Part 2 : Your room


Part 2


Your room

In this part we will have a look on the live room and all its features and options.

First of all, please login to the room as moderator.

Remember, that you have two variants for moderator's login: via autologin or via room link and login details (check

Quick Start

chapter). Guests can login simply by browsing the room link .

And after login please click on Allow and "

Yes, I'm ready to broadcast



And now we will take a look at your main room view:


Signal strength Room settings, locker and banner menu

Main Tabs

Camera, chat and sound settings

Member's list

Audio/video options and volume control

Start Recording Shared file storage

Let's review different small buttons and indicators:

Click on the Flag at the top right corner and choose the language of the room: you are able to choose English, French, Italian, Spanish,

Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Dutch, Swedish, German,

Bulgarian, Greek, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Turkish,

Polish, Belarusian, Czech, Slovenian, Iranian or Israeli languages.

Change of language will translate all tabs and features to the selected language.

Signal strength

indicator at the top left corner showing the current connection stability .

There are three lines , which indicate three conditions of signal strength: three lines – excellent ; two lines – good ; one line – low

Sign Out

button at the top right corner: click to logout from the room


Very important feature is

Shared File Storage

at the right bottom corner.

Click on it and you will see the folder, where you can store files of all formats, archives, documents, materials. Your guests would be able to download the files. Currently Storage is unlimited .


Delete files

Three buttons near each file:

download file


send file to selected members

delete file


Process of uploading

: click on


and choose the file or files from PC, then simply click on


the file or

in order to upload


for cancellation of the uploading.

Once the file is uploaded you will see it in the list. You may also click on


button if you don't see uploaded files.

At any time you can delete some files: select them and click

Delete files


Next imporant buttons are the three buttons on the top center:

Room Functions:

You can set and control the functionality of the users in the conference room via different settings and functions during live event

Room Locker:

You can lock the room or pause the conference . You can set timer and choose few options.

Room Banner:

You can upload banner and activate it during webinar.

You can set redirect to certain URL for your banner and size of the image is unlimited.

At the right side you can see the

Member's List.

As you remember, in Room Settings in your member's account you can " Disable active members list in the room " (page 9) and in Room Functions you can " Check on this box to hide the members list for all guests in the room " (page 15). All moderators will see the list:

List of Members: you can see moderators and guests, search the certain member, choose A-Z or Z-A order.

Notice!: Click on the icon in order to hide the member's list for you. Useful for the netbook owners!

Let's take a look on a member's info and buttons, that moderator s can use. Click on the flag near the member's name and you will see buttons:

Indicates that user has microphone and webcam user's status

Each member can set his activity status:

Online: user is active and available in the conference room

Away: user away due to the idle

Not Available: user not available

On Phone: user is temporarily not available in the conference room, “on phone”

I have question: user has a question to the moderator.

Add user to duplex mode : activate the user as speaker for all guests (multiple speakers mode, check more info on page 21)

Invite to private text chat only : initiate private text chat

Invite to full-duplex audio chat : initiate audio & text chat

Invite to full-duplex video chat: initiate video/audio & text chat

Please click to mute the selected member : disable microphone for the guest in the duplex mode

Please click to kick the selected out from the room: kick the guest from the room (he will be able to login agai n )

Please click to ban the selected member : add guest to the Ban

List (he will not be able to login again)

Buzz user : click to draw attention of the guest via sound command

Grant temporarily moderator permissions to the member : click to grant moderator's rights to the guest

You can choose what rights you will grant: certain rights, all, presentation, control

Interesting!: as you may notice, we have two buttons that still were not explained:

Facebook Social button at the left top corner

Small Banner at the right bottom corner

It is our advanced features (can be purchased additionally) and we will review them in Chapter 3

One of the main room sections is the


(at the top right corner )

It is your main Room Settings :

Audio/Video: your live broadcast options for

Microphone and Camera

Web camera: set the image/photo , that will be visible instead of the camera stream

Status: activate the " idle " and " N/A " time, your status activity

Chat: activate the background image for your chat window.

Other: set the sound notifications and saving of chat and members history.

Audio/Video: you can check the current audio/video stream and set the Adobe's settings for devices: allow access, set volume, choose the correct device, enable or disable hardware acceleration

Web Camera:

Use the picture instead of the web camera: set "yes" in order to activate the image that will replace the video stream from camera.

Overlay the picture over the web camera image: set

"yes" if you want to use picture AND video stream at the same time.

