POLL July 7-14, 2008 N = 1,796 Registered Voters = 1,534 Total White = 1,338 Total Black = 297 Total Hispanic = 246 All trends are from New York Times/CBS News polls unless otherwise noted. An asterisk indicates registered respondents only. “DPV*” indicates Democratic Primary Voters and “RPV*” indicates Republican Primary Voters. Some people are registered to vote and others are not. Are you registered to vote in the precinct or election district where you now live, or aren't you? 7/7-14/08 Yes 81 No 18 1. How much attention have you been able to pay to the 2008 presidential campaign — a lot, some, not much, or no attention so far? 2/8-11/07 CBS 3/7-11/07 3/26-27/07 CBS 4/9-12/07 CBS 5/18-23/07 6/26-28/07* CBS 7/9-17/07 8/8-12/07 CBS 9/4-9/07 10/12-16/07 CBS 12/5-9/07 1/9-12/08 1/30-2/2/08* CBS 2/20-24/08* 3/15-18/08* CBS 3/28-4/2/08* 4/25-29/08* 5/1-3/08* 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 7/7-14/08* A lot 26 23 21 23 20 25 22 19 19 22 30 33 36 47 52 60 55 55 53 53 Some 42 50 51 48 46 46 46 44 42 48 42 44 44 35 35 30 37 34 39 37 Not much 22 20 21 22 23 23 22 27 28 21 21 19 12 15 10 6 6 7 6 8 2 None at all 10 7 8 7 11 6 10 9 10 9 7 4 4 3 2 4 2 4 2 2 DK/NA 1 - - 2. Is your opinion of Barack Obama favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Barack Obama yet to have an opinion? QUESTIONS 8-9 WERE ROTATED. Favorable 1/1-3/07 CBS 28 1/18-21/07* CBS 29 3/7-11/07 39 3/26-27/07 CBS 31 4/9-12/07* CBS 36 5/18-23/07* 34 6/26-28/07* CBS 40 7/9-17/07 36 7/9-17/07* 37 8/8-12/07* CBS 36 9/4-9/07* 35 DPV* 52 10/12-16/07 CBS DPV* 56 12/5-9/07 DPV* 54 1/9-12/08 DPV* 55 1/30-2/2/08 CBS DPV* 63 2/20-24/08* 45 DPV* 69 3/15-18/08* CBS 44 3/28-4/2/08* 43 DPV* 62 4/25-29/08* 39 DPV* 57 5/1-3/08* 44 DPV* 60 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 41 7/7-14/08* 39 White* 31 Black* 83 Not Fav 10 9 18 17 18 21 22 20 21 20 21 13 13 14 16 11 23 8 28 24 14 34 20 30 19 31 31 37 2 Undecided 14 20 20 21 25 25 22 25 24 27 29 23 21 22 20 17 23 14 20 25 17 21 17 20 18 22 24 26 9 3 Haven’t heard enough 47 41 23 30 21 20 15 19 18 17 14 12 9 10 8 9 9 8 8 8 8 5 5 6 3 5 4 5 5 Refused 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3. Is your opinion of John McCain favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven’t you heard enough about John McCain yet to have an opinion? Favorable 4/99 11 6/99* CBS 11 10/99*CBS 13 11/99* 16 12/99*CBS 22 2/00* 36 3/00* CBS 38 5/00* 46 6/14-18/01 36 5/20-23/03 CBS 46 1/20-25/06 34 5/4-8/06 31 7/21-25/06 28 9/15-18/06 28 1/1-3/07 CBS 39 2/8-11/07* CBS 31 3/7-11/07 24 4/9-12/07* CBS 28 5/18-23/07* 23 6/26-28/07* CBS 27 7/9-17/07 28 7/9-17/07* 29 8/8-12/07* CBS 26 9/4-9/07* 26 RPV* 38 10/12-16/07 CBS RPV*37 12/5-9/07 RPV* 37 1/9-12/08 RPV* 57 1/30-2/2/08 CBS RPV*56 2/20-24/08* 36 RPV* 57 3/15-18/08* CBS 38 3/28-4/2/08* 35 RPV* 67 4/25-29/08* 33 RPV* 65 5/1-3/08* 32 RPV* 59 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 34 7/7-14/08* 31 Whites* 35 Blacks* 5 Not Favorable 6 7 8 11 11 14 26 14 12 9 12 15 13 14 20 20 21 29 30 29 30 33 31 28 28 22 32 13 21 32 12 31 29 11 34 11 35 13 37 32 28 57 Undecided 14 15 16 16 22 24 19 17 23 22 24 25 29 28 28 28 26 27 26 25 24 24 25 29 23 27 22 20 12 22 23 21 24 17 20 21 19 22 21 27 27 25 Don’t know enough 69 66 62 57 45 26 15 22 28 22 29 28 29 28 13 21 29 16 20 19 17 14 17 16 12 14 8 9 10 9 8 10 11 5 12 3 14 5 8 10 8 14 Refused 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4. How likely is it that you will vote in the 2008 election for President this November would you say you will definitely vote, probably vote, probably not vote, or definitely not vote in the election for President? 7/7-14/08* Definitely vote 84 Probably vote 11 Probably not vote 3 4 Definitely not vote 1 DK/NA 1 5. If the 2008 presidential election were being held today and the candidates were Barack Obama, the Democrat, and John McCain, the Republican, would you vote for Barack Obama or John McCain? CANDIDATE NAMES WERE ROTATED. Obama 2/20-24/08* 50 3/28-4/2/08* 47 4/25-29/08* 45 5/1-3/08* 51 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 48 7/7-14/08* 45 White* 37 Black* 89 Hispanic* 62 6. McCain 38 42 45 40 42 39 46 2 23 Other(vol.) 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 Won't vote(vol.) 2 3 3 4 3 2 3 1 3 Depends(vol.) 2 2 1 1 2 3 4 2 2 DK/NA 7 5 4 3 4 9 9 6 9 Is your mind made up or is it still too early to say for sure? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Hispanic* Mind made up 72 69 83 70 Too early to say for sure 28 30 17 30 DK/NA 1 1 - 7. Which best describes your feelings about having Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee for President: enthusiastic, or satisfied but not enthusiastic, or dissatisfied but not angry, or angry? QUESTIONS 7 AND 8 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Enthusiastic 25 19 62 Satisfied not enthusiastic 37 36 33 Dissatisfied not angry 28 33 4 Angry 6 7 DK/NA 4 5 1 8. Which best describes your feelings about having John McCain as the Republican nominee for President: enthusiastic, or satisfied but not enthusiastic, or dissatisfied but not angry, or angry? QUESTIONS 7 AND 8 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Enthusiastic 7 8 1 Satisfied not enthusiastic 48 52 29 Dissatisfied not angry 32 28 54 Angry 7 6 9 DK/NA 6 6 6 9. Regardless of how you intend to vote for President in 2008, who do you expect to finally win the 2008 presidential election — John McCain or Barack Obama? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* McCain 30 32 16 Obama 53 50 72 Depends(vol.) 4 4 4 5 DK/NA 13 14 8 10. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as President? DisApprove approve DK/NA 2/10-12/01 CBS 53 21 26 3/8-12/01 60 22 18 4/4-5/01 CBS 53 35 12 5/10-12/01 CBS 57 30 13 6/14-18/01 53 34 13 8/28-31/01 CBS 50 38 12 9/11-12/01 CBS 72 15 13 9/13-14/01 84 9 8 9/20-23/01 89 7 5 10/25-28/01 87 8 5 12/7-10/01 86 9 4 1/5-6/02 CBS 84 10 6 1/15-17/02 CBS 82 11 7 1/21-24/02 82 12 6 2/24-26/02 CBS 78 14 8 4/1-2/02 CBS 77 17 6 4/28-5/1/02 73 18 9 5/13-14/02 CBS 77 16 7 5/19-20/02 CBS 71 18 11 6/18-20/02 CBS 70 20 10 7/8-9/02 CBS 74 19 6 7/13-16/02 70 20 9 7/22-23/02 CBS 65 27 8 8/6-7/02 CBS 66 25 9 9/2-5/02 63 28 9 9/22-23/02 CBS 66 27 7 10/3-6/02 63 29 8 10/27-31/02 62 28 10 11/20-24/02 65 27 9 1/4-6/03 CBS 64 28 8 1/19-22/03 59 35 6 2/5-6/03 CBS 63 28 9 2/10-12/03 54 38 8 2/24-25/03 CBS 56 35 9 3/4-5/03 CBS 58 32 10 3/7-9/03 56 37 6 3/15-16/03 CBS 59 34 7 3/17/03 CBS 64 31 5 3/20/03 PANEL 67 31 2 3/20-21/03 67 26 7 3/22/03 68 26 6 3/23/03 71 23 6 3/24/03 70 26 5 3/20-24/03 69 25 6 3/26-27/03 CBS 68 26 6 4/2-3/03 CBS 67 26 7 4/11-13/03 73 21 6 4/26-27/03 CBS 67 24 9 5/9-12/03 67 26 7 7/13-27/03 54 41 5 8/26-28/03 CBS 55 37 8 9/15-16/03 CBS 52 39 9 9/28-10/1/03 51 42 7 10/20-21/03 CBS 54 36 10 11/10-12/03 CBS 50 42 8 12/14-15/03 58 33 9 1/12-15/04 50 45 5 2/12-15/04 CBS 50 42 8 2/24-27/04 CBS 47 44 9 3/10-14/04 51 42 6 3/30-4/1/04 CBS 49 44 7 4/23-27/04 46 47 8 5/20-23/04 CBS 41 52 7 6/23-27/04 7/11-15/04 8/15-18/04 CBS 9/12-16/04 9/20-22/04 CBS 10/1-3/04 10/14-17/04 10/28-30/04 11/18-21/04 1/14-18/05 2/24-28/05 3/9-14/05 NYT 4/13-16/05 CBS 5/20-24/05 CBS 6/10-15/05 7/13-14/05 CBS 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 8/29-31/05 CBS 9/6-7/05 CBS 9/9-13/05 10/3-5/05 CBS 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 12/2-6/05 1/5-8/06 CBS 1/20-25/06 2/22-26/06 CBS 3/9-12/06 CBS 4/6-9/06 