MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING Elizabeth City State University September 20, 2011

Elizabeth City State University
September 20, 2011
Chair: Dr. John Dixon
Ext. 3342
Vice Chair: Dr. Margery Coulson-Clark
Ext. 3233
Secretary: Dr. Jeanne Marquitz
Ext. 3857
Interim Parliamentarian: Dr. K. Kaur-Walker Ext. 3410
Email: jadixon@mail.ecsu.edu
Email: ktraore@mail.ecsu.edu
Email: jmarquitz@mail.ecsu.edu
Email: kpkaur@maile.ecsu.edu
Faculty Senators and Guests Present
School of Arts and Humanities
Teacher Education
William Drescher
Drusiano Scerbo
S. Copeland
History & Political Science
Hilary Green
Ted Mitchell
Language, Lit & Com.
School of Math, Sc, Tech & Pharmacy
Eric A. Weil
Michael Crawford
Bobby Lewis
M. Young
J. Sampson III
Chemistry, Physics, & Geology
Janine Parnell
Thomas Rossbach
T. Serbessa
Social Sciences
Math and Computer Science
School of Business &Economics
Y. McMillian
N. Sharma
I. Ononiwu
Business Administration
Frank Gaskill
School of Education & Psychology
Health and Physical Ed.
Kulwinder Kaur-Walker
Jill Haasch
D.F. Garnes
O. Gooden
Military Science
General Studies
Guests’ names are italicized.
I. CALL TO ORDER The call to order was made by Dr. John Dixon, President of the Faculty Senate, at 3:36 PM. II. WELCOME A. Greetings/Opening Remarks Dr. Dixon welcomed everyone. He described the meeting that the Faculty Assembly had with Dr. Ross, the new president. At that meeting, Dr. Ross discussed concerns ranging from the budget impact to school policies. III. REVIEW/APPROVAL of the May 11, 2011 Minutes Dr. Gaskill moved that the Senate adopt the minutes as received. Dr. Coulson‐Clark seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. REVIEW/APPROVAL of the August 10, 2011 Minutes Dr. Marquitz moved that the Senate adopt the minutes as received. Dr. Gaskill seconded the motion. Minutes were approved. IV. REMARKS/UPDATES A. Chancellor – N/A B. Provost/academic Affairs Vice – N/A V. OLD BUSINESS A. Committee Reports No committees reported. However, all Standing Committees should touch base with its members once per month at a minimum. B. Access to Web Page Dr. Dixon mentioned that our Web Page is now available. Submit any items to Dr. Dixon. He will discuss these items with the appropriate committee members. He will then coordinate with the IT individual for placement. The Senate meeting times, minutes, etc. will be on the web page. C. Faculty Evaluations The question was raised if the standards are consistent for all the departments. A decision was made to form a committee to address this issue. D. Plus/Minus Grading System Dr. Rossbach shared with the members the status of the Plus/Minus Grading System. He also distributed sheets to members to take to their various departments VI. NEW BUSINESS A. Election Results Dr. Dixon thanked all who were elected and Participated in the election process. He reminded all that each must do his or her part to ensure transparency in the spirit of shared governance. Results can be seen in the May, 2011 and August, 2011 meeting minutes. B. Bylaws Dr. Dixon explained that the current bylaws needed to be revised. ACTION – The Executive Committee of the Faculty Senate will decide who should be on a Special Committee for revising the current bylaws. C. Policies Revisions Dr. Dixon stated that he would submit Dr. Coulson‐Clark’s name to serve on the Policy Revision Committee. VII. GOOD OF THE ORDER VIII. ADJOURNMENT Dr. Gaskill moved to adjourn the meeting. Professor E. Weil seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 4:46 PM. 