DP RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-067 Does Agglomeration Discourage Fertility? Evidence from the Japanese General Social Survey 2000-2010 (Revised) KONDO Keisuke RIETI The Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry http://www.rieti.go.jp/en/ RIETI Discussion Paper Series 15-E-067 First draft: May 2015 Revised: June 2016 Does Agglomeration Discourage Fertility? Evidence from the Japanese General Social Survey 2000–2010* KONDO Keisuke † Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry Abstract This study employs household-level data to quantify how agglomeration externalities affect the number of children born to Japanese married couples, the ages at which couples bear the first child, and spatial variations in the average number of children born to couples at different ages. Controlling for economic and social household characteristics, we find that agglomeration externalities significantly discourage married couples from bearing children, but that the magnitude of its effect declines as couples age. Our quantification shows that, holding other things equal, a 10-fold difference in city size generates a spatial variation of -27.71% in the average number of children born to couples aged 30 and a spatial variation of -9.56% at age 49, suggesting that young married couples in bigger cities bear children later in life. Further empirical results show that although agglomeration delays couples’ decision to bear their first child, it does not significantly affect the age at which they marry. Keywords: Fertility, Agglomeration, Social survey, Migration JEL classification: J10, J13, R23 RIETI Discussion Papers Series aims at widely disseminating research results in the form of professional papers, thereby stimulating lively discussion. The views expressed in the papers are solely those of the author(s), and neither represent those of the organization to which the author(s) belong(s) nor the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry. I am greatly indebted to Ryo Arawatari and Yasuhiro Sato for their invaluable comments. I thank Hirobumi Akagi, Deokho Cho, Masahisa Fujita, Hiroshi Goto, Mitsuo Inada, Ryo Ito, Shinichiro Iwata, Tatsuaki Kuroda, Ke-Shaw LIAN, Miwa Matsuo, Tomoya Mori, Masayuki Morikawa, Se-il Mun, Atsushi Nakajima, Kentaro Nakajima, Makoto Ogawa, Takashi Unayama, Isamu Yamauchi, Ting Yin, Kazufumi Yugami, and participants at the luncheon meeting of the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), in the Urban Economic Workshop at Kyoto University, in the 28th annual meeting of the Applied Regional Science Conference, in the RIETI Discussion Paper Seminar, in the RIETI-TIER-KIET Workshop, in the 62nd Annual North American Meetings of the Regional Science Association International, and in the Rokko Forum at Kobe University for their helpful comments and suggestions. Naturally, any remaining errors are my own. This study is a part of research results undertaken at RIETI. I am grateful to Maya Kimura for her generous research support. The Japanese General Social Surveys (JGSS) are designed and carried out by the JGSS Research Center at Osaka University of Commerce (Joint Usage / Research Center for Japanese General Social Surveys accredited by Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), in collaboration with the Institute of Social Science at the University of Tokyo. The data for this secondary analysis, “JGSS,” was provided by the Social Science Japan Data Archive, Center for Social Research and Data Archives, Institute of Social Science, The University of Tokyo. †Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry: 1-3-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-8901, Japan. (E-mail: kondo-keisuke@rieti.go.jp) * 2 1 Introduction Recent literature in economic geography has emphasized the benefits of agglomeration economies, including higher productivity and faster human capital accumulation in more densely populated areas (e.g., Combes et al., 2008, 2010, 2012; Glaeser and Maré, 2001; Glaeser and Resseger, 2010; de la Roca and Puga, 2012). Although economists and policymakers attend to the economics of agglomeration when designing growth policies, they still insufficiently understand how agglomeration externalities negatively affect socioeconomic behavior. Following Sato (2007), who considers a strong connection between agglomeration and fertility rates, we focus on demographic issues that are central to the current policy agendas in most developed counties. Krugman (2014) points out that slow population growth precedes reduced demand for new investment and may contribute to secular stagnation. As such, our concern is to empirically examine whether agglomeration discourages fertility. In particular, we aim to quantify the extent to which agglomeration externalities discourage the completed fertility (total number of children that married couples have during their lifetimes) and the timing of childbirth. Fertility rates in most developed countries have declined rapidly with economic growth, and raising fertility rates has become a policy priority in several countries. Panels (a) and (b) of Figure 1 present trends in total fertility rates and share of population aged 65 and older for selected OECD countries. France, Germany, the United Kingdom (UK), and the United States (US) exhibit sharp declines in total fertility rates since the 1960s, as have Italy and Japan after the 1970s. Although recent total fertility rates have remained at approximately 2 in France, the UK, and the US, they are less in Germany, Italy, and Japan and are accelerating the graying of those countries, as shown in Panel (b) of Figure 1. As unbalanced demographic structures distort social security systems, governments seek effective policies to recover fertility rates (e.g., Grant et al., 2004). [Figure 1] This study presents a new focus on spatial rather than temporal views of national fertility. Panel (a) and Panel (b) of Figure 2 illustrate fertility rates and population density for Japanese municipalities, respectively. A negative relationship between these is evident, as shown in Panel (c). Although innumerable factors explain this negative relationship, it may best be explained by a model of Sato (2007) in which an agglomerated region attracts workers, intensifying population density and wage rates while reducing fertility rates through agglomeration diseconomies. Sato and Yamamoto (2005), Aiura and Sato (2014), Morita and Yamamoto (2014), and Goto and Minamimura (2015) examine the mechanics whereby rising real wages in more densely populated areas increase the opportunity 3 cost of childrearing while attracting workers, further elevating population density and opportunity cost. This circularity engenders lower fertility rates in more densely populated areas.1 Schultz (1986) shows that higher wages for wives increase the opportunity cost of motherhood.2 [Figure 2] Although these theoretical studies predict that agglomeration reduces fertility rates, it remains unclear how it affects married couples’ decisions to bear children at different ages. Figure 3 presents geographical distributions of fertility rates by age and shows regional heterogeneity among age groups. Fertility rates among ages 35–39 are relatively high in more densely populated areas, especially Greater Tokyo and Osaka, although they are lower among ages 25–29. Figure 3 implies that individuals residing in bigger cities postpone parenthood. [Figure 3] Using household-level micro-data, we quantify the extent to which agglomeration externalities discourage married couples from bearing children. To draw meaningful policy implications, we measure how extensively agglomeration generates spatial variations in the number of children per parental age cohort. In doing so, it is crucial to control for unobservable household characteristics, not merely economic and educational factors to assure that spatial sorting of their fertility preferences does not generate statistical bias.3 For example, city dwellers might hold different opinions about parenthood than rural residents, or the desire for security during old age motivates having children, particularly in rural area (Nugent and Gillaspy, 1983; Nugent, 1985; Rendall and Bahchieva, 1998). In addition, big cities offer numerous job opportunities and may attract people who are more intent on careers than parenthood. A social survey dataset provides insights into spatial sorting of household characteristics. This study advances the literature of economic geography by offering new evidence concerning childbearing by married couples in big cities. Controlling for economic and social household char1 Sato and Yamamoto (2009) and Maruyama and Yamamoto (2010) provide insightful views on endogenous fertility decisions. Becker (1960) develops the economic analysis of fertility. As Becker and Lewis (1973) explain, the interaction between quantity and quality of children is important in economic models of fertility. Willis (1973) extends the fertility model to incorporate opportunity costs of rearing children versus wages from working. See Becker (1992), Browning (1992), and Hotz et al. (1997) for details of fertility analysis. 