CIFE The VDC Scorecard: Formulation and Validation

The VDC Scorecard: Formulation
and Validation
Calvin Kam, Devini Senaratna,
Brian McKinney, Yao Xiao, & Min Song
CIFE Working Paper #WP135
October 2013, Revised January 2014
Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
If you would like to contact the authors, please write to:
c/o CIFE, Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept.,
Stanford University
The Jerry Yang & Akiko Yamazaki Environment & Energy Building
473 Via Ortega, Room 292, Mail Code: 4020
Stanford, CA 94305-4020
Recent success of virtual design and construction (VDC) can be attributed to the wider adoption
of product modeling or building information modeling (BIM) in the AEC industry. Despite this
fact, the development of methodologies to assess the maturity of VDC implementation is lagging
compared with other innovations in the AEC industry, such as green building assessment
frameworks. This is evidenced by the fact that the existing methodologies for assessing the
maturity of VDC have been applied to a limited number of projects for short time scales, and that
hence the methodologies have been intermittent or static. Most of the methodologies also pay
attention to only technical aspects, overlooking social collaboration in assessment. To address
this problem, researchers at Stanford University’s Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
(CIFE) have drawn from existing research and observations of professional practice to formulate
the VDC Scorecard with the goal of making an assessment methodology adaptive, quantifiable,
holistic, and practical. The VDC Scorecard assesses the maturity of the VDC implementation of
a project across 4 Areas, 10 Divisions, and 56 Measures, and deploys the Confidence Level
measured by 7 factors to indicate the accuracy of scores. To keep up with the rapid change of
technologies, it aims to build an adaptive scoring system based on evolving industry norms
instead of prefixed norms valid for a short period. However, since the industry norms of 4 Areas,
10 Divisions, and 56 Measures could not be compiled at the beginning of the research, the
definitions of the percentile of the five tiers of practice (conventional practice, typical practice,
advanced practice, best practice, and innovative practice) were drawn from subject matter
experts’ opinions. These experts’ percentile for each measure was then calibrated based on the
actual sample percentile collected from 108 projects. A correlation test was also done between
individual measures and the overall score, in which measures that were found to correlate poorly
were revisited for review and revision. The data sets came from 2 countries in North America, 5
in Europe, 4 in Asia, and 1 in Oceania. They cover 11 facility types, 5 delivery methods, and 5
project phases, making the scorecard holistic. The research process also involved the
development of a manual, a web interface, and lite version to facilitate communication and
understanding, making the scorecard practical. The initial goal of developing the VDC Scorecard
was to make it adaptive, quantifiable, holistic, and practical, and the results and practitioners’
feedback from the research have proven these characteristics.
CE Database subject headings: building information models, assessment, evaluation, project
1. Introduction
The history of three-dimensional (3D) modeling goes back more than four decades—primitive
research on 3D modeling began in the 1960s and 3D modeling migrated to commercial use in the
1970s, largely in the automotive and aerospace industry (Bozdoc 2003). The Architecture,
Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry started its 3D modeling research in the 1960s,
with wider adoption in the 1980s when cheaper, more powerful personal computers became
available. The AEC industry first used 3D models for simple representations of geometric
information, but since then 3D models have become more complex and, as of now, utilize
information beyond geometry such as materials, specifications, parametric relationships, and
other attributes.
This “digital representation of physical and functional characteristics of a facility,” referred to as
Building Information Modeling (BIM) (NIBS 2007), allowed AEC professionals to achieve
better building performance, lower costs, shorter schedules, improved communication, higher
quality, and improved worker safety. These goals are most readily achieved when project team
members choose the technical and social methods involved in using these models specifically to
optimize project outcomes. This broader set of considerations leads to Virtual Design and
Construction (VDC)—the term which was introduced in 2009 at CIFE (Kunz and Fischer 2009)
shortly before the appearance of the term “BIM” in 2002 (Laiserin 2002). The scope of the
definition of VDC is broader than that of BIM. The Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
(CIFE) defines VDC as the use of multi-disciplinary performance models of construction
projects, including their product, organization, and process (POP) models, for business
objectives (Kunz and Fischer 2009). While BIM has a tendency to cluster around a product
model and the technical aspects of a project, VDC encompasses multi-disciplinary use of POP
models and social methods for achieving the business objectives of a project. VDC also stresses
the loop between defining objectives and rendering solutions with optimization and automation.
Hence while BIM and VDC share similar characteristics, there are subtle additions to VDC in
regard to the scope of modeling, the drivers of modeling, and social methods for leveraging those
models, making it more comprehensive and holistic than BIM. However, since many entities
(e.g., buildingSMART, General Services Administration, American Institute of Architects,
Associated General Contractors) and individual projects across the industry set forth their own
definition of BIM, some may argue that BIM also includes these additional characteristics. With
this understanding in mind, i.e., with a broader definition of BIM that matches VDC, the VDC
Scorecard can be considered as the BIM Scorecard.
The adoption of VDC has been increasing rapidly. As of 2009, more than 80% of major AEC
firms in the US had adopted BIM applications (Barista 2009). BIM has also gained dramatic
adoption in industry over the past years, increasing from 28% in 2007 to 71% in 2012 (McGrawHill Construction 2012). CIFE has also witnessed multi-disciplinary use of those BIM
applications and adoption of social methods by which the capabilities of BIM applications can be
leveraged. Yet, the AEC industry has not seen a VDC (or BIM) assessment tool that has
continually captured or documented the VDC maturity of projects with a consistent framework.
