietta, T r o y .., 8t. U H W T t r f i n i a . J a m a i « « . Bofler, Seymoiir, B k l y n M a r d n o v a k i , D. H., Bellpari . Corkery. Krelyn, BinthamlOB Eaton, Blaine. K T O Oallavher, Anne, A l b a n y ... BenfanU, Kmanael, Bklya . Jone*. P b y l l l t , O a m e r r i l e ,. B n r r i d r e , M a r t b a . Sand L a i n . M n r a r , Harry, Bklyn Syrotlqk, PanI, Hndeon . . . . J e r a n i a n , He4en, W a t e r r l M . M e t i , Dorothy, Rocbeater ... Turowaki, Stanley Pkeemta . W M c h l e r , TMt. Bklya Tliinner-Crispier-Mor* S KEY PUNCH Guaranteed l Y a l n i n g . Day AND TAB or E r e . H o t e l W o o d w a r d 6 6 t h and B ' w g y . J U a - 6 ' i l l . Baeretarial •KAKKH, 104 N A S S A U S T K I C K T , N . V . C ^ SeereturiiU ACOOUBUu*, I>ay MU(l)t. Write for Catalog. BE 9 4840. Uralting, Juurnalii'III, Page C I V I L Fourteen S E R V I C E L E A D E R T u e s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 1 4 , 1 9 S I. Eligibles on State Clerical 181. 1 1 r .Morris Smith, ';4. 1 1 ':o. 1 •!7. 1 •:8. .88000 ,87000 Virginia, Bronx Jonah, N V C . C e n t r a l H.I , Green 1I s l l , e i b o l It, K a y . M . ' G a r i 1, J o h n , Wisbni •wotsky, .87000 .87800 ,87500 .87500 A., NVC , . H o l m e s, T h o m a s , A l b any irti Vietori.a, S l a. t e n Davids on, L i n . l e n m a n , l i e a t r . v . , Hl.iK f l ' l G d 1 Bayer. 1 ;io. 1i l l . 1: r ; . 1:i:t. 1 ,'il. 3,15. 1 .'111. 1 .-17, 1:!8. 1 .11). 111). 3 II. 1 i:. ] i:i. ] I (. 11.-) 111! 1 17. U.S. ll!l. 150. 151 1 Cahill. K i i l s e w o .>'1 Albany Albert, Joseph, M a r r a i la, Hakor, 87400 .87':00 Gcral.linc, H; B'rtrjiiii, Elmi A l t a n . . jl i l t , . Albany . Troy . , . . Riinoo .811,800 W.. C o n i p l 10, C . . Kred, llau.-r, ,87000 .87000 .8(11100 MartMret, Koli!. ( i i l . h r ;ist. 87500 ,8750(1 ,>7500 Fr;»neis, Hnlst, 8750" , Tr.iy Bklyn, Buffalo . Swi'lt, J o h n . s i )n, Naomi, g u e elis .8(18(10 808011 Vlu Hiisod , l.Mrol. T r „ y . . .mirnij Jubtlih. Whiti? I"l Hosi .HiiiiUli Kclin. li,li.>. l•ro^ iicher, .8(ilou McC tliy. nilerip. Elmir^i MIMIhl t. U;,.\n.oud Bltlytl fhiwxl Hyaii, RoSf-r, T r o y .Kii-.Mlll Knniry, M i r y . Illilyll VCTMOII, H c i b c r l , Glov-r-,.-!.. Hii-;iiH .S(i-;iio C o i r y , Miu-Kiiri't, W;ish D t. .SLIKMI Urlaihcr. llorw, UoflL^sler Uioily, Mlciiacl, Albany .. .Willi" .SlilOd Gapp. Tlicodore, Tn.y . H I ; I no l.iDitiH, All)Clt, H r o n * ir,.i. Ki Li-nnard. Unrialo . . . .KlilKlll KillHIO 151. U< Mare-arct. P c k n l i i l l .K(iUii;i 15 r . i l r i o l t , Klaiiie. Ain.steTju 15 .Miller, Daniel, A l b a n y . 1 5 7 T a n n e r . Krecltrielt, N IfC . s.-.iioo . SulHHI 15H. S e h w a r t z h a r d , S., B k l y u .«rii>iio 151>. H a r r e l t , Allele, T r o y .. .snsiio H i l l . m o w n . CJerlrude, Itlslya 1111. Conio, Joseph, Bklyri . 85 70U 111^;. Znssnian, A l b e r t . Blilyn 85 1100 Hi:!. N a l l y , T h e r e s a , Whit-Hbo 85 5(l0 85 5110 Eln n i l . Uall.iBh' 85 5.10 lii.-.. Manniiifr, Kiluen. l i o y . . 85 5110 l l l l i . Di.von, Joan, V o o r h e s v l c 1117. llnhl. Madeline, S l a n i f o n l 100 l I l S . l . i i l h e r , Kiehai-d, Cortlaml •;oo l l i l l . Hnrke, l O e k a i d . Uen»t,elae 85 100 170. Rollins, K l i z n b e l h , l're» K5 1 on 171. J ' r o v o , Genevieve. Delni.i 100 17-;. Uurbanell. Sanl, Itronic .. 85 O l i o 17:!. M a l i s k i , Marie, Troy .. 000 1 7 ) . r n n i n i i n j s , G., W i l N u i !• H5 175. Cooper, A i l e e n . S y r a r n w 85 000 l ; i i . l . a p o i n l e . l.'lorine. N Syra. 177. K n o b l o e k , M.adeline, Ulir 81 17K. Me.serve. F r a n k . Albany 81 700 17!). I'a.asidy. K.isrene. Alliany 81 IHO. M c C a r t y , Mal-jorie, l ! M y u 81 500 im.Kerr. Dorothy, Bronx 84 5 0 0 IK-:. Klinff, Mildred, A l b a n y .. 81 100 1H:I. Cro-IS, E v e l y n , S c h o h a r i e , H 1 :!00 IM4. W i l k e n f i ' l d , Gladys, A l b a j i ,Hi mo 1S5. lllankenburir. B e l l y , U t t l e t i s 8101 -S1000 Ihil. Ambrose, A., T r o y <1001 1K7. Morehant, Y i onne, S. hidy IKH. I'riee, Mareiaiiiila,>kawau IKI), W d h e l i n , Iten•inee, B u f f a l o . 1110. I ' a v l i k , John,, Johnfllowu . . . . « : i 7 o o W n r c e l , K s ( h t( r , NVIJ . . ,S:;TOO i:)i 1 !••: Glasser, KInner, F l u s h n i i j . , . .H;;,-,IIO . e v y , Ci . . ..s.'i.->oo Bkljii l ! i : t . ll.( I ! ) l . Cl! elli, I'tter, NYI' . . . . . .K:I5OO 11 U r n n e l t , M a l c o l m , A t t i t » . . . .H:i;iOO lllli. Marlii C l a y t o n , Del n u t . , . .s:i:!oii 31) VhillipB, Ji-nnie, Bklyn . . . . . .s:!:ioo 1 0 8 . M i l l e r , H a r r y , Bklyn . . .. 1!!!). C a n n i z z a r o . M a r y , Ulic,> . . . .H:I':OO •,;oil. O R i m r k e , E l i z a b c d i . Munki •k j c i i o o a m . M c G o w a n . Francis, Bklyn . . ,K::IOO SO-;. H i l l i a n , John. Bklyn . . .H.'iOOO . . .H,".(IOO ;o,i. K. nney, A r Troy . . .K:iooo Ml K, ly, UoniVld. A l b : . . .n:iooo ;m5. B a r a t z , Anna, l.i . . ,S':iioo j o i i . Davis, Doris, N y c .'07. W i l t e , Charles, Bklyn . , , , . .s-:ron ;0K. Miles, U o b e r l , B u f f a l o . . . . . .FLLLOO ; o l ) . llaehelsoM. Carol. licli >10. I ' i n k r l s t e i n , I , A l b i n y . . . . . .8-1501) 21 I . Joriliui, William, Bklyn . . , .S ;5OII Jl-:. Shippey, Geors-e. A l b a . , » . . .8-;50o :;i.!. Daniiaiii, A n t h o n y . B k l y n . . . .S-: 100 .S-: 100 i U . Zinnny, K h z a b e l h . N V C . .8-! !00 i ; i 5 . Fal-ese, F r a n k , BronK ... .8-;-;oi i n ; ., June, A l h c n s . 8-; 101 1!I7. Cnreio, Mario, Bklyn ... III.S. Beaudett, C.. T r o y .H-:oou ! 11). Byrne, >ma«. Bi < .8-;ooo :-U). Halipt rion. A l b a n y .81000 i - : l . Di-essn Berlha, Bkly ,81000 iiaum, S a i l y . ', . . . .8170(1 wo o d m e r e F r e c m 11, . . . . . , 8 1 7 0 0 M .. Colu.cs |-;4. K.iplal E . h v l , r d . B k l y n . . . . . 8 m o o f.'5. .\usliii Veri leal. N Y C . . . . . . 8 1 5 0 0 !-;il. M a r r o E s illii-r. Bklyn . , . . 8 1 5 0 0 !-;7, Sin l b . W i l l i f r i ' d . Br,)nx . . , . 8 1 5 0 0 ! - : « . Gil B.lish-y fk !•;». Chi ..81lOO 11, E i m a . N Y C MO. Ma W o o d - i . l .! 1, M a i - i r ;l i r c t . 8i;ioo ;:U. UnlledK 1', J : i n e t , B r o n x . . . . , .si':oo ilff. M-:. I'oh L a m b e i •t. N V C . .8r:oo !.-|:i. K i r t Edilh. NVC . .sr;oo l . l l . Duv . . . 8 1 10,1 Tr.>y . . Dial ilk , A m i e s, B k l y n . . . . ..81000 Mil. M a l y a k ik. M i . . 4 i a . I'l. La.'kawana M J e a n . 11.1-, T r , ) y , . . . .18. Sleph ison, T b e l n i a . Bi INin. c Sylvia. Bklyn 10. Ward, KliAubelh, Bron Itenssclai i l l . G r a y . Caryl. Inirrai 1, El: Wate lict . . Ja.'li 1 Hut •y. Jul i l . l . T\ NY( 1 1. East, N o r m ; 1. Bronx Edna. 15. Sola. 111. V a i r i 111. Albii-rt. V o Brt 17, Koseii 1, A; i e , NVC 18. Gold, Ida. Dsw. Evelyn , 111. l.os. Ml. Palcn , Jane. V,i IX. Bn Bron. '.'5 1 . l l r a d y . U i i ' h a r i l , Troy M.i.~trol, J . B r . i n x . 1 ' o . s p i s i l 1, U.iiilia, Albany ;:58. I ' l i - m i n i t, Darliuit . ::50. :;iio. Burns, Seller, Kob.'it. Albany , Pclcr, Bronx . . !;iii. All.-11, Mari", Kliinrer , i:ii,'i. !:ii4. !;ii5. Slid. 2117. );ii8. Iblcn, Albany All.'.', Craiw.'yva Mary, AiiiilyvilU Albany , E.lwurd, NVC . Bussey, Bi'lle, Buffalu Ke.llo, T r a i s l e i 1', ll.-lty. Bronx , Cir^Uv V a l i D u i Ik, Mildre.l, Uic.'k, Carole, Nassau S c h u s l i •r, Bridites , a 7 i . licach. Mlctz, «71. S.'hmidt, Barbara, Bronx K.isenll lal, F,, UcnsselivT Mili'h.ll, Marion, NVC . S75. :i7ii. !!77. !!78, M7U, 880, !;8i. Norma, Mildivd. , SilO, i!T!. >n.i. NVC . SyracU' Ered, lliillalu Neil. B k l y u , . T., Coho.'a . S t e v e n i . lun, Mary, Rcnswlacr Senlly, GofI, Anna, LinUcnlirst k raneia, N VO . Dipace, Dillon, Eleanor, Clio.-klow Uertrildo, Bklyu . PilMT, Bryant, Vivian, N V ; . . Albany . Bklyu . «8'!. «8,1. Murpliy, Anno, llaskin,, Muriel, S84. Nllgolit , A n n a , Troy . . , Rchro.iii lur, Fruik. Bklyn Kraiior , Nodlne, N V O , . . Divers, ilupble, Syr<icU9« )!8l>. i!8rt. XHT. .810('0 .SlOoO .81000 .81O0.I .80000 .soooo .80800 .8070.1 Huds.ii Ai'k •ne, 51. C i l l b i •r, 81(100 . Betico, Dorothy, N V C .. L o o k , Bonnie, W i l l i i m s v l Bklyu • 1 ) 0 . Stephenson, Joyce, : ; n i . H u b e r t , M a r y . Salom O Hearn, M i l d r e d , Cohoca .. ' ; i i . ' i . f.onir. Blanche. A l b a n y ' : o i , Ooldstein, K v c l y n . Bron.* NYC '.'05. fillnderman, Marlin. Daniels, M a y n i e , Coron.i , . J a q u a y , Bessie, Watervlir ':!i7 W e l s b a r , Hocb.-Ile, Bklyn ';08 ' : i ) i ) . F.intriicht. Carol. Ctr M o r i Mottelson. AlU-rt, Bklyn Hanson, Gladys, Ozone I'.n .'101 M a h e d y , Ali.-e, St Albana f . i b b o n s , T h o n i as, B'.onx :io,'t .McGinly, Maiir.- iret. r. I Ci :ioi SRS. Pace 13) (Continued f r o m , 80 10 .80100 .80100 .80 100 .80401 ,so-;oo .SO'lOO .8O100 .80100 .80000 ,80000 .71)800 .71)'<00 .7tlSO0 .70700 .71)700 .701)00 .7111100 .71)1)00 .7U500 .7U500 .TUiiOO ,70100 •Tuaoo .70;ioo ,70100 .70100 .71)100 .71)100 .70000 .78U00 .78001 .78700 .7U700 :io5 .'107 .'loll. .-ill). .•111. :il';. :ii:i. :!I4. :1I5. :ill>. ••117. .•lis. .