_-:- : . ...:>TAM1dooiu PiJBUC SERVICE COMMJSSiOH . •.-~ \..;- .. ~- -. . ._. - DE~Aa~lf~fi.t Ts-s1's1~-XAM-±NATI0Ns. '""~--."'"- List otB~~ks _~;l~;e~- :f~f~fhit~~-ts or S~bjcets "'·~ich a~-:~~ .be .answer~ wtth books. · . (No~e to Cbi~fj~_~i~~~t~~(~·'.For d~talled in~-~ructio~s-regardin~ bo_~~ to be _ allowed :~~ the ~~:ait\i~a;tiort '.baU, -pJease see the c_overing:lettei-forwardirig this list.) . .. · . . . .:.~·,_ · :. :-_,ntPARTMENTAL tESTS -. . . :' AccouNr resT FoR 1·. The 2. :~edtit~k·riF~;6e~~: (a) The .-Ptisio~s:Ad Ut of 1900. ... (b) Tile Prisions'Act IX of 1894. '. Tamn ~adu Fin:~h~i::c;]!'. ;:· --::._;.-:--_'. _ :·:_ - -. (c)TheTamil N_~du Regulations l! of '819. . (d) The Indian l:\inacy Act IV of 1912. · (e) The Tamil Nadu Prislon and Reformatory Manual, 11 -P-art 1. The Tan,11 Nadu Tre~s:oiy:~~- eilrt& :I. ·Jt·a·O<f Ill. 3. The TamD Nadu Budget Manual> ' · / .- :::: '.' : · Vo1ume -4. An lntioduction to 1nd1an'.Govehfoient'Aceounts andAudlt. ,. . · __-,-__·_: ··.· ·· -~ JAIL TEST, PART' ~fl: 5. The e<>n$titution of liid.ia, -1950:.. ~- : -: : ..-: 6. The Tamil Nadti Pensio~_ ~~-~- :__.-·_<' _· ,. REVENUE t£ST: -. .· . -.. . -: ~ . ·.. ·:. .... The Tamil Nadu Juvenile Justice Act, 1986. ' : (i) For-Members ofihe Tamil Nadu Ministerial SelVice tn Agri~)ture Oepa,r tment, and . (ii) For T echnicaJ·staff in the Agriculture Department. · 1. The Revenue Acts and Regu~tlCi:n~-. ·. ·· '· . : --. · 2 . The Standing.Orders of th&: Board of-~~enii-8 and Revenue Se~em.ent end M1sce1iaifocias· : : -: _ (1931 edtlon).. . ·- : , :" • ,,: ·3. The Tamll .Nadu gover11morit ·blfici, ;ManualTest (Previo1,1~1y District Office'Manuial -T:Q5t), : , :_ 4. l)le Stamp Manual. . .. · ~ .:.': .:. · : ' .. 5. The ~cial funds c~. .. ._., -_', ~_;,, : '. -y-.:, :· 6 . The Manuals of ViUage ·and-l)ili.ik Acq)i:fots. · 7. Chapter XIII of the chafns ·suivefManual.' " :· · ·. AND •, THE CIVIL CRlMINAL' :JUbic1A(·: TEST MEMBERS OFTHE Juo1c1~~ oePA~rMeNTi th.e .'; ' 1; T~ Ag_ricvltwa1Q,i!p_ attment Man~al 2. The-T;>mil Nadu ·f j nancial Code. Volumes I and ir. .. ... ·;;· .. .. ACCOUNT TEST FOR PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT OFFJCE~~ {''ND S~BORDINATES : '. . FOR 1. The Crimlnal Procedure code arid the Crli'nlnal Rules · of Practice. . . , . :_. .~ ._ -_-: .. _- . 2. The Civil procedure Code a·nd the C!vi!'Rules of Practice. . · . · 3. The Tamil Nadu court Fees and Suits Valuation · Act, 1955 (Tamil Nadu Act XVI or 1955 and the UmltatioA Act of 1963) (Act XXXVI of 1963). •' AND II 1. The lndlan Penal Code and the Acts amending the . . ·same. - 12. Tile code of Crlmlnal Procedure and the Acts amending the same. CRIMINAL JUDICIAL T;;ST, .PART Ill: -·1 . The Indian Evidence Act of 1812. N.B.- The candidates are permitted to use the abridged edition of the 'Hanel Book _o f Criminal law by Thlru. S. Krishnamurthy and the. 'Harid ~ of Criminal Law of Evidence. ('Procedure or· Pradclce· by Thiru S.Krlshnamurthy and' K Alagum~lai !'Ind the (New Code of Crlmlnal Procedure Act .No. · 211973) Published by Central Law Agency, Allahabad-2. . - · JAIL TEST, PART I:. 1. The lndlan Penal Code 2. The Code of Criminal Procedure 3. Laws, Rules, Regulations and Orders relating to Jail Management- ~; 115/33- f .--0 3. The TamffNadu Ai:icount Code, Volumes I and Ill 4. The i:artiilNadu Financial Code, Volume$ I and II 5. The ~amll_ Nadu .Treasury Code, volume 1 partsf aild II 6. .... - The· T.arrtll 'Nadu ·P~nslon Code. ' -_ . :fQR N.B. - The candldales are permitted to"u~ the abridged edition of the 'Hand book ·of · Criminal Law' by -Thiru S. Krishnamurthy. ' : -,, I 1. The Tarliil Nadu Pubric Wortts Oepattment.Code. 2. The T~mll Nadu P;ubllC Wor1<s Acc9unt e¢e. ACCOUtf r · :_TE~T HIGHWAY$ ANO WORKS , · .DEPARl'.MENT OFFl_CERS .SUBORDINATES: . •• CRIMINAL JUDICIAL· TEST, ' PARTS (DETAILED APPLICATION): . _ . AGRICULTURAL c ·E PARTMENT TEST: RURAL ANO 1. The Tamil·Nadu Highways Manual, volume IV. 2. The Fund_a mental '1!tes and the Subsidiary Rules of The TamN Nadu Government. · 3.