Minutes of Regular Board of Directors’ Meeting
April 28, 2009
District Office – Conference Room A/B
Mr. Bawden, Board President, called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM, followed by the Pledge of
Mr. Bawden, Mrs. Van Noy, Mr. Pflugrath, Ms. Oviatt, Mr. Edwards
Student Representatives: Ms. Fields, Mr. Siegel
Donna Bielstein, Director of Career and Technical Education, proudly spoke of the success of
FBLA students at the Washington State Business Leadership Conference in Spokane. Nine CHS
students attended. Jessica Peck, Zach Hendrickson, and Thuzong Xiong placed 3rd in the state in
Banking and Financial Systems. Jake Lowry, Zach Malek and Gavin Olivas placed in the top 15
in Emerging Business Issues. For the third year in a row, Ulyber Mangune will be attending
Nationals, as he placed 3rd in the state in Word Processing II. Two Cedarcrest FBLA students
ran and won state office positions: Nhuchia Xiong, Washington State FBLA Secretary and
Ulyber Mangune, Washington State FBLA President.
Tim Kennedy, advisor of Cedarcrest’s Technology Student Association (TSA), spoke of the
successful first year of TSA. With 66 student members, CHS TSA is one of the largest in state
membership. Students competed at the Washington TSA Annual Conference in Everett and
shared their awards with the Board. In Imaging Technology competition, Lindsey Bottman,
Megan Caros, and Haley Knox placed in the top five of twelve contestants with Haley taking
second place and Lindsey taking first place. Lindsey shared her first-place photographs on
“What if the world were more accepting.” Trevor Bidstrup received second place in music
production, with Nikki Peck in the top 5. The team of Andrew Ashby, Makayla Marty, and Kyle
Miller won second place in Electronic Video game Design. In the film category, the team of
Michael Shomler and Sam Hill were in the top five. In the On-Demand Video competition
where the teams had to create a one-minute movie in less than 36 hours, the team of Andrew
Ashby, Adam Candland, and Lindsey Bottman won first place. Michael Shomler and Nikki
Peck are also running for TSA state offices.
On behalf of the Board, Mr. Bawden and Mr. Robertson thanked the students, staff and parents
for sharing their projects and awards.
Mr. Bawden recessed the Board meeting at 7:19 PM for ten minutes to view the work presented
by the students. Mr. Bawden called the meeting back to order at 7:30 PM.
Mr. Bawden praised the Cedarcrest Drama students as well as the Music Department students for
their amazing performance of “Anything Goes.” There was a huge component of community
involvement in this production. Cedarcrest High School held their first home track meet. He
will be meeting with the superintendent and a community member on school boundaries; with
Perry Garrison on feedback on the budget process; and with a teacher working on her Masters
that wants to interview a Board member.
Mrs. Van Noy met with David Iseminger, Lake Stevens School Board, for input on our data
dashboard plans. Mr. Pflugrath and Mrs. Van Noy also met earlier this evening with two
students on data dashboard.
Ms. Oviatt thanked Mrs. Van Noy for submitting our proposal to WSSDA for a presentation on
student representatives. She also mentioned she was on a WSSDA interview team looking for a
training cadre to help school boards and to present at conferences.
Mr. Edwards thanked Peggy Filer for offering the Healthy Challenge and hoped all school board
members will participate.
Mr. Siegel announced he will be attending the University of Washington next year. He also
noted he was invited to attend the WSSDA Conference session on student representatives if
Riverview is selected to present.
Ms. Fields announced that Gabby Toledano has received a full scholarship to Arizona State
University for her opera singing and is the only undergraduate to be accepted into Vocal
Agenda Adjustment
Motion 09-21: To amend the Consent Agenda, Personnel Actions, and Service Contracts, to
reflect additional information. (Bawden and Van Noy) Unanimous.
Motion 09-22: To approve the April 28, 2009, Consent Agenda as amended. (Pflugrath and
Edwards) Unanimous.
