Assembly Line Justice Course Court Systems and Practices Unit VII Courtroom Professionalism and Personnel Essential Question There are many key players in the court process. What impact do the defendant and the victim have on the court proceedings and what role does discretion have in trials? TEKS §130.296(c) (2)(C)(D) Prior Student Learning Function of the court system, Roles of professionals/jury in the criminal process, and Understands the criminal process Estimated Time 4 hours Rationale The role of the victim and the defendant in the trial process is crucial for understanding our due process justice system. Both parties can make a tremendous impact on the outcome of the trial. Judicial discretion also plays a key role in the trial process. There are many instances when judges do not have discretion due to sentencing guidelines, but they do have discretion within the trial that can impact the outcome of the trial significantly. Objectives The student will be able to 1. Examine the role of the victim in the criminal trial process 2. Analyze the impact of the victim and the defendant upon the courtroom process 3. Discuss the dynamics of assembly line justice and discretion found in court proceedings Engage Do an Internet search for video Mom Delivers Victim Impact Statement. Play and then debate the video. Use the following questions for the class debate. Use the Debate Rubric for assessment. Should a defendant’s courtroom demeanor be taken into account by the jury in making their decision in a criminal case? What role do facial expression, hand gestures, and outward behavior play in the courtroom? Does dress affect the jury’s perception of the defendant? Key Points I. Role of the Victim A. Report the crime – prompt reporting helps ensure preservation of evidence and increases the victim’s credibility B. Preserve the evidence – evidence will be gathered, photographed, and documented for later use in court C. Seek medical attention 1. Victims may have physical injuries that need attention 2. Medical records are documentation of evidence 3. Victims should also seek counseling if needed 4. Crime victim’s compensation can help victims with the cost of treatment or counseling D. Meet with police and prosecutors 1. First responding officers will get basic information regarding the crime 2. Detectives will generally follow up with a more thorough investigation 3. After charges are filed, a prosecutor will be assigned 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 4. Prosecutors and victims’ advocates will meet with and interview the victim E. Testify 1. Adult Victims a. Victims’ advocates will prepare a victim for what to expect during the testimony and the contents of the testimony needed b. Victims will be held in a separate area during the trial until it is their time to testify c. Prosecutors will ask questions first d. Defense attorneys will then cross-examine 2. Child Victims a. The judge will ask the child questions to determine if the child is capable of testifying b. Testifying can be an important part of the healing process for the child c. The child will be prepared by prosecutors and advocates prior to testimony F. Make a victim impact statement – tells the judge and jury how the crime has impacted the victim and his or her family physically, emotionally, and financially G. Register for notification of the defendant’s release – notifies victims about the defendant’s (offender’s) status, parole eligibility, parole hearings, release from custody, and transfer to minimum security facilities II. Victim Impact on Trial A. Victim Impact Statements 1. “…are written or oral information about the impact of the crime on the victim and the victim’s family” –National Center for Victims of Crime 2. Draw jurors away from the procedures of a trial and replace it with a more human emotion 3. Are presented before sentencing, but may also be collected during pre-trial proceedings 4. Give a glimpse into the defendant’s behavior, the impact it has on the victim and his or her family, and gives recommendations for sentencing 5. Are used by the court to examine current crime, criminal history, and medical and psychological stability 6. Can be presented by the victim’s family in cases of murder B. Victim participation in investigations 1. Victims of crime play an essential role in the criminal investigations by providing timelines of events and by providing testimony at trial 2. Victims provide evidence of the crime 3. Victims may be called to provide testimony before the court at 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. several different court dates III. Defendant’s Courtroom Role A. Defendant’s demeanor 1. Dress conservatively 2. Get a fresh haircut for the trial 3. Stand up and speak clearly and intelligently 4. Say, “Yes, your Honor,” and, “No, your Honor” 5. Be respectful – be courteous – be polite 6. Be ready and attentive to be called during the trial 7. Turn off your cell phone and other electronics 8. Be on your best behavior 9. Take notes of questions and comment for your attorney 10. The defendant’s behavior and/or demeanor in the courtroom can greatly impact the outcome of the trial (it has been shown in many high profile criminal cases that jurors use the defendant’s courtroom demeanor to determine sincerity and culpability) B. Defendant’s role in the trial 1. A prior criminal record can impact the decision to testify a. Criminal history can be used to impeach a defendant’s credibility as a witness b. Prior criminal records bias juries while making their decision c. Jurors may be willing to convict