– You’re Hired! Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan – You’re Hired!
Course Title: Business Management
Session Title: You’re Hired!
Performance Objective:
 Upon completion of this lesson, the student will understand the importance of human
resources to any business.
Approximate Time:
When taught as written, this lesson should take 4-5 days to complete.
Specific Objectives:
 Students will understand the activities that occur in a human resources department.
 Students will identify procedures in recruiting and selecting new employees.
 Students will understand legislation relating to employment.
TEKS Correlations:
This lesson, as published, correlates to the following TEKS. Any changes/alterations to the
activities may result in the elimination of any or all of the TEKS listed.
The student explains the role of staffing within an organization. The student is expected to:
explain or define the major federal employment laws
define adverse impact and employment discrimination
identify sexual harassment in the workplace
explain the methods of recruiting potential employees
define the selection process for new employees
explain the needs and types of training for newly hired employees
explain how employees should be compensated in a competitive environment
explain the need and benefits of a diverse workforce
research contemporary cases addressing recruitment, downsizing, and diversity using
appropriate online resources
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
110.33(b)(1)(A) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content areas
(e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek or other linguistic
roots and affixes.
110.33(b)(1)(C) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word
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110.33(b)(12)(B) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media,
images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media.
110.33(b)(12)(C) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.
110.33(b)(12)(D) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and
Occupational Correlation (O*Net – http://www.onetonline.org/)
Training and Development Specialists
Similar Job Titles: Corporate Trainer, Job Training Specialist, Training Coordinator
Assess training needs through surveys, interviews with employees, focus groups, or consultation
with managers, instructors, or customer representatives.
Design, plan, organize and direct orientation and training for employees or customers of industrial
or commercial establishment.
(Soft) Skills:
Speech clarity; originality; oral expression
Accommodations for Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be
modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found on
the Special Populations page of this website.
Teacher Preparation:
1. Business Principles and Management, Everard Burrow, South-Western Thompson Learning
2. http://www.dol.gov/opa/aboutdol/lawsprog.htm
3. http://www.bls.gov/oco/ocos021.htm#outlook
4. http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/
5. http://www.osha.gov/
6. http://www.osha.gov/dep/index.html
Instructional Aids:
1. “You’re Hired!” Presentation
2. Labor Laws Report Assignment #1
3. Labor Laws Report Assignment #1 Rubric
4. College Major Research Table Assignment #2
5. College Major Research Table Assignment #2 Rubric
6. Job Offer Scenario T-Chart Assignment #3
7. Job Offer Scenario T-Chart Assignment #3 Rubric
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Materials Needed:
1. Posterboard or flip chart paper
2. Markers
Equipment Needed:
1. Computers for students to complete projects
2. Projector for presentation
Learner Preparation:
1. Ask students what they think the most important resource of any business is. The most
common response will probably be money. Discuss with them that humans are the most
important resource because people are responsible for effective use of all of the resources
of the business, including money.
Lesson Plan
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I)
1. Ask students if they have heard of the phrase “human resource management”. Human
resources are also referred to as ‘personnel’. Students may have heard of that term.
Determine which students have or have had jobs in the past. Ask them for the steps they
went through to get the job and what happened shortly after they were hired, such as
training. List the activities that are mentioned on the board or document camera for each
student who responds. After several jobs and steps are listed, have students take turns
circling the activities that each job had in common.
Important Terms for this Lesson:
 Human resource management – all activities involved with acquiring, developing, and
compensating the people who do the company’s work
 360-degree feedback – a form of performance evaluation which utilizes feedback gathered
from a broad range of people with whom the employee works, both inside and outside the
 Employee assistance programs – provide confidential problem-solving, counseling, and
support services for employees
 Job description – a list of the basic tasks that make up a job
 Job specification – a list of the qualifications a worker needs to do the job
 Performance review or appraisal – the process of assessing how well employees are doing
their jobs
 Promotion – the advancement of an employee within a company to a position with more
authority and responsibility
 Transfer – the assignment of an employee to another job in the company that generally
involves the same level of responsibility and authority as the person’s current work
 Discharge – the release of the employee from the company due to inappropriate work
 Layoff – temporary or permanent reduction in the number of employees because of a
change in business conditions
 Employee turnover – the rate at which people enter and leave employment in a business
during a year
 Exit interview – a formal interview with an employee who is leaving the company to
determine the person’s attitudes about the company and suggestions for improvement
 Compensation – the pay and other benefits employees receive in exchange for their labor
 Wage – pay based on an hourly rate
 Salary – pay based on a time frame other than hourly, such as weekly or monthly
 Commission plan – pays employees a percentage of the volume of sales for which they are
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Piece-rate plan – pays the employee a fixed rate for each unit produced
Combination plan – a pay plan that provides each employee a small wage or salary and
adds incentive pay based on the person’s performance
 Bonus – money paid at the end of a specific period of time for performance that exceeds the
expected standard
 Employee benefits – all forms of compensation and services the company provides to
employees in addition to salaries and wages
 Profit-sharing plan – a benefit plan that pays employees a small percentage of the
company’s profits at the end of the year
 Pension plan – a company-sponsored retirement plan that makes regular payments to
employees after retirement
 Flextime – lets employees choose their own work hours, within specified limits
 Job-sharing – allows two people to share one full-time job
 Cafeteria plan – a program in which employees can select the benefits that meet their
personal needs
Outline (LSI Quadrant II)
Instructors can use the presentation, slides, handouts, and the Internet in conjunction with the
following outline.