•tl!). :i':o. M. .T;-;. .•l-;.'l. :;-M. :i-;5. .•):n. :i-;7. .•l-;8. (Jcrtrnde, S c h l d y fi Juri sik, Dnnald, (•.>hoel . ,M i l l s . I illian. N Y C Di^arro, Frieila, l . o n d o n v l Portville Gimlin, Viola. Blodt-elt C.. Glctimont . M a t t h e w <, IC., B u f f a l o . Solimo ido. C., B k l y n ... GOMKO , M i l d r e d . Bklyn . Ellera, Mai-y. - c l i l . l y . Zamoyt Rayi loiid. Sta llronK Meltzer Ir Ridttcbiii I'auley. Fai m l . Bkly Appli'baiini, NVC . Meyer, Roj •nee, Osv Godfrey. L Bkly Brcnda W f die Bra<lley. A1 Maiei• o f l , I . e a l i1. A l b a n ; Rober t s , J u l i a„ Amste Stenai r . l , J o h n . F . ' i l r a Bklyn Harri s , L i l l i a i 1. Wells1, H a r r y , B k l y n N Y C T i l l, J n l i a , Harz( n n s k i . Irelie. Alb; :!:io. . ,'l.'i:i. ;i.'il. ;!.'!5. ,'i.'in! .'l.'!7, .-1.-18. :i.'in. .'110, :iii. :ii': .'ll.T :i4 1. ;» ( 5 in. ,-117. .118, .'110 .150, .->0. 1. .-l.-)-:. .;,1,t. .-,.-. I. .•l.-,5. .•!,5(1. ."57. l.-)8. 15!). lan, A r l b ur. HfiilUtlos R i c h a rd. J o r d a n, N Y C M.'Ca flrey. M ary. Broiii Cnlo, Arlet.i, '\V Coxsa Davi< Ison, A1b( n , Bklyi Hans.-n, Gladyi Or.onc Dunn . Anne, Albany Knox . B a r b a r a,, Novels T w o n aey, J n i i ; ,I. Ja.ksM I.apoirte. M a n z er, D c R o sc, T w i s ! 1. . 8, I from 8. Eliru ar. .711100 .70100 .7(1000 ,711000 .7(1000 .70000 .75700 .75700 .75000 ,75500 .75500 .75500 .75500 .75500 .75100 .75100 .75500 .75-;oo 1000. 1007. 1008. 1000. 1010. 101 1. lor:. 101,'!. 1014. 1015. 1010. 1017. lots. 1010. lO'.'O. lO'il. .75::oo .75000 .•;5ooo M o usees, if.-hl. D;nr i d . B k l y u C.h 3lf, F r c . l , B k l y n . .sp; ,84'; .81-; .81': .84': .84'! .84': •;(iii. •;7o. ';Tt, vliet B a k o i r, B o r o l l it y , Ren«sel;ior U r b a ; 11. J o a n , 1, I City Peter son, , S a n iI r a . W a t e r .I ' i i o t ' El.1rl.lito, D o r o. t h y , Troy S a n d . L-rs, A n . ' - . s t a z i a . B a y Shore C .., C;iva nalisli, W a l e r v l i .I't Steel.^ J.:ssie, J ; i c k s n Hifl J o n c . 1, Gabriel N VC . . , N o e l l li A . l c l a i de, N;iss;m N u f f c lit, . A n n a1. Troy . S . - h r i 'iii.-r. Harsili.k. •:8i. '.;7o. . 8 ' ]1 8 4 0 ;810 ;840 184 0 , 8 ' :; 8 4 0 Bklyn L 1 City M o l l . ly, , F . a n c is, T r o y I-/,zo, J o s e p h . Me.h;inii'v;i T r ; i i , Icr, B . ' l l . v' . B r o n x . , 8 ' .1 7 8 0 .'! 1780 M a r y•. Halli man. ;840 8 ' ;1 8 4 0 . .. 8 ' J i 8 4 0 . .. 8 ' ] 1 8 4 0 A., E l b o i ;'ne, Janiaii'a J u . ll i l h , B i i f f a ll o , 8 ' .17,10 . . 8 1 ,: 7 : i o 8:i7';o . 8,17';0 •:8;i. ':8i. JlirU'sik, . 8.17':0 ':85. ':8(i. O - b o rnc. Earl Bklvn . 1;m i l ' s . M c A i iilr. v r . Trov We;ikland, G;i il. Porlville Fr;iii' , Oxf.ird . Avis, 8,17 ,8:1; 8:1'; ,s:i7 8,1( 8,10 K ,8,1010 ,8:1010 8,1010 ,8,1010 , 8:11110 8;ii! 10 . snnio ,s:toio . 8:i(i 10 .8,1010 ,8:i0l0 8.1010 8.1010 .8:1010 .8.1010 . 8,1(110 .8:1500 . 8,1500 8:1500 . 8:1500 . 8:i50') . 8:1500 . 8;i500 . 8:!5on . 8:s500 , 8:1500 , 8:1500 . s:i500 . 8:i500 . 8:!500 . 8:1500 . 8:1500 . 8:i500 . 8:I500 8.1500 . 8:1500 , 8:i500 . 8:i500 . 8.1500 8,1500 •;7i). ;;80. E r a ilk, S " !1 8 4 0 8 ! ! 184 0 8 ' :: 8 i o K i l l i l l O A - s k i . I l lI ' l e i i . W i l l s l n P k 8::: 7 : i o Gill).. rt, E l i n or, Ro.kvl Ctr 8' ; 7 i o Phyllis, Staten Isl H o i l s .'lis, 8-,!7;io R i e . l c, Carole, Nassau :7.'io , Goff, Anna, 1.. i n . l e n b r s t . 8 ' : !7:,'o 8:17 Fi 5, A m s t . I'.la Mn in, Bion: Ho Join Wasliins-I, .Mb Brawley, Isabel! Bklyn . , , .8:i;!!)o Gray, C a i y l , Re sselaer . . . , 8.l:i!)0 DllBois. K., Alb; ny .8.i:!l)0 Alli-n. H. I. n. M n t e o i n e r y . .8:1:100 HiliiiDhrcy. Rosei lary, T r o y , . 8.l;i!)0 E l i z a b c l h G r . e n f l d Cti 8.1:11)0 Mebnian. G.rt N V(^ , , , . 8:M!)O I.n. ill. '. A l b a n y . . . . 8:1:1110 Grossbirff. Snzlaniie, A l b a n y 8:1:100 Inifiam, Flsie. W a l c r v l i c t . . 8;i:ii)o . 8:i.ino T a y l o r , M n y m f •. N VC Boban. M a r y , W Briulilon . .8;!;ii)0 .8:1:150 Carpcnli-r, K., A l b a n y OMalley, Ma: r a n t . A l b a n y 8.1-;80 , 8:i-:80 Haber, P h i l i p . Bronx M o s k o w i l z , J. iinie. BItlyn . .8:1'; 80 L a c h a p . I l e , C.. W A l b a n y . . 8 : ! ' ; « o G a t i o , 5Iarian Auburn . , . ,8:i';80 D l i c k c ( t . Daisy , Si A l b a n s . . 8,1';80 . 8:i';80 Sandri.lKO, Itnl; y, N V C . 8:!';80'-'lian, Francis, Bkly .8,1': 80 Oirnibone. Fraii.'es. B k l y n .8:i';8i) Hooks. Gloria. N V C ,,.. 8:i';80 T h o m p s o n , M a r c a r e t , All. . 8,1':80 Cohn. E.lna. Bronx . . , .S:i'!RO M o r r i s s e y , B.-lly, Ti-ov . , 8,1';80 Grilllin. C a i h d i n o , W;il,-r. liet . 8.1:;20 Sa.'k, B.'rthoUl, N V C , . .Raila, ':(i8. .8:17 .8:1 . 8:1500 NVC Vrc Hiian, C y iilhia. Mar; W a ifoni-r. ! , .irino, W.ll D w yer D . i r . i• t h y , Troy B.-tl y , Hairris. VVatcrl :oii. ;:o7. •:74. 8:1 Dunkirl A l \Vina. 404. 8:1 8:1 .8:1 .8:1 .8:1 .8,1 . 8:i7':o Frc sinoo Panlinc. Bklyi 814!)0 fsaksen, M i . y . 0.-e O.-eansido 81 1110 R o a c h , FFrances. N V 84 41)0 Brady, Ri R e ' l i a r d . Tr.) HochstaiKcr. F... Bi B r e n t w o o d 81400 8l4nO Miller, D; icl, AU) 84 4 00 Benya, A i lit.l B 1. IK ha 111 81400 Fcenan Calhcri ,e, A!b: 81 l!)0 M o n a h in. Mieil . Bklyi S b c l l o r , Elcaiini Binuh iilon 8441)0 O'Conn ir, Ri.h.- •d. Stal 1 Isl 8(400 81400 I.eon;ard Ellffen. Alban 844!)0 Parac s. H o m e r Albaii; 81400 P o r t e , G e n c v i c e. Alb; 84n80 Pouli , Ann. 1 -oy . 84.'! HO , Wil'lian K i m o k , Wil'liani. Gil Ghent 8 1.'180 B a r b a r a , Ti'oy I,ow. 84:180 K r o e iilf, Eslli. -, Salil 84:180 ide. M a r j Vonl Met) 84:180 NY Bart ibeiRer. M , . 84,180 Curr 1. Joseph, T r o y 84';70 Kdlth. N Y ( Chapni NY( lO'.'O. Donohlie, J . r c m i a h . lO.'lO. Brcitenb.aoh. M.. S W c s l . 84';70 lO.-ll, F r e e m a n , M., Colioes , . .8I':70 io:i';, O n e i l l y , Clara, Corona .S4'; lO,-!,'!. Cooper, r - l e , - l i n e . B k l y n • SI*; lO.'ll, B u r k e , Ri.-kard. Renssciac .81'; 10,'t5. Burnett. Jn-ip. B u f f a l o . . .84': 81-; 1 o.'in.Seidelmai! B, ssie. I..1.11; 84'; 10 10.17. Dibella. A l l r o d . A l b a n y 84 1 (10 i o : i 8 . B l a n f a r b . M a u r i c e , Bklyn . N a n n e t l c , N Y C ,841 no 10,'in. K r a m . , 84 100 104 0. A e k e r H a r r i o t , Rensselae 81100 1011. G i b b o I. A r t h u r . G l o v e r . , 84100 l O l ' i . K'enunv,, Hcic Rensselae; Arle ,81100 lOI.'l. Banner, Bklyn 84100 1044. V a n P e l t Car oil! :ic. Syraci .81100 1045 T i v l i i i h . r.ill 1, B k l y n 84100 104B. H o w I. P t ( he, V 84160 1047. Dupree. M ary. .Albany . . .R1100 104 8. P i p e r , G c r l r u d f . B k l y n .84100 l O t f l . Hiirhsmilh. G B .84100 1050. B r y a n t , V i v i n . N V C . .81100 1051, B a r r o l t , A l i c e D o v e r PI .84100 NVC 105';. P e r k i nl le, 105:1. M o r i ; 111, Carol, n. N Hv.l P k 84 100 84100 1051. Morri w. Uull Bin:h;init( 1 055. D.'Cri • l o f a r o N , B k l y n . ,84100 , 8 1100 1 05(1. Bor.l. 11, Alic . F a r l l o c l i w y 1 057. Glasc '. Elm •. F l l K l i i i K . .81050 .84050 1 058. Sham on. Jo ph. N V C . . . 1 050. Grai'l ner, A nelle. N V C . ,81050 .84050 10(10. H u b e •t, M a r y , f il. ni . . . .84050 1001. Killni •r, G.ntru.le., S . b l d y .84050 lOll'.'. Willi; ins. 1:.. l.exiineUm . 10(1,'! R i l e y M a v , Rens'iselaer . .84050 .84050 l O i l t . Budnow, )w. R n t l i , S • . ,84050 10(15, V a u A l s t i ;•. 1 Coho,-9 84050 10(1(1. Kcuney, \ n » , T r o y . .84050 1007. Hons. A inndu. Bklyn 10(18, O H e a r n , Mildi-ed. Cohocs , , .81050 81050 1000, D i e r o l f , Gabrii'lle.'ewd . S40.'S0 1070, F i n k , O w 1, A l b a n y .84050 1071 Finn, M a r oy . . . . . . . .84060 107'!, Kloster, J;i )iPB,T rCroitlian 1 07;l D e w e y . M -y, ., .. .. .84050 1074 h o r d a U l , Joan, N C.dlina . .84050 ,84050 1075, TRhodes, Elmhur-t . . , ,84050 107fl Broek, MMao, ary. Kenmore . . . .81050 . . . .84050 1077 B r w i h f , I.illian. B r o i n 1078 Ceiflm, JuHil, T r o y ,8 4050 107tt ' K a r d u n i , B e t t y . C o i s i i c U i e . .84050 1080 F a i r e h l l d . M a r i o n , A l b a n y . 1081 UiiKar, Aluu, N V C . R:II)UO 1083 r a a t e l l a n o . Melon, T r o y . . . . 8;iH40 1083 Ontliush. A n n a , W a t e r v l i o t . . 8/1040 Mary, NYC . . . , 8.11)40 1084 Colangolo, ,8:tl>40 1085 Hollister. L , Albany 1 0 8 « Moek, S j l v i n , C a d y v i l l o . . . .8.11(40 1087 Bodiiarski, Helen, Syra. uso . . 831) 40 , . , , 8,11H0 lOHH GinKm'Hky, Julm, T r o y 1088 O Connell, F l o r o n o « , 0.sainiii» 8:11)40 , R.IIMO I one Georire, H lona, N V C lOUX N o p i ) « r , Jo'H'pU, A l b a n / . . . ,8,1040 .8UU4a i o 0 ; i H a r p e r , L i l l i a u , M Yt; vlict E . l il a . Hai inon. Woo.lh J o n lOS. V e l n i ; 1. . M ; i n n s v i Co\'ell. li.a, f. D,innen Doi in.^ly, 1>;m l , Troy Week) lo'i':. 1 o-i.t. East, N o r m a , N V C 10-; 4. K.'ttle, Gcraldine. A l b i o n io-;5. Wilhi-lni. 11,mice, Buffah io-;o. H i t . ' h e o e k . F l o y d , T r o y i0':7. Campbi'll. E v e l i n e . Alban i()';8. I.iddle. F.. B u f f a l o . , . . vile Pol an. S h i . - I . •y. Fliishii E .. Cai iipb..