CBS 4/28-30/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 6/10-11/06 CBS 7/21-25/06 8/11-13/06 CBS 8/17-21/06 9/15-19/06 10/5-8/06 10/27-31/06 11/12-13/06 CBS 12/8-10/06 CBS 1/1-3/07 CBS 1/18-21/07 CBS 2/8-11/07 CBS 2/23-27/07 3/7-11/07 3/26-27/07 CBS 4/9-12/07 CBS 4/20-24/07 5/18-23/07 6/26-28/07 CBS 7/9-17/07 7/20-22/07 8/8-12/07 CBS 9/4-8/07 10/12-16/07 CBS 12/5-9/07 1/9-12/08 1/30-2/2/08 CBS 2/20-24/08 3/15-18/08 CBS 3/28-4/2/08 4/25-4/29/08 5/1-3/08 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 7/7-14/08 6 DisApprove approve 42 51 45 48 46 45 50 42 48 44 47 43 44 48 49 44 51 44 49 46 49 44 46 45 44 51 46 48 42 51 45 50 45 46 41 51 42 52 41 53 37 58 35 57 40 53 41 52 42 51 34 59 34 57 37 56 33 58 31 63 33 60 36 55 36 57 36 57 37 56 34 60 34 58 34 61 31 63 30 63 28 64 32 59 29 61 34 58 30 64 31 61 32 61 30 63 27 65 29 64 30 62 29 65 30 64 30 61 28 65 29 62 27 65 30 64 29 64 28 64 28 65 28 63 25 67 28 65 DK/NA 7 7 9 8 8 10 8 7 5 5 7 10 5 6 7 5 9 8 6 6 5 8 7 7 7 7 9 7 2 6 7 9 7 7 7 5 7 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 6 8 7 7 8 8 8 6 6 9 8 8 8 6 7 8 8 9 8 7 11. Do you feel things in this country are generally going in the right direction or do you feel things have pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track? 1/27-28/91 CBS 3/4-6/91 10/15-18/91 11/27-28/94 CBS 12/3-6/95 NYT 12/8-11/96 NYT 9/16-18/96 CBS 2/19-21/98 9/8-10/98 10/12-13/98 10/26-28/98 5/10-13/00 3/8-12/01 4/23-25/01 CBS 6/14-18/01 10/25-28/01 12/7-10/01 1/24-27/02 7/13-16/02 7/22-23/02 CBS 8/6-7/02 CBS 9/2-5/02 10/3-6/02 10/27-31/02 11/20-24/02 2/10-12/03 3/22/03 4/11-13/03 9/28-10/1/03 7/13-27/03 11/10-12/03 CBS 12/10-13/03 12/14-15/03 1/12-15/04 2/12-15/04 CBS 3/10-14/04 3/30-4/1/04 CBS 4/23-27/04 5/20-23/04 CBS 6/23-27/04 7/11-15/04 Right Wrong 51 39 51 42 33 60 30 65 25 64 39 51 41 48 54 36 49 42 46 47 52 42 48 44 40 54 37 58 42 53 61 29 64 27 52 35 42 48 39 53 41 51 43 49 42 48 41 52 41 49 35 56 50 40 56 36 37 56 46 49 39 53 39 56 49 43 42 53 41 51 38 54 36 57 36 55 30 65 36 57 36 56 DK/NA 10 7 7 5 10 11 11 9 10 7 7 7 6 5 5 10 10 12 10 8 8 8 10 8 10 9 10 9 7 5 8 5 8 5 8 8 7 9 5 6 8 Right Wrong 8/15-18/04 CBS 39 55 9/12-16/04 41 51 9/20-22/04 CBS 41 54 10/1-3/04 40 51 10/14-17/04 37 59 10/28-30/04 43 55 11/18-21/04 40 54 1/14-18/05 39 56 2/24-28/05 42 52 3/9-14/05 NYT 37 56 1/5-8/06 CBS 31 62 4/13-16/05 CBS 32 62 5/20-24/05 CBS 34 60 6/10-15/05 33 61 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 37 57 9/9-13/05 31 63 5/4-8/06 23 70 10/3-5/05 CBS 37 58 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 27 68 12/2-6/05 31 60 1/20-25/06 32 61 3/9-12/06 CBS 28 66 4/28-30/06 CBS 24 71 6/10-11/06 CBS 27 69 7/21-25/06 28 66 8/17-21/06 29 67 10/27-31/06 29 64 12/8-10/06 CBS 24 70 1/1-3/07 CBS 27 68 1/18-21/07 CBS 26 69 2/8-11/07 CBS 26 68 2/23-27/07 23 68 3/7-11/07 25 69 5/18-23/07 24 72 6/26-28/07 CBS 19 75 7/9-17/07 22 72 9/4-8/07 24 71 12/5-9/07 21 71 1/9-12/08 18 76 3/28-4/2/08 14 81 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 14 83 7/7-14/08 14 81 7 DK/NA 6 7 5 9 4 2 6 5 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6 7 5 5 9 7 9 5 4 6 4 7 6 5 5 6 9 6 4 6 6 4 8 6 5 3 5 12. What do you think is the most important problem facing the country today? 9/06 10/06 3/07 5/07 7/07 9/07 12/07 1/08 2/08 4/08 7/08 Health Care 3 3 8 5 9 7 7 7 7 6 3 Social Security - - - - - 1 1 1 - - - Budget Deficit 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 Education 1 5 5 2 1 4 2 2 1 1 1 Medicare/ Medicaid - - - - - - - Taxes - - - - - 1 1 1 1 - - Economy 7 7 5 7 5 8 12 20 29 32 38 Immigration 4 4 5 7 8 9 4 5 4 3 2 Defense 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 - 2 Poverty 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 - Crime 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 Foreign Policy 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 Jobs 4 5 3 1 3 5 2 4 4 5 3 Abortion - - - 1 - - - - - - Moral Values 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 - - 1 - - 1 3 4 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 1 14 17 19 18 21 20 19 16 15 12 10 Iraq 8 10 10 13 6 4 6 6 5 3 4 Politicians/ Government 2 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Heating oil/Gas Crisis 3 1 2 7 2 2 3 2 3 7 14 Environment 2 1 1 3 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 Religious Values 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 - 1 1 Terrorism general 14 12 4 3 6 4 3 3 5 2 1 Other 17 12 15 12 16 10 18 10 9 14 7 DK/NA 6 5 6 5 5 5 4 5 6 2 3 Welfare President War 8 - - 13. Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling the economy? Approve 3/8-12/01 4/4-5/01 CBS 4/23-25/01 CBS 5/10-12/01 CBS 6/14-18/01 10/25-28/01 12/7-10/01 1/5-6/02 CBS 1/15-17/02 CBS 1/21-24/02 2/24-26/02 CBS 5/13-14/02 CBS 6/18-20/02 CBS 7/8-9/02 CBS 7/13-16/02 7/22-23/02 CBS 8/6-7/02 CBS 9/2-5/02 9/22-23/02 CBS 10/3-6/02 10/27-31/02 11/20-24/02 1/4-6/03 CBS 1/19-22/03 2/5-6/03 CBS 2/10-12/03 2/24-25/03 CBS 3/4-5/03 CBS 3/7-9/03 3/20-21/03 3/22/03 3/23/03 3/24/03 3/20-24/03 4/11-13/03 4/26-27/03 CBS 5/9-12/03 7/13-27/03 8/11-12/03 CBS 8/26-28/03 CBS 9/15-16/03 CBS 9/28-10/1/03 12/10-13/03 12/14-15/03 1/12-15/04 2/12-15/04 CBS 2/24-27/04 CBS 3/10-14/04 3/30-4/1/04 CBS 4/23-27/04 5/20-23/04 CBS 6/23-27/04 7/11-15/04 55 47 44 46 50 64 61 59 57 56 54 52 56 56 52 44 45 47 49 41 46 45 42 44 44 38 40 41 40 48 46 53 51 50 46 42 43 40 36 39 41 37 44 49 44 44 37 38 37 39 36 40 42 Disapprove DK/NA 28 40 39 37 38 25 26 29 31 33 37 38 36 35 37 45 44 42 41 46 43 45 46 49 49 53 50 49 52 40 45 38 37 40 41 45 48 52 52 53 52 56 51 43 51 50 56 54 56 54 57 52 51 Approve 17 13 17 17 12 11 13 12 12 11 9 10 8 9 11 11 11 11 10 13 12 10 12 7 7 10 10 10 8 12 9 9 12 10 13 13 9 8 12 8 7 7 5 8 5 6 7 9 7 7 7 8 6 8/15-18/04 CBS 9/12-16/04 10/1-3/04 10/9-11/04 CBS 10/14-17/04 10/28-30/04 11/18-21/04 1/14-18/05 2/24-28/05 4/13-16/05 CBS 5/20-24/05 CBS 6/10-15/05 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 8/29-31/05 CBS 9/9-13/05 10/3-5/05 CBS 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 12/2-6/05 1/5-8/06 CBS 1/20-25/06 2/22-26/06 CBS 3/9-12/06 CBS 4/6-9/06 CBS 4/28-30/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 6/10-11/06 CBS 7/21-25/06 8/11-13/06 CBS 8/17-21/06 9/15-19/06 10/5-8/06 10/27-31/06 12/8-10/06 CBS 1/1-3/07 CBS 1/18-21/07 CBS 2/8-11/07 CBS 2/23-27/07 3/7-11/07 3/26-27/07 CBS 4/9-12/07 CBS 4/20-24/07 5/18-23/07 7/9-17/07 8/8-12/07 CBS 9/4-8/07 9/14-16/07 CBS 12/5-9/07 1/30-2/2/08 CBS 2/20-24/08 3/15-18/08 CBS 3/28-4/2/08 4/25-29/08 7/7-14/08 9 37 43 45 40 42 43 42 42 38 34 38 39 42 37 35 32 34 38 39 39 32 35 36 31 28 33 33 30 35 37 34 38 36 41 37 38 35 38 38 36 35 36 37 34 32 31 26 27 27 25 21 21 20 Disapprove DK/NA 54 50 49 52 53 51 51 52 54 57 56 56 52 56 59 61 55 54 52 54 60 57 57 58 66 59 59 62 58 56 57 54 52 51 55 55 56 53 53 57 56 56 55 55 60 61 64 62 63 68 71 74 71 9 7 6 8 5 6 7 7 9 9 6 6 6 7 6 7 11 7 9 7 7 8 7 11 6 8 9 7 7 7 9 8 12 8 8 7 9 9 9 7 9 8 9 11 7 8 10 11 11 7 8 5 10 14. How would you rate the condition of the national economy these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad? Very Fairly Good good 1/92A 17 1/92B 1 20 2/92A 1 16 2/92B 1 16 3/92 1 18 4/92 1 23 7/92 21 8/92A 1 20 9/92A 1 19 10/92A 1 18 10/92C 2 21 10/92D 2 21 10/92E 1 22 12/92 1 31 1/93 1 34 2/93 2 33 3/93 1 33 6/93A 1 29 6/93B 1 33 8/93 3 28 9/93 1 31 11/93 2 40 12/93 1 43 12/93 1 43 1/94 2 45 1/94 1 49 2/94 2 