Notes to Instructor
Human Resource Management Activities
Use presentation as
A. Employment
1. Recruiting
2. Determining qualifications
Without people, there
3. Hiring
would be no
4. Transfers, promotions, retirements,
businesses. That is
why Human
B. Wages and Benefits
Resources is so
1. Developing a pay system
important. There is
2. Insurance
much more involved
3. Vacations
with Human
4. Other benefits
Resources than
C. Employee Relations
merely hiring
1. Negotiating labor contracts with unions
2. Provide support materials and training
3. Compliance with equal employment and On the board,
affirmative action laws
posterboard, or
D. Health and Safety
flipchart write the
1. Safety trainings
topics on the left from
2. Work-related injuries and illnesses
A-G. Assign each of
3. Wellness and fitness programs
the topics to different
E. Performance Management
student pairs. Give
1. Develop, with management, evaluation
them a few minutes to
system and materials
research their topic on
2. Provide 360-degree feedback – people
the Internet and have
who are peers of the employee
them write a phrase or
contribute performance feedback
two about what their
F. Employee Assistance Programs
topic covers. Then go
1. Confidential support services for
over each of the
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2. Usually voluntary
3. Facilitate activities that help employees
balance work and personal lives
Employment Planning and Research
1. Maintain and review employee records
2. Research competitive employment
topics with them and
add to them as
Selecting Personnel
A. Establishing a need
1. Employees may leave
2. Company may be growing
3. Job description created
4. Job specification created
B. Recruiting applicants
1. Current employees
2. Unsolicited applicants
3. Employment agencies
4. Other sources
a. Colleges and universities
b. Vocational and technical schools
c. Advertising
d. Internet
C. Processing applications
1. Review applications for minimum
2. Conducting interviews
3. Check references
4. Administer tests for knowledge and
5. Interview conducted by someone in the
department with the opening
6. Final selection made
7. New employee paperwork filled out
Have students go to
the following site:
k . Go over with them
what it is that Human
Resource Specialists
actually do.
Promoting, Transferring, and Releasing
A. Promotion – companies encouraged to fill
positions by promotion (promoting from
B. Transfer – lateral move
1. To gain experience, better chance for
2. Growth or reduction in departments
3. Employee choice
4. Personality conflicts
C. Discharge = fired
D. Layoff
1. HR helps employees plan
Explain to students
some of the policies
related to your job,
regarding hiring from
within, i.e., posting a
job within the district
before it becomes
available to the public.
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Explain to students
the details involved in
recruiting applicants
for jobs. Have
students look at
various college web
sites to see if they
have career
placement centers.
These can be a
valuable resource for
college graduates.
Ask students to
research on the
Internet reasons why
employees may be
laid off, transferred, or
2. HR may help locate jobs
3. HR offers counseling
4. HR can provide retraining
Employee Turnover – the rate at which
employees enter and exit a company
Exit Interview – an interview upon an
employee’s leaving a company
Employee Compensation
A. Wage and Salary Plans
1. Time Plan – pay based on amount of
time worked
2. Performance plan
a. Commission plan
b. Piece-rate plan
3. Combination plan
a. Encourages cooperation
b. Includes a bonus
Employee Benefits
A. Customary Benefits
1. Profit-sharing
2. Pension plan
B. Hours of Work
1. Flextime
2. Job sharing
C. Other Benefits
1. Free- or low-cost professional services
2. Day care
3. Cafeteria plans – benefits that can be
customized based on what the
employee’s preferences are
Employment Laws
A. OSHA – safety and health standards
B. Fair Labor Standards Act – established
minimum wage
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fired. Have them
volunteer their
responses and put on
the board or
document camera.
Then discuss with
them if they think the
reasons provided are
fair or not.
Discuss with students
the different types of
jobs that get different
types of pay, for
example, hourly pay
for part-time jobs,
commission for real
estate or sales, and
piece-rate for
assembly work.