- The Tamil Nadu Financial Ci>de, Voiumes I and 11. 4. The Tamu Nadu Aceount COde,Volumes I and 111. 5. The TamRNi!dU Treasury Code, Volume I Code. 6. The taniil'Nadu Pension .... .-· \ ACCOUNT · tEST F.qR SUBORDINATE OFFICERS, PART 1:. >. 1. The Tamil N4du fili;tn.cial Code. Volumes I and n. 2. The Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Vo~ t parts 1, 11 and Ill· ·. · · 3. The·TarTiii Nadu Treasury Code, Volume 11. 4. The Tainit Nadu Aoco.u nt Code. Volume 1 5. The tiimn Nadu Budget Manual: . 6. The Fundamental Rules _and th~ Subsidi;uy Rules framed therecmder b}l-.the Tamil Nadu 9QVemment i ncluding ~he Tamil N;ldu Leave rules, 1933. 7. The Tamir'Nadu Manual of Special Pay and Allowarices, Parts I and fl . 8. The Tamil Nadu Pens~n Code. .. . ACCOUNT TEST FOR_ SUBORDINATE. OFFICERS, PARTH: . . 1. The Tamil Nadu Tre~ury code, Volume I Parts, II and lll · , . 2. The Tamil Nadu Treasury Cod!l, Volume II. · 3 The Tamil Nad_u Acoouht Code, Volume 11. -4'. The Government Securities Manual, -Third Edition and the Tamil·Nadu GovernmentSecurtties Rules, 1937. 5. Th& Constitution ·of India, 1950. ...._ - '"···-·· ~ ·. , .,.,~ .-,;, ~ 1n1··(\"\ ·,:. ,., ·; ; ,.,y;:' .,"-;;·;:··· ~.,--~:.:. . . . .'. .·, : ''. ·>S:.-· <Ar\ Introduction to Indian Government Accounts and · ... Audi! .. · · TAMIL NAou GOVERNMENT OFF1ce ~ANOAlfiresr: Tamil Nadu. Governrn'ifot Office M!ilnual ~Two Parts. . : ·. ., ~·. ..:_ ~ I • • ...... ' THE 'tAMIL NADU WAKF .B:OARD ;riEi"'AFtT.M ENTAL TEST-I PAPER (DETAILED APPLICATION): ,> ;{ TAMIL NADU PORT DEPARTMENT GRA,DE: /r-i=s~~~ ·1. The l'arnil Nadu Pension Code. . .. •' 2 1. The Wakf Act, 1954 (Central Act 29 or 1954) · 2. The Tamil Nadu Wakf Rules, 1971. 3. The Tamil Nadu Wakf Board Service Regulations, 1971 . 4. 1. The Tamil'Nadu Port Manual. 2. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 and "·f'V~. i~sued thereunder. 3. The Tamil Nadu Minor Ports Harbour Craft Rules 1953. ' 4. · Th~ Tamil Nadu Out Ports l!af!dinQ:~~-"Sbipping Fees Act, 1885. 5. Fundamental Rules . 6. Tamil Nadu TA Rules. 7. Tamil Nadu Finanical Code Volume 1. 8. Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volume I, Part II 9. Tamil Nadu Budget Manual. The Mussalman Wakf Validating -Act. 1913 (Central Act VI of 1-913) 5. The Mussalman Wak'f Validating Act, 19~0 (C_~ntra!. TAMIL NADU PORT pEPARTMENT TEST, HIGHER GRADE: . . Act XXXll of 1930) 1. Tamil NaciuPort Manual. 2. The Marchant Shipping Act, 1958 and rules issued thereunder. 3. The Indian Ports Act, 1908 S!ld the rules issued thereunder 4. The Tamil Nadu Out ports, Landing a·n d Shipping DEPUTY INSPECTOR TEST-Ill PAPER-EDUCATIONAL Fees Act, 1685. STATISTICS: 5. The Tamil. Nadu Minor Ports Harbour Crafts Rules, 1953. . Educational Statistics of the Xear Pre_scrtbed. 6. The Indian light. House Ad. 7. The Indian Port Health Rules, 1955 8. Code of Storm Warning· signals· use iri'dian ELEqRICITY DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT TEST : Maritime Ports. 9. All Circulars, Gover.nment orders and Rut~ issued ih ·I Paper: Connection with Mercantile · Marine: Department The Tamil Nadu Electricity Department Manual, Volumes · I and JI · · including Notices to mariners ofa · Permane~t nature. The Regulations of the Code and Conduct of Muthavallis. · 7. The Public Wakfs (Extension of Limi~tion) Act,' 1959 (Central.Act 29 of 1959). 8 . The Limitation Act, 1963 (Central Act 36 of 1963). 6. or FISHERIES DEPARTMENt TEST I:. ti Paper: 1. 2. 3. 4. !I I II I I ! . ·,_·· - - ~.. ;,, · ,· • The Tamil Nadu financial Code, VO'lumes I and II: The Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volume -1 The. Tamil Nadu Account Code, volume -Ill. The Tamil Nadu· Pension Code. DEPARTMENTAL TEST . FOR OFFICER~ OF THE TAMIL NADU AGRICULTURAL SERVI.CE: ; I ' · . ,j i : : I I I· i I. Madras Fisheries Manual, Parts ·f and II SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS S~RV!CE EXAMINATION: Part 1 (a) :·Local Acts and Rules Framed thereunder ' - - ·-··- -- ·- - - -(Practical):. . 