2. Motivation
2.1.Value of Assessment Methodologies
Assessment tools are important since we advance to the stage of science when measurement is
involved (Thomson 1889). VDC assessment methodologies can be useful for informed decisionmaking and to quantify VDC impacts. Management science research findings conclude that good
management practices that use innovative tools to track and monitor the management process are
correlated with higher productivity, profitability and sales growth rates (Bloom and Van Reenen
While the implementation of VDC (or BIM) has advanced rapidly, the development of
assessment methodologies to measure and facilitate its implementation is lagging, particularly
when compared with other areas of performance measurement, such as green building or
construction safety. The green building movement can be traced back to the 1970s, when the
energy crisis prompted AEC professionals to form groups to lead the movement, such as the
energy task force formed by the AIA (Cassidy and Wright 2003). In 1990, the UK’s Building
Research Environmental Assessment Method (BREEAM) became the first assessment method
for green buildings (Smith et al. 2006). Today every developed country has at least one green
building assessment methodology, and the US alone has more than five popular ones: Leadership
in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), Living Building Challenge, Green Globes, Build
it Green, National Association of Home Builders National Green Building Standard (NAHB
NGBS), and International Green Construction Code (IGCC). This growth has been reciprocated
by increased research related to the assessment methodologies for green buildings and, in a
broader spectrum, the green building industry.
Developing an assessment methodology for VDC will not only enrich the knowledge for AEC
professionals, allowing an accurate assessment of the market, performances, challenges, and
trends, but the VDC-related knowledge repository will also bring opportunities for new research
and constructive criticism that can be based on a solid and well-substantiated knowledge base.
This will create a healthy feedback loop among academia, private and public organizations, and
industry groups, leading to the optimization and maximize returns of VDC.
2.2.Limitations of Current Approach
Despite the dearth of assessment methodologies, many professionals and researchers have been
conducting theoretical and practical studies to support the industry. At least twenty-two formal
papers on the use of VDC on single projects have been published since 1995, and twenty-three
notable VDC-related guidelines targeted at the enterprise or industry level are available (Gao
2011). Legal practitioners in collaboration with AEC professionals have also developed
supplements to contract documents, such as the glossary and requirements in Appendix A of
American Institute of Steel Constructions (AISC) (2010) or the American Institute of Architects
(AIA) E202 (AIA 2008) and G202 (AIA 2013) contract exhibits, to help AEC professionals
manage and control legal requirements and avoid disputes.
The growth in these areas of study—VDC case studies, guidelines, and standard contracts—has
contributed to increasing knowledge about VDC on the individual, team, and trade level. All of
these areas of study, however, have their limitations when viewed from a macro industry or
global perspective. VDC case studies are unstructured and fragmented because different
researchers, individuals, teams, and trades are using their own perspectives or frameworks for
their studies, and observation is done only on selective parts of VDC (Gao 2011). Guidelines are
also targeted at certain audiences or projects, and they often lack an overarching framework to
evaluate the outcome of a project and the usefulness of a given guideline after the execution of a
project. Standard contracts, too, are developed on selective parts of VDC. The resulting
fragmentation limits the gathered knowledge to small slices of a product, organization, or
process of a project. Furthermore the lack of an overarching framework applicable to various
projects across different context makes a fair comparison of different projects difficult, whether
on a granular or higher level.
Motivated by this need, a few initiatives have made some progress towards developing a VDC or
BIM assessment methodology based on a framework. None of these assessment methodologies
are, however, well-recognized or used by the AEC industry practitioners. The reasons for this
lack of wide-spread acceptance of these assessment methodologies vary, but they have one or
more of the following problems:
1. Lack of objective, metric-based performance measurements
2. Incomplete evaluation of VDC Product, Organization and Process (POP) models
3. Incomplete evaluation of social collaboration in using POP models
4. Application to a limited number of projects for short time scales
5. Lack of investigation into confidence level and demographics of survey respondents
6. Incomplete or unpublished for use
7. Framework or definitions are not intuitive to industry people
8. Lack of industry-ready user interface or access
9. Lack of instructions or manuals for users
10. Limited support from sponsors or contributors
11. Few project cases are used for validation
Since 2009, we have been working towards formulating and validating an effective VDC
evaluation methodology for the AEC industry in order to address these problems.
3. Criteria for VDC Evaluation Framework
We noted the importance of creating a standard and comprehensive vocabulary that allows for
the objective scoring of VDC and accurate benchmarking of industry practice. In order to
accomplish this goal, based on the literature and past experience, we had identified four criteria
for a comprehensive VDC evaluation framework. They are:
1) Holistic: Previous frameworks for VDC or BIM, such as National BIM Standards
Capability Maturity Model v1.9, tended to focus only on capturing the performances of
the creation and process of implementing the technology of a project. In addition to these
aspects, a holistic VDC evaluation framework should assess how much the project’s
performance is improving through the use of extreme social collaboration addressed in
Garcia et al. (2003a) and should be applicable to all phases of a project and account for
multiple stakeholders. Furthermore if there are any omissions in capturing the measures
of a project, the assessment process needs to inform the accuracy of the score as well.
This criterion resolves problems number 2, 3, 4, and 5 stated in section 2.2.
2) Quantifiable: An evaluation framework requires objective and quantifiable measures that
can be used for the monitoring and tracking of a project’s progress and VDC maturity. It
is established in many industries that "If you can't measure it, you can't manage it"
(Jacoby and Luqi 2005). Subjective measures are sometimes un-reliable and difficult to
interpret and understand. Therefore, in order to provide accurate and actionable
recommendations for decision making, quantifiable measures, which are inherently easy
to monitor and track, are required for an evaluation framework. This criterion resolves
problem number 1 stated in section 2.2.
