NORTH PENN SCHOOL DISTRICT School Board Policy 3720 Reference: Administrative Regulation #3720 BUSINESS AND NONINSTRUCTIONAL OPERATIONS Health and Safety The personal health and safety of each employee and student of the North Penn School District, is of primary importance. The prevention of occupational induced injuries and illnesses is of such consequence that it will be given precedence whenever necessary. The board of school directors will provide for all necessary accommodations required for personal health and safety. The North Penn School District administration will maintain a health and safety program conforming to the best practices of public school entities. The objective of this policy is to reduce the number of disabling injuries and illnesses to minimum. As employer we accept the responsibility for leadership of the health and safety program. Policy: Adopted: April 24, 2003 Reviewed: December 11, 2008 BOARD POLICY 3720 12/11/08 srk