1. The Madras City Municipal c0rporation Act. 2. The Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act. 1. The Agricultural Departnienta.1'Manual. · 3. The Tamil Nadu Panch;ayats Ac\.. 2. The Tamif.Nadu Financial Code, volumes I and JI 4. The Tamil Nadu Public Health Act. ANIMAL HUSBANDRY.-DliiP.ARfMENT-+EST:·· . 5. The Tami! Nadu .elementacy:.Education Act. . · . - - - ·- -----· - - ·-6.- "J:he -Rules-framed-under-the-Tamif·Na'Clirelementary - · ·-·- - -Manoatof animal'Jusbandry Department. · Education Act. · · · 7. The Tamil Nadu Educational Rules. REGISTRATION DEPARTMENT TEST: 8. The Municipal Manual 9. The Panchayat Manual. . 1. The Registration Act, Registration Rules, the Table of 10. Statutory Rules framed under the Tamil Nadu fej!s and Oepartmental Orders. Panchayats Acts. l-~Jhe Stamp.Act.and the Rules ·thereunder. 3. The Tranfer of Property Act. Part ll(b):· Accounts and Audit of l<,>eal bodies · 4. The evidence Act, (Practical): 5 . .The Civil Procedure Code. 6. The Births, Qeaths and Marriages Registration Act, 1. The Port Manual. 2. The Rules-framed under Elementary Education Act. 1886, as amended by Act IX of 19~ 1 'and rules made .3. The Tamil Nadu EducalionqaJ Rules. thereunder. · . 7. The Tamil Nadu Registration Births and Deaths . '4 . .The Electricity Rules .. ..... .... --Act~ 1899 and rules-madetfiere·unae:;.-·--- .... .. · ··- - _.. s. The Provincial Insolvency rules. ·8. The Special Marriages Act. 1S54. (Centel Act No. 43 6. The Madras City Muncipal corporation Act. of 1954) and the rules ·framed thereunder 7. The Tamil Nadu district Minicipalities Act. 9. Soci.eties Registration Act, 1860. 8. The Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act. 10. The Indian Christian MarriE!ge Act, 1872. 9. The Tamil Nadu Elementary Education Act. 1o. The Universities Act. 11. The Hindu Marriage Act. 1955 and rules framed thereunder. · 11 . The Provincial Insolvency Act 12. The dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 and Nies framed · 12. The Administrator.General Act. thereunder 13. The Official Trustee Act. 13. The Tamil Nadu Chit Funds Act,' 1961 and rules 14. Indian Ports Act. framed thereunder. · · 15. The Indian Electicity Act. 14. The Indian Partnership Act, 1932 and rules framed 16. The Local fund Audit Department Manuals. thereunder. · 17. The Muncipal Manuals. 18. The Tamil Nadu Public Libraries Act and ·Rules Framed thereunder. of j at - -- - .. ( ,• - ../ . r-- . -..:i' • ·· r ~ 4/t~,,:_}t~Tamil -~ 3 . Nadu Agricultural Produce M~rkets Acts . -,,_ and the Rules framed thereunder. 20. Manual '. of Instructions for the Maintenance of . Accounts of Panchayat Union councils. and The 21 . ·Ttre ·Tamil Nadu State. Housing Board . RUies framed thereunder. Act DEPARTMENTAL TEST , . '.part -11 (c):- Ac~ounts and Audit of_State Tradlng Schemes (practical};: · . . . 1. The Fundamental Rules ( Printed end. Pubnshed by . Government of Tamil Nadu) 2. · ithe Tamil Nadu Pension Code including t_h e Tamil Nadu government Servants Family pension· Rules_ 3 .. ·Tamil Nadu .Pension Rules, 1976. 4'.--. The Tamil Nailu pension Rules, 1978. ·, 5. ._Tamil Nadu Manual of _Special Pay and · Allowances. 6 . Municipal Manual 7.'. Panchayat Manual 8 . Rules framed under the Tamil Nadu Panchayats Act. ; t.OCAL FUND AUDIT DEPARTMENT TEST-LOCAL' ACTS AND RULES FRAMED THEREUNDER: OFFICERS:· Tamil Nadu Public Works Department Code. The Tamil Nadu Public Works Account Code. Tamil Nadu Financial Code; Volumes I and II Tamil Nadu Account Code, Volumes land Ill Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volume I. Rules' issued in G.O. No. 1366, P.W.. daled 23rd September 1921, as corrected from time to -time (Regarding Maintenance and check of daily labour. : muster roll, etc., in the Public Works, Workshops, - Madras). Act. · 11. Manual .of Instructions for ; the Maintenance Accounts.of Panctieyats un10~ of councils_--··---·- ·· · DEPA.R TMENTAL TEST IN o4pa~meni Code-Tamll · Nadu Accounts Code, Volume\111. 