INCLUDING INTRINSIC ALIGNMENTS SYSTEMATICS arXiv:1501.03119 1 Mustapha Ishak The University of Texas at Dallas Jason Dossett INAF – Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Italy M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 CONSTRAINTS AND TENSIONS IN MG PARAMETERS FROM PLANCK, CFHTLENS AND OTHER DATA SETS 2015 IS THE 100 ANNIVERSARY OF EINSTEIN’S GENERAL RELATIVITY TH 2 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 A. 2 2 k Φ = −4πGa ρi ∆i Q(k,ofa)ISiTGR The Modified Growth Formalism Redshift bins i Scale bins 0.0 < z ≤ 1 1<z≤2 ! 2 2 − R(k, −12πGa ρiQ (13 ,+Σw 0.0a)order <Φ) k ≤=0.01 Q1 , ΣEinstein’s d versionskof(Ψthe first perturbed from the p 1 3equations i )σi Q(k, a). ODIFIED G0.01 ROWTH QUATIONS < ka<flat ∞Euniverse Q2 , Σ2 i thisQ4metric , Σ4 WalkerM(FLRW) metric. In is written in the Flat Perturbed FLRW ing a particular species, ρi is the ∆i parameterizations. is the rest-frame overd TABLE I: matter The subscript numbering indensity, theMetric. binned ) and R(k, a) are2the time2 and scale dependent modified gravity parameters ds = a(τ ) [−(1 + 2Ψ)dτ 2 + (1 − 2Φ)dxi dxi ], ation to what is often referred to as the Poisson equation (though as noted in [33] as:it relates the nISiTGR equation overdensity to Equations the potential, which Modified Growth time, a(τ ) as is the scale factor normalized to space-like one today, the xi ’sΦare the on c represents describing an inherentthe inequality between the metric two potentials that may be c ! potentials of the perturbations. 2scalar modes 2 k Φ = −4πGa ρi ∆i Q(k, a) gravitational slip [9]. rameters have been introduced in various interrelated notations that m ibetween the parameters Q and R nly avoid a strong parameter degeneracy ! ween the two2 potentials in the metric (for example, the gravitational slip 2 irectly probed by−observations, does not directly use Eq.a). (3) in its co k (Ψ R(k,the a) Φ) =ISiTGR −12πGa ρi (1 + w(or Q(k, i )σigravitational at characterizes how spacetime curvature side pote (2) and (3)[32]: i a the perturbed Einstein equations (sometimes this parameter can be re ! ! ). Due to degeneracies between some of these parameters, some other 2 2 2 ting matter species, rest-frame overd i is the k a(Ψparticular + Φ) = −8πGa ρi ∆iρΣ(k, a) −density, 12πGa ∆i isρthe i (1 + wi )σi Q(k, a), the enddependent of this sub-section. We refer the reade )for andexample R(k, a) exemplified are the time iat and scale modified gravity parameters ( i tionships between thereferred variousto parameterization can be found in as [32]. It isina ation to what is often as the Poisson (though noted ef f equation Q(1 + R) G = µ = QR matter rnthese Σ = Q(1 + This parameter is directly probedform. by observations such parameterizations in a functional or binned We use here th equation asR)/2. it relates overdensity to the space-like potential, Φ which ona ⌃ =the 1 3 2 nrepresents our previous works Σ inequality was referred to as D, but an havemay a consist ⌘ two =in potentials = effort tothat an inherent between the be ca or D ng forward weslip are[9]. now using the much more commonRand intuitive, Σ. gravitational We saw some review talks by Koyama, Bean, and Silvestri. M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG Q 2015and R only avoid a strong parameter degeneracy between the parameters are the The to the Poisson equatio 1and + XR (k) X MG (k) parameters. − X (k) z −parameter z 1 −Q X represents (k) za−modification z z1 z2 z1 div z2 T GR + techniques, tanh + tanh of our ,code. One (12) emeter of all these we have developed two versions version of the R quantifies slip (at have late developed times, stress is