Couns^C ,7 nUt^^^"' 12.- Service To Emptoyees Americans Largest Weekly y d . XIII — No. 4 for Public Tuesday, October 16, 1951 Employees Price Five Cents See Page 2 Work and Fun as Seen at 41st Annual Meeting Of the Civil Service Employees Association Fm in Albany. These delegates ore deliberating upon the problems ef public employees, dttriag file receat annual meeting of the Civil Service Employees Association. Among ethers ia this pjioto, yoa eaa fiad Charii* Hall. Public Works; Ted Wenzl, Education; John Cox, Public Worhs; Margaret Mahoaey, Public Service; Dr. William Siegal, Health; Arnold Wise. Taxation and Finance. We've left oat • fevr. bat that's the kiad •fFair it was. They're all from the Capital District Conference, la additloa to the big meetiags of all tba delegates, each Conference group met separately during the three-day event. The results? Well, see for yourself. After all, they needed energy for fh« p r o c e ^ i a g s , dlda't Ihey? Foar serious-looking gentlemen porticipated ia a paael oa salaries • ! the aanaal meetiag of the Civil Service Employees Associatioa, held ta Albany October 2, 3 and 4. Seated: Davis L Shultes, choirman of th« Association Salary Committee, and P. Henry Galpin, Salary Consultaaf. Stoadiag: J. Earl Kelly, State Director of Classification and CompeaMitioa; aad J. Allya Steoras, 3rd Vice-Presideal. At the head table: Mrs. Joseph D. Lochner, whose husband was honored with a 20-year testimonial dinner; T. Norman Hurd, State Budget Director; Allan S. Hubbard, Director of the Personnel Relations Board. It won't be long now that Mr. Hard will b« sitting on the opposite side of the table, conferring with Association negotiators on a pay increase for State employees. The delegates voted for 15 percent upward adiustments across the board. Mr. Hubbard heard a report saying his Personnel Uh, uh, not so stiff, be informal, don't look directly into the camera! This is a meeting of DPVI chapfor Relations Board is a good thing, bat needs certoin vital improvemeats. delegates in the Association headquarters bailding, Albaay. The womea are: Katherlne O'Coanell, Agaes 4, Mr. Hubbard responded that he is always open to snggestions. And popi Willioms, Eiliabeth McKnight. Margaret J. Willey, Etela Muckey, CelMt* Rosenkraai. Staadlag (tll« MMk Mr. Hurd suggested a coasolidatioa af twe grievaaee step*. that Is): Christophtr J. FM. Jess* I. McfaHaad, JO4IB Meadell. Saapped at the head table duriag the aaaual meeting of the Civil Service Employes Association. Left to right: Robert B. Haner, past president of the Associatioa; Mrs. Harold J. Fisher, widow of the former presipr#.ldeat re-eUcHd ta o « c e ; F a t h y John Kelly; J. EdwaH pour past presidents of the CivM Service Employees Associatioa: Charie. C«awoy. president of tba Stafa CMI S ^ v l c e C«^missloa; aad Martia P. Catherwood, deaa of t ^ t School of | H , d . Clifford C. Shore, Bealah Bailey Thall, aad Willlaai F. McDoaengk Labor aad ladastrlol Relations, Cornell Ualvorslty. ' * C I V L S E R V I C E L E A D E R Mlrke the most of your clothing dollars at ^ ^ Gifts were preseated fo Sergeaat Balliii9toii 1. Dunster (front, lefti m d Dr. Rassell J. Nolan (right) a t • dinner in tlieir honor by Anbnra Prison fellow-employees. Both men retired. Making the presentation Is Sergeant Edward C. Herbold and standing in back (left to right) are Principle Keeper Earl L. Laird ood Thomas J. Nugent, general chairwan. Sergeant Danster had been in the State's employment since 1922 and Doctor Nolan had been prison dentist since 1923. State Sets Up Employee Counselling Service ALBANY, Oct. 15 — The establishment of a State-wide e m ployee counselling service h a s been announced by t h e Public E m ployees Personnel Relations Board. T h e service, unique in t h e United States, will allow S t a t e workers to discuss their work problems, their grievances a n d even their personal home problems, in confidence. I n charge of t h e new program is Miss J a n e McFarlane. an official of the P e r sonnel Relations Board. Allen S. Hubbard, Board c h a i r m a n , stated t h a t any employee with a problem is now free to a p ply directly to Miss Mcfarlane, at what to do about it. Miss M a c f a r lane will try to help h i m help himself, "We feel t h a t this program will pay off in more contented e m ployees a n d in better work p e r formance." The Personal Touch Miss Macfarlane, who is known over t h e entire S t a t e as "one ot t h e best-liked employees," said! t h a t t h e program was intended t o help conquer incipient grievances a t their source, t o iron out per^ sonality conflicts between e m ployees a n d employer, improve h u m a n relations, and help eliminate difficulties which make lor discontent. William F. McDonough, executive assistant to the president of the Civil Service Employees Association, heartily praised t h e plan, saying t h a t it could be of Invaluable aid to troubled e m ployees. He urged employees with problems or personal grievances to make use of it. Employees may come in p e r Legislature t h a t all ol t h e civil sonally to see Miss M a c f a r l a n e or service rights and privileges u n - may write her. der t h e merit system be g u a r a n teed to the S t a t e Police a n d fairly applied in all instances." Better Conditions CIVIL SERVICE LEADER T h e Association will seek to esAmerica's Leading Newsmagtablish helpful participation beazine for Public Employees tween officials and troopers to LEADER ENTERPRISES. INC. bring about more satisfactory e m 97 Duane St.. New York 1. N. Y. ployment conjiitions in this b r a n c h Telephone: BEekman 3-6010 of the S t a t e service. T h e resoluEntered as second-class matter tion prised t h e members of t h e October Z, 1939, at the post ofS t a t e Police for their fine devoflee at New York, N. Y.. under tion to service in t h e face of the Act of March 3. 1879. hazards inherent in police work. Members of Audit Bureau of The brutal killing of a S t a t e Circulations. Trooper in line of duty this year Subscription Price $2.50 rer prompted the Association t o offer Year. Individual copies, 5c. and pay a $250 reward for t h e apprehension and conviction of t h e slayer. the offices of the Personnel Relations Board, Civil Service Commission, S t a t e Office Building, Albany. Happier Workers "We are not limiting t h e problems," Mr. Hubbard said. "We feel t h a t this service will make better workers of the State's employees. For example, suppose a n employee is u n h a p p y in his present job and doesn't know how to go about getting a Transfer, We may be able to help him find a solution." , He gave another example: "It sometimes happens t h a t a n employee's work-quality falls off, he is unhappy, and doesn't know ImproveirLents Urged For State Troopers ALBANY, Oct, 15 — T h e Civil Service Employees Association h a s communicated with t h e officials of t h e S t a t e Police urging immediate a d j u s t m e n t in t h e daily subsistence allowance of Troopers, T h e Association called attention to t h e Increase in t h e cost of food a n d also to t h e upward a d j u s t m e n t m a d e some time ago by t h e S t a t e Comptroller in t h e daily allowance for employees required to travel in connection with their duties, Jesse B. McFarland, Association president, stated t h a t (iie h a s r e ceived assurances f r o m J o h n A. Gaflfney, Superintendent of State Police, t h a t t h e m a t t e r is receiving consideration. S t a t e Police Resolution Delegates to the Annual Meeting ol t h e Association discussed t h e present organization and problems of t h e S t a t e Police a n d adopted t h e following resolution: "WHEREAS, t h e need for a t tention to establishment of e m ployment conditions as to pay, hours, leaves, a n d secuiity which will a t t r a c t a n d retain t h e best fitted among t h e citizens for t h e work involved, is apparent, "THEREFORE BE I T RESOLVED, t h a t t h e Association urge upon the Governor and t h e WANTED *op«n • w r y •wnSng Top«n I h u n d o y •vcning Fifth A V * . at 35th St.t M E, 42mI st.t Sfoadwoy ot 33rd St.t 12 Cortlondl St. Broadway at 45th* Ironx: 324 E, Fordhom Rd.* »rooklyn> 94 FkitbuiK Arc.* 400 Fulton St., B'klynf Jomoica: 165^7 JomakoAv*.* Ncwork :I4«-I4« Mark** J«rMy City: 12 Jowrnol Sq.* ALIANY: 74-76 Stat* Str*«t MIFFAiO: Main & Ea«U •OCNiSTEIt • • Patarton: IS4 Mark*! St.t tCHENia^OY: tYBACUSIt Stat* $ t r * * t «t Ir'i* t U d . 320-324 SowtK Salino Str*«f DowntewHi 133 E. Main Str**t At th* Factory: 1400 N. Caodmon CORRECTION: EXPERIENCE CREDIT FOR PROVISIONALS ALBANY, Oct. 15—^The present regulations concerning experience credit for provisionals who take open-competitive S t a t e e x a m i n a tions remain in effect. An item in t h e October 2 Issue of The LEADER erroneously stated t h a t t h e Civil Service Commission h a d approved a resolution to credit provisional experience up to nine months. T h e Commissioner h a d disapproved the resolution on this subject. T h e LEADER regrets t h e error. For Part-Time And Spare-Time Worl( Artist & Layout Man Proofreader Photographer Newswriter IN NEW YORK CITY Civil Service Leader Box 333. 97 Dimiie Street. NYC RESTAURANT OFFERS PART TIME WORK For Responsible Men As Floor Assistants TO MANAGERS IN RESTAURANT CHA'N NO EXrEKIKNCE NKl'I'}88AltT HOIiKH 11:30 a.m. to '^-.rtO p . a . tiOOD PA Y — F L I S LUNCH Apply at Exchange Buffet Restauraat 44 Cortlandt Street Hudson Terminal Buildinr between the hoivrs ot 10 and M. A J I . C O N V E N I E N T TO ALL CITY, STATE and FEDERAL BLDG6. UNITED OPTICAL GROUP 154 NASSAU ST. (at City Hall) NEW YORK CITY A Program of Croup Eye Care ^ L . UI. CIVIL Tucsilay, O c t f t W 16, 1951 S E R V I C E LiE'ADER Pnge T h r e e 'As Year's Policy Is Set by 53,000-Member State-Wide Organization of Public Employees Joseph D. Leehner, executive seer*< tary of the Civil Service Employees Association, ^ a s honored with a testimonial dinner during the 4(1 st annual meeting of the Civil Service Employees Association. John A. Cromie, past president, acted as toastmaster. Si* former Association presidents, in addition to Mr. Cromie, were guests of honor. 1931; 1951 Rochester State Hospital Chapter Hears Munroe and Noel McDonald at Dinner A group of delegates from ttie w e s t e n port of the state. In the center is Noel P. McDonald, chairman ef the Western Regional Conference. Te W« left is Grace Hillery, vice-chairman of the Conference and i e Ma right is Raymond U l4nnro«, Znd vice-presideat ef the Civil Service Employees Association. ROCHESTER, Oct. 15—Mem- of t h e Rochester S t a t e Hospital bers of t h e Rochester S t a t e Hos- chapter. Mrs. Melba R Binn, president pital chapter, CSEA, a t their first of t h e Rochester chapter, as soon a n n u a l dinner, h e a r d their presi- as she h a d finished holding h e r d e n t , Claude E. Rowell, report chapter's meeting, motored to t h e t h a t t h e chapter's membership i n n a n d joined in t h e festivities a n d frolic of t h e hospital group. h a s Increased by 55, to a new After t h e dinner t h e r e was a floor record of 502. I t is t h e second show a n d a f t e r t h e floor show, largest chapter in t h e Western dancing. Mrs. Alice Wagner, past presiConference. of t h e Albion chapter, was T h e diners a t Reiily's Green dent with A n n a Keener. MilTree I n n h e a r d talks by R a y m o n d present dred Hoiiiday of t h e Rochester L. Munroe, 2nd vice president of chapter was another representat h e CSEA; Noel McDonald, c h a i r - tive of a "visiting" chapter. m a n of t h e Western Conference, Chapter OfiBcers a n d H. J. Bernard, executive ediBesides President Rowell, t h e t o r of T h e LEADER. Mr. Rowell hospital chapter officers are was toastmaster. Howard Farnsworth, vice presiMr. Munroe invited members to dent; Joyce Coe, secretary, a n d Here Is a group of delegates from the Metrepoiltaa Regional Conference. Thafs Meade Brown, poMIe retell h i m freely what they like to Marion Muntz, treasurer. h a v e him do for them on t h e T h e dinner committee, -under lations director ef the Civil Service Employees Association, second from right, talidng to tlie boys. What Association board of directors. C h a i r m a n Muntz, consisted of was it, Meade, public relations or a good hot story? H e said t h a t sometimes members J a n i e McNeill, Bruce McLaren a r e hesitant about speaking up. Mae Carroll, E n a McNair, Ted Nothing c a n be done for t h e m G a r n e a u , Joseph Hoagland, Mr. unless they ask for it, he r e - Farnsworth, Archie G r a h a m , Elizabeth Halloran, A r t h u r Morris marked. a n d Clarabelle Thompson. Munroe Praises Alexander Ninety-one guests attended the Mr. Munroe, recently re-elected dinner, which was so successful t o t h e 2nd vice-presidency, paid t h a t plans were discussed for h i g h compliment to his opponent, holding a similar event next year, Sidney Alexander, c h a i r m a n of on a larger scale, at one weekend, t h e Metropolitan Conference. Mr. so t h a t Association officers who Munroe himself is past c h a i r m a n live in other Conference areas of t h e Western Conference a n d could attend. h a s sat on t h e board with Mr. Lauds LEADER Coverage Alexander for two years. Mr. Rowell reported t o t h e "My opponent was a m a n I a d mire very much," said Mr. M u n - membership on t h e a n n u a l meetroe. "He was a LEADER Merit ing of t h e Association, held t h e M a n , he h a s received awards week before in Albany, and enuf r o m t h e S t a t e for valuable sug- m e r a t e d resolutions adopted in gestions submitted, is well-liked which he said members of his a n d well known and offered f o r - chapter would be particularly inmidable opposition." terested. Roy Eligh and Mr. T h e speaker thanked the c h a p - Rowell were delegates to t h a t t e r members for having supported meeting. He called their attention his own candidacy. to t h e October 9 issue of T h e " T h a n k s for the upstate vote, LEADER, which contained all h e said. resolutions adopted, a n d said t h a t Mr. McDonald promised t h a t it was a complete report of t h e t h e Western Conference would event. He advised all members t o do all in its power during t h e read every word of t h e news r e coming year to help t h e members port. Tallying the vote: This is the committee which performed the tasli off tobnlatlng and coantlng the more than 12,000 votes cast in the Association electiotu They are, left to right: Paula Forster, Helen Garriah, Dorothf McTavish, Leia Lemuel, Jean O'Hagen, Paula Grogan, Virginia Leotham, Leonard R. Requa, aad Mlldre4 <X Meskil. Standing in the rear near the filing cabinet Is Mrs. Charles Cnlyer. Refresher Courses For Albany Stenos ALBANY, Oct. 15 — S t a t e e m ployees in Albany will have a n opportunity to brush up on their stenographic skills through a series of four-week refresher courses planned by t h e Training Division of the S t a t e Civil Service D e p a r t m e n t in cooperation with t h e Albany Board of Education. T h e first stenographic refresher comse began October 8. Classes will be held f r o m 3 P.M. to 5 P.M., Monday through Thursday, at the Albany High School. Supervisors Name Tliem Employees must be nominated f o r t h e courses by their supervisors. T h e personnel officers of the various d e p a r t m e n t s will receive t h e nominations. October 4 is the deadUae for nominatious for the course beginning October 8. Second Course in November A second four-week stenographic refresher course is scheduled to begin November 5. Nominations for t h e second course, which also must be m a d e by unit supervisors through their department personnel office, will be accepted up to October 31. This second course will likewise be held from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Thursday, a t t h e Albany High School. T h e Albany in-service training courses are offered by t h e T r a i n ing Division as p a r t of t h e s t a t e wide training program designed to m a i n t a i n a n d improve t h e e f ficiency of S t a t e employees. E m ployees will be notified of their acceptance for t h e courses by their supervisors. To be eligible, the e m ployees must have completed a ba;s>ic coiuse in stenography. to Its 1939 average. This Is a n alV* time high. T h e ederal Government by admlssloa expects It to go higher. " I n Brie County a petition f r o m employees t o t h e Board of S u m u c h as it did b&fore. At t h e pervisors asks for a flat 50% pay present time t h e dollar i« worth raise for 1952. Erie County e m ployees have been given virtual 54 cents. assurance t h a t their present $700 cost-of-living bonus will becom* County Employees Loyal a basic p a r t of their 1952 Isalary. " T h e present emergency Is a "A $400 raise for postal e m period of multiplying job oppor- ployees is now before a confertunities yet County employees ence of t h e Senate a n d th« stick to their jobs because they House. understand t h e great necessity of 'The Board of Supervisors of carrying on t h e normal functions C h a u t a u q u a county h a s before ti of government. We appreciate a resolution approved by t h e P i t h a t we owe t h e job something. nance a n d Personnel Committees I n t h e past our loyalty and de- for a 10% raise for all salaried votion to our jobs has been recog- employees a n d a 10-cent-per-hou» nized and suitable a d j u s t m e n t raise for per diem employees. has been granted. "New York S t a t e employees a r s "On July 16, 1951, t h e latest petitioning for a straight 15% available period, t h e U. S. Bureau raise for 1952. of Labor Statistics Consumers William M. Doyle Is chairmMi Price Index stood a t 185.5 above ot the salary committe*. Niagara County Croup Asks $ 6 0 0 Bonus for ' 5 2 NIAGARA FALLS, Oct. 15— T h e Niagara chapter, CSEA, urged upon t h e Board of Supervisors t h a t action be taken to grant a salary a d j u s t m e n t for 1952. T h e Niagara chapter says t h a t the present $480 Bonus should be incorporated into t h e basic salary and t h a t an additional $600 costof-living bonus should be granted for 1952. T h e Niagara chapter forsees no end to t h e present emergency which is causing infiation and cheapening t h e dollar's purchasing power. " W h e n living costs are rising, a n d wage a d j u s t m e n t s are not granted to public employees, real salaries are being c u t / ' it says. " T h e dollar just does not buy as CIVIL P a i « Pour Activities York Crisp, Crunchy, Delirious T R E A T CRISPS aOL'J>CK Always Fresh • 'B'itpWK Ai All Tuesday, October 16, 1 9 5 1 L E A D E R of Civil Service Employees Assn. Chapters homa. Margaret McSorley and Mac Newiger have returned to work from a pleasant vacation In New England. William McBeth is Armory Employees visiting the shrine of Saint Anne THE F I R S T meeting of the fall de Beaupre in Quebec. Joseph a n d winter season, Western Arm- Morale and Seumas Murphy vacaory Employees Association, will be tioned in the coalfields of P e n n held at the 174th Regiment State sylvania; Seumas says the m o u n Armory, 184 Connecticut Street, tains bear a striking resemblance Buffalo, on Thursday evening, Oc- to those of his native Ireland. tober 25. beginning 8:30 p.m. Estelle Starishevsky, popular After the meeting there will be a steno in Reception, is on her testimonial dinner honoring all re- honeymoon . . . Congratulations tired employees since the incep- to Catherina Kupino and Steiny tion of t h e organization. Russellavage, two fellow PennsylOn Thursday. September 27, a vanians, who were married recenttestimonial dinner was given in ly. They were feted by fellow e m honor of Armory engineer Howard ployees last Friday night. Good I. Marshall, of t h e 174th Regi- wishes to Mr. & Mrs. Rudy Rauch m e n t S t a t e Armory in Buffalo, on their recent tax exemption, a who retired on September 30. T h e baby boy; double the same to Mr. dinner was given by t h e employees and Mrs. Homer Gates, twins. All of t h a t Armory in t h e Officers' are doing fine. A baseball game Club. Armorer Peterson, president between t h e married a n d single of tlTC employees' group, acted as men in t h e East Bldg. resulted toastmaster. As a token of re- in a t h u m p i n g victory for t h e memberance, a fine pipe was pre- "henpecked," 14-3; Charles R u m sented to Mr. Marshall. Col. Ar- sey a n d I. Spiegal were t h e u m t h u r H. Clark, officer In charge, pires; batteries: for t h e winners. m a d e t h e presentation. Sidney Hatoff and Joseph Mayer: for the losers. Bill O'Connell a n d William Montvilo. Congratulations to Calvin M u r B r o o k l y n State H o s p i t a l phy on his recent editorial piece NEWS from Brooklyn S t a t e In the NY Daily News . . . Hospital: Welcome back to Mr. Thomas J. McDonald h a s com& Mrs. J a m e s D a r t and Mr. & pletely recovered f r o m his long Mrs. Patrick Donohue and family illness; it was a pleasure to see f r o m their recent European tour; him about the grounds again. He Mr. & Mrs. Rudolph Langhorne, is now convalescing in his home Kit Harte, from Canada; William town, Boston . . . P e t e r m a n f r o n j Virginia; Mrs. Recent visitors: Dr. N a t h a n M a r y Coyne f r o m C a l i f o r n i a ; Beckenstein, Director of Syracuse Mrs. Marion Smith f r o m Okla- Psychiatric Hospital; Dr. Chris- Western New S E R V I C E POTATO CHl^S G o o d Food Stores • Always Tasty topher Terrence, Director o f , Paul Robinson, attended t h e d i n Rochester S t a t e Hospital and ; ner meeting . . . Mrs. Terrence. All their old! At a meeting of the Good Will friends were very happy to see Fund, office of business administration, the following were elected them . . . Making good recoveries in the for 1951-52: Mary Scholan, presisick-bay: Miss B. Phillips, Mr. dent; Carl Berger, vice-president; Donald Benedict, Mrs. Elmer | Aurelia Valenti, secretary and Henly, Mrs. Edna Kidd, Miss M. i Thomas Fitch, treasurer. They Mazzella Mr. F r a n k Ovello and will succeed George Fisher, president; Doris Benway, vice-presiMr. William J. Farrcll . . . Marcia Weis, secretary, F r a n k Colis enjoying a novel dent; vacation — painting a p a r t m e n t s and Hal McKenney, treasurer . . . The marraige bf Mrs. Mary for fellow employees. Line forms Hitchcock Parks, Public Health on the right! . . . . Every success to Dr. K e n n e t h Education staff member, to Harold Schenectady, Greene in his new position . . . N. Armstrong of Condolences to the family of took place September 28 in t h e William McCormick, recently de- First Presbyterian Church in Alceased, a former graduate nurse bany. Congratulations . . . M e m of this hospital. The same to bers of t h e chapter extend their Miss Anne Boye on t h e recent deep sympathy to Mary Conley of death of her mother at H a w - San. Div. in the loss of her f a t h e r . Chapter news chips gathered in thorne, NY., and to Miss Shirley Stolak who also lost her mother t h e office of Vital Statistics: Florence Bohl is convalescing. recently. Florence was visiting her brother in Yucaipa, California, when taken ill and an operation was p e r f o r m J a m e s E . Ctiristian ed in t h a t city . . . Mrs. Olga Beibrick, typist, has resigned as Memorial of October 3 . . . Mrs. Pauline "CONGRATULATIONS to C h a r - Hough, statistical clerk, h a s been lotte Clapper, on her re-election promoted to senior clerk, in t h e to office as Secretary of CSEA, office of planning and procedure. and to Dr. William Siegal, c h a p - Alice Dalton, typist, and Mary ter president, elected as Health Caminitti, stenographer, both Dept. Representative . . . And we former temporary employees, of our chapter are h a p p y to know have received p e r m a n e n t posit h a t t h e Civil Service Employees tions in t h e record section . . . Association will again be steered Gay Dennebaum h a s been a p by Jesse McFarland and his offi- pointed to t h e position of clerk. cial family who were all returned Margaret C. Spock, formerly a to office." This comes from Roy temporary employee in O.B.A.. L. Cramer, chairman of publicity h a s received a permanent appointfor t h e chapter. m e n t in Vital Statistics. A lastClifford C. Shoro, who installed minute flash to inform you t h a t the new Association officers, is a Mary J a n e Vail, of t h e public Health Department m a n . . . At- health education staff, has a n engagement to tending t h e annual mebting as nounced her delegates were David Zaron and Joseph P. Mink of Rensselaer. Helen McGraw, with Ann Williams and Kay Tierney as alterD i v i s i o n of L a b o r a t o r i e s nates . . . Dr. William Siegal, Virginia Clark, Helen McGraw, Kay Tierney, Ann Williams and And Research, Albany A THRONG turned out to welcome Mary Clark and William Goodrich into t h e 25-Year Club at the Laboratory of the Division of Laboratories and Research. There was roast beef, turkey a n d WORLD'S FINEST TELEVISION SET! much good conversation for those in attendance. Marlon B. Colemaa and Dr. K o n r a d Birkhaug deserve special mention for their p a r t in presenting the gifts. And m a n y (Continued on page 5) FREE CASHING; PAY CHECKS EMIGRANT INDUSTRIALS^ SAVINGS BANK Main Office You'll find Emigrant's Main Office extra convenient the Municipal Center, neor Federal, State and City offices and courts. 