2. The Standing Orders of the B~ard of Revenue. 3. The Service Man11als. volumes:1. 11.• and 111. 1. The Tamil Nadu Forest .DEPARTMENTAL TEST. FOR-! MOTOR VEHICLES l~SPECTORS AND. ASSISTANT MOTOR ._ VEHICLES · · · -- · · ,. • COMMERCIAL TAXES · PART- I '(~} The Tamil Nadu Generai .Sales L ~ . .~ • . . . . .. Troe Act, 1959 and . (b) The .C.entral Sales · Tax Act, 1956 and the Rules ; :· the Rules fr~med thereunder. · · therl!under. . (c) The ·Tamil NadtJ Commercial Taxes Manual, Volume I (Excluding Appendix XI. Pages 323-396). . Note:· Llfco's Tamil nadu .General Sales Tax Act, 1959 and the Central Sales Tax Act, 1956 without notes, commentaries or explanations can be. \!Slld. . .. PART· I~ --,~ ... ~-E¢J1Q"' -A. . , .t.1 . · (e) The Tamil Nadu Entertainments Tax Act and Rules, .. . .· ··. ·. (b) The Tamil N~du Betting Act, 1.935.: · · ·.: · : (c) Tamil Nadu . Tax . on t,..'L!xuries ,in Hotels lind Lodging Houses Acl 1981 and.Tamil Nadu·Tax ~n. Luxuries in · Hotels and Lodging Houses:R)Jles;· 1!lao. .. . · SECTION· 8 . . ·· .. . (a) The Tamil Na.du · Coinmer~l_a~ Ta)(es Manu1tl ... .. , Volume-II ..-: · . .·--..· -.'"'.~ ·· "r·' ·: ·-:, -·.- . ' _. ~.'-· ' (b) The T&ry'lU ii_ •d!J Com~ercifal T.axe~ ~~l)USJ, ..... ·:~ ~"~~~s;:_~~!?-~:-~_-I~:~-~i~\i-i!_.:.:_ ·;: · ,. ~~=~.ra~:~iC:~:O:n~u:e~~~:in~~g~~~~n~~~~ ·Ap~e~~·::: :~i'.: -~~-: ~H_e·:.T~~i1 .: ·. qornm~~cial .N,aciu: Taxes Manual,.Volul'!'l!l I. (Pages.:323.- 396)~ Containing extracts from '. the fOllo~.i~g ,A.cts and,Code$:· ·.. · · · ·· (a) _Banka~' ;Boo~ .Evid~nce ,Acl <Xviii ~f 1891) (b) The ¥.~a e>f-C"'.'11 Procedure·(V <if.1'908}. . (c)The ·indlan Companies Act. ~IL~f 1913) DEPARTMENTAL. TEST FOR JUNlb·~ - ~~sis'i'ANT IN · {d) J:h.1rCons1tltutlon:of lndili. · .:· .. .'· . THE . OFFICE OF THE ·ADMIN~STRATOR·GENERAL. (o} The !r'.idlan·C9T1trac;t ACt.(IX:Of'1672) ·.. AND OFFICIAL TRUSTEE-FIRST, PAP~R ONLY. . · · . (f) . °Ttl• Cr_fr(iin.al.Prl)cedure Code CV of 1898) · ·:(g)Th' l_ndtan Evidence A~ (l of-.1872)· .· . ·1 .. Admlnlstor-Ganersl's Ari Ill 1913 ~a. Ru~s .. :Jh)·The-~en11ral·C~a.uses Act (X of.t.897} . (I) ·The lncllan:Lltn1taUon Act· (IX of· 190_8) · framed thereunder. . . ·.· . T1:11i N~_gotlabie· instrument Act (XXVI of 1881) 2 .. ·.official Trustees' Act II of 1913 and the Rules fram19<1 ·(k) "rh9.-lnd.f~n . P.af1n.ershlp Act '(1x: of j ~32) thereunder. · · : .3, : Tha- Government Securft~s Manuel.. ·(I) The lnd~an pen:al C_ode (XLV o(18~0). · Traffic CQde, _ . ·;. . ,· Motor:V~hlClea (Taxation-of F.las~engers and:Goods) ~. ArA 1952 and the ..Rules mad~ theteu11der•. ,·:. 3. The' New Code of Criminal P roicedure, 1898, :· 4. Tamil Nadu Government Offi~ M!3r'luat. · . Jr and· 0) .. , ; )· . 1939. fOREST DEPARTl'~ENT T-EST: 1 · .7. 1amil Nadu Pen!1ion Code. . a: Rules Governing the Gran! of gratuties of workers of the worl< cllarge sstabllshment as · laid down Jn . · G :O:Ms.NoA30, P.W,., dated 2nd March 1940 (as · ..amended from time to time). . ' . 2'. ;.T_he Nladurai City Muni cipal Corporation Act. 3 . .The T-!!mil Nadu Dlstric! Munipallties Act. 4. 'The.Tamil Nadu Panchyats Act 5. The Tamil Nadu Public Health 6. The -Manua,I of Panchayat Administration part-I .Paiichayats. · ·· 7. M~nuaJ · of Panchayat Administration Part-II . Panchay~ts Union Councils. 8. Munlcipat Manual, Volumes f and ii 9. Elementary Edu~tion .Act ; 10. ;~a~_Fund A_~dit Department ~a.nu~!·: ~oI~~~ -.1~ J_ll . . WORKS PUBLIC · 1. 2.. 3. 4. 