Hi Everyone, Just so we are all on the same page and I am not assuming knowledge that you might not actually have, I want to overview for you the process you will likely go through in completing your research paper. 1. First, you establish your paper type--review of literature, journal article, project or research. In your case, you are all doing a review of literature. 2. Next, you complete the form, Request to Write a Research Paper found in the MAE Handbook. 3. To complete the form you need to identify the first (that's me for all of you I think) and the second reader. 4. You mail the form to me. I will see that the second reader signs. Then we file the form. 5. You write the paper. (Obviously, that involves a whole different set of steps, some of which are outlined in your MA Handbook). 6. The paper should be a minimum of 30 pages in length. Many are much longer than that. 7. When you have the first draft of your research paper completed AND in APA format you send it to me via email attachment. 8. I read it and send comments back to you regarding changes. 9. You and I exchange drafts until I approve of your paper. 10. You then send it to your second reader by email attachment--copying me in all correspondence. 11. Once the second reader has approved your work, you contact me again. 12. I will send you directions regarding the four copies of your paper you submit to me. 13. The first and second readers sign the approvals page of the paper. 14. Once all signatures are complete, one copy goes to the first reader, one to the second reader, one to the department and one to you. 15. You are done. Lynn E. Nielsen