5 1 CHAMBERS ST. Just East of Broadway GRAND CENTRAL OFFICE 5 East 42nd Street Just off Fifth Avenue per Current dividend 31 TUBES Lie. " 6 3 0 " Chassis BEECHURST 157-65 9th AVE. Attai'hcil briolc, 4Vj rooms, full basonient, stcani g-as, sewer. Good sccUon. Immediate ocoupancy. $11,200. E.v apiJoiiitmi'iit. EGBERT AT WHITESTONE FLushing 3-7707 MFR. Lie. UHDER RCA PAT. annum Interest from DAY of depotil Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation L 12" CONCERT SPEAKER IN BEAUTIFUL HAND-RUBBED CONSOLE CABINET Price Includes Federal Tax EASY PAYMENT PLAN TRANS-MANHATTAN 75 CHURCH ST. cor VESEY NEW YORK CITY w o r t h 2-4790 BE WISE—Economize COME IN TO-DAY AND LET US HELP YOU SELECT THE TO "FIT YOUR FACE" — BUY THE BEST FOR LESS FHKE $350 INSTALLATION Guaranteed Window or Roof Near All Subways, Buses, Hudson Tubes And All Civil C e n t r e s OPEN 9 A.M. TO 6 P.M. INCL. SAT. OPEN THURS. EVE. UNTIL 8 P.M. PARTS 100% Fur Felt Sold Throughout t h e Country a t $10 WARRANTY Including FOR SPECIAL ALLOWANCE BRING THIS AD Picture Adaptable Tube To Color GET OH 'UNCLE SAM'S' PAYROLL! START AS HIGH AS $3,450.00 A YEAR MEN - WOMEN £ Nationally IMMEDIATELY IN YOUR OWN HOME Veterans G e t Special P r e f e r e n c e Full Particulars and 32-Pa9e Book on Civil Service FREE . PSE of this coupon can mean much to i:OU. Fill out coupon and mail at once. Or call office—open daily 9:00 to 5:00. Although Bttt government sponsored, this van be the fli'St step in your fetting a big paid U. S. government job. ' R u s h to oie eniireljr f r e e ot c h a r g e ( 1 ) a f u l l d e s c r i p t i o n of U.S. G o v e r n i u e n t J o b s ; ( 2 ) F r e e / e o p y of iUufiiruted i 2 - p a g e t o o k " H o w t o Gel a U. S. G o v e r n m e n t J o b " ; ( 3 ) S a m p l e lesl ques/ l i o n s ; ( 4 ) Tell n i t h o w t o g e l • U . S . G o v e r n m e n t / Job. / / / / * Name AcldreM City Apt. No. • t • t • • • Age U M HUM C o u p o n B e f o r e Y o u M i t l a j I t — W r i t e o r P r i m P l a i n l y Brands E n t r a n c e : 46 BOWERY and 16 ELIZABETH ST. (In The Arcade) Open Until 6 Every Evening Take 3rd Ave. RUS or "L" to Canai REMEMBER FOR YOUR CONVEWENCi OPEN SATURDAYS 9 A.M. TO 3 P.M. Eit.- i » i r Bearmamenf Program Creating Thousands ^ FRANKLIN* I N S T ^ U T E ' of Additional Appointments ^ D e p t . C-56, 130 W. 42nd St. N. Y. 18 Advertised ABE WASSERMAM Be R e a d y W h e n N e x t N e w Y o r k , Bronx, Brooklyn, Long Island, N e w J e r s e y , & V i c i n i t y Examinations A r e H e l d PREPARE HAT Bt. PHONE WOrth 4-0215 DAVIS OPTICAL CO. (Ofiicial Optician f o r Hospitals ond Cllncs of New York C i t y ) For the grinding and fitting of many thousand* pair* of glasses resulting from official requirements, it hat been necessary to install the latest sciei.tic lent grinding facilitiet. Government and Civil Service employeet are invited to take advantage of our service. Eyot EKamited — Pretcriptiont filled — Lenset duplicated Registered optoraetriets a n d ^pticiana i n a i t e n d a n c e a l l l i m e a . llours: 8:30 • 6:30 S a t tlU 5:00 SAME DAY SERVICE 71 W . 23 St-. N,Y.C. OB!*55270 5t71 p jiu' f-imffj C i V I L T u M d a j , Oclobcr 16, 1 9 5 1 S E R V I C E L E A D E R Activities of Assn. Chapters ference at the fire house on Wards nual meeting of the CivJl Service Island. Dr. John H. Travis, senior Employees' Association: Elizabeth director of M a n h a t t a n State Hos- McSweeney, Patrick Geraghty, A1 pital, introduced by Sidney Alex- White, J o h n Wallace and Dennis ander, Conference chairman, wel- O'Shea. Mrs. O'Shea also attendcomed the m a n y members who ed, at her own expense. One of the resolutions u n a n i attended. T h a n k s was given to Dr. Travis, Arthur Gillette, business mously approved by the delegates ofBcer; Mrs. Shirley Horn, dietiti- was 37 — which read — "Resolved an; and committee members — t h a t the Association take all Betty Lavln, Bob Magee, Mrs. possible measures to secure for Jerry Morris, Jerry Morris, J o h n employees of the M a n h a t t a n State Martyn, J o h n Wallace by chair- Hospital remission of toll charges m a n Alexander for the wonderful required by the Triborough Bridge Authority." time. The delegates attended the Art Sept. 17. At a meeting in the fire house lecture hall, with J o h n Show at the Albany Institute of J. Kelly, Jr., Assistant Association History and Art, and were amazed counsel, 14 female employees were at the wonderful exhibition of advised of proceedure to be fol- talent displayed by State E m lowed in presenting their legal ployees. The opinion was expressed case for property losses over $150 t h a t in the near future the Metroin the Female Home fire. The em- politan area will sponsor a simiployees later conferred with the lar event — or a Hobby Show. The 7th Annual Fall Dance of Attorney General's office. Employees not present at the the chapter was held on Oct. 5, in meetings will have the opportun- Viking Hall wih two orchestras. I Stale Insurance F u n d ity of meeting Mr. Kelly, Jr. on The holders of lucky tickets were Martin Geraghty, L. Fearon, of EDMUND BOZEK, president of Oct. 29. Five delegates attended the a n - Rome, and John Barney, a plumbt h e State Insurance Fund Chaper and steam-fitter at M a n h a t t a n ter, CSEA, and A1 Greenberg, State. financial secretary, will make Membership time hag rolled their reports to the executive around again. All members are committee a t tire next meeting, urged to attend to their dues October 29. The reports will deea^rly, and introduce new memscribe the work done at the 41st bers into the Association. a n n u a l meeting of the Civil SerR. N. Edith Keene — popular vice Employees Association. Supervisor of the Mabon Building The chapter membership drive Max Krohn, senior estate tax Is in full swing. Eighteen new examiner of the State Tax De- recently returned f r o m a trip to England. members have been recorded since partment, died recently, following Agnes Sullivan — looking fine October 1. Prizes are being given a heart attack in his office at 320 after her trip to Ireland, where to all members who bring in three Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn. she visited Nan Lyons, formerly of or more members. A breakdown of Mr. Krohn, who lived in Rock- Wards Island, and her relatives. who brought who follows: John Clarke and William WalBill Price—3; Ed Bozek—2; ville Centre, was know as Uncle Max to his asso- lace on the sick list. Drop them a Bert Zimmerman—1; A1 Greenciates and to line or two — it helps a lot. berg—7; J o h n P. Powers—1; I d a many of the a t Amendola—1; G. Murphy—1; H. 25-year service employees are torneys of the Loos—2. looking forward to the anticipated borough, because Bowling League captains and party in their honor — at which of his helpful time they will be awarded their their teams are: Mr. Blake, Claims counsel to young Sr.; Mr. Wechsler, Payroll; Miss 25-year pins. The date h a s not appraisers and yet been set. Duymovic. Personnel; Mr, Spayoung lawyers dola, Claims Sophs; Mr. Hanson, in problems of Medical; Mr. Mallia, Orphans; property value or Matleawan Mr. Hession, Policyholders; Mr. of estates law. Marron, Safety; Mr. Viggiani, His knowledge THE MATTEAWAN State HosUnderwriters; Mr. Teitelbaum, Df those subjects pital chapter, CSEA, is holding a Accounts. garnered testimonial dinner in honor of Max Krohn was Tonight's scliedule for the State since he entered State Sen. E. I. Hatfield and AsInsurance Fund Bowling League the State Tax Department Is: Claims Soph vs Policyholders; messenger at the age of 14 asanda semblyman R. Watson Pomeroy. Orphans vs Underwriters; Claims worked his way up through the Among gxiests invited a r e : Dr. Sr. vs Personnel; Payroll vs Ac- ranks. He had been a member of John P. McNeill, director of the hospital. Rev. Howard McKinley, counts; and Medical vs Safety. the Civil Service Employees Asso- Mr. & Mrs. F r a n k Osoba, chief T h e Safety Service Department ciation since its inception. attendant; Jesse B. McFarland, now has the permanent services Active in Boy Scouts president and Willi^-m F. McDonof J. Christy. J. M. Goewey, Born in Brooklyn 45 years ago ough, assistant to t h e president, formerly of Safety Service, is now Safety Consultant with the Men- and a resident of the borough for of the Civil Service Employees Asthe greater part of his life, Mr. sociation. Norm Schofield; Beatal Hygiene Department. Sympathy goes to the family of Krohn was successively messen- con attorney, will be toastmaster. Charles J. Lewis, who died recent- ger, clerk, safe deposit box open- A chicken dinner will be served, ly, and to Harry W. Gabor, direc- er, estate tax examiner and senior followed by entertainment. Chairtor of Safety Service, on the death examiner. He was one of the few m a n of the entertainment comexperts in the office who was not mittee is Miss Katherine Klrby, •f his father-in-laV. an attorney. His fellow-workers and members of her committee deeply mourn his death. say t h a t everyone wil have a good Active for many years in t h e time. M a n h a t t a n Slate H o s p i t a l Boy Scouts. Mr. Krohn was assistThe hospital membership comMANHATTAN State Hospital ant district commissioner of mittee consists of: Robert Haight, chapter, CSEA, was host Septem- Brooklyn Council and field com- chairman; J o h n W. O'Donnell, ber 15 to the Metropolitan Con- missioner in charge of "cubbing." Hermann Dethleffs, Susan Smith, Agnes Gibney, George Dombroski, giiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiitiiiiiiiii^ Frank Masopust, Dominick Mauriello, Michael Sholdis, and Mary Bradley. (Continued from page 4) t h a n k s also to Mary and Bill's good friends who made the gifts possible. Everyone was delighted t o see again Mrs. Goodrich, a former member of the staff. Others prisent and extending good wishes were Jimmy Hamlin, Irving Brandow, Lillian Smith, Florence Miles. Mildred and Charlie Wilson, Beth Fralick, J a k e DeWeerdt, Wilvie Jackson, Orpha d e m o n s , Mary Stravato, Anna ,Willig, F r a n Bouchard, Norma Wolfgang, Florence Phelan, Edith a n d Arnold Held. Dr. Myrtle Shaw, Mary W. Wheeler, Virginia Casey, Isabelle Allen, Harold Hya t t . Caroline and Joe Brown, Verna and Walt Mordaunt, and K a y Kummer. Congratulations f r o m all — a n d how many years more are wished to the hondred employees. Fellow-Workers Mourn Death Of M a x Krohn I What A W o n d e r f u l Story | 1 The P r i c e Tells! I ALL OUR SUITS'ARE GRADE #4* ^^ fACTORY WH0ieSAL£ mce | I I 1 Come and sr« the fitmous Ilolly^vood-Styled StudiotowD Clothes; 60 distinctive and dif> ferent Hand-tailored i« CKADE 4—beautiful Ifelfds fion> famous mills, fancy sharkskins, silky sheen gabardines, solids, bhies and brown*. But wait, here io another imjjorlant part of this story you should^know—these suits are now selling in stores coaht-to coast from $65 to Over 1200 suits from which to choose 1 Various models! Regulars! shorts! Longs! And here's the end of thia wonderful story... US$ THAN FACTORY WHOLESALE PIIGE DIRECT TO YOU S40.1f r# _ Standards tailoring in men's Cradt §4 is next to the finest grade rcadY-ttt-wear. iratk iMi tall«riiig E lElB VniJlyyiJJjiUji 184 FIFTH AVE., N. Y. bMtlM pockiti, 1 p«eMts' •• doibit brtatlHi . (Mart a t 23rci St. • Entire 8th Hoor Saiesroomr ailUMIWUJIJIIUUUUlUUUlWUUUHIHIUUUIUUUIUIiUlUl^ crtativt patttrn m LEGAL NOTICK CITATION—The Feopli of the State ot New York, by the Gr«oe ol God, Free and InUepeudeiit. To AUoraey Geaeral of the State of New York aud to "John Doe." the name "John Doe" being fictitious, the allegred husband ot Aususta Rohr, deceased, if livla«, or if dead, to the executora, administiatorb and next of kin of said "John Dofl" deceased, whose names and Post Oflic« aildresses are unknown and cannot afte diligent inquiry be ascertained by the petitioner herein, and the next of kin of Augnista Rohr, deceased, whose name* and Post J ) ce addresses are unknown and cannot after diligent inquiry l)e asceitained by the petitioner herein, being the persons interested as creditore, next of kin or otherwise in the eatat? of Augusta Kohr, deceased, who at the lime of her death waa a resident of 1310 f ark Avenue, New York, N. Y. Send GHKEJING: Upon the petition of The Public Adminiatrator of the County of New York, having his oiHce at II:ii! of Uecoids, Uoom ?08, Uorough of M'^Jihattan. City and County of New York, as aUniinlstrator of the goods, chattels aui credits of said deceaaed: Yo\i and each of you are hereby cited to show cause before in4 SurroKnte'u Court of New York County. .1?U1 at ttie Hall of Rt'corda, Kooiu 601), In the County of New York, on the 13th day of NovcmIht li»6l, at half-past t"i' o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the account of proceedingu of The Public Administrator of the County of New York, as administrator of the goods, chaitela and credits of said deceased, should not be Judicially feettleil. l a Testimony Whereot, We have caused tite seal of the Surrogate's Court of the raid County ot New York to be Iiereuntu atlixed. Wtlness, Honorable rSeal-l George Prankenthaier, a Surrogate of our sail County, st the County ot No« York, the 2ud day of Octotwi in the year ot our Lord o*^ ^ thousand nine bumlred and fifty-one. PHILIP '> DONAHUE. Clerk of the buiroKuto'g Court Page Five DELEHAIVTY BULLETIN of Career Opporfunifies! Applications Expected to Open Soon for Hundreds of Permanent Positions for IMen and Women s t a r t Preparation NOW for Civil Service Examination Present Salary $59.84 f o r 44-Hour Week ($1.36 an Hr.) $1.50 an Hour Effective $60 for 40-Hour Week July 1, 1952 No Age Limits, Educational or Experience Requirements • Overtime at Time and One-Half • Full Civil Service Benefits RAILROAD CLERK (STATION AGENT) N. Y. C. BOARD OF TRANSPORTATION EXCELLENT PROMOTIONAL OPPORTUNITIES TO TRAIN DISPATCHER & STATION SUPERVISOR Preparatory Course for This Examination Class Meets TUESDAY at 7:30 P.M. — Be Our Gueit Prepare Now — Examination Ordered for POLICEWOMAN N. Y. CITY POLICE DEPARTMENT STARTING SALARY $3,400 A YEAR Annual Increases to $4,400 a Year Within 3 Yeors Our Course Thoroughly Prepares for BOTH WRITTEN AND PHYSICAL TESTS Visit a Class as Our Guest TUES. or THURS. at 7:30 P.M. FREE MEDICAL EXAMINATION NOW.' For Your Added Convenience CLASSES FOR PROMOTION ARE MEETING IN 4 BOROUGHS FOR CLERKS-Grade 3 & 4 2 Classes a Week —- One Advanced and Ont Refresh«r ATTEND NEAA YOUR OFFICE: MANHATTAN: 115 E. 15 St. — TUES. & THURS., 4 or t P.M. BROOKLYN: Uvingston Hall, 301 Schmerhorn St. cor. Nevlas St. TUES. and THURS. at 6 P.M. BRONX: B r o u Winter Garden. Washington & Tremoat Av«s. MON. and WED. at 6 P.M. 9UEENS: 90-ai Sutphin Blvd.. near Jamaica Av*. TUES. aad THURS. at 6 P.M. CLERK-Grade 5 2 Classes Each Week — Meeting in MANHATTAN ONLY 140NDAY & WEDNESDAY a t 6 P.M. AH fiistracflon Under Personal Supervision of M. J . Delehanfy COURSES INCLUDE: Lectures — Review Classes Trial Examinations — Home Study Material PROMOTIONAL EXAMINATIONS FOR Asst. SUPERVISOR — SUPERVISOR N. Y. CITY DEPT. OF WELFARE Atfend a Class Lecture as Our Guest MONDAY at 6 P.M. M. .T City Open-Competitive ADMINISTRATIVE and Promotional Exams t«r ASSISTANTS Applications Open Oct. 16th for Promotional Exam, and OR November 13th for Open-Competitive Exam AHend o Class as Our Guest TUESDAY, a t 5:45 Open Competitive Examination Ordered for CUSTODIAN • ENGINEER N. Y. CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION SALARY RANGE $4,000 TO $10,000 A YEAR REQUIREMENTS t Must be Mcenaed Statlonair Engineer with mt IcMt S years gatiafactory practical experience in supervision or operation of mechanical and electrical equipment, at icaiit one year of wiiicii must have been la responsible aduiinictrative charge of bnildings comparable to school buildlnst. EneineerinK educational training or shipboard cngirteering expi-rience accepted la lieu of foregoioK ex[lerienee on year to year basU up to maximum ef 4 yewra. Visit a Class Sessioa FRIDAY at 7:30 P.M. as Our Guest FIREMAN N. Y. CITY FIRE DEPT. Complete Preparation for WRITTEN and PHYSICAL Tests Lecture Classes FRIDAY at 1:15 or 7:30 P.M. Attend a Class as Our Guest Approved for Veterans Classes TUES. & THURS. at 7:30 P.M. — Guests Welcome Preparation for Next N. Y. City Examination for MASTER PLUMBER'S LICENSE Inquire Now for Full Details of License Requirements Also Practical Shop Training In Joint Wiping and Lead Work Other Courses for STATIONARY ENGINEER ft MASTER ELECTRICIAN'S LICENSES DELEHANTY "^n^matt "Over 35 Years of Career Assistance to More Than 400,000 Students** Executive OfRcest Jam«ic« DivisioM U S E . I5ST.. N . Y . 3 90-14 Sutphin Blvd. GRamercy 3-6900 JAmelce 6-1200 OlfVICB HODHS • Moo. to M . 0 m.m. to 0:80 p.m. Sat.: »:30 mb to 1 9m. Page Six CIVIL S E R V I C E L E A D E R Tuesday, October 16, 195V i lulEAimVL America's ELEVENTH Largest Weekly rBAB for Public Employees Member, Audit Bureau of Circulations Published every Tuesday by LEADER ENTERPRISES, INC. f 7 Duane Street. New York 7. N. Y. " BEekmoa 3-4010 Jerry Finlielstciii, PubU$her Maxwell Lehman, Editor and Co'Publiafter 0 . J . Bernard, Executive Editor Morton Yarmon, General Manager N. H. Magcr, Butineu l^anager Subscription Price $2.50 oer Annum TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1951 A MustVote for Amendment 3 F Obvioiuiy It was an •njoyable time. This affable group was gathered a t the annual dinner of the Mental Hyii giene Employees Association. The dinner was good, as you can see. ieuloh Bedford, standing a t tfie head i t the table, was responsible for helping make tfie event a success. or minimum pensions, to aid the old retired civil servants who need it most, remember — . Vote YES on Amendment 3 election day. Make sure all your friends and acquaintances vote YES on Amendment 3. The Fire Officers And the Dynamite I At the dinner of the Mental Hygiene Employees Association. Fourth from the right Is Fred J. Krumman. new, president of the group. Sitting on his right Is Charles Methe. former president; and t o the left William McDonough, executive assistant to tbe president of the Civil Service Employees Association. t must be sadly recorded that the lethargy of NYC public officials sometimes reaches an incredible stupor. ^ A case in point: The most conservative group of City employees, the Fire officers — from lieutenant through chief — have publicly announced that they've reached "the end of the line" and that they must take "unified, direct action" to obtain wage adustments whose validity no one has ever disputed. These men, traditionally loathe to taking strong measures, are going to put on a "dignified gathering and parade" in City Hall Park. Civil Service Riglits l y MOKRIS WEISSBERG J tion of t h e legality of t h e C o m We/ssi>erg, missioner's order. T h i s is p a r t i c u former DtpHfy As- larly t r u e here, since t h e legality sistant NYC C o r - of t h e Commissioner's o r d e r deporation Counsel pends m a i n l y upon questions of law which require a judicial c o n and author of the s t r u c t i o n of c o n s t i t u t i o n a l p r o book "Civil Serv- visions a n d s t a t u t e s . T h e m a i n ice Rights," con- f a c t s a r e not in dispute. kir. Do members of the Board of Estimate grasp the full significance of such a measure by the Fire officers?, Probably not, ttie raw feeling of simple fact is that treated, as indeed •mployees. or they would never have permitted injustice to attain such a pitch. The the Fire officers have been- shabbily have nearly all other groups of City tributes frequently Morover, complex or unsettled to the Civil Serv- legal questions are no g r o u n d f o r refusing a temporary injunction. ice LEADER. Morris WelssberK THE POUCEMAN AND T H E C I V n . SERVICE T H E STATUS of policemen h a s recently received t h e a t t e n t i o n of The City simply cannot forever ask that its employees t h e courts in several cases. continue to subsidize it by taking home less pay than they T h e T r a n s p o r t W o r k e r s Union should. Such an attitude would never be tolerated in pri- sought a t e m p o r a r y I n j u n c t i o n t o e s t r a i n t h e NYC Police C o m m i s vate industry; neither ifi it acceptable, by any legerde- rsoner George P . M o n a g h a n f r o m main or obfuscation, in government. The action of the enforcing a n order p r o h i b i t i n g Fire officers is a symptom, a surface eruption of the seeth- policemen f r o m joining t h a t union. T h e Court r e f u s e d t o issue ing discontent prevailing throughout the City service. a temporary injunction in advance of on the ground t h a t The Board is sitting on a piece of dynamite which t h e t hpel a itrial, n t i f f s h a d n o t shown t h a t has been sputtering a long time. If it ever explodes, there i r r e p a r a b l e i n j u r y to t h e m would will be hell to pay. And among the heads likely to be result f r o m t h e r e f u s a l of t h e i n u n c t i o n . Any policeman who was blown off are many which have long been reposing in the jdisciplined or dismissed f o r j o i n sand. i n g ' t h e union had the right to review such discipline or dismissal in t h e courts, t h e opinion r e a d a n d if h e established t h a t t h e Commissioner h a d no r i g h t t o discipline or dismiss h i m f o r j o i n ing .the unon, t h e n t h e policeman would be restored t o h i s position w i t h back pay. Question of Power T h e U. S. Civil Service C o m T h e Court f u r t h e r said t h a t t h e mission will conduct a personnel question a s to t h e power of t h e T h e D o n g a n Guild of New York clerk t r a i n i n g course, i n response Commissioner to prohibit policem e n f r o m joining a labor u n i o n S t a t e Employees will hold Its to m a n y requests f r o m F e d e r a l was n o t f r e e f r o m doubt. I n sevT h i r t e e n t h Corporate C o m m u n i o n ofiElces t h r o u g h o u t t h e S t a t e , a n d eral o t h e r S t a t e s t h e Courts h a d i l a s s a n d b r e a k f a s t on t h e F e a s t continue Its course f o r classi- said t h a t policemen could l a w ef Christ t h e King, S u n d a y , O c t o - fiers, on a n enlarged scope. fully be prohibited f r o m joining ber 28. A f t e r 9 o'clock Mass a t J a m e s E. Rossell, director, S e c - labor unions, t h e C o u r t observed. Baint P a t r i c k ' s C a t h e d r a l , b r e a k ond Regional Office of t h e C o m - However, t h e Court offered t o fix f a s t will be served i n t h e C e n t u r y missioner (New York a n d New a n early d a t e f o r trial. Boom of t h e Hotel Commodore, J e r s e y ) , will s t a r t t h e - p e r s o n n e l While t h e two principles u p o n MYC. S t a t e d e p a r t m e n t r e p r e - clerk course In NYC. Bniployees which t h e Court decided t h e case •entatives h a v e tickets f o r t h e oc- f r o m i i p s t a t e m a y t a k e t h e course govern t h e Issuance of t e m p o r a r y i n j u n c t i o n s i n a d v a n c e of trial, •asion a t $3.00 each. in NYC if t h e y c a n m a k e t h e i r t h e r e is room for difference of T h e Very Rev. J u v e n a l Lalor, own a r r a n g e m e n t s for being in opinion as to t h e i r application to OJP.M., President of S a i n t B o n a - t h e City. I n addition, courses will specific f a c t s p r e s e n t e d In t h a t Tenture University, will be Princi- be h e l d later a t key c e n t e r s u p - case. T h e m e r e f a c t t h a t a policep e speaker. T h o m a s J . C u r r a n is s t a t e , Including Albany, B u f f a l o m a n who m a y be disciphned or T o a s t m a s t e r . J a m e s Bowles Is Syracuse a n d Rochester. Classes dismissed f o r joining a u n i o n h a s ident of the Dongan Qulld, will be limited t o 20 s t u d e n t s a t a n individual r i g h t to review t h a t disciplne or dismissal, does n o t William J. Peterson la Chair- a time. T h e personnel clerk course will require himi to wait u n t i l such s u m of arrangements, and Mrs. Ilorothy CoDlon heads i b e Ticket be open also t o employees of post discipline or dismissal is imposed before h e o b t a i n s a n sdjudict^Officer throughout the State. •Hunittee. Dongan Guild Of State Employees r Comment These questions m a y be decided as well on t h e application f o r a temporary injunction as after a trial. Purposes of U n i o n T h e Court did point out t h a t b o t h sides h a d raised additional f a c t u a l questions as t o t h e p u r poses a n d activities of t h e u n i o n , which questions should be decided u p o n t h e evidence produced a t a trial, a n d n o t u p o n affidavits i n a d v a n c e of a trial. (To Be Continued) DEPLORES SUSPENSION O F H I G H SCHOOL CANDIDATE Editor, T h e L E A D E R : O n p a g e 1 of your issue of S e p t e m b e r 25, you r a n a story o n t h e Social Investigator List. T h e first sentence in t h e second p a r a graph states: "Highest score, 99.7%, was e a r n e d by Leo Miller, a n o n - v e t eran." O n page 9 of t h e s a m e issue la t h e story of Mr. Miller's s u s p e n sion f r o m t h e D e p a r t m e n t of W e l fare. T h i s Is a very significant c o m m e n t a r y on t h e k i n d of people the Department of W e l f a r e is t r y i n g to force out of civil service, M. R O S E N B E R G . J NEW POST OFFICE LIST WILL K I L L P R E S E N T ONE Editor, T h e L E A D E R I r e a d in your p a p e r of t h e test for substitute clerk-carrier in t h e post office d e p a r t m e n t . I took t h e t e s t f o r clerk in 1949. I was p u t on t h e eligible list. W h a t h a p p e n s t o t h e eligibles fromi t h e 1949 list? L O U I S SCHWARTZ, T h e n e w list will kill t h e e l d one.