Westwood Elementary School Improvement Plan 2014-15 IMPROVEMENT GOALS What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for this activity? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show this activity is making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement this activity? DRA assessments Fall and Spring. K-3rd grade and students in 4th and 5th that are below grade level. Literacy Coach Curriculum: Making Meaning, EIR, Language for Learning, Book rooms. Aims web reading assessments for all students in 4th and 5th grades. Aims web progress monitoring assessments for all 4th and 5th grade students that are borderline or below grade level in reading. Assessment materials: AIMS web, DRA, progress monitoring, Fontas and Pinell Friday afternoon PLC Grade level seminar, one time a month What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish this activity? READING Proficiency Goals: Improve instructional practices and intervention in reading in order to increase or maintain student achievement in reading as measured by the DRA. Tier 1 instruction: Implement the five components of reading instruction with an emphasis on read aloud, to increase reading engagement and small group guided reading to meet individual needs. Implement “Making Meaning” at K-5 grade levels. Tier 2 instruction: Implement “Language for Learning” in Kindergarten for all students that demonstrate need. All Kindergartners will be screened. Implement “Language for Learning” in 1st – 3rd grade for students that demonstrate need. K-2: Utilize EIR (Early Intervention in Reading ) to support small group guided reading instruction in their September 2014June 2015 Principal and leadership team. Literacy Support Teacher LAP teacher and Para-educator Classroom teachers ELD staff Specialists Para-educators “Language for Learning” assessments. regular classroom for all students below grade level. K-5: all students not meeting grade level standards will receive reading intervention in addition to their classroom instruction. Tier 3 Instruction: Our student success team will consider other options, including; a third daily reading intervention, a different reading program for our students that are more than one year behind in reading and have not demonstrated sufficient growth over time. Kindergarten: Spring DRA/Report cards: 80% Implement “Wild Reading” strategies to increase student engagement. o Celebrate “Wild Reading” accomplishments at spirit assemblies Kindergarten: Teachers meet with parents of struggling students early in the year to enlist their help and communicate goals. Implement higher level questioning strategies (knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation). Sight word practice and concepts of print through the use of wall stories. September/October September – June September - June Kindergarten teachers Parent/teacher communication calendars Kindergarten assessments First grade: Spring DRA/Report cards: 80% Second grade: Spring DRA/Report cards: 80% Third Grade: Spring DRA, Report cards and SBAC: 71% Stretch goal: 80% Fourth grade: Spring DRA, Report cards and SBAC: 85% Stretch goal: 90% Fifth grade: Spring DRA, Report cards and SBAC: 80% Stretch goal: 90% First grade: Meet more frequently with groups that are borderline or below in reading. Enlist parent support for at home reading Implement McCracken spelling for reading and writing support Second grade: Clearly communicate targets and success criteria for full group lessons including, “Making Meaning” and group instruction. Third grade: Small group intervention for all kids below/borderline, utilizing audio/visual books Focus on an author each month Fourth grade: Students will be actively engaged in a “just right” book of their choice. Book talks that give students opportunities to share reading life and receive recommendations for future books to read. Focus on authors Fifth Grade: All students are expected to read at least 2 novels per month at their just right level. Students will listen and respond to Teacher Read Alouds covering several different genres to encourage students to try new authors. September – June First grade teachers Parents September - June Progress monitoring Collect student selfassessment and reflections in a variety of ways: sticky notes o thumb signals o graphs o clip chart o flipcharts Reading assessments, book reviews. September - June September - June September - June Fourth grade teachers and students IMPROVEMENT GOALS What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for this activity? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show this activity is making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement this activity? What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish this activity? WRITING Proficiency Goals: Improve instructional practices in writing to increase student performance by one level or one year’s growth from the September pre-test to the third unit post-test in all grade levels. Focus: Tier One Instruction Units of Study: Implemented K-5th grade according to the district pacing calendar. September 2014 Pre-assessment K-5th grade teachers June 2015 Post-assessment Principal and leadership team Literacy Support Teacher McCracken Spelling: Implement K-3rd grade Kindergarten: Targeted small group writing mini lessons, as needed Fluid targeted goals for each child Name practice daily, graduating to daily manuscript ABC practice. First Grade: Connect “Making Meaning” with writing, utilizing print features that students can use in their own writing. Share writing goals with parents and enlist their September - June Kindergarten teachers September - June First grade teachers Parents Performance Assessments from “Writing Pathways” Pre and post assessments for each of 3 units. Daily student work. Notes from teacher/student writing conferences. District spring writing assessment. SBAC-ELA PT Curriculum: Unit of Student Implement K-5 Literacy Support Teacher o Model lessons o Conferring with teachers o Planning with teachers PLC time planning, scoring and discussing writing. Pacing Guide Grade level seminars support Second Grade: Clearly communicate targets and success criterial during all group instruction. Third Grade: “Boot-camp” lessons to fill in the gaps and helps students be more successful with the Units of Study. Fourth Grade: “Boot-camp” lessons to fill in the gaps and helps students be more successful with the Units of Study. Spelling and editing practice Fifth Grade: CBA writing prompts September - June Second grade teachers September - June Third grade teachers September - June Fourth grade teachers September - June Fifth grade teachers Collect student selfassessments and reflections in a variety of ways. IMPROVEMENT GOALS What is the SMART student learning goal, PLC team goal, or general school improvement goal you intend to accomplish? IMPROVEMENT ACTIVITY What initiatives or activities will occur to accomplish this goal? TIMELINE When will this activity begin and end? WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Who will provide the leadership for this activity? EVIDENCE OF EFFECTIVENESS What ongoing FORMATIVE or SUMMATIVE evidence will be gathered to show this activity is making a difference in student learning? PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND SUPPORT How will staff acquire the necessary skills and attitudes to implement this activity? Math Expressions curriculum What are the existing and/or new resources that will be used to accomplish this activity? MATH Proficiency Goals: Improve instructional practices and intervention in math in order to increase or maintain student achievement as measured by the District fluency assessments, report cards and SBAC. Kindergarten: Spring report cards: 80% proficient First grade: Spring report cards: 80% proficient Spring fluency: 90% Second grade: Spring report cards: 80% proficient Spring fluency: 90% Tier One Instruction: Implement Math Expressions curriculum K-5 according to the district pacing calendar. September – June K-5th grade teachers Principal and leadership team ME unit tests, formative assessments, district assessments in fluency and standards. Grade level meetings PLC time Include learning targets and success criteria in daily lessons, with checks for understanding. Math fluency practice. Kindergarten: Small group math instruction in leveled groups to differentiate math instruction First Grade: Provide math enrichment for students meeting or exceeding grade level standards. Second Grade: Clearly communicate targets and success criterial during all group instruction. District pacing guide September – June Kindergarten teachers September - June First grade teachers September - June Second grade teachers Collect student selfassessments and reflections in a variety of ways. Third grade: Spring report cards: 80% proficient Spring fluency: 75% Fourth grade: Spring report cards: 75% proficient Spring fluency: 75% Fifth grade: Spring report cards: 70% proficient Spring fluency: 75% Third Grade: Fluency practice using reflex math program Daily math timings Daily “anytime” problems Student weekly goals with self-assessment Fourth Grade: Daily math timings District problem solving Fifth Grade: Daily multiplication timings Pair strong students with struggling students September - June Third grade teachers September - June Fourth grade teachers September - June Fifth grade teachers Reflex progress assessments Fluency assessments Student goals Friday math quiz covering learning targets from Monday through Thursday.