50 4/94 3 51 6/94 3 51 7/94 3 50 9/94 2 51 9/94 3 50 11/94 2 53 1/95 3 57 2/95 5 53 3/95 3 52 7/95 3 58 10/95 3 54 12/95 4 54 1/96 2 49 2/96 3 50 6/96 2 53 6/96B 4 56 7/96 5 56 8/96 5 58 9/96 5 64 10/96 6 66 10/96C 6 61 11/96 6 64 12/96 6 61 1/97 7 64 4/97 6 62 7/97 11 62 11/97 14 63 12/97 17 63 1/98 16 67 2/98 21 67 8/11-13/98 21 66 8/19-20/98 25 61 10/98A 16 65 10/98B 16 68 2/00 28 60 5/00 29 58 9/00D* 26 64 10/00 25 60 11/00 26 63 12/00 CBS 21 65 1/01 CBS 14 70 3/8-12/01 6 68 4/01B CBS 3 58 5/01 CBS 4 64 6/14-18/01 3 67 9/20-23/01 3 50 Fairly Very bad bad DK/NA 47 35 1 46 32 1 38 42 2 40 41 1 39 40 1 40 34 1 41 37 1 40 38 1 37 39 3 42 37 2 40 37 1 40 36 2 39 36 2 39 28 2 41 22 2 36 26 3 41 22 2 43 25 2 40 23 2 45 23 1 44 23 1 38 18 2 39 15 2 39 15 2 38 14 1 34 14 1 34 12 2 33 11 2 32 11 3 35 11 1 33 13 2 34 11 2 33 10 1 28 11 1 29 12 2 29 13 3 26 11 2 32 10 1 27 13 2 33 14 2 30 15 3 32 11 2 30 9 1 27 10 23 10 3 23 7 1 19 6 2 21 10 3 21 6 2 22 8 3 23 5 1 24 7 1 18 8 1 16 5 2 15 4 2 13 3 1 9 3 1 8 3 2 9 3 2 15 3 2 11 3 2 8 3 1 7 4 2 7 2 1 9 4 3 7 3 2 10 3 1 11 4 1 19 5 29 7 3 23 7 2 22 6 2 33 11 2 Very good 10/25-28/01 3 12/07-10/01 3 1/5-6/02 CBS 3 1/15-17/02 CBS 2 1/21-24/02 2 2/24-26/02 CBS 1 5/13-14/02 CBS 4 6/18-20/02 CBS 3 7/13-16/02 2 7/22-23/02 CBS 3 8/6-7/02 CBS 2 9/2-5/02 3 10/3-6/02 4 10/27-31/02 1 11/20-24/02 2 1/4-6/03 CBS 1 1/19-22/03 1 2/10-12/03 2 3/20-24/03 3 4/11-13/03 2 5/9-12/03 2 9/28-10/1/03 4 10/20-21/03 CBS 3 12/10-13/03 4 12/14-15/03 5 1/12-15/04 3 3/10-14/04 2 4/23-27/04 4 5/20-23/04 CBS 5 6/23-27/04 4 8/15-18/04 CBS 5 9/12-16/04 3 10/1-3/04 6 10/14-17/04 3 11/18-21/04 4 2/24-28/05 4 6/10-15/05 4 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 7 9/9-13/05 4 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 3 12/2-6/05 6 1/5-8/06 CBS 6 1/20-25/06 6 2/22-26/06 CBS 5 3/9-12/06 CBS 4 4/6-9/06 CBS 7 4/28-30/06 CBS 8 5/4-8/06 6 7/21-25/06 5 8/17-21/06 5 9/15-19/06 5 10/5-8/06 7 10/27-31/06 9 12/8-10/06 CBS 8 1/1-3/07 CBS 8 1/18-21/07 CBS 7 2/8-11/07 CBS 8 2/23-27/07 7 3/7-11/07 8 4/9-12/07 CBS 8 5/18-23/07 7 7/9-17/07 9 8/8-12/07 CBS 7 9/4-8/07 4 10/12-16/07 CBS 5 12/5-9/07 3 1/9-12/08 3 1/30-2/2/08 CBS 2 2/20-24/08 2 3/15-18/08 CBS 1 3/28-4/2/08 1 4/25-29/08 5/1-3/08 1 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 1 7/7-14/08 1 10 Fairly good 53 52 49 49 50 52 62 56 47 42 45 47 39 44 46 40 42 37 47 48 42 39 42 52 50 51 47 51 47 54 47 51 49 49 50 53 50 50 45 44 49 48 51 45 51 45 49 47 46 47 51 53 50 50 50 51 52 55 47 51 48 46 45 51 45 39 35 26 27 24 20 22 15 19 18 Fairly bad 33 35 36 36 36 38 27 30 36 39 38 36 42 38 37 43 43 42 33 36 41 37 36 30 28 34 34 30 31 30 32 31 29 32 30 29 32 31 33 35 29 32 29 33 29 30 27 31 34 32 30 28 26 26 26 31 27 25 33 28 29 30 32 30 33 39 42 44 45 42 48 41 40 45 45 Very bad DK/NA 9 2 8 2 8 4 11 2 10 1 7 2 7 9 2 13 2 14 2 13 2 14 1 14 2 15 1 13 2 14 2 12 1 18 2 15 2 10 3 14 1 19 1 18 1 13 1 13 4 11 1 15 2 15 1 16 1 11 1 15 1 12 2 16 1 13 2 14 1 13 1 13 1 11 1 17 1 16 2 14 1 13 1 13 1 15 2 14 2 17 1 14 2 15 1 13 1 15 1 13 1 11 1 13 3 13 3 14 2 10 1 12 1 10 3 11 1 11 2 14 1 13 2 14 2 15 1 16 1 18 1 19 2 27 1 25 1 34 30 1 36 1 43 1 33 2 35 1 15. Do you think the economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same? 9/76 10/76A 10/76B 1/77 4/77 7/77 1/78 4/78 6/78 9/78 1/79 6/79 11/79 4/80 10/80A 11/80 1/81 3/82 1/83 10/86* 10/87A 10/87BNYT 11/87 1/88 5/88 9/88* 10/88A* 10/88A* 11/88B 1/90 8/90 10/90 10/90B 1/91 CBS 2/91 CBS 3/91 4/91 6/91 10/91D 11/91 1/92A 1/92B 2/92B 3/92 4/92 7/92 8/92A 9/92A 10/92A 10/92C 10/92D 10/92E 12/92 1/93 2/93 3/93 6/93A 8/93 CBS 9/93 11/93 1/94 4/94 7/94 9/94 11/94 1/95 CBS 2/95 3/95 8/95 10/95 2/95 1/96 2/96 4/96 6/96 6/96 NYT 9/96 Better 25 18 22 16 18 22 17 12 9 9 7 3 5 2 14 8 4 16 21 19 12 11 11 12 21 15 17 17 14 8 4 2 3 7 8 19 18 23 14 8 8 9 13 20 18 12 10 10 9 12 17 17 29 26 32 21 13 12 14 19 31 24 22 23 20 24 27 18 14 13 16 13 14 14 13 18 23 Worse 30 36 35 27 31 22 34 48 58 55 59 72 70 81 46 58 58 48 39 27 37 39 41 35 34 27 27 27 25 36 55 69 67 46 41 32 33 29 40 44 47 45 38 26 31 33 36 33 38 37 33 32 17 18 15 19 26 30 26 24 17 25 21 27 26 22 20 27 27 27 26 31 29 32 29 22 21 Same 41 44 39 54 48 52 45 38 31 34 31 22 24 16 37 33 35 34 39 52 47 46 46 51 42 56 53 53 58 53 40 28 28 45 45 47 47 47 44 46 44 44 48 53 50 54 53 55 51 49 48 49 51 55 51 58 60 56 58 57 57 50 56 50 53 53 53 53 58 57 56 54 55 53 57 58 54 DK/NA 4 2 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 1 3 4 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2 6 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 Better 7/96 16 8/96C 17 10/96 26 11/96 24 12/96 19 1/97 24 4/97 16 11/97 CBS 23 12/97 29 1/98 32 10/98A 20 10/98B 23 2/00 30 1/01 CBS 11 2/01 CBS 8 3/8-12/01 7 4/01 CBS 9 5/01 CBS 10 6/14-18/01 9 9/20-23/01 8 10/25-28/01 14 12/07-10/01 19 1/5-6/02 CBS 26 1/21-24/02 18 5/13-14/02 CBS 31 7/13-16/02 14 10/3-5/02 13 10/27-31/02 17 11/20-24/02 19 1/19-22/03 17 4/11-13/03 17 5/9-12/03 22 7/13-27/03 22 8/26-28/03 CBS 25 9/28-10/1/03 24 12/10-13/03 34 12/14-15/03 39 1/12-15/04 34 2/12-15/04 CBS 33 3/10-14/04 28 4/23-27/04 30 5/20-23/04 CBS 23 6/23-27/04 28 9/12-16/04 26 9/12-16/04 26 10/14-17/04 24 11/18-21/04 26 1/14-18/05 25 2/24-28/05 23 6/10-15/05 18 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 20 9/9-13/05 13 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 16 12/2-6/05 19 1/5-8/06 CBS 20 1/20-25/06 17 3/9-12/06 13 5/4-8/06 14 7/21-25/06 12 9/15-19/06 17 10/5-8/06 19 10/27-31/06 16 2/8-11/07 CBS 15 2/23-27/07 11 4/9-12/07 CBS 11 5/18-23/07 11 7/9-17/07 12 9/4-8/07 8 10/12-16/07 CBS 9 12/5-9/07 5 1/9-12/08 4 1/30-2/2/08 CBS 6 2/20-24/08 3 3/15-18/08 CBS 2 3/28-4/2/08 4 4/25-29/08 4 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 3 7/7-14/08 3 11 Worse Same 27 55 23 57 19 53 19 55 21 57 19 56 25 57 19 55 18 51 13 55 26 53 21 53 15 52 39 49 46 44 41 49 48 41 44 44 40 50 55 35 37 46 34 45 27 44 33 48 18 51 41 44 39 46 34 48 30 50 39 44 31 49 28 49 31 46 31 43 29 46 24 41 19 39 26 39 27 39 27 43 26 44 32 43 23 47 27 45 27 45 33 42 29 44 29 45 30 46 36 45 32 47 47 38 40 44 35 45 37 43 38 44 39 47 47 39 47 41 36 46 31 49 38 44 34 49 35 51 44 44 43 44 41 45 49 43 45 44 53 40 62 33 67 26 63 32 75 21 70 25 70 24 69 27 67 29 DK/NA 2 3 2 2 2 1 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 16. John McCain and Barack Obama are now the two parties' candidates for the presidency in November. Are you satisfied choosing between them or do you want other choices? 7/7-14/08* Satisfied 50 Other choices 47 DK/NA 3 17. Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to make the right decisions when it comes to dealing with immigration issues? 