2 Another explanation for this negative relationship is that the geographic concentration of highly educated people, also related to city size, explains the spatial variations in total fertility rates. 3 Another important aspect of the empirics of agglomeration economies is to use spatial variation, not temporal variation. One might consider regional panel data analysis to control for fixed effects of cities, extending municipal data in Figure 2. However, the regional fixed-effect model uses within-city variation and drops information concerning level variation across space, which means that spatial variation associated with city size is ignored. See Combes et al. (2010) for more details. 4 acteristics and an endogenous issue between number of children and city size using long-lagged population density as instruments, we find that agglomeration externalities particularly discourage young married couples’ fertility behavior; however, the numerical magnitude per household shrinks as couples age. Our quantification reveals that, holding other things equal, a 10-fold difference in population density (in general, differences between central cities in rural prefectures and metropolitan areas in Tokyo) yields to a spatial variation of −27.71% in the average number of children born to couples at age 30 and a variation of −9.56% at age 49. Furthermore, our results assert that young married couples in big cities postpone having their first child by an average of 5 months in the case of 10-fold increase in population density. However, agglomeration does not significantly affect age at which couples marry. This study also extends the literature concerning fertility and housing prices. Simon and Tamura (2009) investigate the effects of housing rents on age at first marriage, age at birth of the first child, and number of children. They find that higher rents delay marriage and childbirth and reduce the number of children per household. Given that rents are higher in more densely populated areas, this study complements their findings. In addition, Lovenheim and Mumford (2013) and Dettling and Kearney (2014) show that housing prices heterogeneously affects fertility between homeowners and renters through the wealth and price effects. This study uses population density instead of using housing prices to capture aggregate effects of costs associated with agglomeration because population density captures numerous other childrearing costs. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 discusses relationships between low Japanese fertility rates and costs associated with agglomeration. Section 3 provides a theoretical overview. Section 4 describes the empirical framework. Section 5 presents our dataset. Section 6 discusses estimation results. Section 7 presents the conclusions. 2 Low Japanese Fertility Rates and Costs Associated with Agglomeration Japan’s National Institute of Population and Social Security Research (2012) regularly surveys fertility rates. As Figure 4(a) shows, high costs of rearing and educating children are major reasons why households do not have ideal numbers of children. Figure 4(b) shows that both reasons provoke decreases in the planned number of children, compared to the ideal number of children. Thus, higher costs of rearing children drive lower fertility rates. [Figure 4] 5 To establish regions with higher childrearing costs, we employ surveys by Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (2009). Panel (a) of Figure 5 shows annual costs of extramural activities for public school students by city size. Clearly, households in bigger cities pay more for extramural activities. Two possibilities arise from these data: (1) extramural activities cost more in bigger cities and (2) households with students there consume more such services. Panel (b) of Figure 5 shows regional difference indices of tutorial fees. A stylized fact is that price indices of educational services in more densely populated areas exceed those in less dense areas. Thus, even if consumption of educational services is identical across areas, educational costs differ regionally. [Figure 5] 3 Theoretical Background To clarify points raised in our view of theoretical studies, we summarize possible channels through which population concentration affects fertility decisions. Following Becker (1992), Willis (1973) and Sato (2007), we describe households’ fertility decisions, in which both the number and quality (e.g., education level) of children are assumed. We employ a standard (concave) utility function in which all goods are normal, as follows: u(x, y, q), where x, y, and q represent consumption of a composite good, number of children, and quality per child, respectively. We assume that each household is endowed with one unit of time allocated between working and childrearing. Households must spend quantity of time by, where b is a positive constant tied to time requirement of rearing one child. Thus, the budget constraint is given by pxr (nr )x + pqr (nr )qy = Hr (nr ) + wr (nr )(1 − by) − cr (nr ), where pxr (nr ) is the price of composite goods in region r; pqr (nr ) is the price related with quality of children (e.g., education, training, health); Hr (nr ) is household’s non-labor income or husband’s income (treated as an exogenous variable) in region r; wr (nr ) is the wage rate in region r; cr (nr ) is the cost of living in region r; and nr is its population in region r. Because composite good x includes consumption of housing, its price, pxr (nr ), may increase in nr , whereas it also includes various goods (possibly differentiated ones) and pxr (nr ), partly represents the price index, implying that pxr (nr ) may decrease in nr (Ottaviano et al., 2002). The term bwr (nr ) 6 captures the opportunity cost of rearing children versus working (loss of earnings). As studies in urban economics have established (e.g., Combes and Gobillon, 2015), wage rates in more densely populated regions tend to be higher and thus opportunity cost will be higher there. The price related to quality of children, pqr (nr ), might be higher in large cities, as discussed in Section 2. The cost of living cr (nr ), which is related to negative agglomeration externalities (e.g., commuting and congestion), will increase in nr . Households’ utility optimization yields respective demand functions for consumption goods, children, and quality of children as follows: xr (nr ) = x pxr (nr ), pqr (nr ), Hr (nr ), wr (nr ), cr (nr ) , yr (nr ) = y pxr (nr ), pqr (nr ), Hr (nr ), wr (nr ), cr (nr ) , qr (nr ) = q pxr (nr ), pqr (nr ), Hr (nr ), wr (nr ), cr (nr ) . We draw theoretical implications concerning fertility, yr (nr ). A higher pxr (nr ) or pqr (nr ) may increase yr (nr ) through the substitution effect or reduce it through the income effect. A higher wage rate wr (nr ) may reduce yr (nr ) by elevating the opportunity cost of childrearing or increase yr (nr ) through the income effect. Higher exogenous income Hr (nr ) increases yr (nr ) through the income effect. Higher cost of living cr (nr ) reduces disposable income, which prompt a decrease in yr (nr ). Regional population, nr , affects all these variables, implying that a larger nr exerts positive and negative effects on yr (nr ) through these channels. Although theoretical works have uncovered various channels through which population concentration affects fertility, their conclusions do not explain to what extent population concentration has negative externalities on households’ fertility decisions after controlling for these channels. In other words, this study examines the negative relationship observed in Figure 2 by estimating demand function of children, yr (nr ), at the household level. 