Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Performance Objective:
During lesson student will:
• Perform as part of a team
• Analyze scenarios and discuss team dynamics in each
Specific Objectives:
When lesson is completed, student will:
• Be able to define the following: integrity, ethics, confidence, professional
• Describe the team roles: leader, contributor, encourager
• Describe types of leaders: Democratic, Coaching, Autocratic, Laissez-Faire
TEKS Correlations:
(29) The student exhibits personal accountability, integrity, and responsibility to enhance
confidence among coworkers. The student is expected to:
(A) apply the professional and ethical standards of the industry to personal conduct;
(B) practice professional and ethical standards;
(C) maintain personal integrity;
(D) promote personal and professional integrity in coworkers; and
(E) recognize integrity in others.
Interdisciplinary Correlations:
Social Studies113.32c
(19) Citizenship. The student understands the importance of effective leadership in a
democratic society. The student is expected to:
(A) describe qualities of effective leadership;
(B) evaluate the contributions of significant political and social leaders in the United States such
as Andrew Carnegie, Shirley Chisholm, and Franklin D. Roosevelt; and
(C) identify the contributions of Texans who have been President of the United States.
Teacher Preparation:
For discussion purposes, teacher should be familiar with different dynamics/positions of a
football team.
Teacher will need to be familiar with Leadership Styles (Democratic, Coaching, Autocratic, and
Many books, articles, etc., have been written about leadership, teamwork, etc. This lesson plan
does not showcase or highlight any of these in particular but instead gives a general overview of
leadership and teamwork.
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Instructional Aids:
1. Internet (for Extension/Enrichment exercise)
2. School Library (for Extension/Enrichment exercise)
Materials Needed:
1. Dictionary or online dictionary for each student
2. 24 piece puzzles (1 puzzle for every 3 students)
Equipment Needed:
1. Projector/PC for showing PowerPoint presentation.
2. Tables for students to use for Puzzle Activity.
Learner Preparation:
Students should be able to operate personal computer (if using online dictionary) for vocabulary.
Introduction (LSI Quadrant I):
SAY: What does it mean to be a part of a team?
ASK: Is teamwork important in the workplace? Why?
SHOW: Today, we will look at different roles that make up a team and how important each role
SAY: Picture a football team and all the players that make up the team.
ASK: Who is the most important person on the team? The quarterback? The coach? The
lineman? The receiver?
SAY: Each team member is important. They may not all be recognized as such, but they are all
equally important.
Outline (LSI Quadrant II):
Instructors can use the PowerPoint presentation, slides, handouts, and note pages in
conjunction with the following outline.
Notes to Instructor
I. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 1
II. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 2
When lesson is completed, student will:
• Be able to define the following: integrity, ethics,
confidence, professional
• Describe the team roles: leader, contributor,
Teacher will outline
concepts to be learned
in this lesson.
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Describe types of leaders: Democratic, Coaching,
Autocratic, Laissez-Faire
III. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 3
(29) The student exhibits personal accountability,
integrity, and responsibility to enhance confidence
among coworkers. The student is expected to:
(A) apply the professional and ethical standards of
the industry to personal conduct;
(B) practice professional and ethical standards;
(C) maintain personal integrity;
(D) promote personal and professional integrity in
coworkers; and
(E) recognize integrity in others.
Teacher will talk about
how important these
concepts are. By
showing the actual
TEKS objective
statements, teacher
can highlight the
commitment (of the
Texas Education
Agency) to have
students acquire job
skills, good work
habits, teamwork, etc.
IV. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 4
A. Working as team is a skill.
B. Working as team takes practice.
Teacher might use this
time to have a student
talk about a team they
are a part of.
V. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 5
A. You may play more than one role.
Teacher will make
sure students
understand, as they
look at the different
roles on a team, that
one person may fill
more than one role
VI. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 6
A. Team Role #1
C. Keep members focused on goal.
D. Make sure everyone understands job.
E. Watch the timeline.
F. Set a good example.
Students will use
Handout provided to
take notes.
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VII. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 7
Different Leadership Styles
A. Democratic
B. Coaching
C. Autocratic
D. Laissez-Faire
Students will use
Handout provided to
take notes.
