Lesson Plan



Lesson Plan

Course Title: Graphic Design & Illustration

Session Title: Digital Photography

Lesson Duration: Approximately three to four 90-minute class periods

[Lesson length is subjective and will vary from instructor to instructor]

Performance Objective:

Upon completion of this assignment, the students will be able to create an advertisement for a specified client to the satisfaction of the instructor.

Specific Objectives:

1. Utilize resources to successfully operate a digital camera.

2. Identify necessary supplies for commercial photography projects.

3. Conceptualize an ad for a specified client.

4. Take photographs for an ad.

5. Enhance photographs using appropriate technology.

6. Create an ad.

7. Prepare the project for critique.

8. Evaluate and critique project.


TEKS Correlations:

130.88 (c)(1)(A)

The student applies academic knowledge and skills in art and design projects. The student is expected to: apply English language arts knowledge and skills by demonstrating use of content, technical concepts, and vocabulary; …and composing and editing copy for a variety of written documents such as brochures, programs, posters, flyers, and magazine covers;

130.88 (c)(2)(A)

The student understands professional communications strategies. The student is expected to: adapt language for audience, purpose, situation, and intent such as structure and style;

130.88 (c)(11)(B)

The student develops and increasing understanding of graphic design and illustration. The student is expected to: research history and evolution of art and design

130.88 (c)(11)(F)

Employ a creative design process to create original two- and three-dimensional projects;

130.88 (c)(11)(G) apply art elements and principles to photographic works;



Cohen, S. L. (2004). Adobe photoshop CS techniques for digital artists. Adobe Press.

Author expertise

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


Instructional Aids:

Digital Photography Slide Presentation

Assignment sheet #1: Client Assignments

Assignment sheet #2: Short Checklist for Creating an Ad

Digital Photography Rubric

Materials Needed:

Photo paper to use for printing final ads

Pencil and paper to sketch the initial concepts and thumbnails for an advertising piece

Copies of all of the User’s Manuals for the classroom digital cameras

Equipment Needed:

Computer and projection system with appropriate software to display slide presentation

Digital cameras for student use

Computer with appropriate industry-standard photo editing software installed

A color printer to print the ad when it’s completed




MI Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):

SAY: There are many ways that we can all be successful in the creation of advertising pieces, even if some of our drawing skills are not the best.

ASK: Is there anyone who has had experience with digital photography and used photos to create effective advertising?

SAY: Today we will all get an imaginary client, for whom we will design an 8 x 10 magazine advertisement. You will list possible magazines that your ad would work the most effectively in, and then you will create the concept, take the pictures, enhance your photography with photo editing software, and create a

PDF file to print for critique. We will discuss the effectiveness of your concept and also your photography. We will look for good lighting and good incorporation of your ad concept.


MI Outline (LSI Quadrant II):

I. Learning to use your camera

A. Cameras are now more user-friendly

B. Read the manual anyway

C. Trial and error

Instructor Notes:

NOTE: Find some professional photography websites to show the class before starting with the slide presentation. This enables them to set a standard of excellence.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.



II. Other camera supplies

A. Card reader

B. Extra memory cards

C. Camera case

D. Portable tripod

III. Creating an ad

A. Simple photos can be adjusted for ads

B. Conceptualize your ad first

C. Sketch ideas

D. Plan the shoot

E. Gather materials ahead of time

F. Confirm your shot before leaving the shoot

G. Enhance shot with photo editing software

H. Prepare the ad for critique

I. Critically evaluate your work and reflect on your results


Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

NOTE: Teachers can use the slide presentation and the assignment sheets in conjunction with the following outline.

Many of your students probably already own a digital camera.

Even if a student is not very capable with traditional art materials or the computer, they can be successful with some easy photography assignments.

The teacher will go over the information sheets and the slide presentation with the class. Students begin their individual exercises.

MI Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):

Students work independently to complete the project.

Students are assigned a client from Assignment sheet #1: Everyone has a different client! There are twenty listed on the sheet.

Students read Assignment sheet #2: Short Checklist for Creating an Ad.


