Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) Year One (2014-2015) Who What Steering * Create a vision for special education and inclusion in Committee the district based on feedback from multiple constituencies * Synthesize information from subcommittee work into Special Education & Inclusion Resource Guide PD Leadership Team Data Analysis SubCommittee Best Practices SubCommittee Build capacity of task force members so that all have a thorough understanding of special education terminology, laws, and best practices. Work with the curriculum department to embed strategies for accommodations and modifications into professional development. * Analyze data related to: - Placement of students with IEPs in either itinerant, supplemental, or full-time support (Least Restrictive Environment, “LRE,” data) - Achievement and placement data disaggregated by disability category, race/ethnicity, English Language Learner (ELL), and socioeconomic status - Special education referral data - Qualitative data on special education teacher perceptions of current practices (already compiled from 11/3 in-service) - Qualitative data on perceptions of current practices (data from 11/19 administrator meeting) * Identify trends in the data and share findings with the subcommittees to guide their work * Define “inclusion” with a set of standards and indicators that are clearly understandable, measurable, and can be used for planning and evaluative purposes * Research various models and practices that support inclusion (differentiated instruction, co-teaching, inclusion facilitator model, etc.) and synthesize information for Special Education and Inclusion Resource Guide * Recommend a set of guiding principles for special education and inclusion in North Penn based on best practices research and North Penn data * Make recommendations for how to begin embedding inclusive practices into professional development for 2015-2016 Status Vision completed. Resource Guide in process. This will be a living document on the website that is updated on an ongoing basis. Special education website undergoing overhaul to include more information. Role of the team evolved to work in conjunction with curriculum department for PD in 2015-2016. This is currently in progress. Completed. See Year One Report presentation for synthesis of data. Definition of inclusion completed. Standards for measurability still need to be developed. Guiding principles and recommendations for professional development completed. See Year One Report. PLCs and Leadership Academy sessions on inclusion held for NP administrators during Summer 2015. Topics included: (1) Ensuring Success for All: Tools and Tips for Inclusive Schools, (2) Student Grouping and Resource Mapping – Elementary Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) Scheduling Tips for Inclusion, (3) Leading Inclusive Schools: Navigating Complex Change, and (4) Accommodations and Modifications. Inclusive School Culture SubCommittee * Research best practices for developing a welcoming, inclusive school culture and cultivating parent partnerships * Synthesize information on school culture and parent partnerships for Special Education and Inclusion Resource Guide with specific focus to… - How to make the IEP process more easily understandable and less intimidating - Self-determination for students with disabilities and how they can become more actively involved in their education - Actively including parents in the IEP process * Make recommendations for action steps in Years Two and Three for developing a welcoming and inclusive school culture and partnering with parents Open dialogue between parents and staff through small groups occurred. Small groups identified the following: elements that are intimidating or confusing to parents, barriers to parent participation, impediments to smooth annual transitions, from grade to grade and level to level. Parent Resource Guide to be developed and posted on website for 2015-2016. Planning for Inclusive Schools Week began. In conjunction with Montgomery County Down Syndrome Interest Group, North Penn is hosting international speaker, Sue Buckley, on August 24th and 25th. Program Evaluation SubCommittee * Develop a register of all special education programs/classes in the district (i.e. Autistic Support, Life Skills, etc.) with descriptions of support provided to analyze current frameworks * Identify a facilitated self-assessment tool to evaluate current special education and inclusive practices, and work with building administrators to implement the facilitated self-assessment tool in Spring 2015 * Develop a mechanism to garner feedback regarding perceptions of current practices and implement the instrument for regular education teachers, special education assistants, parents and students. Register of all district programs completed and to be posted on website. Facilitated selfassessment (FSA) tool developed and completed in all buildings. Regular education teacher and assistant input solicited through FSA. Mechanism for garnering parent input still needs to be developed. Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) Year Two (2015-2016) Who Steering Committee What Communicate the vision for special education and inclusion as well as the work accomplished by the Status Update – 1/5/2016 In progress. Task Force in Year One to North Penn staff and families Data Analysis Team Leads: Frances Garner, Sara Pileggi Shifting Roles Team Leads: Megan Schoppe (HS) Dana Boccella (Middle) Chrissy Kelly (Elementary) Admin Lead: Jenna Rufo Continue data analysis related to inclusive practices - Review Facilitated Self-Assessment data and School Goal Plans to determine areas of need and identify supports to be provided - Investigate possible root causes for data analysis in Year One further - Analyze student demographic information related to disability, socio-economic status, ELL, race/ethnicity, giftedness Analyze the role of the special educator as it currently exists and the impact this may have on student growth and achievement. Make recommendations moving forward. - - - - Review research on model inclusive schools and identify elements that contribute to success. Review findings from model inclusive schools research in conjunction with: (1) themes in FSA data developed by the Data Analysis Team, and (2) Register of special education