Lesson Plan 1

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Engineering Design and Presentation
Session Title: Career Research and Employment Skills – Project #1: Career Search PowerPoint
Presentation (9 day lesson)
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to use a variety of online tools to research careers and
occupations, find out what it takes to make a living, what the outlook is for their career choice, what
certifications are available or required, colleges appropriate to attend for various careers, and show what they
have learned by creating a PowerPoint (or Prezi) following the rubric given.
Specific Objectives:
 Use the computer, internet, save work correctly
 Take Reality Check online quiz and find out what all it really takes to make a living
 Choose an occupation from the available OSCAR Career Clusters and decide if it is something they
really want to do when they “grow up”
 Choose an occupation from the available ONET Career and decide if it is something they really want to
do when they “grow up”
 Identify what the occupational outlook is for their career
 Identify what certifications are available or required for their career
 Identify two (2) colleges that they could attend for their career choice, compare and contrast them, pick
the one that is best for them
 Complete each of the handouts, save and submit each for grading
 Use the six handouts (Reality Check, OSCAR, ONET, Occupational Outlook, Career Prep, and Select
a College) to create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) about what we have learned following the rubric given
 Create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) about what you have learned following the rubric given
NOTE - Sequencing of lesson that is recommended:
Day 1 = Reality Check Handout
Day 2 = OSCAR Explore Career Cluster Handout
Day 3 = ONET Online Explore Career Cluster Handout
Day 4 = Occupational Outlook Handout
Day 5= Career Preparation Handout
Day 6 = Select a College Handout
Day 7- 8 = Create the Career Search PowerPoint Presentation
Day 9 = Present the Career Search PowerPoint
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may
result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
Engineering Design and Presentation:
…distinguish the differences between an engineering technician, engineering technologist, and
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…identify employment and career opportunities;
…investigate and work toward industry certifications;
…demonstrate the principles of teamwork related to engineering and technology;
…identify and use appropriate work habits;
…demonstrate knowledge related to governmental regulations, including health and safety;
…discuss ethical issues related to engineering and technology and incorporate proper ethics in
submitted projects;
…demonstrate respect for diversity in the workplace;
…demonstrate appropriate actions and identify consequences relating to discrimination,
harassment, and equality;
…demonstrate effective oral and written communication skills using a variety of software
applications and media; and
…explore career preparation learning experiences, including, but not limited to, job
shadowing, mentoring, and apprenticeship training
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
English Language Arts and Reading, English IV:
110.34(b)(1) - Reading/Vocabulary Development
…determine the meaning of technical academic English words in multiple content areas (e.g., science,
mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek, or other linguistic roots and affixes;
...use general and specialized dictionaries, thesauri, histories of language, books of quotations, and
other related references (printed or electronic) as needed.
110.34 (11) - Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Texts.
110.34 (11)(A)(B)
…draw conclusions about how the patterns of organization and hierarchic structures support the
understandability of text;
…evaluate the structures of text (e.g., format, headers) for their clarity and organizational coherence
and for the effectiveness of their graphic representations.
110.34 (12)(A)(B) - Reading/Media Literacy
110.34 (12)(A)(B)
…evaluate how messages presented in media reflect social and cultural views in ways different from
traditional texts;
…evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media,
images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media;
110.34 (13) - Writing/Writing Process
110.34 (13)(A)(D)(E)
…plan a first draft by selecting the correct genre for conveying the intended meaning to multiple
audiences, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background
reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea;
…edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling;
…revise final draft in response to feedback from peers and teacher and publish written work for
appropriate audiences.
110.34 (15) - Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts.
110.34 (15)(B)(D)
… write procedural and work-related documents (e.g., résumés, proposals, college applications,
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operation manuals) that include:
(i) a clearly stated purpose combined with a well-supported viewpoint on the topic;
(ii) appropriate formatting structures (e.g., headings, graphics, white space);
(iii) relevant questions that engage readers and address their potential problems and
(iv) accurate technical information in accessible language; and
(v) appropriate organizational structures supported by facts and details (documented if
…produce a multimedia presentation (e.g., documentary, class newspaper, docudrama, infomercial,
visual or textual parodies, theatrical production) with graphics, images, and sound that appeals to a
specific audience and synthesizes information from multiple points of view.
110.34 (18) - Oral and Written Conventions/Handwriting, Capitalization, and Punctuation.
…Students write legibly and use appropriate capitalization and punctuation conventions in their
…Students are expected to correctly and consistently use conventions of punctuation and
110.34 (19) - Oral and Written Conventions/Spelling.
…Students spell correctly.
…Students are expected to spell correctly, including using various resources to determine and check
correct spellings.
110.34 (25) - Listening and Speaking/Speaking.