4 Empirical Framework 4.1 Measuring Agglomeration Effects on Fertility This study estimates the demand function for children, yir , among married couples i in which the wife is of childbearing age (15–49 years old as per the definition of total fertility rate). A standard approach is to regress linearly the number of children on population density and other control variables. However, an empirical issue is that the dependent variable takes a discrete number. If so, the Poisson 7 regression is more appropriate. Therefore, our regression model to be estimated is given by Pr(Yir = yir ) = yir exp −λir (θ) λir (θ) yir ! , yir = 0, 1, 2, . . . , Reg ψ, λir (θ) ≡ exp α log(Densr(i)t ) + γMi + X i β + X̃ i δ + Dr(i) η + DYear t (1) where yir is the number of children in household i residing in region r; Densr(i) is the population density of region r where married couple i lives during the study period; α is our parameter of interest, which captures the density elasticity of the number of children and is expected to be negative; Mi is a dummy that takes the value 1 if either spouse in household i has emigrated and 0 otherwise; X i is a vector of variables denoting household characteristics (age, gender, cohort dummies, employment status, condition of health, education, years of working experience, and each income for husband and wife); X̃ i is a vector of variables for household social characteristics that affect fertility decisions; Reg Dr is a vector of regional dummies; DYear is a vector of year dummies; θ is a vector of parameters t (α, γ, β , δ , η , ψ ) . Thus, the parameter vector that maximizes the log-likelihood function (y, θ) is estimated as follows: n −λir (θ) + yir log λir (θ) − log(yir !) , (y, θ) = i=1 where n is number of observations. The regression includes customarily unobservable household characteristics X̃ i . Using a social survey dataset mitigates estimation bias arising from spatial sorting driven by households’ qualitative factors. Migration influences decisions to bear children through the higher financial and non-financial costs. For example, non-migrants residing near their parents have advantages for rearing children. Thus, migrants are expected to have fewer children than non-migrants. A key feature of the Poisson regression model is that λir (θ) can be seen as a predicted average number of children per household. Therefore, α can be interpreted as an elasticity that captures spatial variations in the number of children born to households in terms of city size. We quantify, holding other things constant, to what extent the difference in city sizes affects the number of children. Our next question is whether agglomeration affects completed fertility. Focusing on married couples among whom the wife is aged 50 or older, the outer age for childbearing in definitions of fertility rates, we estimate this Poisson regression model: Reg Year ) + γM + Z ϕ + X̃ δ + D η + D ψ , λir (θ) ≡ exp α log(Dens50 i i i t r(i)t r(i) (2) 8 where Dens50 r(i)t denotes the population density of cities where the married couples lived when the wife was aged 50, and Zi is limited to the vector of variables capturing husbands’ and wifes’ education because no historical information itemizes the income, work experience, and health status for married couples aged 50 and over.4 Interpretations of parameter α in models (1) and (2) may be ambiguous when the sample includes migrants, even if migration status is controlled for. In other words, it is desired to control for the cities in which migrants have previously resided, a task requiring long-term household-level panel data. Another related issue is that migration itself is highly related with fertility decision, presenting self-selection bias. Because of data limitations, we estimate Poisson regression models for two samples—one that includes a migration dummy and one that exclude migrants from the sample—to distinguish effects of migration and costs associated with agglomeration as a robustness check.5 4.2 Testing Catch-Up Process in Bigger Cities This section examines how married couples residing in more densely populated areas bear children later in life, as shown in Figure 3. To measure the catch-up process, we introduce a cross term of population density and wife’s age into the Poisson regression model (1) as follows: Reg + X i β + X̃ i δ + Dr(i) η + DYear ψ, λir (θ) ≡ exp α log(Densr(i)t ) + φ log(Densr(i)t ) × Agewife t i (3) denotes the wife’s age for married couple i, and φ measures the catch-up process where Agewife i on fertility decisions: positive value of φ suggests that married couples residing in more densely populated areas delay having children and have children when older. This regression is estimated for non-migrants aged 50 or younger to exclude households’ dynamic location choice. We seek to quantify to what extent externalities from population concentration discourage households’ fertility behavior, and thus we emphasize that a dynamic fertility process should be considered. For example, it is inappropriate to quantify its magnitude simply by comparing married couples across cities. The fact that young married couples in big cities tend to have children later causes an overestimation of spatial variation in the number of children. This study quantifies spatial differences in the average number of children per parental cohort age using the estimates of α and φ in regression (3). 4 For migrants, we calculate population densities of cities where couples in which the wife is 50 or older lived during the survey year. 5 Estimation results without migrants are available on the online supplemental file. 9 Another aspect of the catch-up process is whether agglomeration affects the timing of marriage and birth of the first child (e.g., Simon and Tamura, 2009). In this regression, the sample is not divided by wife’s age. Effects of agglomeration are simply estimated by this OLS regression: Reg All Year = α log Dens ψk + ui,k , Agewife k r(i)t + γk Mi + Zi ϕk + X̃ i δk + Dr(i) ηk + Dt ir,k (4) where Agewife ir,k denotes the wife’s age for married couple i at time of marriage (k = 1) and birth of the first child (k = 2), respectively; DensAll r(i)t denotes the population density, takes the value of Densr(i)t if married couple i is aged 50 or younger and the value of Dens50 r(i)t if its wife i is aged 50 and above; and ui,k is the error term. Parameter αk captures agglomeration effects on the timing of marriage and birth of the first child, respectively. 4.3 Solving Endogeneity in Population Density An estimation issue in the demand function for children relates to the fact that number of children has positive impacts on the population density unless children born to households migrate to other cities. Although our aim is to measure the extent to which costs associated with agglomeration discourage married couples from bearing children, this magnitude may be underestimated owing to the opposite force. To solve this endogeneity issue, the literature on economic geography proposes the method of IV estimation. A possible candidate of instrumental variables is a long-lagged population density, as used by Ciccone and Hall (1996). A long-lagged population density is highly correlated with the current city size (in this paper, the correlation coefficient between population densities in survey year and in 1930 is 0.744). On the correlation between an error term and population density, its validity of historical lags relies on the hypothesis that the population agglomeration in the past is not related to current fertility decisions of couples. This study uses the logarithm of population density in 1930 and its squared as instruments term and estimates demand function for children by the IV Poisson method assuming an additive error term. We check the validity of our instruments by overidentification tests. 