Liberalised Electricity Markets and Nuclear Power: The case of Australia’s NEM Professor Tony Owen UCL Australia, Adelaide Presentation to the Nuclear Engineering Panel, Engineers Australia (Sydney), 27 March 2013 The question Is the National Electricity Market impeding the effectiveness of energy-sector policies designed to mitigate climate change through long-term investment in low-carbon technologies? The market has changed Before market liberalisation Vertically-integrated monopolies, largely capacitydriven investment, with average cost pricing, and consumers bearing market risks. Discount rate = social rate (social opportunity cost of capital). After market liberalisation Investment and market risks borne by the investor, with short-run marginal cost (SRMC) pricing (generating price uncertainty). Discount rate = commercial rate (private opportunity cost of capital). The NEM: an energy-only market • Gross pool: obligatory market • Price bids every 5 minutes, averaged over halfhour in five regional spot markets • Generally, bids = technology’s SRMC • All dispatched power attracts the same marginal bid price, irrespective of the above • Floor price = -$1000/MWh • Ceiling price = $12,900/MWh ($13,100/MWh from1 July 2013) The Cumulative Price Threshold If the sum of the trading interval spot prices over a rolling seven day period total or exceed the Cumulative Price Threshold (CPT),then spot prices are capped at the administrative price cap of $300/MWh. The CPT is currently $193,500 ($197,100 from 1 July 2013) Electricity market intervention Current government policy in the power sector is primarily focused on policies to support the development and deployment of non-nuclear lowcarbon technologies to reduce their costs and thus reduce the long-term costs of decarbonising the sector. However, the current NEM market design may make low-carbon investment riskier than continued investment in fossil fuel technologies. Thus, even with a carbon price, investment in lowcarbon technologies may be discouraged. Investment in power generation It is intended that price “signals” should encourage investment in new capacity, but long-term investment decisions appear to conflict with the short-term (i.e. instantaneous) nature of the market and may impede the effectiveness of climate policies. Uncertainty on future electricity prices is compounded by other risks: 1. Long-term uncertainty on carbon price; 2. Unclear competitive nature of low carbon technologies; 3. Long lead times for high-up-front-cost low-carbon technologies: the chain of innovations is too long, too complex and too diverse; and 4. High levels of political and regulatory risks. Carbon pricing The marginal generator (that sets the wholesale price) is generally a fossil fuel generator. Thus, marginal bid pricing should include the carbon price. This should benefit low carbon technologies. However, the risks attached to recovery of fixed costs of new generation assets will vary considerably depending on the capital intensity of the different technologies. For large up-front cost low carbon technologies (such as new nuclear, concentrated solar thermal, off-shore wind, CCS, etc.) these risks may more than offset the cost minimisation criteria for investment choice. Investment in gas is much less risky than in wind (and other low-carbon technologies) • Wind power operates as base-load, ahead of nuclear, coal and CCGT, because of its lower SRMC. • However, the large gap between SRMC and average cost of wind gives rise to a high level of risk that full cost recovery will not be achieved. • CCGT lower capital cost, plus partially self-hedged particularly as it is generally the marginal-bid technology. Thus price volatility for CCGT is likely to be lower than for wind and nuclear. Number of negative trading intervals in the NEM 2009-2010 86 2010-2011 208 2011-2012 274 Given the RECs wind receives, it can bid negative to ensure dispatch. Nuclear and brown coal may also bid negative to avoid costs associated with shutting down or operating inefficiently. Capital costs ($/kW) Source: BREE (2012) & ACIL Tasman (2011) IGCC (brown): 6306 IGCC (black): 5346 Coal S/C (brown): 3788 Coal S/C (black): 3124 CCGT: OCGT Wind (on-shore): Nuclear: Solar thermal (para. trough): 6841 (with CCS) 7363 (with CCS) 5855 (with CCS) 1062 723 2530 3470 4920 Levelised costs of electricity ($/MWh) Source: BREE (2012) IGCC (black): 176-189 193-253 (with CCS) Coal S/C (brown): 162 