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Lecture 5
Code examples on csserver in directory
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Interprocess communication (IPC)
Shared memory
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Interprocess Communication (IPC)
Processes executing concurrently may be
either independent or cooperating.
Most are independent. They cannot affect or
be affected by other processes executing in the
system. Processes that do not share data are
independent by definition.
Any processes that share data are cooperating
by definition.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Interprocess Communication (IPC)
Why would we want processes to cooperate?
Information sharing
Computational speedup
Cooperating processes require an
interprocess communication (IPC)
mechanism that allows the exchange of data
and information.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signals are built-in, software interrupts that can
be used as a communication technique.
Unix uses signals to notify a process that an
event has occured. Signals may be
synchronous or asynchronous.
Signals can be generated by the kernel in
response to a hardware exception (segment
violation, floating point error) or a software
exception (illegal instruction).
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signals can be sent by one process to another
process via the kill( ) system call.
Users can send signals to the foreground
process with key presses (CTRL-C, CTRL-Z) or
the kill command.
Once a signal is generated, it is delivered to a
process to be handled, in one of three ways:
Ignore the signal
Use the default handler
Use a provided signal-handling function
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Each signal has a default action associated
with it. E.g., SIGINT (CTRL-C) default handler
terminates the process.
A few signals have permanent actions. E.g.,
SIGKILL always terminates the process.
Details of the signal system can be found on
most Unix systems using "man 7 signal". The
symbolic names and numbers are defined in
the <signal.h> library.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signal Handlers
Program in file signal.c demonstrates how to
install a signal handler.
A signal handler simply is a void function with
an int parameter. I.e. all handers have
void hander_name (int signum);
where signum is the signal number being
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signal Handlers
A signal interrupts the current instruction and
control transfers to the handler. When the
handler returns, the interrupted instructions is
The handler has access to global data and may
execute most any code. The main restriction is
that I/O should be done using the read and
write system calls directly as higher level I/O
routines (printf, scanf, <<, >>) are not signal
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signal Handlers
For portability, sigaction( ) should be used to
define a custom handler. Its prototype is:
int sigaction(int signum, const struct sigaction *act,
struct sigaction *oldact);
The sigaction struct is defined as:
struct sigaction {
void (*sa_handler)(int); // handler func
sigset_t sa_mask; // initialized
int sa_flags; // but not used
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Signal Handlers
The sa_handler field is set to the handler
function and the struct is passed to sigaction( )
along with the signal number (e.g., SIGQUIT).
The handler in signal.c simply outputs the
message in buffer and sets a flag. When the
handler returns, the main program sees the flag
and terminates.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Shared Memory
Signals are very low-level and cannot pass
much data between processes. Two main
higher-level mechanisms: shared memory and
message queues.
Look at shared memory today.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Shared Memory
A common paradigm in cooperating processes
is the producer-consumer problem.
Producer - creates information
Consumer - reads and processes information
Generally, do not want to copy data from
producer's process space to consumer's
process space.
Can solve this by using shared memory. Share
variables and definitions. E.g., a buffer
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Producer/Consumer Data
This might look like:
An unbounded buffer
would be impractical.
One possible solution:
// Shared definitions
const int BUFSIZE = 10;
struct Item {...};
Process A
Process B
OS Kernel
// Shared data
Item buffer[BUFSIZE];
int in = 0, out = 0,
numItems = 0;
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Producer/Consumer Data
The buffer is used as a circular queue with two
logical "pointers". in points to the next free
space (at the back); out points to the first filled
space (at the front). The buffer is empty when
numItems is 0, and it is full when numItems is
Must synchronize access so that the consumer
does not try to remove an item that does not
exist, yet, and the producer does not overwrite
an item before it has been consumed.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Producer/Consumer Processes
Item nextP;
Item nextC;
while (true) {
nextP = MakeItem();
while(numItems ==
; // do nothing
buffer[in] = nextP;
in = (in+1) % BUFSIZE;
while (true) {
while(numItems == 0)
; // do nothing
nextC = buffer[out];
out = (out+1) % BUFSIZE;
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
Producer/Consumer Processes
This solution does not address what happens if
both processes want to access the shared data
at "exactly" the same time. In particular, there
is a potential problem if both processes access
the numItems counter simultaneously.
We will look at synchronization techniques in
Chapter 6.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
An example implementation using System V
(SysV) shared memory is shown in file shmprod-cons.cpp
System V IPC and shared memory routines are
defined in libraries <sys/ipc.h> and
Both the producer (parent process) and
consumer (child process) are in this file.
Uses signal handlers to clean up before exit.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
The logical structure of the shared memory is a
shared definition. It can be anything, but
typically is either a buffer of bytes or a struct of
plain data items. In the example, the
SharedMemory struct defines the logical
structure for this program.
The producer process sets up the shared
memory first using shmget, then forks the
consumer process. Both processes map the
shared memory into their address spaces using
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
The shmget( ) routine has prototype:
int shmget(key_t key, size_t size, int flags);
An id is returned that is used in other calls:
// Create named shm block
// Access existing block by name
// Create unnamed shm block
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
The shmat( ) routine has prototype:
void *shmat(id, addr, flags);
The addr argument allows us to specify a local
address at which the shared memory can be
accessed, it should normally be NULL to allow
the system to choose an address. flags is
usually 0. shmat( ) returns a pointer to the first
byte of shared memory.
This pointer needs to be cast to the actual
struct type being used. Access is like any other
struct pointer.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
The shmdt( ) routine detaches the shared
memory segment from the current process.
Detaching the segment does not delete the
segment or clear the segment contents. The
segment can be reattached later:
// Attach shared memory segment
shmaddr = shmat(shmid, (void *)0, 0);
// Detach shared memory segment
ret = shmdt(shmaddr);
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
The shmctl( ) routine is used to change perms
on a shared memory segment, get info about a
segment and delete a segment:
// Remove the segment from the system
ret = shmctl(shmid, IPC_RMID, 0);
The segment may not be deleted until
sometime later, after all processes using the
segment have detached it.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5
System V Shared Memory
Example uses signal handlers to make sure
clean up happens. Otherwise, the shared
memory segment stays allocated in the system.
The program is stopped by typing CTRL-C
which is sends SIGINT to the producer (as the
foreground process). The producer sends
SIGINT to the consumer and waits for it to
terminate. The consumer detaches the shared
memory and exits. The producer then detaches
and deletes the shared memory before it exits.
Friday, January 21
CS 470 Operating Systems - Lecture 5