3) Practical: The framework should support decision making among researchers and
stakeholders while being reasonably easy to adopt. The evaluation frameworks that are
available to the AEC industry today are incomplete, unpublished, regionally applied,
research oriented, or nonreciprocal to managers, making them difficult to access by
broader practitioners. The evaluation framework needs to be meaningful and actionable
for AEC professionals as it depicts a project’s VDC performance over a series of
measures in relationship to industry standards. The framework should also leverage
previous frameworks, case studies, guidelines, and standard contracts by recommending
these precedents as resources where their contents are pertinent to a project’s
shortcomings. This criterion resolves problems number 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 stated in section
4) Adaptive: The evaluation framework must be able to adapt to the diversity and evolution
of VDC practice. No two AEC projects are the same, thus a framework that is designed
specifically around any one type of project will not be practical for much of the industry.
Due to the rapidly evolving use of VDC use, the framework must adapt to changing
industry practices to avoid obsolescence. This criterion resolves problem number 11
stated in section 2.2.
4. Points of Departure
Researchers and AEC professionals have produced a number of guidelines and research papers
on the use of VDC that have influenced the development of the VDC Scorecard. Although few
of these documents have overarching contents that cover all of the POP aspects while
maintaining practical use in the industry, each of them has contributed in its respective area of
knowledge and practice. It is therefore important to build upon their contributions and strengths
while considering their limitations and weaknesses in the context of our goals.
Characterization Framework
A thesis from CIFE titled “Characterization Framework to Document and Compare BIM
Implementations on Projects” (Gao 2011) describes a framework intended to capture the aspects
of VDC in 3 categories, 14 factors, and 71 measures. Incorporated into this framework, the VDC
data facilitates sufficient and consistent capture of VDC implementation, and supports acrossproject comparison. During the development of the framework, it was validated with 40 case
projects. This research scope was more focused on capturing the VDC performances from the
researchers’ perspective in a particular snapshot. This scope was not to create an active,
continuous, repeatable and accessible evaluation interface for practitioners and the framework
was not developed to extend the benefits of the framework to practitioners in the industry. In
conclusion the Characterization Framework did not provide a practical framework that was
adaptive to continuous technological changes.
National BIM Standard - US (NBIMS-US)
NBIMS discusses standardized information related to data modeling for buildings,
interoperability, storing and sharing information, and information assurance. It provides a
framework, Capability Maturity Model (CMM), which was developed by the University of
Florida as a part of the NBIMS (NIBS 2007). The CMM and its more user-friendly version the
Interactive CMM (I-CMM) is a framework that is divided into 11 categories and was developed
to measure the maturity of BIM implementation. A project can go through an evaluation process
with the CMM and be assigned with a rating (Minimum BIM, Certified, Silver, Gold, or
Platinum), similar to the LEED system. However, the model is tightly focused on the technical
aspects of BIM and shows little signs of assessing the social methods involved in BIM.
BIM Excellence (BIMe)
BIMe (BIMe 2014; Succar et al. 2012; Underwood 2009) has thorough structures to define and
break down the BIM field, the organizations, and BIM maturity and competency, which is
broader than other VDC assessment methodologies developed. But similar to NBIMS, this
assessment has gone through limited validation process with actual projects globally. Also the
document lacks a quantifiable scoring mechanism that can account for the project outcome
objectives (e.g., the target project duration and cost performance) (Kunz and Fischer 2009). For
assessing the levels of maturity, BIMe has developed the BIM Maturity Index (BIMMI) after a
review of capability maturity models and quality management frameworks—more than 20 of
them all together. This BIMMI serves as the foundation for the more detailed BIM Maturity
Matrix (BIm3), which has several categories for assessment. The scoring mechanism of BIMe is
somewhat passive because, as Underwood (2009) notes, BIm3 intends to minimize the need for
frequent structural changes of the scoring criteria instead of proactively adapting to the growing
The BIM Proficiency Matrix
The BIM proficiency Matrix was developed by Indiana University in 2009. It is designed to
understand “the proficiency of a respondent’s skill at working in a BIM environment” and
understand the proficiency of BIM in the marketplace (Indiana University 2009). It is a dynamic
evaluation tool that is adaptable to project needs. It also has a simplified version as well as an
enhanced version. This matrix, however, lacks published knowledge and validation in the
research community. The matrix assesses BIM proficiency in 8 categories, but it does not assess
project outcome objectives quantitatively and how BIM is supporting them. Also 7 out of 8
categories are for assessing technical aspects of a project, without covering social collaboration.
BIM QuickScan
BIM QuickScan was developed in the Netherlands in 2009 to benchmark BIM performance. This
evaluation tool was used on over 130 companies and comprised of both quantitative and
qualitative assessments of BIM performance (Sebastian and Berlo 2010; Berlo et al. 2012). It
comprises of almost 50 multiple-choice online questions divided into 4 chapters, namely:
Organization and Management; Mentality and Culture; Information structure and Information
flow; Tools and Applications. The key difference between BIM QuickScan and the VDC
Scorecard is that the assessment of BIM QuickScan concerns an organization whereas that of the
VDC Scorecard concerns a project.
While the VDC Scorecard research investigates the gaps across the current approaches, the
intention of the VDC Scorecard research is to collaborate and harmonize constructively with
other assessment methodologies above. For instance, the VDC Scorecard is project- rather than
organization-oriented. When a problem detected from an assessment is verified to arise from
cultural issues within a single organization, the scorecard team can hence instead benchmark the
processes of BIM QuickScan since its assessment is organization-oriented.
5. The VDC Scorecard Framework
The VDC Scorecard is an evidence-based methodology, and it evaluates the maturity and
performance of VDC in practice based on a rating framework that assesses planning, adoption,
technology, and performance. AEC professionals can use the evaluation framework to track and
assess VDC performances of their projects. VDC innovation in planning, adoption, technology
and performance are defined as 4 Scorecard Areas, whilst 10 sub-Areas are defined as 10
Scorecard Divisions. Under these 10 Scorecard Divisions, there are a total of 56 Scorecard
Measures that are evaluated quantitatively or qualitatively (Figure 1). Quantitative measures are
those that have a numeric or specifically measurable nature, while qualitative measures are
subjective rather than objective. In addition the VDC Scorecard introduces the “Confidence
Level” to communicate the degree of certainty of the VDC score, based on the quality of
information obtained in the scoring process.
