Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Principles of Information Technology
Session Title: Using Text Effects
Lesson Duration: 90 minutes (time is approximate)
Performance Objective:
Upon completion of this lesson, the student will be able to create a text document that
demonstrates creativity utilizing all of the features of text effects.
Specific Objectives:
• Define terms associated with the lesson
• Identify the options for text effects available in word-processing software
• Determine a personal need for using text effects
• Build a personal text document utilizing the options for text effects to convey a message
• Evaluate the use of text effects
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of one or more of the TEKS listed.
130.272 (c) Principles of Information Technology
(1)(B) identify and demonstrate positive personal qualities such as flexibility, openmindedness, initiative, listening attentively to speakers, and willingness to learn new
knowledge and skills;
(1)(C) employ effective reading and writing skills;
(7)(A) identify the terminology associated with word-processing software and its functions;
(7)(C) edit a variety of text documents using functions such as pagination, appropriate white
space, tab settings, and font style, size, and color;
(7)(D) create professional letters using advanced word-processing features.
Curriculum-developer knowledge
Instructional Aids:
• Text Effects Vocabulary (handout)
• Text Effects Vocabulary Presentation
• Text Effects Lesson Outline Presentation
• Text Effects Vocabulary Review
• Text Effects Outline Organizer (handout)
• Text Effects Activities
• Text Effects Assignment Instructions and Evaluation
Materials Needed:
• Word-processing software (this lesson specifically references a 2007 version of a
popular professional word-processing application)
Instructional aids
Equipment Needed:
• Projector for Presentation
• Computer Lab
• Internet Access
A prerequisite to this lesson is mastery of an Introduction to Word Processing lesson. Students
will review the “Text Effects Vocabulary” handout the night before class.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
ASK, “Did you know that there are some great ways for you to ‘spice’ up the text in
your word-processing document? You can enhance the font, insert specialized text,
and even use text ‘art’ to create some amazing text effects.”
SAY, “Today, we’re going to take a look at these tools, and you will have the
opportunity to create your own text document using the text effect features we learn
today to write a letter to a friend or loved one to ‘show off’ your new skills.”
Outline (LSI Quadrant II): Instructors can use the
slideshow presentation, slides, handouts, and note
pages in conjunction with the following outline. Be
certain to review the “Text Effects Activities” document
before presenting the lesson.
• Define terms/concepts associated with the
• Ribbons – An organized group of related
commands displayed by clicking its tab.
Each collection of commands found in a
ribbon is further grouped into sections.
Font Dialog Box – Main option on the
‘Home’ ribbon that provides you with
font options such as font type, style,
size, color, and text effects.
Font Type – There are hundreds of font
types available (such as Times New
Roman or Arial) that change the way a
word appears and provide visual impact
and style.
Font Size – Sizes range from very tiny
to extremely large (with point sizes from
8 – 72) or customized sizes that you can
type in (up to any size, but ~600 is about
Instructor Notes:
• Review the
vocabulary terms
previously given to the
student using the “Text
Effects Vocabulary
Presentation”. Each slide
will include a screen shot
to illustrate the text effect
being discussed.
(*Option – Students do
not have to write in the
definition on their
organizer since they
already have the
vocabulary handout and
will complete the “Text
Effects Vocabulary
Review” activity as part of
the lesson summary.)
the largest you can go to fit on one
Font Style – You have the choice of
‘Regular’, ‘Italic’, ‘Bold’, or ‘Bold Italic’ for
the style of font.
Font Color – You can format your text in
any color you choose. You will choose
from a color grid or enter a custom color
Text Effects – This option makes letters
‘stand out’ with options such as
embossing, engraving, and shadowing.
Text Art – Gives an ‘artsy’ feel to letters
and words with flashy color and bold
design. Allows you to format words
horizontally and vertically as well as with
other emphasizing options.
Discuss the relevance of using text effects
• Enhancement of a message
• Discuss how overwhelming
straight text can be for a reader
and how visual impact can be
added to text to enhance the
overall message.
• Show example of a text
document with just plain straight
text. Then, show an example of
a text document with text that is
enhanced with visual impact
using Text Art or Text Effects
Demonstrate implementing text effect options
as students watch
• Demonstrate using the following
tools/features (see guided practice)
• Navigate to the Font Dialog Box
• Change the font type (show
some of the more ‘unique’
options available)
• Change the font style
(demonstrate all four options)
• Change the font size (very small
to very large)
• Change the font color (use your
school colors or have the class
choose a custom color)
• Demonstrate all of the available
text effects with the ‘preview’
option turned on
• Insert a text art text block
Use the “Text Effects
Lesson Outline
Presentation” to guide
you as you demonstrate
using the text effect
Have the students
complete the “Text Effects
Outline Organizer” as you
present II And III of this
Explain Independent Practice Activity
• Students will create their own text
document using the text effects taught in
this lesson to write a letter to a loved
Review the “Independent
Document Creation”
instruction with the
students (See “Text
Effects Activities”
document). Give each
student a copy of the
“Text Effects Evaluation”.
