

Practicum in




Written and

Research Skills at the




Which research and writing skills are necessary in

LPSCS careers in order to effectively communicate in the workplace?




Prior Student


Language Arts research and writing skills

Estimated Time

3 hours



Written communication skills are necessary in LPSCS careers in order to complete job tasks in a professional and effective manner.


The students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate competence in the research process.

2. Describe the proper way to cite resources.

3. Identify the steps in writing a research paper.

4. Demonstrate the skills of editing and completing a research paper.


Discuss how assimilating information and reporting that information to colleagues or supervisors at work is very similar to the research and writing students have performed in Language Arts classes. Emphasize the importance of proper research, accurate content, and proper grammar in written communications for LPSCS careers. Then as a class, take an online quiz about plagiarism together (to find a quiz complete an Internet search for a “quiz to help students learn about plagiarism”). Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment.

Key Points

I. Steps in Developing a Research Paper

A. Understand the Assignment

1. What ideas are you being asked to present?

2. Who is your audience?

B. Select a Topic

1. Use books, encyclopedias, governmental websites, and/or the


2. Discuss options and ideas with experts on the subject

3. Accept a topic defined by the person who assigns the paper

C. Gather Resources

1. From the Internet

2. From books

3. From journals

4. From magazines

D. Create a Bibliography

1. Use the correct format

2. Use the correct style (i.e. MLA or APA)

E. Conduct Research

1. Evaluate the correctness of the information

2. Evaluate the credentials of the authority

3. Evaluate how current the material is

4. Evaluate whether or not the material is based in opinion or fact

5. Evaluate the reliability of the authors

F. Develop an Outline

1. Clarify your ideas before writing the paper


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2. Organize the order of your ideas

G. Write the Rough Draft

1. In your words, write down the information

2. Transfer ideas in your outline into sentences and paragraphs

3. Get all of your ideas down on paper

H. Complete the Citations

1. Include citations within the paper

2. Use the appropriate format a) Modern Language Association (MLA) style b) American Psychology Association (APA) style c) Chicago Manual of Style (CMS) method

I. Revise and Edit

1. Read the rough draft

2. Rearrange your thoughts as needed

3. Take out any unnecessary information

4. Add any needed information

J. Proofread

1. Read the paper aloud

2. Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation

II. Research

A. Thorough and systematic investigation into a topic to discover or revise information about the topic

B. Where to Gather Resources

1. Internet a) Conduct searches b) Check the reliability of information

2. Books a) Library or bookstore b) eBooks

3. Journals or magazines a) Library or bookstore b) Online

C. Bibliography

1. A list of works compiled according to a common principle (i.e. authorship, subject, place of publication, or printer)

2. Use the appropriate format (i.e. MLA, APA, etc.)

III. Writing

A. Outline

1. A general sketch indicating only the main ideas

2. Use systematic numbering

B. Rough draft

1. The first attempt at a piece of writing

2. Put in essay structure

C. Citations within the paper

1. “The act of giving credit to an author or an authority or a precedent ”

2. Avoid plagiarism


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D. Revisions

1. Changing something that is already written

2. Improve the writing and the paper

E. Proofread

1. Checking and documenting needed corrections in a text

2. Make it accurate

IV. Plagiarism

A. Using the language and/or ideas of another author without permission and/or taking credit for another author’s work

B. Give credit for

1. Direct quotation

2. Information coming from any type of media (i.e. book, magazine, website, movie, song, etc.)

3. Replications of visual material (i.e. charts, pictures, diagrams, etc.)

4. Information gathered from interviews

5. Online information

6. Anything that originates with s omeone else’s thought or ideas

C. Don’t give credit for

1. Common Knowledge a) Generally accepted facts (i.e. water freezes at 32 degrees

Fahrenheit) b) Culturally accepted facts (i.e. national holidays)

2. Your own thoughts, ideas, experiences, opinions, etc.

3. Results gathered from your own experiments or lab work

4. Your own pictures, videos, or illustrations


1. LPSCS Research Paper. Have students research a topic related to an

LPSCS career (i.e. law enforcement, courts, attorneys, correctional facilities, fire service, security companies, 911 operators, etc.) (the topics maybe teacher-assigned or student-selected). Have students conduct research using the Internet, textbooks, articles, and/or other materials.

