Professional Learning Opportunities SD67  2015‐2016    There are many opportunities available this year to all staff.                           

Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Professional Learning Opportunities SD67 2015‐2016 There are many opportunities available this year to all staff. We invite you to read the information provided and see what you might want to be involved in. There are 4 sections: Inquiry Groups and Learning Teams: These groups meet 5‐7 times a year. There are usually between 10‐15 people in a group pursuing an inquiry in an area of interest. This year there are 8 inquiry groups being offered through out the district. On‐going Professional Development These groups of educators meet over time and work on a particular topic or area. The on‐going sessions provide the opportunity for participants to learn something, try it, and then come back and have conversations about their learning. Professional Development Days There are many opportunities this year being offered on the Professional Development Days. Some are described here, others will be advertised throughout the year. Individual Workshops There are many exciting workshops being offered this year where you can learn a new skill or be exposed to a different idea. Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 1
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
LEARNING TEAM / INQUIRY OPPORTUNITIES One of the ways to focus your professional development this year would be by joining a district inquiry group or learning team. These groups meet from 5‐7 times throughout the year, usually using a combination of professional development days, release time and dinner or after school meetings. Each group has a facilitator, and usually between 10‐15 participants. Full write‐ups for each of these groups and registration information are on the following pages. Assessment and Grading – Myron Dueck, Judith King Assessment and Transitions – Tammy Kay Changing Results for Young Readers – Kirsten Odian, Nicole MacIntyre, Bev Krieger Changing Results for Adolescent Readers – Kirsten Odian, Bev Krieger, Janice Moase, Nick Korvin Indigenous Perspectives that Benefit all Students – Naryn Searcy, Judith King Mentorship Learning Rounds ‐ Tammy Kay Middle School Inquiry – Literacy and Inclusion – Dr. Leyton Schellert / Jeff Fitton Promoting Inclusive Practices – Nick Korvin / Janice Moase * Other learning teams / inquiry groups or teams of teachers wanting to meet to share ideas and have some time to plan can contact Judith King ( or one of the resource people for some assistance on how to set up a group. Some areas of interest might be cross‐curricular teaching/learning, hands‐on active teaching/learning, competencies, or the new curriculum. * Please be sure to apply for SD 67 Innovation Inquiry Grants if you would like to form your own group (this document has been sent out to all schools/see Don MacIntyre for info) Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 2
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Assessment and Grading For: All Inquiry Facilitator: Myron Dueck, Judith King Every topic associated with education, from RTI to technology, eventually deals with how we grade and assess students in our schools. Myron is looking forward to working with educators in an inquiry setting where they can develop their own questions and look at their practice in areas such as effective grading and assessment, measuring learning, and strengthening student‐teacher relationships. Possible topics and questions to consider: ‐ What is the difference between grading and assessment, and how can we blend the two? ‐ What is formative assessment, and more specifically, what are different ways to infuse it in to practice? ‐ How do we balance accountability and flexibility in grading and assessment schemes? ‐ How do I grade creative ventures? ‐ How do I meaningfully and effectively involve students in the grading conversation? ‐ What is the purpose of my grading and is there a way to better reflect this purpose in my practice? ‐ If grading is about reflecting learning standards, how do I report other behaviours and factors that I believe should be conveyed to parents, the student and others? ‐ How do I grade the extent to which students have met the learning outcomes in new and varied ways? All participants will receive a copy of Grading Smarter Not Harder. Dates: Educators wanting to join the inquiry are asked to attend the Oct. 23 Pro.D. full day session with Myron called “What do I believe about grading and reporting?” If you are already committed to other professional development session that day you can join on the next date. Confirmed dates: Oct. 23 – all day, Nov. 23 a.m., Jan. 11 dinner meeting, Feb. 25 p.m., April 11 am., May 18 dinner meeting. Funds for release time will be split between FLEX funds and School Completion Funds. Please check with your principal on the use of funding for one half day. Location: TBA Registration: Myron Dueck at * when emailing to register, please include answers to the following questions: 1. What are you hoping to gain from your involvement in this group? 2. What is your past experience? Area of interest? Or what have you been trying? Assessment and Transition For: School Teams (elementary/middle/secondary) Collaborative Professional Development / Inquiry Presenter/Facilitator: Tammy Kay This inquiry opportunity will focus on management, instructional practice, collaboration, assessment, expectations, and common language as a way to appreciate and build on the work taking place in our schools. Ideally, interested schools would send teams of three, including an administrator, that would work together to generate strategies that could ease transitions between buildings. Dates: To be decided by participants Time: To be decided by participants Location: Rotating buildings Registration or information: Tammy Kay ( Funding: Release time provided by the SMART Learning team and the district Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 3