12/2-6/05 4/6-9/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 5/18-23/07 4/25-29/08 7/7-14/08* Republican 32 31 29 32 38 32 Democratic 38 43 45 44 42 40 Both (vol.) 4 4 4 1 3 2 Neither (vol.) 9 8 5 7 6 11 DK/NA 17 14 16 15 11 15 18. Regardless of how you usually vote, do you think the Republican party or the Democratic party is more likely to ensure a strong economy? Republican 1/14-21/84* 46 9/30-10/4/84*1 52 10/8-10/88*2 51 3/4-6/91* 42 8/3-5/96* 46 8/12-14/96* CBS 43 8/16-18/96* 48 8/26-28/96* CBS 43 9/2-4/96* 39 11/4-7/99 39 7/20/23/00* 43 8/18-20/00* 37 3/22/03 35 3/23/03 37 3/24/03 37 3/22-24/03 36 5/9-12/03 42 11/10-12/03* CBS 35 12/10-13/03 34 12/14-16/03 40 12/2-6/05 37 3/9-12/06 CBS 34 4/6-9/06 CBS 36 7/21-25/06 36 8/11-13/06 CBS 36 9/15-19/06 35 10/5-8/06 36 12/5-9/07 31 4/25-29/08 28 7/7-14/08* 31 Democratic 39 28 31 27 38 36 38 41 43 43 39 45 41 40 39 40 41 47 43 38 45 48 46 48 49 50 51 49 56 51 Both(vol.) 2 2 2 5 3 1 2 1 1 2 6 4 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 Neither(vol.) 2 4 3 8 3 5 3 5 5 4 3 4 5 5 3 4 6 5 6 4 6 4 5 4 5 3 3 6 5 6 1 QUESTION READ: REGARDLESS OF HOW YOU INTEND TO VOTE, DO... 2 QUESTION READ: REGARDLESS OF WHICH PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE YOU INTEND TO VOTE FOR NEXT MONTH, DO... 12 DK/NA 11 14 13 18 10 15 8 10 13 12 9 10 18 16 20 18 10 10 15 16 11 13 11 10 9 9 8 12 9 11 19. Is your opinion of Michelle Obama favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Michelle Obama yet to have an opinion? QUESTIONS 19 AND 20 WERE ROTATED. 2/20-24/08 DPV* 4/25-29/08* 4/25-29/08 DPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favorable 32 22 34 29 24 58 Not Fav 6 19 10 16 19 1 Undecided 13 12 14 17 17 13 Haven’t heard enough 48 46 41 37 38 27 Refused 1 1 1 1 1 1 20. Is your opinion of Cindy McCain favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Cindy McCain yet to have an opinion? QUESTIONS 19 AND 20 WERE ROTATED. 4/25-29/08* 4/25-29/08 RPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favorable 18 39 18 20 9 Not Fav 7 1 8 7 16 Undecided 14 14 17 18 19 Haven’t heard enough 61 45 55 54 55 Refused 1 1 2 2 1 QUESTIONS 24-32 ROTATED WITH 33-41. 24. How much do you think Barack Obama cares about the needs and problems of people like yourself — a lot, some, not much, or not at all? 8/8-12/07* CBS 1/9-12/08 DPV* 1/30-2/2/08 CBS DPV* 2/20-24/08 DPV* 3/28-4/2/08* DPV* 4/25-29/08* DPV* 5/30-6/30/08* CBS 7/7-14/08* White* Black* A lot 31 48 49 63 36 57 34 50 38 37 31 72 Some 38 38 42 28 42 33 38 32 36 37 39 23 Not much 11 5 5 5 11 5 15 8 15 14 16 2 Not at all 6 5 3 2 9 4 11 7 9 9 11 1 DK/NA 14 3 1 3 3 1 3 3 2 3 4 2 25. Would you consider Barack Obama very patriotic, somewhat patriotic, or not very patriotic? 4/25-29/08* DPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Very patriotic 29 39 37 32 62 Somewhat 45 44 39 41 33 13 Not very 22 15 18 22 1 DK/NA 3 2 5 6 4 26. Do you think Barack Obama says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? Says what he believes 7/9-17/07 46 1/30-2/2/08 DPV* CBS 65 5/1-3/08* 53 DPV* 69 7/7-14/08* 43 White* 37 Black* 78 Says what people want 32 31 43 28 51 57 16 DK/NA 22 4 4 3 6 6 7 27. Regardless of how you intend to vote for president in 2008, how likely do you think it is that Barack Obama would be an effective commander-in-chief of the nation's military — would you say it is very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not likely at all? Very likely 1/9-12/08 DPV* 34 2/20-24/08* 23 DPV* 39 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 25 7/7-14/08* 24 White* 17 Black* 59 Somewhat likely 47 46 47 37 38 40 32 Not too likely 7 15 7 17 21 23 5 Not at all likely 6 13 5 18 15 17 1 DK/NA 6 3 2 3 3 3 3 29. If he were elected President, do you think Barack Obama would bring about real change in the way things are done in Washington, or wouldn't he do that? Would 66 70 58 52 91 1/9-12/08 DPV* 2/20-24/08 DPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Would not 26 24 35 40 5 DK/NA 8 7 8 8 5 30. If Barack Obama is elected president, do you think that will make the United States' image in the world better, make it worse, or will it have no effect on the United States' image in the world? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 48 42 84 Worse 14 16 1 No effect 32 36 12 DK/NA 6 6 3 31. If Barack Obama is elected President, do you think race relations in the United States will get better, get worse, or stay about the same? 3/28-4/2/08* DPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 34 46 31 29 47 Worse 21 14 17 19 7 Same 42` 37 49 48 42 14 DK/NA 3 2 4 4 3 32. How much confidence do you have in Barack Obama's ability to handle the issue of illegal immigration — a lot, some, not much, or none at all? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Hispanic* A lot 17 11 45 25 Some 44 44 44 47 Not much 22 24 8 17 None at all 12 14 1 8 DK/NA 6 7 3 3 33. How much do you think John McCain cares about the needs and problems of people like yourself — a lot, some, not much, or not at all? 3/28-4/2/08* RPV* 4/25-29/08* RPV* 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 7/7-14/08* White* Black* A lot 17 40 26 49 22 21 23 8 Some 46 51 38 40 45 45 47 36 Not much 18 5 17 9 16 21 19 32 Not at all 16 3 14 3 13 12 9 23 DK/NA 3 4 4 2 2 1 34. Would you consider John McCain very patriotic, somewhat patriotic, or not very patriotic? 4/25-29/08* RPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Very patriotic 70 89 73 77 56 Somewhat 22 7 21 19 30 Not very 5 3 4 2 11 DK/NA 3 1 3 2 3 35. Do you think John McCain says what he believes most of the time, or does he say what he thinks people want to hear? What he believes 12/5-9/07 RPV* 46 1/30-2/2/08 RPV* CBS 56 5/1-3/08* 51 RPV* 71 7/7-14/08* 46 White* 49 Black* 33 What people want to hear 36 31 41 26 49 46 62 DK/NA 19 13 8 3 6 5 6 36. Regardless of how you intend to vote for president in 2008, how likely do you think it is that John McCain would be an effective commander-in-chief of the nation's military — would you say it is very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely, or not likely at all? 2/20-24/08* RPV* 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Very likely 48 73 39 46 50 18 Somewhat likely 32 24 38 36 35 45 15 Not too likely 9 3 10 9 7 18 Not at all likely 9 10 7 5 16 DK/NA 3 3 3 3 2 38. If he were elected President, do you think John McCain would bring about real change in the way things are done in Washington, or wouldn't he do that? Would 28 30 14 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Would not 65 62 82 DK/NA 8 9 4 39. If John McCain is elected president, do you think that will make the United States' image in the world better, make it worse, or will it have no effect on the United States' image in the world? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 18 20 7 Worse 18 14 39 No effect 59 61 49 DK/NA 5 5 5 40. If John McCain is elected President, do you think race relations in the United States will get better, get worse, or stay about the same? 3/28-4/2/08* RPV* 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 4 7 3 4 1 Worse 11 3 10 9 18 Same 82 87 84 85 77 DK/NA 3 3 2 2 3 41. How much confidence do you have in John McCain's ability to handle the issue of illegal immigration — a lot, some, not much, or none at all? