USER EXPERIENCE TASK FORCE Meeting Minutes Date: November 5, 2013 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Larson Building, Room 116 Next Meeting: December 6, 2013 Place: Larson Building, Room 116 Task force members attending: Appointed by Governor Rick Scott Jason Allison, Information Technology Policy Advisor, Executive Office of the Governor (Chair) Appointed by Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater Charles Ghini, Chief Information Officer, Department of Financial Services (Vice Chair) Appointed by Senate President Don Gaetz Barbara A. Petersen, President, First Amendment Foundation Appointed by Speaker of the House Will Weatherford Jordan Raynor, Co-founder and Partnerships Director, Citizinvestor Meeting began at 9:00 A.M. 1. Call to Order Chair Allison began the meeting by welcoming all User Experience Task Force members and all members of the public in attendance. 2. Roll Call The Administrative Assistant called the roll. All Task Force members were in attendance. Chair Allison introduced the following new member of the Task Force Staff who were also in attendance: Renee Fargason, Planning and Administration Coordinator, Governor’s Office of Policy and Budget Agenda item 2 was closed. 3. Chairman’s Opening Remarks - Chair Allison recognized and thanked the staff of the User Experience Task Force for the hard work they have put into this effort so far. Agenda item 3 was closed. 4. Discussion of Scope Chair Allison referenced the Draft Website Evaluation Considerations (available at the meeting) and asked Susan Wilson to walk the Task Force through the guidance used to evaluate websites as in scope or not. Ms. Wilson explained three main considerations when looking at the in-scope spreadsheet. First, when the bill (HB 5401) originated in the Senate committee, there were two main considerations. First, the bill addressed only the main state managed websites that provided statewide fiscal and operational information. Second, when the list of agency websites was compiled, agencies reported websites that use the data from the statewide websites to give agency constituents a particular view of the information. This was deemed duplicative information and indicated as such on the spreadsheet. Third, some websites exist that are not state-managed, but the information contained on the website may be something the Task Force would like to communicate as part of the design by linking to those pertinent to the audience (ie. University information). Lastly, the guidance provides definitions of the column headings. Ms. Wilson explained each of these definitions. Jordan Raynor asked if staff compiled a list of non-state managed websites. Ms. Wilson stated that staff did not. Barbara Petersen asked what kinds of websites would be considered not state- managed. Ms. Wilson listed local websites, universities, etc. Chair Allison mentioned that the Joint Legislative Auditing Commission (JLAC) may have a list of websites that are not state-managed. Action item: Susan will research this with the JLAC. Charles Ghini mentioned “Logger,” a website where local governments upload financial information to the Department of Financial Services. Action item: Dawn Creamer will research public accessibility of “Logger” website. Barbara Petersen led a discussion on the importance of University information. Charles Ghini suggested linking to the information might be the best way to include it. Chair Allison agreed. Staff members were asked to go through their process of evaluation. Eliza Hawkins was asked to go first. She explained each item as she researched it, and the reasons behind her determination if in-scope websites. Chair Allison asked whether the Task Force wanted to include agency-specific websites in the scope. Charles cautioned against this as the scope could grow beyond what is useful. Barbara Peterson expressed her frustration at the current state of the websites she visited. All Task Force members agreed that they felt that the mission was to address websites that provided a statewide view only. Note: Dan Krassner from Integrity Florida asked via telephone if the information discussed during the meeting was posted to the website. The information to be discussed was available in physical format at the meeting as all Task Force members were in attendance. Chair Allison initiated a discussion about the definition of “State Financial and Operational Data.” Discussion included the difference between operating and nonoperating budget. Eliza recommended a focus on the Operating Budget instead of the General Appropriations Act (GAA). Action item: Eliza Hawkins will research and refine the definition. Charles Ghini suggested inviting subject matter experts (SMEs) to the meetings for them to explain the purpose and function of their websites. He also stated that the Task Force is going to have to define transparency in terms of frequency and other attributes and that the website will need a disclaimer or note to the public regarding the attributes/frequency of update of information available. Barbara Petersen asked whether the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ (DACS) contract website included information that was also on the