Discuss other benefits
employees receive
aside from monetary
Explain that these are
things they will need
to consider when they
get jobs as they get
older. Have students
conduct Internet
research for different
companies to see
what benefits they
offer. Some
companies also offer
tuition reimbursement.
Have each of them
print out a document
that displays the
company name and a
couple of the benefits
they offer so they can
be displayed and
other students can
see each other’s
Laws are in effect that
protect employees on
their jobs. There are
safety and health
Social Security Act
1. Pensions to retired workers
2. Medicare
Unemployment Insurance – pays
unemployed workers
Workers’ Compensation – insurance for
death, injury, or illness resulting from
Civil Rights Act of 1964 – prohibits
Equal Pay Act – prohibits unequal pay for
men and women for similar work
Americans with Disabilities Act – prohibits
discrimination on the basis of physical or
mental disabilities
Family and Medical Leave Act – permits
workers to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid
leave for the birth or adoption of a child and
for personal illness or illness of an
immediate family member
standards through
OSHA. Retirement
can be somewhat
protected through
Social Security.
Compensation can
protect workers from
accidents or injuries
on the job. People
with disabilities are
protected from
discrimination as are
other groups of
employees. And
recently, workers can
take up to 12 weeks
for various reasons
through the Family
and Medical Leave
Act which can be a
very important law for
Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 So far students have discussed jobs that they may have had which are appropriate for their
age group. Now have students work in pairs to conduct Internet research on the common
job-search web sites to locate human resource jobs. On poster board or flip chart paper,
they will write the job descriptions for three jobs that they locate, including the job title and
three tasks for each job. Place around the room and highlight the similarities and
differences between the job titles students have researched.
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 Labor Laws Report Assignment #1 – Students will create a report using MLA format. The
topic of the report will be to compare and contrast at least five of the major labor laws that
may affect them in the future. This information is located at the Department of Labor web
site listed as #2 of the reference section in this lesson. Students may research additional
laws as well.
 College Major Research Table Assignment #2 – Students will create a two-column table
using word processing software listing five colleges/universities in one column and college
course descriptions (in phrases) for Human Resource Management courses in the other
column. There should be two courses for each college listed. The descriptions need only
contain phrases as opposed to copying entire paragraphs that may be in some descriptions.
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Job Offer Scenario T-Chart Assignment #3 – Students will make a decision for the
following job offer scenario: You have been offered a position of Sales Supervisor at a
major retail outlet. You will be paid $17 per hour and you hope to work full-time, 40 hours
per week, but no vacation pay or insurance. If you take off for any reason, you do not get
paid for it. You were also offered a Sales Manager position at a competitor retail store for a
salary of $30,000 with insurance and 2 weeks’ paid vacation. However, you will be required
to work overtime, especially during inventory time twice per year, and because you would be
a salaried employee, you will not get additional pay for the overtime hours. Your T-Chart
document is to include a mathematical analysis of both job offers, one on each side of the TChart. It will also include an explanation of the possible benefit or consequence of each
aspect of the offer such as: 1) which job pays more per hour, considering overtime, 2)
vacation or not, 3) insurance or not, 4) number of possible hours to work, and 5) possible
future job considerations based on the job title selected (supervisor vs. manager). Your final
decision must be identified.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q: What are 3 of the many functions that Human Resources perform?
Wages and benefits, employee relations, and health and safety for the business.
Q: What different types of pay are there for employees?
Salary, hourly, commission, piece-rate, and a combination of different types
Q: Which act prohibits discrimination?
The Civil Rights Act of 1964
Q: What is 360-degree feedback?
A form of performance appraisal in which feedback is received from employees’ peers and
well as from customers.
Q: Which agency would ensure the safety and health of employees at their workplace?
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
2. Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV):
Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the two Independent Practice Assignments (LSI Quadrant III).
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
1. Interview 2 different managers regarding several human resource issues: 1) the top 3 soft
skills they look for in a candidate, and 2) the top 3 hard skills the candidates posses.
2. Go to the OSHA web site listed as reference #6 above and research the Top Enforcement
Cases as well as the Top 10 Standards Violated. Write a one-page report summarizing
your findings from these topics as well as the student’s opinion regarding what they think
would have happened if OSHA was not around to enforce their regulations and take the
appropriate action in these instances.
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You’re Hired!
Independent Practice Assignments
Labor Laws Report Assignment #1– Students will create a report using MLA format.
The topic of the report will be to compare and contrast at least five of the major labor
laws that may affect them in the future. This information is located at the Department of
Labor web site listed as #2 of the reference section in this lesson. Students may
research additional laws as well.