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Hispanic* A lot 16 17 5 14 Some 47 50 33 41 Not much 22 20 35 26 None at all 10 8 24 17 DK/NA 5 5 4 2 42. If John McCain were elected President, do you think he would generally continue George W. Bush's economic policies, or not? 7/7-14/08* Continue Bush economic policies 61 Not continue Bush economic policies 32 DK/NA 6 43. If John McCain were elected President, do you think he would generally continue George W. Bush's policies in Iraq, or not? 7/7-14/08* Continue Bush Iraq policies 78 Not continue Bush Iraq policies 17 16 DK/NA 5 44. If Barack Obama is elected President, do you think the policies of his administration would favor whites over blacks, favor blacks over whites, or would they treat both groups the same? QUESTIONS 44 AND 45 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favor whites over blacks 1 1 3 Favor blacks over whites 13 16 4 Treat both the same 81 79 90 DK/NA 4 4 3 45. If John McCain is elected President, do you think the policies of his administration would favor whites over blacks, favor blacks over whites, or would they treat both groups the same? QUESTIONS 44 AND 45 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favor whites over blacks 16 12 39 Favor blacks over whites 1 1 Treat both the same 77 82 50 DK/NA 6 5 11 46. If Barack Obama is elected President, do you think the policies of his administration would favor rich over poor, favor poor over rich, or would they treat both groups the same? QUESTIONS 46 AND 47 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favor rich over poor 18 20 5 Favor poor over rich 30 32 24 Treat both the same 45 42 66 DK/NA 6 6 6 47. If John McCain is elected President, do you think the policies of his administration would favor rich over poor, favor poor over rich, or would they treat both groups the same? QUESTIONS 46 AND 47 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Favor rich over poor 54 49 81 Favor poor over rich 3 3 2 17 Treat both the same 38 43 13 DK/NA 5 6 4 48. Is your opinion of Hillary Clinton favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Hillary Clinton yet to have an opinion? 3/92*1 7/92*1 8/92A*2 8/92D*2 10/92A*2 1/932 2/932 3/932 5/93A2 CBS 5/93B2 CBS 6/93B2 8/932 CBS 9/932 10/932 CBS 11/932 1/94 CBS 1/94 2/94 CBS 3/94 4/94 6/94 CBS 7/94 9/94 11/94A 1/95 CBS 4/95 8/95 1/96* 4/96* 6/96* 6/96* NYT 7/96* 8/96* 8/96C* 8/96D* CBS 9/96* 1/97 4/97 11/97 CBS 12/97 1 Fav 31 29 33 31 32 38 44 35 37 34 45 36 40 41 45 44 36 34 33 32 35 38 33 37 39 34 31 38 33 36 33 30 38 35 38 38 36 37 47 39 Not Fav 17 14 15 19 18 10 16 16 14 21 21 22 20 18 21 28 22 23 26 29 27 26 28 38 33 36 29 42 41 35 36 40 39 37 36 34 25 35 30 33 Und 19 21 20 25 20 24 19 22 23 23 21 22 20 24 21 16 22 25 22 20 22 19 22 20 21 22 23 16 19 20 23 22 17 19 18 19 25 17 17 19 DK engh 31 35 32 26 28 28 19 27 25 21 13 29 19 17 12 11 19 17 18 17 13 16 15 6 8 16 3 7 6 7 8 4 7 6 8 12 10 5 8 QUESTION READ: “… HILLARY CLINTON, BILL CLINTON'S WIFE,..." Ref 1 1 1 1 2 Fav 1/98B 45 2/98 50 4/98 49 5/98 CBS 39 7/98 CBS 50 8/11-13 41 8/19-20 50 10/99 CBS 40 10/99 CBS 43 11/99 41 2/00 42 7/13-17/00 36 6/12-13/03 CBS 24 5/20-24/05 CBS 36 1/20-25/06 37 5/4-8/06 34 7/21-25/06 32 9/15-18/06 32 1/1-3/07 CBS 43 1/18-21/07* CBS 36 3/7-11/07 35 3/26-27/07 CBS 33 4/9-12/07* CBS 37 5/18-23/07* 38 6/26-28/07* CBS 45 7/9-17/07 41 7/9-17/07* 40 8/8-12/07* CBS 41 9/4-9/07* 36 DPV* 63 10/12-16/07 CBS DPV* 72 12/5-9/07 DPV* 68 1/9-12/08 DPV* 64 1/30-2/2/08 CBS DPV* 65 2/20-24/08* 35 DPV* 61 3/15-18/08* CBS 39 3/28-4/2/08* 38 DPV* 58 4/25-29/08* 36 DPV* 56 5/1-3/08* 42 DPV* 58 5/30-6/3/08* 41 7/7-14/08 44 White 40 Black 62 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 5 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 Not Fav 27 25 29 27 26 21 25 36 37 36 31 40 32 31 35 35 39 36 38 36 43 42 46 42 40 38 40 39 40 14 15 14 19 18 43 27 41 39 20 42 26 37 24 39 36 41 16 NOTE: PRIOR TO JULY 2007, QUESTION INCLUDED “RODHAM” 18 Und 21 16 16 20 15 20 17 20 16 17 18 18 22 19 21 23 21 20 16 25 19 17 15 19 12 19 18 19 21 21 12 17 15 15 18 9 15 18 17 15 13 18 17 18 15 15 17 DK engh Ref 8 7 1 5 1 12 2 7 2 16 2 7 1 4 3 6 1 8 1 5 1 19 3 13 1 7 9 8 11 1 3 4 3 8 3 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 5 3 1 2 5 1 4 1 5 49. Is your opinion of Bill Clinton favorable, not favorable, undecided, or haven't you heard enough about Bill Clinton yet to have an opinion? 5/87 10/91D* 1/92* 2/92A* 2/92B* 4/92* 5/92A* 5/92* CBS 6/92* 7/92* 7/92* CBS 7/92B* 8/92A* 8/92B* CBS 8/92D* 8/92E* 9/92A* 10/92A* 12/92 1/93* 6/93 1/94 11/94 12/94 11/00* 2/95 4/95 8/95 10/95 12/95 2/96* 3/96* CBS 4/96* 6/96* 6/96* NYT 7/96* 8/96* 8/96B* CBS 8/96C* 8/96D* CBS 9/96* 10/96* 10/96C* 11/96* 2/98A CBS 2/98B CBS 2/98C CBS 2/98D 3/98A Fav 3 7 11 24 20 26 24 15 16 20 30 36 36 31 28 36 32 34 38 46 35 34 38 35 44 43 39 40 43 44 47 50 50 48 47 40 43 42 42 42 46 47 49 46 51 44 57 57 44 Not fav 4 5 6 26 31 40 37 40 40 31 24 24 24 29 34 28 29 35 18 19 30 29 43 40 45 39 39 39 35 37 39 34 38 33 32 31 34 36 36 34 33 36 34 37 26 32 28 29 33 Und DK engh 10 81 8 80 14 69 30 19 30 18 28 6 30 8 32 14 33 11 35 13 34 11 31 9 32 7 32 7 32 6 29 6 32 7 25 5 27 15 23 10 25 10 23 13 15 3 15 10 9 1 15 2 19 3 17 2 17 4 17 1 13 1 14 2 11 1 15 3 15 5 24 2 20 2 19 2 18 2 21 2 18 2 14 2 15 1 15 1 16 5 17 6 10 5 12 2 16 4 Ref 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 Fav 3/98B 44 4/98 45 4/98 CBS 42 5/98A CBS 44 5/98B CBS 45 6/98 45 7/98 CBS 43 8/11-13/98 50 8/18/98 46 8/19-20/98 48 9/98 CBS 43 9/98C 45 10/98 CBS 39 10/98 CBS 40 10/98A 42 3/92* 24 10/98A 44 11/98 CBS 50 12/98 44 12/19/98 52 12/20/98 51 1/99 CBS 48 1/99 CBS 47 1/99 45 2/99 CBS 44 3/99 CBS 44 4/99 CBS 44 6/99 CBS 46 7/99 CBS 42 8/99 CBS 42 10/99 CBS 42 10/99 CBS 46 11/99 45 12/00 43 5/00 44 7/00B 43 1/15-17/01 CBS 57 2/10-12/01 CBS 58 3/8-12/01 38 7/11-15/04 50 10/28-30/04* 48 3/7-11/07 48 6/26-28/07 CBS 51 7/9-17/07 51 1/30-2/2/08*CBS 46 2/20-24/08 DPV* 70 4/25-29/08* 50 DPV* 71 7/7-14/08 46 White 42 Black 69 19 Not 35 33 33 31 32 37 35 33 37 40 41 38 40 40 42 41 36 37 42 37 41 38 39 42 40 35 41 41 44 43 44 43 40 39 41 40 35 39 51 39 38 38 32 36 39 18 36 19 39 45 11 Und 17 18 19 17 16 13 17 15 14 10 15 11 15 14 13 27 15 10 11 10 7 11 12 11 12 18 13 10 11 12 12 11 13 11 12 13 6 9 9 10 10 11 12 10 12 11 11 8 10 9 19 DK engh Ref 3 1 4 1 5 1 5 1 5 2 4 2 4 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 9 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 1 - 52. Do you think race relations in the United States are generally good or generally bad? Generally good 5/22-24/90 Total 41 White 43 Black 33 5/6-8/92 Total 25 White 25 Black 20 3/28-31/93 37 3/27-28/96 CBS 35 12/4-5/96 CBS 35 1/30-2/1/97 CBS 40 6/10-11/97 CBS Total 38 White 37 Black 27 2/6-10/00 CBS Total 52 White 56 Black 31 6/21-29/00 NYT Total 57 White 58 Black 51 3/28-4/2/08 55 7/7-14/08 53 White 55 Black 29 Hispanic 52 Generally bad 50 50 57 68 67 75 56 53 52 54 52 53 66 38 34 57 30 30 40 36 37 34 59 38 DK/NA 8 7 10 7 7 5 7 12 13 6 10 10 7 10 10 12 13 12 9 9 10 10 12 10 53. Do you think race relations in your community are generally good or generally bad? Generally good 5/6-8/92 75 12/4-5/96 77 6/10-11/97 CBS Total 72 White 72 Black 74 2/6-10/00 CBS Total 79 White 82 Black 62 6/21-29/00 NYT Total 80 White 81 Black 72 3/28-4/2/08 77 7/7-14/08 77 White 79 Black 58 Hispanic 73 Generally bad 20 18 23 23 20 17 14 31 15 14 22 18 20 18 37 24 20 DK/NA 4 5 5 5 6 4 4 7 5 5 6 5 3 3 5 4 54. In general, who do you think has a better chance of getting ahead in today’s society — white people, black people, or do white people and black people have about an equal chance of getting ahead? 12/6-9/97 Total Whites Blacks 2/6-10/00 CBS Total White Black 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic White people 43 39 63 33 29 57 36 32 57 39 35 64 41 Black people 5 7 1 5 7 6 6 1 6 7 1 6 Equal 46 49 30 59 62 38 55 58 39 51 53 30 50 DK/NA 6 6 7 3 2 5 4 3 3 5 5 4 3 55. In order to make up for past discrimination, do you favor or oppose programs which make special efforts to help minorities get ahead? 