Do not forget to upload your picture!( also you can use default images ): click on Edit the pictures , then Browse , choose the file, Upload file and then

Click on file image in a list and after that simply

OK .

Status: activate the mode, that will automatically set the " Away " or " Not

Available " status after certain period of time.

Chat: activate the background image for your chat window.

In active mode your chat window will have nice background image. Set "Yes" in

Active function, choose one of the default images and if you want set the transparency, color, alignment and options "Fit the size" and "Keep the aspect ratio".

In "Other" section there are two types of settings:

1) Opportunity to set the sound notifications for different cases:

- Turn off the knock-knock notification when someone enter the room

- Turn off sign-in notification in the text chat

- Turn off sign-out notification in the text chat

- Turn off incoming "buzz" notifications

- Turn off notifications for the incoming/ outgoing messages.

Change the position to "No " for activation.

2) Opportunity to activate the saving of Public Chat Auto-history and Members List Auto-history.

Please note that you should have active and installed Sharing plugin for saving the history.

We will review the plugin little bit later in Desktop Sharing part (page 31)

And now we have finally approached to the most interesting part: Audio & Video broadcasting and 4 major tabs ( Chat, Presentation, Video, Sharing ) and Recording.

Let's start with the

Talk Now

mode (the large button on the bottom in your room).

Just click on Talk Now and begin your live broadcast!

Not active Talk Now mode:

Active microphone icon (click to mute)

Active camera icon (click to disable camera)

Click to start broadcast

Volume of current speaker (not you)

Volume of your speaking session

(active when you have activated Talk Now mode)

Active Talk Now mode:

Microphone indicator

Disabled Talk Now mode (muted microphone and camera):

And how it looks in the room:

Active Talk Now mode: Active Talk Now

with muted camera (only audio)

Muted camera

Let's take a closer look on your Talk Now speaker's screen: click here to close speaker's screen

Click if you want to enlarge your speaker's screen

Microphone and camera buttons

Moderator's name

As you remember you may also use the photo instead of video stream or photo with video stream (page 18). Just go to Settings at top right corner, section Web camera and there will be two options:

Use the picture instead of the web camera:

Overlay the picture over the web camera image (actual for photoframes):

NOTICE!: You can use any camera or microphone in your conference room if it`s connected and properly installed on your PC. But maximal resolution for camera you can get in the speakers box is 320x240. But we have high quality solution for you! You can transmit video stream using Video (Show) tab in your conference room. This mode allows you to get up to 720i resolution. And we will take a look on this function on page 30.




Chat tab


Chat tab

Polling tab and options chat window options

Speaker screen

Chat and text options

Chat tab is your first and default tab, it is your public chat window. If it is not restricted, your participants may leave comments, messages, send links (blocked by the default for guests) etc. You can also start a poll/voting for guests, control the discussion and other options.


and text options

( at the bottom of your Chat window) :

1. Moderator's view:

Moderators have option to send a text, use smileys, predefined answers and also have additional options!

2. Guest's view:

Guests can send a message, use smileys and instead of moderator's options can buzz moderator

Moderators will see the message " User "Guest" is waiting for you.


Moderator's options:

You can use Predefined answers , click on special button and add your answers. They will be saved in your browser for your next sessions.

C lick here to clear messages for all members: click to delete all messages

Click here to start filtering the text chat for all guests in the room: all guest's links are blocked in this position

Click here to stop filtering the text chat for all guests in the room: all guest's links are visible in this position

Click here to make visible the text chat for all guests: chat is visible for all in this position

Click here to make visible the text chat for moderators only : chat is visible for moderators only in this position

Click here to disable the text chat for all guests: chat enabled for all in this position

Click here to enable the text chat for all guests : chat disabled for all in this position

Click here to open public chat history folder

Next major and important tab is


image and other files. Also you have drawing features at this tab.


This tab designed for demonstration of ppt , pdf , txt ,

Click on this tab and then click on Upload/Start PowerPoint presentation button at the center.

You will see the Presentation folder , where you will be able to upload files and play them in room


File format and size

Play button delete

Process of uploading: click on

Browse and choose the file or files from PC, then simply click on Upload in order to upload the file or Clear for cancellation of the uploading.

Once the file is uploaded you will see it in the list. You may also click on Refresh button if you don't see uploaded files.

At any time you can delete some files: select them and click

Delete files .

Pay attention to the requirements: your files should NOT be password protected, maximum allowed file size is 50 mb , maximum amount of slides in one file is 100 , for titles of files must use only Latin characters (without specific symbols).