4.4 Quantifying Spatial Variation in Fertility Our quantification uses the estimates of α and φ (i.e., density elasticity of number of children) of model (3). Holding other things equal, the percentage change in average number of children per 10 household between two cities s and r can be estimated as Denss α̂+φ̂×Age λs − λr = − 1. λr Densr Note that this spatial variation in average number of children per household is measured at a relative level, not an absolute level. For example, consider the case where there are two cities s and r. City s has twice the population of city r. The density elasticity of the number of children is −0.04 at a certain age. In this case, the percentage change is calculated as −2.73% (≈ 2−0.04 − 1). If households in city r on average have 2 children, then households in city s on average have 1.95 children. Similarly, if city s has 10 times the population of city r, the percentage change in average number of children becomes −8.80% (≈ 10−0.04 − 1). If households in city r on average have 2 children, then households in city s on average have 1.824 children. Similarly, we examine to what extent externalities of agglomeration delay marriage and birth of the first child for married couples from model (4). Holding other things equal, differences in a wife’s age between cities s and r can be estimated as Agewife s,k − Agewife r,k Denss = α̂k log , Densr where α̂k is the parameter estimate in model (4). Note that the spatial variation in wife’s age is measured at the absolute level. For example, consider the case where city s has twice the population of city r. In this case, spatial variation in the wives’ ages between is calculated as α̂k × log(2). 5 Data To control for unobservable household characteristics affecting fertility decision, we use the cumulative dataset (i.e., pooled cross section) of the Japan General Social Surveys (JGSS), which covers the years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010.6 The sample is limited to married couples (i.e., unmarried persons are excluded). 6 We discarded the JGSS 2003 dataset because it omits questions about number of siblings. Its surveyed population consists of men and women aged not under 20 to 89 as of September 1st of the particular survey year, and survey subjects are selected by a stratified 2-stage sampling method. In the first step, stratification is conducted among six regional blocks (Hokkaido/Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Kinki, Chugoku/Shikoku, and Kyushu). Then, cities and districts in each block are classified into three groups of the largest cities, other cities, and towns/villages. We construct our regional variables based on three groups of cities in each prefecture by taking averages of corresponding municipalities. Sample sizes of valid response vary from 2,023 (in 2005) to 5,003 (in 2010). Detailed information about the JGSS sampling design is available from the web-site (URL: http://jgss.daishodai.ac.jp/english/index.html). 11 Table 1 presents descriptive statistics of variables. Definitions of variables used in this study, such as population density, migration, and income, are in Appendix A. The average number of children per household in the sample is approximately 1.98. Average numbers of children by parental age cohort appear in Figure 6. Panel (a) of Figure 6 displays differences in numbers of children by dividing the 75th percentile point for population density (DensAll r(i)t ). Households with ages averaging 20–24 in more densely populated areas (exceeding the 75th percentile of population density of 4,176 persons/km2) have half as many children as households in less dense areas. The gap between the two narrows, but a slight gap remains. Panel (b) of Figure 6 presents average ideal numbers of children by cohort group. We see the younger generation tending toward lower ideal numbers, but no geographical gap appears in relation to population density. People in the same generation desire the same number of children regardless of where they live. Panels (a) and (b) of Figure 7 present distributions by city size for the wife’s age at marriage and at birth of the first child, respectively. Approximately, couples residing in more densely populated areas tend to marry and have children later than couples in less dense areas. This finding associates agglomeration with delayed childbearing among married couples. The JGSS asks two questions about how households perceive the roles of government and family in providing security for the elderly (1: Governments, 5: Individuals and Families): (1) responsibility for livelihood of the elderly (2) responsibility for medical and nursing care of the elderly. The old age security score in Table 1 indicates the sum of two values. Minimum and maximum values are 2 and 10. Greater values indicate how households are responsible within the families in their old age. The motive to be secure in old age predicts that such households have more children. Furthermore, the JGSS asks a question about households’ opinions whether children are necessary in a marriage. A dummy variable takes the value 1 for households that agree or somewhat agree children are unnecessary and 0 otherwise. [Table 1 and Figures 6–7] We include number of siblings because couples who have relatively many siblings may have more children. JGSS polls the number of siblings for both spouses but often only one answers this question. Our question merges spousal responses. If both answer, the average number of siblings is used; if one answers the question, the number that he or she provided is used. 12 6 Estimation Results 6.1 Agglomeration Discourages Fertility Table 2 presents estimation results of model (1) by Poisson and IV Poisson estimations. Column (1) shows that density elasticity of number of children is significantly negative at the 1% level and its value is −0.075. However, the elasticity obtained by IV Poisson is −0.102. As predicted, the Poisson estimation generates a downward bias, which arises from that rising number of children increases population density. The IV estimation captures that the causal effects of bigger cities on the fertility decision is greater. These values offer an aggregate relationship between the number of children and population density. These results are the benchmark for comparison with results controlled for household characteristics. Estimation results in Table 2 show that additional control for household characteristics gradually reduces the density elasticity of number of children. The density elasticity becomes −0.067 in Column (3), whereas the density elasticity obtained by IV Poisson becomes −0.091 in Column (6). These results imply that, holding other things equal, a 10-fold difference in city size on average generates spatial variation in the per-household number of children by 18.77% (≈ 10−0.091 − 1). Consider a case where city s is 10 times the population of city r. If the average number of children in city r is 2, the average in city s becomes 1.625 (the spatial gap is approximately 375 children per 1,000 households).7 Therefore, our results show that negative externalities of agglomeration discourage fertility behavior. An interesting finding is that that husbands’ and wives’ incomes, which related highly to city size, have significant positive and negative signs, respectively. Indeed, husband’s higher income in big cities reduces the density elasticity if we do not control for this variable. This finding implies that differences in city size determine spatial variation in demand for children through conflicting channels between husband’s higher income and wife’s greater opportunity costs of having children. Household characteristics are additionally controlled for in Columns (2)–(3) and (5)–(6). Overall, results indicate that both spouses’ high educations negatively affect demand for children. As mentioned, households in which husbands earn higher incomes tend to have more children, suggesting that progressive increases in the husband’s income has income effect. On the other hand, the wife’s income shows a negative sign, suggesting that wife’s higher income discourages fertility decision owing to higher opportunity cost. These findings are also theoretically supported. In Columns (3) and (6), a dummy denoting that children are unnecessary in a marriage demon7 Here is another numerical example. Holding other things equal, double difference in city size on average generates spatial variation in the per-household number of children by 6.07% (≈ 2−0.091 − 1). 