205 (with CCS) Coal S/C (black): 135-145 162-205 (with CCS) CCGT: 96-108 OCGT 203-259 Wind (on-shore): 111-122 Nuclear: 94-99 Solar thermal (para. trough): 330-402 Levelised cost of electricity by technology and discount rate (5% and 10%): 2015¢/kWh (Source: IEA/NEA) Country Nuclear Belgium 6.1 10.9 8.2 10.0 Czech Rep 7.0 11.5 9.0 12.4 France 5.6 9.2 Germany 5.0 8.3 Hungary 8.2 12.2 Japan 5.0 7.6 8.8 10.7 Korea 3.1 4.5 6.7 Netherlands 6.3 10.5 Slovakia 6.3 Switzerland 6.2 11.3 USA 4.9 7.7 7.4 9.0 China 3.3 5.0 5.5 5.8 9.8 Coal Coal with CC CCGT 9.0 9.1 13.9 Onshore wind 9.6 9.6 13.6 9.2 10.4 14.6 21.9 9.0 12.2 7.5 9.1 7.7 9.8 8.5 9.3 10.6 14.3 10.5 12.0 7.3 9.1 9.5 8.2 10.0 7.8 8.2 8.6 12.2 9.4 10.5 16.3 23.4 12.0 14.2 6.8 9.4 7.7 8.3 4.8 7.0 4.9 5.2 7.0 9.9 Recovery of capital (i.e. fixed) costs • Infra-marginal rent • Scarcity rent Low-carbon market-based renewables (such as wind) have extremely low SRMCs and will displace fossil fuel plants and lower inframarginal rents (following diagrams). Wholesale market without wind Price ($/MWh) Demand WP Infra-marginal rents Capacity (MW) Baseload technologies Intermediate technologies Peaking technologies Wholesale market with deployment of wind The theory The sum of the half-hourly infra-marginal rents will cover the fixed costs of each new plant, whatever the cost structure of its technology. For peaking plants, it is the scarcity rent from short-term price spikes that enables them to cover their fixed costs (although scarcity rent benefits all, not just the peaking plants). Wholesale market without wind Price ($/MWh) Demand WP Scarcity rent Infra-marginal rents Capacity (MW) Baseload technologies Intermediate technologies Peaking technologies Incentive mechanisms for investment Long-term security of supply, or capacity adequacy, is a public good since it is non-rival and nonexcludable. Non-rival because everybody benefits from the security provided to the system by new plant, but investors in peak units that are never used earn nothing despite the fact that they contribute towards system security (a positive externality to operating reserves). Non-excludable because it is impossible to derive each consumers preference for supply reliability and their willingness to pay. Addressing the problem The problem is to replace, or complement, longterm market arrangements with technologyspecific policies. The challenge is to combine public and market co-ordinations in order to maintain financial incentives, while simultaneously reducing the risks inherent in the market regime sufficiently so as to ease investment. Separate markets for low carbon generation • Feed-in tariffs Structured either as fixed payments, premium payments on top of the electricity price, or financial contracts for difference against the market price. • Establishing a market for clean energy Imposition of quantity obligations on suppliers (e.g. renewables obligation in Australia). Market-wide interventions/reforms • Carbon price support: the guarantee of a minimum carbon price in the electricity market; • Long-term contracts for all low-carbon generators: structured as contracts-fordifference against the market price; • Targeted capacity payments for flexible/peaking plants; and • Emission performance standards. Ultimate option Central purchaser model: undo the liberalisation process! Hot off the press! Planning consent has been granted for two Areva EPR units at Hinkley Point C, which would represent the biggest infrastructure project in the UK since the 1950s. At 1630 MWe each they would jointly meet 7% of UK current electricity demand and have a design life of 60 years. Intensive discussions between EdF Energy and the government are on-going to set a long-term electricity price, and EdF will not proceed with the project unless this question is resolved favourably to justify investment. Newspapers have reported that EdF Energy is seeking a price of £96-97/MWh over 35-40 years from 2018. Conclusions Liberalised electricity markets such as the NEM have raised the risks faced by investors in highcapital-cost, low-operating-cost generation. In addition, such market structures may not encourage low-carbon-technologies. A key question for governments, therefore, is whether to use targeted measures to ensure capital cost recovery for low-carbon investments, or whether to impose market-based policies such as long-term contractsfor-difference payments that cover selected generation technologies.