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Changing Results for Young Readers (CR4YR) For: Learning Teams from Trout Creek, Giant’s Head, Naramata and Kaleden (Year 2 of project) Inquiry – Six (6) sessions Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian, Nicole MacIntyre and Bev Krieger This inquiry group is a continuation of last year and is not intended for new participants. The Learning Teams will focus on increasing the number of engaged, successful primary readers in our district through extending opportunities for teachers to collaborate. This year the CR4YR group will be meeting six times – three afternoon sessions (release time provided), 2 after school sessions and one half day on a Professional Development day. Dates: TBA in September Time: 3 afternoons with release time, 2 after school sessions, 1 half day on a PD day (May 6, p.m.). Location: TBA Information: Kirsten Odian at Funding: Release time provided by the district (for afternoon sessions) Changing Results for Adolescent Readers (CR4AR) For: Learning Teams from invited Elementary and Middle Schools Inquiry – Six (6) sessions Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian, Bev Krieger, Janice Moase and Nick Korvin This inquiry group will be supporting school teams with grade 4, 5, and 6 teachers and is by invitation only. The Learning Teams will focus on increasing the number of engaged, successful adolescent readers in our district through extending opportunities for teachers to collaborate. This year the CR4YR group will be meeting six times – three morning sessions (release time provided), 2 after school sessions and one half day on a Professional Development day. Dates: TBA in September Time: 3 afternoons with release time, 2 after school sessions, 1 half day on a PD day (May 6, a.m.). Location: TBA Information: Kirsten Odian at Funding: Release time provided by the district (for morning sessions) Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 4
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Indigenous Perspectives that Benefit All Students Incorporating Aboriginal perspectives, learning strategies, and resources into a classroom setting For: Grades K‐9 Inquiry (6 Sessions) Presenter/Facilitator: Naryn Searcy, Judith King The new K‐9 curriculum (set for full implementation in September 2016) integrates Aboriginal content and perspectives throughout all grade levels and subject areas. Aboriginal ways of knowing are compatible with current focuses on self‐regulation, social‐emotional learning (SEL), differentiated instruction, and place‐based learning. Teachers will explore engaging strategies and resources that enhance learning and improve outcomes for all students. Dates/Times: This group will meet 6 times throughout the year, which will include 4 sessions during school time/pro‐d days and 2 dinner meetings. September 28th (Afternoon‐Pro‐D Day), October 21th (Dinner Meeting), November 17th (Morning‐Release Day), February 25th (Afternoon‐ Pro‐D Day), April 7th (Afternoon‐Release Day) & May 18th (Evening‐Celebration) Note: there is room for adjustment of some dates depending on what works for group members. Location: Schools (TBA) and great restaurants Registration or information: Contact Naryn Searcy Funding: one release morning through FLEX funds, one release through School Completion Funds (please check with your principal about FLEX fund support) * when emailing to register, please include answers to the following questions: 1. What are you hoping to gain from your involvement in this group? 2. If you have had any previous experience with exploring Aboriginal perspectives in your practice, please tell me about it. Mentorship Learning Rounds All Welcome Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development Learning Rounds Presenter/Facilitator: SMART Learning Team These learning rounds, structured by grade or interest, invite participants to model strategies for each other in the lens of appreciative inquiry. Participants meet in the morning and review classroom details and strategies. The mentor of the day invites participants into the classroom and models for group members. Once participants have had a chance to debrief, the next classroom and mentor are chosen. Dates: To be decided by participants Time: 8:30am – 12:30pm Location: Rotating classrooms of participants Registration or information: Tammy Kay (, watch for invites through e‐mail, or send along a request to be part of an inquiry group Funding: Release time provided by the SMART Learning team and the district Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 5
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Middle school inquiry group: Inclusion, Literacy and the *New Curriculum For: All middle school educators Inquiry Facilitators: Dr. Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Jeff Fitton We are all reluctant readers and learners at some point in time, but we have a lot more control over our lives and learning than our students. In this inquiry group we will work together to explore ways to engage students with approaches such as inquiry, information circles, open‐
ended strategies and self‐regulated learning. Based on your students' strengths and stretches and your own passions, you choose the journey and our learning community will support you. We will explore the new curriculum as part of our time together. Together we are better! Dates and Times: Sept. 28 pm, Nov. 16 (release morning), Jan. 20 (release morning), Feb. 25 pm, April 4 (release), May 18 (dinner and celebration) Location: TBA Registration and information: Judith King at Funding: Release time shared – one session with FLEX funds, 2 sessions with School Completion funds. Please talk to your principal about use of FLEX funds. Promoting Inclusive Practices: Collaborative inquiry on inclusive practices that support diversity and build community for all students. For: 6‐12 Staff (LST and Classroom teacher teams) Inquiry Presenter/Facilitator: Janice Moase and Nick Korvin Members of this group will have the opportunity to collaboratively investigate, discuss and build inclusive lessons, units or projects that support diversity and build community. We will meet 6 times throughout the year, which will include 5 during school and professional days and 1 after school session. Dates/Times: September 28th (Afternoon‐Pro‐D Day), October 19th (Morning‐Release Day), November 19th (Morning‐Release Day), February 25th (Afternoon‐ Pro‐D Day), April 7th (Morning‐
Release Day) & May 18th (Evening‐Celebration) ‐ On the mornings of September 28 and February 25 this group will have the opportunity to participate in Professional Development sessions with Dr. Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Shelley Moore, Richmond School District and consultant in BC in the area of Inclusion. Location: Schools – Shatford Centre Registration or information: Janice Moase or Nick Korvin Funding: Cost of the 3 morning TOC days shared between school flex funds and School Completion Funds. Please talk with your principal about supporting one morning through FLEX funds Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 6
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: ON‐GOING SERIES Professional Development that is offered in a series is a great way for ongoing learning. It provides the opportunity for participants to learn something, try it, and then come back and have conversation about their learning. Full write ups for each of these groups and registration information are on the following pages. Aboriginal Book and Video Club – Naryn Searcy and Judith King Aboriginal Education Perspectives Series at Okanagan College Assessment, Grading and Reporting Field Test – Jason Corday and Darcy Mullin Community of Practice: Healthy Schools – Jenny Mitchell Physical Literacy – Jenny Mitchell Strong Start Educators – Kirsten Odian Supporting Literature Circles with Clicker – Anita Toneato Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 7