Approval of Regular School Board Meeting Minutes for April 14, 2009 and Board Work Study
Minutes for April 7, 2009
Approval of Warrants (Appendix B)
General Fund Warrant No. 170582 through 170761 in the amount of $299,738.59 and 170806 in
the amount of $525.00; Capital Projects Fund Warrant No. 170762 through 170772 in the
amount of $265,265.92 and 170807 through 170810 in the amount of $1,113,451.94; and ASB
Fund Warrant No. 170773 through 170805 in the amount of $22,844.27. Total payroll for April
15, 2009 was $40,420.16, which includes General Fund Warrant No. 170564 through 170581 in
the amount of $5,132.18, and direct deposits of $27,262.36.
Approval of Personnel Actions, as amended
Approval of Service Contracts, as amended
Approval of Budget Status Report
Approval of Donations
The Board acknowledged the donations from ERMA PTA for Young Authors curriculum
support and CHS PTA for FBLA student store supplies.
Approval of Heery International Contract Modification
High School Health Textbook Adoption
The K-12 Health Adoption Team had Mrs. Filer and Ms. Redfield, both high school Health
and/or Fitness teachers, review Health textbooks for adoption. After a thorough review, it was
recommended that Prentice Hall, Health, be adopted for use primarily in Freshman Health. This
book will not be purchased for all students. Rather, a classroom set along with the Teacher’s
Edition will be acquired for teacher and student reference.
Dr. Smith advised the Board that the K-5 Health Committee decided to look at more resources
and probably will need another year. The middle school core curriculum is pretty well
developed, expect for a few supplemental materials. The middle school and high school will be
purchasing equipment to round out stations.
Motion 09-23: To adopt the textbook, Health, by Prentice Hall for freshman health curriculum.
(Van Noy and Edwards) Unanimous.
Construction Update
Sean Ryan provided information on the construction projects.
Carnation Elementary Remodel
Erickson McGovern expects to complete their schematic design drawings by the end of April and
their estimates the first week of May. They will then contact the City of Carnation to start the
planning pre-application and the site plan approval process.
Cedarcrest High School Remodel
CDK has completed the bulk of the contracted work and has moved their field office off site.
They continue to work on and complete the punch list items. This project is nearing completion.
Cedarcrest High School Field Improvements
The City of Duvall Site Plan Review is ongoing; presumably in the final stages. Erickson
McGovern is planning to submit to Duvall for the building permit this week. The City of Duvall
indicated they were not supporting the offsite wetlands banking proposal. Design work is now
focused on altering the proposed new parking plan to be built around the existing wetland. This
plan would crate 108 new parking spots and the reduction is supported by the City of Duvall.
Construction Update, Cont.
Cherry Valley Elementary Remodel
Erickson McGovern expects to complete the schematic design drawings and his cost estimates
the week of May 11th.
Riverview Learning Center
Erickson McGovern has provided their schematic design drawings and estimate for review. The
estimate is being reviewed and compared to the budget.
Tolt Middle School Remodel
Building A addition has been given its temporary certificate of occupancy. The punch
list has been forwarded to Allied Construction.
Building C gym foyer interior finishes are being installed.
Allied has completed the column and roof beam installation for Building K addition, and
continues with the roofing overbuild installation. The demolition of the music room has
been completed and Allied has placed the new slab on grade.
Building L is nearing completion and should be turned over shortly.
Back fill activities are nearing completion.
Tolt Middle School Field Improvements
Precision Earthworks has started their prep work for installing the final track surface.
Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan
Mr. Adamo presented an overview of the 2009 Six-Year Capital Facilities Plan. Table 5.1
provides a summary by school level of projected enrollments, current capacities, and projected
additional capacities. A 3% enrollment growth is used over the period of the plan. A deficit in
permanent capacity doesn’t occur until 2014-15 when the new K-8 facility is projected. Mr.