…Students speak clearly and to the point, using the conventions of language.
…Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
…Students are expected to formulate sound arguments by using elements of classical speeches (e.g.,
introduction, first and second transitions, body, and conclusion), the art of persuasion, rhetorical
devices, eye contact, speaking rate (e.g., pauses for effect), volume, enunciation, purposeful gestures,
and conventions of language to communicate ideas effectively.
110.34 (26) - Listening and Speaking/Teamwork.
…Students work productively with others in teams.
…Students will continue to apply earlier standards with greater complexity.
…Students are expected to participate productively in teams, offering ideas or judgments that are
purposeful in moving the team towards goals, asking relevant and insightful questions, tolerating a
range of positions and ambiguity in decision-making, and evaluating the work of the group based on
agreed-upon criteria.
Teacher Preparation: Teacher needs to prepare all handouts for this lesson and be aware of the online
resources used during this lesson. At the end of the lesson the students should all be able to give a
presentation that covers all the requirements given in the rubric.
Reality Check http://www.cdr.state.tx.us/realitycheck/start.htm
OSCAR Career Clusters http://www.ioscar.org/tx/clusters/clusters.asp
ONET Online http://online.onetcenter.org/
Occupational Outlook http://www.bls.gov/oco/
College for Texans http://www.collegefortexans.com/apps/CollegeMatchUp/
Career One Step http://www.careerinfonet.org/
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Instructional Aids:
1. Computer, Internet, Printer, Word, PowerPoint (or equivalent software)
Materials Needed:
1. One (1) of each of the six handout sheets for each student
a. Reality Check (Day 1)
b. OSCAR Explore Career Cluster (Day 2)
c. ONET Online Explore Career Cluster (Day 3)
d. Occupational Outlook (Day 4)
e. Career Preparation (Day 5)
f. Select a College (Day 6)
2. Writing utensils for students who don’t have any
3. Career Search PowerPoint Criteria rubric
Equipment Needed:
1. Data projector for PowerPoint
2. Computer with internet access and printer
Learner Preparation: None required.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
NOTE: The class discussion is meant to Socratic in nature and not true/false, or this is the only correct
answer. Encourage your students to explain WHY they think they way they do! There is NO wrong answer if
they can explain the WHY!
SAY: Today you will be able to use a variety of online tools to research careers and occupations, find out
what it takes to make a living, what the outlook is for careers of your choice, what certifications are available or
required, colleges appropriate to attend for various careers, and show what you have learned by creating a
PowerPoint (or Prezi) following the rubric you are given.
ASK: Can anyone tell me why I am having you put all that we have researched so far into a PowerPoint or
ANSWER: Because in industry no matter what you do, you are expected to be able to give presentations over
facts or things you have discovered or learned about a process. Sometimes just to your “boss,” and sometimes
to everyone.
SAY/SHOW: Show and explain the grading rubric again. Ask for any questions and give them time to
SAY/SHOW: How to start PowerPoint or Prezi.
SAY: Now it is time for you to work on your presentation. You will have two days to complete it. Do your best
and I will be helping each of you as it is needed.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in conjunction with the
following outline.
Notes to Instructor
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Day 1 = Reality Check
Day 2 = OSCAR Explore Career Cluster
Day 3 = ONET Online Explore Career Cluster
Day 4 = Occupational Outlook
Day 5 = Career Preparation
Day 6 = Select a College
Day 7-8 = Create the Career Search Power
Point Presentation
Day 9 = Present the Career Search Power
This lesson is Project #1 of a Career
Research and Employment Skills
Unit. This lesson is Days 1-9 of the
unit. The lesson is best presented in
9 days as listed in the outline.
Students will use the computer, internet, save
work correctly for the following:
A. Day 1 - Take Reality Check online quiz
and find out what all it really takes to make
a living
B. Day 2 - Choose an occupation from the
available OSCAR Career Clusters and
decide if it is something you really want to
do when you “grow up”
C. Day 3 - Choose an occupation from the
available ONET Career and decide if it is
something you really want to do when you
“grow up”
D. Day 4 - Identify what the occupational
outlook is for your career
E. Day 5 - Identify what certifications are
available or required for your career
F. Day 6 - Identify two (2) colleges that you
could attend for your career choice,
compare and contrast them, pick the one
that is best for you
G. Complete each of the handouts, save and
submit each for grading
This portion of the outline covers
Day 1-6.
On Day 1 the teacher distributes all
6 handouts to the students and has
them begin by taking the Reality
Check online quiz. For Days 2-6 the
students complete the handouts,
save and submit their work for
Can anyone tell me why I am having you put
all that we have done so far into a PowerPoint
or Prezi?