|l, Horn.-11 Hailiimer. Irv i n e . Blil.v M arcai'.'l. Raiils.-y. All . 7 5': 00 .75':00 8;)8:io •JO-:. .8:is:to Albany Bridees. Mi Ire.l, F o n l , R n t i l . Colli Bian llli. Hell VIS On Gr 1, Ol^a, Bli Oakes, Rose. N;-wl; rsh Hess, A n t i o n . tie. Alabn.v R o l l n i a n n , A . . CIrl Islip G i l l i a , Rosalind. B r o n x S a v a g e , Mar.-uerito. Syr Slei/henson, Joyce, B k l y i Cheney, , D i a n e , W;ilervli B r e r c i o n . O i• a . ' c , C l a l o n I s l I*ierce, P ; i u l i n e , Albany Rivera, E v a , B r o n x . . Glover, annc. B . o a . llalb ; EiiL'el, E l e a i l o r . B k l y n . S.'blei f, r , Bkly J o ;INC, Warner R . - n s s i •lacr M a n c, P l i n l v , B . - s . i , ' , C o r l h i i 1.1 , Graftoi A l b a l ly , I;'iii. o , . Bnss..y, E . ; w ; i ir.l. NVC Dobert, E l i z a b.-lh, U.-i Gal v in, U c b e i •t. Siml.l Miillin, J . a m lelle. T n D..|som Mi'tz, : 001. B e r k o w i t z . 100-;. ioo:i. 1004. 1005. Anne, 8,1880 . 8,'I8,'10 ,81! 8,10 , 8;i8,10 . 8,18.10 .8:18.10 , 8:18.10 K.18:i0 .r:!8:)o , 8,18:10 N e w l icrirer, U .i ) s . ' , NY( K o n t •1, Anne, Bronx H ; i y e 5, Eil,...n. T r o y . . Carei Joy.c. Troy ,. ellsll)le<i, last Jovi'(., Houc bton, S h i ;i-l.-y, Wal Fre.'l y, Arvi-rn. J c r n i f ., K ; i l l ii M - i i i e . E.lw;, BI ('I,!-:!:!; (CiMitlniiwI Ilk nif Sol;i, E.lna, Bronx , . M i l i c r, Rl.lh, Albany .70100 .75000 .75000 .71fll'.0 .71800 I 71800 .71800 .74000 .71000 .74 500 .74,500 ,71500 .71500 Pk B a r b ,a r a . Cob H . l.11, B r o n x N . w b u N i n c y•, Kelly , E . l m i l n . 1, Me.'h; S.hi Stark , Ko,seni;i ric. Plac< k, E . I w i l l1, Alban; G r ; i h ; iini, A j i i c s. N Y C C o s t a ,. Jo.seph. Bklyn B.-.'k, B;Mb;r;i , .Mbanj Keck , W i l l i a i i 1, N.-wt. ,7ri-:oo Bklyi dork .7 7700 ,77000 .77(100 .77500 ;77';oo .77100 .7;100 .77100 .77000 .77000 .77000 .7(1!I00 7lii)00 .711800 .7(1800 .7(1500 .711500 .711100 .70100 .7ll,'t00 A d r i a n . R o b e r t , Hoosii k hi S m i t h . N a n c y , Riehbur S h a p i r o , Brrnard. Bkl H o l s o n . H a z e l . Bklyn . M c D o w e l l . Cecilia, N V l Vanalslyni-. R o b e r l . N, ret. Alb.aii.v Tsen. M en, N o r i r. I C i l y •k. Jam. Albany .. ante, Bi i l r ee. B u f f a l o ich. Da 1, . . 1, P b y l l Albany .. eod, Di ane, Buffalo Anitier>t P f e i l . Barb,' ra. B n f l a l o . . T.ivini?ston. T h e l m a . N V i : . B o w e n , M a r ian. N V C Carter, P a t •i. 1.1. T r o y .. ilh, Ma-.-trucrite. B r o n * .. M o s ' I y , R o b e - t , Bron.t . , . . Rosen, Julian. Bronx P i p i t o n e , A n t h o n y , K e w Odn Bcrsrr-r, E l a i n e . R o c h e s t e r Brooks, Patricia. Syracuse G.nrcia. Carnn-li, N V C K i e f e r , Jo.seph, W e s t o r l o . . Kno.t, Joscl»h. Bklyn .... N o w e r , Joseph, B k l y n Barnes, Cohocs . . . Total .78000 .78000 .781)00 .78500 .78500 .78100 .78.-100 .78;iO0 .78100 .78000 .78000 7';fll'0 .77800 .vrsoo Lists •:87. •:88. D m i a l.l, ( .ihooB , 8 ' :1 7 : 1 0 Mvro :n':o . •n'io ';!ii. G a l l l ; ID. H.-l. n. A l b a n y . C.'Icii t a n o . S u -^'111, Ghent K i l l e i I'll, K a l h l.•en, Albai •:n4. Hilli; ird, R o u s e . .' i ; i e r r . v criy. M a m linir. C., A l b ; i n y . K l e i n 1, R - b . - . . . ; ;I. B k l y n , ';8ii. ':ii(). 1. Ja.'.IUill i n e , ';ii5. !:no. Juno ':!i7. ';ii8. T i l ff.v M;ilirer n. H o O i i i ; i n . J o s e in h , K o j e s. T h o r n a 9, Shcri llan. iO'JO :n-:o :(i':o 8-:;ii'jo ,8' :nf:o :(i;;o . 8 S ;(!:;o Johns. M a r ;. - a r e l . . , 8 ' ; !n':o . 8 : :n';o A l b an y Albany :o':o ;o':o Boy.l , R o b e r t ;1, . 8 ; ;o::o Albany :!oi. Szyn'lezak, G e i• I n i d e , S t A l b i i B 8 ' :o';o ,'10';. H e r r i i i i E l o n , M .. W . A l b a in y . , 8 ' ;o';o ,8:;5io ,'io;i. A l l e n 1, M a r i e , A m i t y v i l l . C l i e o k t oiwga 8' : 5 i o ,'104. D i l l o n , E e a i K.r, Albany Albany ,8; ,'100. ;!05. Mi.'hai'ls, .'ion. .'107, 1108. G i l b . •rt. Maltha, Y i m l irnnnci, Clara, Greci iber:;. M ol i b . ' , .10!). K o w ; llski, ,110. S a p h ire, A l i i t ,a , Albany A n n c n iarie, Troy C a r . ' ;r. Renss.'la H.-rb si, M a r l ; in , :111, •ii;. ;ii,i. ,114, ,115, :ii(i. :ii7. A ml a , H . Bronx W a t c n G a i n c iB v i l l e Bklyn Sluyvesant M s .8' ; 5 i o 8:: 5 i 0 8' ; 5 i o .8' : 5 i o 8' :5io .8';i5l0 hcst .8': 5 i o ,8' ; 5 i o .8' : 5 i o . S l i a p ii-o, Shir-le y . N Y C C.uih in, J a ' i i c s,, M . n a n d s Russ man. H c ii r i c l t a , Trr . 8 : ;4oo , 8 : :4no . 8 ' :4oo laii. N a i l .•y, Ro. I-:':. .8';4oo K . - n n e l l i1, B r o n x . Ross , Kacji mar.'!,, ;4oo Joan, B n f f al o ' ! , 8 : ;4oo l o ii i a . Wall nooh. Bronx F r a n k l i n' S.i 8' :4oo M;irion. Sulli van, Bklyn . 8 ' ;4oo Ill in.•he. Firlf.m l . . 8 ; : too Beck , , Gi/..lla, B r o n x :r:,'i. K e l l . ' •y. :t::4. :i':5. 1 H o l l . Miba.'li, R o t h Ijard, I.ila. O r l o ^f i l z , G i l b e r t . ,'i::7. ,'i':8. S a m i (els. ,'11 8 , :u!). ,i;:(). ,'i-;i. A n t o l l il e t l o . A l b a ily (oboes . .8' .8- .8;; 4 0 0 , 8 ' :4oo Albany N Y C . . . 8 : ;4 0 0 . . 8 ' ;4oo .8' :ioo .8;:400 , , 8 ' ;4oo ,'1';!). E i n ie s t i n e , T r cl y B u f f a,10 I.nuffor, E l i z abelli, A n . l e TSl'll, J., L i v e r p o o l ,i:io. Ix-mi >nicr, :i:ii. D a v i i itnoil, E l s i10, W a t . ' r v l il e t Joseirtii no, W y i i a n IsUil Kuni ;i:i4. ,115. ,1.10. ,'>.'!7. ,'1:!8. ;!.'iH. .'140. ,'141, ,'14':, ,'l4:i. 144. :i45. ,'14(1. ( lairo. Jamaii 8' ; 4 0 0 E . l y t b e. E G r e e n b s h . . 8 ' :4oo R i o c l c, W o o d s id o I.awl ess, , .8'; 4 0 0 Marion, 8'• 4 0 0 I ' o w . •11, G ' . ' o r cr i a , Pctoesbure . 8 : ;4oo P Buffalo Pioti-owski, . .8-M O O Leo, Albany M a i r i .lire, . 8 ' :4oo Albany J o ti n , Et-ttlie s t o . i . A l b an y Qui.' kenton, M.. W . , G e r s . 1)11, Anne, N Y C W h i t e, . M a - c i i i- e l . .Vlbany W o . l ;ir, R o b i 11, ,'!50. Gala rneau, Colioiw Anita, Bolt um, Cora, Nedrow Albany , Kille lea, ('., ,154. ,155. Stun CMS, F I c t . 'h.-r, B u m icH, , 8 ;; 4 o o . ,8;!400 , 8 ; ;4oo .8': 4 ( ) o Yonkers Ir. ne. A l b. r t , Troy Bklyn B c i u al i d . Bklyn . F.umit W r i i ; lit, J a . k son. ,148. 140, ,'15';. .'151. 8' ; 4 0 0 . 8 - :4oo 8-M O O E l o i e i l.'O, W a t e r vl'i.;t D i P o 11. Days . . , . Ruth. Bklyn Wooilh S . - h i . •k, H . r m ino, R o b e r l1, B k l y n , D a i l . •y, ,'147. :i5i. :4oo ;4oo A i nleo, Mai y, E m nl a . D a v o i ip o r t Bronx Albany . ,8'; 4 0 0 . 8 ' :.'i4o . 8 ' :,i4o . 8 :j;:no . 8 : :';no .8:!U!)0 .8:j ' ; o o 8 : ;r:oo 1 ;I5RT. 1:157. 1.158. 1.151), i;ioo. i:i(!l i:io-:, I :iii:i 1 :iii 4 1:105, 1.1(111 1:1117 1.1118 i:i(i!) 1:170 1:1 1.1 K! 1:1 1:1 1.1 10. M a r y , tv.lm.^p . ':n(» man, EV.1,MI, Troy ';iiii bluffer, I . u c y , A l b a n y ';!)o :;iii> th, Clani.e, B r o n x , ':iMi i'Pliy D o r o l h y , R i c h m Id HI ;:i)i» insl • in. Brenila, Bkl, 180 Lillie. N Y C ... 180 R u t h . Bi inn P t Fisk 18(» Marjorit Kcll. Bklyn 180 T e l . ) sk' Anna Albion I80 P . t e , Gcral.lii Troy ISO Mill; . E l i z a b e l l Amsiei 1 80 Hill, Cande. T 18,» M I ' M llan. V i r s ia, liii f f a l o 180 N.-liI ,ucr. 'd. A v c r i l l P k 180 Cum in-'bani John. A l b a n y S':i 8 0 Coor , Eilcci Hoosi.'k F l , 8': 1 8 0 M;iy Gliulv Haffiie I so I.i.iuic, ic, M a n en, A l b a n y ... 180 Carbi'ir Bklyn . . . J oil 180 Ma rem I Bklyn . . . Rill 180 Zaiii.'l, 1:1 Buflalo ... Vi.loi 180 Burns, 1 Berlh; N V C i';o K.-nned, . Jam i:i' Bklyn . . . S':o70 Albert, 1.180. M;icau1 r.ii.'V. R . ' iisselaer . . . s':o7o 1.181 . E l l e r m r V, J..ssi C o h o c s . . . S';070 1.1.S';. B.-l;irdn im. Jna la. B k l y n . 8 ' ; 0 7 0 1.18.1. W o l f , Jostpl Alb;iliy . . . S';0 70 i;i.s4. Hivlni Irene, Jamaic, ,81070 i : i 8 5 . June? 1. Bi'll Clavoi cti 1.180. Jt Alb; M.H'i. , s':nro i::87. PI . Rita RIcbm 8':070 1.188. Biowell N B;i Joar 8':070 1180. W ody. C.ilh 8':070 1.1 no. J(i as-ne r, 1, •il;i , Tro; 8':070 1.101. M; Helen, A l b a n 8';070 1:10'?. F l , Arlliiiir, W a t 8^070 i.m.i. Fuii lit. Mil.lrod . T r o ; 8^:070 Alii'O. Delma i : ! n 4 . Onii 8':070 1.11)5. Bori M a r y . Staten Tsl 8-: 0 7 0 1.100. K i r t rc h t , W i l l m a , Ch athai S;:070 1.107. K a p l E.lith, NVC ,, 8':070 l.lilS. Habe . Edward. Bklyn 8':oio i . i n n . Rosen, Dorotb.v, Rchodack JA]g 81 flOO . Rinoo 1 4 0 0 , D i S a r r o Arleno. B r o n x I.olnlol 81 noo 1 4 0 1 , Eisoiilie). F r i e d a , Julia. B k l y n Rinno I (O'I, 81(100 i 4 o : i . H;ill E l h e l . E O r e e n l w h 8111(10 1 4 0 1 . F i l z ^ceral.l. B., C o h o c s . . i 81,000 1 4 0 5 . W Id.'ll, R o b o r t , A l b a n y 81 nno 140(1. Bodi Ev Bkly siniio 1 4 0 7 , Grni Vii P o •tvillo sumo 1 4 0 8 . Van' r. M . , A l ba n y . 1400. Roos RUIfiO . A l ba n y . , M ;. r i l y n . 1410 N Y C 8 moo Haff -, F l> r n . 