12/6-9/97 Total White Black 2/6-10/00 CBS Total White Black 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/13-16/00 1/19-22/03 7/13-27/03 3/9-14/05 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Favor 55 50 80 59 54 85 50 46 76 53 53 53 59 51 44 80 73 Oppose 39 44 11 32 36 10 39 44 11 38 39 40 30 42 48 13 21 DK/NA 7 6 9 9 10 5 11 10 12 9 8 7 11 8 8 6 6 56. Do you favor or oppose programs that make special efforts to help people get ahead who come from low-income backgrounds, regardless of their gender or ethnicity? 3/9-14/05 NYT 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Favor 84 83 82 93 85 Oppose 10 13 14 4 10 DK/NA 6 4 3 3 5 21 57. Some people say that since the 1960s there has been a lot of real progress in getting rid of racial discrimination against blacks. Others say that there hasn’t been much real progress for blacks over that time. Which do you agree with more? Would you say there’s been a lot of real progress getting rid of racial discrimination or hasn’t there been much real progress? 5/6-8/92 Total White Black 6/10-11/97 CBS Total White Black 2/6-10/00 CBS Total White Black 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Progress 50 53 29 61 62 52 71 74 55 74 78 58 76 79 59 71 No real progress 46 43 68 34 31 46 26 23 43 22 18 39 20 17 39 27 DK/NA 4 4 3 5 7 2 3 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 2 2 58. What about for other minority groups? Would you say there’s been a lot of real progress getting rid of discrimination or hasn’t there been much real progress? 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Progress 57 58 48 56 58 47 49 No real progress 33 32 40 36 34 47 45 DK/NA 10 10 12 7 8 6 5 59. How comfortable do you think most people feel when they do have conversations ABOUT race with someone of another race — very comfortable, somewhat comfortable, somewhat uncomfortable or very uncomfortable? 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Very Somewhat Somewhat Very comfortable comfortable uncomfortable uncomfortable 8 30 44 11 8 32 44 10 6 25 43 18 9 37 39 9 9 38 40 7 11 30 42 14 7 33 43 13 22 DK/NA 7 7 8 5 6 3 4 60. About how many of the people who live in the immediate area around your home are black — none, a few, about half or almost all? 2/6-10/00 CBS Total White Black 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic None 21 23 1 23 25 3 16 18 3 14 A few 55 62 22 54 60 21 59 65 29 59 About half 14 13 26 15 12 31 17 15 33 19 Almost all 8 2 51 7 2 45 6 2 34 8 DK/NA 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 61. Do you work for pay full time, work for pay part time, are you retired, or are you not working just now? 7/7-14/08 Full 51 Part 14 Retired 19 Not employed 16 DK/NA - 62. IF EMPLOYED EITHER FULL OR PART TIME: About how many of the people you work with are black — none, a few, about half or almost all? 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic None 29 31 5 30 33 6 36 A few 51 52 48 47 48 42 46 About half 14 13 29 18 16 36 16 Almost all 5 4 17 4 3 16 2 DK/NA 1 1 1 1 1 - 63. In recent years, do you think too much has been made of the problems facing black people, too little has been made, or is it about right? 6/21-29/00 NYT Total White Black 7/7-14/08 White Black Hispanic Too much 30 33 10 23 27 7 16 Too little 22 18 51 20 16 48 29 Just right 42 42 34 48 49 37 46 DK/NA 7 7 6 8 8 8 8 64. Have you ever felt you were stopped by the police just because of your race or ethnic background? Yes No DK/NA 2/6-10/00 CBS Total 10 89 1 White 4 96 Black 38 61 1 6/21-29/00 NYT Total 8 91 1 White 3 96 1 Black 42 57 1 7/7-14/08 13 86 White 7 93 Black 43 57 Hispanic 30 69 1 23 65. Was there ever a specific instance when you felt discriminated against because of your race? Yes No DK/NA 2/6-10/00 CBS Black 38 61 1 6/21-29/00 NYT Total 24 75 1 White 17 83 Black 62 38 7/13-27/03 29 70 1 7/7-14/08 34 66 White 26 74 Black 68 32 Hispanic 52 47 1 69. Should LEGAL immigration increased, or decreased? 6/19-23/861 6/21-24/932 9/8-11/942 9/18-22/952 12/3-6/95 NYT3 10/23-27/96 CBS 9/13-14/01 12/7-10/01 7/13-27/03 1/12-15/04 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 10/3-5/05 CBS 4/6-9/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 3/7-11/07 5/18-23/07 7/7-14/08 Hispanic 1 2 3 into Present level 35 27 27 30 31 35 29 29 37 34 32 30 33 39 29 39 38 43 the United Increased 7 7 6 6 2 8 10 9 9 16 13 11 16 22 18 20 23 27 States be Decreased 49 61 63 54 64 50 53 59 48 45 51 51 45 34 48 35 32 25 kept at its present level, DK/NA 9 5 4 9 3 7 8 3 6 5 4 8 6 6 5 5 7 5 QUESTION READ: SHOULD IMMIGRATION BE KEPT AT ITS PRESENT LEVEL, INCREASED OR DECREASED? QUESTION READ: SHOULD IMMIGRATION TO THE UNITED STATES BE KEPT AT ITS PRESENT LEVEL, INCREASED OR DECREASED? QUESTION READ: DO YOU THINK IMMIGRATION INTO THE UNITED STATES SHOULD BE INCREASED, DECREASED, OR KEPT ABOUT THE SAME? 70. What about ILLEGAL immigration, how serious a problem do you think the issue of ILLEGAL immigration is for the country right now — very serious, somewhat serious, not too serious, or not at all serious? 1/5-8/06 CBS 4/6-9/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 5/16-17/06 CBS 10/27-31/06 1/18-21/07 CBS 5/18-23/07 12/5-9/07 7/7-14/08 Hispanic Very 51 62 59 48 54 56 61 56 60 48 Somewhat 33 25 30 37 29 29 30 30 29 30 Not too 13 9 9 12 12 12 6 10 8 15 24 Not at all 3 3 2 2 5 2 1 3 2 5 DK/NA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 73. Looking back, do you think the United States did the right thing in taking military action against Iraq, or should the U.S. have stayed out? 12/10-13/03 12/14-16/03 2/12-15/04 CBS 2/24-27/04 CBS 3/10-14/04 4/23-27/04 5/20-23/04 CBS 6/23-27/04 7/11-15/04 8/15-18/04 CBS 9/12-16/04 10/1-3/04 10/9-11/04 CBS 10/14-17/04 10/28-30/04 11/18-21/04 1/14-18/05 2/24-28/05 4/13-16/05 CBS 5/20-24/05 CBS 6/10-15/05 7/13-14/05 CBS 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 8/29-31/05 CBS 9/9-13/05 10/3-5/05 CBS 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 12/2-6/05 1/5-8/06 CBS 1/20-25/06 2/22-26/06 CBS 3/8-12/06 CBS 4/6-9/06 CBS 4/28-30/06 CBS 5/4-8/06 7/21-25/06 8/11-13/06 CBS 8/17-21/06 9/15-19/06 10/5-8/06 10/27-31/06 11/12-13/06 CBS 12/8-10/06 CBS 1/1-3/07 CBS 1/18-21/07 CBS 2/23-27/07 3/7-11/07 4/9-12/07 CBS 5/18-23/07 7/20-22/07 8/8-12/07 CBS 9/4-8/07 9/14-16/07 CBS 10/12-16/07 CBS 12/5-9/07 1/9-12/08 2/20-24/08 3/15-18/CBS 3/28-4/2/08 4/25-29/08 7/7-14/08 Right thing 64 63 58 54 58 47 49 48 45 49 54 49 49 49 53 46 45 46 47 47 45 48 48 45 44 41 42 48 47 47 41 41 43 44 39 47 41 43 44 40 44 40 39 38 39 38 39 44 35 42 43 41 39 45 41 36 38 36 34 37 36 Stay out 28 31 37 39 37 46 46 46 51 44 39 46 46 46 42 48 49 50 48 49 51 47 46 49 50 55 50 48 49 50 54 54 53 51 56 48 53 53 51 55 51 56 55 58 56 55 56 51 61 51 51 54 53 51 54 58 58 59 62 57 59 25 DK/NA 8 6 5 7 6 7 5 6 4 7 7 5 5 5 4 5 6 4 5 4 5 5 6 6 6 4 8 4 4 4 5 5 4 5 5 5 6 4 4 4 5 4 6 4 5 7 5 5 4 7 6 5 8 4 5 6 5 5 4 5 5 74. How would you say things are going for the U.S. in its efforts to bring stability and order to Iraq? Would you say things are going very well, somewhat well, somewhat badly, or very badly? Very Somewhat Somewhat Very well well badly badly DK/NA 5/27-28/03 CBS 11 61 19 5 4 7/8-9/03 CBS 6 54 25 11 4 8/11-12/03 CBS 6 47 28 13 6 8/26-28/03 CBS 5 46 31 16 2 9/15-16/03 CBS 5 44 29 18 4 10/20-21/03 CBS 5 49 31 12 3 11/10-12/03 CBS 5 42 28 22 3 12/10-13/03 6 41 33 18 3 12/14-15/03 9 55 21 10 5 12/21-22/03 CBS 8 57 24 9 2 4/8/04 CBS 4 35 33 26 2 4/23-27/04 4 34 31 29 2 5/20-23/04 CBS 3 34 38 22 3 6/23-27/04 2 38 31 26 3 7/11-15/04 4 