Figure 1: VDC Scorecard Evaluation Framework. The 10 Scorecard Division scores are created
using the 56 Scorecard Measures, in turn the 4 Scorecard Area scores are created using the 10
Scorecard Division scores and finally the total VDC score is created using a weighted sum of the
4 Scorecard Area scores.
5.1. Scoring System
Drawing from existing precedents and their own research, we developed a percentage based
scoring system to quantify the Overall VDC Scorecard scores, Area scores and Division scores.
The percentages and tiers inform researchers or professionals as to how the project is performing
in relation with the proven practices of the rest of the industry. Thus, the scores have a concrete
meaning rather than being an arbitrary value assigned to a performance. This helps AEC
practitioners understand what their score means and gives researchers working on the VDC
Scorecard a target against which to base the scoring system.
To further facilitate interpretation of the scores, the percentages were overlaid with the following
tiers termed as Maturity Levels of VDC Practice, similar to the LEED Green Building Rating
System and the NBIMS CMM and I-CMM. For example the LEED Green Building Rating
system gives a score out of 100 points (with 10 additional bonus points), and groups this score
into 4 tiers. Similarly the tiers of the VDC Scorecard are 1) Conventional Practice (0%-25%), 2)
Typical Practice (25%-50%), 3) Advanced Practice (50%-75%), 4) Best Practice (75%-90%),
and 5) Innovative Practice (90%-100%). For instance, saying that a project falls under a
conventional practice means that this project is in the 25th percentile among the projects
surveyed with the scorecard. The percentiles and the tiers are set through observations of
industry practice that are then calibrated using statistical analysis to reflect evolving VDC norms
as depicted in the information gathered through the VDC Scorecard’s continued use. Since the
norm and what falls under each tier evolve, the scores of a project are coupled with the version
of the VDC Scorecard, e.g., 50 percentile score with the VDC Scorecard version 8.
5.2. Overall Score, Area Scores, Division Scores and Process of Scoring
The Overall Score, Area Scores, Division Scores and Confidence Level are presented in scale of
0-100%. The VDC Scorecard’s “overall score” is a measure created using a weighted average of
the Area scores corresponding to the 4 Scorecard Areas of Planning, Adoption, Technology and
Performance, to quantify the overall VDC performance of an AEC project that utilizes VDC. The
Area scores are four measures created using a weighted average of respective Scorecard
Divisions pertaining to a specific Scorecard Area. The Division scores are 10 measures created
using a weighted average of Division-related metrics or measurements.
The VDC Scorecard framework and methodology are applicable in all phases of a project
lifecycle, from the pre-design through closeout and operations and maintenance phase.
The VDC Scorecard methodology can be and has been implemented during an upstream stage
when a project is setting-up initial VDC management objectives, or continuously over the
lifecyle of a project, or once in an ad-hoc manner at any stage(s) of the projects lifecycle.
5.3.Four Scorecard Areas
The 4 Scorecard Areas—Planning, Adoption, Technology, and Performance—are formulated to
represent the themes introduced in Kunz and Fischer (2009), which include the VDC objectives
framework, POP, integrated concurrent engineering (ICE), and the VDC maturity model. The
Planning Area encourages establishing VDC objectives that are measurable and structured. It
also encourages making the VDC objectives public by setting out VDC Guidelines that establish
major procedures for using VDC technologies. Then the target values of the objectives are
measured quantitatively or qualitatively in the Performance Area. The information modeling of
POP is captured through the Technology Area, whereas social methods for successfully adopting
technology, such as ICE, are captured through the Adoption Area. Within this framework, a
project’s objectives form the initial and most important considerations, and all of the areas are
ultimately a means to support these objectives. Both the Technology and the Adoption Areas
serve as drivers that determine whether the objectives enumerated in the Planning Area result in
the desired outcomes in the Performance Area.
VDC Scorecard → Planning Area
The Planning Area consists of the 3 Scorecard Divisions—Objective, Standard, and
Preparation—and these 3 Scorecard Divisions comprise of 13 individual Scorecard Measures
(see Figure 1 for the % of the overall score). The planning score is formulated using a weighted
sum of the Division scores, and in turn the Division scores are formulated using a weighted sum
of the individual Measures.
VDC planning is instrumental in aligning a wide group of stakeholders and identifying the
balanced mix of technologies, hardware, software, and training resources needed for the project.
The Objective Division evaluates projects on their inclusion of seven categories of VDC. The
Standard Division assesses the establishment of VDC or BIM guides as a means of standardizing
the implementation. The Preparation Division assesses the extent to which suitable human and
capital resources have been allocated and preparations made towards the efficient
implementation of VDC. Assessment of these 3 Scorecard Divisions identifies the strengths and
weaknesses of VDC planning and enables directed, actionable advice grounded within any
human capital or financial constraints. From the 3 Scorecard Divisions, the philosophy and
evaluative metrics of the Objective Division are further illustrated here because this Division has
the highest weight under the Area and also is the baseline against which the Performance Area is
The setting of project objectives in the Planning section provides critical support for the VDC
Scorecard be practical and quantitative. Quantitative and qualitative objectives are integral to
guiding, motivating, and assessing VDC performance. These objectives are the objectives the
project team wishes to promote achieving by implementing VDC. Mature targets and metrics
help measure and track performance throughout a project’s lifespan and provide feedback on the
project’s BIM investment as well as possible areas of improvement. Mature and valid objectives
also help prioritize implementation and identify inefficiencies. Even if the established targets are
not met, they are still useful in identifying areas of poor performance and informing the correct
level objective maturity for future projects. The maturity of objectives implies to what degree the
objectives are measureable or have targets and to what degree they cover the seven objective
categories as follows.