1 4 1 1 . Clos. 81000 C i n e i rm a i n s 1,' J,1m i s , 1 4 1 ' I . T1iO( 81 nno •ht, A , Kincs Park 1 4 1.1, H;iy( 81 lino Ev,elyn. S u ml y s i . l o 810rt0 1414, M lino. I.ill an. B k l y u 810(10 1415, Ql :m. Eileen . A l b a n y 81000 M i l d -eil, B k l y n 1 4 1 0 , W Kill, Riono P i e, P.'ter. T r o y 81000 P r a ik, B k l y n 1 4 1 8 ! E-sill 81850 K;ill ryn, A l b a n y 1 4 1 9 . Soars 81 8 5 0 1 4 ' ; 0 . Mnsl. fe. r --arl. B r o n x 81850 , M i l ii-l, B k l y n 1 4 : 1 . Rask 81850 14 Osboi . Jo n, IMochani, v l 81850 R u l h 14 Bronx Kalz. 81850 14 W a l s h , C; .(heri lerino, A l b a n y 81850 14' P a t t e r s o n . L i l l ian. C o r o n a 81850 14' hiin. : la.v. A l b a n y M.'Lan 81850 14 Alba C o l e m : 1, M m le, W 81850 14 . Dam at , Anm , A f H o r i a 818,50 14; Hell I , T r o y . . . Paiilut 81850 1 4 . 1 0 . Yimnir I..vdia, Binphi iito 81850 14.11 . D a n i . l Bronx Myrlh 8 1850 14.1;. Manc-ii e. Ami I, A l b a n 81850 14:1:1. I.enish J n l i a , Bimrlui nio 81850 1 4 . 1 4 , Jones.. J.din. S c h l d y 81 8 5 0 14:15. Cone iki. Anm , W a t e v l i e t 81850 14.10. C.)nn )1ly. Pati .•k. Bn 81850 1 4:17. Shco 1, Barbai J. H o n ell 81850 Albany Rich ird, 1 4 : 1 8 . P o w . rs. 81850 1 1.1!). Thoii pson, A i ICS. WaddiiiETlo 818,50 n, N Y C . . 1 4 4 0 . M.'G ath, Hcl 81850 BnifTalo Aiiiial mise, 1 4 4 1 . Snilll 81850 lino, Broi Bion 1 4 4 ' : . Perpo 81850 Albi X. Hf 144,'?. B o r d t 81850 1 4 4 4 . Britt. Mary, Buffalo 81740 Ml.--,. P r a l t Janet, H e r k i m e r . . . . 81740 1 4 4 B . Roser Fanny, Albany (Continued on P a g e ,8; , 8 :3';»o 15) . 8.i:;';o . . . ! . . , . . . , eph I.iehva NVC , , s;i';';o I'ohnor t, N V C Fa..teal Troy . .8,1170 Buekeii ey. Alexn ide • 8:1170 F u l l e r , Gi rll .s:ti70 use I.ods-e, M a r y , A l b a n y . . . . , 8:11 70 P a i i t h o 1, Eli ibelh, Alban: 8,1170 Dinnee I, J..h , A l b a n y . . .8:1170 R i v o r s . Elain Glen Park .8.1170 Coons. Ailisli Ri'd H o o k .8,1170 K a r p i a k . H . l 1. A l b a n y . . .8:1170 Martinson, Svea, A l b ; .8.1170 W a r s h a w . Joel, A l b a .8:1170 B.'rk, B a r b a r a . .8:1170 Seller, P e t e r , B .8:1170 WisolHky, Barba Bronx , 8:1000 B a t k a , Helei 1. 1, I City . . . 8.1000 W a t k i n s . Fl. .ra, E Syra.'use .8:1000 Palso. FriKli 'rick, Ti-oy . . . 8,1000 N u t t a l l , Nai , 8,10(i0 icy, T r o y Bock, Joan, . 8,1000 Bronx Gold, I,la. , 8,1000 N VC , 8,1000 Orlop, Grace, T r o y S t e w a r t , Carol, B i i t l a l o . . . . 8,1000 I . i n d e n m a y o r , Irene, B k l y n . . 8,1000 T r o y z , M ; i r y , l'keepbi(> . . . , 8,1000 I.awlor, Mary, Albany . . . . 8,1000 Ma'-'uiro, Nan.-y, A l b a n y , . . . 8.1000 S o r e n w n , Pi'ter. W a t e r f o r d . . 8.1000 B c v i l l o , I.atlreneo, B u f l a l o . . 8.1000 . 8 •>!)50 Staiib, B.-tty. A l b a n y HustcKi. P a t r i c i a . A l b a n y . . . .8 •:i)50 .8 Webb, TXrothy Bklyn ;';i)so Webster. M a r l h a , L o . k p o r t . 8 ::i)50 8 G 11)1)8. D a v i d . B r o n x 8 ':050 G;i1arne;iu, F., C o h o c s . . . 8 •;ii50 G a l l a g h e r . W i l l i a m , L I City 8!' : o 6 o M.'Ciiuley, M a r y r o s o , T r o v . 8^ o s o Peterson. M a r y , S l a l e n Isl . ';i)5o M i l l e r , Jemiie. Elsniero . . . 8';»50 _ Saul. Gladys. G l e i n n o n t . . . 8:;n50 Vanirhan. Dori.s, L 1 City . 8;:nr)0 Zanibroll.a, Ki'iincth, f, I C i t y 8':050 Humphrey, Viola. Albany . 8'i()50 Maniis, Anna. N V C 8;!050 Stephonson, T., B r o n x 8^1150 Dunn, M a r s a r e t , Dclniar , . . 8; 060 Gunther, A l i c e , A l b a n y . . . 8;;ii50 Donioola, L o r r a i n e , B k l y u . ,8•.:i)50 Ovensliiro, B.-verly, Bath , , , ,M::i)60 .8i ; » 5 o Rooiler, Maria Buffalo Finki-lstoin, I A l b a n y . . , ,8 •:a50 G a f l i i e y , Joan Woo.l«i.l8 . , .H!;'!050 F i o r d o , Freid; Kanona . , . 8 ;:060 G r o s v o n o r , C ., B r o n x 8!! 1150 Ii'o*, H e n r y , T r , . y ,82060 Koffom, Anno, Hudson iDSO Bis-low A u n l i o . Albany •!()60 M a h a r , James, A l b a n y .. ':U50 Marelio 1), I.illian, Nassau , ::050 Murroi, . Esther, B k l y n . . , !96fi KlinKlHtll, K e leth. Glens Fli •;050 Jordan. W i l l u, B k l . ™ , ., SU50 JBuO Curley, Karnianeiie, B r o n x . i050 G o r k o , TliiiiUoua, H n f l a l o ,81«U6U T y r « l l , Donnit IVoy .820SO mr<ieh(«, Jlaurm-u, B u f t a l o .8'.itt40 Q r u l a d e , K a l b o r , Albitiijr The f i r s t - a n d o n l y - STEAM OR DRY IROK with a Stainless Steel Soleplate Faster, smoother, safer — for newest fabrics — thanks t o H o o v e r ' s exclusive stainless steel soleplate. E x c l u s i v e Channeled-Steam design—spreads steam evenly over the f a b r i c — n o hot spots, no d r y spots, e v e r . H a n d y new buttonbout tip. Switch up, it's steam. Switch'sdry.Switch t o the new H o o v e r S t e a m or D r y iron BOW. MIDSTON MART. Inc. 157 East 33r<i. Street • New York'16. N. Y. Murray Hill 6-3607 All N o t l o M a l l y 4dvrfli»d AppNaacM • TeUvifloa • Fiiraihir* • A c c » i t o r i * « • R c f r l f a r a t v r * H e « $ « f y n i U l i i a « i • Wathiaf Macbiaci • ftIM W a r * T u M d a j , 5epleinl»«r 14, 1954 C I V I L S E R V I C E L E A D E R Eligibles on State Clerical Usij 80510 141.") Klllmi •r. Gc •trade, Sc htdy 79350 1407. Clarke, Kuth, Albany . . .81800 147. Adorlr in, Eleanor. N Y C . 70000 1 0 7 0 . MeT.av irhll 0 „ Schtdy H) 80-.40 1410. Vltale , Grar :4N. I-nnoii It, KIc.wor, Albany Buffalo 79.160 1408, Fisher, Claire, Albany ...81800 7 9000 81740 1080. Colton , Ml (rnrct, llklyn Albi Unllwh SO,T 10 1417. Sainui •Is, S I m, Bronx McCain , IV11 r. Bklyi . . , 8 1 8 0 0 79350 1409 790110 !49. Moyc, Anna, N Y C 1081. Sarah. nuiyil . , Gaudy, 81740 1448 Collins, Pa\llinc. T r o y Normi n, Broni Heller, ...81800 ROnlO 1418, Sc-utt. Hildi , Albany 79000 79.150 1470. 1 0 8 2 . Emery,, !r>o. Karl, Kliiiorc. Scolia . . . Helen D'lniar 1440. Bcenan, Blfiphpo , W a l e r v l i e t 81740 Pk 81800 14 71 . 79000 S0,'.4(l 1119, S.'ll 79.150 Hlimes. Hattie, Bklyn . , I, Alice, Iln.nx , !r>i. Carusf inc. Mililrcil. Rcnsscia M i d e l i t , S Ozone 81740 1 0 8 3 . Henry. J 450. Connrll, Curol, T r o y Sll.-,40 1420, Joll ddies. tieien, Selkirk , , ,790110 79150 1472. 1. Stifle, N Y C , Martii li, Frederick, Alb,any 81800 ), Ruby, N Y C . . . 1 0 8 4 . Donato 14B1. Donovan, Alyce, CoxBafkie . 81740 79000 Ho) niao, Mary Watervliet . , 80,510 1421. nl. 7!i:l50 1473. Ai Chester, Aldcn . ;,').'i! Murra y. Violet, Cohocs , , Barbai . Albany 81800 J4R2. K l n r , Marlorie, N Bantror . 81740 1 0 8 5 . K.aliler 80.''i40 1 122. Abscck, Louis, B'l.vside 1474. Ll inericU, Sylvia, N Y C . . , ,70(100 154, Bcrnai -ll. Frclcrick. Albany 1 0 8 0 . Bliss.. Rita, Syracuse . , . . . .818110 146.1. Capnto, C a t h T i r IP. BilfTalo . 81740 ,7 90(10 80170 I 123. McClain ,, Staten Isl 1475. J.< c. Gladys. Bklyn iBB. Hall. Kathleen, llklyn . . . . . . 8 1 8 0 0 ki, Joan , Florida . , n 1 0 8 7 . 81740 1454. Parkor, Wllli.ini I x ) w v i n e . ,7!tOO0 I'uMini. 14 24. 80470 34',0. O eiir, Barbara, L I < ity Jean. Bklyn . , . . . 8 1 8 0 0 ;BO. Willia ms. K.. Bronx . . . e, Varce Bklyr 81740 1 0 8 8 . Nurse, 14r.5. WriBi!. U l l i a n , Bronx , . , i'onnell Kulh. Alh,>iiiy . , ,79000 1477. Oi.'onii s o i v n 142.1. Goldstei 11, Bertha, T r o y ;57. Krcila s, Gloria. Inwoo.l . 81740 1 0 8 9 . M o r r i " )n, Dorothy, E G r e n »w, ihl 818110 1450. Swilkin. Rillh, Bronx . . . ,700(10 Arthurs 1 420. 14'; 8. Sowell, An 8114-; 0 I, Alb.i Patricia, N Y C ; 5 « . L o w c i ilhal. ncrtlia. lOdyn ., . .. .817.10 81740 1 0 9 0 . Ciarlo ic, Phyllis, T r o y 1457. Dlrlulo, Thprwa, Buffalo . 70000 817.10 801 TO I 127. r o i l . h . M e i y , Albany . 1479. •Inhnson, V n. Syraci ;,59. Roysti 'r, Ilernicp, nklyn . 810,10 1 0 9 1 . Kinmi y. Phyllis, E N.assau 1458. r„whurc, Edna, Hornrll . Winters, 142S. 81710 804-0 Chenantro Brdc 79000 1480. Murphy. Je Thcln , Cocyni^ :oo. Wariif •r. Myrn. Schtrly . . . 810,10 1 0 9 3 . Garry, Marvellen. r o h o e s . '19000 1450. WetxT, Winitrod. Babylon Hewitt, Elaine, N T r o y 1420. I-eral. Lilli 81000 SOKO Bklyn . 1481. WalUr •, Anna, W Berne . . . Rcilz, ;oi. 11a. III! ffalo 810.10 1 0 0 3 . 79000 1400. Bplka, Elizalwlh, Syraoupe 811470 14.10. nowron, En-ily. Staten Is 14H2. Herman. Hi nth! . Lack a V Nit«k3 , Gernkline. Albany . 81000 302. Norto;n. Fr.liik, Bronx , 810.1(1 1 0 9 4 . . ; H!MO Toombs 1 4 f i l . NIcpon. StC'PhanlP, Albi Sealey, lor 81000 80470 Bronx . N Y O , , 14H3. Sheeh in. Mary. BUIyn 1431. Naomi, 30,T. Gorr.y nski, Frances. Albai 1 0 9 5 . JamesBon, Barh,ara. Gra iTille 810,10 .78930 1403. 81000 80470 1432. rh.appcll NYO ... Lefel. 79210 14 84. Brady, Mai G1.1 s. N Y O ;(i4. Zwick . Innn. Baldwin . . . .789;;o 81010 1 0 9 0 . Rnw-ls Roae. N Y C 1403. Church, Ann. Oxford . . . ,80170 141.1. F.isiuffer, Rita Whitestonj 79210 1485, Dillon, I'll Hi , N Y C . Spina •d. narba NYC 1 0 9 7 . nd. Alice, Bklyn . , . 81010 . 8930 1404. Tympnon. Edw.ird, T r o y .. . . . 8 1 0 1 0 S.aiidcrs, DI 81590 80100 rotliy. Bronx Helen. N Y C . . 1480. 14.14. 79210 N«-lson, Stnrk Lill Flushi ng Hilde, Ctrl Islip 1 0 9 8 . H.aselbeck Jon»*fl, Ella. Jnmnira . , . , 78910 81030 Outher, Sn 1405. 81590 80100 1 415. f.annon. Hita. T r o y a. Bronx .... 