School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) RECOGNITION OF STUDENT ARTWORK Summerland Secondary School June 9, 2014 School District No. 67 (Okanagan Skaha) extends recognition and appreciation to the following students/groups of Summerland Secondary School for the artwork they submitted to be displayed in the boardroom for the month of June. Maeghan Vader Grade 12 Inspired by artist Jasper Johns ~ (born: May 15, 1930 [age 84]) is an American contemporary artist who works primarily in painting and printmaking. A medium blue colour background including blocks of taupe and orange-brown tones. White outlined shapes stand out with black outlined shapes in the foreground. Tempera on paper. Grade 11 Rachelle Nielson Inspired by artist Emily Carr ~ (Dec 13, 1871 - Mar 2, 1945) was a Canadian artist and writer. The artist was one of the first painters in Canada to adopt a modernist and post-impressionist painting style. Incredible tall trees placed within a blue massive sky in olive greens, yellows, blues, rust-browns, pale yellow and white. Tempera on paper. Alicia Halbach Inspired by artist Edward Hopper ~ (July 22, 1882 - May 15, 1967) was a prominent American realist painter and printmaker. A selection of bold colours - purple, red, royal blue, teal, various orange tones and black in this abstract piece. Grade 11 Grade 11 Tempera on paper. Nicolai Cadonic Inspired by artist Claude Monet ~ (Nov14, 1840 - Dec 5, 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting. The focal point is a bridge with many arches, a tall predominant castle in the background which faces a village. Yellow-mustard tones, deep blues, greens with a pale blue sky. Tempera on paper. Grade 11 Amanda Dennison Inspired by artist Claude Monet ~ Nov14, 1840 - Dec 5, 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting. A landscape painted in a selection of various warm green tones, bright yellows, oranges, rust-browns and reds. TTempera on paper. Inspired by artist Claude Monet ~ (Nov14, 1840 - Dec 5, 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting. Jennifer Butler A large tree in full bloom in various pinks, whites, coral coloured blossoms. Warm and cool greens were used for the trees and rolling hills. Tempera on paper. Grade 9