13 strates notably negative effects on the number of children at the 1% significance level. If either husband or wife has more siblings, they tend to have more children. The number of siblings might affect their preference for children. However, the motive for security in old age has no significant relationship with the number of children. Inclusion of these social characteristics tends to reduce magnitudes of the dummy denoting university graduates. Columns (2)–(3) and (5)–(6) show that the migration dummy is significant negative at the 5% or 10% level. Households in which either spouse has migration experience tend to have fewer children than those in which neither has migration experience. The negative sign may derive from both a causal relationship and from self-selection. That is, migration itself may impose substantial costs on having children, or having fewer children may enable households to easily migrate. We do not distinguish these two channels and merely note the negative relationship between number of children and migration. [Table 2] 6.2 Completed Fertility and Agglomeration Table 3 presents estimation results for couples whose child-bearing years have ended because the wife is age 50 or older. This estimation examines whether costs of agglomeration discourage completed fertility. Columns (1) and (3) show density elasticities of total number of children in the benchmark estimation, and these values are −0.035 in Column (1) and −0.045 in Column (4). As mentioned earlier, the standard Poisson estimation generates a downward bias to the density elasticity of number of children. This negative relationship holds after we control for economic and social household characteristics and migration status, but the density elasticities decline to −0.029 in Column (3) and −0.039 in Column (6). Therefore, our estimation results suggest that costs associated with agglomeration discourage completed fertility and, holding other things equal, a 10-fold difference in city size on average generates a spatial variation of 8.63% (≈ 10−0.039 − 1) in number of children per household. Consider a case where the population of city s is 10 times lager than city r. If the average number of children in city r is 2, the average in city s becomes 1.827 (here, the spatial gap is approximately 173 children per 1000 households).8 More importantly, we note that the density elasticity of number of children decreases compared 8 Holding other things equal, double difference in city size on average generates spatial variation in number of children per household by 2.68% (≈ 2−0.039 − 1). 14 with results in Table 2: in the case of IV estimation, −0.091 in Column (6) of Table 2 versus −0.039 in Column (6) of Table 3. This finding suggests that costs associated with agglomeration affect the timing of childbirth. The two numerical examples above also imply that the regional gap in average number of children decreases as couples age. This statistical test is the main topic of the next subsections. Another interesting finding is that the effect of higher education on completed fertility is not significant at the 10% level. Combining with estimation results in Table 2, our findings suggest that higher education discourages childbearing among young married couples but does not affect completed fertility. These results also imply that, holding other things equal, university graduates postpone having children. Similarly, dummy variables for couples who do not view children as necessary and for the number of siblings exert significantly negative and positive effects, respectively, on the number of children. Seeking security in old age shows no significant relationship with number of children. Our estimation results suggest that social characteristics are crucial in determining preferences for having children. The migration dummy also shows negative effects on completed fertility in Columns (2)–(3) and (5)–(6). Migration correlates negatively with fertility, but more rigorous analysis is required to distinguish between causality and self-selection via the decision to migrate. [Table 3] 6.3 Catch-Up Process of Fertility in More Densely Populated Areas Table 4 presents estimation results of Poisson regression model (3), which considers the dynamic process of fertility behavior across different city sizes. We seek to quantify regional gaps in average number of children by parents’ ages. To do so, we test whether the cross-term of population density and wife’s age shows significant positive effects on number of children. Note that samples used in Table 4 do not include migrants. Poisson estimation results in Columns (1) and (2) show that the estimated coefficient for the crossterm of population density and wife’s age is significantly positive, which means that young married couples in big cities postpone having children. IV Poisson estimation results in Columns (3) and (4) also support this finding, but the magnitudes obtained by IV estimation are bigger than standard ones. An important finding is that the gap in number of children between denser and less dense areas is larger early in life and shrinks gradually as couples age. Figure 8 illustrates estimated spatial variations in average number of children using estimates in Column (4) of Table 4. Panel (a) shows the density elasticity of number of children at different ages. 15 Spatial variation in number of children is grater for couples in their 20s (e.g., −0.146 at age 29) but declines to −0.044 at age 49. Panel (b) of Figure 8 quantifies spatial variations in number of children by couples’ ages, showing what percent of the change in average number of children is generated by difference in city size, holding other things equal. Among couples age 30, the estimated percentage change in number of children between a city and a city with 10 times more people is −27.71% (≈ 10−0.295+0.005×30 − 1). If households in the baseline city on average have 1.5 children at age 30, households in a city with 10 times more people on average have 1.084 children (the spatial gap is approximately 426 children per 1,000 households). However, the estimated percentage change in the number of children between those cities for couples at age 49 is −9.56% (≈ 10−0.295+0.005×49 − 1). If the average number of children per household at age 49 in the baseline city is 2.2, the average in a city with 10 times more people becomes 1.990 (the spatial gap is approximately 210 children per 1,000 households).9 Although slight spatial variation in average number of children between denser and less dense areas remains, our important finding is that couples residing in bigger cities have children relatively late in life, which reduces the spatial gap in the number of children around age 50. Thus far, our estimation results suggest that agglomeration discourages younger couples from bearing children, but the completed fertility shrinks between denser and less dense areas as couples age. Therefore, our results may emphasize that agglomeration affects the timing of childbirth rather than number of children. That prospect is statistically tested in the next subsection. [Table 4 and Figure 8] 6.4 Agglomeration Delays Birth of First Child Table 5 presents estimation results concerning how agglomeration affects the wife’s age at marriage. Estimated coefficient for population density are positive in Columns (1)–(3), but are not significant even at the 10% level. It is not evident that agglomeration discourages the timing of marriage. However, higher education level markedly delays age at marriage at the 1% level. Column (3) shows that couples in which both spouses are university graduates marry about 26 months later than couples in which both are not university graduates. Table 5 provides evidence on whether agglomeration delays birth of first child. Unlike the estimation results for marriage, estimated coefficient for population density are significantly positive 9 Here is another numerical example. Among couples age 30, the estimated percentage change in number of children between a city and a city with twice more people is −9.31% (≈ 2−0.295+0.005×30 − 1). However, among couples age 49, the estimated percentage change in number of children between those cities is −2.98% (≈ 2−0.295+0.005×49 − 1). 