Bus Pass

Bus Pass
Please use the forms below if your child needs to go home instead of attending
Extended School Care, go home with another student, or take another bus to a
sitter in the Walton Farm busing area. When children go to a friend’s house, both
parents must provide signed permission. You may use the form below or write a
Thank you for supporting our efforts to ensure the safety of our children.
Bus Pass
Please allow my child, ______________________ to go home with
______________________ on (date/s) ___________________, on bus #____________.
My child usually : (please check one)
_____ rides bus # ________.
_____ attends Extended School Care (ESC).
_____ rides a daycare van.
_____ is picked up by a parent/guardian
Parent Signature____________________________ Date_________________________
Bus Pass
Please allow my child, ______________________ to go home with
______________________ on (date/s) ___________________, on bus #____________.
My child usually : (please check one)
_____ rides bus # ________.
_____ attends Extended School Care (ESC).
_____ rides a daycare van.
_____ is picked up by a parent/guardian
Parent Signature____________________________ Date_________________________