5. · 6. ACTS: ·-· l~SPECTORS: . ' The 1. The Madras city corporation Act. .. OF THE · DEPARTMENTAL TE~T FOR GOVERNMENT PRESS ACCOUNT TEST FOR WORKSH9PS OFFICERS: flart I (b}: Fundamental rules and Tamil Nadu Pension Code and Tamil Nadu T .A. Rules . . 1. Printing Manual. 2. Government Press; office Manual. 1 .. Tamii Nadu Financial Code. Volumes I and ll 2. · Tamil Nadu Accoun! Code, Volume Ill 3. Local Fund Audit Department Manual, Volume v. ' (Practical):' . .. · .1. The Tamil Nadu : Prison ·anci Reformatory Manual, Volumes I, II and Ill. . ·· ·· · · . 2.: .The Indian Penal Code. ·. . 3; The Code of Criminal 'Proeedure. . · SUBORDINATE ACCOUNTS SERVICE EXAMINATION · ·~ont. · FOR .OFFICERS TAMIL NADU JAIL SERVICE: :i::. · ' ·-..·:· ·\ ;. 4 Im) The (nj The (o) The (p) The Sale of Goods Act (Ill of 1930) . Transier of Property Act {IV of 1882) Tamil Nadu General Clauses Act (II of.1891) Tamil Nadu Revenue Recovery Act (II.of 1864) THE STATIONERY AND PRINTING TEST: PART AStatione ry Manua_I. Volumes I and II DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR JUNIOR ASSISTANTS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT: PART 8- The Police Standing Orders, Volums I to IV LABOUR AND FACTOREIS DEPARTMENTAL TEST Government Press Office Manual. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF PANCHAYAT DEVEL:b'PMENT DEPARTMENT: THE PART- A PAPER -1 THE FOLLOWING ACTS RELATING TO FACTORl.ES ADMINl!?TRATION AND THE ·RULES THEREUNDER: · 1. The Factories Act, 1948. 2. The payment of Wag.es Act , 1936. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. The Tamil Nadu lndustrieal Establishments (National and Festival Holidays) Act. 1958. The Metarnity Benefit Act, 1961. The Tamil Nadu Labour Welfare Fund Act, 1972. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948. The Criminal Procedure Code. The Indian Penal Code (Act XIV of 1960). PART-B THE FOLLOWING ACTS RELATING TO LABOUR ADMINISTRATION AND THE RULES THEREUNDER: (I} Manual of Village -level Workers. (ii) Community Development Manual, Part I. (iii) A Guide to commu~ity Development PAPER-Ill Constitution of India and Miscellaneous Acts; The Miscellaneous Acts .will be -T amil Nadu Elementary Education Act, 1929; Tamil Nadu Public Health Act. 1939; Places of Public Resort Act, 1888; lhe Tamil / Nadu Public Libraries Act, 1948; Local Authorities Loans Act, 1914(Centraf ·Acl IX of 1914); Tamil Nadu Local Authorities Fina nce.Act, 1961 ; the Tamil Nadu Town Planning Act, 1920; The Tamit ·Nadu District · Development Councils Act, 1958. PAPER IV · 1. The Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 :i 2. The Trade Unions Act, 1926. 3 . The Industrial employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946. 4. The Workmen's Comperisatiori Act, 1923. 5 The Tamil Nadu Catering Establishments Act, 1958. 6. The Tamil Nadu shops and Establishments Act, 1947 7. The Payments of Bonus Act, 1965 8. The Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972. 9. The Beediand Cigar Workers (Conditions of Employment}Act, 1966. 10. The Motor Transport Worker's·Act, ···-·-··-- ... -11 . 1ne Tamil Nad·u Weights ·and Measures {Enforcement} Act, i 958. : i ;I . J J DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR OFFICERS OF THE PROBATION BRANCH..QJ; ..THE.JAIL-DEPAR:f.MENT-: 1. The Indian Penal Code . 2. The New Code of Criminal procedure. . i! .- ~ ·..~-- i I 'l .I i ~.- -- - - -~ -· 3 . . Probation of Offenders Act. 1958. 4. Tamil Nadu Borstal Schools Act, 1925. 5. Suppression of Immoral traffic in Women and Girls Act, 1956. 6. Tamil Nadu Juvenile Justice Act, 1986..... '( Principles of the Probation System. 