16 at the 5% level in Columns (4)–(6), with the value reaching 0.181 in Column (6). Using it, our quantification shows, holding other things equal, that couples residing in a 10 times more populous city delay childbirth by an average of approximately 5 months (≈ 0.181 × log(10)).10 As with the timing of marriage, higher education markedly delays the first child’s birth at the 1% significance level. Column (6) shows that couples in which both spouses are university graduates bear their first child about 22 months later than couples in which neither spouse is a university graduate. In sum, agglomeration strongly defers childbirth decisions among younger couples, but married couples in more densely populated areas generally have children later in life, whereas couples in less dense areas have children early and stop after approximately two or three children. As a result, spatial variation in the number of children per household diminishes as couples age, although the statistically significant slight gap remains. Agglomeration delays birth of first child but not necessarily the timing of marriage. [Table 5] 7 Conclusion This study has examined how agglomeration externalities affect married couples’ decisions to bear children at different life stages. By employing a Japanese social survey dataset that inquires into households’ fertility decisions, we have been able to control for economic factors alongside customarily unobservable household characteristics. Controlling for an endogeneity between number of children and city size, we have quantified the extent to which agglomeration externalities generate spatial variations in average number of children born to households. We have found that, although agglomeration externalities significantly discourage couples’ fertility decisions, the magnitude declines as couples age: holding other things equal, a 10-hold difference in city size generates a spatial variation of −27.71% in average number of children among couples at age 30 and a variation of −9.56% among married couples at age 49, suggesting that young married couples in bigger cities bear children later in life. Our results show that agglomeration externalities delay birth of the first child by an average of about five months among couples living in cities that 10 times lager than the benchmark cities. Despite the acknowledged economic benefits of agglomeration (e.g., Combes and Gobillon, 2015), our findings present the important conclusion that agglomeration 10 Here is another numerical example. Holding other things equal, couples residing in a twice more populous city delay childbirth by an average of approximately 2 months (≈ 0.181 × log(2)). 17 hampers fertility rates through higher costs associated from agglomeration. In short, agglomerationoriented growth policies may accelerate the graying of population that policymakers struggle to reverse. Policymakers in graying societies need to care about demographic issues associated with agglomeration. Future research needs to address two limitations in this research. 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The 20 corresponding cities are Sapporo-shi, Sendai-shi, Saitama-shi, Chiba-shi, Yokohama-shi, Kawasakishi, Sagamihara-shi, Niigata-shi, Shizuoka-shi, Hamamatsu-shi, Nagoya-shi, Kyoto-shi, Osaka-shi, Sakai-shi, Kobe-shi, Okayama-shi, Hiroshima-shi, Kitakyushu-shi, and Fukuoka-shi. Since some municipalities merged between 1980 and 2011, their populations are re-aggregated from relevant information. Linear interpolation is implemented between the census years. Average population density is calculated by unit based on the combinations of prefectures and city size (Seirei Shitei Toshi, Other City, and Village). Population densities at wife’s age 50 (Dens50 r(i) ) are replaced by those in 1980 if wives reached age 50 before 1980. Population density in 1930 is computed from 1930 population census by administrative unit as of April 1, 2011, and then the average population density is calculated by unit based on the combinations of prefectures and city size (Seirei Shitei Toshi, Other City, and Village). Migration Dummy Takes the value 1 if respondents’ current residential prefecture differs from prefectures where either spouse lived at age 15 and 0 otherwise. Old Age Security Score Ranges from 2 to 10, which is the sum of two questions about how households perceive the roles of government and family in providing security for the elderly (1: Governments, 5: Individuals and Families): (1) responsibility for livelihood of the elderly (2) responsibility for medical and nursing care of the elderly. Greater values indicate how households are responsible within the families in their old age. Dummy for Non-Necessity of Children in a Marriage Takes the value 1 for households that agree or somewhat agree children are unnecessary in a marriage and 0 otherwise. Number of Siblings is calculated by merging spousal responses. If both answer, the average number of siblings is used; if one answers the question, the number that he or she provided is used. Husband’s and Wife’s Incomes Class values (0, 35, 85, 115, 145, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 925, 1100, 1300, 1500, 1725, 2075, and 2300 in 10,000 JPY). The maximum class value is multiplied by 1.2. Income is deflated by the consumer price index (2010=100) Working Hours Total weekly worked during the past week (in 10 hours). 21 Dummy for Non-Labor Force Takes the value 1 if a respondent has never worked (i.e., a person who answered 0 years of work experience) and 0 otherwise. Dummy for University Graduate Takes the value 1 if a respondent graduated from university or graduate school and 0 otherwise. Dummy for Not Healthy Takes the value 1 if answers are 4 or 5 on a one-to-five scale (1=good, 5=bad). Dummies for Cohort Groups Take the value 1 if the wife in married couple i was born in 1944 and earlier, 1945–1949, 1950–1954, 1955–1959, 1960–1964, 1965–1969, 1970–1974, or 1975 and later, and 0 otherwise. Dummies for Survey Years Take the value 1 if married couple i answers the questionnaire either in the 2000, 2001, 2002, 2005, 2006, 2008, or 2010 survey and 0 otherwise. Dummies for Regions Take the value 1 if married couple i lives either in Hokkaido–Tohoku (Hokkaido, Aomori, Iwate, Miyagi, Akita, Yamagata, Fukushima), Kanto (Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, Tokyo, and Kanagawa), Chubu (Niigata, Toyama, Ishikawa, Fukui, Yamanashi, Nagano, Gifu, Shizuoka, Aichi, and Mie), Kinki (Shiga, Kyoto, Osaka, Hyogo, Nara, and Wakayama), Chugoku–Shikoku (Tottori, Shimane, Okayama, Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime, and Kochi), or Kyushu (Fukuoka, Saga, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Miyazaki, Kagoshima, Okinawa) and 0 otherwise. 0.94 3401.08 3395.07 1.98 0.48 1.48 0.44 0.45 0.39 3.48 1.91 1.81 1.71 0.30 0.37 12.96 12.55 1.09 3.36 3.74 2042.81 4.65 0.36 2.41 0.26 0.29 0.18 4.79 1.58 4.14 2.59 0.10 0.17 51.71 49.07 2.35 24.39 26.16 S.D. 1.99 2908.21 Mean 29 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 1 16 16 0 104 Min 13253 10 1 15 1 1 1 28 20 8 7 1 1 91 90 5 51 50 8 15182 Max 3323.26 1.88 0.50 0.96 0.43 0.48 0.43 2.82 1.85 1.14 1.54 0.08 0.29 7.83 6.68 1.06 3.35 3.71 3423.62 2987.73 2014.00 4.58 0.43 1.72 0.24 0.35 0.24 5.51 1.73 4.81 2.83 0.01 0.09 42.25 39.52 2.32 24.65 26.57 0.96 S.D. 1.81 Mean 29 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 1 16 16 104 0 Min 13253 10 1 8 1 1 1 28 20 8 7 1 1 66 49 5 45 41 15182 6 Max Sample of Wife’s Age < 50 2814.98 2076.59 4.72 0.28 3.23 0.28 0.21 0.11 3.95 1.41 3.35 2.32 0.20 0.26 62.80 60.28 2.38 23.96 25.72 2.20 Mean 3372.92 3477.92 2.10 0.45 1.58 0.45 0.41 0.32 3.95 1.97 2.11 1.85 0.40 0.44 8.06 7.56 1.12 3.34 3.73 0.87 S.D. 109 29 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 51 1 16 16 0 Min 14715 13253 10 1 15 1 1 1 28 17 8 7 1 1 91 90 5 51 50 8 Max Sample of Wife’s Age ≥ 50 Note: The numbers of observations for full sample, sample (wife’s age < 50), and sample (wife’s age ≥ 50) are 4,334, 2,339, and 1,995, respectively. The numbers of observations for wife’s age at marriage are 1,658, 1,034, and 624, respectively. The numbers of observations for wife’s age