Lesson Plan Course Title: Principles of Manufacturing Session Title: Career Exploration in Manufacturing Performance Objective: After completing this lesson, the student will be able to explain career opportunities, requirements, and expectations in engineering in an area of manufacturing and demonstrate what they have learned by designing and presenting a PowerPoint presentation based on the criteria in the rubric provided with this lesson. Specific Objectives: The student is able to: List different careers in the field of manufacturing Define different specializations in manufacturing Analyze a career of personal interest in manufacturing Design a PowerPoint presentation and present to the class Preparation TEKS Correlations: This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed. Principles of Manufacturing: 130.322(c)(19)(A)(B)(C) …investigate an area of interest in manufacturing; …analyze the various specializations in manufacturing; …describe the functions of engineers, technologists, and technicians. Interdisciplinary Correlations: English Language Arts and Reading, English I: 110.31(b)(11)(A)(B) …analyze the clarity of the objective(s) of procedural text (e.g., consider reading instructions for software, warranties, consumer publications); …analyze factual, quantitative, or technical data presented in multiple graphical sources. 110.31(b)(15)(A)(iv)(v) …write an analytical essay of sufficient length that includes: (iv) an organizing structure appropriate to purpose, audience, and context; 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. (v) relevant information and valid inferences; 110.31(b)(21)(A)(B)(C) …follow the research plan to compile data from authoritative sources in a manner that identifies the major issues and debates within the field of inquiry; …organize information gathered from multiple sources to create a variety of graphics and forms (e.g., notes, learning logs); …paraphrase, summarize, quote, and accurately cite all researched information according to a standard format (e.g., author, title, page number). Teacher Preparation: The teacher should review the Career Exploration in Manufacturing PowerPoint presentation and the internet links in the presentation and notes, Careers in Manufacturing worksheet handout and Specializations in Manufacturing worksheet handout. The assignment sheet for personal interest should be printed. References: O*Net Online http://online.onecenter.org Bureau of Labor Statistics Career Guide to Industries, 2010-11 Edition http://www.bls.gov/oco/cg/cgs006.htm Instructional Aids: 1. Careers in Manufacturing PowerPoint presentation 2. Careers in Manufacturing Crossword Puzzle 3. Careers in Manufacturing Crossword Puzzle key 4. Careers in Manufacturing worksheet 5. Specializations in Manufacturing worksheet 6. Your Career in Manufacturing Assignment worksheet 7. Your Career in Manufacturing Assignment rubric Materials Needed: 1. Pen or pencil Equipment Needed: 1. Computer with internet access 2. Data projector and screen Learner Preparation: None required Introduction Introduction (LSI Quadrant I): SAY: Today we are going to learn about careers in manufacturing. ASK: What kind of jobs do you think are in the cluster of manufacturing? 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. SAY: Th he careers in n manufacturing offer diffferent challe enges and sskills to produce the prod ducts we use. ASK: What W career areas a are yo ou interested d in learning more aboutt? Outline Outline (LSI ( Quadra ant II): Instructors can use the PowerPo oint presenta ation, slides, handouts, a and note pag ges in conjunctiion with the following ou utline. MI Notes s to Instructtor Outline . I. Intrroduce the le esson A. Discu uss the types s of careers in manu ufacturing B. Expla ain “specializ zations” C. Analy yze differenc ces between engineers, technologists, and d technician ns Teache er should review the presentation, and vview the inte ernet links II. Sh how the Care eers in Manu ufacturing P PowerPoint prese entation A. Introd duce terms B. Expla ain basic care eers C. Stude ent uses Carreers in Man nufacturing works sheet D. Show w general oc ccupations Slides 2-13 III. Specialization ns in manufa acturing A. Prese entation intro oduces differrent manuffacturing spe ecializationss B. Stude ents use handout on spe ecializations C. Comp pare three different speccializations Slides 14-23 IV. Students ide entify terms about caree ers in manu ufacturing A. Comp plete puzzle B. Comp pare the diffe erences of e ngineers, techn nologists, and d technician ns C. Inspect three specializations Studen nts will comp plete the Carreers in Manufa acturing Crossw word Puzzle,, Careerrs in Manufa acturing worksh heet, and Specializations in Manufa acturing worksh heet Distribu ute the Care eers in Manufacturing worksh heet. Distribu ute Specializations in acturing Manufa Worksh heet. 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 20012. All rights rreserved. V. The T teacher presents the e PowerPoin nt assignment Yourr Career in Manufacturin M g. A. Stude ents researc ch an individ ual career B Stude ents work on n presentatio on C. Powe erPoint requirements incclude: 1. cover slide 2. introduction n to career 3 tasks 4. skills 5. reference slide s D. Studen nts will make e a 3-5 minu ute Presentation ents will be evaluated e byy the criteria in E. Stude The as ssignment ru ubric Verbal c Linguistic Logical Mathematica al Visual Spatial Musical Rhythmic Bodily B Kinesthetic K In ntrap personal Teache er introducess the activityy and establisshes standa ards and due dates. Distribu ute the PowerP Point assignm ment Your Careerr in Manufa acturing worksh heet and rubric. Studen nts should usse O*Net Online and tthe Bureau u of Labor Statistics Career Guide tto Industriess, 2010-11 Edition website es for their researcch. Interrpers onal Natura alist Existentiialist Application A Guided Practice P (LS SI Quadrantt III): The teac cher must ex xplain the Po owerPoint an nd provide pe ersonal examples as he e/she goes through the t lesson. The T teacher should not just read it o or let the stud dents read itt. Independent Practic ce (LSI Qua adrant III): s should be monitored m while w they are e doing rese earch and pre eparing the PowerPoint Students presentation to ensure they are on o task. Summary Review (LSI ( Quadra ants I and IV V): Question n: What ha ave you learn ned about th he careers in n manufacturing? Answer: A Alllow the students to expla ain their tho ughts. 