Upon completion of this lesson, students will understand the importance... internal and external correspondence and its impact on business. Course Title:

Lesson Plan-Internal and External Communication
Course Title: Business Information Management II
Session Title: Internal and External Communication
Performance Objective:
 Upon completion of this lesson, students will understand the importance of effective
internal and external correspondence and its impact on business.
Specific Objectives:
 Students will understand proper communication within an organization and its purpose.
 Students will understand appropriate communication to those outside of an organization
and the impression it provides of the organization.
TEKS Correlations:
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
demonstrate use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary when analyzing
information and following directions
record information needed to present a report on a given topic or problem
write internal and external business correspondence that conveys information effectively
using correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and capitalization
communicate with co-workers to clarify workplace objectives
communicate effectively with customers and co-workers to foster positive relationships
organize information to use in written and oral communication
Use informational texts, Internet websites, and technical materials to review and apply
information sources for occupational tasks
employ verbal skills when obtaining and conveying information
Use academic skills to facilitate effective written and oral communication
110.33(b)(1)(A) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…determine the meaning of grade-level technical academic English words in multiple content
areas (e.g., science, mathematics, social studies, the arts) derived from Latin, Greek or other
linguistic roots and affixes.
110.33(b)(1)(C) – Reading/Vocabulary Development
…infer word meanings through the identification and analysis of analogies and other word
110.33(b)(12)(B) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the interactions of different techniques (e.g., layout, pictures, typeface in print media,
images, text, sound in electronic journalism) used in multi-layered media.
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110.33(b)(12)(C) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate the objectivity of coverage of the same event in various types of media.
110.33(b)(12)(D) – Reading/Media Literacy
…evaluate changes in formality and tone across various media for different audiences and
110.31(b)(15)(B) – Writing/Expository and Procedural Texts
…organized and accurately conveyed information, and reader-friendly formatting techniques.
Accommodations for Learning Differences:
It is important that lessons accommodate the needs of every learner. These lessons may be
modified to accommodate your students with learning differences by referring to the files found
on the Special Populations page of this website.
Teacher Preparation:
 Business Computer Information Systems II, Prentice Hall
 http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/course/mflatley/BBC11/webcases/webcase_DriveCam.htm
 http://www.rohan.sdsu.edu/course/mflatley/BBC11/webcases/webcase_MediaSolutions.
 http://www.bused.org/lessons/ic3mos/lesson34.pdf
Instructional Aids:
1. “Internal and External Communication” PowerPoint presentation.
2. “Employment Policies Brochure” Assignment #1
3. “Employment Policies Brochure” Rubric
4. “Case Studies” Assignment #2
5. “Case Studies” Rubric
6. “Book Store Activity” Assignment #3
7. “Book Store Activity” Rubric
Materials Needed:
1. Construction paper to place headings on the wall during Outline activities.
2. Tape or other material to affix documents to the wall under the headings.
Equipment Needed:
1. Computers for students to complete projects
2. Projector for PPT
Learner Preparation:
1. First, ask students to write what they think internal communication means to a business.
Then, ask if they have any ideas about external communication. Draw on the board or
document camera a shape or symbol representing a company. Then draw an arrow
down to the left with a shape representing “Internal” and one down to the right for
“External”. Ask for student responses as to what types of communication are internal
and external and record each under the correct columns.
2. Ask students the major importance of accurate and professional internal
correspondence. They should arrive at the fact that employees need to be informed of
business happenings and that employees see their supervisors as more professional if
their correspondence appears that way.
3. Ask students why accurate and professional external correspondence is also very
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important. They should understand that written correspondence is usually the first
impression customers and other businesses receive of a company. This can make or
break future business.
Lesson Plan
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I)
1. Bring samples of correspondence you have received in the mail. Search for documents
from the Internet if none are available. Show these to students on a document camera.
Have a student write on the board the types of correspondence viewed in columns at the
top of the board.
2. As the teacher is showing the documents, questions should be asked about whether the
documents are internal/external, what the document is (memo, email, letter, flyer, …),
specific formatting details (spacing, full name and address, …), formatting (grammar,
balanced use of white space, …), and purpose. These details should be listed in the
appropriate columns.