at birth of first child are 3,880, 2,019, and 1,861, respectively. The household who has the maximum number of children and the uppermost 1 percentile of the distribution of working hours for husband and wife are excluded from the full sample as extreme outliers. Population density is expressed in persons/km2. Working hours are expressed in 10-hour units. Number of Children Population Density for All Population Density in Survey Year Population Density at Age 50 Population Density (Persons/km2 ) in 1930 Old-Age Security Index D(1=Non-Necessity of Children in a Marriage) Number of Brothers and Sisters D(1=Migration) D(1=University Graduate for Husband) D(1=University Graduate for Wife) Husband’s Income (Million yen) Wife’s Income (Million yen) Working Hours Last Week for Husband Working Hours Last Week for Wife D(1=Non-Labor Force for Husband) D(1=Non-Labor Force for Wife) Husband’s Age Wife’s Age D(1=Not Healthy) Wife’s Age at Marriage Wife’s Age at Birth of First Child Variables Full Sample Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of Variables for Regression Analysis 22 23 Table 2: Poisson Regression Estimation Results from Sample (Wife’s Age < 50) Dependent Variable: Number of Children Poisson Explanatory Variables Log(Population Density) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) −0.075*** (0.016) −0.069*** (0.014) −0.127*** (0.024) −0.095*** (0.020) 0.015*** (0.003) −0.016*** (0.006) 0.005 (0.010) −0.029*** (0.011) −0.087 (0.177) −0.091* (0.054) 0.082*** (0.028) −0.090*** (0.030) 0.166*** (0.028) −0.190*** (0.034) −0.028*** (0.009) −0.062** (0.029) −0.102*** (0.019) −0.093*** (0.017) −0.122*** (0.023) −0.090*** (0.019) 0.016*** (0.003) −0.018*** (0.006) 0.007 (0.010) −0.032*** (0.011) −0.079 (0.177) −0.097* (0.053) 0.096*** (0.025) −0.106*** (0.027) 0.158*** (0.028) −0.181*** (0.034) −0.025*** (0.009) −0.058** (0.029) Yes Yes −0.067*** (0.015) −0.120*** (0.023) −0.087*** (0.021) 0.015*** (0.003) −0.016*** (0.006) 0.006 (0.010) −0.032*** (0.011) −0.085 (0.175) −0.096* (0.054) 0.081*** (0.027) −0.089*** (0.029) 0.164*** (0.028) −0.188*** (0.033) −0.027*** (0.009) −0.061** (0.029) 0.009 (0.006) −0.079*** (0.018) 0.025** (0.011) Yes Yes Yes −0.091*** (0.018) −0.114*** (0.022) −0.080*** (0.020) 0.016*** (0.003) −0.018*** (0.006) 0.007 (0.010) −0.034*** (0.011) −0.081 (0.175) −0.101* (0.053) 0.097*** (0.025) −0.108*** (0.027) 0.155*** (0.027) −0.178*** (0.032) −0.024*** (0.009) −0.056* (0.029) 0.006 (0.006) −0.074*** (0.018) 0.026** (0.011) Yes 2339 2339 2339 0.051 0.102 0.073 Dummy (1=University Graduate for Husband) Dummy (1=University Graduate for Wife) Husband’s Income Wife’s Income Hours Worked Last Week for Husband Hours Worked Last Week for Wife Dummy (1=Non-Labor Force for Husband) Dummy (1=Non-Labor Force for Wife) Husband’s Age Husband’s Age Squared (1/100) Wife’s Age Wife’s Age Squared (1/100) Dummy (1=Not Healthy) Dummy (1=Migration) Old-Age Security Motive Score Dummy (1=Non-Necessity of Children) Number of Siblings Cohort Groups, Region, and Year Dummies Number of Observations Log Likelihood AIC Overidentification (p-value) IV Poisson 2339 2339 2339 −3360.628 −3304.877 −3299.954 6761.255 6677.755 6673.908 Note: Heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors clustered by cohort year are in parentheses. Instrumental variables for the population density are the logarithm of population density in 1930 and its squared variable. Constant is not reported. * denotes statistical significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level. 24 Table 3: Poisson Regression Estimation Results from Sample (Wife’s Age ≥ 50) Dependent Variable: Number of Children Poisson Explanatory Variables Log(Population Density at Age 50) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) −0.035*** (0.013) −0.032** (0.013) −0.011 (0.025) 0.045 (0.033) −0.033* (0.017) −0.045*** (0.015) −0.043*** (0.015) −0.011 (0.024) 0.049 (0.032) −0.030* (0.016) Yes Yes −0.029** (0.013) −0.004 (0.026) 0.050 (0.031) −0.031* (0.018) −0.000 (0.005) −0.087*** (0.020) 0.017** (0.007) Yes Yes Yes −0.039*** (0.015) −0.006 (0.025) 0.055* (0.030) −0.029* (0.016) −0.000 (0.005) −0.083*** (0.019) 0.016** (0.007) Yes 1995 1995 1995 0.636 0.653 0.569 Dummy (1=University Graduate for Husband) Dummy (1=University Graduate for Wife) Dummy (1=Migration) Old-Age Security Motive Score Dummy (1=Non-Necessity of Children) Number of Siblings Cohort Groups, Region, and Year Dummies Number of Observations Log Likelihood AIC Overidentification (p-value) IV Poisson 1995 1995 1995 −2977.043 −2976.321 −2971.868 5990.087 5994.643 5991.736 Note: Heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors clustered by cohort year are in parentheses. Instrumental variables for the population density are the logarithm of population density in 1930 and its squared variable. Constant is not reported. * denotes statistical significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level. 25 Table 4: Poisson Regression Estimation Results from Sample (Wife’s Age < 50, Non-Migrants) Dependent Variable: Number of Children Poisson Explanatory Variables Log(Population Density) Log(Population Density) × Wife’s Age Dummy (1=University Graduate for Husband) Dummy (1=University Graduate for Wife) Husband’s Income Wife’s Income Hours Worked Last Week for Husband Hours Worked Last Week for Wife Dummy (1=Non-Labor Force for Husband) Dummy (1=Non-Labor Force for Wife) Husband’s Age Husband’s Age Squared (1/100) Wife’s Age Wife’s Age Squared (1/100) Dummy (1=Not Healthy) (1) (2) (3) (4) −0.232*** (0.078) 0.004** (0.002) −0.120*** (0.025) −0.109*** (0.027) 0.015*** (0.004) −0.014** (0.007) 0.006 (0.011) −0.023* (0.012) 0.053 (0.152) −0.039 (0.053) 0.064** (0.029) −0.067** (0.031) 0.128*** (0.036) −0.188*** (0.042) −0.031*** (0.009) −0.277*** (0.094) 0.005** (0.002) −0.113*** (0.024) −0.120*** (0.026) 0.015*** (0.004) −0.015** (0.007) 0.005 (0.010) −0.027** (0.012) 0.043 (0.150) −0.034 (0.053) 0.074*** (0.025) −0.078*** (0.027) 0.116*** (0.039) −0.177*** (0.040) −0.030*** (0.009) Yes −0.237*** (0.077) 0.004** (0.002) −0.116*** (0.024) −0.097*** (0.028) 0.015*** (0.004) −0.013** (0.007) 0.006 (0.012) −0.025** (0.012) 0.055 (0.150) −0.046 (0.054) 0.061** (0.029) −0.065** (0.031) 0.126*** (0.035) −0.188*** (0.041) −0.031*** (0.009) 0.007 (0.006) −0.077*** (0.024) 0.034*** (0.012) Yes Yes −0.295*** (0.091) 0.005** (0.002) −0.109*** (0.024) −0.109*** (0.027) 0.016*** (0.004) −0.014** (0.007) 0.004 (0.011) −0.029** (0.012) 0.042 (0.148) −0.039 (0.054) 0.072*** (0.024) −0.078*** (0.026) 0.111*** (0.039) −0.176*** (0.039) −0.030*** (0.009) 0.006 (0.006) −0.071*** (0.023) 0.035*** (0.012) Yes 1779 −2519.496 5106.992 1779 −2515.319 5104.639 1779 1779 0.432 0.378 Old-Age Security Motive Score Dummy (1=Non-Necessity of Children) Number of Siblings Cohort Groups, Region, and Year Dummies Number of Observations Log Likelihood AIC Overidentification (p-value) IV Poisson Note: Heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors clustered by cohort year are in parentheses. Instrumental variables for the population density and cross-term of population density and wife’s age are the logarithm of population density in 1930, its squared variable, and cross-terms of these two variables and wife’s age. Constant is not reported. * denotes statistical significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level. 26 Table 5: Wife’s Ages at Marriage and at Birth of First Child Dependent Variable: Wife’s Age at Marriage Explanatory Variables Log(Population Density) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 0.130 (0.116) 0.079 (0.118) 0.710*** (0.178) 1.479*** (0.272) −0.021 (0.181) 0.290*** (0.072) 0.185** (0.073) 0.825*** (0.156) 1.089*** (0.189) 0.237 (0.167) Yes Yes 0.077 (0.118) 0.701*** (0.179) 1.477*** (0.272) −0.021 (0.179) −0.039 (0.037) −0.140 (0.170) −0.032 (0.041) Yes Yes Yes 0.181** (0.073) 0.813*** (0.154) 1.080*** (0.192) 0.242 (0.168) −0.038 (0.029) −0.008 (0.129) −0.045 (0.054) Yes 1658 0.045 1658 0.077 1658 0.076 3880 0.044 3880 0.072 3880 0.072 Dummy (1=University Graduate for Husband) Dummy (1=University Graduate for Wife) Dummy (1=Migration) Old-Age Security Motive Score Dummy (1=Non-Necessity of Children) Number of Siblings Cohort Groups, Region, and Year Dummies Number of Observations Adjusted R2 Dependent Variable: Wife’s Age at Birth of First Child Note: Heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors clustered by cohort year are in parentheses. Constant is not reported. * denotes statistical significance at the 10% level, ** at the 5% level, and *** at the 1% level. 