—Editor. U. S. t o T r a i n For J o b s as Personnel Clerk Maurice M. Kaplan, Tax Collector, receives from Deputy Commlssleaer Benlamln • . Beriistela, (et right) ef Ike NYC o«ce ef the State T a Department, the $75 ewerded by Me Stete Inpleyees Merit Aw«r4 Board for suggestions for improving oMce f e r m i . Mr. Kaplan b e i vieesly received $2S for enother suggestion eed « Certififete ef MmM fer ttUI Motiier, CIVIL Tursflay, O c l o l ^ r 16, 1951 SERVICE L E A D E R Eligible Lists STATE Promotion P R I N C I P A L KKRPER, (Prom.), Uepnrtnirnt of Corrertloii. T>»vallp«. J., Edwin, Wallkill 0 5 2 8 0 MuriMiy, Henry T., Auburn . . 8 8 2 5 1 Kellcy, Louis J., Ossining ...,80833 Hofran. Edward. Elmira 84807 NURSING (TUBKRCCL08I8), (Prom.), All InsUtntlonn, Dept. of Henlth. 1. Gonrlnor, Mwgraret. Ithaca ...85768 3. Kocher, Elsie B., Mt. Morris 8 4 1 4 3 RKNIOR I.^\RORATORY WORKKR, ( P r o m . ) , DiTinion of Labs, and Research, Department of Health. 1. Murphy, Grace W., Albany . . 8 4 5 1 3 2. Hadson, Dorothea A., Rensselaer 814U8 3. Phelan, Florence R.. Albany , . 8 0 4 0 3 4 . Turley, Jane A., Albany , , . 7 0 0 7 3 6. Tietjen, Lilla M., Albany , , . 7 0 3 6 8 «. McCarthy, Mary J., Albany , . 7 0 3 0 8 7 . McVeirh, June A.. Albany . , . 7 0 1 7 3 1. 2. ,1. 4. A ' AH04 iATR INCO ' MR TAX RXAMINKK. (Prom.), Drt>ar(nient of Taxation Financp. 1. Doti(»vati. John F^ Troy OflZBff DIRfKT^ or S. Pcrliiian, Bernard, Bronx 04718 5. Walsh. GeorKe H.. Albany ....»412« 4. Bo**!!!!!. Eilward C.. Albany ...,03517 6. IJctwu rstcin, S.. Bronx 03178 Schniiflt, Walilemar. AiriFtcrclani »J,'OOO 7. GcncvUh. John J.. Bklyn 03141 B. Vcll.i. LoliB M., Albany 01869 9. ShebiT, Bonjamin L., Albany 01530 10. K.-»iifriian. Samuel, Albany 01603 Jl. Smith. John B... Albany 01474 12. WiMlilnr, Edward A., Albany ..01369 1.1. B*!rin»tein. J. R., Albany 01309 14. Kmpic. Carlos D.. Albany 01279 16. Jonas. Albany 00400 IJS. Campbrll. Vincent, Albany ....00324 STATE 17. lU-'htwoRT, Irwin, FlilBhiner 00258 18. Park. Mosea, Albany 00250 Open-Competitive 1». Hpr/opr, Harold B., Bronx 00248 KXAMINER, »0. Denipsey. Matthew F., Schldy 80850 Department TAX of Taxation nad Plnanee. »1. Wilsfin, Jams* J., Avprill Pk R0508 Corporation T%.CTarko,Uobcrt W., Cohocs 80443 Murray, Bklyn . .87430 53. Docker, James O., Slintrrlnds 80306 2.1. Goldbersrer. Ezckiel, Bronx . .87170 54. Zimmrrman, Solomon, Albany 80358 3. Kosbergr, Perry, James R., Guilderlnd .86230 «6. Millhoiisp, Alfred, Troy 80352 4. Gans, J., L I City .84430 «6. lOHcnblum. Miriam, Bklyn 80200 5. Bcekcrt.Werner J., Albany .83830 27. Mcersand, Mark, Bklyn 88580 6. Capasoo. Donald Joseph J., Staten Is! 8 2 8 6 8 JI8. Strukc. F. E;irl, Rochostor ...88566 7 . Weiss, lyouis, Bklyn 82471 «». CorriPilson, T. R., Albany ....88101 8. MoBkowitz, Maxwell, •O. Schlant. Norman S., Buflalo ..87004 0. Peritz, David, NYC Bklyn . . 88220033 00 • 1. Mc(;i.vnn. Marie, Troy 87475 10. Spies, Charles. NYC 81404 92. Lonff, Susanna Albany 85500 WeinberfT, Jerome, Bronx . . . . 8 1 1 3 0 S3. Liebman. Nathan, Albany ....84507 11. 12. Chernizer, Bcrton, Albivny . . . . 8 0 4 3 0 8 R . A<M ATIC BIOI.OOIfiT, (I'rom.), 13. Corben. Joseph, Albany 70204 OoKHFrviitiiHi Dept. (KxrIiiHlve of (hp DIT. ot Turks and the i>iv. of Income SprhijcH KeHorvution). Carl. Bklyn 00601 1. Pa«l<r). J)i)nald G., Sackot Hbr 87800 2.1. Ifshin, Vosler, Felix, Bronx 80306 Zilli(»x, Uobc'rt O., Snranac I.k 80000 3. Brundifre, Warren S., Watcrford 8 8 1 4 4 a. Dean. Howard J., WeHtcrnvlp 82801 4. Neprin, Leo. NYC 85894 III II.DING GUARD, (l'r«ni.>. I^uis, Bronx ,...85843 Vtate liixiiriiiu'e Fiind, New Vork Offire. 5.«. Silverborp, Trombley, W. E.. W. Albany 8 4 7 7 0 1. Harry Bklyn ..02003 7. Frankel, Leo, Albany 84703 8. Hofmonn, Donald J., Rensselaer 8 4 7 0 3 ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL KKKPKR, 84703 (Prom.), All InNtitutionH, Drpartmeiit of 0. Peritz. David. NYC Correction. 10. Shapiro, Moses, Bklyn 84070 1. •McK. iiiIri.k, U. L., Woodbourne 0-174311. McCann. William F., Schtdy . . 8 4 4 0 3 83707 a. Dan.oil, Daniel E.. HudMon Fls 01100 12. Thorsland, David E., Troy Linakis, Anthony, Troy 8.3401 5. Mason. Walter J., Comsiotk . .OOHlfl 13. 4. Shea. Thomas F., Hudson Fie 80325 14. Capas«o, Joseph J., Staten Isl 8 3 4 2 0 83188 ft. KeUo.v. Louis J., Ossinin? 80175 15. Findholt, Lloyd P.. Troy «. MHrt)hy, Henry T., Auburn ....8n0.'>5 16. Rosonbluth, H. D., Albany , , . . 8 3 1 8 5 T. Hoeaii. Edward, Elmira 80350 17. Olender. Joseph, Utica .82804 18. 10. LEGAL NOTICE PKBKINS, Or.OUGIA 3. — CITATION. — p 2 3 0 ' — l O u l . — T H E PEOPLE OF T H E S T A T E OF NEW YOKK. BY THE GRACE O F GOD KKKR ANTD I N D E P E N D E N T . TO: MARY KKATOR, and MRS. JAMES HALIiORx\.N, whose places ot residence are unk n o w n and can not. after diliffcnt inquiry. b« a.sccilainrd by the pet'iioncrs. and BIMON KK.\TOR. whoso whereabouts are Bnknown. ar d if he be dead, his heirs, • « x t or-Uin. distributees icgateee. personal reprcst-UiutivcH. exccutors. adniinistrators. aevisecs, a«si?ncf8 and Buccespors in Interest. whofO namca are unknown and can Bot be asfprtaincd after due diliffcnce. beinif the m xt of kin and heirs at law of OEOKGI V I'EUKlNS, deceased, S E N D OREETINC: WHEIU;A«I, IS.'^BEL FAKNSWOUTH, r&•idinit at 155 East 7 7 t h Street, New York, N e w York, a i d WALTER M. GOLDSMITH. i«sidini,' at Stratton Road (no number) H e w Rochelle. New York, have lately applied to the Surrogate's Court of our County of New York to have a certain in• t r u m r n t in writintf bearinff date September 1 0 . 1040, lelatingr to both real and per• o n a l properly, duly proved as the last will and testanienl of GEORGIA S. I'EltKINS, deceased, whr was at the time of her death a resident of No. 1 2 0 East 7 6 t h Street, Borough of Manhattan, the County • f New Vork. THKKKFOKE, you and each of you are cited to ebow before the Surrugate'a Court of our County of New York, at the Hall of Uncords in the County of New York, on the a 4 t h day of October, one thousaiui itiue hundred and lifty-oue, at half past ti'i o'clock in the forenoon o l t h a t day, why the said will and testament • h o u l d not be admitted to probate aa a Will of rial and personal property. LN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we h a r e causi d the seal of the Surrogate's Court of the said County of New York to be nereunto affixed. WITNESS. Honorable William T. rSeal-l Collins, Surrogate of our said Couuty of New York, at said county, the 1 0 t h day of September, iu the year of our Lord one thousaiui nino hundred and flftyoiie. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 20. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 3B. .37. 38. 30. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 40. 50. 51. 52. A r c a 7 Titania Gems are gems in their own right, crystallized by science, assuring p e r m a n e n t beauty and brilliance t h a t outshines diamonds a t l / 3 0 t h the cost. Do not confuse with inferior grades on marlcet. The Arcay Company also handle a complete line of jewelry including finest quality S t a r Rubies, Sapphires, diamonds and custom type 14 Kt. gold mountings. Settings while you wait. Buy direct, save middleman's profit. You can order by mail with confidence a n d use our lay away plan for Christmas. Open daily and Stat., 9-5, or by app. THE ARCAY COMPANY, (where you can expect quality-integrity and personal service). 299 Madison Ave., (at 41st St.), N. Y. 17. Phone MU. 7-7361.—John without t h e m . It really saves nessy work. you do is drop one TOILETAB in the flush t a n k once a week. You will be amazed at the results. TOILETABS are sold 8 in a box. A two months supply at the very low cost of $1.00 postpaid. Toiletabs are sold only by HUSS BROS., 117 N. Dearborn St., Dept. 21, Chicago 10, 111. We highly recommend Toiletabs. — Alice & J o h n A REAL BARGAIN Leather link belts in mixed colors, such as red, blue, green, white, black, brown, t a n and n a t u r a l for only $1.50. You can choose any color combination. These belts Rico, Carmen A., Schtady 82885 riieht«; a n d i t " w n r k p d " a l l are h a n d m a d e and really beautiB u m s , George R., Albany 82885 | J^lf^^S — ana I t WOrkea all ful. I recommend t h a t you buy one Paaschen, Ralph, Watervliet . 8 2 7 7 0 , tOO O f t e n . Lotions, potions, X-ray, or more for yourself or friends. Devlin. James J.. Albsiny 8 2 7 3 1 dOCtorS, dermatologists, did not They are a n ideal birthday or Kelsen, Kenneth H.. Guilderlnd 821504 mf» Mv nnlv rplipf r a m p Chirstmas gift. S t a t e waist m e a Wciehaar, John, Watervliet . . 8 2 ( 5 5 8 ^61161 Came l a n n u z z i . Vincent, Albany 8 2 5 8 5 irom mortifying the Skin Wltfl surement. Send check or money Karker, Herbert Robert J., Breves. H., Amsterdam Elmhurst 8 2 5 8 52 benZOiC and salaCiliC acid. When order to Marjorie Willsie, Frewsfor several burg, New York.—Alice. Norton. John C., Albiuiy 8 2 5 7 0 I would have relief recurrance was Muller, Edwin A., Albany 8 2 2 8 2 months — but Zoota, Isidore, Albany 8 2 2 8 2 sure. Since I've been using Person, Francis H., Voorheesvl 8 1 0 7 0 fTT a r t O V T b a v p nr»t h a r t p v p n a Halperin, Irving G.. Bklyn . . 8 1 0 7 6 ^ " a v e nOt n a U e v e n a Buehlor, William A., Albany . . 8 1 0 7 8 slight itch. I wish you much sucStyno, Joseph W., Watervliet 8 1 0 7 8 cess. Bongard. Gertrude. Bklyn 81 OHO Sincerely, Vescera, Salvatore, Schtdy ,.81(570 HH Braverman, George, Albany , . . 8 1 6 7 3 Gcrstein, Abraham, Bklyn . . . . H 1 6 4 3 FROM A NOTED Musen, Florence P., Bklyn ,.81422 DERMATOLOGIST Raisman, Jerome, Rochester . . 8 1 3 6 7 In reply to your request I wish Heffernan, James J., Troy ..81110 Weinberg, Jerome, Bronx . . . . 8 0 7 6 7 to state, t h a t I am using your Graham, D. Earle, Warwick . . 8 0 6 0 4 ULADON CREAM since a conVa<lala, Michael P., Syracuee 8 0 4 6 4 Welch. Rai-mond A., Rochester 8 0 3 0 5 siderable length of time in my Moskowitz, Maxwell, Bklyn . . 8 0 1 5 8 extensive dermatologyical practice Bogdanowicz, Eric, Watervliet 7 0 8 5 8 with full satisfaction for t h e Rogers, James C., Buffalo 70782 Etlinger, Louis, Albany 7 0 7 7 6 t r e a t m e n t of various forms of so Sullivan, Arthur J., Syracuse 7 0 5 5 5 called "Ringworm group" (DerNaekenson, Jerome, Albany . . 7 0 4 7 6 matophsrtosis. Tinea capitis, Tinea Chernizer. Berton, Albany 70173 Corbep, Joseph, Albany 7 8 8 3 2 pedis). Onondaga Chapter Lists Attainments ULADON CREAM is indeed an extremely potent remedy for the aforementioned diseases. It is important to mention, t h a t extensive work with ULADON CREAM reveals, t h a t t h e preparation is definitely non-toxic, n o n irritating. therefore it is SAFE TO USE, Wishing you the best of luck. I remain. ULADON approved by Alice & J o h n (Letters above on file in office). Look for ULADON ad on this page. BLOWN FUSES NOW SAY "HERE I AM." It has been my privilege to examine and approve or disapprove of many it^ems. None have been quite as o u t s t a n d ing as the amazing new invention known as FUSEFINDER, which fits any, round s t a n d a r d fuse socket. T h e instant the fuse blows out it glows, permitting you to locate it easily, quickly, safely, with no aggravation of testing each fuse and risking serious shock. The one t h a t blows is the one t h a t glows. This modern convenience costs only $1.00 for 4 FUSEFINDERS. I recommend them. Send check or money order to LANE LABORATORIES, 359 Bowery. N. Y. 3. N. Y.—John L e a t l i o r Tables T o p lleautiii€*M V u r n i l u r e You'll be amazed how much prettier your table, desk. TV doors, etc., will loqk when covered with top grain leather. I found a wonderful choice ol shades to blend with any color scheme, at prices t h a t fit any purse. You can get a free estimate by calling Fine Art Leathercraft Co, EV, 7-2828. — Alice Watch the Civil Service LEADER for an interesting new cohimn on public aUmiuistriititui. Starts tOOO. mimmmm TO CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYEES • RADIOS • • CAMERAS • JEWELRY • TELEVISION • SILVERWARE • TYPEWRITERS • REFRIGERATOIS • RANGES ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES ANCHOR RADIO CORP. ONE GREENWICH ST. "ULADON A MIRACLE DRUG" says this layman The"ULADON" arrived. Thanks. ULADON h a s been a miracle drug for me. I've h a d a n "itciiy heli" for over twenty years, which when "working" would wake me up SYRACUSE, Oct. 15 — The Onondaga Chapter, CSEA, met last week in Syracuse's Memorial Auditorium, and announced new officers. They a r e : Robert Clift, County Highway Department, president; Norma Scott, E x a m i n a PHILIP A. DONAHUE. tion Board of Plumbers, first vice Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. president; Stewart Scott, County Home, second vice president; JosTUIIM, ANNA W . — C I T . \ T I 0 N . — P 2 5 3 6 eph Bourke, Audit Department, 1 0 5 1 . — T h e People o l the State ot New T o r k Uy the Grace of God ITiee and In- third vice president; Mary Duda, dependent. To ETHEL HANSON. CARRIE D e p a r t m e n t of Real Estate, secreJOHNSTON D E N N E H Y , JAMES JOHNSTON, MURIEL JOHNSTON, CAROLYN tary; I r m a Mesita, Library DeJOHNSTON to all if living, and if dead, p a r t m e n t , assistant secretary; te their lieirt at law, uext of kin and distribute(« wnose names and places of resi- Eleanor Rosbach, D e p a r t m e n t of ^ntice are unknown, and If they died sub- t h e Treasurer, treasurer; and •equent to the decedent herciu, to their •xecutors, administrators, legatees, deri- Vernon A. Tapper, Parks, chapter •eea, a3.-<igneofl and successors iu interest w h o s e n.uncH and i/lacee of restden«e are representative. mnlcuown, !;nc to all other hoira at law, Board of Directors; Fred Cavana e x t ot kin r-nd diytributees of ANA W. augh, Walter Kotz, Edward S n J H M , the decedent herein, whose naniea Juliet Pendergast, • n d places of residence are unknown and S t e v e n s , cannot after diligent iu^uiry be ascer- T h o m a s Jackson, Clair Wales tained, send greeting: Ross. Rion Roosa, Alyce Rooney, Whereiix, Kuth Anderson of O i l Academy Dorothy Bogardus, Chester DufT. Street. New York, N. Y., and Simon The Onondaga chapter has inBchechter, o i 11 Park Place, the City of Wew York, has lately applied to the Sur- augurated a monthly meeting of rocate's Court of our County ot New York executive board. It has t o have a certain Instrument in writing its restoration of regular keariDg date June 2, 1 0 5 0 , relating to both achieved •«al and peisonal property duly proved a« pay days for city employees; ext h e l.iflt will and testament of ANNA W, BTUHM, deceased, who was at the time of tension of t h e five-day week to t h e fcer death u resident of 15 Eaat 8 8 t h board of education; revision of its f t r e e t . the County of New York. CSEA constitution; departmental Therefore you and each of you are cited to allow rause before the Surrogate's organization of membership chairat Court of our County of New York, at the men; and forums conducted B a l l o( Records iu the Couuty of New t h e county home. It has its own York, on the 2nd day of November, one thounaiid nine hundred and Utty-one, at salary study group, and glee club k a l t past (en o'clock in the forenoon of a n d orchestra plan. The chapter t h a t day, why the said will and testameat does job analysis. I t h a s increased A o a l d not be admitted to piobate aa a its publicity in local papers and Srtn of real aud personal properly. Civil Service LEADER. 4a teatimony whereof, we have caused In the the seas of the Hurrogate'a Court With other chapter groups. Its of the said County of New York to be hereunto allixed. WitneM. members manned a booth at the » Honorable William T. Cuilina. New York S t a t e Fair. ] Surrogate of our said Count/ of T h e chapter provides service New York, at said couuty, the it'ilh day ot Septeurber in the certificates for retiring members. yt'ar ot our Lord one ihousaud I t fought for a n d won a S350 uiue hundred aud (itty-oiie. raise for employees, and a cuniuP H I L I P A. DONAHUE. Clerk ol 11m BunoK4tc'i Couri. Ifttlve sick leave law. S A clean home is a healthy and happy home, and t h e bathroom is t h e most important. ToHetabs is a large factor in helping keep this i m p o r t a n t room the way it should be. Not only does this wonderful discovery keep t h e toilet bowl free from stains and rings, but it deodorizes a t t h e same time. TOILETABS have been used in our house for a montli as a test, a n d we will n e v e r be CORNWASTC CORN WASTE u an old cont and buiuea cur«. N» <XbM com or bunioa i«lv« caa com; para wkk CORNWASTE. CORNWASTE k ; pMiaoieca t» remov. row Mm fCo' Battery Ploce N Y > TEL WHitehall 3 - 4 2 8 0 lobby Entronce — One B'wov Bldg. (OPPOSITE CUSTOM HOUSE) FOR ECZEMA TRY KROMARRIS New cream made especially fot Eczema, dry or wet. Stops itchini; starts healing witli wonder results. Can be used on childrens cuts and scratches. Keep Kromarris in your medicine chest. It is an excellent healer and tissue builder for children a n d adults. Tested and approved by Alice and John. Send $1.10 Money order to KROMARRIS CO.. P, O. Box 52. Mahwah. N. J, ^ J mm »*h Iha rood if ymt follow dirtctloas O MtlM! bottU. U CORNWASTE do«« not re^'•wvc iIm ««nK M<1 bunioM (witkia 4 i k n ) WASTE w S a t e aMoto't fm*. Y«« tfied otk«e-m CM aaJ aai m t mmm ww W Iriei o«k« 1*4 •• TCMIK. MfcM»y*<f wi(k w i t k C O H N W A S T E w Wi UM fM a»[•McaTtiam. lim Stai aaate, e4*w wU |1 wt (c, a D. 9 1 p w ^ . ^ CXMNWASTE . _ linA IIoaywMAM. C "I'l-ADON A MIKA(I-K D K U d " SAYS THIS I.AVMAN "i:i.AIK>.\" airivcd. TluinUa. litiH bi'cii a miracle drujc for me. I've luul iui "itchy hell" for over twenty years, which when "workins" would w.-xkn nie up at niphts — and it "worked* all too often, l o t i o n s , potions. X-ray, doetors, dermatoloffists. did not help nio. My only relief came from mortifyinsr the skin with benzoic and salacilic acid, when I would have relief for several months — but recurrenoe was sure. Since I've been using: i;i..\l)0>f I h a v e not had even a slight itch. I wish you much succcws. Sincerely, II il FKO.U A NOTKn UKK.MATOLOGLST In reply to your request I wish t o state, that I am using your V'I..VUON ( K K . \ M since a considerable leng-th of time in niy e.xtensive derniatolofryical practice with full satisfaction for the treatment of various forms of HO called "Uingrworni grroup" (Dcrniatophytosis, Tinea capitis. Tinea pedis). UU\I>ON CKKA.^I is indeed an extremely potent renietly for the aforementioned diseases. It is inii^rtant to mention that extensive work with l'l,.\I>ON CKK.AM reveals, that the preparation is definitely non-toxic, nonirritatinp, therefore it ia SAKK TO I'SK. Wisliinff you the best of luck, I remain. VI-.XnON approved by Alice & John (Ij<'tterH above on file in oftice). Look for (JL.ADUN ad on this page. The DISPEL UNVYANTED ODORS IN KITCHEN ~ BATHROOM SICKROOM — MUSTY CELLARS AND ATTICS as well as stale smoke odor. One ounce of TREBOR DEODORANT SPRAY CONCENTRATE mixed with water, makes one gallon, ready for use with any sprayer. Atmosphere immediately becomes and stays fresh and clean. ALICE AND JOHN recommend TREBOR DEODORANT. One ounce is enough for one gallon and will be sent postpaid on receipt of 1,00; trial size 25c (coin), TREBOR SALES, P. O. Box 234L. Ogdenaburg, New York. FREE! SEND T O D A Y ! U. S. Stamps. P a c k e t s , Albums, Special Offers, Supplies, B BIG ILLUSTRATED STAMP CATALOG UAKKW * ('41.. littH I'fMiMU Uuktou, MUM. MWc^ Moke Ihii Money Sock Cuorantee ^ test todoyi Thou- J W ton^s oil ower lh« country W hove, with CO- m V i M n ' ^ i t f V CBeV.V" — Ulodon muit itop ylii'^.r;^ ditcomfortt, itching^ 'burning; muti give you^ (oit bleited relief or your money bock. See for yourselfl You'll soy wonderfuir Send $1.00 for economy size, $).2S, jar, TODAY. We pay postage. U L A D O N D.ptp P.O. Box 242, Wail St. Sta., N. Y- Huge Sovings In Special TV Sales Excello is featuring a 20" Open Face Console at $199 Due to public demand. Execllo TV are continuing the sale for one more week of the 20" open face c o n s o l e at $199. They also have a beautiful full door mahogany 20" console f r a m e d extravagantly in gold rim which f r a m e s a genuine safety glasa masking to give the most in clarity to your picture. This console U being sold at the very low pric® of $259, and is highly comparably to top n a m e sets which are selling » as high as $499. Plus the fact of the 31 tube super powered licensed RCA chassis and t h e new level beam tuning t h a t gives you perfect vision on every square inch of tills 20" picture. Be sure to com* in and see tiaese two wonderful buys; there's only 15% down and 18 months for the balance at E x cello TV Stores 878 Gerard Ave. (cor, 161st) two blocks east of Yankee Stadium. CY 3-3a2fi. OKMA 9 a. m. to 10 p. ni. ^ ^ Pace CIVIL Eight SERVICE L E A D E R TaMdaj, October 16, 1 9 5 1 Health Aides, Inspectors, Boiler Men Needed NYC Open-Competitive The followini? NYC exams are now open to the general public. The starting salary is given and Includes the bonus. The last day to apply is at the end of each notice. 5392. Boiler Maker, $4,250, 250 days. Twenty-four vacancies in the Department of Marine and Aviation. This is a prevailing rate position. Fee $4. Date of Test: The performance test is expected to be held J a n u a r y 16, 1952. This date may be changed. Minimum Requirements: Five years' satisfactory experience as a boiler maker In the type of work outlined u n der duties; or a satisfactory equivalent. Open only to persons who shall not have passed their 45th birthday on October 16. This requirement does not apply to veterans. Duties: Under close superTlsion, to overhaul and repair fire and water tube boliers, stacks, tanks and similar equipment; retube boilers, chip, caulk and rivet by h a n d or by use of air or steam operated tools; perform related work. Tests: Performance, weight 70, 70 per cent required; physical, weight 30, 70 per cent required. The physical test is designed to test the candidate's strength and agility. A qualifying written test may also be given. A rating of 70 per cent will be required. (Wednesday, October 31). 6099. Mediqal Consultant (Obstetrics), Grade 4, (Part Time), $3,240. Appointees will be permitted a reasonable amount of time in hospital or other activities to maintain perfessional competence. One vacancy in the Department of Health. Fee $4. Minimum Requirements: Candidates must be graduates of a school of medicine and must have completed one year as intern in a general hospital. In addition, candidates must have each of the following or its equivalent: (a) two years of residence in obstetrics in a hos'pital (b) five years of experience in obstetrics, 2 years of which must have been on the obstetrical In - patient service of a hospital and (c) certification by t h e American Board as a specialist in obstetrics and gynecology. A New York State license to practice medicine will be required. (Wednesday, October 31). 6370. Inspector of Heating a n d Ventilation, Grade 3, $3,671. Two vacancies in the Department of Education. Appointments by the Department of Education are exempt from the three-year NYC residence requirement. Fee $3. The written test is expected to be held Dcember 20. This date may be changed. Minimum Requirements: Five years' experience in the Installr.tion of heating and ventilation plants, one year of which must have been as a foreman, inspector or superintendent; or a baccalaureat degree in mechanical engineering or a satisfactory equivalent. Written, weight 100, 70 per cent required, (Wednesday, October 31). 6372, Inspector of Repairs and Supplies, Grade 3, $3,671. Two vacancies in the Office of the Comptroller. The written test is expected to be held November 30. Fee $3. This date may be changed. Minimum Requirements: At least five years' experience in the m a n ufacture, purchase or inspection of construction materials in a large mercantile or manufacturing establishment; or five years' s a t isfactory experience as an inspector of construction materials and supplies in a government agency; or five years' of satisfactory experience as a supervisor or forem a n in building construction and repairs to buildings of a c h a r a c ter to qualify for the duties of the position; or a satisfactory equivalent. Tests: Written, weight 50, 70 per cent required; experience-oral test will include e ^ r lence, speech, manner and judgment. (Wednesday, October 31). 6394. Junior Bacteriologist, $2,961. Certification to positions in r Them's no limit to our service! WHEN YOU BANK-BY-MA& THE DUW INTEREST Sove time — save money. Bank by Moil at "The Dime." In the comfort of your home, or from your oflFice —you can make deposits, make withdrawals, do all your banking at the one and only "Dime." FROM D A Y OF DEPOSIT COMPOUNDED QUARTERLY W e supply envelopes and pay postage both ways. Open your Dime Savings Account today. Start with US little OS $5 —as much as $10,000—$20,000 in a Joint Account. Use the coupon below. •Utatl Dlvid«nd SAVINGS BANK OF BROOKLYN DOWNTOWN . . . . . . F u l t o n Street ond DeKalb Ave. BENSONHURST . . . . . 