negligible, ψ/φ To 2 take advantage the of 2allgravitational these techniques, twoanisotropic versions code. One versionRof=the co ztwwe 2 when ztw of our orm (11). It provides the option to apply the functional form (11) to either Q and R (as don VOLVING THE RAVITY ses the functional form (11). It provides theODIFIED option to applywith the functional form (11) either Q and R D (as=done her than using the parameter R which is degenerate Q, we instead usetothe parameter Q(1 he other version of the code is based on binning methods. It provides the option of the se where the transition between the two redshift bins occurs and z is the redshift below 50]) or Q and D. The other version of the code is based on binning methods. It provides the option of the seco sted in [50] (this parameter is equivalent to the parameter Σ TinGR[45, 53] or G of [52]). Combining pproach with traditional (described or bins, alternatively the hybrid approach with two We hard code zT GR = 2zbinning toabove), give usINNING equally sized but this of third, course is optional andwith ARAMETERS tional binning (described or above), alternatively the third, hybrid approach tworedsh red div we arrive at the second modified growth equation usedETHODS in this paper: ins, represents but the evolution in scalemethod evolves for monotonically. (k) the binning k in the ith z bin. For the suggested hybrid method on in scale evolves monotonically. ! !only Q and D. Transitions In the binning version of the code, we evolve between the redshift bin are evolv 2 2 2 rsion of the code, we evolve only Q and D. Transitions between redshift bin arebinni evo ρ (1 + k (ψ + φ) = −8πGa ρ ∆ D − 12πGa i i with a transition width i i )σ i Q. ollowing¢ [44, and use a hyperbolic tangent function ztwwthe = 0.05. In this way the 2 53] scale-dependent parameterizations that binned in i ztw = 0.05. In this way the bin irepresenting danuse a hyperbolic tangent function with a ctransition width −k/k actually be functionally Q or D) c as (with X Xzwritten + X2 (1 − e−k/k ) (13) 1 (k) = X1 e redshift: ten functionally as (with−k/k X representing Q or D) −k/kc c E P M :B M G modified growth equations are (8) and (10), 1 +eX Xz(1(k) − zare 1 −the Xz2 MG (k) parameters. z − zT GR As discusse Xz2 (k) = X +X −− e Xand ),Q andz D z1 (k) z1 (k) div now X(k, z) = 3 + 42 tanh + tanh , (1 work [56], this approach of2 using the parameter D instead of R is 2also useful because observation 2 z z tw tw 1 + Xz1 (k) Xasz2 (k) − Xz1 (k) z − zdiv 1 − Xz2 (k) z − zT GR ing inand principle evolves sing ISW are sensitive to the sum of the metric potentials φ + ψtanh and its time derivative resp a) = + tanh + , P1 is binned in scale as: where zdiv is the redshift where the transition between the two redshift bins occurs and z is the redshift bel TzGR 2 able to give us!direct 2 ztw 2 tw ervations are measurements of this parameter. which GR is to be tested. We hardX code zT GR this of course is optional a < k=c 2zdiv to give us equally sized bins, but Redshift bins 1 if k (k) =represents (14) z1X an easily be changed. method for kbins in theoccurs ith z bin. Forzthe suggested hybrid meth zi (k) dshift where theXtransition between the redshift and is the redshift b X2 if the k ≥binning kc , two Tz GR Scale bins 0.0 < ≤ 1 1 < z ≤ 2 t has the form sted. hard code zT GR!