programs in the district developed in Year One. Identify the current concerns and barriers in North Penn. Contact model inclusive schools outlined in the research for information on how their special education staff functions. Review inclusion facilitator model and determine feasibility, benefits, and drawbacks. The team reviewed the data from last year’s work and discussed further areas of data collection. A survey to K-12 regular ed and 712 special ed teachers will be sent to gather perceptual data by the end of January. The next meeting is 1/5/16 to review selfassessment data and school goals. The shifting roles team divided into three subgroups by level. Each group reviewed research and articles about model inclusive schools at the onset of their meetings. The high school team is formulating action steps for the department. Meetings are being set up with regular education department chairs to define areas where more support is needed as well as what is working. The team is investigating the use of inclusion facilitators for content area support in 2016-2017. The middle school team reviewed the FSA data and the program evaluation list created last year and began brainstorming ideas for the restructure of special education at the middle school level. The elementary school team developed documents for Collaboration, Professional Development, and Parent/Student Engagement focusing on what is Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) currently in place for each area and what the team would like to see in place. These documents serve as the starting point. The special education administrative team has completed student projections for the 2016-2017 school year. The teacher leads from each Task Force Shifting Role group also attended to represent their groups. Directors, supervisors, and principals will review the projections completed over the next few months to begin tailoring plans for 2016-2017. Communication Revamp the Special Education and Student and Outreach Services website so that it contains useful Team information for families and community. (Leads: Tim Clarke, Cara Weinberg) Leads: Ruth Desiderio Cara Weinberg Develop a Parent Resource Guide to be posted and updated on the Special Education website on an ongoing basis. (Leads: Ruth Desiderio, Cara Weinberg) Develop an Inclusion SharePoint for staff where resources on accommodations and modifications for curriculum use can be posted. Link to current ELA and Mathematics SharePoints. (Lead: Jackie Giammarco) The special education and student services website has been updated and launched. Resources for parents are contained therein. The Inclusion SharePoint site has been created and launched. The communication team is working on an IEP meeting follow-up survey to be sent to parents following their child’s IEP. This will gauge parent satisfaction and understanding of the process. Leads: Tiffany D’Amore, Michelle Rupp Plan and implement activities for Inclusive Schools Week (December 7-11). - Develop a list of activities and provide options to individual schools. - Plan a Home and Schools Association presentation and determine if they will partner with the Task Force. The first Special EDition newsletter of 2015-2016, “The Myth of the Average Student,” was created and sent to all district staff. It is also posted on the website. A quilt project was completed at the elementary level along with announcements in the morning. Due to capacity and time issues, this project was not completed at the secondary level but will be in December 2016. Gifted and Advanced Develop a multi-year action plan for successful inclusion of our advanced and gifted learners with The Gifted committee has compiled a list of websites and Determine relevant topics for Special EDition newsletter and work with staff to obtain resources/write articles. (Leads: Cara Weinberg) Inclusive Schools Week Team Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) Learners Team Lead: Bill Bowen Professional Development Team Lead: Sandy Siemienski/ Jackie Giammarco special consideration to… - Flexible grouping Cluster grouping Acceleration Refinement of gifted screening process Differentiation for gifted and advanced learners Work in conjunction with curriculum department to embed strategies for inclusive practices into professional development offerings. Focus for this year will be on accommodations and modifications. Develop mini PD modules on inclusion. other resources to help with research. The team is currently evaluating the gifted instruction provided at each building and is working towards developing models for each level and instructional strategies. The team has created an Edmodo page to collaborate in addition to face-toface meetings. Inclusion SharePoint developed. This is a resource library where teachers can post their accommodations/ modifications. Focus of professional development segments on accommodations/ modifications. Four separate segments have been developed by the PD team and are in the process of being presented at the building level. There is a “point person” in each building who supports delivery of the presentations. The presentation content is as follows: 1) General Overview and Common Language (Inclusion and Co-Teaching, Accommodations and Modifications); 2) Levels of Accommodations and Modifications; 3) Creating accommodations and modifcations; 4) Using Webb’s Depth of Knowledge and MultiLevel Questioning. Inclusion Task Force – Three Year Plan (Status Update - January 5, 2016) Year Three (2016-2017) - Review progress towards goals from facilitated self-assessments and School Goals Plans - Create goals based on Year Two student demographic data analysis related to disability, socioeconomic status, race/ethnicity, giftedness - Analyze and make recommendations for improvement of the current IEP process with particular attention to… o Consideration of general education with supplementary aids and services as the first option for all students o How students included in general education for less than 80% are included in other ways - Begin planning and implementation of goals related to the role of special educators - Continue professional development implementation on accommodations, modifications and inclusive practices. - Begin implementation of goals developed in Year Two action plan for gifted and advanced learners.