79210 1487. Diam nd, L o s, N Y C Elaine, Harriman 1 0 9 0 . Matthews. Conforti, Poter, Bronx . .78930 81030 1400. 81590 f'sa, Albacy Josephine. T r o y 10 1488. Confl cy, I'l'i-sa, Stun: on. A a, Watervliet 804 00 1430. Bond 1100. Cellin ), Josephine. Dunkirk Voircl, Anne, FarminEdle .78930 81010 81500 1209. Bank i'cnce. Hollis 1407. 10 14S9. Scott 1, La'-i'cno . . . . ,80400 1437. Dyer, Bern ad nc, T r o y . , Ella. Albany Scyfrifd, Anna, Bronx . . . .78930 81030 1101. Sieir..l Lillian. Bklyn 81590 80100 N Y C . 1408. 10 1490. Layii >. Mildred, Lann IfT, J' •sse. Bal.lwinsvl 1438. Greckcr, Mi-r •aret. Waleri 1 1 0 2 . Ga^ni n, Shirley, r h a t h a m Laranjo, Lionnl, T r o y , . . . 78!11(I 81030 81590 14fln. Bilitekant. Diana. Bronx . 10 1491. Krini th. D'l'iore . Cox^: O Lc,- •y, Vi Tonica. Bronx . .80100 1439. Scott. Florid, I. Bklyn . 1 1 0 3 . I.opca , Wanetta. Mt Morris 81520 .7S.S00 81 030 .80400 1470. Mnrphy, Mary. Alh.lny . 10 14!i2. Fran: Good. a, Vfrly, Bronx . . . 1440. -clla. N Y C Daviil. Bklyn . Pasrano, Mar 1 1 0 4 . Clay. Lola. N Y O .78800 81030 1471. Ehrmann. TTf^pn. Bronx . 10 14!I3. W a « l Teitelt: Sylvia, Bklyn . .80400 14 t l . Mahan, f l e o , Albany . k. Robert. Troy 815 . 7SH00 81030 1 1 0 5 . Bollis ••r. Verne. T r o y .,8(1400 1472. E«:an, Phyllis, Albany 10 14!14. Bai him. Mary. Schtdy . Atrid, Alic .. , 1442, John, , Rita, N Y C .78800 NYC 81.ISO 1 1 0 0 . VanC ,mp. Gladys, Sackt Hbi 815 147.1. Gallairhcr, M.nry, T r o y 10 1495. Kc( ledy, J.. T r o y Bext, Belt ... , F,i eivn, Glenn ,80330 1443. Kniskern . 7880(1 Watel vliet 815 Renssel.aer 1 1 0 7 . Cnnni iiffham, D,. 81 520 1474. Familiar, Carolinf. T r o y 9210 14SM1. Ili'f nan, Jennie, Troy , Allsw )rth. v . , Bronx 815 , 801,10 1444, Rcilly, Ma"ie Hollcy . .78800 81520 1 1 0 8 . Voe^ely, Lulu. Woodha< 1475. Bruno, Louise. Albany 1497, Ply n, James, T r o y , . , erine, T r o y Mary, Bklyn . . . Ti 815 1445. .80330 7R';!iO •y. Jewel. T r o y Gordon. CallK l i n o 1 1 0 9 . . . . 81520 1470. Ban Goldin Ethel. Bklyi 815 r. Mary, N Y C . . 9140 1408. Wli rtnn, Ro=e, Bklyn Richard. Forest His 80.130 1440. Rose. Manha,, Mc<.hanic' 81520 1110. I.i 1477. I-anirar Brook! . A ' l f n e . F o r t Plain 80130 1447, C.ilmon, Erna,, N Y C . . . 815 1499. McBridc, Mildred. N Y C . 7 8:!I0 Sehroeder, Marion. Reus 9140 81520 n i l . 1478. FanuH' IPOS. Albany Gaines Goldie, M t Vernon . .80330 1448, 815 .78790 9140 1500. Estrada, Judith. Bronx 1380. Jones, Louise, N Y C . . . 81.520 1112. Bryan. Dolores. N Y C 1479. KP©, Daphn Bellmore . Miller, 815 .80200 (Continned Next \V. 1449, Harris, Ada Bklyn •k) Robert. Bronx . . , . , 81 ... 9140 81520 1 1 1 3 . Hazen, Linavida. Buffnh 1480. Kennedy, Jc •ph, Bronx . Span. Wilheimina, N Y C . . . .80200 182. 81520 1 1 1 4 . Mi.ano, Lillian, H innibal 9140 . 814 50 1450, P. •ry. Ruth. Jai 14R1. Owens, Joh Cohoes . . . Nickel A R M Y SEEKS E N G I N E E R S 80200 C.assis, Ermine, Jai naica . . . 81450 :S3. 81520 flO^O 1116. Z: Mareraret. Maspefh owsl. Marii Brown, Doloro 1451, n. llklyn . 1482, -s. Buff.alo . Fletcher. 81520 1118. Galardo, Marearita Dunkirk 81-150 184. DiForest. tlil'IO . . T h e A r m y Corps of Engineers •r. E'Ina. Altatnont . , 802150 1452 Bi.aii cuMi. H e Queens V i e 148.'). Schwarlz. Fainnip, Bkl.yn Hte 81520 1 1 1 7 . Be<'hard, June. Ch: miplain . 814,^.0 185. Karn, El Wariraret. N Y C . .80200 1453 s. Marirai OO^fl needs experience engineers in a Buffalo . . . 1484. Johnson. Flore ee. Jack. 81450 .80200 Yettn. Marirutritc. ISfl. Cash, L a sa. Watervliet , .. 91170 variety of specialties, f o r duty wil.h ... Bklyn .. . 1454 Alst nn. Norr 1485. Johnson, L f n a . L I City . 81520 1118. Dickcreon, M.. T r o y Troy 81450 .80100 . 187. n-rence. Bklyn . . . 1110. Edilh, Albany . in. Di iioDorotl y. Troy 1480. Bnrkhart, 81520 civil and military construction 81450 1388. M,alcomsn 11. Edward. Schtdy 80100 1450 Robinson, Williams. Myra. N Y C 1 1 3 0 . Weiohsclbnum. E. Bronx. . . . Bklyn 1457 Kathryn Allen, He Gibson no' 81520 1487. 814.')0 1289. .80190 W,. T r o y projects in New Yorlc and N e w Buffalo 1458 Mollis! II. Ruby, N Y O Ellis-ott, len. Elmira 81-140 1121. Ix-vy. Rachel. N Y O 1488. MoCrory, Charlolt '9ir 814 50 .80190 Jersey. P a y ranges f r o m $3,410 t o 1200. Ron.ald, T r o y . .. 81410 1 1 2 2 . A 1489. Russrll, Mary Rirhmnd HI 81450 1291. Freemnn, .80190 1459 Tonipl. n.s, Shirl y, N Y i ; . . . •Oir Anita, B k l j n ... Hold. Phyllis, End ott $7,040 a year. Saratoga , 81410 1 1 2 3 . 1490. Ribley, Lilli 90 81450 1202. Stodda .80190 1400 Levinc Jacqueli e, N Y C . . , M Mary, L I Cily . M.. Albany Fall, 81410 1 1 2 4 . 1401. Valenti Phyllis, T r o y . . . 81450 1294. Goodw rd. .801 <10 1401, Wheelc •, Const ail 'c, Cincinnal! Apply at the personnel branch. 1 1 2 5 . B I Esther, Bronx . . . Ruth. Bklyn iles, Vivian, Goodri 81410 N Y C ild 1402 1492. Betlen, D<irothy. N Y C Fields, . ,81450 1293. 80100 A r m y Corps of Engineers, 51h 81410 1 1 2 0 . S I lilh, Grace, Bklyn . . . 149,1. Wilily, Dolores. Bklyn ,81410 12!>5. Droncl-ch. Marcaret. .\lbany .80190 1403 le-oe, Edytne. Albany Victoria. Albany . floor, 80 L f i f a y e t t e Street, N e w McGnii 81410 1 1 2 7 . P< tizabi me, Joseph, Albany 1404 Whitten. Emily. N Y C 14 94. Man (rotic. Mary, Bronx . 1390, Lillian, T r o y . , , .801 90 . 81410 1 1 2 8 . Teaeue , Egbert, Bronx 1495, Wheeleir, Mary. Rensselaer Y o r k 13, N. Y . 81380 .80190 1405 Tiranno, Salvatorc, Bi ffalo . Lawrence. N Y O . . . 1297, Schmi ., . . . 8 1 3 K 0 81410 1 1 2 9 . Fisher, Euirene. Bklyn 1490. Kinr. Mai-y, Albany ... 81410 1 1 3 0 . Decker Jean. Albany . . .. . . .81380 1298, Boris. [It. Dorothy. Rensselaer s n i f i n 1497. Miptz, Neil. Bltlyn .80190 1498. Marks E.lwa t. T n i m a i ibrir 81410 1 1 3 1 . Canniz laro, Sally. N Y C . S13S0 1209. W e e d Shirley. Albany 81410 1 1 , 1 2 . Bender son. Hannah. B u f f a l0 . .81380 1300. rook. J., Alb,any , . . .80120 1490 Farrai Marcraret. T r o y . 81410 1 1 3 3 . Conley Mwsraret. Mechani.cvl 81380 1301 . Mullahf v. Mi Wate ford 80120 1600. Swirk MildnId. Auhurp . Bowler . Frances, Albany 81180 1302. Davenp. rt, M; th 1, Rvr; • use 80120 (Confl |] N e x t W e e k ) 1 1 3 4 , .80120 Coon, Dorothy. Athena 81380 1303. McGec. Annie Jam,aica 1136 ,80120 81.180 1.104. Schulm ,n Bl! Che. Brc 11.10 Piifir. Clara. T r o y TII.E n . E R K 80050 1305. Bessm in. Ceil. R o c k w y Bch ForsK 81380 11,17 Mary. Bklyi (rontlnnril f r o m IjiRt W e e k ) .80050 ... Thiel, Alice. Franklin S<j 81380 1300. Mullei . Diana. Bklyn 1 0 0 1 . Serwney, Martha. Bklyn 300 1 1 3 8 . .... .80050 Wyld, An'i. Menands . . . 81310 1307. Clark, Sh,;ldon, N Y C ... 1002. Sliiiirerl.aiid. G.. Syracuse . . . . 300 1 1 3 0 . . 800.-.0 81,110 1308. Hicks, Georgette. L I City 290 1 1 4 0 . Wash neton. R.. N Y C 1 0 0 3 . Cl.irk, Mary, N Y C 80050 81310 1309. Elmer dorf. Mildred. Albai Solovi 1 1 4 1 . •y. Euirene, Bn 290 1 0 0 4 . Grant, Ev .80050 Brainard . . . , Kemp Bcmice, N Y C . . . 1310. Rcnwclaer 81310 290 1 1 4 2 . Mitchell Barb; F O R 1 0 0 5 . Hickoy, An lie, T r o y ,80030 Pom pi Mary. Albany . . , ,81310 1311. 200 1 1 4 3 . Hanii md, Adelaide. Bklyc 1000. Panza, Ma 'ie. Bkl.yn .80050 Troy 1312. Oui gham. Eilee Rond .81310 1 1 4 4 . Aurora. Albany 1290 ,80050 1007. Wiener, Rii dolph, Bronx . . .81310 1313. Honet. Anne. Albany ;290 1 1 4 6 . Lawr !. Stella. Cohoea . . . 80050 1008. Darron, Bn rbara, Stafford Anna. G1 .81310 1314. Ginsbi irirh 82200 1 1 4 5 . Aleei Ann, T r o y .80050 1009. Ha nut. Ncal. i1. Guilford .81310 1315. Blood. D l v i d . Elmliui St 82220 1 1 4 7 . Ford Ella, N Y C .80051' 1010. Adam na. Brnn: ., .81310 1318. Terry. Bessie. Bklyn .80050 1011. Shan>e, OI.1. Albany . . . 82220 1 1 4 8 . Mi bile. MarKt., Albany .81370 1317. Weiss, Rose. Bklyn . , . , NYC ,79980 1012. Prank, ruanita. Bklyn . . . 82220 1 1 4 0 . Scaly. Nathaniel. Evans, Fred, Glen Cove 1318. .81340 ,79980 1013. LaCa-sse Jnnol. W Albany . 82220 1 1 5 0 . Hunker, Anna. Bronx Robbii IS. A.. Steplientw 1310. ,81240 82220 1161. Turner, Harold. Bronx . . . .79980 1014. Willianu Dorolliy. F l o r a l P k 81170 1.120. Ross. Patricia. Watervlic 1015. I.andma . Sadie. Bklvn . . , 82220 1 1 5 2 . McCullen, Verna, Waterford .81170 1321. Hallenbeck. Arlene. Coxsackie! 79980 .799,SO 1010. Jnenfrnr. Marparet. Wat. rford 82220 1 1 6 3 . Coleman, Dorothy. Buffalo . .81170 1322. Solomon. Elizabeth. Bronx . 79980 82320 1 1 5 4 . Cadalso, Lanra. Alh.any ... Harry, Bn 1017. ZvenproWBl' .81170 Holmes. Eleanor, N Banfror 1323. 82220 1 1 6 5 . Fontaine, Charles. T r o y . . . ,79980 1018. Kopcr, Jen , Cohoea .81170 1324. Fichtenbaum. B., Bklyn . . . .79980 83150 1 1 6 0 . Brown, Alma. Bklyn 1010. Sosnicki, B.abylon . . . 82150 1 1 6 7 . Apple. Henry, W Albanr . .81170 1,125. Danisky. Selma. . . . .79980 1020 tJpaon, Ethlynde, Phoenix . .81170 1338. Blunienfeld. Sally. Bklyn . .79980 821 50 1 1 5 8 . Gorgen, Kay, Albany 1021. Riley. Jewel, T r o y 82150 1 1 6 9 . Grannell, Gladys. Bronx . . . .81100 1337. Hoir.on. Anna, Saranae .79980 1022. Saur, Joan, N Berlin 811000 1328. Boyd. Zcllnia. Bronx 82150 1 1 8 0 . Oakes, Rita, Brushton 79910 .... 