on less evidence if the defendant has a criminal record C. Codefendant’s role 1. Plead to a lesser charge in exchange for his or her testimony against the main defendant (See Activity 2) 2. Testimony becomes “he said/she said,” and it is then up to the jury to decide who is being more truthful 3. Codefendants may be convicted in a separate trial which can play a role in the trial of the defendant 4. Multiple codefendants tend to increase the likelihood of conviction for the defendant IV. Assembly Line Justice A. Definition – cases are treated in a specific way by all parties and a standardized response on how to handle the case is developed. Individual details are largely ignored for the sake of expediency and efficiency B. Defendants are all treated the same. There is no discretion for the court. Defendants are merely pushed through the system C. Discretion – The power to make decisions on some matters without being bound by precedent or strict rules established by statutes 1. Juries were put into place as a check on judicial discretion 2. Judges may use discretion in court proceedings. For instance, allowing evidence during sentencing or as needed during the trial 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. process 3. Prosecutors use discretion when determining what charges to bring against defendants and in deciding what witnesses to present 4. Defense attorneys use discretion in determining whether or not to put the defendant on the stand to testify 5. Defense attorneys and prosecutors use discretion when deciding whether or not to offer the defendant a plea bargain D. Example – Operation Streamline 1. Migrants from Mexico and Central America with no prior criminal record have attempted to cross the border in search of work or to reunite with family in the U.S. 2. The first-time offense is a misdemeanor punishable by up to 6 months in prison. Those charged with re-entry face a felony with a minimum of 2 years, with a possibility of 20 years if they have a criminal record 3. The program has removed prosecutorial discretion that requires criminal prosecution of all undocumented border crossers, regardless of their history 4. The program strains the resources of judges, U.S. attorneys, defense attorneys, U.S. Marshals, and court personnel 5. Voluminous prosecutions of up to 80 defendants at a time force courts to cut procedural corners and deprive violators of their due process rights Activities 1. Criminal Case Profile Research. Have the students research high profile cases in which the defendant’s courtroom demeanor played a key role in the outcome of the trial. Then have students report what demeanor was taken into account by the jury while making their decision. Students may also want to find trial footage to demonstrate their points. Use the Presentation Rubric for assessment. 2. Role of the Codefendant Class Discussion. Do an Internet search for Legal experts: Co-defendant's testimony will 'make or break' Kissel case. Read the article and have the students write about the role the codefendant had on the murder trial and how the outcome could have changed without the codefendant’s testimony. Use the Writing Rubric for assessment. 3. Operation Streamline Class Discussion. Have students research Operation Streamline. Then use the following questions for a class discussion: Is this form of assembly line justice affective? Is it fair under the circumstances? Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment. 4. Jury Deliberation. Have the students act as jury members. For jury 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. deliberation purposes, have students read all of the documents related to the case of Clinton Young. (Do an Internet search for save an innocent life). You may assign this as homework or allow them time to read it in class. As the instructor, serve as the judge and mediate the discussion. Students will be asked to vote on the outcome of the case (guilty or not guilty). Based on the vote of the class, open the deliberation up to discussion on why the jurors voted the way they did. Students should be able to discuss evidence that swayed their vote one way or another. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment (this activity can also be presented in the form of a mock trial— to do this, simply assign a particular document and role to each student). 5. Assembly Line Justice Reading, Video and Discussion. Have students read the interview with Defense Attorney Stephen Bright regarding Assembly Line Justice (as homework or in class). After students have read the article play the PBS special “The Plea” (90 minutes) (see links below). After students watch the video, have them discuss the impact “assembly line justice” has on our justice system including the pros and cons of this type of justice system. Use the Discussion Rubric for assessment. The Interview with Stephen Bright: html The Plea Video: Assessments Assembly Line Justice Exam and Key Debate Rubric Discussion Rubric Presentation Rubric Summary Rubric Writing Rubric Materials Assembly Line Justice computer-based presentation Computers with Internet access Presentation materials or computer-based presentation software Computer with Internet access and a projector Resources Assembly-line Justice: A Review of Operation Streamline Taking a Stand on Taking the Stand: The Effect of a Prior Criminal Record on the Decision to Testify and on Trial Outcomes 5 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. The Interview with Stephen Bright The Plea Video National Center for Victims of Crime Do an Internet