=X2z us equally sized but this optional divk to 0.0 < kbins, ≤ 0.01 Q1in , of ΣTime Q , ΣScale C. We Different Approaches to Modified Growth Parameters and 1course 3is 3 < kgive 3 ifEvolving c −k/k −k/k X (k) = c z2 d. Xzi (k) represents the binning ith For the me(1 0.01 < bin. k c< Q2 ,suggested Σ2 Q4hybrid , Σ4 X2 (1 − ez ) ∞ 1 e k in+the X4 Xifzmethod ≥ k=c . Xfor 1k(k) −k/kc c Xapproaches + X4 (1 the − e−k/k ),parameters in time and scale; o e, there have primarily been two MG z2 (k) = X3 eto evolving implement P2 evolves monotonically inI:scale: TABLE The subscript numbering in thethe binned paramet er chosen to the traditional binning method with some control transition uous functional form and the other −k/k basedc on binning. −k/k We cimplementoninthe ISiTGR two approac while with traditional binning Xz1 (k)in principle = we X1explain e evolvesbelow. +asX2 (1 − e ) ally, a new hybrid approach, as −k/kc form!for each −k/kc rst approach involves defining a functional that allows it to evolve mono X + X X − kX− kX if k <parameter kc), X + (1 2z2 (k)1 = X 2 3 e X1 c− 1 e 4 X (k) = (1 by [29] and used in ISiTGR [33] as: X (k) = + tanh z z1 time and scale. This allows one to2make1 no assumptions from general rela X2 if k ≥as kc ,to when a deviation (15) 2 ktw ! ! an was taken inXfor example and [50]. that workin theredshift functional form, ¢ approach P3 scale independent evolves only as: alSuch binning in is principle evolves as X X4 + X k − kIn 3 4 − X3 c 3 if k < kkc2 Φ = −4πGa2 ρi ∆i Q(k, a) X (k) = z Xz2 (k) = + tanh 2 X,4 if ks ≥ kc . 4 2 2 ! k X(a) = (Xtw − 1) a + 1 i X1 if k 0< kc ! Xz1 (k) = Here though, we have rather chosen to implement the 2traditional binning method with some 2 control on the transiti (Ψ −kR(k, Φ) a=total −12πGa (1 + wi )σi are Q( X2 kif(8) k≥ , a) c(9). med, where X denotes either Q or R in Eqs. and Thus of six modelρiparameters s: ! i - TG 2015 M. Ishak & J. Dossett Q , R , Q , R , k , and s. The parameters s and k parametrize time and scale dependence resp 5 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 GALAXY INTRINSIC ALIGNMENTS (IA) AS A CONTAMINANT TO WEAK LENSING (WL) SIGNAL ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ Contaminates WL signal by up to 15-20%. 2 pt. IA biases cosmological parameters from WL at the 10%-50% level Measured correlation function is sum of GG, GI and II signals. Used a model for IA with amplitude parameter ACFHTLenS 6 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 DATA SETS USED ¢ CMB temperature anisotropy power-spectrum from Planck 2013 ¢ Low-l WMAP Polarization data ¢ Weak lensing tomography shear-shear cross correlations from the CFHTLenS ¢ Galaxy power spectrum from the WiggleZ survey ¢ ISW-galaxy cross correlations ¢ BAO data from 6dF, SDSS DR7, and BOSS DR9 7 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 RESULTS OVERVIEW ¢ ¢ ¢ We find a 40-50% improvement on figure of merit (FoM) for the MG parameters over previous results. GR is consistent with the data at the 95% CL when considering 2D contours. With current data, only 1-5% change in the FoM for the MG parameters when ACFHTLenS fixed to zero. 8 P1 P2 P3 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 RESULTS: IA AND DIFFERENT LENSING DATASETS. 10 P1 GR P2 P1 P3 ¢ FIG. 6: 68% and 95% 2-D confidence contours for the intrinsic alignment amplitude parameter ACF HT LenS 9 of [73] thou ROW: the theory is fixed to GR and the constraints obtained are in good agreement with those to more precise recent data. To the left are the results for the IA-optimized red galaxy sample of [73]. T of non-zero ACF HT LenS is also in agreement with [73]. SECOND and THIRD ROWS: Similar constraints for the scale-dependent parameterizations P2 and P3 that model any deviation from GR. The bounds are ACF HT LenS parameter is practically on the the 95% CL boundary line for the optimized red galaxy sample results for the scale independent MG parameterization.M. The constraints are very similar