The BrainDance (originally developed by Anne Green Gilbert, Music: "Potpourri", Music for Creative Dance, Contrast and Continuum, Volume III 1. Tactile - Rub hands. Tap body lightly (head, face, neck, shoulders, arms, front, back, legs, feet). Stomp feet. 2. Breath And Core-Distal - Breathe in through the nose and out the mouth. Repeat. Gradually increase the size of the breath, growing from the center of the body when you inhale, and shrinking when you exhale. The last breath should expand you into a huge "X". Breathe all the way to your fingernails and toenails. 3. Head-Tail Movement - Curl the body forward from head to tailbone. Curl it backwards. Repeat forward and back. Curve from side to side several times. 4. Upper Half Connection - Stabilize the lower half of the body. Only the top half dances. You can reach or shake or use a dance concept like sharp and smooth energy or just do freestyle. 5. Lower Half Connection - Stabilize the upper half of the body. Only the bottom half dances. You can kick or stomp or use a dance concept like fast and slow time or just do freestyle. 6. Body-Half Right Connection - Stabilize the left side of the body and only the right side dances. 7. Body-Half Left Connection - Stabilize the right side of the body and only the left side dances. 8. Vestibular Stimulation: Swing - Swing upper body up and down several times. Swing one leg and then another. 9. Cross-Lateral Connection - Reach across the body with arm to a high diagonal (right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left). Reach elbow across the body (right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left). Reach elbow to opposite knee (4 times). Reach hand to opposite foot (4 times). 10. Vestibular Stimulation: Spin And Freeze - Spin clockwise. Freeze. Spin counter clockwise. Freeze. 4-29 The BrainDance Warrr:--up 1. Tactile 2. Breath and Core-Distal 3. Head-Tail 4. Upper Half 5. Lower Half 6. Body-Half Right 7. Body-Half Left a.Swing 9. Cross-Lateral 10. Spin and Freeze 4-30 DANCE CONCEPTS ~ace place: self and general level: high, medium, low size: big and small direction: forward, backward, sideways, up, down, and diagonal pathway: straight and curved time speed: fast, slow rhythm: pulse, pattern, breath energy quantity/weight: strong a.nd light quality: sharp, smooth, shaking, swinging 4-31 DANCE CONCEPTS body shapes curved/straight angular/twisted , symmetrical/asymmetrical relationshi~ over/under/ around/through above/below near/far beside/between locomotor walk, run, leap, skip, jump, hop, slide, gallop, crawl, roll nonlocomotor stretch, bend, twist, shake, swing, kick, turn, push, pull, fall, melt 4-32 (locomotor) (locomotor) walk skip (locomotor) (locomotor) • run Jump (locomotor) (locomotor) leap hop 4-33 (locomotor) (locomotor) slide roll (locomotor) (locomotor) gallop tip toe (locomotor) (locomotor) crawl prance (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) stretch shake (nonlocomotor) (nonloconlotor) bend • sWIng (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) twist kick (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) turn fall (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) push melt (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) pull wiggle (nonlocomotor) (nonloconlotor) sway lunge (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) float dab (nonlocomotor) (nonlocomotor) flick burst MUSIC AND RESOURCES FOR DANCE, Debbie Gilbert, Whistlestop Dance Company Music for Creative Dance, Contrast and Continuum, volumes I & II & III & IV, Eric Chappelle, (206) 5287556, (This is instrumental music designed to accompany dance and includes sample dance activities for each musical selection.) Geometry Dances, Debbie Gilbert Singing Science, All of Us Will Shine, Hug the Earth, Circle Around, Music for the Whole Child, more, Tickle Tune Typhoon, (206) 632-9466 and A Native.American Odyssey, Inuit to Inca, Putumayo World Music Smilin Island of Song, Cedella Marley Booker (reggae for kids) Choo Choo 800galoo, Buckwheat Zydeco (cajun music for kids) Riverdance , Bill Whelan A World Instrumental Collection, Putumayo World Music Afro Celt Sound System, Volume 1 Sound Magic, Volume /I Release Spirit of the Tao Te Ching, Richard Warner Planet Drum, Mickey Hart Wind Shadows (celtic harp), Kim Robertson Appalachia Waltz, Yo-Yo Ma, Edgar Meyer, Mark O'Connor the big bang, in the beginning was the drum, Ellipsis Arts Circle of 8eauty, Lorraine Bayes Good sources for the above music and more: John's Music Center (tapes, CD's, books, and percussion instruments of all kinds): 4501 Interlake N #9, Seattle WA 98103, (206) 548-0916, fax (206) 548-0422,1-800-473-5194, email: DRUMS@JOHNSMUSIC.COM Books: Creative Dance for All Ages, Anne Green Gilbert, Teaching the Three R's Through Movement Experiences, Anne Green Gilbert, Brain-Compatible Dance Education, Anne Green Gilbert, Video: Teaching Creative Dance with Anne Green Gilbert, BrainDance, Anne Green Gilbert, Organizations: Dance Educators Association of Washington, Websites: (Tickle Toon Typhoon: Singing Science CD) 4-34 Music For Creative Dance: Contrast and Continuum Order Form PAYMENT IN U.S. FUNDS bNLY BY CHECK, MONEY ORDER, VISA OR MASTERCARD MAKE CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO RAVENNA VENTURES PRICE ITEM Contrast & Continuum, Vol I Contrast & Continuum, Vol II Contrast & Continuum, Vol III Contrast & Continuum, Vol IV QTY TOTAL $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 $17.00 USPS -------------------------------------- ----------------------------------SUBTOTAL ---------***OTHER*** + /= Sales Tax (WA Residents) 8.8% -------------------Shipping (See rate info) -----------------------------------------------------Total (U.S. Funds) -------------------- PAYMENT: CARD# o CHECK SHIPPING RATE INFORMATION U.S. ORDERS MONEY ORDER MASTERCARD g o VISA _ - - - .