Day 7 – Socratic discussion on why
we are doing this presentation. Allow
enough time for input so that every
student gives an example.
Go over the rubric in detail
Day 7 - Each student should have a
At the end of class on Day 6, you will
need to show the rubric and explain
the PowerPoint (or Prezi for the
advanced student) that they will start
creating in class tomorrow. You will
need to budget 5-10 minutes for this
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copy of the rubric to look at as they
work. Before they start creating,
everyone should have a chance to
ask questions.
Create the presentation per the rubric
A. Use the six handouts (Reality Check,
OSCAR, ONET, Occupational Outlook,
Career Preparation, and Select a College)
to create a PowerPoint (or Prezi) about
what you have learned following the rubric
Day 7-8 - As students are working
do progress checks and redirect to
follow the rubric as needed.
Present the presentations
Day 9 - Remind students about what
is and is not appropriate behavior for
during presentations. Remind them it
is part of their grade.
Grade presentations per rubric
Grade based on the rubric. If time
allows, you may suggest that
students grade each other based on
the rubric and have them turn that in
for BONUS (10 pts.) to the grade or
as a separate grade.
Copy and paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Teacher provides feedback as they are completing each of the six handouts during Day 1-6 of this
2. Students refer to handouts to create the presentation per the rubric
3. Show every students’ presentation
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Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Complete each of the six handouts
2. Create the presentation per the rubric
3. Appropriate behavior when showing every students presentation
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Students will review what they have learned by referring to the information from the handouts to be able to
create a presentation that explains their career choice and how they will go about earning the career.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Make sure each student has a presentation to show.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
1. Each of the six handouts should be graded as “daily” work
2. Presentation per the rubric is the actual “major” grade of project
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Students who need a challenge can use Prezi (http://prezi.com/ ) to create their presentation. Have students
grade each other per the rubric and turn this in either for 10pt. BONUS or as a separate “daily” grade.
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Class/Period #:
Reality Check:
Web Link http://www.cdr.state.tx.us/realitycheck/start.htm
What did you pick for….
Health Care
COST ($)
What is your Monthly Expense?
What is your Annual Expense?
What are you going to have to pay in Taxes annually?
So just how much money do you have to make yearly to survive?
What is the Title of the Career/Job you found that will support you? __________________________
What should your Annual Salary be? $___________________and Hourly Wage $______________
In Texas 2012 about how many people will be employed in the job? __________________________
In Texas 2012 about how many job openings will there be? _________________________________
What kind of education(s) does your job require? (associate’s degree, bachelors, certification, etc…)
Are the “working conditions” something you will enjoy? ____________________________________
How many hours will you be expected to work weekly? ____________________________________
Tell me in 2-5 sentences what you learned from this Reality Check activity? (OMG I’m going to have
to go to college, live with my parents for longer, eat less, go out less, etc…)
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Class/Period #:
OSCAR Explore Career Cluster:
Go to this website to answer below: http://www.ioscar.org/tx/clusters/clusters.asp
What Career Cluster did you pick? ____________________________________________________
What specific Career Group did you pick? ______________________________________________
What Occupation in that Career Group did you pick? ______________________________________
What Occupational Education and Training does it require? (Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors, 2 year,
certification, etc.)
What Abilities does it rank as the two (2) highest?
What Knowledge does it rank as the two (2) highest?
What Skills does it rank as the two (2) highest?
What Work Value does it rank as the highest and briefly explain what it means in your own words?
Under the LMI tab what does it say?:
Number of Texas Employment in 2004 = __________
Number of Projected Texas Employment in 2014 = __________
Hourly Wages in 2006 = __________
Turnover Rate = __________
Average length of time Occupation = __________
Average Age of Workers in this job = __________
CONCLUSION: Do you think the career you chose will be a good match and is it something that you
can do? Explain why you think the way you do.
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Class/Period #:
ONET Online Explore Career Cluster:
Go to this website to answer below: http://online.onetcenter.org/
Using the Career or Occupation that you selected yesterday, type it into Occupation Search and see
what information NET provides you about it. Here is an example:
Pick an Occupation that falls under that search. Now answer the following questions:
1. What specific Occupation did you pick and why?
2. What occupational education and/or training does it require? (Doctoral, Masters, Bachelors,
2 year, certification, etc.)__________________________________________________________
3. What other background studies does it possibly require and are they interesting to you?
4. What three interest areas does it require and are these applicable to you?
5. What top three work styles does it require and are these applicable to you?
Under Wages and Employment Trends what does it say:
6. National:
Median Wages = _____________________________________________________________
Employment = _______________________________________________________________
Projected Growth = ___________________________________________________________
Projected Job Openings = ______________________________________________________
Top Industries = ______________________________________________________________
Average Age of Workers in this job = _____________________________________________
7. Select a State to explore:
What is the National Median Pay Yearly = _________________________________________
What is the State Median Pay Yearly = ____________________________________________
Which one is higher and what does that tell you? ____________________________________
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BONUS: 20 pts. - Watch one of the Career Videos. Explain in 2-3 sentences what you have learned
from this video.