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Aboriginal Book and Video Gatherings For: All staff Type of Professional Learning: On going series – Staff can come to one or all of the gatherings Facilitators: Naryn Searcy, Judith King and others This book and video gathering has been occuring over the past year and half. We read books and watch Aboriginal videos to gain a better understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal literature and culture. We meet 3 or 4 times a year. Watch for more information to be sent out about each gathering. We have been fortunate to have some of the authors meet with us, and so we set dates that work with their schedule. First book for this year: April Raintree Date: Thursday, Oct. 29, 2015 Time: 3:15‐4:30 Location: TBA Register: Aboriginal Education Perspective Series For: All staff On going series – Register separately for each course Facilitators: Okanagan College The Aboriginal Education Perspectives series in Penticton is designed for anyone working in the education field to gain greater knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal people’s issues from a local perspective. The series will be of particular value to educational assistants, teachers, and others who work with students of Aboriginal ancestry. The series is open to anyone with an interest in the field. 1. Aboriginal Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspective: Develop an understanding of histories, cultures, traditional values, knowledge, and contemporary perspectives of Aboriginal people in BC and Canada. Course Code: BAED 083 Monday, Sept. 28, 9‐3 and Sat. Oct. 24, Sat. 9‐3 CRN: 70271 $160.00 (+GST) 2. Local First Nations & Metis Culture, History and Issues: The culture, history, and modern‐day issues of local First Nations groups and Metis people will be explored in the workshop. Course Code: BAED 084 Thurs., Feb. 25, 8:30‐3:00; Fri. Feb. 26, 9‐11:30 (Professional Development Days) CRN:80081 $120 (+GST) 3. Advocating and Supporting Aboriginal Students and Families: Enhancing educational experiences for Aboriginal students requires effective communication and support. Skills and techniques will be explored to help advocate for Aboriginal students with local agencies. Course Code: BAED 085 Fri. Feb. 26, Fri. 12:30‐3:00 CRN:80082 $40 (+GST) Location: Okanagan College, Penticton Register: 1‐888‐638‐0058 Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 8
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Assessment, Grading and Reporting Field Test For: all teachers K ‐12 Type of Professional Learning: on‐going series Facilitators: Steering committee of teachers and administrators For many years School District #67 has been investing in changing the assessment practices for our teachers. The more we learn the more we realize that our reporting procedures do not match our assessment procedures. Report cards and reporting occurs after the learning has happened. Quite frankly that is too late. Reporting should happen in an ongoing format where students and parents are part of the conversation. This group is focused on connecting innovative classroom assessment to authentic reporting. Simply put – making learning visible and in real time. Dates and times: 6 Sessions – September 16th, September 28th, November 18th, January 20th, February 25th, April 20th Session #1 – Dinner meeting, September 16th. Session #2 – ½ Day Pro D September 28th. Topic: Assessing the Core Competencies. Session #3 – Dinner Meeting on November 18th (3:30 – 6). Topic: How Technology is changing the face of Education Session #4 – ½ day release on Jan. 20th. Topic: What does engagement look like? Session #5 – ½ Day Pro D on Feb. 25th. Topic: Formative and summative assessments…friend or foe? Session #6 – Dinner Meeting on April 20th (3:30‑6:00) Topic: Reflections and Celebrations Please contact Jason Corday or Darcy Mullin for more information / commitments and registration. Community of Practice: Healthy Schools For: All staff Type of Professional Learning: on‐going series Facilitator: Jenny Mitchell Participants are invited to build upon the work of the Physical and Health Education Community of Practice Project or begin to investigate creating a healthy school community through collaboration. Sessions will include success sharing and highlight various local resources to strengthen and support healthy school communities. Dates: TBA More Information/Registration: Jenny Mitchell Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 9
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Physical Literacy For: All Learning Team Presenter/Facilitator: Jenny Mitchell Through support from the RBC Learn to Play Grant, participants will investigate how to improve opportunities for students to develop physical literacy. Areas such as teaching games for understanding, Physical Literacy Assessment for Youth (PLAY), fundamental movement skills and many others will be explored in an effort to enhance engagement and promote activity for life. Participants will have the opportunity to form inquiry groups based on a specific focus and then receive support for collaboration and mentorship. Dates will be determined by individual groups. *Participants are invited to attend the Okanagan Sport Leadership Conference on October 17th, featuring Dr. Dean Kriellaars (fee will be paid by RBC grant). Contact Jenny to register. Date: September 28, October 23, February 25, May 6 Time: 8:30‐2:30 Location: TBA Registration: Jenny Mitchell StrongStart Professional Development For: StrongStart educators Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – Eight (8) sessions Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian This series of workshops will include presentations, discussions and training specific to our Early Childhood Educators in our four district StrongStarts. Last year, our sessions focused on areas such as oral language development, community resources, training for the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, and presentations by district coordinators and staff. Date: Typically the final Thursday of each month Time: 8:30 – 10:00 am Location: Various StrongStarts Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 10