In the VDC Scorecard, 7 VDC objective categories are created based on the VDC management
objectives in Kunz and Fischer (2009). They are identifiable from hundreds of projects that our
center and team have observed or participated in. The 7 categories of VDC objectives include:
1. Communication – improve quality and frequency of communication between team
members. (E.g., % of stakeholders satisfied with the meeting)
2. Cost – reduce project costs with better collaboration, analysis, and project solutions
enabled through VDC. (E.g., change order rate)
3. Schedule – compact the schedule and reduce its uncertainty with better collaborative
processes, faster iterations of solutions, and fewer on site conflicts during construction
through VDC. (E.g., schedule conformance ≥ 95%)
4. Facility – leverage VDC to enhance facility performance in areas such as energy use,
occupant satisfaction and thermal comfort through better design outcomes that result
from greater analysis during the design process. (E.g., energy use—25% better than 2005)
5. Safety – reduce risks during the construction and operation of a building by virtually
modeling egress, safety, hazards, and simulating construction safety training. (E.g.,
recordable incident rate)
6. Delivery – maximize owner satisfaction by optimizing the project delivery process. (E.g.,
submittal response latency—less than 5 days)
7. Management – Integrate VDC into organizations to improve project management.
Involves developing knowledge on how and when such applications should be applied.
(E.g., marketing profitability)
VDC Scorecard → Performance Area
The Performance Area consists of the 2 Scorecard Divisions—Quantitative and Qualitative—and
these 2 Scorecard Divisions comprise of 12 individual Scorecard Measures (See Figure 1 for the %
of the overall score). The Qualitative Division assesses non-quantitative objectives, and the
Quantitative Division assesses the achievements and monitoring of objectives with numerical
benchmarks of performance.
Quantitative measures are weighed more heavily than qualitative ones as shown in Figure 1 to
create a more quantifiable evaluation that contributes to the final percentile scoring system.
Quantitative assessment is emphasized in the construction of VDC scorecard because of potential
failings of self-assessment—Kruger and Dunning (1999) reported that the poorest performers on
examinations tend to grossly overestimate their abilities and Hill and Betz (2005) reports a larger
gap between reported and assessed performance when responses have implications on issues of
social desirability. As the VDC Scorecard is dependent on responses of professionals who may
genuinely want to believe they have mastered advanced methodologies that could make them
more valuable to their companies, they could be inclined to overstate performance in selfassessment. Thus, quantitative metrics are weighed more heavily than qualitative ones to ensure
objectivity of evaluation. Yet the quantitative input from respondents may not be accurate or lack
evidence during the survey, so the Confidence Level in section 5.4 intends to inform this
inaccuracy level.
While the most ideal means of taking a quantifiable measurement of the performance of VDC
methodologies would be to find their return on investment, many metrics that projects use in
defining VDC management objectives cannot be readily converted into an ROI without separate
and extensive research. This type of research, e.g., finding an average or norm dollar value of
field-generated RFI, is difficult in most of the cases for project teams whose main job is to
execute their project. As one of the goals of the VDC Scorecard is to provide a practical tool for
decision makers of a project in a timely manner, the VDC Scorecard evaluates the maturity of
performance in lieu of ROI together with other performance indicators under Planning, Adoption
and Technology Areas.
While quantitative metrics are emphasized, qualitative measures still provides a valuable
supplement to evaluations of quantitative performance. Researchers such as Thomas (2001)
reported the reliability of qualitative studies over quantitative ones in certain circumstances. This
phenomenon has also been observed at CIFE where practitioner frustration often points to
technical difficulties and errors in operations that would otherwise be more difficult to point out
with only quantitative metrics. To measure this qualitative aspect of a project, we have mapped
the five tiers of the scoring system for the Qualitative Division with BJ Fogg’s Diamond of User
Emotion (Fogg 2012). This is a figure in which one axis of the diamond represents the cost
(investment) and the other axis represents the benefit (return), each axis in the scale of three
ranks (low/medium/high investment or return).
VDC Scorecard → Adoption Area
The Adoption Area consists of the 2 Scorecard Divisions—Organization and Process—and these
2 Scorecard Divisions comprise of 18 individual Scorecard Measures (see Figure 1 for the % of
the overall score). Proper VDC planning can only be successfully leveraged if the organization
and processes adopt the plan with appropriate roles and responsibilities, incentives, and BIM
proficiency throughout the project processes. The Adoption Area surveys a project team or
enterprise in deploying its human capital to properly support technology plans, and it assesses
multi-stakeholder teams with respect to their responsibilities in technology adoption.
With regard to the VDC Adoption Area, the Organization Division measures the level of
involvement and proficiency of the stakeholders in a project team; the Process Division assesses
the interactions and relationships between stakeholders and their impact on project performance.
Both Scorecard Divisions measure progress towards creating integrated and collaborative
processes that can most effectively leverage the multidisciplinary models made possible by VDC
technologies, yet they are frequently overlooked in many evaluation frameworks. Even if a
project is supported with state-of-the-art tools with a big enough budget, it cannot capitalize on
them without proper expertise and interactions between the users of the technology. A project
has to secure professionals with the right skill sets and experience for operating the technologies
and has to have effective methods for leveraging the human resources.