Have students use MLA format for the paper and their citations. You may provide due dates for each step of the paper or allow student independence in completing the assignment. Use the Research Rubric for assessment.

2. Citation Skills Activity. Divide the class into groups of three or four.

Assign each group a topic. It can be something related to the LPSCS area associated with your practicum or a current event. Have each group find eight different sources on this topic. The groups must include at least one book, one news article, and one website. Each group must create a bibliography of the sources found. Students must use the formats contained within the MLA Style Manual. Students may use the following for assistance in creating their group bibliographies:




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Once complete, each group will present their bibliographies in class.

Other class members will check each group

’s work to determine if their bibliographies are correct according to MLA formatting. Use the

Presentation Rubric, the Cooperative Teams Rubric and/or the Peer

Evaluation Rubric for assessment.


Writing and Research Skills Exam and Key

Cooperative Teams Rubric

Discussion Rubric

Individual Work Rubric

Peer Evaluation Rubric

Presentation Rubric

Research Rubric


Writing and Research Skills computer-based presentation

Computers with Internet Access

Library Facilities

Projector and Screen


Do an Internet search for dictionary and key terms

Accommodations for Learning Differences

For reinforcement, the student will define and illustrate key terms in a journal. Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment.

For enrichment, the student will produce two annotated bibliographies entries taken from the five required sources used in the research paper.

Each annotated bibliography will be a minimum of 150 words. For assistance on completing annotated bibliography, see

Use the Individual Work Rubric for assessment.

State Education Standards

Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education

§130.301. Practicum in Law, Public Safety, Corrections, and Security (Two to Three Credits).

(4) The student demonstrates verbal, nonverbal, and written communication skills in creating, expressing, and interpreting information and ideas, including technical terminology and information. The student is expected to:

(A) demonstrate the use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary when analyzing information and following directions;

(C) use informational texts, Internet websites, and technical


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materials to access information sources for occupational tasks;

(D) evaluate the reliability of information from informational texts, Internet websites, and technical materials and resources;

(G) use academic skills to facilitate effective written and verbal communication.

College and Career Readiness Standards

English/Language Arts Standards

V. Research

A. Formulate topic and questions.

1. Formulate research questions.

2. Explore a research topic.

3. Refine research topic and devise a timeline for completing work.

B. Select information from a variety of sources.

1. Gather relevant sources.

2. Evaluate the validity and reliability of sources.

3. Synthesize and organize information effectively.

C. Produce and design a document.

1. Design and present an effective product.

2. Use source material ethically.

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Name: Date: _________

_____1. Plagiarism includes all except which of the following?

A. Using data gathered from one’s own survey

B. Turning in someone else’s work

C. Using an expert’s own words as if one’s own thoughts

D. Failing to give credit to a psychologist for his or her statistical analysis

_____2. Which sources can be used to gather resources?

A. Books

B. Internet

C. Professional journals

D. All of the above

_____3. When should you create a bibliography?

A. Before you pick your topic

B. After you have gathered information from resources, but before you begin writing

C. After you have proofread your final paper

D. While writing your rough draft

_____4. Why should you proofread your paper?

A. To check for grammatical errors

B. To check for misspelled words

C. To check punctuation

D. All of the above

_____5. You have been asked to complete a report on increased DWI’s in the State of Texas.

The best place to gather information would be which of the following?

A. An encyclopedia that was published in 1972

B. A defense lawyer’s website

C. A website titled “Make Marijuana Legal”

D. None of the above

_____6. Information coming from the Internet is which of the following?

A. Is always reliable

B. Is never reliable

C. Should be evaluated for accuracy

D. Can only come from Wikipedia

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_____7. Which is the only recommended style to use in research and writing?


B. Chicago Manual of Style


D. All of the above

_____8. An outline is which of the following?

A. An oral presentation

B. A resource to be used in your research

C. A general sketch, account, or report, indicating only the main features, as of a book, subject, or project

D. A professional journal

_____9. Which is the correct order of steps to take when writing your paper?

A. Proofread, citations, rough draft, outline

B. Rough draft, outline, revisions, proofread

C. Outline, proofread, rough draft, revisions

D. Outline, rough draft, revisions, proofread

_____10. In reference to research and w riting, all are types of “media” except which of the following?

A. Laughter

B. A song

C. A movie

D. Book

_____11. Using the Internet is which of the following?

A. A lazy way to conduct research

B. Too complicated in conducting research

C. Should not be allowed when conducting research

D. Has made researching easier

_____12. In your research paper, you should give credit for all except which of the following?

A. Common knowledge

B. When using someone else’s words

C. When using a replication of someone’s chart

D. Statistical analysis coming from the Department of Labor

_____13. “Common knowledge” is

A. Statistical analysis

B. Pollution levels

C. Something that is generally known

D. The current birth rate of third world countries

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_____14. An example of a generally accepted fact would be which of the following?