Leader keeps
everybody informed.
All members get to
participate in decisionmaking process.
Clearly defines roles,
but communication is
Powerful leader
Does not consult with
employees before
decision making
Leader does not give
much instruction;
“Hands-off” approach
VIII. PowerPoint presentation-Continue Slide 7
A. Discussion Question: In what situation would
each of these styles be appropriate?
IX. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 8
A. Team Role #2
C. Help others stay on task.
D. Support other team members.
E. Ask questions.
F. Complete tasks.
G. Evaluate outcomes.
X. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 9
A. Team Role #3
C. Listen.
D. Share ideas.
E. Encourage everyone to participate.
Students will use
Handout provided to
take notes.
Students will use
Handout provided to
take notes.
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These questions may
be used for class
discussion or teacher
might ask students to
answer questions in a
journal or essay form.
XI. PowerPoint presentation-Slide 10
A. What is the golden rule?
B. How does it relate to teamwork?
Guided Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
(Use Handout 5) Students will work in teams of 3 to put together a 24-piece puzzle without
speaking, gesturing, etc. Teams will compete with each other to see which team finishes first.
When completed, students will answer the following questions:
Did one person emerge as a leader?
Is it difficult to work as a team?
How did you communicate with your team members without speaking?
What is the most difficult part of working as a team?
Independent Practice (LSI Quadrant III):
Define the vocabulary words (using Handout 2).
• Integrity
• Ethics
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Review (LSI Quadrants I and IV):
Question: What have you learned today about teamwork?
Answer: Allow students to answer aloud or in a class journal.
Question: How can you apply these concepts in your life?
Answer: Allow students to answer aloud or in a class journal.
Informal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III):
Student will complete Self-Evaluation (using Handout 4).
Teacher should stress to students that there may be more than one correct answer to each
Teamwork Skills Self-Evaluation
Evaluating your teamwork skills can help you find your strengths and weaknesses as a team
member. If know what your weaknesses are, you can set goals to improve in those areas. If
each member of the team knows their particular strengths, it may help the team to function
Rate each statement as it relates to you in a team/group environment.
When I am working on a team, I make an effort to be supportive to other team members, even if I
don’t agree with what they are doing.
A. Always
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
I listen closely when others are talking, and I ask them to explain if I am not sure what they mean.
A. Always
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
When a member of my team is rude or puts down other members’ suggestions, I call attention to
his or her rudeness and suggest a better method.
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A. Always
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
D. Almost never
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
When I see that a co-worker is having a bad day, I:
A. leave them alone
C. go tell the boss
C. Sometimes
When a co-worker gossips about another co-worker, I participate.
A. Always
D. Almost never
When a team member has a better idea than me, I am okay with it.
A. Always
C. Sometimes
When a team member gets off task, I encourage them to reconnect to the situation.
A. Always
B. Most of the time
B. ask if I can help them with anything
D. don’t care.
I like to work in an environment where:
A. I am the boss.
B. I don’t have to “think” and just follow instructions.
C. I can be very creative and have no set time schedule for projects.
Formal Assessment (LSI Quadrant III, IV):
A formal assessment for this lesson plan will not be given. Instead, students will be asked to
incorporate the concepts learned to their daily lives and report this progress back to the class in
a few weeks or months.
Extension/Enrichment (LSI Quadrant IV):
Teacher may ask students to write an essay about a person(s) in history that have shown great
teamworking skills. This may be sports team, a committee, a politician, etc., but have shown
integrity, ethics, confidence, professionalism, leadership, or cooperation.
Students may visit school library to find books on leadership.
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Teamwork Handout 1
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Team Roles and Functions
Team Role
Primary Function
Leadership Styles
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Teamwork Handout 2
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Use dictionary (or online dictionary, if available) to define the following terms.
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Teamwork Handout 3
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Barbara was one of several employees in a small department at the ABC Company where productivity
depended upon the close collaboration of everyone involved. She was very skilled at her job. She had a
high potential and lived up to it, working faster than anyone else in the department.