8. "Probation and · Related Measures· Published by United Nations. The books for the test. Departmental test for Agricultural Marketing Department Employees · (With Books) will be the Tamil Nadu Agricultural Produce ---···-··· . ___ . _ ·-- -mar~ets , Act, the ·-'Famil-- Nadu-·Agritu1\Ufal- Proaui:e-Market Rules and by laws framed under the Act and all orders made thereunder. · · Departmental test .on Motor Vehicles Act, 1939, etc., and 'the Rules and Notifications made thereunder for the staff or the Transport Department (Central Act IV of 1939); the Tamil Nadu Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1974 (Tamil Nadu Act 13 of 1974} (with books). Departmental Test in the Code of Criminal procedure· for ttie Staff of the Transport Department, Chapters I lo V, XII to XXI, XXlll to XXVll and XXXll of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 {Central Act of 1974) (with books). The Tamil Nadu Panchayals Act, 1958 and the Rules and Order issued thereunder. PAPERVThe Tamil Nadu District Municipalities Act 1920 and the rules and orders issued thereunder. PANCHA YAT DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT TEST: (i) The Fundamental rules and·Subsidal}' rules iriciuding Tamil Nadu leave Rules. (ii) The Manual of Special Pay and Allowances-Parts I and II. (iii} The Tamil Nadu Financial Code-Chapters I to VIII and XII to'~.fV. · ----· ·- - - - - -·· ···· (iv) The Tamil nadu Treasury Code, Volume I -Part II (Chapters 111, V and Vil) and Part Ill (Cl'lapter JV). (V} The Tamil Nadu Budget Manual Chapters J to V, VII and VIII. (vi) An introducttion to Indian Government Accounts and Audit Chapter· r. Part B of Chapter 2, Chapters 10.13;15, 16,17,24,25,27 and 28. · (vii)-The Tamil·Nadu·Pension Code. (viii)Manual of Instructions · ror the Maintenance of Accounts·of Panchayat U_~ions. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR GRAMASEVAKS, GRADES I AND ti AND GRAMASEVIKAS: {i} M~~~!!_l_~f_Yill~g~~~.',,'tlWo(ke~s- ~ .. . __ - . (flfihe Communi!y D evelopment Manual (Part 1) (iii) Village Swaraj_ (english Published by Nevajeevan Publishing House, Ahmadabad.} (iv} Village Swaraj (Tamil) Mahatma Gandhi Noolkal, 6'1.UIJlT~Li>" . Volume 5 under the title"8:r,rrw Published by the Gandhi Works Publication Committee, Madras-2. {v) The Tamil nadu Panchayat Act. 1958 (Without rules and Orders). DEPARTMENTAL MEDICAL CODE: TEST IN THE. TAMIL . ANDU All Chapters in Volume I and the appendices in Volume II of the Tamil nadu Medical Code (5Th Edition) -JiD- •. < .Cl . · - - .-; : · -~ .. .-, ... ·. ' ) ii'--~ .; . 5 DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR SUBORDINATE OFFICERS IN THE TAMIL NADU TREASURIES AND ACCOUNT6S DEPARTMENT; DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR THE DRAUGHTSMAN GRADE 111 IN THE FOREST DEPARTMENT: ' (a) Examination in Law·1. The Tamil nadu Accounts Code, Volume II 2. The Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volumes I and II 3. Securitie s M an ual. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR APPOINTMENT AS INTERNAL AUDIT OFFICERS IN THE BOARD OFFICE AUDIT BRANCH OF THE TAMIL NADU ELECTIRCITY BOARD: PAPER- I- 1. Tamil Natlu Electricity Board Service Regulations. 2. Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Leave Regulations. 3 . Tamil nadu Electricity B.oard Travelling Allowance Regulations. 4 . Tamil Nadu Electricity Board Special Pay and Allowance Re gulations. 5. Tamil Nadu Pension Code. PART-II 1. Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volumes J and II 2. Tamil Nadu Accounts Code, Volumes I and II 3 . Tamil Nadu Financial Cod~. Volumes I and fl 4. Tamil Nadu Public Works Department ·A and D Codes. . 5. Tamil Nadu Budget Manual 6 . Tamil Nadu Electricity Manual. DEPARTMEN TEST FOR AUDIT SUPERINTEND.E NTS IN THE ACCOUNTS BRANCH OF THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF ENGINEER (HIGHWAYS AND RURAL WORKS), MADRAS; PAPER IV PUBLIC WORKS AND GENERAL A CCOUNT (THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL): 1. Tamil Nadu Highways Mal)ual Volume IV. f. 2. Tamil Nadu Account Code, Volumes I and II 3 . Central Account Code, Volume IV 4". The Tamil Nadu Financial Code. Volume .I. 5. The.Tamil Nadu Trea·sury Code. · The Tamil Nadu Budget Manual. · 7 .. T!!111il. t::J~.du Highw_ayi; .l'~.an1Jal,._YolY.I'!.'