Review the rubric with the
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
The teacher will demonstrate navigating to the font dialog box, changing the font
type, changing the font style, changing the font size, changing the font color, using
text effects, and inserting text art. Ask one or two volunteers to re-demonstrate in
front of peers. Encourage students watching to peer-coach and evaluate the
student demonstrator on model building techniques.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Students will complete the Independent Document Creation Activity (See “Text
Effects Activities” document.)
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q&A Session
Q: What are ribbons?
A: Ribbons are an organized group of related commands displayed by clicking its
tab. Each collection of commands found in a ribbon is further grouped into
Q: What are text effects?
A: This option makes letters ‘stand out’ with options such as embossing, engraving,
and shadowing.
Q: Why is it important to add visual appeal to a text document?
A: A reader can be overwhelmed when trying to comprehend a large block of text
without any visual emphasis.
Q: What’s the difference between font type and font style?
A: Font style includes the formatting options ‘Regular’, ‘Italic’, ‘Bold’, or ‘Bold Italic’
for the style of font, while font type changes the appearance and shape of the
letters (e.g.,. Times New Roman or Arial).
Text Effects Vocabulary Review Activity
Students will use the “Text Effects Vocabulary Review” as a review of the lesson.
Afterwards, the teacher will go through the worksheet with the class.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
• The teacher will observe student demonstrators and observers during
guided practice to assess student understanding of concepts and
techniques. Revision/re-teach will occur as needed before moving to the
Independent Practice portion of the lesson.
• The teacher will circulate through the lab as students work independently to
redirect/re-teach as necessary.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
Teacher will use the “Text Effects Evaluation”.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
• Incorporate good writing practice by setting requirements for
grammar/spelling, length, and writing style in the letter. Allow students to
print the letter (with a color printer if possible) to give to the recipient.
Teaching Strategies
Lecture, discussion, journal
writing, cooperative learning,
word origins
Problem solving, number
games, critical thinking,
classifying and organizing,
Socratic questioning
Mind-mapping, reflective
time, graphic organizers,
color-coding systems,
drawings, designs, video,
DVD, charts, maps
Use music, compose songs
or raps, use musical
language or metaphors
Use manipulatives, hand
signals, pantomime, real life
situations, puzzles and board
games, activities, roleplaying, action problems
Reflective teaching,
interviews, reflective listening,
KWL charts
Cooperative learning, roleplaying, group brainstorming,
cross-cultural interactions
Natural objects as
manipulatives and as
background for learning
Socratic questions, real life
situations, global
Personal Development
Reading, highlighting, outlining,
teaching others, reciting information
Organizing material logically, explaining
things sequentially, finding patterns,
developing systems, outlining, charting,
graphing, analyzing information
Developing graphic organizers, mindmapping, charting, graphing, organizing
with color, mental imagery (drawing in
the mind’s eye)
Creating rhythms out of words, creating
rhythms with instruments, playing an
instrument, putting words to existing
Moving while learning, pacing while
reciting, acting out scripts of material,
designing games, moving fingers under
words while reading
Reflecting on personal meaning of
information, studying in quiet settings,
imagining experiments, visualizing
information, journaling
Studying in a group, discussing
information, using flash cards with
other, teaching others
Connecting with nature, forming study
groups with like-minded people
Considering personal relationship to
larger context
Text Effects Activities
Class Brainstorm/Discussion:
Instructions for Teacher:
During the lesson, involve the entire class in discussions/brainstorms
about the relevance of using text effects and the need for visual impact
and emphasis of words and groups of words.
Class participation in Teacher Demonstration:
Instructions for Teacher:
As you demonstrate using text effects, get student buy-in by involving
them in the process. Students will observe, but then you should ask one or
two volunteers to re-demonstrate in front of peers. Encourage students
watching to peer coach and evaluate the student demonstrator on model
building techniques.
Independent Document Creation:
Instructions for Teacher:
Students will independently create a text document utilizing text effects to
create a visually stimulating letter to a friend or loved one. If you’d like, you
could print the letter for students to deliver themselves.