- - - - - - 1 CD 2 CD's 3 CD's 4 CD's 5-8 CD's 9-12 CD's 13-16 CD's $4.50 $4.50 $5.50 $6.50 $7.50 us for discounts and shipping rates. -Purchase orders accepted from approved SHIPPING RATE INFORMATION INTERNATIONAL ORDERS _ USPS Air Mail: SIGNATURE: _ SHIPPING INFORMATION COMPLETE FOR YOUR NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE/ PROVINCE, COUNTRY AND CODES Send to: "Ravenna Ventures, Inc. 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PLEASE CONTACT US at 1·877-57·MUSIC or email us at K-S DANCE GLOSSARY ABA - a three part compositional form in which the first and last parts are the same and the middle part is different. accent - a stress or emphasis on a specific beat, tone, chord, or movement. accumulation - a choreographic pattern in which movements/phrases are repeated in a sequence, adding on a new movement/phrase at the end of each repetition. (e.g., Turn. Turn, jump. Turn, jump, twist. Turn, jump, twist, swing, etc.) alignment - he relationship of the skeleton to the line of gravity and the base of support asymmetrical I informal balance -. when elements are arranged on an axis to look equally important, without being identical, mirror images axis - 1. a straight line around which a 3 dimensional object, body, or grouping of bodies is symmetrical. 2. an imaginary straight line around which an object, such as a body, rotates BCPA - Broadway Center for the Performing Arts, Tacoma, WA balance - ability of the dancer to hold his/her shape or position and avoid falling, through use of muscle control and placement of the body beat - the basic unit of time and the underlying pulse in music; the basic unit within a measure bilateral symmetry - symmetry in which an imaginary plane divides an object into right and left halves, each side being an identical, mirror image of the other. (Used in butterl9y mirroring exploration.) call and response - a musical form featuring a solo phrase that is answered by a larger group canon - a compositional form in which individuals and/or groups perform the same movement or phrase beginning at different times choreographic device - a method for manipulating or abstracting movements; a tool for changing the way a movement is performed choreography - the art of planning and arranging dance movements into a meaningful whole; the process of building a whole composition 4-36 controlled energy - a movement quality that allows a dancer to stop or change direction at any moment; energy does not flow freely contour pathway - representing an object by using a pathway created as though a drawing tool were moving along the edges and ridges of a form. counter-balance - the process by which balance is maintained through the equalizing of weight placement in opposite directions diamond follow the leader - a dance structure with 4 dancers standing at the points of a diamond/rhombus spatial formation (all facing the same direction). 3 dancers shadow/follow the 4th dancer, who is the leader. diminution - a choreographic device that diminishes a movement/ phrase through space, time, or energy; use less space, time, or energy to perform a movement/ phrase direction - the way in which a body or something backward, sideways, up, down, (or diagonal). moves, points, or faces - forward, double-time - movement is performed in half the originally demonstrated amount of time, therefore producing a faster tempo (twice as fast) duple meter - meter in which the basic unit of pulse recurs in groups of two echo - a choreographic form in which a leader, or leading group, performs a movement/phrase and a follower, or group of followers, repeats the same movement/phrase energy/force - the quality of movement; including smooth, sharp, strong/powerful, light/delicate exaggeration - a choreographic device that extends a movement/phrase through space, time, or energy; use more space, time, or energy to perform a movement/phrase fantastic shape - a shape that involves the whole body.... head, spine, arms and legs focus - where the dancer is looking; where the audience's attention in directed; A performance skill - the ability to concentrate and keep one's attention on the subject or activity at hand. form - a principle of organization; organization of time, space, and energy into a definite shape or arrangement free energy - continual, flowing movement quality; the flow of energy is not stopped 4-37 freeze - a command to stop all movement and remain stili, unmoving (generally holding a shape). general space - the space through which a dancer travels grapevine pattern - a series of side steps in which one foot crosses alternately in front of, and behind, the other foot (Le. "step left side, cross right foot in front, step left side, cross right foot behind'') half-time - movement is performed in twice the originally demonstrated amount of time, therefore a slower tempo is produced. heavy energy - a movement quality that uses strong, firm muscle action hop - leave the floor from one foot, land on the same foot improvise - to create movement spontaneously, ranging from free-form to highly structured environments, but always with an element of chance; prOVides the dancer with the opportunity to bring together elements quickly, and requires focus and concentration; improvisation is instant and simultaneous choreography and performance; process and product happening in the same moment. jump - leave the floor from both feet, land on both feet kinesphere - the space that a dancer's body occupies. Sometimes