MINUTES OF FACULTY SENATE MEETING Elizabeth City State University October 23, 2012 Chair: Dr. M. Coulson‐Clark Ext. 3421 Email: mmcoulson‐clark@mail.ecsu.edu Vice‐Chair: Dr. J. Gil Ext. 3231 Email: jsgil@mail.ecsu.edu Secretary: Dr. Jeanne Marquitz Ext. 3857 Email: jmarquitz@mail.ecsu.edu Interim Parliamentarian: Dr. Y. Anderson Ext. 3634 Email: ymmcmillian@mail.ecsu.edu School of Arts and Humanities Art W. Drescher History & Political Science T. Mitchell H. Green Language, Lit & Com. E. Weil J. Gil (Vice‐Chair) Music Absent M. Hellman Social Sciences K. Gray D. Kersha‐Aerga School of Business &Accounting Accounting &Finance N. Sharma X. Yuan(alt) D. Kanjilal Business Administration F. Gaskill A. Nath School of Education & Psychology Health and Physical Ed. B. J. Kang C. Gallop T. Little Psychology Teacher Education Absent School of Math, Sc, Tech & Pharmacy Biology M. Crawford H. Banerjee M. Young B. Lewis Chemistry, Physics, & Geology T. Rossbach Math and Computer Science M. Talukder Pharmacy Absent Technology/Aviation O. Gooden M. Elahi A. Eslami Military Science Absent General Studies Absent Absent K. Kaur‐Walker I. CALL TO ORDER – Given at 3:37 PM by Dr. Coulson‐Clark. Other faculty names are italicized. II. WELCOME A. Greetings/Opening Remarks Dr. W. Eric Thomas acting as Designee from Chancellor Gilchrist and Dr. Khan discussed several items. 1. Performance‐based funding – waiting for systems to be developed. 2. New Academic Programs/Degrees: #1 is the Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration, #2 is the BA in Theatre Arts, & #3 is the MBA. These programs are being reviewed in UNC‐GA. 4. Academic First Program – Committee has been formed. This committee will elevate academic standards for the UNC system. 5. A question was asked on the status of the Program Coordinator policy. Dr. Thomas answered that the university cannot afford release time, etc. for coordinators. III. REVIEW/APPROVAL of the Minutes. Approval of the September 18, 2012 minutes was passed with Dr. Mitchell making the motion and Dr. Aerga seconded. IV. EVALUATION REPORT ‐ Dr. Mary Hellman Dr. Hellman reported that all evaluations were completed. She encouraged more faculty to respond to the surveys in the future. Dr. Coulson‐Clark will keep all evaluation until she talks with other schools in the UNC system regarding the process they utilize in distributing the results. V. FACULTY ASSEMBLY UPDATES Dr. K. Kaur‐Walker attended the meeting. The Faculty Assembly now works in smaller groups. The Academic First Program is the burning issue. The new GPA starting in Fall 2013 will be 2.5 and a 800 SAT score will be necessary for applicants to the UNC System. Another task force is considering whether or not to allow students (around 200) with the SAT score of 800 and a 2.5 GPA to enter the university. UNC‐GA wants 500 to 600 more degrees awarded per year. The faculty needs to educate the new legislators that ECSU is making a positive impact on the whole state. If you have any thoughts or comments, please advise Dr. Kaur‐Walker. VI. REPORT RESOLUTIONS AND STATUS Dr. Marquitz gave a short report on the resolutions that the Faculty Senate sent to the administration. VII. STRATEGIC PLANNING Dr. Coulson‐Clark explained that she is sending all information received from UNC‐GA to the faculty for review and comments. In January UNC‐GA will send out its strategic plan for the system. Each university will then develop their own strategic plan. VIII. DISCUSSION AND VOTING ON BYLAWS Dr. Gil went over the changes to the bylaws for Dr. Tagirova. The following changes (indicated by an underline) were proposed to be made to the Explanation of Changes proposal by the members of the Faculty Senate: Page 2, Article IX, Personnel Committee, should read “Deals with all personnel issues affecting faculty including the recommendation of tenure and promotion, initial appointments, and reappointments.” Page 2, Article IX, Teacher of the Year Committee, should read “Recommends nominations for Teacher of the Year from the various Departments and Schools including the Board of Governors Teacher of the Year Award.” Page 2, Article X, should read “Following the approval, all other documents of governance previously adopted by the faculty shall become null and void. “(p.7) Amended October 23, 2012. Page 3, III Officers and Executive Committee, should read Counters . Additionally the sentence following this title should state “The Chair of the Senate will appoint counters for the purpose of counting ballots has been changed to: The Chair will appoint counters for each election and will read into the minutes the names of those elected.” Voting on the Bylaws will occur during the next meeting. IX. OTHER OLD BUSINESS At the next meeting, the results of the last election will be available. The Distribution of the evaluations of the administration will be available. The status of office hours for faculty will be discussed. X. ADJOURNMENT Professor Gooden and Dr. Aerga moved and seconded at 4:53 PM. Respectfully Submitted, Dr. Jeanne J. Marquitz