to the GR case with Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 The contours in the GR case are in agreement with Heymans et al. 2013 6 RESULTS CONT’D ¢ P1 6 FIG. 1: 68% and 95% 2-D confidence contours for the parameters Qi and Σi from parameterization P1 for redshift and scale dependence of the MG parameters. All of the constraints for this evolution method are fully consistent with GR at the 68% level. IV. RESULTS AND ANALYSIS For all results presented, in addition to the MG parameters and relevant nuisance parameters for the various data sets, we vary the six core cosmological parameters: Ωb h2 and Ωc h2 , the baryon and cold dark matter physical density FIG. 1: 68%respectively; and 95% 2-D θ, confidence contours the parameters Σi fromdiameter parameterization i and parameters, the ratio of the for sound horizon toQthe angular distanceP1 of for theredshift surfaceand of scale last 10 dependence of the MG parameters. All of the constraints for this evolution method are fully consistent with GR at the 68% scattering; τrei , the reionization optical depth; ns , the spectral index; and ln 10 As , the amplitude of the primordial level. power spectrum. 95% confidence limits on MG parameters IV. RESULTS AND evolved using formANALYSIS P1 Q1 [0.49,2.56] Σ1 [0.97,1.14] Σ2and relevant [0.84,1.22] For all results presented, in additionQto2 the [0.05,3.08] MG parameters nuisance parameters for the various data 2 2 [0.30,1.78] [0.97,1.06] 3 sets, we vary the six core cosmological Q parameters: Ωb h andΣΩ3 c h , the baryon and cold dark matter physical density 10 [0.28,2.88] parameters, respectively; θ, the ratio Q of4 the sound horizon Σto4 the [0.90,1.12] angular diameter distance of the surface of last scattering; τrei , the reionization optical depth; ns , the spectral index; and ln 1010 As , the amplitude of the primordial TABLE II: We list the 95% confidence limits for the MG parameters from using form P1 to define their time and scale power spectrum. dependence. In this traditional binning approach we find that all of the MG parameters are fully consistent with their GR values of 1 at the 95% level. M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 7 95% confidence limits on MG parameters evolved using form P2 Q1 [0.38,3.43] Σ1 [1.03,1.37] Q2 [0.00,2.86] Σ2 [0.75,1.07] Q3 [0.28,2.46] Σ3 [0.93,1.14] Q4 [0.05,1.99] Σ4 [0.86,1.14] RESULTS CONT’D P2 TABLE ¢ III: We list the 95% confidence limits for the MG parameters from using form P2 to define their time and scale dependence. While most of the MG parameters for this hybrid evolution method are consistent with their GR values of 1 at the 95% level, we find a significant tension for the MG parameter Σ in the large scale (small k) low redshift bin (Σ1 ). FIG. 2: 68% and 95% 2-D confidence contours for the parameters Qi and Σi from parameterization P2 for redshift and scale dependence of the MG parameters. As you can see in the first bin, there a tension with the GR value of 1. However, contrary 7 to the marginalized 1-D constraints given in Table III the GR point is still within the 95% confidence region. Correlation 95% confidence limits ontable MG parameters Binning parameterization evolved using form P2(P1) Q1 Q3 Q Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 Σ4 QQ [0.38,3.43] Σ41 [1.03,1.37] 12 ACF HT LenS -0.021162 -0.29209 0.015916 0.0056355 -0.0014863 Q2 [0.00,2.86] Σ2 [0.75,1.07] 0.083586 0.015755 0.066954 σ8 -0.012168 -0.53048 0.044293 -0.43088 0.045781 Q3 [0.28,2.46] Σ3 [0.93,1.14] -0.61952 0.048845 -0.29894 11 Ωm -0.0012586 -0.072645 -0.051569 0.11762 -0.08057 Q4 [0.05,1.99] Σ4 [0.86,1.14] -0.085185 -0.033916 -0.17292 Hybrid