A. An elephant never forgets

B. Dogs are more loving than cats

C. Faucet water is bad for you

D. Water freezes at 32 degrees

_____15. An example of a culturally accepted fact would be which of the following?

A. Europe has a larger population than the United States

B. The United States celebrates the 4th of July

C. Columbia produces the largest amount of illegal drugs

D. The Center for Disease Control has prepared for a zombie apocalypse

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1. A

2. D

3. B

4. D

5. D

6. C

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. D

12. A

13. C

14. D

15. B


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Your Name___________________________________ Your Group Number_______

1) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious

0 1 2 3

Very Serious


Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1

Total Score_______

2 3



2) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious

0 1 2 3

Very Serious


Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1

Total Score_______

2 3




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3) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious

0 1 2 3

Very Serious


Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1 2 3



Total Score_______

4) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious Very Serious

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?


0 1 2 3



What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1

Total Score_______

2 3



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5) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious

0 1 2 3

Very Serious


Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1 2 3



Total Score_______

6) Name of Student ________________________________________

At what level of seriousness did they take this activity?

Not Very Serious Very Serious

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to the brainstorming process?

No Yes

0 1 2 3 4

Did they make a significant contribution to preparing for the activity?


0 1 2 3



What was the level of their participation in the activity(s)?

None A Lot

0 1 2 3 4

Would you want to work with this person in a group again based on their level of productivity?


0 1

Total Score_______

2 3



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Name: ____________________________________ Date:_____________________________


Cooperative Teams Rubric

4 pts.


3 pts.


2 pts. Needs Some


1 pt. Needs Much


N/A Pts.

Participates in group discussions

Encourages others to join the conversation

Maintains the pace of the discussion to achieve goals

Shares ideas and thoughts

Offers constructive criticism and recommendations

Credits others for their contributions and ideas

Empathizes with others

Requests input from others to reach an agreement

Expresses ideas and thoughts

Total Points (36 pts.)



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Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________

Discussion Rubric


Participates in group discussion

4 pts.


3 pts.


2 pts. Needs Some


1 pt. Needs Much


N/A Pts.

Encourages others to join the conversation

Keeps the discussion progressing to achieve goals

Shares thoughts actively while offering helpful recommendations to others

Gives credit to others for their ideas

Respects the opinions of others

Involves others by asking questions or requesting input

Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively

Total Points (32 pts.)



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Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________

Individual Work Rubric


Follows directions

Student completed the work as directed, following the directions given, in order and to the level of quality indicated

Time management

Student used time wisely and remained on task

100% of the time


Student kept notes and materials in a neat, legible, and organized manner. Information was readily retrieved

Evidence of learning

Student documented information in his or her own words and can accurately answer questions related to the information retrieved

*Research/Gathering information (if relevant)

Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information

4 pts.


3 pts.


2 pts. Needs Some


1 pt. Needs Much

Improvement N/A Pts.

Total Points (20 pts.)



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Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________

Presentation Rubric



Topic discussed completely and in-depth

Includes properly cited sources (if used)


Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used

Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format


Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct

Image and font size are legible to the entire audience

Oral Presentation

Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact

Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible

Audience Interaction

 Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message

Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation

4 pts.


3 pts.


2 pts. Needs Some


1 pt. Needs Much


N/A Pts.

Total Points (20 pts.)



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Name______________________________________ Date_______________________________________

Research Rubric



Student identified and communicated a question or goal of the research

Research/Gathering information (if relevant)

Student used a variety of methods and sources to gather information. Student took notes while gathering information


Student drew insightful conclusions and observations from the information gathered.

Information is organized in a logical manner


Student communicated the information gathered and summary or conclusions persuasively.

Student demonstrated skill in the use of media used to communicate the results of research

4 pts.


3 pts.


2 pts. Needs Some


1 pt. Needs Much

Improvement N/A Pts.


Student reflected on the importance of the research and its potential application

Total Points (20 pts.)



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