MI Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):


Review concepts during a critique session of the completed projects


Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):

The teacher monitors individual/group progress as students work on activities. The teacher provides individual help/redirection as needed.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


MI Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):

Evaluate the results of the assignment with the Digital Photography Rubric sheet and return the results to the student for further discussion if necessary.


MI Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):

Students who have succeeded in learning the techniques may wish to try the following for further practice:

Bring in current magazine ads in which photography is used effectively to sell a particular product or service.

Use a digital camera to collect various shots to store for possible future use in class.

This kind of archiving of photographic images is important to keep all student work original.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


Assignment Sheet #1

Client Assignments:

Student 1: Day care center

Student 2: Grocer

Student 3: Toy store

Student 4: Jewelry store

Student 5: Sporting goods store

Student 6: Candy shop

Student 7: Barber/beautician

Student 8: Pet store

Student 9: Arts and crafts shop

Student 10: Menswear

Student 11: Fast food outlet

Student 12: Luggage store

Student 13: Pharmacy

Student 14: Doctor ’s office

Student 15: Car dealership

Student 16: Music shop or record store

Student 17: Local event (music fest, fair, pageant, etc.)

Student 18: Spa (massage, facials, mani-pedis, etc.)

Student 19: Shoe store

Student 20: Computer store


Ask student to consider what kind of images would help them sell these kinds of products. They can select your own store (product, person, service) to promote as long as it fits the category they are assigned.

The homework is to bring in items to photograph for their ads. For example, the student who is assigned a grocer may want to photograph food from that store.

It all depends on their concept for the ad. What kind of an image will sell the client the best? That is up to the student to decide.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.


Assignment Sheet #2

Short Checklist for Creating an Ad

1. Do you know who your client is? Have you done any research on your client and their competitors? Do you know what kinds of ads are currently being used?

2. Have you conceptualized the advertisement? In other words, what is your big idea?

Do you have any idea who you are targeting with your ad? What is your demographic?

3. Do you have a pencil and paper? Have you planned several strategies for success?

Do you have several viable ideas to work with?

4. Are you ready to start planning? What do you need to photograph? Can you begin to plan the photo shoot? Is it a studio shot or an outdoors shot that you need?

5. Gather your materials. If you have decided that you need an egg and a spoon (for example), can you plan to bring those to school so that you can photograph them? If you need a shot of a dog, how will you get that? Do you need to check out or borrow a camera to get the shot outside of class?

6. Get the shot. Check your shot to be sure you have what you want before coming back to the computer.

7. Enhance your photo with photo editing software and incorporate it into your concept.

This is a highly creative portion of the assignment.

8. Once you have your ad concept ready to present, print it and get it ready for critique.

9. Get ready to learn about what kind of effect your work is having on your classmates and your instructor in a critique setting.

AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.







(10 points)

Exceptional Above Average Below Average Unacceptable

0 points 9-10 points

Fully participated and gave several constructive critiques.

25-30 points

5-8 points

Participated and gave constructive critiques.

Barely participated and gave one critique.

12-24 points

1-4 points

1-11 points

No attempt was made to participate in giving critiques.

0 points


Ad Creation and Concept

(30 points)

Thorough understanding of Ad Creation and Concept well planned.

Good understanding of

Ad Creation and

Concept well planned.

Needs help understanding

Ad Creation and

Concept not well planned.

No attempt made to understand Ad

Creation and

Concept not planned.

25-30 points


Enhancements of Photos

(30 points)

Digital enhancements of photos are successfully applied.

17-20 points

12-24 points

Digital enhancements of photos are applied but need refinement to achieve success.

8-16 points

1-11 points

Digital enhancements of photos are poorly applied.

No evidence of digital enhancements of photos.

1-7 points

0 points

0 points


(20 points)

Design ideas are original in thought and exceptionally creative.

Design ideas are somewhat original and creative.

Limited evidence of creativity and originality in thought.

No evidence of creativity or originality in thought or execution of project.


Appearance &


(10 points)


9-10 points 5-8 points 1-4 points 0 points

Professional project.

Final product is neat and professionally presented.

Good presentation of project. Only minor corrections are needed

Fair presentation of project. Several errors are evident.

Project is unprofessional.

Errors distract significantly from the content.



AAVTC: Graphic Design & Illustration: Digital Photography in Graphic Design Projects

Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.