Adamo explained Table 8.3 which shows the formula for impact fees. The end result is $5,648
for single family units and $2,233 for multi-family units. The Board discussed specifics of the
plan. Mr. Adamo noted some tweaking to the plan still may be needed for technical reasons. He
will bring the Capital Facilities Plan back to the Board for approval on May 12. He noted the
Governor signed a bill that enables districts to spend impact fees over 10 years instead of the
current 6 years. Mrs. Van Noy asked that the future need for site acquisition could be mentioned
in the plan notes.
Strategic Plan Status
Goal 3: Provide Human Resources and Communication practices to improve student
Objective 3A: Evaluate and revise the Human Resources (HR) Plan
Task 2: Revise new two-year plan based on evaluation results.
Task 3: Implement the revise HR plan. Dr. Smith reported the Plan was evaluated and
revised earlier in the year by Sherrie Evans and the implementation of the on-line job
application system is ahead of schedule. The system is being used, with staff and
administration training taking place.
Strategic Plan Status, Cont.
Objective 3B: Implement the District’s Communication and Recognition Plan.
Task 3: Publish a quarterly staff newsletter, focusing on district-level programs and
information. The third newsletter was completed in early April with good feedback from
Goal 2: Provide a financial process and safe facilities to support the improvement of
student learning.
Objective 2C: Ensure that the Comprehensive Safety Plan policies and procedures remain
current by periodic review.
Task 2: Include threat assessment and response as part of the Comprehensive Safety
Plan. Mr. Adamo credited Dr. Smith’s research in developing a definition of a threat:
any threat or action by an individual or group that suggests the possibility that serious
physical injury or death may be caused to another individual or group; and a definition of
threat assessment: the process of assessing and responding to threatening situations that
may put students, staff, parents, and/or community at risk of a violent act.
After researching other district’s plans, such as Los Angeles Schools, most have threat
assessment teams (principal, school police officer and school mental heath professional)
to decide if a threatening situation warrants a threat assessment investigation; stating,
however, that any determinations should be made on a case-by-case basis. Mr. Adamo’s
recommendation was to assess whether Riverview has a significant enough of a problem
with student violence that the creation of a new system is justified. If it is, then engage
the building principals in the development of a Strategic Plan goal with tasks, since the
burden of the training and creation of a “team” is a site-based program. Dr. Smith added
that we already have Crisis Teams at the buildings and district office and suggested those
teams could be the same as threat assessment teams. Mr. Bawden noted the difference is
that threats look forward and crisis is in response to. He suggested that the district
engage the building principals to look at the critical response teams with threat
assessment and bring information to the Strategic Plan work study in June.
2009-10 Budget Development
Mr. Robertson provided up-to-date information from the legislature and on the district’s 2009-10
budget development. He outlined the state biennium budget for education:
Suspended I-732 COLA pay
Reduced I-728 dollars by 71.4% - $964,341
Eliminated Math/Science Funds - $58,000
Eliminated Transportation JLARC Revenue - $54,000
Increased employee health insurance benefits by 3% per year of the biennium
Eliminated One Learning Improvement (LID) Day – Loss of one day pay to certificated
staff but the district adds 1.5 TRI days for the next year of the REA Agreement
Continued to Fund K-4 Class Size Reduction – RSD had expected to lose $396,457
If a Special Session is required in the Legislature, only one education bill would be brought back
and that is HB 2378, the Governor’s proposal to temporally lift school district levy lids by 4%
which would further benefit Riverview.
2009-10 Budget Development, Cont.
Mr. Robertson explained the advantages Riverview has over most school districts, including:
Increasing enrollment - $300,000
Increased transportation ridership - $216,000
Strong ending fund balance
Operating a balanced budget for the past years
Additional funding through M & O Levy
Federal IDEA stimulus funds - $320,000
Some expected increases in expenses for next year include:
Lower revenue in the staff mix factor due to less experienced certified staff than previous
years – ($45,326)
Increased Classroom Overload Costs - $50,000
Cost of negotiated agreements with employee groups
Some potential revenue increases include:
Lunch prices
Extended Day Fees
All-day Kindergarten Fees
Special Education Preschool Fees
Sports Participation Fees
Facility Use Fees
Mr. Robertson discussed other budget development areas:
Ending Fund Balance – Use $200,000 each year of the biennium to offset budget deficit
No budget increases in utilities, fuel and substitute employees
Transportation has reduced fuel budget by $55,000. In addition, mileage rate for field
trips, etc., is reduced from $2.10 to $1.29 per mile.