However, Barbara liked to work alone. She hardly ever offered to help her co-workers. Many of the
people who worked with her felt that she had a snobby attitude, and they didn’t like it. As a result, the
department was split between those who liked Barbara and those who didn’t.
Barbara’s boss gave a lot of thought to the situation and thought about it this way. Although Barbara was
producing at the highest level in the department, the total productivity of the ABC Company had not gone
up since she started working there. Actually, it had gone down a little. Could it be that Barbara had done
more damage (through poor people skills) than good (by her high personal productivity)? The boss came
to the conclusion that Barbara was a really good worker when viewed alone, but that she was a very poor
worker when viewed as a member of a team.
A few months later, the boss was promoted to a higher position in the ABC Company, and management
had to find replacement for him. They decided to hire someone from outside the ABC Company. When
Barbara discovered that she was not picked for a promotion, she demanded to know why. She was told
that she was the fastest worker at the company, but that her teamwork skills were not very good. The
managers felt the other workers at ABC would not respect her as a supervisor.
1. Do you agree with management’s decision to not promote Barbara even though she was the fastest
worker? Why or why not?
2. Do you think the boss was responsible for Barbara not being promoted?
3. Do you think Barbara knows how her co-workers feel about her?
4. If you were Barbara, what would you do to correct this situation?
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Teamwork Handout 4
Self Evaluation
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Teamwork Skills Self-Evaluation
Evaluating your teamwork skills can help you find your strengths and weaknesses as a team
member. If know what your weaknesses are, you can set goals to improve in those areas. If
each member of the team knows their particular strengths, it may help the team to function
Rate each statement as it relates to you in a team/group environment.
When I am working on a team, I make an effort to be supportive to other team members, even if I
don’t agree with what they are doing.
A. Always
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
B. Most of the time
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
C. Sometimes
D. Almost never
When I see that a co-worker is having a bad day, I:
A. leave them alone
C. go tell the boss
D. Almost never
When a co-worker gossips about another co-worker, I participate.
A. Always
C. Sometimes
When a team member has a better idea than me, I am okay with it.
A. Always
B. Most of the time
When a team member gets off task, I encourage them to reconnect to the situation.
A. Always
D. Almost never
When a member of my team is rude or puts down other members’ suggestions, I call attention to
his or her rudeness and suggest a better method.
A. Always
C. Sometimes
I listen closely when others are talking, and I ask them to explain if I am not sure what they mean.
A. Always
B. Most of the time
B. ask if I can help them with anything
D. don’t care.
I like to work in an environment where:
A. I am the boss.
B. I don’t have to “think” and just follow instructions.
C. I can be very creative and have no set time schedule for projects.
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Teamwork Handout 5 Guided Practice
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Session Title: TEAMWORK
Students will work in teams of 3 to put together a 24 piece puzzle without speaking, gesturing,
etc. Teams will compete with each other to see which team finishes first. When completed,
students will answer the following questions:
1. Did one person emerge as a leader?
2. Is it difficult to work as a team?
3. How did you communicate with your team members without speaking?
4. What is the most difficult part of working as a team?
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Teamwork Rubric
Course Title: Principles of Architecture and Construction
Lesson Title: Teamwork
Skills to be assessed
Participation in Puzzle
Evaluation of Puzzle
Vocabulary Words
(using Handout 2)
Teamwork Self
Evaluation (using
Handout 4)
Points Earned
1-6 points
7-13 points
14-20 points
Student gave
little or no
effort to work
quickly and
efficiently as
part of the
Student gave
some effort to
work quickly and
efficiently as part
of the team.
Student gave
great effort to
work quickly and
efficiently as part
of the team.
1-6 points
7-13 points
14-20 points
1-2 questions
Little effort to
grammatical or
2-3 questions
Some thought
and effort given
to answers. Few
grammatical or
All 4 questions
Much thought
was given to
each answer.
Answers are
clear and
concise. Two or
less grammatical
or punctuation
1-13 points
14-26 points
27-40 points
1-2 vocabulary
3-4 vocabulary
words correctly
5-6 vocabulary
words correctly
1-10 points
11-20 points
1-5 statements rated.
Some thought was given
to each answer.
6-8 statements rated.
Much thought was given
to each answer.
Total Points
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