Chief Financial Officer’s (CFO’s) statewide contract website (FACTS). Eliza Hawkins stated that it included information not on FACTS and it is not in the same format. The Task Force determined that the Auditor General website would be in scope due to the statewide fiscal and operational purview. Chair Allison asked if the Department of Legal Affairs has their own contract website similar to DACS’ contract website. Action Item: Renee Fargason will reach out to DLA to see if the DLA contract website includes information that is not on FACTS. Florida Board of Governor’s website was discussed. Chair Allison stated that while the website falls out of the scope of the Task Force-recommended website, it does warrant further discussion as it contains information that may be beneficial and therefore the website may be part of the recommendation as a consideration or linked website. Chair Allison’s opinion is that the recommendation will be for a standardized website that will incorporate the state government-managed websites and could incorporate any other website’s information in the future. Action Item: Susan will review the JLAC directive, work product, and recommendation and will provide to the Task Force. It was determined that Legislative websites are state-managed and therefore in scope. Chair Allison gave members of the public an opportunity to speak to the Task Force. It was stressed that the website should clearly define the scope. Chair Allison asked Eliza Hawkins to explain the reason she included the EDR (Revenue estimating) website. She explained that all state budgets are built with information from this website. Chair Allison stated that he thought, based on the explanation, that this website is in scope. Charles Ghini agreed. Agenda item 4 was closed and the Task Force agreed to take a 10 minute break. 5. Work Plan Schedule Chair Allison asked if the Work Plan Schedule could be put into a formal project plan (GAANT chart). Action item: Angela Burroughs will utilize project management tool (MS Project) to input tasks, dependencies, etc. to produce GAANT charts and other schedule management options. Chair Allison also mentioned that while the dates looked as if the timelines were appropriate to each task, he asked for a move of the Thanksgiving due dates. Action item: Staff will revise schedule to ensure consideration of holidays. Discussion centered around inviting SMEs to provide the Task Force information on their websites. Action item: Charles Ghini will contact the managers of the websites identified in scope to provide specific website information and invite to the next UETF meeting for presentation and information gathering. Request presentation to be presented before the meeting to the UETF members. Action Item: Jordan will generate questions to be asked to the in scope website managers related to such issues as data sources, frequency of updates, interoperability (etc.) and will send to staff. Chair Allison also mentioned using the “Follow the Money” reports created by The Federation of State Public Interest Research Groups (US PIRG). Action item: Jason Allison will provide the current US PIRG transparency criteria and state rankings to the UETF members. Chair Allison also asked about the frequency of meetings. The decision was made to go to monthly standing meetings, and also try to get two meetings in before Christmas. Charles Ghini asked that the Task Force begin drafting the recommendation. Action item: All members will review and begin drafting chapter language related to UETF Report sections within each member’s area of expertise. Work with staff. Staff will continue to assign tasks in the Work Plan Schedule, but all members are able to work on the tasks that fall under their purview at any time. Jordan Raynor made comments regarding his view of what the ultimate goal of the website is. Chair Allison stated that he’d prefer to remain vendor neutral, but would like to review the possibilities. Barbara Petersen stressed the importance of the public feedback. She talked about the options of soliciting public comment – written, at a meeting, etc. Jordan also mentioned using technology to discover search terms, etc. Action Item: Chair Allison will determine public meeting options available to the UETF regarding Ms. Petersen’s recommendation for public meeting location in the middle of the state (Orlando or Tampa). Action item: Ms. Petersen will draft a press release and send to staff director for review. Action item: Dawn Creamer will create an email account for the public to submit comment to the UETF and publish to the UETF website. Agenda item 5 was closed. 6. Discussion of State Agency Website Inventory Combined with Item 4. Agenda item closed. 7. Public Comment A recommendation from a member of the public: create a user test group when the website is being developed. It will save time and money in the long run. Chair Allison noted the comment, and stated that the recommendation was a wonderful idea to consider as a recommendation for the implementation stage of the website build. Chair Allison asked the speaker to e-mail his comment to the Task Force. Agenda item 7 was closed. 8. Adjourn Chair Allison adjourned the meeting at 11:57.