search for the following: Video mom delivers victim impact statement Ehow victim participation in the criminal justice process Victim’s role in a criminal prosecution Defendant’s brain disease impacts trial Criminal law library blog Jury Expert Has a New Look Save an innocent life Legal experts: Co-defendant's testimony will 'make or break' Kissel case Accommodations for Learning Differences For reinforcement, students will find famous court cases in which the defendant’s behavior impacted the decision of the court. Examine the role that the defendant and any co-defendants played in their conviction or acquittal. Use the Summary Rubric for assessment. For enrichment students will research cases in which judges have exercised discretion in sentencing. Students will write how discretion was used and how it impacted the outcome of the trial. Use the Summary Rubric for assessment. State Education Standards Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Career and Technical Education §130.296. Court Systems and Practices (One to Two Credits). (2) The student explores the roles and responsibilities of members of courtroom work groups. The student is expected to: (C) analyze the impact of the victim and the defendant upon the courtroom process; and (D) discuss the dynamics of assembly line justice and discretion found in court proceedings. College and Career Readiness Standards Cross-disciplinary Standards C. Problem solving 1. Analyze a situation to identify a problem to be solved. 2. Develop and apply multiple strategies to solve a problem. 3. Collect evidence and data systematically and directly relate to solving a problem. 6 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:______ _______________________ Date:________________________ Assembly Line Justice Exam 1) _____ Who will determine whether or not a child is capable of testifying in court? a) Prosecutor b) Defense attorney c) Judge d) Victim advocate . 2) _____ Testifying is not an important part of the healing process for child victims. a) True b) False . 3) _____ When testifying in court, who will be the first to ask questions of the victim? a) Prosecutor b) Defense attorney c) Judge d) Bailiff . 4) _____ When testifying in court, victims’ advocates will help with a) Determining if a child is capable of testifying b) Preparing the victim for testimony c) Ensuring that victims are kept separate from suspects d) Examining the impact the crime had on the victim . 5) _____ Basic information regarding the crime is obtained by whom? a) First responding police officer b) Detective c) Prosecutor d) Victim advocate . 6) _____ Which of the following statements is false? a) Victims should seek medical attention if they suffer from physical injuries that need attention b) Victims should seek medication attention to document injuries/evidence through medical records c) Victims should not seek counseling for emotional injuries d) Crime victim's compensation can help cover costs . 7) _____ Which three steps must be taken when preserving evidence? a) Gather, photograph, and document b) Collect, process for DNA, and log into the property room c) Link to suspect, photograph, and process for trace evidence d) Collect all of suspect's clothes, document location of evidence, chemically process . 7 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 8) _____ Prompt reporting of a crime helps ensure a) Preservation of evidence b) Victim's credibility c) Quick medical attention to physical injuries d) Both A and B . 9) _____ Victims may be called to provide testimony before the court at several different court dates. a) True b) False . 10) ____ Which of these is not part of the victim's role in the court process? a) Responsibility to seek medical attention b) Delaying reporting the crime to help ensure evidence is degraded c) Meet with prosecutors and police d) Testify in court . 11) ____ Which of the following is not true regarding a Victim Impact Statement: a) Plays an essential role in the criminal investigation b) Draws jurors away from procedures and draws upon emotions c) Used by court to establish criminal history and provides medical and psychological background d) May be presented by victim's family in cases of murder . 12) ____ A written or oral statement about the impact of a crime on the victim and the victim's family is called what? a) Reporting the crime b) Crime Victim Compensation c) Victim Impact Statement d) Courtroom testimony . 13) ____ What is it called when cases are treated in a specific way by all parties and a standardized response to handle it is developed? a) Discretion b) Prosecutorial discretion c) Assembly line justice d) Justice . 14) ____ The power of the judge to make decisions on some matters without being bound by precedent or strict rules established by statutes is called what? a) Judicial discretion b) Jury discretion c) Prosecutorial discretion d) Discretion . 8 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 15) ____ Immigrants that reenter the U.S. are charged with what level offense and can receive what maximum sentence? a) Misdemeanor; 2 years b) Misdemeanor; 6 months c) Felony; 2 ½ years d) Felony; 20 years . 16) ____ What are the main reasons immigrants attempt to cross the border? a) In search of work b) To reunite with family c) To smuggle drugs d) Both A and B e) All of the above . 17) ____ Which of the following is not characteristic of Operation Streamline? a) Voluminous prosecutions forced courts to cut procedural corners b) Prosecutors have ultimate discretion in prosecution of documented border crossers c) Up to 80 defendants at a time, depriving due process d) Maximum of 6 months for first offense . 