8 6 t h Street and 19tli Avenue FLATBUSH . . . . . . . . Ave. J and Coney bland Avenue CONEY ISLAND . . . . . M e r m a i d Ave. ond W. 17th St. The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn Fulton Street and DeKalb Avenue Brooklyn 1, N. Y. CSL.8 1 Gentlement $ M I M r Please open a Savings Account In my name. I enclo»e my first depoiH of . Send my bank book ond free moll kit to Hie address bek>w. 1 1 Name. 1 Address. 1 City, Zone No., Stote. 1 o s MAIL COUPON TODAY I O N Engineering Jobs Open In NYC Public Works T h e NYC Department of Public Worlcs lias vacancies at $3,550 per a n n u m in the following titles: Junior Civil Engineer, Junior Electrical Engineer and Junior Mechanical Engineer. Appointments are for provisional employment pending Civil Service lists for the titles. Usually candidates remain in the department as provisionals until the eligible list is established. They may gain permanency by passing the test. Requirements are at least three years of college towards an engineering degree, or a satisfactory experience equivalent; and residence in NYC for the past three years. Candidates should visit the o f fice of Frieda Lamm, Chief, Personnel Section, Room 1825, Municipal Building, Chambers and Centre Streets. NYC. V / the Bureau of Social Hygiene or to the biological production laboratories of the Deparment of Health may be restricted to male eligibles only. Twenty-eight vacancies in the Department of Health and four in the Department of Hospitals. Other vacancies occur. A promotion exam open to qualified employees of the Departments of Health and Hospitals is being held in conjunction with this exam. The resulting promotion lists will have priority, but are not expected to provide as many eligibles as there are jobs. Fee $2. The written test is expected to be held December 15. This date may be changed. Minimum Requirements: (a) A baccalaureate degree with a m a j o r in a biological science or in chemistry or (b) high school graduation plus three years of exiperience as a laboratory technici ian in a laboratory of a recognized hospital or in a biological or chemical research laboratory; or (c) a satisfactory equivalent. Candidates who expect to be graduated in 1952 will be admitted. Tests: Written, weight 100, 75 per cent required. (Wednesday, October 31). the examination and t r e a t m e n t • of patients and interpreting x-ray fl films in a chest clinic treating at fl least 3,500 patients annually. A • licence to practice medicine is re- • quired. Tests: Written, weight H 40, 75 per cent required; t r a i n ing and experience, weight 30, 70 per cent required; oral, weight 30, 70 per cent required. The f a c tors in the oral test will include manner, speech, judgment and technical competence. (Wednesday, October3l). 6426. Real Estate Agent and Appraiser, $6,000 and $5,500. Two vacancies in NYC Housing Authority. ee $4. Minimum Requirements: Candidates must possess a minimum of five years of experience in appraising and negotiating for the purchase of properties equivalent in value to at least $500,000 annually, at least three years of which should be in an executive or administrative capacity with a firm or public agency engaged in large scale appraising and purchasing of real property; or a satisfactory equivalent. A New York State real estate broker's license is required. Tests: Written, weight 30, 75 per cent required on each part, experience, weight 50, 70 per cent required; oral, weight 20. 70 per cent r e quired. The oral test will include the following factors: professional competence, manner and bearing, and speech. (Wednesday, October 31). I n addition to the foregoing new < NYC open-competitive exams, the following have been re-opened for receipt of applications. The salaries are the ones paid at start and include the cost - of - living bonus. The last day to apply is at the end of earh notice. 6386. Senior Physicist, $5,250: Requirements: A baccalaureate degree with a major in physics or electrical engineering, plus 5 years of satisfactory responsible experience in physics or electrical engineering of which at least 2 years must have been in radiological physics and at least 1 year must have been in a supervisory capacity. An equivalent combination of graduate training and experience will be accepted. Fee $4. (.Wednesday. October 31). 6401. Architectural Assistant, 6384. Physicist (Radiation), $3.$2,961, One vacancy in NYC Hous- 971. Requirements: A baccalaureing Authority. Appointments by ate degree with a major in physthe Authority are exempt from ics or electrical engineering, plus the three-year residence require- 3 years of satisfactory responsible ment. Fee $3. Minimum Require- experience in physics or electrical ments: Graduation from senior engineering of which at least 1 high school and two years' satis- year must have been in radiologfactory practical architectural ex- ical physics. An equivalent comperience; or a satisfactory equiva- bination of graduate training and lent. The written test is expected experience will be accepted but to be held December 8. This date applicants must have at least 1 may be changed. (Wednesday, year of experience in radiological October 31). physics. Fee $3. (Wednesday, Oc6402. Assistant Landscape Arch- tober 31). 6381. Assistant Physicist (Radiitect, $4,391. Four vacancies in the NYC Housing Authority. Appoint- ation), $3,431. Requirements: A ments in this department are ex- baccalaureate deijiee with a m a empt from the three-year resi- jor in physics or electrical engidence requirement. Fee $4. Mini- neering, plus 1 year of satisfacexperience of mum Requirements: A baccalure- tory laboratory ate degree in Landscape Archi- which at least 6 months must have tecture and three years' exper- been in radiological physics. S a t ience in landscape architectural isfactory experience may be subwork; or a satisfactory equivalent. stituted for the undergraduate 'Tests: Written, weight 50, 75 per training. Graduate woik may be 'cent required; experience, weight substituted tor the required ex; 50, 70 per cent required. The writ- perience. Fee $3. (Wednesday, i ten test is expected to be held October 31). ! December 6. This date may be 6379. Assistant Physicist (Elec- j changed. (Wednesday, October 31). tronics), $3,431. Requirements: A 6403. Civil Engineering Drafts- baccalaureate degree witli a major man. $3,550. About 53 vacancies. in electi'ical engineering or physics, [Fee $3. Minimum Requirements: plus 1 year of satisfactory laboraGraduation from a four-year high tory or shop expeiience in elecschool course and four years' tronics. Satisfactory experience practical experience; or a bac- may be substituted for the undercalaureate degree in engineering; graduate training. Graduate work or a satisfactory equivalent. Per- may be substituted for the resons who expect to be graduated quired experience. Fee $3. (Wedby June 30. 1952 will be admitted. nesday, October 31). Tests: Written, weight 100, 75 per 6387. Senior Physicist (Isotopes) cent required. The written test $5,250. Requirements: A baccawill consist of civil engineering laureate degree with a major in problems and drafting. The writ- physics, electrical engineering, ten test is expected to be held chemical engineering or chemisDecember 1. This date may be try, plus 5 years satsfactory re:hanged. (Wednesday. October 31). sponsible experience in physics, 6407. Tuberculosis Clinician, chemistry or electrical engineerGrade 4, $5,650. Appointees will ing of which at least 2 years must be permitted to spend time in have been with radioisotopes and hospital or other activities to at least 1 year must have been In maintain professional competence. a supervisory capacity. An equiFee $4. Minimum Requirements: valent combination of graduate Candidates must be graduates of training and experience will be $4. (Wednesday. a school of medicine, and must accepted. Fee have completed one year in a October 31). formal appointment as intern in 6385. Physicist (Isotopes). $3,a general hospital. In addition, 971. Requirements: A baccalaucandidates must have each of the reate degree with a major In following or its equivalent: (a) physics, electrical engineering, one year of a formal appointment chemical engineering, chemistry or as a resident in a tuberculosis hos- biology, plus 3 years of satisfacpital or on the chest service of tory responsible experience in a hospital whose internships a n d / physics, chemistry or electrical en- i or residencies are approved by the gineering of which at least 1 year Council on Medical Education of must have been with radioisotopes. the American Medical Association; An equivalent combination of <b) two years of experience since graduate training and experience the completion of the residency in (Continued on page 9) Taeadaj, October 16, 1951 CIVIL SERVICE LEADER Page N l — j NYC Opens Fall Promotion Exam Series ployed in the title of Inspector of t h a t date; a n d (3) is not othsarw permanently employed In a comHoists and Rigging, Grade 3; (2) wise ineligible. Tests: Record a n d petitive civil service grade or poshave served as a p e r m a n e n t e m - seniority, weight 50, 70 percent ition, t h e minimum basic salary of (Continued from page 8) ployee in such title for a period required; written, weight 50, 70 which Is not less t h a n $4,021 a will be accepted but applicants year (excluding any cost-of-livof not less t h a n one year preced- percent required. (Wednesday, must have a t least 1 year of ex- ing a d j u s t m e n t ) or if ungraded ing t h a t date; (3) have served October 31). perience In radioisotopes. Fee $3. t h e entrance basic salary is not continuously In t h e department 6419. Chief, Brooklyn Offlr«, .(Wednesday, October 31). for t h e six m o n t h period immeless t h a n $4,021 a year (excluding (Licenses), (Prom.), $4,271 up. diately preceding t h a t date; a n d any cost-of-living a d j u s t m e n t ) ; 6380. Assitant Physicist Iso(4) are not otherwise ineligible. Open only to employees of t h e topes), $3,431. Requirements: A (2) have served as a p e r m a n e n t Tests: Record and seniority, D e p a r t m e n t of Licenses, One v a employee in such grade or posibaccalaureate degree with a m a j o r weight 50, 70 percent required; cancy. Fee $4, T h e written test tion in the department for a In physics, chemistry, biology, written, weight 50. 70 percent re- will be held J a n u a r y 23. Eligibility period cf not less t h a n six conseALBANY, Oct. 1 5 ~ T h e S t a t e electrical engineering or chemical Requirements; Open to each e m quired. (Wednesday. October 31). cutive months Immediately preDepartment of Civil Service a n engineering, plus 1 year of s a t ployee of t h e department named ceding t h a t date; %nd (3) are not nounced t h e opening of a Civil isfactory laboratory experience of 6390. Supervising Tabulating above who on the date of t h e otherwise ineligible. However, cerService I n f o r m a t i o n Bureau on which a t least 6 months must have Machine Operator (IBM Equip- test: (1) Is permanently employed been with radioisotopes. Satisfac- tification shall be limited to per- an experimental basis. In t h e of- m e n t ) , Grade 3 (Prom.), $3,081 in the title of Supervising Inspecm a n e n t empl6yees who have servfices of t h e New York State E m tory experience may be substituup. Open only to employees in the tor of Licenses, Grade 4 or Clerk, ted for t h e undergraduate t r a i n - ed permanently In t h e eligible title ployment Service, a t 155 West Office of t h e Comptroller, t h e De- Grade 5; (2) has been p e r m a n e n t for not t h a n two years, exMain Street, Rochester. Effective ing. G r a d u a t e work may be substip a r t m e n t of Education, the NYC ly employed In such title or titles tuted for the required experience. cept that when open-competitive October 18. t h e bureau will be Housing Authority, a n d t h e City in t h e d e p a r t m e n t for a period of and promotion lists foi the same open Thursdays and Fridays. Fee $3. (Wednesday, October 31). Magistrates' Courts. T h e eligible not less t h a n six consecutive 6383. Junior Physicist, $2,961. title co-exist t h e period of r e - 9 to 5. list will be certified as appropriate months Immediately preceding quired service may be reduced from T h e bureau will offer i n f o r m a Requirements: (a) A baccalaufor Tabulator Operator (IBM), t h a t date; (3) is not otherwise two to one year. Candidates must tion a n d service to residents of reate degree with a m a j o r in G r a d e 3. Fee $2. The written test Ineligible. Test: Record a n d senphysics, chemistry, biology, elec- have h a d at least three years t h e Rochester area, as well as will be held Febi-uary 16, 1952. iority, weight 50, 70 per cent r e full-time paid experience in a provide similar services for prestrical engineering, chemical engiEligibility Requirements: Open to quired; written, weight 50, 70 neering or (b) high school grad- governmental agency oi In a large ent employees 'and officers of I h e each employee of t h e d e p a r t - percent required. (Wednesday, business or industrial or civic orvarious S t a t e agencies in t h e uation plus 4 years of satisfactory ments n a m e d who on t h e date of October 31). ganization 01 educational instivicinity. I n f o r m a t i o n concerning »hop or laboratory experience; or test: (1) is permanently e m 6422. Searcher, Grade 3 (Prom.) (c) a n equivalent combination of tution charged with t h e adminis- current Civil Service examinations ployed in t h e title of Alphabetic undergraduate training and ex- tration of a n Important office or will be given to t h e public, and Key Pimch Operator (IBM), $3,421 to $4,020. Open only to e m perience. Those who will graduate t h e m a n a g e m e n t of a large pro- applications for exam, may be G r a d e 2, Numeric Key P u n c h ployees of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of F i by J u n e 1952, will be admitted. ject performing functions t e n d - obtained and filed in t h e Roches- Operator (IBM), Grade 2, or nance. One vacancy. Pee $3. T h e Pee $2. (Wednesday, October 31). ing to qualify for t h e duties of ter office on Thursdays and F r i - Tabulator Operator (IBM), written test will be held Decemdays. G r a d e 2; (2) h a s served as a ber 19. Eligibility Requirements: 5835. Supervisor, Psychiatric this position. Fee $5. D e n a Sukernek, Civil Service p e r m a n e n t employee in such title Open to each employee of t h e gocial Worls, $4,140 to $4,620. 6122. Senior Administrative District representative of t h e or titles in the d e p a r t m e n t for a d e p a r t m e n t who on the date of NYC Assistant (Prom.), $5,651 up. Buffalo office of t h e S t a t e Civil period of not less t h a n six con- t h e test: (1) Is permanently e m Open only to employees of t h e Service Department, will be in secutive months Immediately pre- ployed In any title In Grade 2 or Promotion departments: Health, charge of t h e bureau. ceding t h a t date; a n d (3) is not 3 of t h e Legal Service, except The following NYC promotion following Sanitation, Welfare, NYC Housotherwise ineligible. Tests: Record Searcher, G r a d e 3; (2) h a s been exams are now open. Salaries in- ing Authority, (Youth Board). A and seniority, weight 50. 70 p e r - permanently employed in any clude t h e bonus. The last day to separate promotion eligible list cent required; written, weight 50. combination of the eligible titles apply is a t the end of each notice. will be established experience, weight 20, 70 percent for each de70 percent required. (Wednesday, In one department for a period of Promotion exams are open only not less t h a n six consecutive No general promotion required. The written test will October 31). to qualified present NYC em- partment. consist of three Parts. Candidates months Immediately preceding eligible list will be established. ployees. Unless otherwise stated. Pee passing Part I and II will be sum6421. Architect (Prom.), $5,161 t h a t d a t e ; (3) is not otherwise P a r t s I a n d n of written Certification is limited to perma- test $5. moned at a later date for Part H I to $6,350. Open only to employees ineligible. Tests: Record and will be held M a r c h 1, 1952. n e n t employees who have served Eligibility requirements: Open to The written test will be designed of t h e Departments of Hospitals seniority, weight 50. 70 percent permanently in the eligible title each employee to evaluate the candidate's knowla n d Education, A separate prorequired; written, weight 50. 75 of the departments for not less t h a n two years, except named above who required. (Wednesday, on t h e date of edge of principles of administra- motion list will be established for percent t h a t when open-compctitive a n d the test: (1) Is permanently tion, capacity to solve administraeach department. No genePal proOctober 31). empromotion lists for the same form ployed in a competitive civil ser- tive problems, ability to express motion list will be established. co-exist, the period of required 6430. Electrician (Automobile), grade or position, t h e mini- himself in good English, judgment Fee $5. The written test will be (Prom.), service may be reduced to one vice $4,100, 250 days. Open and capabilities In other pertinent held November 27. Eligibility R e m u m basic salary of which Is not year. only to employees of t h e Police less t h a n $4,021 a year (exclud- fields. (Wednesday, October 31). quirements: Open to each em- Department. This is a change of ployee of t h e departments named 6391. Assistant Civil Engineer ing any cost-of-living a d j u s t 6363. Foreman of Steam Fitters (Sanitary), (Prom.) Open only to ment) or if ungraded t h e entrance (Prom.), $20.25 a day. Open only above who on t h e date of test: ( l i title exam. Fee $4. T h e p e r f o r m employees of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of basic salary is not less t h a n $4,021 to employees of the Department Is permanently employed In t h e ance test will begin February 4, Requirements: Public Works, at $4,141 to $5,160. a year (excluding any cost-of- of Public Works. This Is a pre- title of Assistant Architect; (2) 1952, Eligibility Fee $4. The written test will be living a d j u s t m e n t ) ; (2) h a s served vailing rate position. Fee 50 cents. h a s served as a p e r m a n e n t e m - Open to each employee of t h e held December 19. Open to each as a p e r m a n e n t employee In such The written test will be held De- ployee in such title in t h e de- d e p a r t m e n t n a m e d above who on employee of the department who grade or position in t h e d e p a r t - cember 7. Eligibility Requirements: p a r t m e n t for a period of not less t h e date of test: (1) is p e r m a on December 19 will be (1) per- m e n t for a period of not less t h a n Open to each employee of the t h a n six consecutive months Im- nently employed in t h e title of manently employed in t h e title of six consecutive months immediate- department who on the date of mediately preceding t h a t date; Auto Mechanic; (2) has served as Junior Civil Engineer (including ly preceding t h a t datg; and (3) test: (1) is permanently employed a n d (3) is not otherwise ineligi- a p e r m a n e n t employee in such for a all specialties). Civil Engineer- Is not otherwise Ineligible. Mini- in the title of Steam Fitter; (2) ble. New York S t a t e Registration title In t h e d e p a r t m e n t period of not less t h a n six coning D r a f t s m a n , or Assistant Civil m u m experience requirements: has served as a permanent em- as an Architect required. Tests: secutive m o n t h s immediately preEngineer (including all specialties Candidates must have h a d at ployee In such title in the de- Record a n d seniority, weight 50. required; written, ceding t h a t d a t e : and (3) Is not except S a n i t a r y ) ; (2) will have least three years full-time paid partment for a period of not less 70 percent Experience weight 60, 75 percent required. otherwise ineligible. served as a p e r m a n e n t employee experience in a governmental than six consecutive months Requirements: Three years' exin such title or titles in t h e de- agency or In a large business m: Immediately preceding that date; (Wednesday, October 31). in t h e type of work o u t p a r t m e n t for a period of not less industrial or civic organization or and (3) is not otherwise ineligible. 6416. Mortgage T a x Examiner, perience lined under duties; or a satist h a n six consecutive m o n t h s a n d educational Institution performing Tests: Grade 5 (Prom.), $4,271 up. Open Record and seniority, (3) is not otherwise ineligible. work of t h e following c h a r a c t e r : weight M, 70 percent required; only t o employees of t h e City factory equivalent. Tests: Record Tests: Record and seniority, assisting t h e chief of a large b u - written, weight 50, 70 percent re- Register. Pee $4. The written test and seniority, weight 50. 70 perrequired; performance, weight 50, 70 percent required; reau by (a) making studies to quired. (Wednesday. October 31). will be held J a n u a r y 9, 1952. cent 50. 70 percent required. written, weight 50, 75 percent r e - aid in t h e formulation of policies EUglbUlty Requirements: Open to weight •365. Inspector • ( Conduits, each employee of t h e d e p a r t m e n t (Wednesday, October 31). quired. (Wednesday, October 31). and procedures, or (b) coordina6129. Administrator, (Prom.), ting various activities within t h e Grade 4 (Prom.), $4,021. Open who on t h e date of test; (1) Is 6431. Foreman of Boiler Makers, to employees of the Board of permanently employed in any $4,550, 250 days. Open only to e m $6,351 base pay and over. Open bureau, or (c) assuming respon- only Pee $4. The tech- title of G r a d e 4 or 5 of t h e Cleri- ployees of t h e D e p a r t m e n t of only to employees of the D e p a r t - sibility for t h e administrative Transportation. nical-oral test will be held No- cal Service; (2) h a s served as a Marine a n d Aviation. One v a m e n t s of Finance and Marine a n d m a n a g e m e n t of t h e bureau. Tests: vember 21. Eligibility RequireAviation. One vacancy in each de- Record a n d seniority, weight 50, ments: Open to each employee of p e r m a n e n t employee in such titles cancy. This Is a prevailing r a t e required; written, In t h e d e p a r t m e n t f o r a period position. Fee: $4, The written p a r t m e n t . Open to employees who 70 percent the department who on the date on t h e date of the test: (1) are jvelght 30, 70 percent required; of test: (1) Is permanently em- of not less t h a n six consecutive test will be held February 5. 1952. m o n t h s Immediately preceding ' (Continued on page 10) ^ ^ ployed in the title of Inspector of Condvilts, Grade 3; (2) has served as a permanent employee in such tttle In the department for a period of not less than six consecutive months Immediately preU. S.—Second Regional Office, D. 8. d v U ^ r v l c e Commlaalon. ceding that date; and (3) Is not Applications Now Being Issued! •41 Washington Street. New York 14. N. Y. (Manhattan) Hours 8:30 otherwise Ineligible. Tests: Techto 5, Monday thiough Friday; closed Saturday. Tel. WAtklns 4-1000. nlcal-oral, weight 100, 70 percent l l M t l e RIed by Nov. 9th Examination Dec. 15th required. The factors of the techApplications also obtainable at post offices except in the New York NEW YORK STATE nical-oral test will Include speech, post office. Open Competitive Examination for STATE—Room 2301 «t 270 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y., Tel. manner, judgment and technical BArclay 7-1616; lobby of State Office Building, and 19 Columbia competence. (Wednesday, OctoStreet, Albany, N. Y.. and Room 302. State Office Building, Buffalo 3, ber 31). N. Y. Hours 9:30 to 5. excepting Saturdays. 9 to 12. Same w U e s to •S66. Inspector of Heating and exams for county jobs. Tentilation, Grade 4 (Prom.), NYC—NYC crivil Service Commission, 96 Duane Street, New York H.271 np. Open only to emT. N. Y. (Manhattan) Opposite Civil Service LEADHR office. Hours ployees of the Departments of Public Works and Education. • to 4, excepting Saturday. 9 to 12. Tel. CXDrtlandt 7-8880. Salaries Range from NYC Education (Teaching Jobs Only)—^Personnel Director, Board Three vacancies in Education. • ( Education, 110 Livingston Street. Brooklyn 3, M. T. Hours • to Fee $4. The written test will be held December 20. Eligibility re1:30: closed Saturdays. Tel. MAln 4-2800. quirements: Open to each emNYC Travel Direotlons Rapid transit lines that may be used for reftchinc ttu) U. 8. ployee of the departments named above who on the date of test: (1) Mate and NYC Civil Service Commission offices in NYC follow: t o fill voconcies as State Civil Service Commission, NYC Civil Service Commission— Is permanently employed in the IND trains A. 6 . D, AA or CC to Charibers Street; IRT Lexington title of Inspector of Heating and • MOTOR VEHICLE REFEREE Avenue line to Brooklyn Bridge; BMT Fourth ATMiue local or Ventilation, Grade 3; (2) has served as a permanent employee Brighton local to City Hall. • MOTOR CARRIER REFEREE U. S. Civil Service Commission—IRT Bevoith Afmvm loeal to in such title In the department for a period of not less than six Christopher Street station. • UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE REFEREE consecutive months tamnedlately Data on Applieatlons by Mafl B«aalrcmenU: Admlislon to the New York Stute Kar; ami l i i h f r preceding that date; and (3) is Both the U. 8. and the State issue application blanks and rs- not otherwise ineligible. Tests: ( • ) 4 yearit of general law practice of which li yeurs must h m r Itt^n tn trUU of iMOe* In courts of reoonl or (b) 4 yrtiru of e\i)i>iii'iiin in Iriul of eelve filled-out forms by mail. In applying by mall for U. 8. jobs, do Record and seniority, weight 50, iMaes before » quaiii Judicial acenrr or in anulyhiH i mi rcxirw of rouri not enclose return postage. If applying for State Jobe, enclose 6-cent 70 percent required; written, veoocds M leK»l Molktaiit t« » hcorinc otflccr or (c) ua muivali-iX rui»ttin»•tamped, self-addressed 9' or larger envelope. The State accepts weight 60. 