Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
May 12, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Fields, Mr. Siegel
Mr. Bawden announced the Board held a Work Study at 5:00 PM prior to the Board Meeting on
Board Goals and Electronic Communications. He mentioned how every Board member enjoyed
visiting the staff and schools for Teacher Appreciation Week. Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards, and
he attended the Healthy Youth Forum last week, noting it was very well attended this year.
Mr. Bawden said next week starts the mail-in filing period with King County for Director
Districts #4 and #5 elections in November. Both Mr. Bawden and Mr. Edwards plan to run
Mr. Pflugrath noted he and Mr. Edwards met with Ms. Filer at Cedarcrest to go over some of her
curriculum and greatly appreciated her expertise.
Ms. Oviatt applauded Laura Smith for her work on the Riverview Youth Activities Guide
distributed through the schools and the valley, listing the student activities available. She
reported on Cedarcrest sports with girls’ golf winning their 4th consecutive league championship;
boys’ baseball playing for 3rd place on Saturday; boys’ soccer playing tonight; and track
conferences this week.
Mr. Edwards was impressed with the Healthy Youth Forum and the young student speakers.
Mr. Siegel told the Board that teachers from Cedarcrest really liked the flash drives from the
Board. He noted Prom is Saturday at the Inglewood Country Club in Kenmore. FFA sold out all
their hanging baskets and most plants during their plant sale.
Ms. Fields said TSA is planning a lock-in event for all officers of CTSO’s at Cedarcrest. DECA
officers were elected for next year. She also commented on the beautiful artwork from
Cedarcrest displayed on the walls and tables in the Board Room.
Mr. Robertson thanked Board members for attending the All-District Band Concert and wished
he would have been able to attend.
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 09-25: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, Service Contracts, and
Donations, to reflect additional information. (Pflugrath & Oviatt) Unanimous.
Hearing of Public
Jeremy Robkin and Richard Greenfield, along with Carnation 5th graders, Vaibhav Vijay and
Corey Chandler, shared highlights of the State Math Championship. The Carnation Team of
Vaibhav Vijay, Corey Chandler, Christian Aksama and Bryan McClintic, placed 14th and
brought home a trophy. Cherry Valley Elementary brought teams to the competition for the first
time and are excited to attend again next year. The students provided a mental math question to
the Board, with Mr. Bawden getting the correct answer first. Mr. Robertson thanked Mr. Robkin
for all his updates and links on the Math Championship results.
Motion 09-26: To approve the May 12, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 28, 2009
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 170811 through 170950 in the amount of $150,356.93, 171077
through 171190 in the amount of $183,566.08, and direct deposits in the amount of $37.73;
Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 170951 through 170957 in the amount of $12,547.53 and
171191 through 171200 in the amount of $266,662.55; ASB Fund Warrant No. 170958 through
170980 in the amount of $11,775.20 and 171201 through 171217 in the amount of $12,150.73;
Transportation Fund Warrant No. 170994 in the amount of $229,100.76; and Private Purpose
Trust Fund Warrant No. 170981 through 170993 in the amount of $17,073.21. Total payroll for
April 30, 2009 was $1,898,367.48, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 170995 through
171076 in the amount of $658,159.03, and direct deposits of $915,150.36.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
The Board acknowledged the resignation of Diane Amos who started working in the district in
1966. They also mentioned the hiring of a Sports Medicine Teacher/Athletic Trainer,
Christopher Kracht, who is a graduate of Cedarcrest High School.
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Donations, as amended
The Board acknowledged two generous donations to Stillwater Elementary.
Approval of Out-of-State Travel for FBLA Leadership Conference
Approval of 2009 Six-year Capital Facilities Plan
Approval of WIAA Interscholastic Agreement for Cedarcrest and Tolt Schools
Textbook Adoption – Elementary Music
Dr. Smith introduced Karen Llyr and Jonna Farley, elementary music teachers, who presented
the materials to be adopted. They explained the wonderful activities available that are organized
with objectives. The lessons unfold through different stages of learning and assessments. They
engaged the Board in a sample lesson. The Elementary Music Curriculum Committee is asking
permission to adopt Game Plan, by Jeff Kriske and Randy DeLelles, for K-5 elementary as the
core curriculum from which other supplementary curriculum will emanate.
Motion 09-27: To adopt the textbook, Game Plan, by Jeff Kriske and Randy DeLelles, for K-5
Elementary Music. (Van Noy and Bawden) Unanimous.