18) ____ Which of the following is not true about codefendants? a) They may plead to a lesser charge in exchange for testimony b) It is often "he said/she said" type of testimony c) Codefendants may be convicted in the same or in a different trial d) Codefendants do not have to testify against each other . 19) ____ Jurors may use the defendant's demeanor in the courtroom to determine a) Guilt or innocence b) Sincerity and culpability c) Physical and mental abilities d) Ability to testify in his/her own behalf . 20) ____ To show interest and participation in the trial, the defendant should: a) Be respectful, courteous, and polite B) Take notes to ask his attorney c) Stand up, and speak clearly and intelligently d) All of the above . 21) ____ Prior to entering the courtroom, the defendant should turn his cell phone to silent. a) True b) False . 9 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. 22) ____ The defendant's demeanor in the courtroom makes a tremendous impact on the jury. In order to portray a softer image, defendants may utilize which of the following tactics? a) Dress conservatively in clean business attire b) Wear his or her hair in dread locks c) Say "yeah" and "what?" to the judge d) Sleep during testimony . 23) ____ Victims that sign up for notification of defendant's release will be notified of which of the following changes? a) Inmate status b) Parole eligibility and parole hearing dates c) Release from custody or transfer d) All of the above . 24) ____ Victim Impact Statements should include all but which of the following? a) Physical impact of crime b) Emotional impact of crime c) Financial impact of crime d) They should include all of the above . 10 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Assembly Line Justice Exam Key 1) C 2) B 3) A 4) B 5) A 6) C 7) A 8) D 9) A 10) B 11) A 12) C 13) C 14) A 15) D 16) D 17) B 18) D 19) B 20) D 21) A 22) A 23) D 24) D 11 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________________ Debate Rubric Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Information Clear, accurate and thorough Facts, statistics, and/or examples are used to support major points Communication Respectful body language Respectful responses Focused/On-topic Sarcasm avoided Participation Full participation Attentive listening Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 12 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________ Discussion Rubric Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Participates in group discussion Encourages others to join the conversation Keeps the discussion progressing to achieve goals Shares thoughts actively while offering helpful recommendations to others Gives credit to others for their ideas Respects the opinions of others Involves others by asking questions or requesting input Expresses thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 13 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Presentation Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. Topic/Content Topic discussed completely and in-depth Includes properly cited sources (if used) Creativity/Neatness Integrates a variety of multimedia effects to create a professional presentation (transition and graphics) or appropriate visual aid used Title slide, table of contents, bibliography are included, using acceptable format Mechanics Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization are correct Image and font size are legible to the entire audience Oral Presentation Communicates with enthusiasm and eye contact Voice delivery and projection are dynamic and audible Audience Interaction Presentation holds audience’s attention and relates a clear message Clearly and effectively communicates the content throughout the presentation Total Points (20 pts.) Comments: 14 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name_______________________________________ Date_______________________________ Summary Rubric Objectives 4 pts. Excellent 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. The critical analysis has all required parts from introduction to body to conclusion. The critical analysis is concise but complete. The critical analysis demonstrates that the writer comprehends the content. The critical analysis demonstrates accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. The overall content of the critical analysis emphasizes appropriate points. The writer shows an understanding of sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation. The source of the critical analysis is clearly and accurately documented. The critical analysis demonstrates the correct use of terminology. Total Points (32 pts.) Comments: 15 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved. Name:____________________________________ Date:_____________________________ Writing Rubric 4 pts. Excellent Objectives 3 pts. Good 2 pts. Needs Some Improvement 1 pt. Needs Much Improvement N/A Pts. The writing has all required parts from introduction to conclusion in smooth transition. The writing is interesting, supportive, and complete. The writing demonstrates that the writer comprehends the writing process. Accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation The content of paragraphs emphasizes appropriate points. The writer shows an understanding of sentence structure, paragraphing, and punctuation. All sources and references are clearly and accurately documented. Total Points (28 pts.) Comments: 16 Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.