70 percent required. Omi of <•) Mul (b). postmarks as of the closing date. The U. B. doee not, but requires (Wednesday. October 31). Attend As Our Guest A Class Lecture that the mall be in its office by f p.m. oi the closing date. Because Of Our Course of Preparation on •S67. Inspector of Hoists and of curtailed collections, NYC resldenta should actually do their MON. or WED. ot 7:30 P.M. Rigging. Grade 4 (Prom.). $4,270 mailing no later than 6:30 p.m. to obtain a postmark of that data. NYC does not Issue blanks by mall or receive them by mail, VP. Open only to employees of Visit, Phone or Write for Full Particulars except for nationwide teftta. and then only w h o i th« exam notice the Department of Housing and Buildings. Fee $4. The written •0 states. The U. 8. charges no appUcatkm fees. The State and the local test will be held December 14. Ohil Service Oommlseloas dutrto fees, and a i the same rate llxied niglblllty Requirements: Open to all employees of the department Phone GR. 3-6900 115 East 15th St.. N. Y. 3 by law. who on the date of the written V / tost: <1) are permanently em- NYC Open-Competitive Civil Service OfficetoOpen In Rochester Where to Apply for Jobs ATTORNEYS HEARING OFFICER (Referee) »5,135 to *7,037 The DELEH ANTY Insfifufe CIVIL Page Ten S E R V I C E Tu«sa«7, Octobrr 16, 1!>5T L E A D E R Social Worker, Physician, Office Jobs Open NYC Promotion ' (Continued from page 9> Eligibility R e q u i r e m e n t s : Open to e a c h employee of t h e d e p a r t m e n t n a m e d above who on t h e d a t e of t e s t : (1) is p e r m a n e n t l y employed in t h e title of Boiler M a k e r : (2) h a s served as a p e r m a n e n t e m ployee in such title in t h e dep a r t m e n t for a period of not less t h a n six consecutive m o n t h s i m mediately preceding t h a t d a t e : a n d (3) is not otherwise ineligible. Test: Record and seniority, weight 50. 70 percent required; written, weight 50. 70 percent required. (Wednesday, October 31). T h e following NYC promotion Mcams have been re-opened for receipt of applications. T h e last day to apply a p p e a r s a t t h e end of each notice. !;303. Assistant S u p e r i n t e n d e n t (Structures a n d T r a c k ) , (Prom.), Board of T r a n s p o r t a t i o n , $7,381 to $8,000, (Wednesday, October 31). 6216. Bacteriologist. (Prom.), D e p a r t m e n t of Hospitals, $3,600. 6342. Foreman of Laborers G r a d e 3 (Prom.), Public Works, $3,421 to $4,020. 5834. Supervisor, Psychiatric Social Worker (Prom.), D e p a r t m e n t of Hospitals, $3,421, STATE Open-Competitive T h e following S t a t e exams a r e now open. The last day to apply a p p e a r s a t t h e end of each n o tice. T h e pay of S t a t e jobs, a t s t a r t a n d a f t e r five a n n u a i increments, is stated a n d includes emergency compensation. T h e written testa will l>c held on Saturday December 1. 4283. Supervisor of Social Work (Public A.ssistance); one vacancy each in Albany a n d .Syracuse; one each expected in A'bany a n d NYC; $4,425 to $5,313. Requirem e n t s : (1) a bachelor s degree or equivalent education; a n d (2) either (a) six years of f u l l - t i m e paid experience, within t h e past 10 years in social welfare or social insurance with a lecognized agency, including .wc years of responsible supervision ot a staff of professional workers or -field supervisif>n of operation:- of p u b lic or private welfare agencies a n d three years ot m a j o r lesponsibility for d e t e r m i n i n g eligibility for economic assistance a n d or g r a n t ing of financial and services ^o needy families or adults or (b) a n equivalent combination of such t r a i n i n g a n d experience. If eligible, a candidate may a p ply for Senior Social Worker (Public Assistance) below, paying a n extra fee. (Friday, October 26.) 4284. Senior Social Worker (Public Assistance); four vacancies in BuflfaJo, t h r e e in NYC, two in Syracuse, a n d one in Rochester; two vacancies expected in NYC a n d one each in Albany and Syri-.cuse; $3,591 to $4,781. R e q u i r e m e n t s : (1) a b a c h e lor's degree or equivalent e d u c a tion; a n d (2) either va) four years of f u l l - t i m e paid experience, w i t h in t h e past 10 years, in social welfare or social i n s i u a n c e with a recognized agency, including one year of responsible supervision of a staff of professional workers or field supervision of operations of public or private welfare a g e n cies a n d two years of m a j o r r e sponsibility for determining eligibility f o r economic assistance a n d / o r granting of financial assistance a n d service to needy families or adults or (b^ a n equivalent combination of sach t r a i n ing a n d experience. If eligible, a c a n d i d a t e may apply for S u p e r visor of Social W o r t (Public Assistance), above. Fee; $3. (Friday. October 26). yond t h e M.D. or (c) a n equivalent combination of (a) a n d (b). T h i s exam is open t o residents a n d non-residents of New York State. ( S a t u r d a y , December 1). 4274. P h y s i c i a n ; «,wo vacancies a t Clinton Prison, D a n n e m o r a . a n d one each a t Attica Prison, t h e N.Y.S. W o m a n ' s Relief Corps Home a t Oxford, a n a Veterans' Rest C a m p a t Mt. McGregor; $5,135 to $6J200. No w r i t t e n test. R e q u i r e m e n t s : (1) medical school g r a d u a t i o n a n d possession of, or eligibility f o r . a license tc practice medicine in New York S t a t e ; a n d (2) either (a) completion of a one year, or nine m o n t h s ' acceler a t e d w a r t i m e i n t e m e s h i p plus 2 years of general practice In m e d i cine or (b) a n equivalent c o m bination of such t r a i n i n g a n d experience. F e e : $4. ( S a t u r d a y . D e cember 1). 4282. Office Machine Operator (Boolfkecpins:); eleven vacancies in Albany a n d five in NYC; $2,140 to $2,833. T h e e n t r a n c e salary for positions in NYC is $2,416. Requirements: either (a) t h r e e m o n t h s ' experience in the o p e r a tion of a multiple regibter bookkeeping m a c h i n e or (b) successful completion of a n acceptable course in t h e operation of a m u l tiple register bookKeeping m a chine. Fee: $1. (PYiday, October 4068. Assistant Radio-Physicist; one vacancy in t h e H e a l t h Dept. at Roswell P a r k Memorial I n s t i t u t e , Buffalo; $3,846 to $4,639. R e q i ^ e m e n t s : (1) a bachelor's degree with specialization in physics or electrical engineering; (2) one year of f u l l - t i m e experience in a laboratory, including work in physics; a n d (3) either (a) one more year of such experience or (b> completion of 30 g r a d uate credits in physics or electrical engineering or (c) a n equiva- 26). save because you are 0 PRIfERRED RISK! • • YOUR CHANCES OF ACCIDENTS ARE LOWER HENCE. YOUR INSURANCE RATE IS LOWER Civilian government employees save up to 30% by placing their automobile insurance with the company o r g a n i i e d specifically to give government employees t h e finest insurance protection a t the lowest possible cost. Government Employees Insurance Company assures you unsurpassed CLAIM SERVICE backed by a vost network of 500 claims a t t o r n e y s and a d j u s t e r s located in every sizeable city in the U. S., it's t e r r i t o r i e s and C a n a d a . It's yours w h e r e v e r you a r e — w h e n e v e r you need it—'round the clock or 'round the hemisp''iere. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COMPANY Not Available Through Agents or Itrokcrs 26). SEND FOR FACTC figure?^ TODAY! (A Cai»it:i1 Stock (\>mpany . . . Not anillated wiiU the UuilL-a biuies frunieiit) j 19 ^'^^OVEgs 4279. Senior S a n i t a r y Engineer (Design), one vacancy expected in t h e Dept. of Public Works, Albany. $5,774 to $7,037. R e q u i r e ments: (1) possession of a license to practice professional engineering in New York S t a t e or eligibility to obtain such license by April 26. 1952, (2) high school g r a d u a tion or possession of a n equivalency diploma; (3) four years of professional engineering experience, including two years in t h e design of s a n i t a r y engineering f a cilities; a n d (4) either (a) a bachelor's degree in engineering plus 1 more year of professional engineering experience Involving t h e design of s a n i t a r y engineering facilities or (b) a m a s t e r ' s degree in s a n i t a r y engineering or (c) 8 more years of engineering experience plus one more year of experience as described in (a) or (d) five more years of experience as described in (a) or (e) a n equivalent combination of such t r a i n ing a n d experience. F e e : $5. ( F r i day, October 26). 4280. Mechanical Equipment I n spector; one vacancy in t h e Division of S t a n d a r d s a n d P u r c h a s e in Albany; $4,710 t o $5,774 Requirem e n t s : (1) high school g r a d u a t i o n or possession of a n equivalency diploma; (2) two y e a r s of experience involving t h e m a n u f a c t u r e , installation, inspection or testing of various types of m e c h a n i c a l equipment with a m a j o r m a n u facturer. factory branch contractor or underwriters' testing l a boratory: a n d (3) either (a) t h r e e more years of s u c h experience or (b) a bachelor's degree in engineering plus one more year of such experience or ic) a b a c h e lor's degree in e n g i r e e r i n g with specialization in mtichanical e n gineering or (d) a n equivalent combination of t r a i n i n g a n d e x perience as described in (a), (b), and (c). F e e : $4. (Friday, October Government Employees Insurance Building Waikingfon (5), D. C. 4281. I n d u s t r i a l F o r e m a n (Paint Brush S h o p ) ; one vacancy at Sing Sing Prison. Ossining; $3,389 to $4,148. R e q u i r e m e n t s : five years of recent experience in t h e t r a d e or m a n u f a c t o r e of p a i n t brushes, including one year in a responsible supervisory capacity. Fee: $3. T h e r a will be no written test. C a n d i d a t e s will be r a t e d on t h e basis of their training a n d experience. (Saturday, December 1). 4102. Assistant Director for Clinical Research; one vacancy in t h e H e a l t h Dept., Division of NAME AGE. Laboratories a n d Reseaich, NYC; ADDRESS $9,610 to $11,303. No written test. Requirements: (1) giaduation ! C a r Year Make Model f r o m medical school a n d posses/ n Used sion of. or eligibility f o r . a license » / j Typo Body N o . Cyl Purchased / / • New to practice medicine in New York S t a t e plus completion of a I A n t i c i p a t e d M i l e a g e Next 12 mor«ths one year, or nine m o n t h s ' accelerated wartime i n t e r n s h i p ; (2) two I Age of Youngest Driver in your Houiehold years of progressively responsible J Is Car Used For Business Purposes Other Than to and fronn work ( ] Yet ( ) No I clinical a n d laboratory research involving supervision of subordiJ EMPLOYEE OF FEDERAL | ) STATE | ) COUNTY | ) MUNICIPAL ( | » n a t e employees in medical a n d scientific research; >tnd (3) either (a) t h r e e more years of such exGOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES INSURANCE COMPANY perience or (b) three years of clinical or laboreitory ti a m i n e be- lent combination of (a) a n d (b). F e e : $3. (Friday, October 26). 4275. Bacteriologist; f o u r cancies in t h e Division of Labor* atories a n d Research. Health Dept., Albany; $3,846 to $4,839. R e q u i r e m e n t s : (1) a bachelor's degree with specialization in t h « biological sciences, Inciuding courses in Inorganic a n d o r g a n i c chemistry a n d preferably b a c t e r iology; (2) one year of l a b o r a t o r y experience in bacteriology; a n d (3) either (a) one more year of s u c h experience or (b) one year of g r a d u a t e work i n t h e biological sciences or (c) a n equivalent c o m bination of s u c h g r a d u a t e work a n d experience. T h e eligible list will also be used f o r Bacteriologist (T. B. service), as needed. $3,991 t o $4,781. Fee, $3. (Friday* October 26). 4070.'Game Pathologist; one v a cancy in t h e Dept. of Conservation, D e l m a r ; $3,846 to $4,639. R e q u i r e m e n t s : (1) a bachelor** degree; a n d (2) either (a) I t g r a d u a t e credits in zoology, biology, Bacteriology, serology or parasitology plus two years of e x perience i n g a m e conservation* including one year in gj(,me a n i mal, game bird or poultry p a t h * ology research or (b) u n d e r g r a d u a t e specialization In t h e courses listed in (a) plus t h r e e years of experience in g a m e conservation! (Continued on page 11) SCHOOL DIRECTORY Academic and CommcrcUU—College Prepwmtory BORO H.VLL ACADEMV—PUtbuah Ext. Cor. ralton St:. Bkljra. a«c«iiU approTvA. OK tm Ql-a MA 3-2447. Building A Plant Maaagtment. Stationary * Cnstadiaa Kaglae«r« UecM* PrepaiattoiM, AMEXICAN TECH.. 44 Court St.. Bkljn. StaUooarj Engineer*. CvBtodiana. Sopta. Ciremen. Study bidg. A plant majiaeemeot tnd. Ucenae prw&ratioa. Ma S-27I4. Baslnoaa Schoom LAMB'S BUSINESS T S A I M N U SCHOOL—Oregg-Pitmaa, Typing. Bookkeeping. COM»> tometry. Clerical. Day-£TE InOiridual laatmcUoa. 370 9Ui St. Icur. 6th A.ralj. BkJyo 1ft SOntta 8-4:^S«. MOXROE SCHOOL Or BUSINESS. Secretarial. Accounting. Typewriting. Shart courwa. Day and evening. BulSeUn C. Eaat 177tA St. and Boaton Road tK K O Cheatar Tbeatrt Bldg.) Bronx. KI 2-5600. GOTHAM SCHOOL OF BUSINESS. Secretarial, typing, bookkeeping, comptoaaetry. Daya; Eyea. Co-ed. Rapid preparaUoD tor teaU. 605 f i f t h Ave.. N. T. VA 6-0334. DraftlBg COLUMBUS TECHNICAL SCHOOL, 130 We«t 20th liet. 6th A 7th Aroa.. W.T.a CH 3-8108. Sound intensive draftinft coaraea in Architectural. Structural. Hechanieal and Technical lUnatration Approval (or veta. Day and Eve. Claaaea. NATIONAL TECHN1CAX ENSTITIITK—Meobaiilcal Architectojral. lob MUmating fti Manhattan. 65 W. 42nd Street. LA. 4-2028 S14 W. aSrd Street (at 7Ui AT*.) W A 4-7478 In New Jeratr. 1 1 0 Newark AT*. BErgea 4 - 2 S « 0 . Driving laatnictloa S A P T E K AUTO DRIVING SCHOOL—Safa, eaay leatMna by patient, eoarteooa dnrOT makea teaming eaaiy. Cara tor road test 6 7 3 3 Voarth Avenu* B'klym. M. T. SH ft-S7ST« Liceaed by State of N. T. AM dual conUol cara. ELKCTROLVSIS KRKE INSTITUTE OF ELECTROLYSIS—Profitable full or part-time career for and wM»an. Send for free booklet C, 18 E. 4 1 i t St.. N.T.C. MU S-(408. L B. M. TUFLIFCM FOR Training and Practice on IBM NomerVc Mdl Alphabetic Kc* Punch Machine* Veriflera. ge to The CombinaUoa BoaineM lIchooL 139 W. ISStli IT. Dlf 4-3170. LANGUAGM SCHO<HJB CURISTOPHE SCHOOL OF LANQCAOES. (Uptown School). Learn I.«agaagee. Teriational French. Spaniah, Qerman. ItaUan. ate, NaUve Teacher. A| for Veta. Lie. by Stat* M. T. Dally • AM. t* » P J l . tOO Wtmt lafith NTC. WA 6-2786 Metloa r W t w * BUOOKLTN nCCA TKAOK S C H O O L — l i l t Uedtmti AT*. (Oat**) Bklya. MA t - l l O t i . NEW VORK COLLEGE OF MUBU) (Cbartarad lOTS) *U taraadM*. PrlTal* ar « l M Inatructlona 114 Eaat 85th Stieat. U E g w t T - « 7 i l . M. T. Sa. M. T. CatalogWi TU^ P I E R R E - B O Y S T O N A C A D E M Y O P MUSIC—Off*** apeelal aMiraw ta Mm**, Piano Voice. Organ. Theory. Sight-Singing, Ckorai OwdoeUng. Church Serriea Playhig^ C o n c e k Stagfc Radio. TetoTl*i*n. Ragiatar Mmw. 1 * W. M t h M^ T. O. •id* 8-7430. PluMbIng mm* OU w. attii BKRK TRADE SCHOOL—384 Atlantle AT*.. Bklyn. UL 5-§069. HYC. W1 7 3453-4. Plumbing. Relrig, Welding. R m I I w A tenauce A Repair Bldg*. Scko*! Vat AP^D. II*V-KT*. KADIO-TBLEVISIOM INaTlVVTB, 4 M evening. PL. • - 5 e 6 « . Ltmimtim Av. ( « M l M.). Mclal. M. J. O. BRAREM, KM NAJMAU ItTEEET. M . X A n*fr*lMty Am D v - N l g h i . W n u tor CAtalog. M S - i S M . MEFFLEY • RROWNB HBCRmrAmiAL B C — O U f r * l a w » « Brooklyn 1 7 . (iKrtna » - S » 4 1 . Dmr »m4 IIMIIIF. TI Ava, mr ~ WAhUlNUTON BUSINESS W S T . SlOft—Ttk Av*. ( e w . U H k § L l M.JM. and OTTLL aerTle* tralnliw Modtr*!* m m . H TTETRICMAEA. <M1 MRNMRNTM NiCW VORJi TKtUNlCAL LNtniTUTK—AM aUtR ( • ! l§tk M.) BT*. elM*e*. Doai«*ttc * eommereiel. i M M M l M i • tt«<iuc«( CAtklogu* L. CUaUM S - M M . ... CIVIL TmMmj, October 16, 1951 SERVICE LEADER Paife Eleven State Needs Hearing Officers and Dietitians kj P^ STATE Open-Competitive 'fConUnued from vage 10) [•Deluding one year of the (ame sarch described In (a) or (c) equlyalent combination of le conservation experience and luate study as described in [). Ptee: $3. (Friday, October 26). l i s . Snperrlsinr Dietitian; one incy each at PUgrlm State tal, Brentwood; J. N. Adam iai Hospital. Perrysburg; iga Sanatorium, Ssrracuse; Veterans' Rest Camp a t Mt. McGregor; $3,991 to $4,781. Exam open to residents and non-residents of State. Requirements: (1) a bachelor's degree with speciali•atlon in dietetics, food preparation, nutrition, or institution management; (2) three years of hospital dietetic work; and (3) either ,<a) one more year of such work or (b) completion of a post-graduate hospital training course as a •tudent dietitian. Fee: $3. (Friday, October 26). 4277. Senior Dietitian; four vacancies in the Department of Mental Hygiene at Brooklyn State Hospital; Psychiatric Institute. NYC; Wassaic State School; and WiUard State Hospital; $3,237 to $3,996. Requirements: (1) a bachelor's degree with specialization in dietetics, food preparation, nutrition, or institution management; (2) one year of hospital dietetic work; and (3) either (a) one more year of such work or (b) completion of a post-graduate hospital training course as • student dietitian. Exam open to residents and non-residents of Slate. Fee: $2. (Friday, October 26). 4278. Dietitian; several vacancies in the Executive Dept. and the Depts. of Mental Hygiene, Health, and Social Welfare; $2,784 to $3,541. Requirements: (1) a bachelor's degree with specialization in dietetics, food preparation, nutrition, or Institution management; and (2) either (a) one year of hospital dietetic work or (b) completion of a post-graduate hospital training course as a student dietitian. Open to residents and non-residents of the State. Fee: $2. 4561. Dietitian. Westchester County; one vacancy In the Dept. of Public Welfare, of Westchester County; $3,660 to $4,290, plus an emergency compensation of $195. Open to residents anc< non-residents of State. Requirements: (1) a bachelor's degree with specialization in foods, nutrition, or i n stltuton management, plus one year of post-graduate training in an American Dietetics Assoc.-approved institution, and tiiree years of dietetics experience in a large institution including six m o n t h s of supervisory experience; or (2) a n equivalent combination of such training and experience. Fee: $3. (Friday. October 26). RAILROAD CLERK MEN AND WOMEN Class Meets Monday a t 6:30 P.M. CAPTAIN (F.D.) Classes ondays, 10:30 A.M. and 7:45 P.M. CLERK PROMOTION-Grades Class Meets Wednesday, a t 6 P.M. (2-HOUR LECTURE} CLERK PROMOTION—Grade 5 Class Meets Tuesday, at 4 P.M. (2-HOUR LECTURE) " eiaises Conducted ly OafsfondJng mad E. B. SCHWARTZ H. E. O'NEILL Individual Ezperleaced Focaffy W. J. HESSION E. J. MANNING affention fo Candidates may compete in Nos. 4276, 4277, 4278 and 4561. A separate application and fee must be filed for each. 4271. Senior Welfare Consultant (Mental Health), $3,991 to $4.781. Open to residents and n o n residents of State. (Friday, October 26). 4272. Supervisor of Social Work (Psychiatric), $4,425 to $5,313. Open to residents and non-residents of State. (Friday, October 26). 4273. Senior Social Worker (Psychiatric), $3,991 to $4,781. Open to residents and non-residents of State. (Friday, October 26). 4548. Senior Psychiatric Social Worker, Westchester County, $3,585 total. Open to residents a n d non-residents of State. (Friday, October 26). The following State exams are now open. Written tests wiU be held on Saturday, December 15. State pay at start and after five Muiual increments is listed and Includes emergency compensation. The last day to apply appears at the end of each notice. 4180. Director of Mental Hyfflene Personnel, $7,352 to $8,905. ifudenfs lkoal Class Lectures — Home Stady Material — Trial EXMHIMIIOB Reasonable Tuition Fees SCHWARTZ SCHOOL 889 Broadway (19th St.) Algonquin 4-1236 I CAN SHOW YOU HOW TO GET A HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA IN 90 DAYS And You Won't Have To Attend Any Classes Yes. it's true. If you missed High Bchool—^you can still get a valuable ''^igh School Diploma in a few short months without having t o attend school one single day! Here's why: I n N. Y. State, the State Dept. ©f Education offers anyone who is not attending high school and Is over 21 years of age and who passes a series of examinations a HIGH SCHOOL EQUIVALENCY DIPLOMA. And this d i p l o m a fully -ecognized by C?ivil Service Commissions, City, State and Federal, as well as private employers, trade and vocational schools, etc. —can be yours if you enroll in my comprehensive streamlined course today. Easy, Inexpensive 90-Day Course My course, providing easy, Indi•Idual Instruction based on your own special need and background can get you this diploma and open a new world of good jobs and opportunity for you . . . in only 90 days, if you act a t once! MaU Coupon Now for ViiU Details Let me help you help yourself to a happier luture, as I have done for many other grateful students. Fill out the attached coupon. I will be happy to tell you, without any obligation, «ixactly what you will get, what lessons consist of, how little spare time you need to devote to them, etc. You may consult me personally, without obligation, at our New York office — Room 919, Grand Central Palace, 480 Lexington Ave. at 46th Street—^any weekday from 10:30 A.M. to 5 PJtl But don't delay! The sooner you take this Equivalency Homestudy Course—the sooner youH oe able to take your exams — and If you obtain a satisfactory scor^ on all parts of The State Exam youll get the High School Equivalency Diploma you want! Mail coupon NOW for FREE details. Cordially yours, MILTON GLADSTONE. Director CAREER SERVICE DIVISION. Arco PubL Co.. Inc.—EL S-6542 CAREER SERVICE DIVISION, Arco Publ. Co.. Inc. Dept. L03. 480 Lexington Ave., New York 17. N. Y. Please send me, FREE, full information about the Arco School High School Equivalency Course. It ia understood ttiat this request does not obligate me in any way whatsoever. Name Age Address A**..***!*^.*** City Apt., .joik****** Zone State SUFKKMB notice OOURT OF T H E STATB OF NEW TORK COtTHTT OK N E W TORK iTLVIA SACKS, Plslntifl. ar^lnBt m C H A E I i a . SACKS. Defendant. Plaintiff deelsnates N e w York Connty M the place o l trial. S a m m o n s w i t h notice: Action l o r Separation and Divorce. Plaintiff resides In N e w Tork County. T o t h e above named Defendant: TOU A R E H E R E B Y SUMMONED t o an• w e r the complaint in this acUon, and to • H ^ e » OPT of your answer, or. If the complaint ia not terved w i t h t h l i aummons. to Mrre a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff'® Attorney within twenty days after t h e aervice of thia summona. ezcluBive of the day of •ervice; and In eaae of yonr failure t o apitear. or answer, judrment will be taken afrainet yon by default, for the reUef demanded In the eomplaint. SAted, Ancuat 10. 1 9 6 1 E V E R E T T B. BIRCH. Attorney for Plaintiff Office and Poet Office Addreaa 2 6 W, 4 5 t h Street B o r o a r h of Manhattan City of N e w York S U P a E M E COURT OB< T H E S T A T E OF N E W YORK COUNTY OF NEW YORK fTIiVIA SACKS. Plaintiff: acalnat MICHAEL B. SACKS. Def<^ndant. T o MICHAEL B. SACKSf o r e c o i n r S u m m o n s Is served v p o n TOO w i t h o u t the State of N e w York pursuant t o an order of Hon'K-able Chartes D. Breitel. • Justice of t h e Supreme Court of t h e 8tat« of N e w York, dated t h e 2 4 t h day of Anvuat, 1 9 6 1 . and filed w i t h the Complaint in t h e Office of the Clerk of t h e County o t N e w York, at the County Court House, in t h e Borough of Manhattan, City, County and State of N e w Tork. S a t e d : Mew York, September 4, 1 9 6 1 . E V E R E T T B. BIRCH. Attorney f o r Plaintiff, Office * P . O. Address 2 5 West 4 6 t h Street Borough of Manhattan City, County and State a i N e w York Two vacancies in the Albany De- Fisheries Biology and (2) two p a r t m e n t of Mental Hygiene. Can- years of professional experience didates must have either (a) col- in marine fisheries survey work lege graduation plus 7 years of involving salt water fish, shellfish, professional personnel experience or crustacea, and (3) either (a) in a personnel office or agency, in- two years of fish conservation excluding 3 years in mental institu- perience, or (b) completion of 30 tional personnel work and 2 years graduate credits in the biological in a m a j o r administrative capa- sciences plus one year of fish city, br (b) an equivalent combi- conservation experience, or (c) nation of training and experience. two years of teaching in one of the subjects listed under (1), or Fee $5. (Friday. November 9). 