1023. Scully, Martin, Flnahlnr . 83160 .81100 1.129. Casavoy. Joyce. Johnstown .79910 1181. Moses, Mildred, N Y C 1 0 2 4 . D.aviimon, Robert, Watervliet 82150 .81100 1130. McKenna. Teresa, BWvn . . , .79910 1 1 0 2 . Battle. Sarah. NYC 1025 Donaldi H.. Albi 81100 ,82150 1 1 0 3 . MacGowan. Patricia. Albany .81100 1331. Jackson, Barbara, T r o y , . . .79910 1020. Brophy, Rose. N T C . 82160 1333. Allen. J e m . N Rochelle . . . .79910 Hall, Joan. Deferiet 1 1 8 4 . 1028. T,«irore, I v y . N T C .. . .81100 1333 Gilmore, Richard, Schtdy , . . 7091 0 82150 Keller, Minnie. S Ozt Pk 1 0 2 7 . Gliflord Slarylou. Voorh.81100 1334. Amnion, Gertrude, Rosedale .79910 ,82150 1 1 8 5 . Goli.a, Clement, A«ti 1 1 8 0 . ria .81100 1335. Manffo, Carl. Bklvn 1029. Martin, Vera. Bronx . 82150 .79910 Pearl, Tor iwanda ,82160 1 1 8 7 . Comes., Carnifclla, Albany .81100 1.130, 1030. M a z i a r e l l Jeanne. Bronx . . . .70910 Downs, Ursula, Green 97 D u a n e S t r e e t , N . Y . C . Rose, Bklyn .81100 1337. Skeeter. 1031. Isralewitr 82150 1188. .79010 Greene. Deris. N Y C Wood, Lnoilda, Albany . . 8 1 1 0 0 1.138. 1 0 3 2 . Cline. M.adeline, Hudson ,82160 1 1 8 0 . Marion. Bronx . . 79910 Rogrere, Patricia, Bklyn . .81100 J 339. Hawkins. .82160 1 1 7 0 . 1 0 3 3 . Weisbart, Jnan, N T C O'Connor. Eleanor, Staten Isl 79910 Taylor, Mildre<l, CatskiH .81100 1 0 3 4 . Hcj-rick. Mildred. R e x r i l l e . .83080 1 1 7 1 . Gehres, Charles, Syracuse 1340. Nowacki. Lucille, Buffalo . 79910 .82080 1 1 7 2 . 1 0 3 5 . Abad, Ro«e. N Y C 79910 1341. Smith, Ethel. N Y C Rohrbach, Mary, S Elmhorrt 81100 83150 1 1 7 3 . 1 0 3 8 . Albeet, Alice. Albany Weinstein, B., Albany . . . .81100 1343. Verdaasdonk, E,. Coxaackie 70840 1 1 7 4 . 1 0 2 7 . Glffonl, Marylou, Voorheerle 79S40 Tornatore, Theresa. T r o y . 1 0 3 8 . Roberts, Byrnida, Bklyn 7984 0 ... o:ri 1 1 7 5 . McKcon, C.afherinc. Seaford . .81100 1.143. Rose. Carmen, Bklyn .81030 1344. Elliott. Ruth, Albany . . . 79840 10.10. Nolan, Jessie. SpKfld Gdn . 080 1 1 7 8 . .810.10 1345. Helnicrick, Ray, Albany . . . 70840 080 1 1 7 7 . Malone, Lillie. T r o y 1 0 4 0 . Steifrerwald. Joan. Ooxsackie .81030 1348. Gillead, A^trid, Bklvn 79R40 1080 1 1 7 8 . Cooper, Edith, Bkiyn 1 0 4 1 . Senile, Catherine, Wateryliet 81030 1347. Newi 1 1 7 0 . Ell Mortran, Vivian. St Alban* N Y C . Bch 79770 080 1042. Jagielski, John. N Y C Gef fte oaly book that gives yo* lit 26 pages of sample elvH 080 1 1 8 0 . Albert, Stanley, Chatham . .80!)fl0 1.148. Feilh, John, St, iten Isl 1 0 4 3 . M c O m , M a r y . Elmira Rock w J 080 1181. Bataplino, Mary, Catskill . . . .80900 1349. Sparro w, Mai service exams, all subjects; 121 requirements for 500 government Bklyn ... 1 0 4 4 . Bcrrer, Milt .80900 1.150. Ryan. Tatha irine. Buffalo 1 1 8 3 . Sullivan, Richard, Albanr . 79770 010 Ixinr Beach . 1 0 4 5 . Fisher, Mary fobs; (31 Information about how to get a "patronage" job—without . . . ,809(10 1361. McLaii Bhlin. Doris. L e v i t t o w n 79770 1010 1 1 8 3 . Mulffrcw, d i v e , Bklyn 1 0 4 8 . Walsh, Mart 1, T r o y taking a test, and a complete listing of such jobs; 141 full Informa. . . 79770 010 1 1 8 4 . C.amn\arano, Camiela, L I City 80900 1353. Barnes . Mvr tie. Bklyn 1 0 4 7 . Solomor 1. Sai u d . N Y C .. , tion about veteran preference; (51 tells you how to transfer from 010 1 1 8 5 . Cunninifham Albert, L I City 80901) 1363. Mealy. Alice . Waterford . . . 79700 1 0 4 8 . Colpm;u 1. Mai , P t Washinsti S.Bowi Franklin. Sara. Bronx . . . 70700 1010 1 1 8 0 . one job to another, and 1,000 additional facts about government 1 0 4 0 . Folper, L 80000 1354. se. T r o y Eula, Bklyn 70700 1355. 010 Jackel. Annie. Bklyn 80900 1 0 5 0 . McDerni Mt. Mabel. R. ilnd L k 1 1 8 7 . Ansilletta. M., Schtdy . . . jobs. "Complete Guide to Your Civil Service Job" Is written to 80900 1350. Falkowski. Mary, Buffalo . 70700 1,1 City . 1 0 5 1 . Edwardi . Helen, Alb. ly . . . 82010 1188. Haynes. Ruth, you eon understand It, by LEADER editor Maxwell Lehman aad 81970 1 1 8 9 . Karp, Georire, Bronx . . . 80080 1367. Pacheco, Isabel, Bronx . . . 79700 1 0 5 2 . Bruton. Joefpili. Anbi 70700 81970 1100. Brinson, Sylvia. Bklyn general manager Morton Yarmon. It's only SI. 80900 1368. Cole. Anna. Hudson . E\iKene. Buffalo 1 0 5 3 . Chertock 81940 1 1 9 1 . MeAlone. John, Cohoea . 808110 1359 Folmsbee. Frank, Cohoea . 70700 1 0 5 4 . Graham, Knireue. Broi 79700 81940 1 1 0 2 . TrauUt. Mary. Canajoharo 1300. Arthur, Jean. Crown P t . . . 80890 1 0 5 5 . Masher, Charles, T r o y 70700 81940 1 1 9 3 . Erali, Joyce, Brentwood . 80890 1381, Willis, Shirley, Bklyn 1 0 5 8 . Rabinowitz,, Rac. Bklyn . . . LEADER BOOKSTORE 81040 1 1 0 4 Lukovita, Steve. E Naesaa 80890 1302, Snmbler. Arthur. PlattsbrBh 70700 1 0 5 7 . Fischer. Isabel. RichmondvW 81940 1 1 9 5 . Feltr, Loretta. L o c k p o r t . 97 Duane Street, New York City gOKOO 1303. Davis, Claire. Ozone Park . 70700 1 0 5 8 . Coleman, Stella, Schtdy 70700 81940 1 1 9 8 . Coleman, Delia, N Y C Nevins, Prank. Glendale . . . 80800 1S04. ... 1 0 5 0 . Fedorchak, M., Watervliet . 81940 Please send me a copy of "Complete Guide to your Civil Service 79700 B0890 1386. Brennan. Anna, Bronx lOfiO. Kavanna, Jean. Albany . . . 81040 1 1 0 7 . Gunn, Jonea, N Y C 70700 Job" by Maxwell Lehman and Mortoa Yarmon. I enclose la 80890 1308. Preinfalk, A l f r e d , N Y C ... 1081. Conlee, Anna. E Greenbsh . 81940 1 1 9 8 . Dcnnia, Henrietta. Buflali 79700 payment plus 10c for postage. 1082. A h e m , Gertrude, Buflalo . 81040 1190. Gerken, VaHalies, Ctrl laU* 80890 1307. Munihy, Sarah, Bklyn 79800 H l w 80820 1388. Lajeunesse, Arthur, Cohoea . 1 0 6 3 . Brock, Margaret. Jamaica , 81040 1 2 0 0 . Salisbury, Chaa., Preatc 79880 1 0 0 4 . I..arBen, Stella. M m h u r s t . . . 81940 1 2 0 1 , Waller. Lenore, Whitesto 80820 1389. RoBers, Lionel, Bklyn 70830 Name 1086. H e i n t i , Loretia, Bethpace . 81870 1 2 0 2 . Holian, Aaatin, T r o y .80820 1.170, MacNaushton, E., Walton . 70830 . . . 79830 lOflfl. HasslinKer, Helen. T r o y . . . 81870 1 2 0 3 . Williaina. l e l m a . Bronx . . . .80820 1.171. Welch. Donald, Albany 1373. Recchia . ROBP. Bklyn Address .80820 1 0 0 7 . JoMph, Lottie. Bklyn 79830 81870 1 2 0 4 . Paul, laabelle, Bklyn 1008. WiMler, Charles, W l i i t * Pins 81870 1 2 0 F I . Stein, Sharlene, Albany . . , .80820 1373. McDonf uprh. K., T r o y 70030 1080. Donn, Sol. Bklyn . . . .80820 1374. MarKulii S9. Marvin. Bklyn . 79(130 81870 1 2 0 8 . Stevena, William, T r o y 79030 1 0 7 0 . Bdwaj^a, Gordon, Bklyn . . . 81870 1 2 0 7 . Winne, William, Alb.nny . . , .80820 1375. Curry. John, N Y C ,79580 . . . 81870 1 2 0 8 . Darmetko. Emily, Albany , .80820 1378. WriKht, Leola, Bronx 1 0 7 1 . Broderick, Donald, MTC . . . ,79680 . . . . .80750 1377. McKcon, Mary, Corona 1072. Sohoen, Ida, Staten U1 . . . 81870 1 2 0 0 . Playter, Kdith, N Y C ,70580 107S, SchepDc, Ida, Bklyn 81870 1 * 1 0 , Delacurva, Rudolph, N Y C , .80750 1378. Wills, Lillian. Bkly .70580 1074 JohnMn, Melrina, N T C . . . 81800 1211 Hulnian. E<llUl, Watervlioi . .80760 1370. Maniran, Florence. T r o y .80760 1380. Davis, Gertrude, Delmai 1075 Adams, Rosemary, H a r t v l e k 81800 1212. Willianie. Barbara. N Y C . . 70680 81800 1 2 1 3 . Clma. Bertha. Cohoea . . . . . .80760 1381. Fontana. Anna, Bklyn . . 1078. Heanit. Alice. T r o y . . .80760 1383. Kipp. Edna, Albany .. IBMtr' 81800 1 2 1 4 . lyionard, John, Albany H a v e you a relative or a f r i e n d who would like to work for 1077. Chamber*. Olive, T r o y .80760 Thonipuon. Rita. N Y C . . . . 1383. D i f i u l i o , Gerlando, R« iseelaer 70560 1078 Brandler, Dorothy, H a n a n . 1216. the State, the Federal government, or some local unit of g o v e r n Mary, Bklyn . . . . .30750 1384. L a z o r o f f , Rotie, Albany . 70680 1 2 1 8 . Lopaue. ment? Hayes, Marion. Albany . . .80760 1386. Fernaiul™. Teodoro, N Y C 70560 1217. Vaeationa .80760 1388. Geiiter. Robert, T r o y Schlcmmer. Looiae, Albany W h y not enter a subscription to the Civil Service Leader f o r 70B60 1218, .80750 1387. M a j o r . Maryann, L8.kawanna 70400 Carr. Thereaa, Elmira him? H e will find full job listings, and learn a lot about clvU 1210. .30750 1388. Adams, lona, Bronx Uarahall, Pauline, Bklyn 79400 1220. •ervice. SlinKcriand. J., Coeyniaua Hli ' 80760 1380. HusBcy Eleanor, Auburn ,.70490 1221. Meadowbrook Lodge T h e price Is $3 — T h a t brings him 52 issues of the Civil . . . . .80760 1300. Jacksoi Marion, 8 Plymouth 70400 1222. Quinu, Ann. Daricn Beib, Gladys, Albany . . . . .80760 Service Leader, filled with the government job news he wants. Nelson, Marlorie, N Y C too ACRE VACATION ....70490 1223. .80080 1301. Wilson, Deconno, Mary, Green U l William. S Ozone Pk 70400 1224. Y o u can subscribe on the coupon below: PLAYGROUND .80080 139«. Kaminuky. Taubi, Albany Skelly, Alice. Albany 1226. 79490 .80080 1303. Hummel, Charlotte, Schtdy AIR-CONDITIONED DINING Steinh€Mit 1226. 