Food Service has increased profits by approximately $20,000 this year which has
decreased the district subsidy to about $10,000. A 25-cent lunch increase for 2009-10 is
expected to eliminate any district subsidy.
Maintenance Department is still under funded by almost $100,000.
Curriculum is using carry over funds and funding over two budget years to purchase math
PARADE Program has significantly increased student FTE while only needing 0.1 FTE
staffing increase.
Special Education will use the federal stimulus funding to positively impact the budget
and reduce reductions to the general fund.
All-Day Kindergarten sections will be increased, one more each at Carnation and Cherry
Valley elementary schools. This may offset the costs of the twelve scholarships to our
most in-need kindergarten students from our ELL program.
Stillwater Elementary reduction of 1.0 FTE certificated staff has been planned since early
in the school year due to the large 5th grade classes exiting.
One unknown factor for this year is the effect of the PSE Negotiation costs.
Mr. Robertson reported that the district is hopeful that a certificated staff reduction in force
won’t be necessary.
Second Reading, Revised Policy 2080, High School Graduation Requirements; and Revised
Policy 2086, Alternative Learning Experience Program Diploma (Appendix F)
Motion 09-24: To approve Policy 2080 and Policy 2086 for Second Reading. (Oviatt and
Pflugrath) Unanimous.
Student Representative Report
Mr. Siegal reported ASB elections are currently going on for next year’s officers; seniors
received their CHS Senior Class sweatshirts; and prom is scheduled for May 16 at the Inglewood
Country Club.
Ms. Fields announced FFA’s plant sale begins on Thursday and continues for two weeks on
Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. DECA, along with other Career and Technical Service
Organizations (CTSO’s) hosted a Laser Tag Event at Cedarcrest on April 17. Only members
from DECA, FBLA, FFA and TSA could attend. The event was made possible by Adrenaline
Laser Sports, a mobile laser tag company in Duvall. Mike Lasserre, owner and CEO, donated all
of the equipment and inflatables for over two hours of game time. The event was such a success
that DECA is planning another Laser Tag event open to all students at CHS before the school
year ends. National Honor Society students have another blood drive at Cedarcrest scheduled for
May 7th.
Mr. Siegel noted the boys’ soccer team is currently tied with Kings for second in league and
girls’ golf is top in the league.
Ms. Fields added that many drama and music students were involved with the hit play “Anything
Goes” last week. She credited Kory Loresch, RSD Maintenance, for his help in building a
massive double-decker ship on stage.
Legislative Report
Mrs. Van Noy noted that Bethel School District sent out 260 potential layoff notices to staff.
She asked that board members thank their legislators for supporting ESHB2261, the definition of
basic education.
Superintendent Report
Mr. Robertson mentioned that PSE negotiations began last Monday, April 20. Mr. Adamo,
Darcy Becker, John Mark, Kaye Wetli, and Jerry Gates represent the district. This morning, the
administrators and two teachers from each building were trained on Professional Learning
Communities by Scott Poirier from WEA. The model was developed by WEA and is an
excellent program.
Superintendent Report, Cont.
He advised the Board that he and Mr. Bawden would be meeting with a home owner on a
boundary transfer request into Lake Washington. The value of the transfer area is approximately
$25,000,000, comprised of 19 different properties and only has one child that attends a private
Mr. Robertson invited the Board to attend the Healthy Youth Forum held at Cedarcrest High
School on May 6 at 7:00 PM.
There being no further business, Mr. Bawden adjourned the April 28, 2009 Board meeting at
10:00 PM.
Board President
Cheryl B. Layman, Recording Secretary to the Board of Directors.