Although the Scorecard Divisions here are termed “Organization” and “Process,” they are not
representative of organization and process models of a project. The technical models are captured
in the Technology Area. For instance, a master schedule integrated with a 3D model, which is a
combination of a process model and a product model, is surveyed in the Technology Area. The
Adoption Area differs from the Technology Area in that the organization and process in the
Adoption Area are not technical models but the collaborative, timing, and social aspects of
organization and process.
Our experience shows that Integrated Concurrent Engineering (ICE) and Integrated Project
Delivery (IPD) foster and streamline VDC. Attributes of them are accredited with higher scores
in the scorecard.
ICE is used to accelerate the progress of a project while searching for the
optimal solution through collocation of different stakeholders, real-time collaboration, and
synchronous communications. Originally pioneered by the aerospace and automotive industries
in the mid-1990s (e.g., NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory), it was later adapted by CIFE to
become an effective method for applying VDC technologies. Chachere et al. (2004) found a set
of factors that enable high level ICE performance, many of which are apparent in the Measures
of the Organization Division. These include:
Readiness of collocation during different phases, phase coverage of each organization,
and phase coverage of VDC.
Quality of a meeting (Garcia et al. 2003b): meeting effectiveness, meeting efficiency,
value index and utilization of online voting for agenda.
Minimized confusion and disruption by new technologies: the frequency of VDC
training, the level of training and signs of resistance.
Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) is also an effective method for applying VDC technologies.
IPD can be defined as “a project delivery approach that integrates people, systems, business
structures and practices into a process ...” (AIA 2007). In practice, this approach helps different
organizations to function as a single larger organization. This integration, in turn, fosters an
environment that helps data integration, sharing, and interoperability. Hence the social
environment created by IPD enables successful adoption of VDC technologies. The signs of IPD
are captured under the Process Division.
VDC Scorecard → Technology Area
The Technology Area consists of the 3 Scorecard Divisions—Maturity, Coverage, and
Integration—and these 3 Scorecard Divisions comprise of 13 individual Scorecard Measures
(See Figure 1 for the % of the overall score).
The Technology Area evaluates the technical aspects of VDC applications employed throughout
a project. The product, organization, and process models developed with various tools are the
subject of evaluation. The three Technology Divisions provide a tiered evaluation of the
technology utilized on a project, considering the analyses and models used during design, their
information content and level of detail, and how well this information is exchanged with other
applications. Maturity is evaluated by categorizing the implemented technologies in a project
into 5 levels of implementation, which builds on the 3-level maturity model described by Kunz
and Fischer (2009). The 5 levels are: 1) Visualization, 2) Documentation, 3) Model-based
Analysis, 4) Integrated Analysis, and 5) Automation & Optimization. Visualization tools aids in
understanding a design, component, or process while Documentation tools aid in generating,
organizing, and presenting project-related documentation. Model-based analyses are simulations
used to model, understand and predict a variety of facility lifecycle issues. Integrated analyses
combine multiple analyses and discipline-specific interests into a single analysis process and
finally Automation and Optimization involves software and hardware tools that automate design
and construction tasks.
Coverage captures both the extent of building elements modeled and the progression of the level
of detail over the phases of the project based on the ASTM Uniformat II Classification for
Building Elements, and a 5-level classification system (Level of Development) is used: 1)
Conceptual, 2) Approximate Geometry, 3) Precise Geometry, 4) Fabrication, and 5) As-Built
(AIA 2008). The Integration Division evaluates the interoperability between BIM tools and
information loss in BIM exchanges by capturing “the degree of model elements exchanged”,
“information loss after model exchange,” and the relationship between different model uses.
5.4.Confidence Level
The CIFE researchers recognize many uncertainties when evaluating the performance of AEC
projects, and therefore established Confidence Level measurements for the VDC Scorecard.
Apart from the performance measurements, the Confidence Level indicates the accuracy of the
scores by taking into account of the sources, completeness of input and frequency of evaluation.
By incorporating the Confidence Level to the project scores, the VDC Scorecard also has a
structured and consistent way of tracking how the information was collected for a specific
Inclusion of Confidence Level measurement provides a more holistic assessment by informing
users of the reliability of the assessment. The initial VDC Scorecards measured only the number
and level of respondents to the survey as a way of determining the certainty of the score. More
measures have been added as this proved insufficient to fully capture certainty. The final list of
factors contributing to the Confidence Level is shown below.
Figure 2: Constituents of the Confidence Level
1. Number and Level of Inputs: Survey inputs from multiple managers at an upper level in
an organization have a higher Confidence Level than inputs from specialists at a lower
2. Multiple Stakeholder Involvement: The stakeholder leading the VDC effort may have
favorable views of VDC implementation versus a resistant stakeholder. Hence a higher
confident level is given for inputs from multiple stakeholders.
3. Timing and Phase of Engagement: The VDC Scorecard favors projects near completion
versus a project in the pre-design stage.
4. Evidence of Documentation: If the interviewees support their claims with evidence of
documentation and an independent audit, they can get the maximum Confidence Level in
this category. The VDC Scorecard has lowest Confidence Level in this category if no
proof is given during the interview.
5. Frequency of VDC Scorecard survey: The VDC Scorecard use is a methodology to track
and assess VDC implementation. If the VDC Scorecard is made a part of project analysis
on a more frequent basis, the score could be assumed to be more precise.
6. Total duration of the interview per time period: As the VDC Scorecard is currently an
interview based survey tool, the more time that can be spent in gathering project and
VDC relevant data, the more the Confidence Level would improve.
7. Completeness of the Survey Input Form: The survey input form is exhaustive and the
different versions of the VDC Scorecard cater to the fact that not all project teams would
be able to spend the required amount of time to answer every question in the survey input
form. This ultimately has the largest impact on certainty as it is used as a multiplier
applied to the score resultant of the other confidence factors. The multiplier ranges from
0 to 1 depending on the percentage of questions answered in the VDC Scorecard.