1304. Anna, Bklyn ,...70400 .80080 Hyuiea. Eleanora. Albany ROOM Newni. CrVIL SERVICE L E A D E R 1227, Nellie, Albany . . . , 7 8 4 9 0 Lee. Fre<kleU, Albany . . . . .80080 1395. 1228 Sept. M d Oct. Special Mary, Watervliet ..70400 .80080 1396, MoGhi 97 Duane Street Heffcruan, Louiae. Bklyn Taylor Don,thy, Buffalo 1220 1307. 79490 .80080 Kcinatein, Peter. Bronx .. Reduced from »60. to »39.50 New Y o r k 7, New Y o r k 12S0 .80010 1308. Marcaret. Syracuse . .794 00 Weekly 1231 Ntrhola, K. Alb.-uiy . 8 0 0 1 0 1390 Bailey Mabel, T r o y 70400 I enclose $3 (check or money o r d e r ) for a 1232 Randolpih. Ternc»e, ward BklynBch 80010 1400. Wauhingtoi F . NYC 79420 AH SporU—Large Swimming 1238 Cliary, M a n a r e t . Howard 1 year's subscription to the Civil S(?rvice .8U010 1401. Malone. Ai VI, T r o y 79420 Pod 1234 UendriUa. E., Corona ... .8U010 1402. Allen. W i l ibe, Bklyn 7042(; Leader. Please enter the name listed below: Cocktail L i o u n g e — D » n c i n g — 1X96, Brody, AUee. Albany . . , .80010 1403, Dolan, AmII, Albany 7042(1 1230 .80610 1404, Richurdson1 Evelyn, Herkimer 70420 C o i , Ella. Bklyu Activities Director 1 2 8 7 , Moylan, Marion, Albany .8(1810 1405, Conley. J ilin, Troy . 70420 Only BO miles from N.Y.C. 1288 .80010 1408, Curry M;i ri,-an)t. N Y C Gihon, Oeorre, Bronx . . . 70420 G«U Couriie knd S»dtlle 1830 .80570 1407, Ktirwi Warner, Barbara. Bklyn . Jean. Albany 79420 .80610 1408, Clark. Ir nia. Bklyn Royal. Leater. Albany . Nearby 1240 78350 ADDRESS .8(1640 1409 Sabatin Ucllride, Rotalie. Buffalo 1241 Helen, Albany , . . . 7 0 , 1 5 0 Honcymooiiers Welcome .80640 1410, McSwei Leolie, Marleue, N Y C ... 1242 •y, Daniel, Bklyn . . 7 0 3 6 0 For free booklet write .80640 1411 McKani Kelly, Alice, Tonkers . . . 1343, Alice, Bklyu ...,79350 ZONE •r Telephone 5818 Vanneaa. Janice. Chatham 1412, Rusat'll 1244. Naomi, Bronx 70360 1413 l-JTBOU. Alb.'rlina. .1 D 2. NfWBUJtOH. N . Y. 'Carelta, MYC WiiiUir, 1414 Javluwu, Alice. Truy 7M«60 mi. (Continued f r o m P a g e Get Your STUDY B O O K MOTOR VEHSCLE LICENSE EXAMIMER $ 2 J O LEADER BOOK STORE Complete Guide to Your Civil Service Job Who wants to get into civil service? Pa«« CiriL Sixtcca A C r r i V I T l K S Mt. Morris OI.IVER L O N f i H I N E Is the new head nurse at Mt. Morris, filling a vacancy left when Mrs. Elizabeth Rittenhouse resigned. Frank Nlcastro drives a new Chevrolet. Mrs. Irene Lavery ha.s been in attendance at Syracuse Fair in the handicraft and antique booths. Back from vacation are:* Squires, Howard Ahdress (Clearfleld, Pa.) Jane Bryant (Cone.sus Lake), Dick McClurg and Dana Smith (fishing trip to St. Lawrence), Anna Poturnay (Ithaca CUarle.s Adamson is driving a different ( ? ) car. Anna Zlntei and family have moved from Mt. Morris to Nunda. Mildred Joiinson is on the sick U^t. Thomas Pritchard celebrated bin ( ? ) birthday last week, with » motor trip through Canada. Employment, Albany EXPERIENCE Rating Section news; Examining Unit. Agnes Fausel and John Coniey resigned this week. Florence Wolf spending the week in Wasiiington; Ethel Madison, visiting her sister in Washington, D. C. the two weeks; Margie Guerin, spending her vacation at Cape May, N. J., with her sister and friends; Elnora Hoileran spending the week in Washington, D. C. All are clerks. Receiving Unit. Mary Corbett, clerk, vacationing this week. Cora Persons, clerk, fractured her left wrist while sojourning at Asbury Park, N. J. Rating Unit. Ruth Porster, senior account clerk, spending the week at Hampton Beach, N. H. Charles Leggett, principal account clerk, is vacationing in Bermuda with his family. Shirley Keenan, clerk, vacationing. Helen ShefTer, vacationing at Hidden Valley Dude Ranch, Lake Luzerne. Files. Jessie Dopp, clerk, motored to Ohio this week. Al Briere, file clerk, spent last weekend at Lake Meachem with his family. Margaret Parker, typist, is going to visit her nephew next week in Toronto. Canada. Nurses' Office. Edith Lowe,, spent the last two weeks at Gloucester, Mass. Hannah Hughes, nurse, is spending her vacation in Connecticut with friends. E. C. C. 1. Lorraine Butler, elerk, out sick this week. Eleanor Hymes toured Canada last week. Rose Rubino, clerk and Lois Wright, O M O Tab, are going to spend the weekend at Northwood Dude Ranch at Lake Luzerne. Sam Washinski, clerk, spent last weekend in Maine fishing. Florence Mara, clerk, vacationed last month In Vermont. Pauline Houghton, clerk, gave birth to an eightpound baby boy last week. Doris Daun, clerk, is spending the weekend at the Hotel T a f t , NYC. Control. Leo Reilly, O M O — Tab, W the proud father of a baby girl, Oall Marie. K e y Punch. Grace San Fratello, O M O — K P , is spending this weekend at Garden City Hotel, Long Island. She is tryiag to regain some of her Saratoga losses at Aqueduct. Betty Morisi and Marguerite Richwine transferred to Employer Record Section. Wllhelmina Neidel's nephew, Charles Neldel, was the star of the Schenectady Little Team that won the Little League world series championship at Williamsport, Pa. Blanche Derkowski and her husband, visitors at Saratoga every Saturday during August, are sojourning to Aqueduct every Sat•rday this month. K e y Verification. Ruth flew to Florida last week with her husband, Arnold. Mildred Shlll •acationing this week. Josephine Derkowsky is spending the week • t Saratoga Lake. Marie Marro returned to work this week after recuperating from a recent operation. Mary Maguire is out sick this week. ^ Exceptions Unit. Al Galarneau, principal account clerk, is vacationing this week. Helen Garrett spent her vacation at Lake Lorraine with her husband. Bob. Ed McCarthy, senior account clerk, racationed lust week. Sal Carlngi, clerk, spent the last two weeks at Saratoga and Grossinger, N. Y. Louise Cook, clerk, is going to spend next week in N Y C and also try her luck at Aqueduct. Ann EngHsh, clerk, is going to attend a family reunion the weekend at Kndlcott, N. Y. Adele Nardollllo, •lark, spent the last two weeks at Ovunquit, Me. Mr. and Mrs. VoelI M are staying at St. Mortta to tbU week ea(L O F S E R T I C K R M P L O Y E R S T u « « d « 7 , S e p l « m l > « r 14, L E A D E R T H R 0 1 J € > H 0 1 J T N E W Y O R K S T A T B E. C. C. 3. Oraoe V. ZukowsU, clerk, spent last two weeks at Lake George. Mary Ann Mamone, clerk, vacationed at N o r f c ^ , Virginia last week. CHANGES in O.S.R. personnel: Jack Sherlock, claims clerk, to Truck Mileage. Eldora Teal, typist, to Collection Department of T a x ation and Finance, Typists Joan Weet and Margaret Currer and c l e r ^ Bill McKenna, Joe Lombardl and Ed Chllds have gone back to school. Jennie Williams, Ethel Scott, Eve Oliver and Joan Coi^an were appointed as claims clerks. K a y Fitzgerald, Helen Moore, Dick Hall, and Hanna DeLlsle were appointed typists. Oh yes, let's not forget Veronica O'Malley Tommy Wallon, clerk, was married in July to Winnie Allen of Troy. Pat England, typist, left O.S.R.O, to move to Waterbury, Conn, with her hu.sband. He has accepted a job as quality contract supervisor with U. S. Time Co. O.S.R. employees gave Pat a handbag and money as a farewell gift. Pat and her husband were both originally from Liverpool, England. By some strange coincidence, all seven persons in the Capital District who passed the claims examiner promotion exam either presently work or did work in O S R.O. Steamed clams and pipinq hot cofFee were just part of the menu a t Chemung chapter's third annual outing, held a t Big Pond, Pa. Some of the 100 members and guests who at* Napanoch tended are, from left, Albert DeRenzo, co-chairman of the clambake committee; Vernon A . S U P E R I N T E N D E N T Thomas J. Tapper, of Onondaga chapter; Phillip Zepp, Mrs. Strong, Mrs. Cook, and Carleton Wilcox. Hanlon and Assistant Superintendent Lloyd V. Wilklow of Napanoch were hosts to institutional employees and guests at a clambake on the grounds September 1. The bake was acclaimed the best ever. Colonel Wilklow was bake master and put the king's touch to the food preparation. Among the distinguished guests were State Senator Arthur H. Wicks, District Attorney Howard St. John, Peg Leg Bates, famous dancer; Robert E. Moore of the State Correction Commission; Doctors Robert F. Moseley, Eugene P. Galvin and Frederic Holcomb; Herbert DeKay and Edward Huben of Central Hudson Gas and Electric Corp; Thomas J. Murphy, president of the Grand Jurors Association: Charles Mullady, inspector for the Department of Correction; Benjamin Slutsky; James Rowe; Henry Schipp, former Mayor of Ellenville; and Deyo W. Johnson, president of the Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association. Employment—NYC and Suburbs A L R E I N I I A R D T , chairman of the State Division of Employment Committee, CSEA, presided at a committee meeting in Albany last week. Principal topic on the agenda was salary allocations. Paul Menges, formerly of L O 710, resigned to become editor of "Bureau of Business Management" at the University of Illinois. On August 26 the final training session