Revised August 26, 2015 ENGR/CS 101 Syllabus Fall 2015 Blandford & Randall and Roberts Web sites: Text: None. Reference material provided. This course has two sessions dealing with computer science and computer and electrical engineering topics. Each session has seven weeks (19 class days) of instruction. The EE/CoE session meets in KC-137 with Dr. Blandford and Mr. Randall, the CS session meets in KC-267 with Dr. Roberts. The class is divided into two groups with mixed majors. See the web site for the group assignments. Aug 26-Oct. 9 Oct. 14-Dec. 4 Group 1 EE/CoE CS Group 2 CS EE/CoE In addition, these dates have been set aside for special topics: • August 26 – First day of classes – organization and introduction • November 18 – ENGR/CS Freshman class lecture on Harlaxton from Harlaxton (room TBA) • November 2 – ENGR/CS Freshman pre-registration for Spring semester by major. EE majors will meet in KC-136, CoE majors will meet in KC-137, and CS majors will meet in KC-267. (Students who are not EECS majors are excused from this class.) • Dec. 4 – Final Class mingle. Grading: The most important component of the final grade in this course is participation and attendance. There is no final exam for this course. Each session has individual assignments and quizzes, and students receive a grade for each session. The final grade for the course is an equally weighted average between the three sessions. Topics: The Computer and Electrical Engineering session covers the following topics in 19 lectures: 1. Intro to MATLAB®. 2. MATLAB® programming constructs 3. MATLAB® plotting 4. Fourier series 5. Fourier analysis 6. Sound files in MATLAB® 7. Speaker construction -1- Revised August 26, 2015 8. Speaker construction 9. Speaker/amplifier construction 10. Speaker analysis 11. COE and Micro Controllers 12. Keil MicroVision and MBED Dev Kit (Simulate Hello World) 13. Conditions and loops (Basic Micro Controller Program Structure) 14. Device I/O - Port Configurations - C++ Classes 15. Serial Communications (Terminal "Hello World") 16. Frequency VS Time and Creating a Square wave. 17. Musical Notes (frequency, and period) Begin Project Write a Song 18. Project (Write a Song) 19. Show off Projects (Explain/Demo keyboard Piano) The Computer Science session covers the following topics in 19 lectures 1. Introduction to binary representation 2. Introduction to the software lifecycle. Introduction to Python. Types and variables, assignment and expressions, output 3. Functions, input, simple loops 4. More functions and loops 5. Introduction to cryptography 6. Characters, strings, counting loops 7. Conditions and if-statements 8. More conditions and if-statements, error handling 9. Files 10. Project work day 11. Introduction to algorithm analysis 12. Introduction to arrays (lists) 13. More arrays 14. Project work day 15. GUIs (Graphical user interfaces) 16. More GUIs 17. Project work day 18. Social media and privacy. -2- Revised August 26, 2015 ENGR/CS 101 Monday Fall 2015 Friday Aug. 28 Aug. 31 Wednesday Aug. 26 Organization and overview Sept. 2 Sept. 7 Sept. 9 Sept. 11 Sept. 14 Sept. 16 Sept. 18 Sept. 21 Sept. 23 Sept. 24 Sept. 28 Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 5 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 12 Fall Break Oct. 19 Oct. 14 Oct. 16 Oct. 21 Oct. 23 Oct. 26 Oct. 28 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Advising and Preregistration Nov. 9 Nov. 4 Nov. 6 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Sept. 4 Switch Rooms (Last day to withdraw with W) Nov. 16 Nov. 18 Harlaxton Group Lecture Nov. 25 Thanksgiving Break Dec. 2 Nov. 23 Nov. 30 Dec. 7 Mingle Dec. 9 Reading/Study Day -3- Nov. 20 Nov. 27 Thanksgiving Break Dec. 4