called personal space or space bubble; includes all levels, planes, and directions both near and far from the body's center. leap - leave the floor from one foot, land on the opposite foot level - the height of the dancer in relation to the floor, the three basic levels are high, middle, and low light/delicate energy - a movement qU,ality that uses minimal muscle action (flicking, l~oating, tapping) etc. link-up - similar to a hook-up; reference Donnivon resource locomotor movement - movement that travels through space mirroring - a partner skill in which one person leads by performing movements, and the other person (facing the leader) simultaneously imitates the leader's movements, as though looking in a mirror. movement - activities which focus on the body using variations of time, space and energy to communicate ideas or feelings negative space - area adjacent to and created by positive space 4-38 non-locomotor movement (axial movement) - movement that is performed around the axis of the body, non-locomotor movement does not travel through space notation - a system of visual symbols used in writing music or dance. pathway - the line or trail that a dancer uses or makes as she/he travels through general space, or the line or trail that a specific body part makes through personal space pattern - dance elements that are repeated in planned and predictable combinations personal space - the space that a dancer's body occupies, sometimes called the kinesphere or space bubble; includes all levels, planes, and directions, both near and far, from the body's center phrase - a natural division of the melodic or dance line, comparable to a sentence of speech positive forms -definite sculptural forms or shapes made by the body. powerful/strong energy - a movement quality that uses firm muscle action puzzle shape - a shape sculpture consisting of fantastic shapes made with open or negative spaces, that fit together (Without touching), created by filling in the spaces made in your partner's fantastic shape, like the pieces of a puzzle. repetition - the repeated use of a movement or movement phrase to create rhythm, pattern or unity. rest - a pause in movement retrograde - a choreographic device that reverses the direction and sequence of a movement / phrase reverse checklist - using an assessment checklist to check students who are not achieving criteria rhythm - the pattern in time using pulses or beats (metered or un-metered) and accents; combination of movements of different durations (long, short, even, uneven - e.g. slow, quick, qUick; slow, quick, qUick; quick, quick, quick, quick, slow) room scan - assessing individual students by glancing at the class as a whole and identifying students not meeting criteria self space - the one spot or stationary place in which a dancer performs non-locomotor or axial movements 4-39 sensory recall - the ability to remember sensory experiences in order to recreate them accurately sequence - the order in which a series or combination of movements or shapes occurs, generally having a beginning, middle, and end. shadowing - a partner skill in which one person leads by performing movement, and the other person follows or copies the leader's movement shape - a three dimensional form, sculpture or statue a body takes in space (e.g. big, small, twisted, angular, curved, straight); geometric shapes (e.g. square, triangle, rectangle, rhombus, etc.) sharp/stopped energy - sudden, percussive quality in movement; the flow of movement abruptly starts and stops. skip - an alternating step-hop (take off and land on same foot) from one foot to the other smooth energy - continuous, sustained quality in movement; the flow of energy is ongoing, uninterrupted solo - a dance performed by one dancer space - an element of dance. Where the body moves when dancing. Includes self and general space, directions, pathways, size, levels, relationships, etc. structure - the form or construction of a dance or improvisation; the way in which different parts are arranged or organized to create the whole. style - the distinctive character or technique of an individual artist, group, or period swing - free moving, pendular movements, usually with a sense of moving from a fixed point. A dance style - "East Coast" or "West Coast" swing. symmetrical - when elements are arranged on both sides of an axis in a way to make them identical, mirror images syncopated movement - movement in which the standard accent is displaced; accent is frequently shifted to normally unaccented beats tempo - the pace at which a piece of dance is performed theme - a principle of organization; a complete idea in movement that is manipulated and developed within a dance 4-40 theme and variation - choreographic form that reflects the musical form of the same name, in which a movement/phrase is performed and is followed by a series of modifications of the movement/phrase, or of sections that are more or less derived from the movement/ phrase time - one of the elements of dance; includes speed/tempo (fast, medium, slow,); rhythm (pulse, pattern, accent, breath) transposition - a choreographic device that transfers a movement to a different part of the body (e.g., the swing of an arm becomes the swing of a leg) twist - to rotate, wind, or distort the shape or position; to constantly change directions; a specific dance - "the twist" unison - individuals and groups perform the same movement/phrase at the same time unity - a successful combination or ordering of parts in a dance production that creates a sense of wholeness and a complete total effect weight-sharing - the process of giving or receiving weight between two or more dancers 4-41