CONCLUSION: Do you think this occupation is something you could see yourself doing for the next
20+ years or not? Explain why you think the way you do.
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Class/Period #:
Occupational Outlook:
Go to this website: http://www.bls.gov/oco/
Go to the search button and search each of
the following. It looks like this:
What are the outlooks for an Engineering Technician?
Training/Education = __________________________________________________________
Certification(s)/License(s) = _____________________________________________________
Does it require job shadowing/ mentoring/ apprenticeship = ____________________________
Earnings = __________________________________________________________________
Expected Job Prospects = ______________________________________________________
What do they do on the job = ___________________________________________________
Working Conditions = _________________________________________________________
What are the outlooks for an Engineering Technologist?
Training/Education = __________________________________________________________
Certification(s)/License(s) = _____________________________________________________
Does it require job shadowing/ mentoring/ apprenticeship = ____________________________
Earnings = __________________________________________________________________
Expected Job Prospects = ______________________________________________________
What do they do on the job = ___________________________________________________
Working Conditions = _________________________________________________________
What are the outlooks for an Engineer?
Training/Education = _________________________________________________________
Certification(s)/License(s) = ____________________________________________________
Does it require job shadowing/ mentoring/ apprenticeship = ___________________________
Earnings = _________________________________________________________________
Expected Job Prospects = _____________________________________________________
What do they do on the job = ___________________________________________________
Working Conditions = _________________________________________________________
CONCLUSION: So which one of these occupations is something you could see yourself doing for
the next 20+ years or not? Explain why you think the way you do.
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Class/Period #:
Career Preparation:
Use any of the websites we have been exploring or use “Google” to answer the following questions:
What are some software certifications you could work toward in this class? (HINT: Search for
Autodesk products, drafting, or Solidworks)
Which software certification did you select? ______________________________________________
Copy and paste the HTML web link to this =
Why did you select it? ______________________________________________________________
To be able to take the certification test:
How many hours should you have used the software = _______________________________
What type of format is the test (all questions, practical, what) = _________________________
How much does it cost to take the test = ___________________________________________
How long is the certification good for = ____________________________________________
CONCLUSION: Is this something you might be interested in pursuing? Explain why you think the
way you do.
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Class/Period #:
Select a College:
AREA OF STUDY: What do you think you want to study or get your degree in?
Go to this website to answer below: http://www.collegefortexans.com/apps/CollegeMatchUp/
Pick two (2) colleges and compare them:
Why did you pick College #1?
Why did you pick College #2?
College #1
College #2
Type of School (2 year/ 4 year/
Technical) :
Number Students Enrolled:
Average ACT scores:
Average SAT scores:
Over all GPA after 1 year
Graduation rate:
Undergrad student-to-faculty
Average cost of in-state
Average cost of on-campus
room and board:
Facts/Reputation that you find
Job placement rates:
CONCLUSION: Of the two (2) schools which one do you think you might actually want to attend and
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved.
Career Search PowerPoint Criteria Rubric
Slide #1 = Heading filled out - Your Photo, Name, etc.
Introduction Slide
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
What did you learn from the Reality
Slide #2 = Your answer
What Career Cluster did you pick from
OSCAR and why?
Slide #3 = Your answer
What specific career did you pick from
ONET and why?
Slide #4 = Your answer
What education level,
certification/license, mentoring, etc.
does your career choice require?
Slide #5 = Your answer
What does the Occupational Outlook
say about your career choice? Is it
something that you can do?
Slide #6 = Your answer
What college/post secondary school did
you select for your career choice?
Slide #7 = Your answer
Why did you pick this one?
Slide #8 = Your answer
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
In conclusion, what will you have to do
to reach your career choice?
Slide #9 = Your answer
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1pts to 8pts
(1pts = horrible to
8 pts = AWESOME)
Originality / Creativity
There is at least one graphic that matches or goes with
each of the slides.
1pts to 9pts
Did you customize it to match you?
1pts to 5pts
(1pt per graphic,
per slide)
(1pts = horrible to
5 pts = AWESOME)
How good is it?
1pts to 10pts
(1pts = horrible to
10 pts = AWESOME)
How was your behavior during ALL presentations?
1pts to 10pts
(1pts = horrible to
10 pts = AWESOME)
School Appropriate
If any part of your presentation is not school
appropriate, then it is an automatic deduction.
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-30 pts