College Major Research Table Assignment #2– Students will create a two-column
table using word processing software listing five colleges/universities in one column and
college course descriptions (in phrases) for Human Resource Management courses in
the other column. There should be two courses for each college listed. The descriptions
need only contain phrases as opposed to copying entire paragraphs that may be in
some descriptions.
Job Offer Scenario T-Chart Assignment #3 – Students will make a decision for the
following job offer scenario: You have been offered a position of Sales Supervisor at a
major retail outlet. You will be paid $17 per hour and you hope to work full-time, 40
hours per week, but no vacation pay or insurance. If you take off for any reason, you do
not get paid for it. You were also offered a Sales Manager position at a competitor retail
store for a salary of $30,000 with insurance and 2 weeks’ paid vacation. However, you
will be required to work overtime, especially during inventory time twice per year, and
because you would be a salaried employee, you will not get additional pay for the
overtime hours. Your T-Chart document is to include a mathematical analysis of both
job offers, one on each side of the T-Chart. It will also include an explanation of the
possible benefit or consequence of each aspect of the offer such as: 1) which job pays
more per hour, considering overtime, 2) vacation or not, 3) insurance or not, 4) number
of possible hours to work, and 5) possible future job considerations based on the job title
selected (supervisor vs. manager). Your final decision must be identified.
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2012. All rights reserved
You’re Hired !
Labor Laws Report Assignment #1
Student Name:
Information is very
organized with wellconstructed
paragraphs and
Information is
organized with wellconstructed
Information is
organized, but
paragraphs are not
The information
appears to be
Quality of
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It includes
several supporting
details and/or
Information clearly
relates to the main
topic. It provides 1-2
supporting details
and/or examples.
Information clearly
Information has little
relates to the main
or nothing to do with
topic. No details
the main topic.
and/or examples are
No grammatical,
spelling or
punctuation errors.
Almost no
A few grammatical
grammatical, spelling spelling, or
or punctuation errors punctuation errors.
Many grammatical,
spelling, or
punctuation errors.
Internet Use
Successfully uses
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Usually able to use
suggested internet
links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Occasionally able to
use suggested
internet links to find
information and
navigates within
these sites easily
without assistance.
Needs assistance or
supervision to use
suggested internet
links and/or to
navigate within these
Amount of
All topics are
addressed and all
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about
All topics are
addressed and most
questions answered
with at least 2
sentences about
All topics are
One or more topics
addressed, and most were not addressed.
questions answered
with 1 sentence
about each.
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
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You’re Hired !
College Major Research Table Assignment #2
Student Name:
Content is well
organized using
table cells and
columns to organize
Content is
organized, but the
overall organization
of topics appears
Content organization There was no clear
is less than
or logical
No misspellings or
grammatical errors.
Three or fewer
misspellings and/or
mechanical errors.
Four misspellings
and/or grammatical
More than 4 errors in
spelling or grammar.
All requirements are All requirements are One requirement
met and exceeded. met.
was not completely
More than one
requirement was not
completely met.
Makes excellent use
of font, color,
graphics, effects,
etc. to enhance the
Makes good use of
font, color, graphics,
effects, etc. to
enhance to table.
Makes use of font,
color, graphics,
effects, etc. but
occasionally these
detract from the
table content.
Use of font, color,
graphics, effects etc.
but these often
distract from the
table content.
Covers topic indepth with details
and examples.
Subject knowledge
is excellent.
Includes essential
knowledge about the
topic. Subject
knowledge appears
to be good.
Includes essential
information about
the topic but there
are 1-2 factual
Content is minimal
OR there are several
factual errors.
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
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You’re Hired !
Job Offer Scenario T-Chart Assignment #3
Student Name:
5 or less
The T-chart is
attractive in terms of
design, layout, and
The T-chart is
attractive in terms of
design, layout and
The T-chart is
acceptably attractive
though it may be a
bit messy.
The T-chart is
distractingly messy
or very poorly
designed. It is not
Capitalization and
punctuation are
correct throughout
the T-chart.
There is 1 error in
capitalization or
There are 2 errors in There are more than
capitalization or
2 errors in
capitalization or
The T-chartincludes
all required elements
as well as additional
All required
elements are
included on the Tchart.
All but 1 of the
required elements
are included on the
Several required
elements were
Student can
accurately answer all
questions related to
facts in the T-chart
and processes used
to create the poster.
Student can
accurately answer
most questions
related to facts in the
T-chart and
processes used to
create the poster.
Student can
accurately answer
about 75% of
questions related to
facts in the T-chart
and processes used
to create the poster.
Student appears to
have insufficient
knowledge about the
facts or processes
used in the T-chart.
Job Offer
Decision clearly and Decision stated
emphatically stated. adequately.
Decision waivered.
No decision
identified at all.
Total Score _____________
Maximum 100 Points
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