4285. Guidance Counselor, $3,086 (d) an equivalent ccmbination. to $3,845. One vacancy each at Fee $4. Saturday, December 15. Attica Prison, Elmira R e f o r m a - 'Friday, November 9). ^ tory. N. Y. S. Vocational Institu4288. Hearing Officer. This list tions at West Coxackie, and West- will be used for the Albany DPUI field State F a r m at Bedford Hills. for one vacancy and the NYC ofCandidates must have (1) a fice for ?ix vacancies, at $5,774 to bachelor's degree, and (2) either $7,037; the Albany Department (a) one year of full-time paid ex- of Tax a n d Finance for four v a perience in employment interview- cancies and the NYC office for ing, guidance, social work, or in- one vacancy at $5,348 to $6,412; stitutional work, including the use and the Albany Department of of guidance social work, or per- Public Service for two vacancies at sonnel techniques, or (b) 30 $5,135 to $6,200. Candidates must graduate credit hours with a m a - have (1) admission to the New jor in guidance, social work, or York State B^r, and (2) either personnel administration, or (c) (a) 4 years of general law pracan equivalent combination. Fee $2. tice of which two years must have (Friday, November 9). been in 'rial of issues in courts of 4286. Forest Appraiser, $4,710 record, or (b) 4 years of experto $5,774. One vacancy in the ience in trial of issues before a State Board of Equalization and quasi-judicial agency or in analAssessment in Albany. Candidates ysis and review of court records must have ( D a bachelor's degree as legal assistant to a hearing with specialization in general officer, or (c) an equivalent com(Continued on page 12) forestry or forest management, and (2) either (a) 3 years of professional forestry experience including appraisals of forest Secretarial, Drafting, Journalism lands, or (b) completion of 30 COMMKRCXAI^ W ATE IW1A. SPANISH DKI'T. graduate credits with specializa1 5 4 NASSAU ST. tion in forestry and 2 years of t h e Brrkinnn a-48'tO SCHOOLS I N above experience, or (c) an equivA . ItOKOUOiHS alent combination. Fee $4. (Fri- MONTHLY R A T E S — M NO CONTRACTS day, November 9). 287. Senior Aquatic Biologist (Marine), $4,710 to $5,774. One MACHINE vacancy in the Albany a n d one STENOTYPE SHORTHANU in the NYC Departments of Conservation. Candidates must have $3,000 to $6,000 per year ( D a bachelor's degree plus com- Earn while y o u learn. iHdivIdual Instrucpletion of graduate or undergrad- tion Theory to court reporting: in .30 weeks uate work in one or more courses $ 6 0 . S. C. Goldner C.S.R. o m c i a l N.T.S. All classes 6-8 P. M. Mon. and in each of any four of the fol- Reporter. W e d . — 1 2 5 - 2 2 5 w.p.m. Tues. and T h u r s . — lowing six groups of subjects: 8 0 - 1 2 5 w.p.m. Biology, Botansi Zoology; Fish Dictation 6 0 c iter sfssion CJulture; Ichthyology Vertebrate Stenotype Speed Reporting, Rm. 329 Taxonomy, Field Zoology, Natural 5 Beekman St., N.Y. FO 4-7-l<2 »I0 2-G065 History; Invertebrate Zoology, Entomology; Comparative Anatomy, Physiology, Bacteriology; Fish or Wildlife Conservation, HEROLD, O U N D A . — C I T A T I O N . — P 2 6 3 1 , 1961.—^The People of t h e State of New York By t h e Orace of Ood Free and Independent. T o : Ousaie Conway, Martine Blauroch, Lonchen Eeer, Joseph Ach, Georse Ach, Hans Ach, Katherine Rudolf, Charles Ach, Alfred Ach, Oswald Ach. Hedw i r Ach, Richard Ach, P a u l Gunthen Herold, t h e Lext of kin and heirs at law of Ounda Herold, deceased, send rreetinir: Whereas, Anton Ach, w h o resides at 3 5 West 8 7 t h Street, t h e City of N e w York, h a s lately applied t o the Surl'oKate's Court of our County of N e w York t o h a v e a certain instrument in w r i t i n s bearing date May 18th, 1960. relating to both real and (torsonal proi>erty, duly proved as the last will and testament of Qunda Herold, deeeased, w h o w a s at the time of her death • resident of 1 6 6 0 First Avenue, the County of New York. Therefore, y o n and each of y o u are d t e d t o show cause before the Surrogate's Court of our County of N e w York, at the Hall of Records in the County of New York, on t h e 2 6 t h day of October, one thoOsand nine hundred and flfty-one, at ialf-past ten o'clock in the forenoon o t hat day, w h y t h e said wiU and testament should not be admitted to probate as a wUl of real and personal property. ! • testimony whereof, w e h a v e caused t h e seal of tha Surrogate's Court of the said County of New York to be hereunto affixed. Witness, HonoraMo WiUiam T. Collins, f t M l . l Surrogate o t our said County o t N e w York, at taid county, the 1 9 t h day of September in t h e year o t o a r Liord one thousand Bine hundred and flfty-one. P H I L I P A. DONAHUE, Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. f Prepare for your test with carefolly eompiled study material. See ftdvertisement pace 15. CIVIL SERVICE COACHING Jr. Civil Engineer Architect Asst. Jr. Aesessor Transit E x a m s Custodian Eneineei LICENSE Boiler Inspector Insp. Hoiets Ringing l«ow Press. Fireman Insp. Carp'tiy, Masiiry Civil Engr. Draltsnien PREPARATION P r o f . Engineer, Architect. Surveyor Master Electrician, Stationary Engr. Refrig-eration, Portable Engr. Oil Burner, I'luniber Drafting, Design & Math A r c h . H c c h . Electr. Struct. Toposrapbleal. Bldg. Est. Surveying. Civil Scrv. Arltli. Ale. Geo. Trig. Calculus. Physics. Hydranlirs Classes Daye, Eves., Veteran Aptn-oved MONDELL INSTITUTE « 8 0 W. 4 1 , Her. Trib. Bldgr. WI. 7 - 2 0 8 0 Over 4 0 yrs. preparing thousands for Civil Service. Engrg.. License E x a m s STEIVOGRAPHY TYPEWRITING-BOOKKEEPING Bpecial 4 M o n t h s Course • Day o r ETO. Calculating or Compfometry [Btenslve Course BORO HALL ACADEMY Stationary Engineers License Preparation stationary Engrineera. Cuetodian Engra,, Cuetodiaua, Superintendents & Firemen «e7 rLATBDSH AVENTB EXT. Oor. F u l t o n S t . E ' k l y n MAln t - 2 4 4 7 STUDY Building & Plant Management IBM TAB Including: License Preparation and Coaching For E x a m s Classroom & S h o p ~ 3 Evenings A week Immediate Enroll—Ap'proved for Veta WIRING — KEY PUNCH Intensive Training COMBINATION BUSINESS S C H O O L AMERICAN TECH 44 Court St.. Bklyn. MA 5-2714 1 3 9 West 1 2 S t b Street New York 87. N. UN. 4-3170 Civil Service Exam Preparation Eastman E. C- GAINES, A.ft.,Prsi. SECREtARIAL&ACCOUNTINGc..r., : Alio SPANISH STENOGRAPHY CONVERSATIONAL SPANISH INTERNATIPNAI TRADE IXCIPTIONAI IMPLOYMINT ARC WIDELY-ADVERTISED fOU SECRETARIES, WSTENOGRAPHERS, \ and TYPISTS ITOINNERS o r A D V A N C I O O A Y - I V I N I N O - P A R T TIMI Approved to> V»t»ram llHUtereil by the Rei«ntt, Day 1 Evening. Eitabllthsd 1093 Bulletin Oa Request ULM^Inglon Ave„ N. Y. (44 StJ MU. 2-3527 j i ^ COEDUCATIONAIi , Pluceinent AssUtanco Modtrala Rotti.initoim«nli DELEHANTY»Hooit LEARN A TRADE Auto Mectaauica Oiesei M a c h i n i i t - T o o l & Die Weldiuf Oil Burner CUfriferatibn Eedio i i r Condiituninc MoUon Picture Oparating OAT AND EVENING 0LA8BE8 •reoklye Y.M.C.A. Trode School • S I E B e d f o r d AT*., B r o o k l y n 16, M. V MA » - l l M a«s. by N. Y. Sim* 0*ft. Hvtutltm MANHATTAN: IIS E. IS ST.-GR 3-M0« tAMAICA: tO-U SulphiA tM.-JA • UOt Bate High on Service Test. Get Tlie Leader Boolt Street, New York your next Civil a Study Booli at Store, 97 Duane 1, N. Y. CIVIL Page Twelve S E R V I C E L E A D E R Exams Open Robt. Brady Dewey's Aide Interviewed Tells Class For State By Barry Cray How It's Done And U.S.Jobs STATE Open-Competitive R o b e r t Brady, president of t h e Civil Service F o r u m , w a s i n t e r viewed W e d n e s d a y n i g h t , October 10. o n t h e B a r r y G r a y r a d i o show, broadcast over NYC station WMCA. Mr. B r a d y said t h a t t h e F o r u m seeks a $250 wage a d j u s t m e n t f o r municipal employees. H e did n o t have a n y s t a t e m e n t , however, c o n cerning t h e Comptroller's position t h a t f u n d s f o r wage increases a r e not available. He told t h e interviewer t h a t h e was h o p e f u l t h e Mayor's C o m m i t tee o n M a n a g e m e n t Survey would "come u p with s o m e t h i n g i n tlje f u t u r e f o r t h e employees." L a z a r u s Joseph, i n whose d e p a r t m e n t M r . B r a d y works, is c h a i r m a n of t h e Mayor's Committee. Discussing t h e composition of t h e Civil Service F o r u m , M r . B r a d y s t a t e d t h a t It consists of a collection of " i n d e p e n d e n t c o m p o n e n t councils r e p r e s e n t i n g m u nicipal employees." (Continued from Page 11) blnation. F e e $4. S a t u i d a y . D e cember t5. (Friday, November 9 ) . 289. Construction W a g e R a t e Investigator, $3,086 t o $3,845. O n e vacancy e a c h i n Albany, B i n g h a m t o n ,and B u f f a l o a n d t w o i n NYC in t h e D e p a r t m e n t s of L a bor. C a n d i d a t e s m u s t have (1) two yearc of experience in building, highway or heavy e n g i n e e r V i n g construction, preferably o n diversified types of construction, a n d (2) either ( a ) a bachelor's degree in engineeriner with s p e cialization in civil engineering, or (b) high school ei-aduation or possession of a n equivalency d i ploma plus two m o r e years of t h e above experience or (c) f o u r more years of t h e above e x p e r ience or (d) a n equivalent c o m binati6n. F e e $2, (Saturday, D e cember 15. (Friday, November 9),. 4290. I n s t i t u t i o n P h o t o g r a p h e r , S e v e n t h Judicial District; $2,784 to $3,541. O n e vacancy i n Craig Colony a t Sonyea. Candidates m u s t be legal residents of t h e Jobless Insurance counties of Cayuga. Livingston, Monroe. O n t a r i o , Seneca, W a y n e , or Y a t e s f o r f o u r m o n t h s i m m e - Bill Comes U p Again A bill Introduced b y Congressdiately preceding S a t u r d a y , D e c e m b e r 15, t h e e x a m date. T h e y m a n F o r a n d , of R h o d e I s l a n d , m u s t h a v e either (a) two yeads of which provides f o r u n e m p l o y m e n t experience in commercial p h o t o - i n s u r a n c e f o r F e d e r a l civilian e m g r a p h y . or (b) 4 years of s a t i s - ployees, was d e f e a t e d i n t h e House f a c t o r y experience i n h o m e p h o t o - of R e p r e s e n t a t i v e s f o r lack of a g r a p h y , including taking, d e - t w o - t h i r d s vote. veloping, a n d p r i n t i n g photoT h e bill will a g a i n b e b r o u g h t g r a p h s a n d using a n d m a i n t a i n - up f o r a vote w h e n only a m a j o r ing d a r k room equipment. F e e $2. ity is required to p a s s it. S a t u r d a y December 15. (Friday, November 9 ) . 4291. Telephone Operator, $2,- Brentwood, C e n t r a l Isllp, C o m 140 to $2,833. T h e r e a r p f o u r v a - stock, D a n n e m o r a , Deer P a r k , cancies in Albany, seven In NYC, Geneseo. Hudson, I n d u s t r y , K i n g ' s a n d o n e in W a t e r t o w n i n various P a r k , Marcy, M t . McGregor, N a D e p a r t m e n t s , a n d 49 in i n s t i t u - panoch, Newark, New Paltz, NYC, tions. hospitals, a n d schools i n O r a n g e b v r g , Ossining, PoughAlfred, Attica, B i n g h a m t o n , keepsie, Sonyea. Stormvllle, S y r a - C U R R E N T TOPICS...svC^cm^E^iUm given a n ovation a t t h e conclusion of t h e session. T h e class, i n " G o v e r n m e n t I n f o r m a t i o n a n d Publicity," is u n der t h e university's Graduate Division of Pubic Service, of which M r . L e h m a n is a f a c u l t y m e m b e r . I t Is conducted together with M r . Leo Margolin f o r m e r chief information officer f o r UNRRA. ASK E X E M P T I O N F O R ASST. A T T O R N E Y GENERAL ALBANY, Oct. 15—The S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of L a w h a s requested Commission approval t o e x e m p t t h e position of F i r s t Assistant A t torney G e n e r a l . T h e Commission will consider t h e m a t t e r t h i s week. COMPENSATION BOARD SEEKS 3 EXEMPT JOBS ALBANY. Oct. 15 — T h e W o r k men's Compensation Board h a s requested approval t o e x e m p t t h r e e additional Compensation Claims Referees. T h e S t a t e Civil Service Commission will r u l e o n t h e request t h i s week. cuse, Walklll, Warwick, Wassalc, Willard, Wlllowbrook, WIngdale, and Wcodbourne. Candidates m u s t h a v e a t least six m o n t h s of experience i n t h e operation of a telephone switchboard. Pee $1. S a t u r d a y , December 15. (Friday, N o vember 9 ) . WILL BE HAPPY TO KNOW 5 HOURS OP THEIR FAVORITE MUSIC'ON AN ELECTRIC PH0N06RAPH COSTS ABOUT K FOK atCTRICITV. fW taWM ^InrmUtmllmt utrnm 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 36. 36. 37. 88. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 46. 46. 47. 48. 49. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 66. McCormack. Mary M.. Syraewa 8607% Fonnan. Louia Bayiide 86041 Hoia, Edward A.. Glendate . . . 86»5« Frosh. llaxine B., White Pliw 8694ft Jafcoby, DaTld B.. Woodalde . . 86000 Lee. Jamea J.. NTC 868ia Stesael. JoMph H.. Middletova 86799 Bernstein. Ralph, Bayaide . . . . 8670 Bernstein, Leo. Blnrhamtoa . . 86691 Tannenbaum, Samuel. Bronx 8666 Murray. Orac^ Rochester 86 Big'rsen. Jessie. L I City . . . . 864 Solomons. L. M., Jamaic» . . . . 864 Eichenhols. M. H.. Bronx . . . . 86 McQoyern. Bernard, NYC . . . . Fix. Alexander. NTC Kronenberg. Samuel. L I City Hopkins, Robert R.. Buffalo Malkofl, Jack J., Bklyn Wrirht, Stewart J.. B Rocheatr Dorter, 1/awrence A., WeUsriUe Kelly. Francis J.. Dtlca Kiernan Hurh J., Rklyn . . . Brokstein. Jacob, Bklyn Steyens, Murray H., N Rochell Lewin, Wilfred S.. Mt Vernon Lee, Huffh J.. Rochester Waitzman. Alex, Bronx Seesrer. G^orire L.. Oesinlnr . . FEAST of ALL SOULS Remember Your Beloved Dead ENROLL Your Loved Ones — Living and Dead in the Purgatorial Society Rwnembrance in Over 5,000 Masses a Year — FOREVER Countless Spiritual Benefits Received Requiem Mass Arranged at Death of Member • $5.00 Individual—Membership—Family $25.00 (installments arranged) All Funds Used for Needy Boys St. Vincent's Home U. S. 66 Boerum Place, Brooklyn 2, New York 2-57-1 (51). K i t c h e n Helper, $2,120, a n d Hospital Attendant, $2,200. N o experience requirem e n t s , b u t credit will be given f o r experience. O p e n only t o m e n e n titled t o v e t e r a n preference. N o age llmlta. (Monday, October 8 ) . (M. O. and checks payable to Rev. William M. Casey, Rector) LKGAL NOTICB OME DISC-JOCKEYS Eligible Lists RMPLOTmCNT 8ECpRITX MANAGKB, ( r r o m . ) , DiTlslon of Placdilient A MnployiuMit b»nninc«, Dept of Labor. 1. PalU. Jacob. NYC 91488 2. Fettner, Darid. Flusblnr ....9142e 3. Seltiep, Walter M.. Oroni . . . . 0 0 2 6 8 4. StabI, Lfionaid, BklTn 80684 J a m e s C. H a g e r t y , S e c r e t a r y t o 6. LefkowiU, Samuel. Bklyn . . . . 8 8 9 6 0 6. KavkewlU. Gershen. Bklyn ..88927 Governor T h o m a s E. Dewey, last 7. BuUer, Jamoa Ordensbur^ 88762 Croft. Eflward S.. BWyn 88662 W e d n e s d a y evening a p p e a r e d as 8. 9. Beat. Paul J.. Ithaca 88231 88117 guest lecturer a t a New Y o r k 10. Posner, Violet, nklyn 11. Feuarateiii. Henry, NTC 88083 University g r a d u a t e class c o n - 12. Lloyd, John V.. Bayport 88012 MUBM, Alfred S.. Buffalo . . . . 8 7 0 0 8 ducted b y Maxwell L e h m a n , 13. 14. Spear, LoU 8.. White Plna . . . 8 7 5 1 2 LEADER editor. 16. Batchelor, Carey, NYC 87433 Herehey. Philip. Bklyn 87368 Mr. Hagerty described t h e IB. 17. Wehmau, Frank A.. Flushinr . . 8 6 8 3 2 workings of i n f o r m a t i o n o u t of 18. Allard, Leo J.. Oneida 86802 t h e G o v e r n o r ' s oflBce, t h e public 19. Blanchard. J. Wayne, Phoenix 86784 86762 relations aspects of g u b e r n a t o r i a l 20. Fay. Jamea T.. Woodside Linton. John M., Jacksn Hrt 86696 a n d political c a m p a i g n s , a n d a n - 21. 22. Peck. Horace S.. NYC 86368 swered a volley of questions f r o m 23. Riehardaon, Howard, Hemlock 86312 t h e s t u d e n t s . H e r e m a i n e d o n t h e 24. Kecke!ey. Alwyn B., Clinton . . 8 6 2 1 2 Rubenstein. Philip. Bronx . . . 8 6 2 0 4 r o s t r u m nearly two h o u r s , a n d w a s 26. 28. Bleeeher, Alex. NYC ...86114 F I R E CAPT. T E S T O R D E R E D T h e N Y C Civil Service C o m mission ordered a n e x a m held f o r promotion t o C a p t a i n , F i r e D e p a r t m e n t . T h e n e x t step is t o s u b m i t a proposed a d v e r t i s e m e n t t o t h e B u d g e t Director f o r approval. We have aboLit 15Q000 owners... out of 10 of whom are individuals.lhe rest' are churches, synagogues, colleges and other institutions. More than half o f the indivlduaJ owners have incomes of less than #100 a week. Anybody can own a piece of Con Edison by just buying some of our stock. Shares are bought and sold regularly on the New York Stock Exchange.- Tuesday, October 1 6 , 1 9 5 1 SUPREME COURT. BRONX COUNTT— UTH ADAME, plainUfl. agrainst ELIZABTH SULLIVAN, and al other heirs at law. next of kin, devisees, distributees, grantee*. assigrnee*. creditors. lienors, trustee*, executors, administrators, and successors in interest of eaid Elizabeth SuUivan, and if any of them be dead, the resitective heirs at law. next of kin. devisees, distributees. srrantee«. assignees, creditors, trustees, lienors, executors, administrators and successors in interest of the aforesaid classes of persons, if they, or any of them be dead, and the respective husbands, wives, or widows, if any, all of whom, and whose names and places of residence are unknown to the plaintiff, and all other persons, if any, having: any rights, or interest in. or lien upon the property affected by this action, or any part thereof. Defendants. Plaintiff designate* Bronx County as place of trial. To the above named defendants: You are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action and to serve a copy of your answer, or. if the complaint is not served with this summons. U> serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff's Attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service. In case of your failure to appear or answer, judgrment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated: Bronx, New York City. June 8th. 1061. JOSEPH J. NISTA. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ofllee A P. O. AdUrues. 200 East lOlst Street. Bronx. N. Y. C. To the above named defendants: The foreg^uing summons is served upon you by publication i^ursuant to an Order of Ilun. Ernest E. L. Hammer, Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated October Ist, 1051, and entered October 2nd. 1061, and filed with the complaint in the oflice of the Clerk of Bronx County, at Ifllst Street and Grand Concourse, in the Borough of the Bronx, City of New York. This action is brought to foreclose « transfer of tax lieu sold by the City of New York to the plaintiff. No. 06038, in the amount of $1,006.60, with interest at 12% per annum, from November llth, 1941, utfectinr real property situated in the Borough of Bronx, City and State of New York, designated and shown upon the tax map of the said City of New York for said Borough M Lot 47, Section 17. Block 4002, and btiinf on the East aide of Duryea Ave' nue, approximately 226 feet south of Strang Avenue. DateU: October 9rd, 1061. JOSEPH J. NISTA. t Attumeir lor i'liiiuUS, PORT AUTHORITY EXAMINATION FOR PERMANENT T R A F F I C OFFICER POSITIONS AT GEORGE WASHINGTON BRIDGE STATEN ISLAND BRIDGES HOLLAND A N D LINCOLN T U N N E L S NEW YORK INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT. LA GUARDIA AHtPORT NEWARK AIRPORT, TETERBORO AIRPORT UNION MOTOR TRUCK TERMINALS, BUS TERMINAL $3,458 T O S T A R T Merit Increases to $4,238 ROTATING SHIFTS — 4 0 HOUR WEEK VACATIONS — 2 5 YEAR RETIREMENT • M t f P HOSPITALIZATION, SURGICAL A N D MEDICAL GROUP LIFE INSURANCE PROGRAM PMQIAMS REQUIREMENTS U. S. Ctlzenthip, New York or New Jersey Residence; Valid Driver's License; Age 21 to 29 Inclusive; Minimum Height S'S"; Minirnum Weight 145 Lbs. Competitive Written Examination Strict Medical and Physical Requirements 20/20 Vision No Eyeglas^s 'Applicalion forms and complete information issued by mail or in person I i 4 « A . M . to 4:45 P.M. M O N D A Y T H R O U G H FRIDAY ( • • t « i « p l M M rtquest for applications or laforaatloN eaa b « Moairtotf) Applications Mvst Be Filed N o t Later Than Oct. 2 6 THE PORT OF NEW Y O R K AUTHORITY Room 103 7 6 NINTH AVENUE (AT ISth STREET) NEW YORK 11, N . Y. CIVIL Tnetdaj, October 16, 1951 S E R V I C E L E A D E R Public Works Real Career Service Seen as Aides Urge Remedy for Grafters in Jobs Amendment4 ALBANY, Oct. 15—Public works employees from all parts of the Btate, meeting in Albany recently, have gone on record as favoring amendment number 4, and urging its support. The employees pointed out that passage of the amendment would guarantee increased employment for some 12,000 State workers on highway construction and planning. They added that no political considerations were involved In their support of tjje amendment. What It Does Amendment number 4 would permit the State to guarantee the bonds of the Thruway Authority. John J. Cox and Charles J. Hall, speaking for the Public Works employees, stated that large benefits would accrue to the citizens of the State through passage of the amendment. "A saving of $120,000,000 will be realized," they said, "tf the voters approve this amendment." Two different legislatures have approved the amendment, and It will go to the voters at the forthcoming November election. TOP SAYINGS Infra Red Broilers $11.45 SILVERWARE 40% OFF Tjp«writera, irons, mixers, toMteni TERRIFIC VALUES Op«a '^nndaya - Closed SatnrdkT* Greater N. Y. Trading Co. 81 OMMI St. CA e-2«0»-9—8860 lOBAL, USEFUL CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR EVERYONE IN THE FAMILY 3 - 9 5 Post Paid I m p o r i e d G e r m a n Field g l a s s e s 2'/2 p o w e r . P r e c i s i o n c e n t e r f o c u s i n g . Big field of v i e w . Black finish of s t u r d y construction. An ideal gift. WASHINGTON. Oct. 16--On behalf of the National Federation of Federal Employees, « statement was issued by President Luther C. Steward and Secretary-Treasurer Gertrude M. McNally deploring malpractices in the Federal service as revealed in recent Inquiries. "The vast majority of Federal employees live up to an exacting code of conduct, but both morale and morality have declined and all too obvious evidences of the spoils system form the basis of most of the present difficulties. "Competent, rigorous ''and up- 960 EAST 12th STREET This 8-0140^ >CBowN moTiMniB... .waMo Priee ^DOBMETEB MIXKBS Willi MEAT O R I N D E a . . t n J C « l K>H0BABT M I X E B B . . . ; . . . t M . W 4 jLABAE CBOWN BBOIUOl t l l J t t Imported lm KtM m rv. * I'^^maBf Swiss Wonder KNIFE Compact haudy tool kit pocket size. 3V4" long:. wide. 2 blades, solid saw. screw driver, can opener, cork screw, can opener and awl. Blades and Bpringrs of finest stainless "Tahara Steel." No outdoor man or woman should be without this kit of a 1 0 0 uses. P. P . C. O. D. orders. ^p you pay postage. Allied Radio & Tel. Co., Dept. M, 960 E. 12 St.. Brooklyn 30. N. Y. ELECTROLYSIS Satisfaction Guaranteed FREE TRIAL TREATMENT PROF. H . E. M I X E R Bstab. 4 0 Trs. . . 0pp. 110 W. 34th St. PE 6-6765 Macy's Rm. 1207 IU<U f AuMMilll * ftrevor t34 U i l n g t o n Ave^. N. Y. C. GOVT. BCRPLCS WANTED I I^otbinr. Blanketa, Oampiiic BnppUea Any Condition—^uaatitr I ( E r e n 1 or "J Piecea) Bring: in Person Ooljr. 8 ».m. to 0 p j a Dally K a u f m a n n Army-Navy Stores 318 W. 4 2 (bet. 8 - » ) U> S-ail6-7 L E A R N T O DRIVE . Keccive only the amount of l e a n ^ a which ia required to l e a m . P a a t control aaXety cars L«8aouB at your eonrenience. Care f o r road teata. Tou muat learn h o w to drire f « r many Jivil Service tests. BOUUCVARD T R A N S r r A € T O SCHOOL e s s Southern Blvd. DA S-8617 Hours 10 A.M. to 7 P.M. Sat. 10 to • I06PA6E Convenient Offices BOOK. LEARWDRH General Auto School. Inc. •N BROOKLYN MA. 4-4695 404 Jay St. (Boro Hall at r u l t o n St.) 1206 Kings H'way DE 9-8448 (at East 12tb St.) GLASSES 8708 4th Ave., SH 5-3206 * Near VUlon * For VUfon * Bifocals Complete Selec* t i o n of H i g h 9<io"ty Eye Gfasies Painstaking Eye Examination S. W. Layton, Inc. 130 E. 59th St. Mear Lexlncton Are. PL 5-0498 Powell Opticians, Inc. 2109 Broodway Bet. 78rd and 7 4 t b SU 7-4235 8ts Botti OacM Opeo Tbur^ UU 1:80 FJC. (Opp. r t . Haniilton Fact Oflie«) IN M A N H A T I AN MU. S -9629 130 E. 42 St. (at Lexington AT*.) inipurtaut: Write. Tel. far FRKK book tributeea, next of kin, devisees, rrantees, truateea, lienors, creditora, assicmees and •acceeaora in interest of any of the aforesaid defendanta w h o may deceased; and the reapectire heira at l a w . diatributees. :t of kin, deyisees, rrantees. trustees, Uanora. creditora, Msirnees and aucceasora Intereat of the aforesaid claaaea of peraons, if they or any of them be dead, and their reapectiye husbands, wiyea widowa, if any, aU of w h o m and whose namea and places of reaidence are unk n o w n t o the plaintiff, except aa herein atated; MARIANTONIA STISO, aa Executrix and Truatee, under the Last Will and Teatamcnt of PASQUALB STISO, deceased: JAMES F. CHEEVRRS, aa aole Executor of and Trustee Under t h e Last Will and Testament of ELLEN McDONOUOH, deceased: and others. Defendants. TO T H « ABOVE N A M E D D E F E N D A N T S : TOU A R E HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in thia action, and t« aerre a copy of your nnswer, or if the complaint ia not serred w i t h this summona, to aenre a notice e t appearance on the Plaintiff's Attorneya within twenty (20) days after the aerricc of thia sumona, exclusive of the day of aerrlce. In case of your failure to appear ar answer, ludgmcnt will be taken arainst y o u by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated: New York, N . T . Noven-.bcr 10, 1 9 6 0 MASON ft MASON, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Office & P. O. Address, 1 7 0 Broadway, Boroug^h of Manhattan, N e w York, N. Y. TO T H E ABOVE NAMED D E P E N D A N T S LN THIS ACTION. The forcKoing: s u m m o n s is •erred npon y o u by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Ed^ar J. Nathan. Jr., a Justice of t h e Supreme Court of the State of New York, dated September 8. 