WKU Institutional Research Visual Analytics Logon Guide

WKU Institutional Research Visual Analytics Logon Guide
To access the Visual Analytics Hub, navigate to https://sasva1.wku.edu/SASVisualAnalyticsHub/
SAS Visual Analytics works best in the latest version of Google Chrome (Windows and Mac),
Internet Explorer (Windows only), or Safari (Mac).
Input your NetID for the ‘User ID’ field and input your NetID password and click ‘Sign In’
Upon signing in, you’ll be directed to the Visual Analytics Hub.
To access reports, click the ‘Browse’ button in the upper left of the Hub.
The ‘Open’ window will appear, prompting you to navigate to a report. Test reports are located
at Shared Data > All Reports. Report objects will appear in the rightmost pane of the ‘Open’
To open a report, click on the report name in the right pane to select it.
The report name will become bold and become highlighted when selected. Once a report is
selected, click the ‘Open’ button near the bottom right of the ‘Open’ window.
You will be redirected to the Visual Analytics Report Viewer to view the selected report.