Instructions for Student:
Now that you have seen the use of text effects, you’re going to create your
own personalized letter to a friend or loved one and apply the text effects
we’ve learned today. You will first need to decide on the person who will
receive your letter. Next, type your letter in plain, normal text. Finally, use
all of the text effect options we have learned today to enhance the letter.
This will include using a unique font type, demonstrating the use of all four
font styles, using different font sizes and colors, and using one of the text
effect options such as shadowing or embossing. Finally, you will need to
incorporate at least one piece of text art into your letter.
Name ______________________________________________ Date _____________
Instructions for Text Effects Assignment
Type a letter to a friend or loved one using plain, normal text and then apply the text
effects demonstrated in class. This will include using a unique font type, demonstrating
the use of all four font styles, using different font sizes and colors, and using one of the
text effect options such as shadowing or embossing. Finally, you will need to
incorporate at least one piece of text art into your letter.
Compare your work to the Evaluation Check Sheet before printing your final copy to be
Evaluation Check Sheet
The student typed a recipient's name and signed the letter.
The student correctly changed the font type from the default font in
his/her text document.
The student demonstrated the use of the regular font style.
The student demonstrated the use of the bold font style.
The student demonstrated the use of the italic font style.
The student demonstrated the use of the bold italic font style.
The student correctly changed the size of the text using two different
The student correctly changed the text using two different font
The student correctly changed the text using at least one text effect
The student correctly inserted a piece of text art into the document.
Text Effects Vocabulary
Ribbons – An organized group of related commands displayed by clicking its tab. Each
collection of commands found in a ribbon is further grouped into sections.
Font Dialog Box – Main option on the ‘Home’ ribbon that provides you with font options
such as font type, style, size, color, and text effects.
Font Type – There are hundreds of font types (such as Times New Roman or Arial) that
change the way a word appears and provides visual impact and style.
Font Size – Text sizes range from very tiny to extremely large (with point sizes from 8 –
72) or customized sizes that you can type in (up to any size, but ~600 is about
the largest you can go to fit on one page)
Font Style – You have the choice of ‘Regular’, ‘Italic’, ‘Bold’, or ‘Bold Italic’ for the style
of font.
Font Color – Allows you to format your text in any color you choose. You can choose
from a color grid or enter a custom color number.
Text Effects – This option makes letters ‘stand out’, with options such as embossing,
engraving, and shadowing.
Text Art – Gives an ‘artsy’ feel to letters and words with flashy color and bold design.
Allows you to format words horizontally and vertically, as well as with other
emphasizing options.
Text Effects Vocabulary Review
An organized __________ of related
__________ displayed by clicking its tab. Each
collection of commands found in a ribbon is further
grouped into sections.
Font Dialog Box – Main option on the ‘Home’ Ribbon’ that provides you
with __________ __________ such as font type, style,
size, color, and text effects.
Font Type –
There are hundreds of font types (such as Times New
Roman or Arial) that change the way a word
__________ and provides __________ __________
and style.
Font Size –
Text sizes range from very __________ to extremely
__________ (with point sizes from 8 – 72) or
customized sizes that you can type in (up to any size,
but ~__________ is about the largest you can go to fit
on one page)
Font Style –
You have the choice of ‘__________’, ‘__________’,
‘__________’, or ‘Bold Italic’ for the style of font.
Font Color –
Allows you to format your text in any color you choose.
You can choose from a __________ ___________ or
enter a custom color number.
Text Effects –
This option makes letters ‘__________ __________’,
with options such as embossing, engraving, and
Text Art –
Gives an ‘__________’ feel to letters and words with
flashy color and bold design. Allows you to format
words __________ and __________, as well as with
other emphasizing options.
Text Effects Outline Organizer
Terms/concepts associated with the lesson
Ribbon –
Font Dialog Box –
Font Type –
Font Size -
Font Style –
Font Color –
Text Effects –
Text Art –
Relevance of Using Text Effects
Enhancement of a message
• Straight text can be ______________ for a reader. Text effects can be
used to add _____________ ___________ and to __________ the
overall message.
Teacher will Demonstrate Using Text Effects
Demonstration of Using Text Effects
• Navigate to the Font Dialog Box
• Change the font type
• Change the font style
• Change the font size
• Change the font color
• Demonstrate all of the available text effects with the ‘preview’ option
turned on
• Insert a text art text block
Students will use creativity to make a text document that utilizes text effect. Please fill in the
name of the person you’ll be sending your letter to: ___________________________________.