39 28 28 1 8/15-18/04 5 41 32 19 3 9/12-16/04 4 42 26 25 3 10/14-17/04 5 38 27 27 3 10/28-30/04 7 39 26 26 2 11/18-21/04 5 40 26 27 2 1/14-18/05 5 36 28 29 2 2/24-28/05 10 43 29 18 1 4/13-16/05 CBS 7 41 32 18 2 5/20-24/05 CBS 5 36 31 26 2 6/10-15/05 7 33 34 26 1 7/13-14/05 CBS 5 39 31 23 2 7/29-8/2/05 CBS 7 41 29 21 2 8/29-31/05 CBS 5 35 29 28 3 10/3-5/05 CBS 4 39 27 28 2 10/30-11/1/05 CBS 4 36 31 26 3 12/2-6/05 6 40 28 24 2 1/5-8/06 CBS 8 41 28 21 2 1/20-25/06 8 37 30 24 1 2/22-26/06 CBS 5 31 32 30 2 3/9-12/06 CBS 4 36 28 29 3 4/6-9/06 CBS 5 36 27 31 1 4/28-30/06 CBS 5 36 29 26 4 5/4-8/06 5 34 33 27 2 7/21-25/06 4 37 30 27 2 8/11-13/06 CBS 5 37 31 25 2 8/17-21/06 5 32 33 29 2 9/15-19/06 4 34 28 33 1 10/5-8/06 3 28 30 36 2 10/27-31/06 2 28 32 35 2 12/8-10/06 CBS 2 23 32 39 4 1/1-3/07 CBS 3 25 33 38 1 1/18-21/07 CBS 1 22 34 41 2 2/8-11/07 CBS 1 24 32 40 3 2/24-27/07 3 20 31 43 3 3/7-11/07 4 25 30 39 2 4/9-12/07 CBS 2 29 30 36 3 5/18-23/07 2 21 29 47 2 6/26-28/07 CBS 1 21 30 47 1 7/9-17/07 2 23 29 45 1 7/20-22/07 3 29 31 35 2 8/8-12/07 CBS 3 26 29 38 4 9/4-8/07 4 29 32 32 2 9/14-16/07 CBS 3 31 29 34 3 10/12-16/07 CBS 2 32 30 33 3 12/5-9/07 6 31 31 28 4 1/9-12/08 4 34 29 30 3 1/30-2/2/08 CBS 7 31 27 32 3 2/20-24/08 6 37 30 24 3 4/25-29/08 5 35 31 26 3 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 4 31 29 33 3 7/7-14/08 7 38 27 24 3 26 77. Do you think most people you know would vote for a presidential candidate who is black, or not? Would 60 65 56 63 69 69 69 12/5-9/07* 1/9-12/08* 3/15-18/08* CBS 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 7/7-14/08 White Black Would not 25 21 33 26 19 19 16 DK/NA 15 14 11 11 13 13 15 78. Would you personally vote for a presidential candidate who is black, or not? Would 60 90 90 91 88 12/5-9/07* 1/9-12/08* 7/7-14/08 White Black Would not 25 6 6 5 6 DK/NA 15 4 4 4 5 79. Do you think America is ready to elect a black president, or not? 10/27-29/961 CBS 2/6-10/001 CBS 1/18-21/071 CBS 1/9-12/08* 3/15-18/08* CBS 5/30-6/3/08* CBS 7/7-14/08 White Black 1 Yes 46 37 55 54 62 68 69 70 65 No 43 52 35 31 30 23 25 24 27 Depends(vol.) 5 4 3 DK/NA 6 7 7 15 8 9 6 6 8 DEPENDS WAS OFFERED AS A VOLUNTEERED ANSWER. 80. Just as your best guess, about what percentage of all Americans are black: less than 10%, between 10 and 20%, between 20 and 30%, between 30 and 50%, or more than 50%? 7/7-14/08 White Black Less than 10% 1 1 4 10-20% 21 21 24 20-30% 32 33 26 30-50% 32 33 24 More than 50% 9 8 17 DK/NA 5 5 4 81. Do you favor or oppose using public financing to help pay for the fall Presidential election campaign in exchange for restrictions on the amount the candidates can spend? 7/7-14/08* Favor 43 Oppose 46 DK/NA 11 27 82. In general, how often do you think candidates for president change their positions on important issues in order to get elected — very often, somewhat often, not too often, or not at all? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Very often 36 35 32 Somewhat often 52 52 53 Not too often 9 10 11 Not at all 2 1 1 DK/NA 1 1 2 83. So far, do you think John McCain has changed his position on an important issue in order to get elected, or not? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Yes 51 50 60 No 34 35 22 DK/NA 16 16 17 84. IF ANSWERED “YES” TO Q.83: How did that affect your opinion of John McCain — did it make you think better of him, worse of him, or did it make no difference to you? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 5 7 Worse 37 38 30 No difference 57 54 69 DK/NA 1 1 85. So far, do you think Barack Obama has changed his position on an important issue in order to get elected, or not? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Yes 56 59 47 No 32 29 41 DK/NA 12 12 13 86. IF ANSWERED “YES” TO Q.85: How did that affect your opinion of Barack Obama — did it make you think better of him, worse of him, or did it make no difference to you? 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Better 5 4 15 Worse 41 45 12 No difference 53 50 73 DK/NA 1 87. What do you think Barack Obama has been spending more time doing in his campaign — explaining what he would do as president or attacking John McCain? QUESTIONS 87 & 88 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Explaining 73 71 81 Attacking 17 18 11 DK/NA 10 11 8 88. What do you think John McCain has been spending more time doing in his campaign — explaining what he would do as president or attacking Barack Obama? QUESTIONS 87 & 88 WERE ROTATED. 7/7-14/08* White* Black* Explaining 63 65 46 Attacking 26 23 44 DK/NA 11 12 11 28 89. ASKED OF McCAIN SUPPORTERS ONLY: How important is it to you personally that John McCain wins the 2008 election for president — is it extremely important, very important, somewhat important or not that important at all? 7/7-14/08* supporters White* Black* Extremely important 24 24 NA Very important 29 29 NA Somewhat important 34 35 NA Not that important at all 11 10 NA DK/NA 2 1 NA 90. ASKED OF OBAMA SUPPORTERS ONLY: How important is it to you personally that Barack Obama wins the 2008 election for president — is it extremely important, very important, somewhat important or not that important at all? 7/7-14/08* supporters White* Black* Extremely important 37 36 42 Very important 32 31 34 Somewhat important 22 24 18 Not that important at all 8 9 5 DK/NA 1 1 1 91. This Fall, each party's Presidential candidate has the option of receiving public funds to pay for their campaign in exchange for limiting spending. John McCain said he would accept the public funds. Barack Obama said he would not accept the public funds because he needs to raise and spend more to campaign effectively against conservative groups who oppose his candidacy and will spend as much money as they can raise. Do you approve or disapprove of Barack Obama's decision or haven't you heard enough about this issue to have an opinion one way or the other? 7/7-14/08 Approve 33 Disapprove 18 Haven’t heard enough 45 DK/NA 4 92. If elected, John McCain would be 72 years old when he assumes office. Do you think his being 72 years old might make it too difficult for him to do the work the presidency requires, or do you think his age helps him have the experience and wisdom to do a good job as president? 7/7-14/08 Age makes job too difficult 36 Age means experience 48 Wouldn't matter(vol.) 12 DK/NA 4 93. Do you think Barack Obama's energy policies would help bring down gas prices if he is elected President, or not? 7/7-14/08 Yes 30 No 50 DK/NA 20 94. Do you think John McCain's energy policies would help bring down gas prices if he is elected President, or not? 7/7-14/08 Yes 25 No 56 DK/NA 20 29 96. How would you rate the financial situation in your household these days? Is it very good, fairly good, fairly bad or very bad? 11/10-16/88 10/8-10/90 7/21-25/06 4/20-24/07 2/20-24/08 3/28-4/2/08 7/7-14/08 Very good 12 14 12 14 18 9 13 Fairly good 69 70 64 69 60 63 61 Fairly bad 13 11 17 13 15 20 19 Very bad 5 4 5 4 6 7 7 DK/NA 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 97. Have recent price increases in gasoline caused any financial hardship for you or others in your household, or not? IF YES, ASK: Has that been a serious hardship, or not serious? 5/30-6/3/08 CBS 7/7-14/08 Yes, serious 36 34 Yes, not serious 29 31 No 34 35 DK/NA 1 - These last questions are for background only. Did you vote in the 2004 presidential election, did something prevent you from voting, or did you choose not to vote? IF VOTED, ASK: Did you vote for John Kerry, George W. Bush, or Ralph Nader? 