MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING Elizabeth City State University February 19, 2013 Chair: Dr. M. Coulson‐Clark Ext. 3421 Email: mmcoulson‐clark@mail.ecsu.edu Vice‐Chair: Dr. J. Gil Ext. 3231 Email: jsgil@mail.ecsu.edu Secretary: Dr. Jeanne Marquitz Ext. 3857 Email: jmarquitz@mail.ecsu.edu Interim Parliamentarian: Dr. Y. Anderson Ext. 3634 Email: ymmcmillian@mail.ecsu.edu School of Arts and Humanities Art Absent History & Political Science T. Mitchell H. Green Language, Lit & Com. E. Weil J. Gil (Vice‐Chair) Music Absent Social Sciences D. Kersha‐Aerga School of Business &Accounting Accounting &Finance N. Sharma X. Yuan(alt) Business Administration F. Gaskill D. Bejou School of Education & Psychology Health and Physical Ed. B. J. Kang Psychology Education G. Isaacs L. Wool School of Math, Sc, Tech & Pharmacy Biology H. Banerjee Chemistry, Physics, & Geology T. Rossbach B. Adideji Math and Computer Science Y. Anderson Pharmacy Absent Technology/Aviation Absent Military Science Absent General Studies Absent Other faculty names are italicized. S. Bradshaw I. CALL TO ORDER – Given at 3:38 PM by Dr. Coulson‐Clark. II. WELCOME A. Greetings/Opening Remarks ‐ Dr. Eric Thomas mentioned several items. 1. ECSU is still waiting to hear from UNC‐GA about the three proposed degree programs. 2. Ten programs will be reviewed by the Board of Governors due to a low productivity problem with each program. 3. Budget: revenues are down. ECSU is faced with multiple budget cuts. Perhaps fall 2013 will be a problem. Dr. Thomas did not know anything else at this time. 4. Enrollment is very critical. Admissions standards are going up starting in the fall. 5. April 4 is the Honors Convocation 6. A question was raised by a senator regarding the status of the Plus/Minus Grading System. Dr. Thomas stated that he has not heard anything. The Faculty Senate is upset since it has not heard anything about the status for 14 years. . III. REVIEW/APPROVAL of the Minutes. Approval of the January 15, 2013 minutes was passed. Dr. Gaskill made the motion and Dr. Mitchell seconded. IV. Report from the Faculty Assembly – Dr. Kulwinder Kaur Walker January 17‐18: Strategic Plan 2013‐2018 was approved by the Board of Governors. The main concern of Dr. T. Ross is that UNC‐GA must deal with new legislators (over 100). Dr. Ross gave a written response to Governor McCory’s ideas about higher education. Dr. Ross stated that all input is important from all groups. There is a lot more that we can co. Be innovative. Need to collect more data. We must use the customer approach, be flexible, data‐driven, and communicate. Furthermore, we need to focus on R&D, advance manufacturing, national defense, etc. The bottom line is to actively engage to assist the citizens of North Carolina. V. Resolution on Academic Freedom Dr. Coulson‐Clark explained that ECSU is facing a $2.6M budget cut next year. Other campuses are being very proactive. We must show our position on Academic Freedom and due process. Dr. Gaskill moved and Dr. Kersha‐Aerga seconded to approve the Resolution. Motion carried. V. Resolution on Strategic Plan and Planning Processes. Look at the UNC website for the above subject document. Read and review. The intent is that the entire faculty be part of the implementation process. The last paragraph of the Strategic Plan 2013 states “Be it therefore resolved that the Faculty support the comprehensive strategic plan process. And be it further resolved that the ECSU Faculty desires and requests the opportunity to have input in the implementation process on its campus.” Dr. Gaskill moved that the Faculty Senate accept the proposal draft. Seconded by Dr. Kersha‐ Aerga. Motion carried. VI. Discussion and Voting on Bylaws The changes were passed. VII. New Business A Nominating Committee was formed for the April 9 election of Faculty Senate Officers. Composed of Dr. Kersha‐Aerga, Dr. Mitchell, and Dr. Green. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Green moved and Dr. T. Mitchell seconded for adjournment at 4:35 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Jeanne J. Marquitz MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING ELIZABETH CITY STATE UNIVERSITY April 9, 2013 The Faculty Senate met directly after the General Faculty meeting on April 9. Dr. J. Liskowski recommended and moved that nominations for the Faculty Senate Officers and the two delegates should be handled as follows. In one week all nominations should be sent to the Nominating Committee. The next week the ballot would be sent out to all faculty for their votes. The Nominating Committee would tabulate the results. The motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Jeanne J. Marquitz