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Supporting Literature Circles with Clicker 6 For: Teachers who have students already using Clicker 6 and would like to implement Lit circles activities Professional Development – 2 ‐ 3 sessions Presenter/Facilitator: SET BC consultant ‐ Charlotte Friend Work with a group of teachers in the district that already have students with Clicker 6 and look to implement Literature Circle activities for students to support their literacy development. Date: Professional Development days or in Co‐ordination with the SET BC Clicker 6 project. TBD by availability of SETBC consultant Time: TBD Location: TBD Registration or information: Anita Toneatto at Funding: SET BC will cover at least partial release time Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 11
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT DAYS Many sessions will be advertised separately from the ones listed here. Please be sure to see all available sessions. Many inquiry groups and learning teams will choose to meet on these days, or for parts of the days. Descriptions for some of these sessions follow the overview. Monday, September 28 Morning session: Inclusion K‐12 (a.m.) with Dr. Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Shelley Moore (Richmond SD) Leyton and Shelley will be involved with inquiry groups in the p.m. Register: Afternoon sessions: Inquiry Groups: the following inquiry groups are meeting in the afternoon – ‐ Indigenous Perspectives that Benefit All Students register: ‐ Middle School Inquiry Group register: ‐ Promoting Inclusive Practices register – ‐ Assessment, Grading and Reporting Field Test (see write up under ongoing professional development) register: All day sessions: Mindful Classroom – Marianne Prins (watch for more information) Proactive Responding for Educational Assistants Register: Caroline Ryan at First day of the Aboriginal Education Perspective Series: Okanagan College – Aboriginal Education: Historical and Contemporary Perspective (see write up under ongoing professional development) register: Okanagan College Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 12
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Friday, October 23 All day sessions: Growing Hearts; Inspiring Minds SMART Conference (SEL) for K‐12, LAT, CEA & Admin. Thursday, Oct.22 Demo classes, Friday conference (see write up) Physical Literacy ‐ Jenny Mitchell What do I believe about grading and reporting? –Myron Dueck Inquiry Group on Assessment and Grading is meeting for the last 45 minutes Thursday, February 25 Morning session: Inclusion K‐12 (a.m.) with Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Shelley Moore (Richmond SD) Leyton and Shelley will be involved with inquiry groups in the pm Afternoon sessions: Inquiry Groups: the following inquiry groups are meeting in the afternoon – ‐ Assessment and Grading ‐ Indigenous Perspectives that Benefit All Students ‐ Middle School Inquiry Group ‐ Promoting Inclusive Practices (see individual inquiry write ups) ‐ Assessment, Grading and Reporting Field Test All day sessions: Physical Literacy: Details to be determined Apps for Student Engagement Aboriginal Education Perspective Series: Okanagan College – Local First Nations & Metis Culture, History and Issues (see write up under ongoing professional development) Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 13
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Friday, February 26 All day sessions: Okanagan Skaha Edcamp (watch for more information) POPEI (Provincial Outreach Program for Early Intervention) Workshop (all day) Non‐fiction Writing Power Grades 1‐6 – Adrian Gear (all day) Physical Literacy – details to be determined Using Clicker 6 in your Classroom Aboriginal Education Perspective Series: Okanagan College – Local First Nations & Metis Culture, History and Issues & Advocating and Supporting Aboriginal Students and Families (see write up under ongoing professional development) Friday, May 6 Morning sessions: Changing Results for Adolescent Readers Afternoon sessions: Changing Results for Young Readers All day sessions: SMART Learning – Tammy Kay Inclusion – Shelley Moore Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 14
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Descriptions for SOME of the sessions: Monday, September 28 Morning Session: Inclusion K‐12 (a.m.) with Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Shelley Moore (Richmond SD) Leyton and Shelley will be involved with inquiry groups in the p.m. Learners are diverse. It’s a reality. What if we saw diversity as healthy and celebrated and supported students to offer and build on what they bring? Shelley and Leyton will share frameworks and examples to spark your practice and design learning for all. *If you have not heard Leyton Schnellert or Shelley Moore speak, you do not want to miss this session or the follow ups in February and May. Shatford Centre Room for 300 Registration: Proactive Responding for Educational Assistants For: EA’s Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Gerry Mason Education Assistants will look at the phases of positive behavior support and learn to understand why it is beneficial for our students to use a proactive approach. Participants will be given the opportunity to reflect personally as well as professionally on the issues that they face in the workplace. Through the skills training they will learn how to respond to a number of given situations using different approaches. These include Low level responses, Assertive responses and Empathic responses which aim to help support students to be successful in the classroom and on the playground. Date: September 28, 2015 Time: 8:30 – 2:30 am Location: IMC Registration or information: Caroline Ryan at Lunch will be provided Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 15
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Thursday / Friday, October 23 Growing Minds; Inspiring Hearts ‐ OCTOBER CONFERENCE All Welcome Presenter/Facilitator: SMART Learning Team along with Susan Close This year the SMART Learning team is excited to host a conference on the October 22 & 23 that addresses the new lens on the curriculum around social emotional learning. Here, colleagues are invited to learn about ways to support strong instruction and assessment practice, while creating opportunities for themselves and their students to personalize the learning for joyful success. Support to carry‐on throughout the year as requested. Date: October 22nd and 23rd Time: 8am‐3pm Location: SD 67 Classrooms on Thursday and KVR Middle School Friday Registration: Board Office, Facebook, district webpage Information: Tammy Kay (, Facebook, district webpage Funding: Personal Pro‐D, Flex Funds Friday, October 23 ‘What do I believe about grading, assessment and reporting?’ with Myron Dueck It could be argued that a contemporary educator should be able to answer these six questions: ∙ What is the critical role of an educator today? ∙ What are the core beliefs that drive my practice? ∙ What are the classroom experiences that support those beliefs? ∙ What are the key research pieces that support those beliefs? ∙ How are my grading /assessment routines impacted by my beliefs? ∙ What is my PURPOSE for grading and reporting? This professional development day will be rooted in these six questions. Myron will walk participants through his personal journey in changing his views on the purpose of grading and reporting, and will expose participants regarding the implementation of a number non‐