3. Then discuss each with the students regarding whether or not the document gives a
positive or negative impression of the company.
Important Terms for this Lesson:
 Internal communication – communication within a business, among its own employees
 External communication – communications that goes outside of a business, to existing
or potential customers or existing or potential investors
 Communication plan – a plan that outlines the message you want to communicate, your
audience, and your communication medium
Outline (LSI Quadrant II)
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and the internet in
conjunction with the following outline.
Notes to Instructor
I. Types of Correspondence
Enormous amounts of
A. Internal
correspondence are
1. memos
generated by businesses.
2. email
Whether that correspondence
3. employee manual
is for internal or external
B. External
audiences, it should be
1. advertising
professional and formatted
2. press release
properly to provide a positive
3. business letters
impression of the business.
4. customer surveys
The teacher should bring or
print a variety of different
examples of business
documents to class. Divide
the students into groups. On
the wall have labels for
“EXTERNAL” communication.
Have the groups place the
documents in the appropriate
section of the wall.
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Direction of Communication
A. Upward – to management
B. Downward – to
C. Lateral – across
Again, using groups of
students, distribute
documents that fit the criteria
to the left. On the wall, have
sections for “UPWARD”,
“LATERAL”. Have students
affix the documents under the
appropriate headings.
III. Communications Plan
A. What do you want to say?
B. To whom do you want to
say it?
C. What type of document
works for that situation?
Prepare a short handout with
several different messages.
Distribute these handouts to
students and ask them to
write who the audience is and
what type of document would
be most appropriate for the
message. Have students
share their responses with the
IV. Situations Requiring a Plan
A. Grand re-opening
B. New business
C. Job fair
D. Charity event
E. Fund-raiser
F. Sales promotion
G. Revised employee
H. Company layoffs
The events at the left require
some planning regarding how
to communicate the message.
Select several of the activities
and go through the steps,
such as identifying the
audience, the type of
correspondence most
appropriate, and show
professional wording of the
documents so students can
see these situations modeled
in the most suitable manner.
Copy and Paste Multiple Intelligences Graphic in appropriate place in left column.
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 Using the PowerPoint presentation, the teacher will explain the differences between
internal and external correspondence and the types of documents that are appropriate in
different circumstances.
 Provide students, in pairs, with a business situation and have them prepare a document
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that they think would be appropriate for that situation. Share each of these with the
class to show them that there may be more than one type of correspondence that would
be appropriate and also point out the proper formatting for each using a document
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
 Employment Policies Assignment #1
In Publisher or Word, students will prepare an Employment Policies brochure. Be sure
to utilize all six panels of the brochure, use appropriate design elements such as a
balance of text and visuals, section headings, and efficient use of white space. Topics
that should be addressed include, but are not limited to, vacation/sick days, work hours,
dress code, benefits such as insurance and retirement, and other elements that may be
researched on the Internet.
Case Studies Assignment #2
This assignment requires the creation of several documents based upon the scenario
presented. Using the “Business Scenario Assignment” at the end of this lesson (which
can also be found at the bused.org web site above on pages 42-43) and the 2 scenarios
that follow, create the required documents. Be sure to use professional language,
proper grammar and punctuation, and proper formatting in each document.
Book Store Activity Assignment #3
You have worked at a book store for two years, and recently profits have decreased and
there are many negative issues with the store. The store also sells CDs, DVDs, and
video games. The manager was fired so the owner has promoted you and has charged
you with turning the store around. Regarding the store itself, the books are improperly
shelved, inventory is piling up in the back room, the shelves are dirty and unorganized,
and CDs and DVDs are also shelved improperly or are missing. Regarding employees,
they are frequently late, take long breaks, and leave early with no penalties, they are
standing around, and they are not checking customer for or issuing membership cards to
the store’s rewards program. Develop a communications plan to turn this store into a
success again. Prepare any documents necessary, using any suitable Microsoft Office
applications, to announce a Grand Re-Opening, including, but not limited to preparing:
1) Postcards to neighborhood residents,
2) Memos to employees with incentives for offering membership cards,
3) Flyers offering commission for selling a pre-determined number of books, CDs,
videos, or video games,
4) Letters to the community with discount coupons, and
5) Invitation to the Grand Re-Opening, and
6) Any other documents necessary. Affix these documents to a poster to be displayed
around the room.
Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Q: Why is professional-looking correspondence important to a business?
A: It is important because many times printed correspondence gives the first impression of the
Q: Are memos internal or external correspondence?
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A: Memos are considered internal correspondence.
Q: Why is a plan for communications important to a business?
A: A plan is important because the message, audience, and document type must all be
considered before preparing the correspondence.
Q: True or False. It is proper to write casually and with slang to upper management.
A: False. At the office, it is proper to keep written communication professional, especially to
upper management.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
1. Instructor will observe students during Independent Practice.
2. Instructor will assist students as needed.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrants III and IV):
Use the assigned rubrics to evaluate the four Independent Practice Assignments.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
1. Invite a business manger or owner as a guest lecturer to your class. Students can also
ask a parent who works in the community to speak. The students should take notes as
to the types of correspondence that is produced within a business, internal and external,
and then prepare a PowerPoint presentation of their summaries.
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Welcome Baskets
Your friend has just passed her real estate licensing exam and is excited about the prospect of
starting her new career in real estate. She wants to add a special touch to her business that she
feels is unique and will also increase her referral business, so she enlists your help in coming up
with some creative ideas.
You decide that an added touch for your friend’s new career is to provide gift baskets to new
homeowners as a housewarming gift. In addition, upon a completed sale of a home the seller
will receive a personalized gift basket. You have always been the person who is the most
creative gift-giver of all of your friends so you think this might make a fun and profitable career.
In order for this to be a ‘personal’ gift basket, the realtor will need to get to know the client,
whether it be someone who is selling their home or someone who is buying a home. You will
need to create an interest survey to determine the clients’ likes/dislikes, hobbies, and favorites
(restaurants, stores, scents,).
Your task is to prepare a list of questions to include in your interest survey, as well as possible
examples of the contents of several gift baskets, such as one for sports enthusiasts, movie
watchers, or DIYers. Include an estimate of the cost of a variety of basket types. Prepare an
email for your friend which clearly conveys the above information. Hopefully if your friend is
excited about your ideas, your business can grow to include many other area realtors.
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To Text or Not to Text
You are the webmaster for your high school. You are responsible for updating your school’s
site to reflect the upcoming activities and keeping employee information current, among many
other tasks. From time to time you are asked to create and post ‘public service
announcements’ regarding information that is pertinent to the high school age group such as
Internet safety and study tips.
Your principal has requested that you create and post a message about texting while driving.
This topic is extremely important in today’s society but has become so commonplace among
teenagers that they may not fully understand the dangers of this practice. You are charged
with thoroughly researching this topic and writing a few paragraphs that point out the obvious
dangers, consequences, and statistics in the hope of students becoming more aware of how
dangerous texting while driving actually is.
After you complete your extensive research, create a summary of your findings and other
information you would like to include, in the form of an email that you can send to your
principal. The end goal is that it should be clear, concise, and grammatically correct so that no
revisions are necessary in order that, upon his approval, all you will need to do is post it to your
high school web site.
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Business Information Management II - Internal and External Communication
Independent Practice Assignments
Employment Policies Assignment #1
In Publisher or Word, students will prepare an Employment Policies brochure. Be sure
to utilize all six panels of the brochure, use appropriate design elements such as a
balance of text and visuals, section headings, and efficient use of white space. Topics
that should be addressed include, but are not limited to, vacation/sick days, work hours,
dress code, benefits such as insurance and retirement, and other elements that may be
researched on the Internet.
Case Studies Assignment #2
This assignment requires the creation of several documents based upon the scenario
presented. Using the “Business Scenario Assignment” at the end of this lesson (which
can also be found at the bused.org web site above on pages 42-43) and the 2 scenarios
that follow (which may also be found at the sdsu.edu web sites above), create the
required documents. Be sure to use professional language, proper grammar and
punctuation, and proper formatting in each document.
