MCIU BOARD MEETING/ NOVEMBER 19, 2015 was cancelled.

The MCIU Board meeting held on October 28th was cancelled.
The board meeting was held on Wednesday, November 18th at the MCIU Building in
The audit was approved for the year 2015.
PaTTAN was authorized to enter into a 10 year lease agreement subject to the review ad final
approval of the solicitor and administration between the MCIU and Pennmark Management
Co. PaTTAN will move to 333 Technology Drive in Malvern. The space is much needed.
Donna Gaffney continues to lead many new initiatives for the IU. North Penn will participate
in the Core Literary Essentials Program from this November until April. This is concerned with
professional development training.
To quote Dr. George, “Never confuse activity with action.” This of course is about the state of
our state budget. The better news is that Wolf is reconsidering his back-door referendum,
perhaps if a referendum was defeated, a board vote of over 2/3 majority would allow the tax
increase. Our push backs are making a difference in Harrisburg. We will continue to wait and
The MCIU continues to present its Early Intervention programs. We serve 2,600 annually.
The next IU Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 27th 2016, at the IU.
Respectfully submitted,
Carolyn Murphy