7/7-14/08 Kerry 28 Bush 37 Voted, won’t say whom(vol.) 3 Nader 1 Didn't vote 29 DK/NA 2 101. Did you vote in a Democratic primary or caucus this year, or not? IF VOTED IN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY OR CAUCUS, ASK: Did you vote for Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or someone else? 7/7-14/08 Obama 16 Clinton 13 Someone else/None(vol.) 4 Did not vote 66 DK/NA 1 102. Would you say you attend religious services every week, almost every week, once or twice a month, a few times a year, or never? 7/7-14/08 Every week 27 Almost every week 11 Once/twice a month 16 Few times a year 25 Some people think of themselves as evangelical or born again Christians. think of yourself in either of these ways? 7/7-14/08 Yes 27 No 72 Never 20 Do you ever DK/NA 1 What is your religious preference today? 5/1-3/08 Protestant 51 Catholic 24 Jewish 2 Other 10 None 12 DK/NA 3 Are you now married, widowed, divorced, separated, or have you never been married? 7/7-14/08 Married 57 Widowed 7 Divorced 11 30 Separated 1 Never married 24 DK/NA 1 DK/NA - Generally speaking, do you usually consider yourself a Republican, Rep Dem Ind DK/NA 1/92A 29 35 31 5 10/98B 1/92B 28 32 35 5 12/98 2/92A 32 37 27 4 1/99 2/92B 30 33 32 5 4/99 3/92 30 38 27 5 11/99 4/92 30 38 27 5 2/00 5/92A 30 33 31 6 5/00 6/92 33 33 29 5 7/00 7/92 29 34 32 5 7/00B 7/92B 26 38 28 8 9/00A 8/92A 28 33 33 5 9/00D 8/92D 27 32 33 8 10/00 8/92E 28 35 29 8 11/00 9/92A 28 34 33 5 11/00L 10/92A 29 35 31 5 3/8-12/01 10/92C 29 36 31 5 6/14-18/01 10/92D 28 37 31 4 10/25-28/01 10/92E 28 38 29 5 12/7-10/01 12/92 28 39 28 5 1/21-24/02 1/93 30 36 28 6 4/28-5/1/02 2/93 28 36 30 6 7/13-16/02 3/93 26 37 30 7 9/2-5/02 5/93A 29 34 29 8 10/3-5/02 6/93A 29 34 32 5 10/27-31/02 6/93B 31 37 27 5 11/20-24/02 9/93 26 36 32 6 1/19-22/03 11/93 29 38 29 4 2/10-12/03 1/94 30 30 34 6 3/7-9/03 2/94 28 33 32 7 4/11-13/03 3/94 30 34 29 7 7/13-27/03 4/94 32 32 30 6 9/28-10/1/03 7/94 27 35 31 6 12/10-13/03 9/94 28 36 34 3 12/14-15/03 11/94 31 34 29 6 1/12-15/04 12/94 31 32 29 7 3/10-14/04 2/95 30 33 32 5 4/23-27/04 4/95 30 30 34 6 6/23-27/04 8/95 30 35 29 6 7/11-15/04 9/95 28 33 30 9 9/12-16/04 10/95 31 35 27 7 10/1-3/04 12/95 32 35 26 6 10/14-17/04 12/95 27 33 33 7 10/28-30/04 1/96 29 35 31 5 11/18-21/04 2/96 30 35 31 4 1/14-18/05 4/96 31 36 28 5 2/24-28/05 6/96 27 39 29 5 6/10-15/05 6/96 NYT 26 37 32 5 9/9-13/05 7/96 31 34 29 6 12/2-6/05 8/96 32 41 24 3 1/20-25/06 8/96C 30 34 28 8 5/4-8/06 9/96 29 36 29 6 7/21-25/06 10/96 28 40 25 7 8/17-21/06 10/96C 28 37 27 7 9/15-19/06 11/96 28 38 28 7 10/5-8/06 12/96 28 39 24 9 10/27-31/06 1/97 29 32 33 6 2/24-27/07 4/97 29 36 26 8 3/7-11/07 1/98 27 34 30 8 4/20-24/07 1/98B 26 35 31 7 5/18-23/07 2/98 31 32 30 8 7/9-17/07 4/98 28 31 33 8 7/20-22/07 6/98 28 32 30 10 9/4-8/07 7/98 28 35 30 7 12/5-9/07 8/98 26 37 29 8 1/9-12/08 9/98B 26 35 31 7 2/20-24/08 9/98C 27 35 32 6 3/28-4/2/08 10/98A 24 37 32 7 4/25-29/08 5/1-3/08 7/7-14/08 a Democrat, an Independent, or what? Rep Dem Ind DK/NA 27 39 28 6 27 37 30 6 25 37 33 5 30 34 28 7 28 37 30 5 28 37 28 6 31 34 27 7 29 33 29 9 31 36 26 7 31 33 27 9 28 37 27 8 29 35 30 7 27 36 29 9 31 34 28 7 31 35 29 5 27 36 30 7 32 37 23 8 30 32 30 8 28 34 31 7 33 37 23 8 28 34 33 5 29 35 26 10 27 38 28 7 31 34 28 7 29 32 31 8 29 32 33 6 28 34 31 6 29 32 30 9 31 30 32 6 27 32 34 7 31 35 30 4 27 33 35 6 28 31 35 6 28 32 33 8 31 30 32 7 29 35 29 7 29 35 29 7 29 37 30 4 33 31 29 7 29 34 28 10 30 34 29 7 30 35 30 6 29 36 30 5 31 34 28 8 29 36 29 6 28 34 31 6 26 36 28 9 28 32 33 7 29 34 33 4 25 37 34 4 31 33 30 5 30 35 27 8 30 32 32 5 30 35 30 6 28 35 31 7 25 35 33 6 27 35 33 6 24 34 36 6 29 37 32 3 28 34 34 4 24 32 36 9 31 32 33 5 26 35 31 8 28 40 27 5 27 38 29 6 26 41 27 6 27 37 31 5 29 26 39 37 27 31 5 6 103. (IF DEMOCRAT OR INDEPENDENT) Was there any time when you thought of yourself as a Republican? 7/7-14/08 Yes No DK/NA 30 69 1 31 How would you describe your views on most political matters? Generally, do you think of yourself as liberal, moderate, or conservative? 1/92A 1/92B 2/92A 2/92B 3/92 4/92 5/92A 6/92 7/92 7/92B 8/92A 8/92D 9/92A 10/92C 10/92D 10/92E 2/92 1/93 2/93 3/93 5/93A 6/93A 6/93B 9/93 11/93 1/94 2/94 3/94 4/94 9/94 11/94 12/94 2/95 4/95 8/95 9/95 12/95 12/95 10/95 12/95 12/95 1/96 2/96 4/96 6/96 6/96 7/96 8/96 8/96C 9/96 10/96 10/96C 11/96 12/96 1/97 4/97 12/97 1/98 2/98 4/98 6/98 7/98 8/98 Lib 19 21 19 20 20 18 21 23 20 21 20 22 19 22 21 21 20 18 23 22 21 19 19 19 21 17 18 21 19 20 20 18 19 19 19 20 32 27 16 17 15 20 17 18 19 16 20 17 18 16 16 18 15 17 17 19 21 19 21 18 20 20 21 Mod 41 43 39 43 47 44 40 39 42 41 45 44 46 39 39 40 41 45 41 39 41 43 44 43 41 44 41 38 42 42 41 40 39 42 40 39 35 33 44 46 46 42 45 47 46 48 42 47 43 44 47 45 48 40 46 42 42 40 42 42 39 42 43 Con 34 30 36 31 30 33 34 32 32 30 30 27 31 34 33 33 34 32 31 34 33 32 31 34 33 34 34 35 33 35 35 36 37 34 35 33 26 33 34 33 34 35 34 31 29 32 34 30 33 34 31 32 32 35 33 34 33 33 33 35 34 33 31 DK/NA 6 5 6 6 4 4 4 6 6 8 6 7 4 5 6 6 5 6 5 5 5 6 6 4 5 6 7 5 6 4 4 6 4 5 5 8 6 7 5 4 5 4 4 4 6 4 3 6 6 6 7 6 6 8 4 5 5 7 4 5 7 5 5 Lib 21 21 20 20 20 19 22 21 21 22 22 20 20 23 22 22 21 20 18 20 20 19 21 18 19 22 19 20 19 20 21 22 21 22 20 24 19 17 22 20 23 20 18 18 21 25 21 24 17 23 20 20 20 21 20 Mod 41 41 41 41 45 46 43 44 41 38 43 42 42 39 44 38 44 39 45 38 44 45 41 45 45 40 42 45 39 43 40 42 42 41 40 36 42 42 41 41 38 43 43 45 45 37 39 38 43 39 45 42 40 42 43 Con 34 31 33 34 30 29 31 31 34 33 30 32 32 33 29 35 32 36 34 37 30 32 35 35 33 34 34 31 37 31 34 30 32 34 36 35 33 35 33 33 35 33 34 32 30 34 36 33 35 34 30 33 36 33 32 7/9-17/07 7/20-22/07 9/4-8/07 12/5-9/07 19 15 22 22 44 48 42 43 33 31 32 31 4 5 4 4 1/9-12/08 2/20-24/08 3/28-4/2/08 4/25-29/08 5/1-3/08 7/7-14/08 25 23 21 22 15 22 39 41 39 41 49 41 32 29 34 33 32 32 4 6 5 4 4 5 9/98 9/98C 10/98B 12/98 1/99 4/99 11/99 2/00 5/00 7/00 7/00B 9/00A 9/00D 12/7-10/01 1/21-24/02 4/28-5/1/02 7/13-16/02 9/2-5/02 10/3-5/02 10/27-31/02 11/20-24/02 1/19-22/03 2/10-12/03 3/7-9/03 4/11-13/03 7/13-27/03 9/28-10/1/03 12/10-13/03 12/14-15/03 1/12-15/04 3/10-14/04 4/23-27/04 6/23-27/04 7/11-15/04 9/12-16/04 10/1-3/04 10/14-17/04 10/28-30/04 11/18-21/04 1/14-18/05 2/24-28/05 6/10-15/05 9/9-13/05 12/2-6/05 1/20-25/06 5/4-8/06 7/21-25/06 8/17-21/06 9/15-19/06 10/5-8/06 10/27-31/06 2/24-27/07 3/7-11/07 4/20-24/07 5/18-23/07 32 DK/NA 5 6 5 5 4 6 5 4 4 7 5 6 5 4 5 6 4 5 3 5 6 3 3 3 3 5 5 4 5 5 5 6 5 3 4 6 6 5 4 6 5 4 5 5 4 4 4 5 4 3 5 6 4 5 5 How old are you? 7/7-14/08 18-29 22 30-44 29 45-64 32 Over 64 16 What was the last grade in school you completed? 7/7-14/08 Not a H.S. grad 8 H.S. grad 35 Some college 30 College grad 17 Post Grad 10 Refused - Are you of Hispanic origin or descent, or not? 7/7-14/08 Hispanic 12 Not Hispanic 87 DK/NA - Are you white, black, Asian or some other race? 7/7-14/08 White 78 Black 12 Asian 1 Other 9 Refused 1 Was your total family income in 2005 UNDER or OVER $50,000? IF UNDER, ASK: Was it under $15,000, between $15,000 and $30,000, or between $30,000 and $50,000? IF OVER, ASK: Was it between $50,000 and $75,000 or between $75,000 and $100,000 or was it over $100,000? 7/7-14/08 Under $15,000 8 7/7-14/08 Male 48 $15,000$29,999 16 $30,000$49,999 20 $50,000$74,999 21 Female 52 33 $75,000$100,000 13 Over $100,000 16 Refused 5