parameterization (P2) TABLE III: We the 95% confidence limits for the MG 0.095984 parameters -0.14858 from using0.20636 form P2-0.086038 to define 0.10421 their time and scale ACFlist 0.058535 -0.29535 -0.052588 HT LenS dependence. While σmost of the0.2655 MG parameters this hybrid evolution 0.32713 method are consistent0.1362 with their GR values of 1 at -0.70809for 0.12172 -0.33026 -0.59009 -0.20504 8 M. Ishak J. Dossett TG the 95% level, we find tension for the MG parameter Σ in the0.01565 large scale (small k)0.14932 low&redshift bin -(Σ 1 ).2015 Ω a significant 0.027229 -0.065934 -0.028016 0.0803 -0.15645 -0.26513 RESULTS CONT’D 8 FIG. 2: 68% and 95% 2-D confidence contours for the parameters Qi and Σi from parameterization P2 for redshift and scale dependence of the MG parameters. As you can see in the first bin, there a tension with the GR value of 1. However, contrary to¢ the marginalized 1-D constraints given in Table III the GR point is still within the 95% confidence region. P3 Correlation table Binning parameterization (P1) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 Σ4 ACF HT LenS -0.021162 -0.29209 0.015916 0.0056355 -0.0014863 0.083586 0.015755 0.066954 σ8 -0.012168 -0.53048 0.044293 -0.43088 0.045781 -0.61952 0.048845 -0.29894 Ωm -0.0012586 -0.072645 -0.051569 0.11762 -0.08057 -0.085185 -0.033916 -0.17292 Hybrid parameterization (P2) FIG. 3: 68% and 2-D confidence for the parameters Q0 , Σ0 , -0.14858 and R0 from the scale-0.086038 independent parameterization, ACF95% 0.058535contours -0.29535 -0.052588 0.095984 0.20636 0.10421 HT LenS P3, for the MG parameters. These constraints are consistent with GR a the 95% level, but a tension is evident. The tension is σ8 0.2655 -0.70809 0.12172 -0.33026 0.32713 -0.59009 0.1362 -0.20504 evident when viewing these plots is not easily seen using the 1-D constraints given in Table V. This is due to the non-Gaussianity Ωm 0.027229 -0.065934 -0.028016 0.0803 0.01565 -0.15645 0.14932 -0.26513 9 of the probability distribution for these parameters as further Fig. 4. TABLE IV: Correlations between ACF HT LenS , σ8 , Ωm versus the MG parameters of P1 and P2. Correlation table Functional parameterization (P3) Q0 Σ0 C. P3 Scale Independent Evolution ACF HT LenS -0.023164 0.10624 σ8 -0.66775 -0.75738 The results from the scale independent evolution method, P3, are also much more insightful than those from P1. Ωm -0.072171 0.052317 They offer some insight as to the origin of the strong tensions exhibited by parameters from P3. The marginalized 95% confidence limits forVI: theCorrelations parametersbetween Q0 , Σ0 Aand R0 are presented in Table V. Looking only at these constraints, TABLE CF HT LenS , σ8 , Ωm versus the MG parameters of P3 one might conclude that nothing interesting is happening in this parameterization of the MG parameters as all of the parameters are completely consistent with one at the 95% level. 12 constraints is illustrated even better in Fig. 4 where we plot the 1-D probability distributions for the MG parameters confidence limits MG parameters FIG. 1-Devolution probability distributions for 95% the parameters Q0parameters , Σon the scale independent parameterization for 0 , and R0 used 4: in this method. The distributions for the Qfrom 0 and R0 are both quite skewed, with a large evolved using form P3 the parameters, P3. of These constraints are while consistent with GR for a the level, but As a tension is evident in tail MG in one end of each theQdistributions, distribution Σ0 95% isRbimodal. discussed brieflyparticularly in §IV B the [0.77,1.99] Σ0 display [0.79,1.16] 0level [-0.23,1.18] the parameters Q a significant