6. Validation of the VDC Scorecard Framework
As of 2012, CIFE researchers and industry collaborators have assessed 108 unique projects and
over 150 evaluations consisting of 11 facility types, including medical facilities, offices,
laboratories, courthouses, entertainment facilities, and residences, in 13 countries. Using these
project data, CIFE researchers for the first time conducted detailed statistical analysis (Kam et al.
2013) in order to comprehensively validate the effectiveness of the VDC Scorecard in evaluating
VDC performance of AEC projects. The statistical analysis was used for validating the industry
norm or the percentile scoring system assumed when empirical data were unavailable by the
subject matter experts, and in order to ensure that the measures do correlate with the VDC
performances of a project. Evaluations of the 108 pilot projects demonstrate the VDC
Scorecard’s ability to be a holistic, practical, quantitative and adaptive. As of spring 2013 a total
of 123 individuals (70 students, 17 researchers, and 36 professionals) have been involved in the
formulation, application, and/or validation of the VDC Scorecard.
SME Percentile and Measures
The percentile scoring system captures industry practices for each Measure so that scores can be
assigned for projects accordingly. In the initial pilot projects, industry practices were yet to be
surveyed. Hence, the pilot projects employed subject matter experts (SMEs), who had 15 years
of experience working with VDC and BIM applications on over 300 projects of different types
across the world, to set initial percentile scores. Figure 3 shows the percentile system transitions
from its basis on the assessments of industry experts (SMEs) to an assessment scale based on
collected data, and its final calibration, using one of the 56 Measures, # of VDC Management
Objectives, as an example. As the application of the VDC Scorecard results in more data
available to calibrate the scores with, the data will account for an increasingly large portion of
the score, a process which is represented by the middle graph. Ultimately, the percentile system
will be based entirely on industry assessments.
Figure 3: Development of the percentile system. The SME percentile was developed into the
calibrated percentile based on actual samples collected.
As data about the industry is collected, the entire scoring system too, will transition to a system
that only uses industry data. As of this writing, the percentile system is a calibrated SME
percentile system. Using the prevailing 108 cases, a data-driven VDC Score using principal
component analysis was compared with the incumbent expert driven score (Figure 4). As can be
observed from the graphs the two methods correlated almost to perfection.
Figure 4: Comparison of two methods to develop the final VDC Scorecard Score: (1) Expert
opinion-based VDC score and (2) Data-driven statistical VDC Scorecard Score.
The surveyed data were also used to refine Measures. Statistical tests used to test correlations are
the parametric t-test, chi-squared test, Mann-Whitney test, Kendall’s tau, Spearman’s rank
correlation test and Bootstrapping methodologies for validation. These tests and methods were
used to determine the correlation and patterns between individual Measures and overall scores
(after adjusting for the effect of individual Measure). Measures that are found to correlate poorly
(e.g., Measures in Table 1) were revisited for reviewing the design of the questions. Interviewees
also made suggestions when they came across questions with nuances or uncertainties, and
noticed social or technical methods new in the industry but not addressed or questioned by the
scorecard. Through iterations and revisions, the scorecard has developed into the current version,
version 8.
Table 1: Least significant correlations (adjusted) of Scorecard Measures with project
Statistical Significance (p-value)
Contents covered by BEP/VDC Guides
Percentage of product elements modeled in 3D
How formalized is VDC among the stakeholders?
To validate the VDC Scorecard qualitatively, researchers obtained feedback from industry
collaborators and past CIFE researchers. The following statements, among several others, speak
to the success of the VDC Scorecard as an assessment tool:
1. I am a project manager with a Company that has utilized BIM on various multifamily,
mixed use, and single-family projects. The VDC Scorecard has enabled our Company to
continue to improve from project to project by refining the use of BIM throughout the
design, construction, and property management processes. As a vertically integrated
Company that handles all aspects of development, the use of the VDC Scorecard will
enable us to continue to utilize BIM in the most effective and efficient manners for all
current and future projects. (Owner/operator/end-user of a facility)
2. Currently there is no good system to measure whether project teams or offices are
adhering to Standards. The VDC scorecard has been a good resource for us to define and
deliver metrics through a series interviews and checklists. The results accurately
described what we were missing in our process and where required further development.
This was supported by industry analysis that was already performed by CIFE. (Director
of buildingSMART implementation)
Through the iterations and revisions from version 1 to version 8, we have made incremental
improvements toward the objective of making the scorecard holistic, practical, quantifiable, and
adaptive. The statements of the professionals and the statistical analysis above, together with
other data acquired, show these characteristics of the scorecard.
Holistic, Practical, Quantifiable and Adaptive
Holistic: The VDC Scorecard has been applied to 11 facility types with feedback from the
interviewees for improvement. The interviewees represent project-wide demographics ranging
from a chief executive office to junior employees. The latest version of the scorecard is based on
the collective feedback from them. The VDC Scorecard is meant to capture the maturity level of
technology used in the industry, but it also accounts for social methods for adopting it. Our
findings relate to both social collaboration and the maturity of the virtual models of a project.
The VDC Scorecard also has been applied to all phases of a project from the pre-design phase to
the operation and maintenance phase. Although the histogram of phases is a bell curve, with
more projects evaluated during the construction phase, projects in the upstream and downstream
phases are also applicable and have been evaluated.
Quantifiable: The VDC maturity of a project is quantifiable against the industry norm. The score
of each Measure is based on a histogram and not on assumptions or fixed categorization. The
scoring percentile system started off with assumptions made by subject matter experts but has
evolved into a calibrated percentile system based on the data acquired from 108 projects. Apart
from providing the scoring system, the VDC Scorecard also encourages project stakeholders to
establish goals that are measurable with specific targets. It highly encourages quantitative
objectives by rewarding them under Planning and Performance Areas. In addition, it provides
examples of metrics and their targets based on previous research in CIFE (Kunz and Fischer
2009), but project stakeholders can also establish their own metrics and targets to incorporate
project-specific conditions over the life cycle of a project.
