Accounting User Group February 10th and 11th, 1999 Location 10th: St. Cloud Technical College Location 11th: St. Cloud State University MINUTES PRESENT: Lori Bates Jill Bemis Jan Mahoney 2/10 only Bill Maki Pat Nordick Mark Rice Ruth Siefert 2/10 only Rick Straka 2/10 only Dave Thorn Jerry Winans MNSCU PERSONNEL PRESENT: Jan Ahmann Al Finlayson Jay Folk Kathy Froysland 2/10 only Marie Krey 2/10 only Lisa Liljedahl 2/10 only Dave Lund Alison Oftedahl 2/10 only Teri Welter Deb Winter ABSENT: Tony Bartovich Karen Snorek Lori Voss Gary Swenson GUESTS: Marcia Beukelman, Mn West Brad Doss, Riverland CC Stephanie Knutson, South Central TC STUDENT PAYROLL o o o o o DIRECT DEPOSIT South Central will pilot process, anticipating Mankato to use second. Architects to pursue clear identification of correction process with banks. Initially, all reissues of rejected deposits will be done on check. PAYMENT PROCESS Discussion of alternatives to indicate students to be paid. Identified changes to PR0102UG to make entry easier and mistakes less likely. SECURITY UPDATE As recommended by Internal Audit, Work Authorization and Contract processes to be split into separate security groups, to break Human Resource functions from Payroll functions. FINANCIAL AID CONCERNS Preliminary Fund Transfer rules handed out and discussed; review to continue and functional spec to be written. Award connection discussed. First effort will be to populate the Max Earnings table from the award. Will follow with process to update or create Work Authorization with preliminary information from the award. MISCELLANEOUS Developer Priority List reviewed and revised. An indicator will be added, "C" for clerical and "M" for maintenance, to meet Workers Comp reporting requirements. Architect to review FICA rules, need definition for grad students. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE FUNDS APPLIED Discussed implementation of revised process. Request for documentation of calculations. Discussed problem areas, known and unknown, and avenues to address each item. Prior term refunds will be allowed through revised AR0148UG screen. Work progressing on getting history screens in sync. Request for report to show detail of funds applied; source and destination of funds. Discussion of queries needed, and use of replicated database. Agreement reached to allow change in programming to require a term on prepayments, would default to current term. o THIRD PARTY Need report for reconciliation of third party awards – third party not applied. Invoice and Statement insufficient for third party billings. Group agreed to meet March 25th in Brainerd to re-design non-student invoice and statement. o STUDENT BILL Southern Subgroup reported their progress, and presented a proposal for aging based on setup of three calendars: term, non-term, and non-student. Discussion concluded with request for subgroup to continue their work. Request for option to o print bills of those with funds applied activity only. ACCOUNTING BANK RECONCILIATION Northern Subgroup reported on identified processes that were working, those that were not, and changes since revised Funds Applied process was implemented. Group to meet again, with goal of identifying a process and reports that all institutions could use to accomplish reconciliation. o OBJECT CODES Revisions to list reviewed and authorized, with minor changes. o MISCELLANEOUS TOPICS o o o o o o o o o o FINANCIAL AID AWARD YEAR System designed to select a single award year to tie to summer session. Question to be pursued: can we allow payoff from prior term/year overpayments? HOPE SCHOLARSHIP Query screen developed for this year was demonstrated. Anticipating that next year, this information to be provided to students up front. LOAN MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Discussed requested connections to ISRS. COST ALLOCATION / CONSUMABLE INVENTORY Report of progress; modeling continuing. CHECKWRITER Request to allow printing of checks from different modules at different locations at the same time. Request for greater detail on Accounts Receivable stub. WEBSITE Review of documentation and information available on website PHASE II TRAINING Discussion of progress, effectiveness, and who should be attending from each campus. DATA INTEGRITY GROUP Group will be addressing Fund definition to establish consistency. MAPS INTERFACE Modifications will be made to allow the processing of FY2000 transactions. These will appear in MAPS as FY1999 transactions until a batch correction is made after the beginning of the fiscal year. NEW GROUP MEMBER Mark Rice announced that Moorhead State University would be giving up their position on the user group. The group decided to allow either Minnesota State University, Mankato or St. Cloud State University to be represented to take their place, and provide their unique "big school" input. Minnesota State University, Mankato won the official coin flip, and will be invited to join. To Do Items. Pursue clear definition of Direct Deposit correction process with banks – architects. Prepare functional spec for changes to PR0102UG screen – architects. Complete changes to Student Payroll security, and distribute final version – architects. Investigate FICA rules for latest definition, clarify for grad students – architects. Review previous work on Student Payroll reports, bring recommendations to April user group meeting – Jan and Marie. Prepare functional spec for Student Payroll funds transfers – architects. Prepare functional spec for setup of Student Payroll Max Earnings from Financial Aid Workstudy award – architects. Prepare functional spec for preliminary setup of Student Payroll Work Authorization from Financial Aid Workstudy award – architects. Complete adjustments to AR0148UG for prior term refunds, find any other orphan conditions which need special attention to clean up under new funds applied process – architects and developers. Find check cancellation correction program (AC0012UG?), test and modify as needed to get into production – Al and architects. Bug fix – object code 7043 not working on waiver correction screen – architects and developers. Prepare functional spec for reports – total of Funds Applied and effect on cash – architects. Prepare functional spec for reports – total of Prepayments applied and unapplied – architects. Pursue definition with Chris Halling– can Financial Aid overage be applied to a prior term and/or prior year payment with signed disclaimer? – Deb. Pursue definition with Judy Borgen – with Customized Training, can receipts be shown as income within the same fund? - Deb. Adjust Funds Applied to skip a person if the recalc fails, and complete the process for all others – Al and developers. Review Checkwriter process for feasibility of starting different modules at different locations at same time – Al and Ted. Prepare functional spec for revision which would allow printing of student bills for only those with funds applied activity, also to allow to select by program code – architects. Next Meeting: Special Non-Student Invoice design meeting, Brainerd, March 25, 1999 Recorded by: Dave Lund and Teri Welter