for the coming senior employment Interviewer exam was given by the chapter. Special thanks are extended to Bob Foryth, Marie Doyle and Carl Mueller. The chapter wishes those who are taking the test the best of luck. Here and There Discount cards are available for furniture, rugs, and lamps to Association members. Contact Bernard Federgreen at DE 9-5002 and save on these items. If any chapter member has not yet had Blue Cross payments deducted from salary checks, contact Bernard Federgreen at DB 9-5002, so that a proper check can be made as to the status of your policy. Congratulations are extended to Dorothy Kaufman, administrative assistant of the Household Of^ flees, who celebrated her seventh wedding anniversary on September 9. Deepest sympathy t « AmeUa Schneider on the re««nt loss of her mother. The Senior and Employment I n terviewers Association will hold a meeting September 23 at 5:4S. The place. L. O. 710, 225 West 34th Street. NYC. News from L. O. 730, 61« Bob Wells Is vacationing through the Southern States. Lou Glbbs and Sal Carbone also on vacation. All arc from L. O. 730. Congratulations to Clarence Leone who Is celebrating his 13th wedding anniversary September 14. Joset^ Daqulla of L. O. 010 la being transferred to th« Stat«n Island office. It's good to hear that Dorothy Fleming of U O. 110 U home from tba booMtO. Charles Cressy of L. O. 610 is still confined to the Lexington Hospital. Friends and chapter members can send get-well cards to him in cere of the hospital in NYC. Public Works District No. T M I L T O N H. B I N G H A M , former senior civil engineer of District 1 and one of the CSEA chapter's most popular and active members, will be honored at a testimonial dinner Monday, September 20 at 7 P.M. The roast beef 'n trimmings affair will be held at Kapps in the Hollow, 1006 Sixth Avenue, Rensselaer. " B i n g " has climbed another rung on the ladder of success, to become associate civil engineer. T o accept this honor, he had to transfer to the Binghamton District office. Tickets are $4 for the ladies. $5 for the men. Friday, September 17 Is the last to day to obtsfin reservations from Howard F. Greenf 353 Broadway, Albany. Manhattan State Hospital MANHATTAN State Hospital chapter, CSEA, has sent a resolution to both the Mental Hygiene Employees Association and the CSEA. for free toll privileges for non-resident car owners at the hospital. The chapter charged discrimination against the State employees, N Y C Police, Parks and Public Works employees enjoy free use of the Triborough Bridge facilities, the chapter pointed out. Get well wishes are extended to Betty Lavln, Jim McGee, Con Downing and Josephine Donlon. The facilities available at the institutional sick bay for employees, is something thai employees should take advantage of. The nursing care, surgical treatment, attention and pleasant rooms would be hard to beat in the best hospital anywhere. There are a number of groups of employees who plan appeals under the new salary plan. The officers of the chapter are at their service in assisting in these appeals. They are also notified of further service being provided by F. Henry Oalpln, salary research analyst of the CSEA. Mr. Galpln will be at Room 905, 80 Centre Street. Manhattan, September 30. His telephone number, COrtland 7-9800, ext. 319. Charles R. Culyer, field representative, wlU also assist members on salary appeals. Rochester State Hospital M « S . B E A T R I C E C L A R K , who retired from the Occupational Therapy Department and who is now pursuing her hobbies of weaving and writing In Churchville, N. Y., has had an article published in the Psychiatric Quaiterly Suppllment entitled "Adventures In Salvage." Helen P. Weems, O.T., has returned to duty after a leave absence to attend Columbia University An art group therapy class has been instituted in the Livingston Building under the supervision of Carl Scacchetti. I t consists of eight male patients who meet four times a week. One hour is devoted to instruction and the second hour to self expression. Dr. Elias Benezera has returned after vacationing in Toronto, Canada. He mixed pleasure with business, attending the National Mental Health Conference. Dr. Benezera participated in the group psycho-therapy sessions. Mary Marshall has returned from a week's vacation in N Y C , where she attended the State Convention of the American Legion Auxiliary as a delegate from the Vlahos-Mertz Unit 1353. Wedding bells have been ringing! Congratulations to: Bill Williams of the business office and Beverly Densmore, R.N. of the Genesee Building, married in Rome, N. Y.; to Sidney Cookson, Livingston Building, and Gertrude Tarbox, Administration Building; and to Elsie Jackson, beautician in the Howard Building, and Harold Mullett. Sympathy is extended to Stan Copeland, principal engineer, in the loss of his mother in England. Stan flew to England upon receipt of the news. Sympathy to Betty Attrldge, Administration Building, in the loss of her mother, Mrs. Mary Dertinger. Charles Leldy. Livingston Building, Is convalescing from a recent foot Injury. Pearl Miles is back on duty after being in sick bay. Mike Pembrook, electrical department, broke his leg while painting his home. He is in General Hospital. Congratulations are in order to Dr. and Mrs. Anthony Graffeo and James and Mrs. Robb. They are the proud parents of sons Don Carr, foreman, has transferred to Elmira Reformatory. Good luck, Don. Herbert Bullard and CMeveland Daedeb, Livingston Building, have resigned to retum to North Carolina College In Durham. Leslie Burnham, Livingston Building, has resigned to move to CaUfornia. Delores Vanderbrook, Livingston Building, has also resigned. New Euployeea, Vacationers Among new employees: Lillian Selta, O.T. Department, and Mr. and Mrs. William Scramm, from Willard State Hospital. Mrs. Scramm is an attendant and Mr. Schramm an assistant cook in the Howard Building. A belated welcome to Mrs. Martha Boyer and Mrs. Rachel Schwarx, RN's, who have joined the staff on Ward 38. Employees who have been vacationing are: Howard Building, Clarabelle Thompson, supervisor; Elsie Lowensteln, Bess McGarrity, Levera Archibald, Nellie Galney, and Reglna Orsiol. who has been In California. Power House: engineering personnel Ed Bardo, Don Morrison and Jack Johnson. Livingston Building: Roger AlJerton, Urban Aston. Paul Baca, Vioeeiii Campbell. Jamee Bobb. Robert Sherwood, Howard Farnsworth, James Mannix, Hubrecht LaGasse, Carl Moore, Anthony Pezzulo and Bruce McLaren, supervisor. O. T . Department: Ernestine Fisher, Helen Sager, Dave Preston and Edna Finger. Genesee Building: Mary Allen. Beverly Densmore, Irene Niles. Myrtle Mitchell, Mary Haley, Stella Mansfield, Rose Tobey. M. Smythe, C. Williams, Alberta Tucker, Ida Witter, Sara Sapienza, Alice West, S. Hull and Helen De Tandt, Reception Office. Mary Myracle, Social Service, has returned from vacation at her home in Tennessee. Membership dues to the hospital chapter of CSEA will soon be due. Watch for notices and announcements concerning the coming drive. Let's make this a 100 per cent membership! Woodbourne BOWLING LEAGUE getting started September 29. Walt Miller, president; Casey Latowski, secretary; Bill North, treasurer. Sick a long time are Ray LaPolt, Floyd Hill, Joe Mitchell. Get well, f e l lows. Burrill Gatewood back working after major surgery. All the St. Lawrence boys back wondering if it really pays (the brass didn't get much of a raise). John Glover, Softball pitcher, left the department to resume coaching deep in the heart of Texas. A going-away gift was presented. Good luck. Family clambake a grand time for the personnel and their families. September 8. Good luck to Charles McKendrick on his appointment as P.K. at Clinton Prison. New slate of chapter officers wlU be elected next month; all present officers stepping down. Golf Tournament gets under way next month. Father Wilkins brought a swell show to the Institution last week. The Bombusters really rocked the place. Superintendent Brumell on vacation. Assistant Superintendent Colntot head maa during the interim. Plans being set for annual dinner, dance and show, promises t « be the greatest ever. Ed W i c h e m with blistered hands digging a foundation for his garage. Bob Sullivan handing out cigars on the birth of a daughter. Cigars for a girl? Yep. he has three boys already. Congratulations! Condolences to Vinnie O'Nell, whose father passed away. Guard list should be out soon; look for about 225 names. Fortyhour week the big deal for next year. International politics haa ruined the 40-hour week for millions of workers In Germany. Dr. D. A. Fitzgerald. Deputy Foreign Aid Administrator, has recommended to Congress a 40-hour week at 48-hour pay for all labor in the Allied Zone of Germany. The defeat of H.D.C. by France shelved this 40-hour plan for awhile. The U. S. Government la behind this plan and It looks good for next year. Thousands of employees In N. Y . State are working 48 hours « week. Who woa tbe warf