1 9 5 1 , and filed w i t h the complaint in t h e office of the Clerk of the Cotfuty of Bronx, in Bronx County, New York. The object of this action is to foreclose nine transfers of tax liens sold by t h e City of New York and now held by plaintiff, in the amounts stated below ith 1 2 % interest annually, affecting; premises in Bronx County known on the Tax H a p of the City of New York far the BorouBh of Bronx in Section 18 thereof by the deecnptions below stated. You are interested in the following tax liens described in said action: Lien No. 6 7 0 5 6 ; $ 8 3 1 . 6 6 : Block 6 3 2 4 . Lot 4 3 ; west side of Vincent Avenue 100' north of Fairniount Avenue, 26' x 95'. Lien No. 6 7 0 5 7 ; $ 1 4 2 . 0 8 ; Block 5 3 2 6 , Lot 1, west side of Wilcox Avenue, at the north side of Fairmount Avenue, 20' X 100'. Lien No. 6 7 6 6 0 - $ 1 1 0 1 . 1 8 ; Block 6 3 2 6 ; Lot 8; north siUo of Fairmount Avenue, 20' east of Vincent Avenue, 25' x 100'. Lien No. 676U0; $ 0 5 5 . 0 8 ; Block 6 3 2 6 , Lot S I ; west side of Clarence Avenue at the south side of Fairmount Avenue 4 6 ' F R I f 2 HOUR lECTURE'COlOR MOTION PICTURE * 100'. Lien No. 8 7 6 7 4 - $ 2 3 3 . 1 1 ; Block 6 3 2 7 , Lot 2 2 ; east side of Clarence Avenue at the s o u t h side of Fairmount Avenue. 20' X 100'. Lien No. 6 7 6 8 6 : $ 0 7 3 . 0 0 ; Block 6 3 3 0 , Lot 3 4 ; south side of Waterbury Avenue, 1 7 0 . 3 6 ' east of Wilcox Avenue 2 6 . 0 6 ' x 1 0 0 . 6 6 ' X Irregular. Lien No. 7 4 7 9 0 : $ 1 9 4 . 0 6 ; Block 6 3 3 0 , Lot 351 south aide of Waterbury Avenue. 1 9 6 . 4 0 ' east ol Wilcox Avenue 2 6 . 0 6 ' x 9 6 . 3 8 ' X irregular The last tax lien above deacribed beara Interest from February 4. 1 9 4 7 : the other tax liens bear iniereat from September 21. 1 9 4 3 . Dated: Kew York September 13, 1 9 6 1 MASON & MASON Attorneys for Plaintiff LEABN TO DRIVE Instruction Day & Night C a r f o r S t o t e Examinotion Times Square Bet. 66tb A 67ih ra. i-iM48 St.. N.Y EARLY Take Advantage Pre-Hollday 7 Promotion Tests Nov. 17 Brooklyn 30, New York, N. Y. C.O.D.'t 2 5 Vacancies SHOP For Dental Hygienists right administrators can keep the Federal service clean. It is upon them that the responsibility rests. ALBANY. Oct. 1 5 ~ T h e State "The only sure solution Is a Civil Service Department reminds genuine career service, manned by competent people who have earn- persons Interested in securing aped and held their positions solely pointments as dental hygienists through qualification and merit, that October 20 is the last date who are paid in keeping with pro- for applying for an unwritten exgressive standards, who are firm amination for this position. in their resolve to serve the best There are 25 vacancies for deninterests of the nation first, last and all the time, who are able to tal hygienists in 16 Institutions earn the respect and confidence of the State Department of Mental of the American people and who Hygiene at locations throughout in turn get that respect and con- New York State. Starting annual salary for the fidence from them. "The present situation should position h a s been increased to not only spotlight the wrongdoers $3,086, about $300 above the prebut should make clear t h e fact viously announced beginning salMaximum salary reached after that in the face of wholesale, o f - ary. three annual raises is $3,541. t e n non-selective criticism and No Written Tests abuse. Federal employees In the No written tests will be held for main are serving their country these positions, but candidates will faithfully and well. be rated on their training and e x "Nothing shoiild be left imdone The following »even State pro- to root out of the service every perience. Applicants must have or be eligible for a license to practice motion exams win be held on Individual who by his actions h a s as a dental hygienist in New York lost his right to serve the nation." Saturday, November IT. The State. The vacancies for dental h y serial number, title, and pay at UBOAL, N O T I C a gienists are at the following instistart and after five ^nnn^i i n three each at Central K M S COURT O f T H E STATB OF tutions: crements, are given. TIM bonus Is S U P BHEW Islip Hospital, and Pilgrim HosYORK. BRONX COUNTT SUMMONS: PlaintiH Reaidea In Qneena pital at Brentwood; two e a c h . a t included. Oo«wty and Desirnate* Bronx Coonty aa SI70. Assistant Accountant, I n - tta« Place of Trial. E V E L T N CADWAT. Creedmoor Hospital at Queens n a l n U l T : arainat MICOLA 8TISO, AM- Village, Harlem Valley Hospital at terdepartmental, $3,846 to $4,839. TONLA. s n s o , alao k n o w n aa MARIAK- Wingdale, Kings Park Hospital, 3179. Senior Office Machine TOMIA STISO. widow of Paaqnale Stiao, Letchworth Village State School daeeaaed: l-RAKCESCO STISO: DOMENOperator (Key Punch), InterdeThlells, and Wassaic State KX) STISO and " M A M A " STISO. hia at partmental, $2,646 to $3,389. wUe. it any: SABELLA STISO: CHARLES School; one each at Rome State 3175. Junior Administrative McDONOUOH and* "CATHERINE" Mc- School, Willowbrook State School Assistant, ExecuUve, $3,991 to $4,- DONOUOH. hia w i f e , if any; ARTHUR at Staten Island, Psychiatric I n MeDONOUOH, alao k n o w n aa ARTHUR 781. A. McDONOUOH, and " A U C E " MeDON- stitution at New York City; and 3171. Assistant Accountant OUOH. hia wife, tf any: ELLEN Mc- one vacancy at each of the fol(Public Service), $3,846 to $4,639. DONOUOH. GILBERT WILLIAM C U I X E N . lowing hospitals: Brooklyn, HudDOHERTT, M A R T CARET. 3172. Senior Accountant (Public MARGARET R E V . JOSEPH r . SMITH. R E T . JOSEPH son River at Poughkeepsie. ManService). $4,710 to $5,774. A. FOLET. EMILT M. McDONOUGH. hattan, Middletown, Rochester, 3173. Associate Accountant FRANCIS McDONOUGH and "FRANCES" and Rockford at Orangeburg. hia wife, if any; A N N I E (Public Service), $5,774 to $7,037. McDONOUGH. CURRAN, MARIE ELIZABETH COX, 3176. Senior Clerk (Mainte- BERTHA D. GLUHR; ARTHUR E. GOLDnance), Public Works, $2,646 t o BERGER. an infant; FREDERICK H. I Save Money on Furniture ! OOLDBERGER, an i n f a n t : GEORGE J. $3,389. Interior Deeerataar. ImvBEUFERT. and "ELSIE D." S E U P E R T , InK access to Vtaatory The tests are open only to hia w i f e if any; ELSIE D. S E U P E R T . ShowTooraa, can yso permanent State employees in the H E L E N McCULLOUGH. MRS. JULIA nv ta 40% aa yoat parH E L A N , MISS KATHERINE DOHANEY. ehaae af furniture. For Department for which the exami- Paaid flrat names "DIANA." "CATHfnll tnfonnatioB w i t h o u t nation is announced. Interdepart- B R I N B , " "ALICE." " F R A N C B e . " and obU«»tion. Visit w Ffaone: D.," beinr flctitioua and mental exams are open to all ELSIE flrat names unknown to plainMurray Hill S-7779 qualified permanent State e m - true tilt; If all the aforesaid defendants DAVID TULIS ployees. b« iirinr, and aU the heirs at law, dis- Allied Radio & Tel. Co., Horry, N o Page, Thhieeif 191S Leslnrton Ave. <at S2ad St.) N.T.C. • e a r X. T. F v m l t n r e B z c h a u c e • a a y Terms Arnuived of Duane Prices Diinnp I'rlrf rrlip Caniflcld A n l o n i a t l c I V r k -Jii.OS lU.HO Mixor w i t h m e a t (rrliidrr . . . . 4 0 . 5 0 28.75 StpaU Sot 5 Knives in wood holKtpr .!)5 2.05 B l a c k s t o n o Wrinircr n I 05 88.00 washer We«tinfrl>oupe H a n d V.iii 1 9 5 2 Model . . . 2 i . f ) 5 J 5 05 GE D c L u x e I r o n . . . r2.!i.-. . . I!t.!l5 12.f>5 Steani-0-M,itic Iron Oominion A u t o . W a f f l e 10.05 8.f>5 Maker Sentinel .'J w a y Porl.tMo Uadio c o m p l e t e w i t h Batteries .•U1.50 2 7 . 0 5 Toa.stniaster & GK Toastrrs '.::i.00 1 5 . 7 5 Slinial F l o o r P o l i s h e r 2I.!»r» 12.!»5 Royal Quiet Del.tixo P o r t a b l e T j p e w r i t c r 0 8 . 3 0 60.{»5 BENDIX ECONOMAT •I A. • Duoncs Price P n c . 229.95 ,^2.50 Delivered I n s t a l l e d & G u a r , f o r 1 j r . Authorized Diatribntors T h o r , WhirltAiol, Norpe, M a j t a p , B l a c k s t o n c , ABC, We.stinghouse and L a u n d e r King: HAMILTON BEACH VAC It ± m • ae Duanes Price U.f P n c e 79.95 qq N o . 1 on consumer list Authorized Distributors l > w y t , Q. E., Westinghouee, Eurolia,! 4 0 % OFF Siiverplate, Jewelry, RoHSon Lighters, Pens & Pencils Broilers, etc. Rags, Furniture, Lamps, Dinette Sets, Baby Carrages May be purchased direct from the distributors. Ask for introductory Card. Time Payments Up To 18 Mas. DUANE APPLIANCE 95 Duane Street 3 0 5 B'wuy (Ix)l>by K n t r a n r e ) Cortland 7-« 111 Across t h e Street f r o m N.Y.C. Civil Service C o m m . 2 blooks N o r t h of Ciiambers St. W a t c h t h e Civil Service LEADE R f o r a n interesting new cohimn on public a d m i n i s t r a t i o n . S t a r t s soon. READER'S SERVICE GUIDE rAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM Everybody's Blay Household Necessities rOK f O U B HOME M A K W O 8UOPPIMG NKBDS Faniitnre, appUaocea, glfta. etc. ( M real aaTinga) Municipal Employees Service, 4 1 Park B o w . CO. 7-(iS90 147 NMaao St.. NTO. WE CAM G U A R A N T E E A Saving of 25% to 40% ON REGULAR, RETAIL PRICES LIVING ROOM - BEDROOM SOFA BEDS WITH I N N E R S P R I N Q MATTRESSES - NOVELTIES A N D BEDDING - WE ALSO F E A T U R E HAYWOOD - WAKEFIETJJ and SIMMONS PRODUCTS Help Wanted Male or Female TOP 1951 CHRISTMAS CARDS Make $ 5 0 selling 1 0 0 Books Christmas card aseortmente. Many Dthei items bought on sight. Samples on ap'provaJ. Bjg money maker for individuals and orijanizaliens. EVERS, 6 1 - 6 « 0 . Simonson. Elmhurst, N.Y, l e s t Christmas Card Values DeLuxe Christmas Box. 3 1 Card .Aset. 60c, Retails $ 1 . 0 0 . Personalized 5 0 for $ 1 . 2 5 , Profit 5 0 c Box. Bonus Tlond before Xmae. Call in person. Plateless, 3 9 2 Broadway, N. Y. C. P A R T TIME SALESMEN. Sell by appointment: Must have car. t'.-ill daje. ORee-on 7 - 2 1 8 5 , eveninsra, Klngtbridee 7-3309. FREDERICKS FURNITURE • • 5 LEX. AVE. AT SSnd tiT. MU 8 - 8 3 2 2 Furriers LERNER FURS M r . Fixit Catering to Civil Personnel CUSTOM MADE - EESTYLING READY-TO-WEAR REPAIRING You Save in Our Factory Store. PANTS OR SKIRTS LE 2 - 2 0 2 9 r o match your JackeU, 3 0 0 , 0 0 0 patterns. 2nd Ave. ft 23rd St.. NYC. LawaoD Tailoring tt Weaving Co.. 1 6 6 Fulton 8 t « corner Broadway. H.Y.O. <1 flli:ht u p ) , w o r t h 2 - 2 5 1 7 - 8 . Knitting F A N T S MADE TO ORDER. From our choicest Woolens, $ 1 1 . 9 0 With Tour Material. $ 4 . 9 0 . Gabardine Slacks from Stock, $5.90. Stncotbie Fants Ce.. 6 3 W. 21 St. NYC. CH 3 - 6 U 1 WATCH KING prob* SISTEK.S 2 2 6 l e t Ave. n r . 1 4 t h 3 t . GR 6 - 7 0 7 9 , NYO REPAIRING Specializing to Civil Servi':^ Einiyioyees for years. Barg'ains on Diamonds, Silverware, Watches, Etc. Luggage 7-9«46 Acorn Leather Goods Mfg. Co. Expert Repairing. LupBage. Brief CasM, Zippers, etc. Prompt Servicc. Luggage at Factory Prices. 6 2 E. 1 2 t h St. nr Brdwy. New York City Typewriters Wholesale TV Service Today THOMAS LENZ 132 Nassau St.. N. Y. C. BA TYPEWRITER SPECIALS $16.00. AU Makea Rented, Repaired. New Portable. Easy Termp. Rosenbaum'a, 1 6 8 2 Broadway Brooklyn. M Y. TYPEWRITERS RENTED For Civil Service Exams W« do OeUvM to the KxaiuluaUon Hoows ALL Makea — Easy T e r m s ADDING MACHINES INTKttNATIUNAL MIMEOGRAPHS TXPEWKITEB 2 4 0 e . 8 6 t b St. KK N. t . a We can t a k e c a r e of y o u r h r i t t i n g lenis. F r e e i n s t r u c t i o n s . UO. Picture Tubes at Wholesale Prices Low Cost Antenna Installation 8 a . m . - l l p.m., including Sundays Bronx. Man., B'klyn. Queens. L. I. SUTTER TV - PResident 4-6700 Photography Special discounts oo photographic e^uip. Liberal time payments. Best prices paid on used eguip Spec 8mm Ulna rentals. CITY CAMERA EXCHANGE Ol »-2»6« 11 Joba St., N . S. Open tlU 0 : 8 0 p.m Musical Instruntents Tropical Fish Special discounts on (aniouit makes of FOR KVKKYTUINU IN r i t O P I C A l . 11 MM America's Newest A?i<bariiim pianos and musical iDstrnments Jack HOME THOPICAI FISH INC. Kahn Music Co.. Inc.. 3 1 6 W SnnriHe 2 i « m. » t b St.. I Block East of 4 t ^ Ave. Highway, FreeiKirt, New Tork. F j f p o r t OK. 8 uo;t« 8 S238. CIVIL Page Fdurleen SERVICR L E A D E R T u e s d a j f ' O c t o W 16, 1 9 5 1 In Wheelchair 2 3 Years, State Worker Is Cited for High-Speed Machine Skill Left an apparently helpless Invalid a f t e r an attack of polio 23 years ago, Marshall J . Sheldon has been cited for outstanding job performance as an occupational therapy aide a t t h e State Health Department's Rehabilitation Hospital, West Haverstraw, N. Y. He has been employed there for the psist 19 years. Announcement of t h e citation was made by J o h n L. Train, Chairman of t h e State Committee of the Ehnploy t h e Physically Handicapped Week, a f t e r a special canvass of handicapped S t a t e civil service workers. Presentation of t h e award was made l a t h e Executive Chamber a t Albany, in t h e presence of Governor Thomas K Dewey, who also personally congratulated Mr. Sheldon. Record Praised Praising Mr. Sheldon's record as "an outstanding example of t h e type of contribution which can be made by many workers often overlooked by industry," Mr. Train revealed t h a t Mr. Sheldon's handicap was particularly severe, involving all four extremities and trunk. He is permanently confined to a wheelchair and must rely a l most completely on just his forearms and hands. For t h first 14 years of his employment at t h e Rehabilitation Hospital, Mr. Sheldon aided in maintenance work for t h e hospital and for patients* apparatus. During the evenings he supervised boys' recreation. For the psist five years, as Occupational Therapy Governor Thomas E. Dewey conqratulatet Marshall J. Sheldoa (eenterl, hondlcapped oeeapcrtioflol ffieropy Aide, h e supervised t h e poweraide in the State RehabilltatioR Hospital a t West Haverstraw. Mr. Sheldoa was cHed for oaHtandlag job woodworking shop a n d aided regperformance in his State civil service position. Joha L Traia (left! chcrirmaa of the New Y«rk Stola istered Occupational Therapists mittee t e Employ Mie Physically Haadtcapped, made the awanL In solving equipment problems. Assn. Enlists Chapters' Aid in Pension Campaign mmmm COAL ALBANY, O c t 15—The Civfl required two successiv* sessions Service Employees Association is of the Legislature. I t effects rewaging a many-sided campaign to tired pensioners of all public reEGG - STOVE - NUT 22.75 insure the ratification at the polls tirement systems in New York on November 6 of the amendment State. PEA —• i—j r—3 — t T r—i r—1 — ^ 9 Ito 2 5 the State Constitution which " I t Is therefore very necessary permits increasing pittance p e n - t h a t our Association get behind YOUR CREDIT IS &OOD sions. any and all effort to call t h e a t Meade P. Brown, director of tention of t h e general public to Why Not Open A Charge Acct. Now public relations, has written to the vital need for the passage of Take Months To Pay chapter presidents and chairmen this amendment." chapter publicity committees, Radio Script FUEL OIL No. 2 - 12 pt. 3 oftelling of radio programs t h a t A five-minute radio script was Immediate Delivery Bklyn. & Queens have been, and others t h a t are enclosed t h a t can be used on a expected to be, arranged and cit- local radio station. The Associaing assistance in the campaign tion has sounded out several s t a being received f r o m school teach- tions throughout the State, and ers and others. all of them have been cooperative Brown's Letter about giving five minutes of Mr. Brown wrote: public service time" to put this JOKE & OIL CO., INC. "On November 6, Amendment little program on. No. 3 to the State Constitution, " I t is preferable t h a t one of 3298 ATLANTIC AYE. affecting pensions, will be pre- their own announcers ask the BROOKLYN 8, N. Y. sented to the voters. questions, and t h a t the answers "As you know, during the last TAylor 7-7534-5 legislative session, the Association fought up to the very last minutes of tlie session to get this bill passMM ed so t h a t the amendment could be brought before the voters on November 6. Watch the Civil Service LEAD"Despite some administration ER for an interesting new column opposition, the amendment, on public administration. S t a r t s popularly known as the Mahoney soon. Amendment, was passed by the FIRST &RADE — PRICED LOW DIANA COAL be supplied either by t h e president or the publicity chairman of the chapter," said Mr. Brown. "We definitely wish to have a recognized officer or publicity chairm a n of t h e chapter supplying these answers because it gives full recognition of our efforts in supporting this pension amendment. You will find t h a t t h e school teachers in your area are getting behind this amendment very strongly because it affects the Teachers Retirement System. You will be able to find considerable support f r o m t h e m in any f u t u r e newspaper publicity you may care to develop on this subject." I n addition a folder gives m a terial for distribution among members, and will supply the meat for newspaper storiea for the local press. NYC Health, Hospital Depts. Start Course to Help Clerks In Coining Promotion Exam CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT OFFER Add Y e a r . T o Your L i f e — M a k e Your Pension liulld Your Hralth In the Sun Oo Further— a t HARMONY HEIGHTS. FORT PIERCE. FLORIDA * 2 5 Per Mo. after dowa payment Tax Krco AU-Year Homo Direct Irom Owuer-uuilUor 4 ROOMS. BATH, CARPORTE $101)0 You'll live louuer In this friemlly year 'round c o m m u n i t y — o n e of the hi(rhe«t. driest and lualllu(^«t in Florida—and you'll »»ve o a he»t, clothlnK, rent tuWI dortur liillij. SulDljur-ohlorinated poola riifht on property—wonderful for rlieumatism, artlintis, ete. Fruits and vetfotablea in your warden; ocean bathing: and llshintr nearby. Averatre 7r>% teniperaturo. 4 0 niiloB north of P a l m IU»a<'h—out of hurrieanf Shops, echoola, houses, of wo-kship. Over l,-.'au dcliKhtfU buyerit. 1 I GF.T PETAIR-S — MAIIi COUPON NOW I I 1;'U)U1DA I10MESITE3 ESTATES, INC. I I OR BUY A PLOT NOW I WI 7-0115-1} I 55 W. 4 3 St. (at 6 A T . ) N . Y . 18. N , T . I AKD BUILD LATER! 1 Suite 1 5 4 6 (Open Daily to 6 ; Sun. l - S I I At no obliKittion, send me details of your | Big tiO X 1 7 8 Plots 9A&6 , retiroiucut offer. ! lucliiilinr IiiHpretlon Trip au4 | N A M B . lklont«y-Uuck Guarantee ADDRESS SEE FREE MOVIES IN OUR N. Y, OPFICi CITY STATB | Member f o r t Pierce Chamber of Commerce | T h e NYC Departments of Hospitals and Health are jointly sponsoring a series of lectures to assist eligible staff members prepare for promotion examinations to be held by the Civil Service Commission for Clerk, Grades 3, 4, and 5. These lectures will be given on Monday evenings f r o m 4 P.M to 6 P.M. in the auditorium of Textile High School, 351 West 18th Street, NYC. beginning Monday, October 29th. The Subjects The general topics to be covered Include: How to prepare for Civil Service examinations; civics and structure of City government; fundamentals of organization; basic principles of public administration; organization and f u n c tions of the Departments of Hospitals and Health; principles and methods of supervision; office management; personnel management. For Permanent Clerks Only permanent Clerks, Stenographers and Typists may take this course. It is planned to issue each lecture and other pertinent material in writing in advance so individuals may fauuliaiize He still makes and develops orthopedic equipment for pan tlents In t h e hospital a t the r e quest of therapists a n d doctors. Has Inventive Faculty Mr. Sheldon, who h a s worked a t high-speed machines In th« power-woodworking shop for many years without any severe accident^ has contributed many mechanical pieces of apparatus for patients. Including an improved adjustable duralimiinum baby crutch. B o m at Salt Point, Dutchess County^ In 1905, Mr. Sheldon h a s two married children and three g r a n d children—all girls. As a hobby he breeds tropical fish. He was chosen for the citation f r o m among 30 nominated h a n d i capped workers on recommendation of a panel of experts selected by Mary Goode Krone, chairm a n of the State Personnel Council, who was requested by Mr. T r a i n to assist in the selection of an outstanding handicapped Civil Service Worker. Committee Members The committee was composed ot William J . Murray, assistant a d ministrative dlrctor. State D e p a r t m e n t of Civil Service; Dr. Samuel Bohlin, director of Vocational Rehabilitation, State Dep a r t m e n t of Education; Dr. Anne M. Bahlke, director. Bureau of Medical Rehabilitation, D e p a r t ment of Health; Ann Lehman^ senior employment consultant (selective placement). State Dep a r t m e n t of Labor; Geraldine Wheeler, welfare consultant, A f ter-Care Section, Workmen's Compensation Board; and Mary R i c h mond, senior medical social worker, State Department of Social I Welfare. Stationary Engineering Course Begins ALBANY, Oct. 15 — Two new stationary engineering training courses are beginning, one in Parmingdale, Long Island, t h e other in Albany. T h e classes will be presented at the Parmingdale High School by the Training Division of t h e S t a t e Civil Service Department in cooperation with the Parmingdale Board of Education. Pull information about t h e classes may be h a d from William Van Arnum, Director of AdultEducation, Parmingdale High School. Registration for t h e Albany course is in t h e Training Division's offices on the second floor a t 40 Steuben St. Classes will be held at this same location on Monday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. All persons Interested in the course are eligible to enroll. T h e program is designed for those desiring to increase their knowledge of this field and for those preparing for advancement. Aunimn days are beautiful days at LUMB themselves with the content of the material. I n order to help defray the cost of preparing the written material, employees wishing to take the course are to be assessed $2 payable at t h e time of registration. REST - RELAXATION • RECREATION Those wishing to enroll should Golf Practele Cage, Driving R a n s e a n e P u t i n s — Green on t h e Premises give Civil Service Title, InstituTransportutioa to Nearby Golf CourM tion or Central Office Division, Free Social, Square and Folk Danelnc and the amount specified above to W R I T E FOR FOLDER Mrs. Charlotte P. Gotter, Treasurer of t h e Program Committee, NEW WINDSOR 5, N. Room 507, 125 Worth Street, New York 13, N. Y., no later t h a n October 22, 1951. (Also include Civil Service Grade, as well as title.) COAST COXST ffacboNtlag Ymar-Roand R«<ep# Coclrtcll Loung* • Orchtttra S««*onal SporH • SaddU HortM iMiructioR ia Folk, Social k Squam Dancing MONROE. N.Y.->i*lJ!8!!l»«-im lb h - S i ^ S A i i a f eOf^ r ^ c h i c a c o ^ 2 4 . ttbifA' mmi'ZJ.^fi & iMPIMAm COA 1 5 9 w . 45 PL-7-6886 S T . o f f T i m e s Sq. In l o e w s S t a t e T h e j Bldg Tneadaj, Oelober 16, a I V I L 1951 S E R V I CE L mA D R R : II Page Fifteen Complete List for Permanent Job Appointments , follows: Agriculturist Economist, G S - 5 , J u n i o r M a n a g e m e n t Assist- gist, GS-180, Corrective T h e r a p y 960, n o t above g r a d e GS-7, Medl« Animal Fiber Technologist, Seed a n t , G S - 5 , I n t e r n , Hospital Ad- Aide, GS-634, Education T h e r a p y cal P h o t o g r a p h e r , GS-1060, D i e m i n i s t r a t i o n , Highway Engineer I n s t r u c t o r , GS-1710, H e m a t o l o - tetic I n t e r n , (unclas-sifiei). Technologist. D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Interlofn J u n i o r Agricultural Assistant, (Trainee^ G S - 4 & 5, A e r o n a u t i - glst, GS-420, I l l u s t r a t o r , Scientific. cal R e s e a r c h I n t e r n , G S 5 , Aero(Medical), GS-1020, I n s t r u c t o r Bonneville Power AdministraO S - 5 & 7. positions as follows: n a u t i c a l R e s e a r c h Pilot, G S 5 & 7, F o r T h e Blind, a S 1 7 2 0 , L a n t i o n : Power S u b - S t a t i o n O p e r a Agricultural Economist. AgriculAeronautical R e s e a r c h Scientists, guage R e t r a i n i n g I n s t r u c t o r , G S tor, Apprentice O p e r a t o r . t u r a l Engineer. Agronomist. Ani1720, M a n u a l Arts T h e i a p i s t , G S Federal Security Agency: Public m a l Physiologist. Animal H u s - GS-7. 