traditional assessment methods can benefit all students, and especially those at the extreme ends of the spectrum. Participants will be challenged to reflect on their own responses to the six questions, and time will be provided for planning next steps. * Inquiry group members to meet in the last 45 minutes Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 16
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Thursday, February 25 Morning Session: Inclusion K‐12 (a.m.) with Leyton Schnellert (UBCO) and Shelley Moore (Richmond SD) Leyton and Shelley will be involved with inquiry groups in the p.m. Learners are diverse. It’s a reality. What if we saw diversity as healthy and celebrated and supported students to offer and build on what they bring? Shelley and Leyton will share frameworks and examples to spark your practice and design learning for all. *This is a follow up session to Sept. 28. If you missed the September session you are still welcome to attend this one. Apps for Student Engagement
For: Elementary Teachers
Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – Full day pro‐d day
Presenter/Facilitator: SET BC consultant – Sarah Chadwick Several PACs have purchased iPads for teachers in schools. Teachers looking for assistance to utilize iPads to engage students in learning are invited. These workshops will provide teachers with guidance for how to use the iPad in the classroom. Date: February 25th, 2016
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: classroom at Penticton Secondary School
Information: Anita Toneatto at
Friday, February 26 POPEI (Provincial Outreach Program for Early Intervention) For: Elementary teachers (grades 1 to 3), Learning Support Teachers, Special Education/SLP teachers Presenter/Facilitator: POPEI (Lisa Watson and/or Sasha Zekulin) This focus of this workshop has not yet been determined. The goal of POPEI is to build and sustain the capacity of all educators throughout the province for effective instruction and early intervention, especially for diverse and struggling learners in the classroom. For more information, please visit their website at Date: February 26, 2016 Time: 8:30 – 1:30 pm Location: TBA Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 17
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
SD67 Edcamp: watch for more information Using Clicker 6 in your Classroom For: Teachers interested in learning about/using Clicker 6 in their classrooms Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – 2 ‐ 3 sessions Presenter/Facilitator: SET BC consultant ‐ Charlotte Friend Work with a group of teachers in the district that have Clicker 6 available to them and are interested in learning how to utilize this program into their classroom. A further focus will be to introduce Literature Circle activities with Clicker 6 to support literacy development. Date: Friday, February 26, 2016 and after school discussion groups TBD Time: 9am to noon on Friday Feb. 26th Location: classroom at Penticton Secondary School Registration or information: Anita Toneatto at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 18
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
INDIVIDUAL WORKSHOPS SEPTEMBER: Words Their Way For: Elementary teachers (grades 1 through 5) Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian Words Their Way provides a practical way to study words with students. Based on research on developmental spelling and word knowledge, the framework for this text is keyed to five stages and instructional levels. Words Their Way is word study for phonics, vocabulary, and spelling instruction. Date: Wednesday, September 23rd Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Location: IMC Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Proactive Responding for Educational Assistants For: EA’s Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Gerry Mason Education Assistants will look at the phases of positive behavior support and learn to understand why it is beneficial for our students to use a proactive approach. Participants will be given the opportunity to reflect personally as well as professionally on the issues that they face in the workplace. Through the skills training they will learn how to respond to a number of given situations using different approaches. These include Low level responses, Assertive responses and Empathic responses which aim to help support students to be successful in the classroom and on the playground. Date: September 28, 2015 Time: 8:30 – 2:30 am Location: IMC Registration or information: Caroline Ryan at Lunch will be provided Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 19
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
OCTOBER: Kindergarten Early Literacy Screen For: Kindergarten teachers Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian Teachers new to Kindergarten will have an opportunity to learn how to use the Kindergarten Early Literacy Screen to gather formative and summative assessment information on their students. This tool will be used in May to collect data on our vulnerable Kindergarten students to determine support through Early Literacy Intervention in their grade 1 year. Date: October 2015 Time: 8:30 – 11:30 am Location: TBA Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Funding: Release time provided by the district Whole Class Reading Assessment For: Elementary/Middle School teachers (grades 4 through 7) Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian The purpose of this assessment is to gain information about how well students read independently and understand what they’ve read using non‐fiction text. The Whole Class Reading Assessment has recently been revised and we will look at the new protocol, added passages, changes to the student response sheets, criteria for marking and sample answers. Date: Wednesday, October 7th Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Location: IMC Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 20
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