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 20012. All rights rreserved. Question: After viewing the presentations, do you think you would like to have a career in manufacturing? Answer: Allow various students to answer. Evaluation Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III): Watch the students in their discussion to evaluate how much they have learned. Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV): The formal assessment will be the evaluation of the PowerPoint presentation they designed and presented and the rubric provided with this lesson. Extension Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV): Students could explore the web for other careers in manufacturing that were not covered in the lesson. 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. Name_____________________________ Date______________ Period _________ Select 3 specializations and complete each box below. Use the internet to fill in the wage, education, and task boxes. Hourly Wage: Hourly Wage: Hourly Wage: Annual Wage: Annual Wage: Annual Wage: Education: Education: Education: Tasks: Tasks: Tasks: 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. Name_____________________________ Date______________ Period _________ Write 5 facts that you have learned about the following careers. You may use your notes. Engineers Technologists Technicians 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved. Your Career in Manufacturing Rubric Task Statement: Students will make a presentation on a Career in Manufacturing in which they are interested in working. Task Assignment: Students will work as individuals to research and design a PowerPoint presentation about a career in manufacturing. The presentation to the class will be 3-5 minutes long. The career will be one in which you would like to be employed. You will explain the education needed, salary, work environment, and any needed skills for this career. Criteria Concepts/Skills to be Assessed Career information Novice 1 Introduce the career only Criteria Categories (Novice to Exemplary) Developing Accomplished 2 3 Introduce the career and Introduce the career and other required materials other required materials, added extra text material Exemplary 4 Introduce the career and other required materials added extra text material, and include photos (Possible 25 points) Design of PowerPoint presentation (1-5 points) Cover, introductory, task, skills, and reference slides are included in PPT (6-15 points) Cover, introductory, task, skills, and reference slides are included in PPT, with attention to design (16-20 points) Cover, introductory, task, skills, and reference slides are included in PPT with attention to design and color (21-25 points) Cover, introductory, task, skills, and reference slides are included in PPT with attention to design, color, and sound (Possible 25 points) Effectiveness of the presentation (1-5 points) Demonstrates basic knowledge of career (6-15 points) Demonstrate knowledge of career (16-20 points) Demonstrate knowledge of career and importance to manufacturing (21-25 points) Demonstrate knowledge of career, importance to manufacturing, positive outlook for employment (Possible 25 points) Student presentation and delivery (3-5 minutes) (1-5 points) Makes presentation for less than 3 minutes (6-15 points) Makes presentation for 3 minutes (16-20 points) Makes presentation for 5 minutes (21-25 points) Makes presentation for 5 minutes and class was attentive (1-5 points) (6-15 points) (Possible 25 points) A = 84-100 points; B = 64-80 points; C = 24-60 points; D = 4-20 points (16-20 points) Points Earned (21-25 points) Total Points: ________________ 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved Objectives: Analyze a career of personal interest in manufacturing Students will work as individuals to research and design a PowerPoint presentation about Your Careers in Manufacturing. The presentation to the class will be 3-5 minutes long. The career will be one in which you would like to be employed. You will explain the education needed, salary, work environment, and any needed skills for this career. Presentations must include: 1. Cover slide A. Career title B. Your name C. Class period 2. Introductory slide A. Education requirement B. Salary C. Work environment 3. Task slide A. Basic tasks B. Specific tasks 4. Skills A. Basic skills B. Specific Skills 5. Reference slide You will be graded according to the rubrics. The teacher will tell you when you will present your project. Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved Name_____________________________________________ Date______________ Period _________ 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 www.CrosswordWeaver.com ACROSS DOWN 5 a person that assembles parts to produce a product 7 a machinist skilled in the building and reconditioning of tools, jigs, and related devices used in a machine shop 8 a person who specializes in technology 9 application of scientific and mathematical principals to practical ends (the design, manufacture and operation of machines, process and systems) 10 to pursue some special line of study, work, etc. 11 to make from raw materials by hand or machinery 1 a person who operates only one machine 2 a person that draws reference points and dimensions of parts for further processing (3 words) 3 persons who are trained or skilled in the technology of a subject 4 a person who sets up, operates many different types of machinery 6 a person that tests and inspects materials and products to meet product specifications Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved M A I C N H S I P N E N G I C S T T O R M O L P T A S S E M B L E R E Y R C O T O O L M A K E R H U T N T E C H N O L O G I S T I P R C N E E R S I R A S P E C I A L I Z A T I O N O S A N U F A C T U R I N G ACROSS DOWN 5 a person that assembles parts to produce a product 7 a machinist skilled in the building and reconditioning of tools, jigs, and related devices used in a machine shop 8 a person who specializes in technology 9 application of scientific and mathematical principals to practical ends (the design, manufacture and operation of machines, process and systems) 10 to pursue some special line of study, work, etc. 11 to make from raw materials by hand or machinery 1 a person who operates only one machine 2 a person that draws reference points and dimensions of parts for further processing (3 words) 3 persons who are trained or skilled in the technology of a subject 4 a person who sets up, operates many different types of machinery 6 a person that tests and inspects materials and products to meet product specifications Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved