UETF Website Inventory Scope : Existing State Managed Websites that provide public access to state operational and fiscal information. REVIEW (if Yes in Publicly Accessible, and not a duplicate, and Yes any other column in this section, website is IN SCOPE) Legislature Agency AUD DACS Name Auditor General Public Website URL http://www.myflorida.com/audgen/ Brief Description Audit reports from FY 1995-1996 to present (searchable by the year, entity audited, or type of audit) Fresh From Florida http://app2.freshfromflorida.com/contrac Contract information from the Florida Department of Contracts Agriculture and Consumer Services ts/. Transparency website including State Budget tab, DFS http://www.myfloridacfo.com/Transpar State Contracts search, State Contract audits, Vendor payments, State spending, Cash Balances, Financial ency/ reports, and Local gov't information. DMS EOG Transparency website that includes access to employee position and salary information for entities http://www.floridahasarighttoknow.com/ within the state personnel system, the University system, and the State Board of Administration. This site also presents pension information for retirees with greater than 100K in annual benefits - names of retirees not included. Agency LBRs, capital improvement plans, and long range performance plans; Governor's Budget Recommendations; Legislative Appropriation bills; Conference reports on the budget; Governor's Veto messages; Schedule of Trust Fund Revenues and unreserved balances (by agency, by trust fund); Final Florida Fiscal Portal http://floridafiscalportal.state.fl.us/ Budget Report by Fiscal year showing actual authorized positions and actual expenditures; Long-range Financial Outlook; Fiscal Analysis in brief; Planning and budgeting instructions and forms; Water Management District Tentative Budgets Duplicate? (Y/N) N but other sites probably link to this site. N? Y to extent that Transparen cFL.gov may duplicate some high level data N N Publicly In Scope? Accessible? (Y/N) (Y/N) Y Y Y Y Y State Agency Governor Budget or Planning Planning Documents? Recommendations? (Y/N) (Y/N) Y N Y Y N N N N N Links to Gov Budget Recommendati on: http://letsgetto work.state.fl.us /HomeFY14.ht m Planning or Budget Documents? (Y/N) N N Statewide Budget Information? (Y/N) Y N N but links to Online Sunshine: http://www.l eg.state.fl.us Y Summary /Welcome/in dex.cfm?CFI D=14949548 5&CFTOKEN= 98553206 Agency Budget Personnel Information? Data? (Y/N) (Y/N) Y N N Y Y Y 1 Y Y Y Y N/A N N but links Y but as to included http://d with same mssalari for all es.herok agencies uapp.co m/salari es Y (Agency Provided ) State Operational Expenditure Contract Data? and Fiscal Information? (Y/N) (Y/N) Information? (Y/N) N Y Y N N Y Y Y Summary or as associated with contracts Y COMMENTS Users: Agency Staff, particularly Governor and Legislative policy and budget staff; also members of public with specific interests regarding agency programs. Users: Anyone with interest in Ag Dept contracts who knows enought to data points to search on. 2300 pages of a dozen or more contracts or payments each page but can limit seach to various variables Users: General public - boils budget down into one page super summary. GR spending through 11-12. Links to DMS for current payroll information but opens a spreadsheet for pensions. Links to letsgettowork for Governor's budget This site has a lot of good information but it's all in paper documents making it very difficult to contrast and compare year by year, agency by agency. A user would be required to print out documents to make those sorts of comparisons. Concur. UETF Website Inventory Scope : Existing State Managed Websites that provide public access to state operational and fiscal information. REVIEW (if Yes in Publicly Accessible, and not a duplicate, and Yes any other column in this section, website is IN SCOPE) Legislature Agency Legislature Name myfloridahouse Public Website URL Brief Description http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections House salaries /PublicGuide/SalarySearchForm.aspx Duplicate? (Y/N) Publicly In Scope? Accessible? (Y/N) (Y/N) State Agency Governor Budget or Planning Planning Documents? Recommendations? (Y/N) (Y/N) Planning or Budget Documents? (Y/N) Statewide Budget Information? (Y/N) Agency Budget Personnel Information? Data? (Y/N) (Y/N) N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N N N N Y N Y Y N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N N N (Agency Provided ) State Operational Expenditure Contract Data? and Fiscal Information? (Y/N) (Y/N) Information? (Y/N) House salaries where this data is not contained on any other site Y House contracts Legislature Legislature Legislature Legislature myfloridahouse Transparency Florida Florida Senate Florida Senate http://www.myfloridahouse.gov/Sections /PublicGuide/ContractsSearchForm.aspx http://www.transparencyflorida.gov/ Meant to provide public access to Florida’s operating budget and expenditure records http://www.flsenate.gov/reference/publi Senate salaries crecords/salaries http://www.flsenate.gov/reference/publi Senate contracts crecords/contracts/ Revenue Legislature http://edr.state.fl.us/Content/index.cfm Y N COMMENTS Y Y Y Y N N N Y N - only as pertains to specific issues assigned to EDR to estimate N House contracts where this data is not contained on any other site Users: Agency, Governor, Legislative Budget development staff and also members of public following certain issues which EDR provides estimates for. Site contains revenue estimates (for General Revenue and certain major trust funds), workload and other estimates for financial impacts necessary to develop budgets. 2