PM Benchmark For: Elementary teachers (grades 1 through 5) Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – Two (2) sessions Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian These workshops will demonstrate the administration of PM Benchmark Reading Assessment and help teachers with coding and scoring running records. Teachers can use PM Benchmark as formative assessment to determine students’ reading abilities using unseen, meaningful textsThe first session is primarily for teachers who are new to using PM Benchmarks or who would like a refresher on how to use this tool to help guide teaching. The second session is for any teacher looking to improve their use of running records, including how to work quickly to code and how to score them after (looking at Meaning, Structure and Visual). In both sessions, we will look at revised procedures on how to use PM Benchmark kits, updated recording sheets, suggested levels of performance and district assessment protocol. Session 1 (PM Benchmark) Date: Thursday, October 1st Session 2 (Running Records) Date: Thursday, October 8th Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Location: IMC Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Leveled Literacy Intervention For: Grade 2 teachers Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian This session is for new grade 2 teachers who are looking at implementing Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) in their classroom. Participants will have an opportunity to learn more about the program, how to use it with small groups for Tier 2 RTI intervention and will observe the program being used with a group of students. Date: Thursday, October 15th Time: 8:30 – 11:30 am Location: Trout Creek Elementary School Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Funding: Release time provided by the district Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 21
Professional Learning Opportunities SD 67
Outside the Four Walls: How to incorporate outdoor/place‐based pedagogy into your classroom! For: Elementary, Middle and Highschool Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Jeff Fitton, Erica Fitton and Other Guests Want more fresh air in the classroom? Exit the four walls and engage students through the use of place‐based pedagogy. Presenters will explain how they’ve used the areas immediately surrounding the school, areas in the community and field trips outside of Penticton to promote learning. Presentations will include video and pictorial examples, a discussion of the academic research surrounding the merits of being outside of the classroom, and practical examples you could use in your class this week! The session will conclude with brainstorming of locations near your school, or community spaces that could be used to enhance a lesson or teach a concept. Some examples for discussion include: “Spotting Infrastructure,” “Government is all Around You,” “Canoeing for History,” “Cellphone Camera Detective,” and “Observe & Report.” Date: Wednesday, Oct. 14 Time: 3:30 – 4:45 pm Location: TBA Registration or information: Jeff Fitton at NOVEMBER Games and Active Pedagogy For: Elementary, Middle School Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Jeff Fitton, Kent Percevault and others from Elementary and Middle Its 9:15 pm, kids are full of a heavy dose of breakfast and a sometimes heavier dose of lethargy. Want to avoid the after breakfast doldrums. This session showcases games, movement and novelty to make learning into an experience! Presenters will provide take‐aways that you could use in your class tomorrow. Guaranteed to spice up your day and keep kids interested. Presenters from middle and elementary will show you games such as hot potato, True of False Battleship Review, Full Throttle Terms Review, SWAT, Musical Chairs Review, and other activities for your teaching tool‐kit. Presenters will also provide a couple of articles of academic research on the use of novelty and movement to help students learn – for those who want some research to back up their practice! Date: Wednesday, November 25 Time: 3:30 – 4:45 pm Location: TBA Registration or information: Jeff Fitton at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 22
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Office 2010 workshops: Beginner and Advanced For: Elementary content focus, but open to all teaching levels Professional Development – One (1) session for each level Presenter/Facilitator: Anita Toneatto Microsoft Word and Powerpoint 2010 are available in our district to all teachers and students. Utilizing these programs for classroom use will be the focus of the workshop. Beginners will learn about the Ribbon, Settings and classroom tips. Advanced users will pick up where the beginners left off with graphics, headers and footers, tables, and if there is enough time ‐ indexing. Date: Beginner ‐ Thursday November 12th, Advanced ‐ Tuesday November 17th Time: 4‐6pm Location: Penticton Secondary School computer lab Registration or information: Anita Toneatto at Healthy Schools Network For: All Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Jenny Mitchell This workshop will outline the Healthy Schools Network (supported by DASH and Healthy Schools BC) and the supports it offers to schools and educators. Participants will also have the opportunity to begin applications for a Healthy Schools Network grant are encouraged to attend the workshop with an idea of an area of focus, inquiry question, or event specific to school health. Date: November 26, 2016 Time: 3:30 – 5:00 pm Location: TBA Registration: Jenny Mitchell at jmitchell@summercom Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 23
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ALSO BEGINNING IN THE FALL *DATES TO BE SET ONCE YOU REGISTER Side‐by‐Side Collaborative Sequence Planning All Welcome Type of Professional Learning: Collaborative Professional Development Presenter/Facilitator: SMART Learning Team The SMART Learning team supports colleagues by working side‐
by‐side to collaboratively plan and implement learning sequences. Theme, grade level, team, or content are some of the ways that we can support planning. Many tools are available as well as some release time for planning. Dates: To be decided by participants Time: To be decided by participants Location: To be decided by participants Registration or information: Tammy Kay ( or send along a request Funding: Release time provided by the SMART Learning team and the district Dinner Meetings ‐ Independent Reading, Word Work, Tools and Sequence Planning All Welcome Type of Professional Learning: Collaborative Planning, Professional Development Presenter/Facilitator: SMART Learning Team The SMART Learning team supports colleagues by offering sessions that target Independent reading, Word work, Sequence planning, understanding the tools, or requests. Dinner and materials provided. Dates: To be decided by participants Time: 3:30pm‐6:00pm Location: Uplands Library Registration or information: Tammy Kay ( Funding: Dinner provided by the SMART Learning Team and the district OTHER: If there is another area of interest in active learning, or technology – ipads, imovie, moviemaker please contact Jeff Fitton at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 24