You may upload files of following formats:

Click on

Play button

and your presentation will appears in the room. There will be also few additional panels: Control , Drawing and Slides Preview

Slides preview panel

Drawing panel

Control Panel

On a Slides Preview you can see numbered miniatures of your slides. You can slide and by click on it will appears on a screen. choose needed

On a Control Panel you have buttons and functions for management of your slides show

Click to choose exact slide

Choose play speed for each slide (from 5 to 20 seconds)

Click to hide Slides preview panel

Click to open Slides preview

Click to hide Drawing panel

Click to open Drawing panel

Just below the Control Panel see also another button. It's

(right to Rec button) you can

Full Screen button . Click on this button and activate Full screen mode for your guests ( they will see only your slides on their screen ).

to Deactivate Full screen mode click on button

Standard screen mode:

Start slide show

Next slide / Previous slide

First slide / Last slide

Slides looping (click to activate slides show on repeat)

Close presentation

Each guest also can zoom in or zoom out the image

Full screen mode:

Presentation tab also contains Drawing (Whiteboard) function. You can use this function via Start

Drawing button at the bottom (you will be able to draw on a white list in such case ) or you can directly use the Drawing panel during Presentation show.

Start Drawing: Drawing panel:

In this mode you can use graphical objects and different markers , put custom text , save it as screenshot.

Object selector









Eraser (click to delete all elements)

Cursor ( cursor visible for guests; click to hide it )

Screenshot ( click to save your drawings as image)

Lines Rectangle








For most of the objects you are able to choose the color , line thickness and few other options:

For text object you can indicate font and size :

Cursor for participants/guests will look like this

We are moving forward and next huge tab is

Video tab

Upload your video & audio files and play them in the room.

Also you have special YouTube panel , where you can play videos directly from YouTube. And don't forget about Start Show mode, which allows you to transmit HQ video stream .

Click on " Upload/play your local video files " at the top center of your screen.

You will see folder with your files, where you can upload files and play them. Process of uploading similar to Presentation tab ( page 25 ) and Shared Files Storage ( page 14 )

Play button

You can upload files of following formats:

Upload your video and then click on Play button to show your video in the room.

Video controller

Audio volume

On the video screen you will have Video Controller on the bottom and Audio volume control right to controller.

Choose size

(original or full screen)

Rewind your video

Click to Repeat of played video

Close video

Play video / Pause

Audio volume control

You may also play videos directly from YouTube . It is simple and useful function! Click on

" Upload/play your local video files " and choose YouTube button on the screen.

Simply paste your YouTube Link in Video URL line and click on added to the list and you there will be buttons:


Add Link . Your video will be

Copy Link to Clipboard

Delete link

Important notice!: kindly note, that all YouTube links are being saved as your browser's cookies and available only for the moderator, who have uploaded them. It means, that if your browser automatically clear the cookies and cache after the session, all URL's will be also removed . If you would like to save your YouTube links for a long time please make sure that your cookies and cache in browser will not be deleted .

Another important function is Start Show . We mentioned it on page 22 conference room. This mode allows you broadcast even in 720i resolution.


On the bottom of your Video Tab you can see the button:

: " We have high quality Video solution for you! You can transmit video stream using Start Show function in your

By clicking on this button you will start HQ Video broadcast :

Your video stream

In this mode you will not be able to activate Talk

Now or Duplex


Activate Full screen Stop show

Please pay attention, that you will see small video screen from your side. But your guests will see huge size and you can even increase this size and activate Full Screen!

Standard Video Show size from guests side

Full Screen Video Show size from guests side

Last huge mode and tab is


to your participants via this regime.


You can easily show your current desktop activity

Click on the Start Sharing button at the bottom of your room

Choose the preferred mode: you can share your desktop full screen or selected area.

If you choose the selected area you will be able to choose the area of the screen:

Once you started sharing, you will see the small screen showing your activity:

Important: Desktop Sharing requires and installation of Sharing Plugin . In order to download it, click on Start

Sharing .

You can also activate

Full Screen view for guest's side

And your participants will see the your current desktop sharing activity :

Guests can zoom or zoom out the view

Or you can download the sharing plugin via one of the following links: for Windows ОС :

for Mac ОС:

Once plugin started, it will appears in system tray with "R" symbol and you will see the mesage "service is active"

Sharing plugin also required for

Public Chat Auto-history and

Members List Auto-history (page 19)