1710, M a n u a l Arts Aido GS-174. T r a i n e e positions (with positive W e l f a r e R e s e a r c h Analyst G S - 1 0 2 b a n d m a n . Agriculturist, Aquatic Medical Record L i b r a r i a n . G S 9 through 13, Social W o r k e r Biologist. B o t a n i s t . Dairy H u s - e d u c a t i o n a l r e q u i r e m e n t ) , G S - 3 b a n d m a n , Entomologist, Fishery & 4, in options as folows: C h e m - 669, Medical Officer ( R a t i n g S p e - (Public W e l f a r e Adviser), GS-185 cialist), D e n t ^ Office/, ( R a t i n g a n d GS-102-9 t h r o u g h 13. Biologist. Forester, Geneticist, His- istry, Physics, Metallurgy, E n g i Railroad Retirement Board: tologist. H o r t i c u l t u r i s t , H e m a t o l i - neering (all b r a n c h e s ) , Soil C o n - Specialist), Mycologist. GS-431, Optometrist, GS-562, O p t o m e t r i s t Actuary, GS-1510-7-12. gist. P l a n t Pathologist, P l a n t servation. Aide, GS-645, Parasitologist. G S G e n e r a l Accounting Office: A c Physiologist, P o u l t r y H u s b a n d m a n , Hospitals, Clinics a n d Labs Pharmacologist, GS-405, c o u n t a n t (Comprehensive Audits)^ Soil Scientist (Soil Class. & M a p . ) , Positions located in hospitals, 412, Physical Science Technician. G S GS-510-5-7. Statistician, Wildlife Biologist, clinics a n d laboratories, a s folBur. of E n g r a v i n g & P r i n t i n g : Zoologist (Parasitology). lows: Medical Officer, D e n t a l Offi- 1311, Prosthetic L a b o r a t o r y T e c h nician, GS-683. R e s e a r c h T e c h n i Fishery a n d Wildlife Biologist. cer, Professional Nurses, Including cian, G S 404, R a d i o i s o t : p e T e c h - P l a t e P r i n t e r . Government P r i n t i n g Office: G S - 5 & 7. T i s h e r y a n d Wildlife Public H e a l t h Nurse. Staff Nurse, nician, GS-1371. P r i n t e r H a n d Compositor. P r i n t e r Management, GS-7. Geologist, G e n e r a l D u t y Nurse, Head Nurse, Slug M a c h i n e O p e r a t o r , P r i n t e r T r e a s u r y _D e p a r t m e n t G S - 5 & 7, Geophysiclst, G S - 5 & Supervisory Nurse, Director of 7, Chemist, G S - 5 & 7, Engineer, Nursing Service, Nursing I n s t r u c Tntprnal Rpvpnup Ae7nf G S - i ^ o n o Keyboard O p e r a t o r , P r i n t e r i n t e r nEnginer a l Revenue Agent,Agent, i P r o o f r e a d e r , Bookbinder Hand, all options, G S - 5 & 7, M a t h e m a t i - tor, Nurse Anesthetist, Director of 512-7, Revenue Bookbinder Machine, Cylinder cian, G S - 5 & 7, Metallurgist, Nursing E d u c a t i o n , All Nurse S p e - GS-897-7. Special Agent (Tax P r e s s m a n , Stereotyper, EiectroG S - 5 & 7, Physicist, G S - 5 & 7, cialists, Practical Nurse, Fraud), GS-18H-7. typer Molder, Electrotyper F i n i s h Electronic Scientist, G S - 5 & 7, Physical, Occupational, Speech, O t h e r Inclusions er, P h o t o e n g r a v e r , L i t h o g r a p h i c G e o g r a p h e r , G S - 5 & 7, Biologist, a n d Exercise T h e r a p i s t s , R e c r e a P a t e n t E x a m i n e r , GS-5, P a r k Offset P r e s s m a n . G S - 5 & 7, Archeologist. G S - 5 & 7, tion Specialist, (in both professR a n g e r , GS-5, Fishery P r o d u c t s D e p a r t m e n t of Justice, B u r e a u R a n g e Conservationist. G S - 5 & 7, ional a n d subprofessional c a t e Technologist, GS-7, F a r m M a n of P r i s o n s : Correctional Officer. R a n g e Mauiager, G S - 5 & 7. F o r e s - gories). a g e m e n t Supervisor, G S 5 a n d 7, CPC-440 7. ter, G S - 5 & 7. Soil C o n s e r v a t i o n Medical T e c h n i c i a n , in t h e f o l (General), GS-7, D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Interior, B u ist. G S - 5 & 7. Soil Scientist. lowing categories: X - r a y , G e n e r a l Agriculturist G S - 5 & 7. V e t e r i n a r i a n . G S - 5 & Medical, Bacteriology, Serology, Dairy M a n u f a c t u r i n g Technologist reau of I n d i a n Affairs; T e a c h e r , 7. V e t e r i n a r i a n (Trainee) G S - 5 Histology, Histopathology, a n d (Process B u t t e r I n s p e c t o r ) , GS-7, GS-1711-5 t h r o u g h 7. Food Preservation Specialist, G S D e p a r t m e n t of t h e Interior, B u & 7. Pood a n d D r u g Inspector. Radioisotope. 7, H o m e Economist, G 3 - 5 a n d 7, Bacteriologist, Serologist, H i s - P l a n t Q u a r a n t m e Inspector, GS-7, r e a u of R e c l a m a t i o n : A c c o u n t a n t a n d Auditor, GS-511-5. tologist. Pathologist, H i s t o p a t h F e d e r a l Deposit I n s u r a n c e Corologist. Dietitian, P h a r m a c i s t , F a r m Credit E x a m i n e r , GS-7. V e t e r a n s A d m i n i s t r a t i o n : Hos- p o r a t i o n : B a n k E x a m i n e r ( T r a i n e e Medical Social Worker. Orthopedic, D e n t a l , O p h t h a l m o - pital A t t e n d a n t ( M e n t a l ) , G S - A s s i s t a n t ) , GS-510-5, B a n k E x G S - a m i n e r , GS-510-7. prosthetlc, Blectrocardiogi a p h , 621, A d j u d i c a t o r T r a i n e e , and Electroencephalograph Technician, D e n t a l Hygienist, D e n t a l Assistant, Medical Technical FREE NOTARY PUBLIC SERVICE Assistant. P s y c h a t r i c Aide, P s y c h i a t r i c Social Worker, Medical As a service to applicants for Civil Service |obk. appiicotiont will Psychiatric Social Worker, A r t interest among civil service ted, In small classes or alone, t o & be notarized without charge a t the office ot the Civil Service •mployees is a t a n a l l - t i m e high. develop a t his own r a t e of speed. Radioisotope Scientist. LEADER, 97 Duane Streel, across the street trom The Civil Service* I n d i c a t i o n s are t h a t m o r e p u b - T h e r e is no e m p h a s i s on c r e a t i n g Medical Technician, GS-645, Commission. lic workers t h a n ever before a r e "masterpieces." Miss Meltzer gives Histopathology T e c h n i c i a n , G S going into painting, drawing, each s t u d e n t h e r undivided a t - 646, Medical X - R a y T e c h n i c i a n , sculpture, a n d o t h e r a r t activities. t e n t i o n d u r i n g t h e entire period GS-647, Medical a n d X - R a y T e c h The Civil Service Employees of each lesson. Says t h e i n s t r u c - nician, GS-648. ElecLrocardioAssociation a r t show in Albany t o r : " T h e a d u l t who finds it diffi- g r a p h T e c h n i c i a n , GS-649, Elech a s d r a w n larger audiences t h a n cult to relax a f t e r years of tension t r o e n c e p h a l o g r a p h Technician, a n y o t h e r exhibit ever held in t h e f r o m m e n t a l stress will find t h i s GS-659, Dental T e c h n i c i a n , G S Albany Art I n s t i t u t e . kind of h e l p c a n be real t h e r a p y . " 683. Now comes along a new idea for S t u d e n t s d o n ' t need t o buy Acoustic Audiologist, GS-1390, a d u l t s . Including civil servants, supplies u n t i l well u n d e r way. Audiologist, GS-665, Audiology who are interested in becoming since Miss Meltzer's studio is Technician, GS-666, Biochemist a m a t e u r artists. I t ' s a c o m b i n a - well-equipped. A large a r t - l i b r a r y (Medical), GS-1320, Biological tion of l e a r n i n g a r t a n d emotional a n d r e p r o d u c t i o n s of fine works Aide, GS-402. Clinical Psycholor e l a x a t i o n a t t h e s a m e time. T h e are also available. T h e studio is HERE IS A LISTING OF ARCO p l a n is being s t a r t e d by Doris in d o w n t o w n M a n h a t t a n . iCOURSES for PENDING EXAMINATIONS^ Meltzer. well-known a r t i s t a n d A p p o i n t m e n t s m a y be m a d e by director of t h e N a t i o n a l S e r i g r a p h telephone: ALgonquin 5-0424 INQUIRE ABOUT OTHER COURSER Galleries in New York City. m o r n i n g s or Circle 5-8936 a f t e r How I t Works noons. T h e N a t i o n a l S e r i g r a p h Accountant & Auditor....$2.50 • J r . Management Asst $2.501 STATE I d e a Is t h i s : I n individual les- Society Is a t 38 West 67th S t r e e t . Administrative Assistant • J r . Professional Asst $2.50 Open-Competitive sons, t h e a m a t e u r will be p e r m i t - NYC. $2.50 N. Y. C. ™.........$2.50 • J r . Scientist CORRKCTION INSTITUTION TKACHEK Law & Court Steno $2.50 Apprentice $2.00 (COMMON BKANCHKS), I)(>Iiartiiii>iit of Correction. Librarian $2.50 Army & Navy 1. Cunninghani, Ray G., N. Paltz 103000 Lieutenant (Fire Dept.) $2.50 Practice Tests $2.00 Harvey, Arthur O., PlattsbiirE: HI 500 .LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! 2.3. Moraii, Mechanical Engr $2.50 I • Ass't Foreman James W.. Wallkill ..81)000 4. Stuber. Janiea 0.. Forest IHS 88000 (Sanitation) $2.50 Motor Vehicle License 6. Cox. Harold O.. NYC 88000 Examiner $2.50 • Asst. Gardener $2.00 6. Chapman, Thomas R., Alb.iny 80000 IN PERSON! % Misc. Office • Attendant $2.00 7. Kindler, Augusta B., Forest His 80500 8. Bednaraki, Henry S.. BUlyn . . 8 5 0 0 0 Machine Oper $2.00 • Beverage Control ». Rainer. Eligiue G., Pkeepsie 86000 $2.50 Investigator $2.50 • Patrolman (P.D.) J.O. Brown, Ella V., Bklyn 84000 $2.50 a Bookkeeper $2.50 • Playground Director 11. Weitnian, Nathan, Bronx 83000 12. Ciarnecki, Francis, Buffalo . . . 8 2 0 0 0 $2.00 • Bridge & Tunnel Officer $2.50 • Policewoman 13. Jackson. Leonard T., Bronx . . 8 1 0 0 0 $2.50 • Bus Maintainer — $2.50 • Power Maintainer 14. Gangi, Sebastian A., Buffalo 81000 16. Cohen, Frieda, Bklyn 81000 $2.00 • Civil Engineer $2.50 • Railroad Clerk Ifi. Moss. Riohard M., Bklyn 80500 btnt $3.00 • Clerk, CAF 1-4 $2.50 • Real Estate Broker 17. Brown, Margaret J., Bklyn . . 8 0 6 0 0 „....$2.00 • Clerk. 3-4-5 $2.50 • Sanitation Man 18. VanHoesen, Morton. Athens . . 8 0 0 0 0 PAT HENNING 1». Harrin, Arthur 0., Castleton 70500 $2.00 • Clerk. Gr. 2 $2.50 • School Clerk 20. LeWanc, Edward J., Albany . . 7 0 0 0 0 • Social Investigator $2.50 • NYS Clerk-Typist 21. Wallaoh, Ida, Bklyn 79000 $2.50 Stenogropher $2.50 • Social Supervisor 22. Dumke, Leo G.. Attica 79000 23. Chance, Boston, NYC 78000 $2.50 Correction Officer U.S $2.00 a Social Worker 24. Natale, Anthony J., Newburgh 78000 • Sr. File Clerk „...$2.50 Correction Officer 25. Langley, Graham E., Rensselaer 78000 26. Groeiu-pan. Milton, Bronx 78000 (women) $2.50 • Sr. Surface Line OLDEST CREW SINCE "THE KILLERS"! 27. Zazzarino, Edward, NYC 78000 Dispatcher $2.50 Dietitian —$2.5i V 28. Mills. Abraham. NYC 77500 $2.50 Electrical Engineer $2.50 • S t a t e Trooper Goldetein, Arnold. Bronx . . . . 7 7 0 0 0 Elevator Operator $2.00 • Stationary Engineer It Fireman $2.50 • Employment Interviewer $2.50 f.EGAL NOTICE • Engineering Tests $2.50 • Steno-Typfct SUPREME COURT OF THE STATE OF (Practical) $1.50 • Fireman (F.D.) $2.5f NEW YORK. COUNTY OF NEW YORK. a Fir* Lieutenant $2.51 • Steno Typist (CAF-1-7) ..$2.00 IRVING TRUST COMPANY and FRANK MiHiiiiBinCitiiVirORD W. AIGELTINGER. as Trustees under a General Test Guide $2.00 • Stenographer, Gr. 3-4 ..$2.50 Aereement made by Harry J. Schmidt, • H. S. Diploma Tests $3.00 • Structure Maintainer —$2.50 dated June 5, 1936, Flaintifls. against $2.00 • Hospital AHendant $2.00 • Student Aid HELENE SCHORK. FLORENCE MINNERS. AND OTHEK3. Defendants Plain$2.50 • Honslng Asst $2.50 • Train Dispatcher tiffs deoignute New York County as the • Insurance Ag't-Broker —$3.M • Transit Sergeant — place of trial. SUMMONS. CoriMrate Plaintiff's .Principal Place of Business New Lieutenant $2.50 • Janitor Custodian $2.5f W A S H I N O T O N . Oct. 15 — T h e following is t h e latest revised list • f positions tor which p r o b a t i o n al (permanent) appointment has been authorized by t h e U. S. Civil Service Commission. All o t h e r new a p p o i n t m e n t s a r e Indefinite, t e m porary, or f o r a fixed period. R u r a l Carrier. Policemen a n d F i r e m e n , District • f Columbia O o v e m m e n l . N a t i o n a l Capital P a r k Policeman. Hearing Examiner. Agricultural R e s e a r c h Scientist. G S - 7 , positions as follows: A g r o n o m i s t ( R e s e a r c h ) , Bacteriologist (Research). Biologist (Wildlife Research), Botanist (Research). Cereal Technologist (Research), D a i r y Mfg. Technologist (Res e a r c h ) , Dairy H u s b a n d m a n (Res e a r c h ) , Entomologist ( R e s e a r c h ) , Fisheries Research Biologist, Geneticist ( R e s e a r c h ) , H o r t i c u l turist (Research). Meat Technologist ( R e s e a r c h ) , Microanalyvst (Research, P l a n t and Animal F i b e r s ) , Mycologist (Research), Parasitologist ( R e s e a r c h ) , P l a n t Pathologist (Research). Plant Physiologist ( R e s e a r c h ) , P o u l t r y Husbandman (Nutrition Res e a r c h ) , P o u l t r y Physiologist ( R e s e a r c h ) . Soil Scientist ( R e s a r c h ) . Agriculturist, G S - 7 , positions as New Plan for Civil Servants: Learn to Paint, Relax From Tension in Art Lessons WONDERFUL NEW ARCO COURSES Eligible List • 'er- THE IMOB ^ARAlMOU^r Subscribe for the LEADER SUBSCRIPTION $2.50 Per Year CIVIL SERVICE LEADER, »7 Duane Street. New York 7, N. T. Please enter my subscription for one year. Tonr Name Address I enclose check [7] Send bill to rnie: mt my office Q my department my dub Q York County. TO THE ABDVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer the complaint in tht action and to serve a copy ot your answer, or if, the complaint is not served with thi* summone, to serve a notice of appearance, on the Plaintiff's Attorneys within twenty days after the service of thii. Summons, exdusive of the duy of service. In case of your failure to appear, or answer. Judement will be taken against you by default, for the relief demanded in ibe complaint. Date<l, September 1, 1951. HOWIE * ROBERTSON, -Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Ollice and Post Oflice Address: Uno Wall Street New York 6, New York To the above named defendants in this action: The foregoing aunimons is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. Jainus B. M. McNully, Justice of the 'Supreni' Court of the State of New York dated the 14lb day of September, 1U51, and filed with the complaint in thn oUice of the clerk of the County of New York, at the County CourUiouse. Futey Bquare, Mauhallun, New York. HOWIE * ROBERTSON, Attorneys for Plaintiffs, Otiiue and P. O. Addrew: 1 Wall Street. New York 6. N, 1 . FREE! With Every N. Y. C . Arco Book— You Will Receive an Invaluable New Arco "Outline Chart of New York City Governiment." 1 ORDER DIRECT—HAIL COUPOH h " 3S« for 24 hour tpccial d«liv»ry C. O. D.'s 30c extra LEADER BOOK STORE 97 Ou«ne St.. New York 7, N. Y. f1««s« sand m* copiat of booiM cbaekad abova. i ancloia chacii or monay ordar for | Name Add P«ge Sixteen C I V I L S E R V I C E L E A D E R Tuesday,-October 16, 1 9 5 1 Industrial and Public Jobs Open T h e New York S t a t e ESmploym e n t Service's ftst^t revised list of Job openings In pflvate a n d public employment in t h e S t a t e is published herewith. I t is advisable to apply immediately. Applications or requests f o r i n formation should be m a d e only in person. Residents c : NYC who seek Jobs listed by any NYC employment office should apply at t h a t office. Residents of NYC who seek any Job outsido t h e city should go t o t h e NYC office indicated by t h e following key letters appearing a f t e r t h e out-of-town Jobs: (a) Industrial Offices: 87 Madison Ave., M a n h a t t a n ; (for M a n h a t t a n and Bronx residents); 205 Schermerhorn St., Brooklyn; Queens Industrial Office, 29-27 4l3t Avenue, L. I. City. (b) Commercial-Professional Offlee, 1 East 19fch Street, M a n h a t tan. (c) Needle Trades Office, 225 .West 34th Street. M a n h a t t a n . (d) Service Industries Office, 40 East 59th Strc-et. M a n h a t t a n . (e) Nurse Counselling and Placement Office. 119 West 5701 Street, M a n h a t t a n . (f) Shipbuilding T r a d e s Office, 165 Joralemon Street, Brooklyn. (g) Sales OfBce, 44 East 23 St., Manhattan. (h) M a n h a t t a n Household O f fice. 220 West 80th Street, M a n hattan. Upstate residents should apply for any job, local or out-of-town, a t their nearest Employment Service office. T h e title is given first, t h e pay next, t h e n t h e number of vacancies and finally t h e special type of work or comment, a n d t h e key letter, if a n y : Sheet Metal Worker, $1.50-$2.00 hr., 6. Screw Machine Operator (semia u t o m a t i c ) , $1.60-$1.79 hr., 5. Bench Machinist. $1.50-$1.65 hr., 29. Machine Shop Inspector, $1.60$1.87 hr., 25^ Machinist, «1.80-$2.00 hr., 10. Toolmaker, $1.75 $2.00 hr., 6. Engine L a t h e Operator, $1.79$1.90 hr., 10. T u r r e t Lathe Operator, $1.67$1.87 hr.. 5. Jig Borer Operator, $1.75-$2.1D hr., 4. Outside ISYC uniform, laundry, 3 (e) Registered Nurse, $170 mo. plus meal, uniform, laundry, 5, (e). HEMPSTEAD Tool Designer, $70-$90 wk., 30. (a) Methods Engineer, $60-$85 wk., 30. (b) Electrical Engineer, $350-$600 mo., 80. (b) KINGSTON Paper Cutter, $1.5^5 hr., 1. (a) Cylindei Pressman $1.25 hr. up, 1. (a) NEWBURGH Toolmaker. to $2,50 hr. plus O T over 40, 3. (a) Civil Engineer, $5,400 yr. start, 2. (b) Oil Burner Installation and Service Man, $2.00 hr., 1. (a) NORWICH Radio Mechanic, $1.25-$1.40 hr., 1. (a) NYACK Maintenance Mechanic, $60-$75 wk., 1. (a) PEEKSKILL Industrial Bacteriologist, $3,600 yr., 1. (b) PLATTSBURG Bricklayer $3 hr. 6 (a). Radio Engineer $52 wk. s t a r t , 1 (b). POTSDAM Bricklayer, $2.75 hr. plus $4.00 day trav. exp., 40. (a) ROCKVILLE CENTER Weaver, $1.25 h r . 2. (c) ROME Tool a n d Die Maker. $1.89 hr., start, 3. (a) Structural Steel Worker, $1.63$1.89 hr., 3, citizen, (a) Radio Repairman, $1.66 hr., 20. (a) Electronics Engineer, $3,100$5,400 yr., m a n y jobs, (b) SARANAC LAKE Radio Engineer, $52 wk., 1, (b) Glassblower, $50 wk. plus ALBANY Machinist (Machine Shop), $1.15-$1.85 hr., 3, own tools, (a) Loom Fixer, $1.41 hr 25% e f ficiency bonus 10% 3r(? shift, 3. (a). Glazier (construction), $1.92VJs hr., 1. (a) Weaver, $1.25 hr. plus effic. bonus plus 10% shift, 12. (c) Engine Lathe Operator, $1.32V2$1.75 hr., 2, own ;ools. (a). D r a f t s m a n , $1.7d $4.25 hr., 10, elec., mech. & areo work, (b) Die Maker, $l.b?-$1.85 hr., 3. (a) Slotter, $1.05-$1.75 hr., 2. (a) Planer Operator, $1.05-$1.75 hr., 3. (a) Gear Hobber Operator, $1.05$1.62 hr., 5. (a) Surface Grinder Operator, $1.15-$1.60 hr., 2. (a) Floor Assembler, $1.25-$1.75 hr., 7. (a) BEACON Cost Accountant, $3600-$4200 yr., 1. (b) Machinist, $1.65 hr. start, 2. (a) Engine Lathe Operator, $1.35mc $1.55 hr., 4. (a) Turret Lathe Operator, $1.33MANHATTAN M a n h a t t a n Industrial Office, 87 $1.55 hr.. 4. (a) Horizontal Milling Machine Madison Avenue Job Setter, $1.60 hr. up, 8, screw Operator, $1.33 -$1 55 hr., 3. (a) BINGHAMTON maciiines. Tailor (Retail T r a d e ) . $50 wk. Tool and Die Maker, $1.75-$2.50 base, 1. (c). hr.. 16. & Die M?,kei, $1.50-$3.00 Die Maker, $1.75-$2.50 hr., 20. hr.,Tool 1. (a) Machinist, $1.60-!|:2,00 hr. 42, Instructor, Auto.iiotive TechPrecision Lens Polisher, $1.69- nology, $4,450 jT., 1. (b) $1.88 hr. plus OT, 10. Instructor, Mechanical TechNurse CounselUiig a n d Placement BUFFALO Office, 119 West 57th Street Design D r a f t s m a n , $350-$500 Occupational Therapist, $175- mo., 10. (b) $205 month, 2. Architectural-Structural D r a f t s Nurse, Supervising. $225-$300 m a n , $3.00-$3.25 hr., 1. (b) m o n t h , 25, registered. Engine L a t h e Operator, $1.40Nurse, Staff, $200-$240 m o n t h , $2.00 hr., 38. (a) Machine R e p a i r m a n , $1.99 % 100, Grad., licensed or pending hr.. 100. (a) license. Machinist, $1.50-$2.00 hr., 15. Nurse, Public Health, $3,000 yr., 15. registered, 1 yr. grad. study (a) Automatic Handling Equipment pub. health nursing. Physical Therapist, $160-$300 Maker, Bench Machinist, $2.10 V2 hr., 100. (a) m o n t h , 10, various parts of US. Die Sinker, $3.00 hr., 3. (a) Commercial-Professional Office Die Maker, $2.10 Va hr., 400. 1 East 19th Street Entomologist, $5,400 yr. & Trav. (a) Tool & Die Maker, $1.65-$2.15 cxp., 1. Electronic Engineer, $5,000 yr., 1 hr., 6. (a) Template Maker (Body Dies), plus. $2.10 1/2 hr., 10. (a) Mechanical Engineer, $95-$160 Keller Machine Operator, $2.15 wk. 10. 1/2 hr., 5. (a) Mechanical D r a f t s m a n , $70-$100 Turret Lathe Operator, $1.30Wk., 10. $1.80 hr., 42. (a) Sculptor, $75 wk. a n d up, 1. Milling Machine Operator, Electrical D r a f t s m a n , $75-$90 $1.20-$1.75 hr., 15. (a) Wk. plus O T 5. Boring Mill Op.^rator, $1.55S t r u c t u r a l D r a f t s m a n , $75-$90 $1.91 hr.. 66. (a) .Wk. plus O T 5. Layout Inspector (Machine M a n h a t t a n Household Office, S h o p ) . $1.95 1/2 hr- 50. (a) 220 West 80th Street. Sheet Metal Worker, $1.35-$2.00 Couples. Cooks, Geneial Maids, hr.. 18. (a) Nursemaids, $35 wk. «Sc u p plus Sheet Metal Worker (maintemaint., references required. n a n c e ) . $1.90 1/2 hr 50. (a) BROOKLYN Molder. $1.33-$1.76 hr., 11. (a) tt Brooklyn Industrial Office Welder, $1.40-$1.95 hr., 22. (a) f 205 Schermerhorn St. Combination Welder, $1.50f J o b Setter, $1.50-$1.90 h r . 11. $1.75 hr., 4. (a) ! Machinist, $1.25 $1.90 hr., 200. Electrical ' Repairman, $1.95 Bench Machinist, $1.25 - $1.75 V2 hr., 100. (a) hr., 14. Plumber-Pipefitter, $1.90 % h r . Die Maker, $1.75-$2.25 hr., 20. 100. (a) Tool & Die M a k t r , $1.75-$2.25 Millwright, $1.85 V* hr., 100. (a) hr., 38. Welding Equipment (and fixDiemaker/Eyelet Maker, $1.75- ture) Repairman, $1.99 hr, $2.10 hr. plus OT, 4. 100. (a) Shipbuilding Trades Office, Toolmaker, $2.10 ^ hr., 100. 165 Joralemon St. Able Seamen, $248 mo. plus OT, (a)Bricklayer, $3.02 hr.. 50. (a) 20, seaman papers. Engineer, $400 mo. Marine Fireman, $248 mo. plus up,Mechanical 1. (b) OT, 20, seaman papers. COBLESKILL Marine Oilers. $248 mo. plus OT, Baker. $60-$80 wk., 1. (a) 20. seaman papers. ELMIRA J r . 3rd Asst E.igineer, $338T i m e Study Engineer. $450$371 mo. plus OT. 25, licensed. $550 mo. start. 1. (b) QUEENS Electronics Engineer, $350 mo. Queens Industrial Office 29-27 41sl Ave., Long Island City up. 1. (b) Tool & Die Maker, $2.10 hr., Centerless Grinder Operator, 5. (a) ' |1.20-$1.40 hr., 3. GENEVA Bench Molder, $1.60 hr. a n d up, Radio Engineer. $56 wk. n o ComblnatioQ Welder, $1.60- exp., $62 wk. 2 yr<i. exp., 1, FCC license, own car. (b) $1.75 hr., 4. GLOVERSVILLE Tool and Die Maker, $1.76-$2.00 Machinist, $1.45 hr., 2. (a) hr., 3. GOUVEBNEUB Milling Machine Operator, $1.67 He«d Nurse, $180 mo. 1 meal. -$1.87 hr., 15. comm., 1. (a) Arc Welder Train t e . $1.32 pluf S a n t a Claus, $59 wk., 1, grow hr., 25, will train, (a) n a t u r a l white beard, (b) Tiftret L a t h e Operator, $1.2t Machinist, $1.55 hr., 1. (a) plus hr., 5. (a) Utilities and Maintenance ForeUTICA man, $5,000 yr., 1. (a) S t r u c t u r a l, $2.50 h r , . 1. (b) SCHENECTADY Tool Designer, $400-$500 mou Machinist, $1.72-$1.88 hr., plua 2. (b) 10% shift, 60. (a) Radial Drill Press Operator, Tool Planner, $3j0-$390 moi.a $1.72 h r av. plus s h i f t diff., 6. (a) 10. (b) Coremaker. $1.66 Vi-$1.83 hr. Radio Tester, $ 1 6 1 start, 25i, plus OT, 5. (a) (a) Jig-Boring Machine Operator, WATERTOWN $1.77 Va -$1.93 h r . plus s h i f t dill., Tool Designer, $«?,000-$8,000 yr,« 9. (a) 1. (b) Toolmaker. $1.88-$2.04V& hp. Bricklayer, $2.60 hr. plus doubleplus s h i f t diff., 75. (a) time over 40, 12. (a) L a y - o u t Man, $1.77-$2.00 hr., 5. (a) Laborer, $1.12-$1.39 h r . start, 700, unskilled Jobs, (a) State Expects Record Engine L a t h e Operator, $1.72$1.83 hr. plus diff., 60. (a) Hiring of Handicapped T u r r e t L a t h e Operator, $1.72Aiming a t Increasing last year's $1.88 hr. plus diff., 26. (a) Milling Machine Operator, $1.72 t o t a l of jobs f o u n d for t h e physically handicapped by about 33 -$1.83 hr. plus dlfT. 50. (a) Vertical Boring Mill Operator, field representatives of t h e New York S t a t e Employment Service $2.04 »/2 hr. plus diff., 30. (a) called on employers in connecSYRACUSE Machinist, $1.50 plus hr., 10. (a) tion with National Employ t h e Physically Handicapped Week, Die Maker, $1.80 hr.. 2. (a) Toolmaker. $1.75 hr. pis. 5 (a) proclaimed by President T r u m a a Molder, Floor, Bench, Squeeze. a n d Governor Dewey f o r October $1.07-$1.45 hr. plus pee. wk., 5. 7-13. (a) If t h e pace since J a n u a r y 1 is the Employment Coremaker, $1.07-$1.45 hr. plus maintained, Service reported, more t h a n 28,000 pee. wk., 10. (a) Arc Welder, $1.52 $1.57 hr. plus jobs will be f o u n d for t h e h a n d i capped this year as compared 10% shift, many, (a) Auto Body R e p a i r m a n , $60 wk. with 21,079 in 1950. up, 3. (a) Employment Service officials Mechanical Engineer, $500 mo., pointed out t h a t persons classed 1. (b) as "handicapped" are not totally Mechanical D r a f t s m a n , $45 wk., incapacitated. Lack of a n a r m or u p 5. (b) leg does not h a m p e r a worker in Electronic Engineer, $70-$95 m a n y jobs; a t times a h a n d i c a p , wk., 25. (b) such as deafness in a noisy p l a n t , Physical Theraulst, $180 mo., enables better performance. I n a d 1. (b) dition. t h e partly disabled usually Machine Shop Trainee, $1.13- are more conscientious t h a n ordi$1.38 hr., 20, will train, (a) n a r y workers, says t h e NYSES. WISS i lie WISS Enjoy unparalleled ease of use and mo$\ efficient cutting of all fabrics with these new Wiss Model C Pinking Shears, now available for the first time in two sizes—7Vi and 9 inches. New Mod. C B 7—7ya" Black Handles, $6.95 New Mod. C C 7—/Vt" Full arome, $7.95 Regular Mod. C B 9—9^^ Black Handles, $7.95) Regular Mod. C C 9—9^ Full arome, $8.95 Nfw Small Sixt Regular Slie i ' i ' r i ' r r } ' r i ' , m i SAeauOy«r 100 y««i vf Qvoliiy Jh«wt