4.0 Total Fertility Rate 3.5 Japan Germany United Kingdom France Italy United States 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year (a) Total Fertility Rate Population aged 65 and above (% of Total) 27 25 Japan Germany United Kingdom France Italy United States 20 15 10 5 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 Year (b) Share of Population Aged 65 and Above Figure 1: Total Fertility Rates and Population Aging Rate of Selective Developed Countries Note: Created by author. Japan’s fertility data are obtained from the Vital Statistics of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. Other data are obtained from the World DataBank of the World Bank. 28 1.67 or more 2570 or more 1.55-1.67 1177-2570 1.48-1.55 785-1177 1.40-1.48 533- 785 1.31-1.40 318- 533 less than 1.31 less than 318 Total Fertility Rate Population Density (a) Total Fertility Rate, 2008–2012 (b) Population Density, 2010 3.0 Total Fertility Rate log(TFR) = 0.671 - 0.042 log(Dens) 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 1024 2048 4096 8192 16384 Population Density (c) Relationship between Total Fertility Rate and Population Density Figure 2: Geographical Distribution of Total Fertility Rate and Population Density Note: Created by author based on Vital Statistics by Health Center and Municipality in 2008–2012 and 2010 Population Census. Municipalities are categorized into six quantiles. Population densities are calculated as total population divided by inhabitable area. Spatially smoothed population densities are calculated by including neighboring municipalities that lie within the circle of 30 km radius from the centroid of municipality. Several municipalities lacking data are classified into the lowest group. 29 103.4 or more 45.3 or more 98.2-103.4 43.9-45.3 95.1- 98.2 42.5-43.9 91.8- 95.1 41.5-42.5 79.4- 91.8 39.1-41.5 less than 79.4 less than 39.1 Age 25-29 (a) Age Group 25–29 Age 35-39 (b) Age Group 35–39 Figure 3: Fertility Rate by Age Group (Births per 1,000 Women) Note: Created by author based on Specified Report of Vital Statistics in FY2010. Prefectures are categorized into six quantiles. 30 90 90 80 80 70 70 60 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 Total (1835) Under 30 (90) 30-34 (233) 35-39 (519) 40-49 (993) Very high costs of rearing children and education Small living space Dislike giving birth at a later stage in life Want children but cannot have (a) By Age Group 0 Total Ideal No. ≥ 1 Ideal No. ≥ 2 Ideal No. ≥ 3 (Planned No. = 0) (Planned No. = 1) (Planned No. ≥ 2) Very high costs of rearing children and education Small living space Dislike giving birth at a later stage in life Want children but cannot have (b) Compared with Planned Number of Children Figure 4: Reasons Why Households Do Not Have Ideal Number of Children (Multiple answers allowed, %) Note: Created by author based on 2010 Japanese National Fertility Survey Volume I, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. 31 400 350 300 u o h T : t i n U ( 250 200 150 100 50 0 Kindergarten Elementary School Junior High School Population<50,000 50,000≤Population<150,000 Population≥150,000 Shitei Toshi and Tokubetsu-ku (a) Annual costs of extramural activities for public school students by city size, 2012 (Current Price) Log(Price Index for Tutorial Fees) ) n e Y d n a s 5.5 11214 11245 13214 25206 13209 24205 27210 11202 22213 9208 12212 29205 28204 11230 13210 13203 13211 14211 27220 11225 13224 11224 13208 27211 11235 9204 22100 29209 27203 27214 27227 12211 23207 23201 14214 12227 14203 27222 17210 21201 27219 13201 14205 14207 1320413100 14213 8204 27215 28219 12220 28214 12221 25201 12224 34205 33100 11221 11237 13207 28217 14201 22203 2610023219 27209 27216 20201 27205 12204 13212 34212 13205 28100 12100 27140 1100 4100 13222 13206 27100 11227 320138202 28202 8217 11219 14130 21204 26204 11100 9201 23100 23202 11222 12203 14100 19201 2920114206 4202 11208 10204 14150 11201 38201 25213 23211 822034207 24202 22206 25202 12216 13229 17201 1221727204 13202 37202 23206 8203 44201 44202 12206 33202 15206 23204 42202 18201 1220727223 11215 10201 47208 4010027202 40130 9205 1213 24207 4721323220 40218 14216 40203 14204 34100 43202 14215 27217 28203 23213 11203 34204 20202 22130 12219 72021204 46201 33203 24204 22212 31202 21213 5201 16201 11218 47201 38206 17203 8202 8227 10202 2020515222 21202 15100 32203 39201 20203 7203 6201 1620242201 3215 41202 23205 22214 8201 13213 9213 120722207 12222 2201 35208 27212 1208 620434213 2202 7201 38205 43201 28207 41201 28210 24203 20217 27218 14212 24216 45202 23222 47211 28201 5203 46218 40205 92023720112208 31201 35201 24201 35202 30201 32051206 35215 35203 7204 42204 11217 32201 1217 3209 36201 23212 23210 10203 6203 46215 27207 1020540202 1202 120334202 23203 22210 22211 45203 4620315202 8221 35206 4215 15204 2203 45201 5.0 4.5 4.0 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Log(Population Density) (b) Price Index for Tutorial Fees, 2007 Figure 5: Costs of Education and Agglomeration Note: Created by author. Panel (a) is based on 2012 Survey on Household Expenditures on Education per Student (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology). Panel (b) is based on tutorial fees from 2007 National Survey of Prices (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications). Average population densities are calculated using 2005 and 2010 population censuses. 32 Ideal Number of Children Number of Children 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 20−24 Population Density > 75th Percentile Population Density ≤ 75th Percentile 25−29 30−34 35−39 40−44 45−49 50−54 Age Group (a) Number of Children by Age Group 55− 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 −1944 Population Density > 75th Percentile Population Density ≤ 75th Percentile 1950−1954 1960−1964 1970−74 1945−1949 1955−1959 1965−1969 1975− Cohort Group (b) Ideal Number of Children by Cohort Group Figure 6: Average Number of Children per Married Couple Note: Author’s calculation from Japanese General Social Surveys Cumulative Data 2000–2010. Sample is limited to non-migrants in Table 1. The 75th percentile is based on population densities for all in Table 1. Differences in population densities across years are not controlled for in the calculation of the 75 percentile. 33 0.20 0.20 Pop. Density > 75th PCTL Pop. Density ≤ 75th PCTL 0.15 Fraction Fraction 0.15 Pop. Density > 75th PCTL Pop. Density ≤ 75th PCTL 0.10 0.05 0.10 0.05 0.00 0.00 15 20 25 30 35 Wife’s Age (a) Wife’s Age at Marriage 40 45 50 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 Wife’s Age (b) Wife’s Age at Birth of the First Child Figure 7: Wife’s Age at Marriage and at Birth of First Child Note: Author’s calculation from the Japanese General Social Surveys Cumulative Data 2000–2010. Sample is limited to non-migrants in Table 1. The 75th percentile is based on population densities for all in Table 1. Differences in population densities across years are not controlled for in the calculation of the 75 percentile. -0.02 -0.04 -0.06 -0.08 -0.10 -0.12 -0.14 -0.16 -0.18 -0.20 20 25 30 35 40 45 Wife’s Age (a) Density Elasticity of Number of Children 50 % Change in Average Number of Children Density Elasticity on Number of Children 34 0% -5% -10% -15% -20% -25% -30% -35% -40% -45% At Age 25 At Age 30 At Age 35 2 At Age 40 At Age 45 At Age 49 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ratio of Population Density between Two Cities 16 (b) Spatial Variation in Average Number of Children Figure 8: Percentage Change in Average Number of Children by City Size Note: The density elasticity of number of children is calculated as α̂ + φ̂ × Age using the estimates in Columns (4) of Table 4. The percentage change in average number of children is calculated as [λs (θ̂) − λr (θ̂)]/λr (θ̂) = α̂+φ̂×Age Ratiosr − 1, where Ratiosr is the ratio of population density between cities s and r, and households’ characteristics are assumed to be identical. This numerical simulation uses the estimates θ̂ in Columns (4) of Table 4.