Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
March 10, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Fields
Ms. Oviatt
Student Representative: Mr. Siegel
Mr. Bawden noted this week is Classified Employees Week. The Board was scheduled to visit
classified staff yesterday, but because of the weather, has rescheduled for Friday, March 13th.
Mr. Bawden said he attended the Cedarcrest Science Fair and enjoyed observing the various
science projects. He had a meeting yesterday with Mike Flowers, Mayor of Carnation. He
reminded the Board of the upcoming WSSDA Regional Meeting in Issaquah on March 19th. He
also encouraged Board members to participate in the 5K fundraiser run at the upcoming NSBA
Conference in San Diego. He reminded the Board that March 28th is the REF “Evening for
Education” dinner and auction from 6:00 to 10:00 PM.
Mr. Pflugrath attended the Cedarcrest Science Fair and afterwards talked to Dr. Smith about
adding a statistics class to the high school curriculum.
Mr. Edwards said he would be unable to attend the March 24th Board meeting.
Mrs. Van Noy thanked Stillwater Elementary for their artwork in the Board room.
Ms. Fields said the National Honor Society had a bake sale fundraiser. DECA had the State
Career Development Conference and seven students represented Cedarcrest. Chapter Awards
Project team (Courtney Fields and Savannah Osborne) finished in the top 12 and qualified for
nationals. She noted our DECA chapter also received the highest level of membership
recognition this year (Diamond level) based on the activities and community services of its
membership. Tyler Nesbitt (10th grade) finished with a perfect score in Employment Acquisition
and ended up in the top 3. Josh Siegel was once again a finalist for State Member of the Year.
Mr. Robertson said he received a call from Joel Aune, Superintendent of the Snoqualmie Valley
School District, inquiring about student representatives on the School Board. Mr. Robertson will
be sending some information to him.
Motion 09-13: To approve the March 10, 2009, Consent Agenda as presented. (Van Noy and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for February 24, 2009
Approval of Warrants
General Fund Warrant No. 169839 through 169999 in the amount of $209,440.50; Capital
Projects Fund Warrant No. 170000 through 170023 in the amount of $629,380.95; ASB Fund
Warrant No. 170024 through 170045 in the amount of $49,499.88; and Private Purpose Trust
Fund Warrant No. 170046 through 170052 in the amount of $10,679.53. Total payroll for
February 27, 2009 was $1,948,951.48, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 169746
through 169797 in the amount of $58,303.95, and General Fund Warrant No. 169798 through
169838 in the amount of $623,189.92, and Direct deposits of $916,944.04.
Approval of Personnel Actions
Approval of Service Contracts
Math Intervention Program at Carnation Elementary
Mr. Poage, Principal, introduced staff of Kay Smoke, Cindy O’Dannel, Laura McGinnis, Katie
Haack and Ronda Ish. They provided information and answered questions on the Targeted
Assistance Math Program at Carnation Elementary. Video clips of the program in action and a
slide show were presented.
The program components are as follows:
1. Early Intervention Program: Students in grades 1 and 2 are indentified by their teacher
and Classroom Based Assessment’s (CBA) to receive extra assistance and support from
Katie Haack (Educational Assistant) in their classrooms in math. This is not a pull-out
program, but an in-class model of assistance. Targeted students will receive additional
support via the “Teacher Table.” small group, or individualized instruction to help them
with math concepts, vocabulary, skills, homework games, and understanding and solving
word problems.
2. Math Club: Students in grades 3 through 5 are indentified/targeted by their WASL
scores and teacher input to participate in an after-school Math Club. This program is
coordinated and led by Katie Haack with the support of parent and community
volunteers. Students attend at least twice per week to get extra support in math at their
Math Intervention Program at Carnation Elementary, Cont.
3. Parent Education/Communication: On January 29th, Carnation Elementary hosted a
Family Math Night for the entire school population to discuss and review grade level
expectations in math and math curriculum. Teachers met with parents to encourage them
to have a positive attitude about math, as their attitude rubs off on the students. While
parents were meeting with teachers, the students were engaged in math activities. Over
100 students attended the Family Math Night.
Teachers, Kay Smoke, Cindy O’Dannel, and Laura McGinnis, spoke about how the program has
significantly helped students in their class. Ronda Ish, a student teacher, shared a graph that
showed the increase in student test scores after Ms. Haack had worked with the students. All
students improved on their test scores. Mr. Poage said he would love to see this program
continue. The key here is the consistency of the program. To have this sustained over time will
narrow the gap for struggling learners.
The Board thanked the staff for their presentation.
Board Agenda Topics
The Board will be attending the NSBA Conference in San Diego from April 4th to 7th. They will
have at work study at this conference on their data dashboard. The Board will hold a Work
Study on May 12th regarding board goals and self-evaluation at 5:00 PM. They also added an
Executive Session to the May 12 Board Meeting to discuss the superintendent’s salary. The
Board discussed having another work study on the Riverview Learning Center but put that on
hold until further information is available from the architect. On Tuesday, June 16th from 5:00 to
9:00 PM, the Board will have a Work Study on the Strategic Plan.
Enrollment Report
Mr. Robertson provided the March enrollment updates. When you look at the monthly
comparisons, we have dropped 6 students, but have still maintained the K-5 enrollment.
Legislative Report
Mrs. Van Noy will update Board members at the next meeting.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson thanked the Board for recognizing the outstanding classified staff members in the
Riverview School District during Classified Employees’ Week. As far as he knows, they are the
only school board that personally greets and presents each employee with a token of
Superintendent Report, Cont.
The Auditor’s Exit Conference will be held on March 27th. Both Mr. Bawden and Mr. Pflugrath
said they could attend.
Mr. Robertson reported on the Transportation Department’s excellent performance during the
March 9th afternoon snowstorm. They dealt with difficult driving conditions on steep city streets
and rural hills, a tree blocking West Snoqualmie Road, a jack-knifed truck on Novelty Hill Road
and numerous other problems created by the heavy snow. We all appreciate the wonderful job
our Transportation Department does for our students.
Mr. Robertson attended the ESD meeting last Friday. On March 19th they are expecting another
revenue announcement from the State. A $10 billion dollar deficit is anticipated, which could be
a great concern for our district.
Mr. Robertson reminded Board members of the Riverview Education Foundation Dinner and
Auction being held on Saturday, March 28th at the Echo Falls Country Club. He also thanked
Board members for attending the recent CHS Science Fair and girls’ basketball playoff game.
Mr. Robertson reported that we are continuing to hear compliments about the use of Constant
Contact by our school principals. During weather-related issues, Constant Contact has been a
great asset and provides an additional notification to parents and students.
Mr. Robertson said the Safe Schools/Healthy Students Grant will be submitted by Snoqualmie
Valley Community Network on March 18th. The grant will provide services to the Snoqualmie
Valley and Riverview School Districts. Snoqualmie Valley has agreed to administer this grant.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the March 10, 2009 School Board
meeting at 9:03 PM.
Board President
Sandy Christian, Acting Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.