Book Store Activity Assignment #3
You have worked at a book store for two years, and recently profits have decreased and
there are many negative issues with the store. The store also sells CDs, DVDs, and
video games. The manager was fired so the owner has promoted you and has charged
you with turning the store around. Regarding the store itself, the books are improperly
shelved, inventory is piling up in the back room, the shelves are dirty and unorganized,
and CDs and DVDs are also shelved improperly or are missing. Regarding employees,
they are frequently late, take long breaks, and leave early with no penalties, they are
standing around, and they are not checking customer for or issuing membership cards to
the store’s rewards program. Develop a communications plan to turn this store into a
success again. Prepare any documents necessary, using any suitable Microsoft Office
applications, to announce a Grand Re-Opening, including, but not limited to preparing:
1) Postcards to neighborhood residents,
2) Memos to employees with incentives for offering membership cards,
3) Flyers offering commission for selling a pre-determined number of books, CDs,
videos, or video games,
4) Letters to the community with discount coupons,
5) Invitation to the Grand Re-Opening, and
6) Any other documents necessary. Affix these documents to a poster to be displayed
around the room.
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Business Information Management II – Internal and External Communication
Employment Policies Brochure Rubric
Assignment #1
Student Name: __________________________________
Required Elements Brochure contains
all elements
Brochure is
attractive relative
to design,
creativity, and
Brochure contains
no grammar or
punctuation errors
Completeness of
Examples related
to project
presented on five
panels plus a title
All examples
match the
section label
contains all
elements with
no additional
Brochure is
neatness and
contains 1-2
grammar or
presented on
five panels with
a title panel
1 example does
match the
section label
missing a
Brochure is
and inconsistent
in terms of
layout and
contains 3-4
grammar or
Little information
presented on
most panels
2 examples do
not match the
section label
Total Score ________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
5 or less
missing more
than one
section and
section labels
Brochure is
poorly designed
contains more
than 4 grammar
or punctuation
Very few panels
of brochure
Section labels
missing from
Business Information Management II – Internal and External Communication
Case Studies Rubric
Assignment #2
Student Name: __________________________________
Required Elements All documents
present in great
detail for all case
All documents
properly and
present for each
case study
1 case study not
5 or less
More than one
case study not
1 document
formatting errors
2 documents
not formatted
No documents
contain grammar
or punctuation
Sufficiency of
Excellent amount
of information
provided in each
All documents
more than
address the
issues in the case
1 document
contains 1-2
grammar or
amount of
information in
each document
All documents
address the
case study
2 documents
contain at least
2 grammar or
Little information
provided in each
Documents not
formatted, may
have one large
paragraph with
no line spacing
3 documents
grammar or
missing, others
None of the
address the
Related Content
1-2 documents
do not properly
address the
scenario topics
Total Score ________
Maximum 100 Points
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2011. All rights reserved.
Business Information Management II – Internal and External Communication
Book Store Activity Rubric
Assignment #3
Student Name: __________________________________
documents (letter,
memo, …)
Appearancedesktop publishing
(flyers, invitations,
Documents related
to project
Poster includes at
least 4
documents as
well as additional
All Word
Excellent use of
design principles
such as use of
white space,
balanced use of
text and graphics
No documents
contain grammar
or punctuation
All documents
exceptionally well
to the book store
3-4 documents
are included on
Only 2
included on
5 or less
missing from
1 Word
document has
formatting errors
2 of the Word
formatting errors
principles not
followed on 1
No formatting
present in any
Word document
Adequate use of
1 document
contains 1-2
grammar or
1 document
does not relate
well to the book
store issues
2 documents
contain at least
2 grammar or
2 documents do
not relate to the
issues at the
book store
Total Score ________
Maximum 100 Points
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principles not
followed on any
of the desktop
More than 2
contain grammar
or punctuation
More than 2
documents do
not relate to the
book store