.?_!·_ - Tamil Nadu Forest Act (Act V of 1882) with su ch notification (or) Rules . General (or) Special as have been made thereunder. · (ii) Land Acquisition Act, 1894. (iii) Tamil Nadu Survey and Boundaries Act. 1923. (iv} The Easement Act. (v) The Land Encroachment A ct. 1903. (vi) The ·Tamil Nadu Land Improvement Scheme ·A ct, 1955 and the Tamil Nadu Land Improvement Rules. (vii) The Code of Civil procedure. (viii)Tf'l~ Forest conservation Act, 1.880. (ix) Mines and Minerals {Regul~t1on and Development) Act, 1957 (Cental Ac! of 195~). (x) Th~ Tamil Nadu Estate Ab11ition and Conservation into Ryotwari Act. 1948. (b) Examination in Office Procedure and Accounts. (i) The Tamil nadu Forest Department Code. (ii) Standing orders of the Board of Revenue dealing with ·Sections Pertaining to l~nd diversion of jungle streams, quarrying of stones and.minerals, eviction of encroachment, etc., vide B.S.O. Nos. 4,11-A(9), 15.16,17, 18, 16-A, 18-B ,19, 19-A, 19-B, 19·- c.21 ,22. 22"-,A.,23,23-A ,26,26-A,42-A,81 ,82,83,89,92,93 ,94 , 95, 96 and 97. (iii) The Tamil nadu financial Code, volume I and 11.(iv} T amil Nadu Accounts Code, volume Ill, Part Ill Pertaining to Forest Department, · (v) T amil Nadu Government Office ManuaL (vi) The Tamil Nadu Civil Services (C.C.A) Rules. DEPARTMEN'rAL TEST FOR MUNICIPAL COMMISSIONERS IN MUNICIPAL ADMINISTRAT ION DEPARTMENT: PA RT -1 (a) Tamil Nadu Municipal Manual (Volumes I and 11) (b) Tamil nadu District Municipalities Act and Rules. (c) Public Heami Act. · (d) Tdwn and Country Planning Act, 1971 . 6: - · ___ _ ... PAPER V - ESTABLISHMENT AUDIT (THEORY AND PRACTICAL) 1. · The Fundamenta l Rules and the Subsidiary Rules of the Tamil ·N adu Government. {i) · 2. Tamil nadu Pension Code ·and the Liberalised . -PART-1i . .,.. (a) .(b) ·(c) (d) {e) Tamil·Nadu Places of Public Resort Act. PubliC Building, Ueence and Regulation Act. Entertainment Act and Rules . Elementary education Act, Rent Control A ct. Pension rules , 1960. 3. · Tamil Nadu Manual of Special Pay and Allowances Volume I. DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR FOREST SUBORDINATE SERVICE OFFICERS: DEPARTMENTAL TEST FOR AUDIT CLERKS IN THE ACCOUNTS BRANCH OF THE OFFICE OF THE CHIEF .ENGINEER (HIGHWAYS AND RURAL WORKS) MADRAS: ·F orest uw Second Paper :- PAPER I· . 1. Tamil Nadu Highways Manual, Volume IV parts I to Ill and Part IV (Appendites). 2. Tamil Nadu A ccount Code, Volume Ill. 3. Tamil Nadu Financial Code, Volume I and II 4. Tamil Nadu Budget M anual. PAPER-II 1. The Fundamental rules ·and the Subsidiary Rules of the Tamil Nadu Government. 2. Tamil Nadu Pension Code and the . Liberalised Pension Rules, 1960. Tamil Nadu Account Code. V9lume I. 4. Tamil Nadu Treasury Code, Volume I. 3. 1. The Tamil Nadu Forest Act, 1882, With Such notifications or rules general or special as have b een made thereunder. 2. The land Acquisition Act, 1894 as subsequently amenoed. 3. The Tamil .N adu Survey and Boundaries Act. 1923. 4 . The Easement Act, 1882. , n;; 5. The Cattle Trespass Act, 1971. 6. The Penal Code, Selected Chapters (i) Introduction (ii) General Explanations. (iii} Punishments. (iv) General Exception. (v) Abetment. . (ix) Offenses, by or relating to Public Servant~ . (x) Contempt of the Lawful authority of the Public Servents. (xi) False evidence and offenses against Public Justice. . ~~. 6 (xvii) Offenses against property. (xviii) Offences relating to documents and to trade ..... property marks. · (xxili) Attempt tO commit offen ce 7. Tamil Nadu Preservation of Private Forest Act, 1949 8 Tamil Nadu Hiil Area (Preservation of Trees) Act 1955. . .L - ,.,,...,.._ .~ . . 3. Tamil Nadu Pension Rules. 4. - Tamil Nadu·Manual of Specia l Pay. and Allowances·. 5. Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious . and Charitable Endowments. A_ct, 1959. ' PART II (A) -- .. 