of non-Gaussianity, especially Σ 0 and R0 . The0probability distributions 0 which cause of these tensions in the MG parameter space seems to be caused by a tension between the CMB and weak is somewhat bimodal. This non-Gaussianity explains why the tension seen in these Ishak not seen the -marginalized & J.using Dossett TG 2015 TENSIONS BETWEEN THE DATA SETS ¢ We have seen indications of tensions in the MG parameter space for P2 and P3. ¢ Known tension between CMB and weak lensing, notably in constraints on σ8. ¢ For P3 we get a bimodal σ8, hinting the tension in MG parameter space is likely related to known tension between the data sets. 13 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 TABLE III: We list the 95% confidence limits for the MG parameters from using form P2 to define their time and scale dependence. While most of the MG parameters for this hybrid evolution method are consistent with their GR values of 1 at the 95% level, we find a significant tension for the MG parameter Σ in the large scale (small k) low redshift bin (Σ1 ). RESULTS: CORRELATIONS WITH MG PARAMETERS ¢ We find only weak to moderate correlations between MG parameters and the IA parameter. 8 With current data, only 1-5% change in the FoM for the MG parameters when ACFHTLenS fixed to zero. Both dependent parameterizations correlation FIG. 2: 68% and 95%scale 2-D confidence contours for the parameters Qi andshow Σi frommost parameterization P2 for redshift and scale dependence ofin thelow-z, MG parameters. you can see probed in the first most bin, there tension with the GR high-kAsbins (bin bya lensing data) . value of 1. However, contrary to the marginalized 1-D constraints given in Table III the GR point is still within the 95% confidence region. Correlation table Binning parameterization (P1) Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Σ1 Σ2 Σ3 Σ4 ACF HT LenS -0.021162 -0.29209 0.015916 0.0056355 -0.0014863 0.083586 0.015755 0.066954 σ8 -0.012168 -0.53048 0.044293 -0.43088 0.045781 -0.61952 0.048845 -0.29894 Ωm 2-D confidence -0.0012586 -0.072645 -0.051569 0.11762 -0.08057 -0.085185 -0.17292 FIG. 3: 68% and 95% contours for the parameters Q0 , Σ0 , and R0 from the scale-0.033916 independent parameterization, Hybrid parameterization (P2) P3, for the MG parameters. These constraints are consistent with GR a the 95% level, but a tension is evident. The tension is ACF HTthese 0.058535 -0.29535 -0.052588 0.20636 -0.086038 0.10421 evident when viewing is not easily seen using the 1-D0.095984 constraints-0.14858 given in Table V. This is due to the non-Gaussianity LenS plots σ8 0.2655 -0.70809 as 0.12172 -0.33026 0.32713 -0.59009 0.1362 -0.20504 of the probability distribution for these parameters further Fig. 4. Ωm 0.027229 -0.065934 -0.028016 0.0803 0.01565 -0.15645 0.14932 -0.26513 Correlation table TABLE IV: Correlations between ACF HT LenS , σ8 , Ωm versus the MG parameters of P1 and P2. Functional parameterization (P3) 14 Q0 Σ0 ACF HT LenS -0.023164 0.10624 C. P3 σScale Independent Evolution -0.66775 -0.75738 8 Ωm -0.072171 0.052317 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015 SUMMARY ¢ We find a 40-50% improvement on figure of merit for the MG parameters over previous results. ¢ The intrinsic alignment amplitude shows weak to moderate correlation with the MG parameters (Q2 & Σ2 most correlated). ¢ GR & P3 show a clear IA signal for the optimized early-type galaxy sample ¢ GR is consistent with the data at the 95% CL when considering 2D contours. ¢ A clear tension is present in the parameter Σ apparently related to the known tension between CMB and weak lensing. 15 M. Ishak & J. Dossett - TG 2015