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JANUARY: Early Development Instrument For: Kindergarten teachers Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Kirsten Odian Teachers new to Kindergarten will have an opportunity to learn how to use the Early Development Instrument with their Kindergarten students. This tool will be used in in February to help learn more about children’s development when they start school. The results from this study will help schools, our district and our community better understand what needs to be done to ensure all children are ready for school. Date: January 2016 (exact date TBA) Time: 8:30 – 11:30 am Location: TBA Registration or information: Kirsten Odian at Funding: Release time provided by HELP (Human Early Learning Partnership) FEBRUARY: Alternatives to Traditional Tests/Assessments For: Secondary teachers Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – One (1) session Presenter/Facilitator: Jeff Fitton and guest presenters from High Schools Want to lower test anxiety and get students to really strut their stuff? This presentation will provide a bit of philosophical background into the benefits of providing alternatives to common assessment strategies. Then, it’s onto some rich examples of teachers in the district who are providing students with choices for how they can present their learning. For instance, some teachers are providing alternatives to final exams and tests. These include research projects, film studies, field trips that act as a final assessment, use of case studies, student‐made films, the “5 days of hell,” student developed lessons, and midterms that involve students researching articles, watching youtube videos and analyzing comics and cartoons that they locate. Want to go beyond multiple choice? There is a vast richness with in‐depth, student‐centered alternatives to final exams. Date: Wednesday, Feb. 10 Time: 3:30 – 4:45 pm Location: TBA Registration or information: Jeff Fitton at Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 25
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Apps for Student Engagement
For: Elementary Teachers
Type of Professional Learning: Professional Development – Full day pro‐d day
Presenter/Facilitator: SET BC consultant – Sarah Chadwick Several PACs have purchased iPads for teachers in schools. Teachers looking for assistance to utilize iPads to engage students in learning are invited. These workshops will provide teachers with guidance for how to use the iPad in the classroom. Date: February 25th, 2016
Time: 9am to 3pm
Location: classroom at Penticton Secondary School
Information: Anita Toneatto at
Funding: Not required
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APPENDIX HELPING TEACHERS and OTHER RESOURCE PEOPLE Myron Dueck: Assessment and Grading, and Through a Different Lens Myron is a vice‐principal and teacher at Summerland Secondary. He has previously taught in Manitoba and the South Island of New Zealand. Over the past 17 years of teaching, Myron has experience in a variety of subjects ranging from grades 4 to 12. Beginning in 2006, Myron developed a number of assessment and grading systems with his senior classes in which students have greater opportunity to show what they know and adapt to the feedback they receive. Myron has been a part of district work groups and school assessment committees that have further broadened his access to innovative steps taken by others. Through speaking of his experiences and showing a variety of student‐friendly assessment procedures, Myron has visited many school districts and conferences. Myron has recently had a best‐selling book, Grading Smarter, Not Harder – Assessment Strategies that Motivate published with ASCD. Contact: Summerland Secondary Jeff Fitton: Through A Different Lens – hands on active learning and teaching Jeff is a teacher at Princess Margaret Secondary and a Helping Teacher with Through a Different Lens. He is passionate in the areas of team teaching, co‐planning, development of innovative teaching techniques and use of technology in the classroom. Since starting with the District in 2006 he has enjoyed working collaboratively and in inquiry groups to develop classrooms where every student can feel success. Hands on learning, use of media, and the creation of dynamic lessons with other teachers are opportunities that he seeks to provide. As a helping teacher, Jeff has worked with interested teachers on inquiry questions, on co‐planning (field trips, lessons, activities, assessments) and with colleagues interested in pursuing their passions. In the past he has also provided Pro‐D opportunities for groups interested in exploring an area of interest. These have included imovie, using song, using movement in class, active math and activity ideas across the curriculum. Contact: Princess Margaret Secondary Randy Jones: Behaviour Randy Jones is the coordinator for the district Behaviour Intervention Services. He also works as an adjunct professor for UBCO, teaching courses on challenging behaviour and classroom management. Randy is currently a Non Violent Intervention trainer and has advanced training in Collaborative Problem Solving. Randy’s work with schools facilitates creating the conditions for student and staff success with challenging behaviours. Contact: Parkway Annex Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 27
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Tammy Kay: SMART Learning and Inquiry Tammy is an Intermediate Teacher at Uplands Elementary School. Tammy has taught many grades in many schools throughout the district. She has been part of the SMART Learning Leadership team for 15 years. Tammy has her masters in Innovative Leadership and is very interested in how personal and professional identity impact educational culture. Tammy has been involved in the NOII for many years and has worked to design learning sequences using First Nations content. She is trained as an inquiry facilitator and has studied the Spirals of Inquiry with Linda Kaser and Judy Halbert. Contact: Uplands School Nick Korvin: Learning Support / Inclusion, Changing Results for Adolescent Readers, and Through a Different Lens Nick is a Learning Support Teacher at KVR with over ten years of teaching experience including specializations in physical education, math, science, special education and counseling. He has a certificate in Special Education and a Master’s degree in Clinical Counseling. Nick spends his non‐teaching time rock climbing and chasing his young children around the outdoors. Contact: Twitter: @NickKorvin KVR Middle School Judith King: Keeping Kids in School, Inquiry and Through a Different Lens Judith works as a helping teacher (.5) in the area of school completion. She loves to work with schools to look at how we can help kids be active learners, successful students and good citizens. Keeping ALL kids in school takes creativity, an open mindset and a real curiousity about kid’s strengths. For the past four years, Judith has worked with a team in our district to create Through a Different Lens. TADL is a project co‐sponsored by the Vancouver Foundation and is a creative approach to learning and teaching that focuses on the success for ALL kids in the classroom by helping kids see their strengths and abilities rather than looking at their deficits. To learn more, see our blog: Judith is available to work with individual teachers, groups of teachers, principals and vice‐principals, and whole staffs, looking at ways to help ALL kids be more successful in school, with a particular focus on kids at‐risk. Contact: Twitter: @judithaking Parkway Annex Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 28
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Bev Krieger: Changing Results for Young and Adolescent Readers and Inquiry Bev will be working in our district this year in a number of capacities. She will be facilitating Changing Results for Young and Adolescent Readers, and also helping facilitators with the process of inquiry. She also continues to be involved with SMART learning in the district. We are so happy to have her acting as a resource for us again this year. Janice Moase: Learning Support / Inclusion, Changing Results for Adolescent Readers and Through a Different Lens Janice is a Learning Support Teacher at KVR with over ten years of experience with a focus on literacy, inclusion and special education. Janice spends her non‐teaching time enjoying the outdoors with her family when she is not chauffeuring her teenagers around. Contact: twitter:@janicemoase KVR Middle School Jenny Mitchell: Health Promoting Schools Coordinator, WellAhead Community Liaison Jenny is a Physical Education Specialist, with a Masters Degree in Coaching and Athletic Administration. She has a passion for supporting healthy school communities where well‐being is embedded throughout. In her role, funded through Interior Health, WellAhead, and RBC Learn to Play, she works to cultivate a comprehensive school approach to creating a healthy learning environment for all. She is currently working .7 in this role. Contact Info: Kirsten Odian: Early Learning, Literacy & Changing Results for Young and Adolescent Readers Kirsten has been a part of SD67 since 2001 and has worked as a TTOC, distributed education teacher and classroom teacher. Her most recent role has been teaching grades 1 and 2 at Trout Creek Elementary. She has a Masters of Education in Leadership through the University of Calgary. Kirsten has been involved in numerous district and provincial initiatives around literacy and learning, such as Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI) and Changing Results for Young Readers (CR4YR). She is available to support StrongStart educators, Kindergarten teachers and classroom teachers from grades 1 through 5. She can support teachers and staffs in a variety of ways, such as workshops/training, work groups, book clubs, mentoring, classroom support and resource implementation. Contact Info: Phone: (250) 770‐7718, ext. 6618 Trout Creek Elementary and Parkway Annex Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 29
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Leyton Schnellert (PhD. UBCO) Inclusion, Literacy, Middle School and Through a Different Lens Dr. Leyton Schnellert is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia’s Okanagan Campus. He teaches courses in the Elementary (ETEP), Middle and Secondary (STEP) undergraduate programs. Leyton has been a middle school, junior high, and secondary school classroom teacher, and a learning resource teacher for K–12. He has 20 years of experience as a school‐ and district‐based resource teacher and professional development facilitator across British Columbia, the Yukon and Northwest Territories. This is the second year that Leyton has been working directly with educators in our district. He will be leading an inquiry group for Middle School teachers and speaking on Inclusion on two of the profession development days. Leyton is also on the planning and research group for Through a Different Lens. Contact: Twitter: @leytonSchnell UBCO Heather Rose: Social Emotional Learning, Friends Program Heather serves as both school principal and teacher at Kaleden Elementary. She also works as an adjunct professor for UBCO within their Inclusive Education stream of the Faculty of Education teaching post‐
baccalaureate courses on the topics of social emotional learning, challenging behaviour and classroom management. For the past 10 years, Heather has worked as both a teacher trainer and program facilitator for both the Friends for Life and Fun Friends program. Her passion is helping others understand how to embed social emotional learning into all aspects of the curriculum as well as teaching others how to cultivate a strength‐based, needs‐fulfilling classroom and school environment. Contact: Kaleden Elementary School Naryn Searcy: Aboriginal Education and Through a Different Lens Naryn has been a high school teacher for 13 years and currently teaches English First Peoples at Princess Margaret. She is interested in exploring innovative methods of instruction and assessment and finding ways for students to use their strengths in the classroom. Naryn is available to work with any teacher interested in increasing their knowledge of Aboriginal perspectives and incorporating Aboriginal resources and ways of knowing into their teaching. Contact: Twitter: @nsearcy17 Princess Margaret and Parkway Annex Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 30
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Anita Toneatto: Technology Anita has been an educator for 18 years, primarily teaching physical education and science at the junior and high school levels. She has always been passionate about the effective integration of technology in her classroom, which led to her earning her Master's Degree in Educational Technology at UBC. Anita is excited to be in the role of Technology Helping Teacher for SD67 on a half time basis. She can help individuals or groups with a variety of technology needs, including implementation, troubleshooting, research, workshops, teaching strategies, learning new software, collaboration, etc. Contact: phone (local 6224) twitter: @toneatto SD67 Board Office Find this document on the OSTU website: under Pro.D., and also on SD67 website 31