9. Tamil Nadu . Private Forests (Assumption of Management) Act 1961. 10 The Tamil Nadu W ild Birds and Animals Protection Act 1912. 11 . Tamil Nadu Wild Elephants Preservation Act 12 ·.The Tamil Nadu Animals and Birds (Sacrifices) Prohibition Act, 1950. 13. The Indian Stamps Act, 1689.· 14. The Tamil nadu Revenue Recovery Act, 1864. -15. ·The Tamil nadu Land Encroachment Act, 1905. . 16. Tamil Nadu General Sales Tax Act, 1959 17. Tamil Nadu Estate (Abolition) Act, 1948 18 The Tamil Nadu Pancliayats Act, 1958 19. The Criminal Procedure Code, 1889." 20. Prevention of Corruption Act, 1947. 21. Wild Llfe Protection Act, 1972 (Central Act) and Rules thereunder. OFFICE PROCEDURE PAPER· AND ACCOUNTS-SECOND 1. Manual of Accounts of HindlJ Religious End0wments. 2. 3. Hindu . Religious and Charitable Endowments Departmental Manual. Local Fund Audit Departmental Manual Volume V. PART II (8)- 1. Hindu .Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, 1959 arid Rules·rssl(ed thereunder. . . 2. Manual of Accounts of Hindu Religious lnst!tulions. 3. Local Fund Audit Department Manual-Volume V. 4. Hindu Religious and Charitable · Endowments Departmental Mahual. 5. Tamil Nadu Financial Code. 6. Tamil Nadu Treasury Code. 7. Tamil Nadu Pu bric Works Department Account Code. 8. Tamil Nadu Account C9de, Volumes I and Ill. 9. Budget Manual. DEPARTMENTAL TEST IN THE · TAMiL NADU SERVICES MANUAL-VOLUME I FOR THE STAFF OF THE TAMIL NADU PUBIICSERVICE COMMlSSJON. 1. Ttie Tamil Nadu Forest Department Code. 2. The Fundamental ·Rules ·aiid the Subsidiary Rules . thereto, the Tamil Nadu Leave Rules, 1933 and the Tamil Nadu Service.Manual • Volume I. Tamil Nadu Travelling Allowance Rules. 3 . . The Board's Standing Orders Nos. 105, 111,112,"113, 172, 175, 180,192 and Chapter XIX. DEPARTMENTAL TEST t=OR THE MEMBERS ·OF THE SJAFF OF THE. TAMIL NADU KHADI. ANb VILLAGE 4. Tam!I Ncidu <;;overnment Office Manual INDUSTRIES BOARD 5. The Tamil Nadu Account Code, Volume Ill Part Ill Articles 240-297. · 6 . . The Tamil Nadu· Services Manual, Volume I. II and I PAPERIll Portions noted below:Gandhii's Cotected Works, Volume V. (i) General rules for the Provincial and Subordinate Services. · (ii) The Tamll Nadu Civil Services Classification; II PAPERcontrol and Appeal rules. Hand B.o ok of pattern of Financlal Assistance by Khadi (iii) The Tamil Nadu Forest"Service Rules. and village ·Industries Commission. : _ (iv) The Tamil Nadu forest Subordinate Service Rules. · · · - DEPARTMENTAi._: TESi" FOR THE STAFF ·oF THE (V} .T.he Tamil Nadu _Mi niste.riaLSeryiceBuJes. ... _._ TAMIL NAOU WATER SUPPLY ANO DRAINAGE (vi) The Tamil Nadu Inferior Service Rules. BOARD: DEPARTMENTAL TESTS FOR APPOINTMENT OF ASSISTANT. AUDIT OFFICERS IN THE AUDIT WlNG 1. T .W.A.D. Board Act, OF THE HINDU RELIGIOUS . AND CHARITABLE . . 2. T.WAD. Board Service regulation, 1.972.. 3. T.W.A:o. Boai'd Discipline and Appeal .R~ulalions. ENDOWMENTS (ADMINISTRATION) DEPARTMENT: 4 . T.W.A.D. Board T.A. Regulations. : ·· ··_ .. 5. .T.w .1<0. Bo~r~ Conduct Reg~!~tjpri_s...., , . F.>Al~T.I (A) , .. <· 1. Tamil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowm~nts Act, 1959 and Rules issued the·reunder. 2 . Revenue . Acts ·and . .Rules as Published by Government of Tamil Nadu. Fundamental Rules of Government _ .. 2. tamil Nadu pen~iori.Code. _ . '• ... .-: -·· ·.·. :...="·'.'~- ~-,·.~-:~:.::.:·~~--;:· ···· First Paper-. The ·Ta(Till Nadu .Hindu, 'Religi~~s and · Charitable Endowments Act. 1959 (Tamil ~adu Act XXll of 1959). PARTI (B)- 1. The AND CHARITABLE " HINDU RELIGIOUS ENDOWM.ENTS (ADMN.) OEP.AFrf.MENT~L· :TEST. the Tamil Nadu Second Paper - The Rules framed under t he :ramil Nadu Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act, 1959 (Tamil Nadu Act: XX.II of 1959t , ·.. :. ~:::-:,,~ . ~ !..: ·~ .. ··:i·: ... .. ··....·.1· .. '···· - .. . • : ~ ' ;., ,: •• l .