Practical: Lite and full VDC Scorecard evaluations can be completed (respectively) in less than
30 minutes and 90 minutes. These evaluations can further provide immediate quantitative
feedback to the project teams with meaningful scores and possible actionable items for decisionmaking. By providing percentile scores for the 56 Measures in addition to an overall score, the
VDC Scorecard informs practitioners where the project stands in relation to the industry norm
and best proven practice, and shows areas of improvement that can make the greatest impact to
the overall performance of the project. The concept of the Confidence Level provides a
“certainty factor” for the result, i.e., a measure of how certain and comprehensive the results of
the VDC Scorecard are. The complimentary statements from professionals, noted above, have
shown the usefulness in the industry context.
Adaptive: The scorecard achieves flexibility in its measures by allowing project stakeholders to
input the objectives and metrics that are most relevant to their projects. The scorecard is also
designed to ask for the presence of innovative practice, of which even the interviewers may not
be aware. The scorecard has captured and continually reflected the feedback from interviewees
from version 1 to version 8. Hence, it achieves fluidity in its scoring system through continuous
refinement and validation on the basis of data obtained through the Scorecard’s application.
Continuous statistical analysis on the projects’ scores also helps to identify industry performance
trends as well as benchmarks. Based on these trends, the VDC Scorecard is updated to adapt to
7. Future Research
Interviewer (scorer) interpretations can be subjective. Interviewers, particularly inexperienced
ones, can come to significantly different results even when they are looking at the same data for
the same project. Ongoing work includes training interviewers to standardize the interview
process and improving the Scorecard manual that defines all terms, Measures and inputs. The
Confidence Level also suffered in many of the projects. In 63% of projects, respondents were
only able to commit to 1-2 person-hours of interviews. To mitigate this, projects often went
through multiple evaluations.
While the data set collected by the VDC Scorecard represents one of the more holistic and
complete sets, still more data is needed to set the scoring system to be fully based on industry
practices and to continue the validation of the Scorecard. Both of these will happen as the
Scorecard is used to build a repository of data on VDC. The continued validation will require
researchers to ensure that the Scorecard’s Measures are correlated with high overall scores and to
ensure that they can discriminate between different levels of VDC performance. The future
research will also relate to introducing the trends of the projects under the categories of
innovative, best, advanced, typical, and conventional practice in form of case studies.
8. Conclusion
Since 2009, we have formulated the VDC Scorecard as a holistic, quantifiable, practical, and
adaptive evaluation framework that allows for objective assessment of VDC in the AEC industry
and accurate benchmarking of the industry practice. The VDC Scorecard offers a vocabulary and
a scoring system that provide practical feedback to AEC professionals and researchers using
objective, quantitative metrics that measure the maturity of VDC implementation and that adapt
to changing industry norms.
The VDC Scorecard is an evaluation framework that can comprehensively describe VDC
implementation using the overall score, 4 Scorecard Areas, 10 Scorecard Divisions, and 56
Scorecard Measures. The 4 Scorecard Areas are Planning, Adoption, Technology, and
Performance. The Planning Area covers the creation of objectives and standards as well as the
availability of technological and fiscal resources that will promote the projects’ business goals.
The quantitative and qualitative success in achieving these objectives is measured in the
Performance Area. The Adoption Area assesses the organizational and procedural aspects of
social methods for adopting technology while the Technology Area assesses the product,
organization, and process models implemented across five maturity levels.
The Scorecard uses a percentile scale that has been overlaid with a 5 performance tiers for each
of the 56 Measures, and supplemented with an assessment of the certainty in the score. The tiers
are Conventional Practice, Typical Practice, Advanced Practice, Best Practice, and Innovative
Practice. When combined with the percentile scale, the tiers allow VDC practitioners and
researchers to see how they compare relative to the rest of the AEC industry. Subject matter
experts set the initial percentile system, but percentile data is continuously updated with
additional project information to reflect the state of the industry. The Confidence Level of the
score is determined by 7 factors: 1) The number and level of professionals interviewed, 2) the
number of stakeholders interviewed, 3) the timing and phase of engagement, 4) evidence of
documentation supporting interviewee claims, 5) the frequency of Scorecard use, 6) the total
duration of the interviews, and 7) the completeness of the survey input form.
The continuous recalibration and validation of the Scorecard provide the main impetus for
ongoing research in the near term future. By the end of 2012, we had used the VDC Scorecard to
assess 108 projects, but more data is required for a percentile scoring system based entirely on
empirical data. In addition, correlation between individual Measures and overall scores will be
assessed, so that less relevant Measures can be revisited for modification. This process creates a
positive feedback loop, whereby the Scorecard serves as assessment methodology for AEC
professionals, and their data is used to improve the Scorecard. This positive feedback loop will
form the basis for sustaining the Scorecard for the indefinite future. As of spring 2014 over 70
students, 17 researchers, and 36 professionals have been involved in the formulation on the VDC
Acknowledgements: The writers would like to thank acknowledge the contribution of the
following individuals as former CIFE researchers: Martin Fischer, John Kunz, Brian McKinney,
Yao Xiao, Julian Gonsalves, Catherine Aglibert, Ella Sung, Justin Oldfield, Richard Tsai,
Anthony Zara, Rith Yoeun, Michelle Kim, Ali Ghaemmaghami and Linda Brown. The writers
would also like to acknowledge the input of the students who enrolled in CEE 212 and CEE 259
at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of Stanford University in 2010, 2011,
2012, and 2013.
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