Julie Werth, secondary music teacher, explained they expanded their curriculum around
individual pieces of music. Funding completed their set of method books and provided sheet
music. She shared pictures of the new instruments and carts purchased for both Tolt and
Cedarcrest bands. As the budget improves, she hopes to have a regular schedule for tuning the
pianos. The Music Department hopes to have Choir available during the day, as it’s now a club
along with the orchestra club.
Dr. Smith thanked the Board for all their help with the Arts in Riverview. He introduced Carol
Gould, the District Art TOSA for one day a week, and mentioned Suzanne Siko who is the Math
TOSA for also one day a week. These two have been invaluable for moving our elementary
math program forward as well as the art program.
Ms. Gould spoke about the CHS artwork and pottery in the Board room, noting CHS now has a
new printing press, and three new pottery wheels, for a total of seven. Thursday’s she’s been
working on Classroom Based Performance Assessments in visual and music arts in all
elementary schools, as well as the middle school. The Visual Arts will present curriculum for
adoption at the next Board meeting.
Data Dashboard
Dr. Smith began with the introduction of SOAR. SOAR stands for Student Online Assessment
Resource. It is a web-based tool that was developed by the Burlington-Edison Technology
Department to allow educators to view assessment information about students all in one location.
Currently, the SOAR system can report on WASL, MAP, and DIBELS assessment data.
Information for Student Learning Plans (SLPs) and Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) will
be available soon. He shared his evolving model of student learning with the Board, noting it
was presented to the Ad Team earlier this day.
Mr. Pflugrath presented a short PowerPoint on Data Dashboards at the Board level. A data
dashboard for school boards can be created to give specific feedback on student achievement and
district progress. This allows the board to fulfill its role of improving student achievement and
holding the district accountable. In developing a data dashboard, the Board needs to determine
what key indicators are needed to provide the data, such as (1) what data should we have
routinely presented to measure success, identify trends and monitor progress; (2) what types of
data comparisons help us determine the district’s challenges and strengths; (3) based on the data
presented, what questions should be asked to get to the root cause if there is a lack of
improvement; and (4) how can the data be viewed to determine Board options for addressing
issues revealed.
Data Dashboard, Cont.
Mrs. Van Noy added that the Board has been working on the Strategic Plan, then on the School
Improvement Plans’ common template, and data dashboards is the next step to measure progress.
Mr. Bawden suggested Mr. Pflugrath and Mrs. Van Noy meet with Dr. Smith on what types of
data is currently available in Riverview. Dr. Smith also recommended the Board visit the OSPI
website for the Washington State Report Card data.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board agreed to change the topic of the next Work Study on May 26 th to Superintendent
Goals’ evaluation. They added Electronic Communications and also Data Dashboard to the
“parking lot” for future discussion.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson reported the loss of 20 FTE students last month, but noted it was very similar to
last year’s May count. The district only lost -1.39 FTE between September and May compared
to a loss last year of -39.49. On an average, the district is up +50.58 FTE students over the
budgeted enrollment for 2008-2009.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson explained he’s been working on the Cedarcrest Baseball Field project a lot due to
an appeal of the State Environmental Protection Act (SEPA) provided for the field. A developer
to the north of Cedarcrest has delayed the process with concerns on the water flowing onto his
Mr. Robertson and Mr. Bawden met with a property owner on the west side of Riverview’s
boundary with Lake Washington who is asking to move the boundary line so that his home will
be in Lake Washington School District. As more information is available, he will inform the
He thanked the Board for attending the Healthy Youth Forum and spoke of the great testimonials
and attendance.
He attended the Stillwater Elementary event “Arts Are Everywhere” and commented on the arts
events across the district.
Mr. Robertson attended the ESD King/Pierce County Superintendents’ meeting last week on
budgets. To his knowledge, Riverview was the only district not planning a RIF or position
elimination due to retirement or attrition. Following the ESD meeting, the Washington
Association of School Administrators (WASA) held a luncheon to honor Community Members
with their award. Riverview’s community member of distinction for 2009 was Dan Mahowald
who you can read about on our website.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
He attended the Eagle Rock Multi-Age High Tea yesterday. They had so many students and
parents attending that it was held at the Holy Innocents Church hall.
The Administrative Team met this morning at Cedarcrest High School in their new conference
room. All administrators toured CHS’s remodeled areas before the meeting, noting how
beautiful and necessary they were.
Mr. Bawden recessed the regular board meeting at 9:00 PM for a 5-minute break before
Executive Session.
The Board entered into Executive Session at 9:08 PM to discuss one personnel item and one
negotiation item for approximately 30 minutes.
Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 9:45 PM. There being no further business, Mr.
Bawden adjourned the May 12, 2009 Board meeting at 9:45 PM.
Board President
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.