AN ADVANCED PLANNING STUDY FOR A RURAL ELECTRIC UTILITY JOHN FRANKLIN ENGLE A THESIS submitted to OREGON STATE COLLEGE in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING June 193 APPROVED: ?rtes8or or Deartment lectrical ¿ngineering; In Charge of Major Chairman of School Graduate Committee De an Graduate School Dabe thesis la presented Typed by Elizabeth Heath May 23, 1958 OF CONTENTS TABI IntroduetorySummary............ Dscr1ption of the Utility System. Data Souxees . . . . Initiai Design Point . . . . . . . . . Load and Population Growth Estimates Advanced LoadStudy . . . . . . . . . . . . . Utilization of the Advanced Load Study Concluelons. . . Biblioxapby..... Appendix. ,. . . . s s s e . . . . s s . . i . . . 2 e e s e 3 . . . . . S . . . . s U . e e 13 . . . e e 19 . . . SÖC * . . . s . .. . . . . 19 ., 22 e 23 AN ADVANCED PLANNING STUDY FOR A RURAL Introductory An iiLICTRIC UTILITY Suimnary advanced planning study provides a progrrn by which utility economically expand its operating facilities to provide acceptable service to its presrxt customers while allowing sufficient means to accommodate new ones. a may Such a study must utilIze the past operatin history of t] service area along with the present service facilities and costs to form an extrapolation of the sercompany and the vice requirements for the futuro operation of the utilit7. The past history of the utility is used to formulate curve of the system or consumer average load as a funetion of time, usually in years, This curve can be extraa polated for short period of future time to provide a fairly reliable estimate of the load requirements. ThÍ extrapolation presumes a regular growth with no unusually large or abrupt changes in service demands. Because of the nature of the service area of a rural electric utility, the above extrapolation can be used only as a guido for future planning. The load centers are usually indeter-. a requirements depending upon the natural resourosa of each conunity. The overall load of each community must be broken down into types of loads minate, with the load such that their requirements can be estimated according to the p&rticular area, In order to use the extrapolated curve ai a guide, lt 18 necessary to correlate the calculation methods with. tho present utility system operation. ja established, When this correlation the estimated future overall load can then be distributed over the entire service area according to tkze characteristics st each coìîmunity. An integrated eer' ioe pian is then etablished such that each eoinmunit line will have acceptable the utility. or service with a minimum cost te This involves the investigation of several plans, each consldeed separately and together with the other service areas to arrive ab a final design that will provide the prescribed service requirements over a long period of time. Description of the Utility System The rural electric utility for which this advanced plan ning study was made had, In 1955, eleven substations or delivery points to te mr al distribution system, ßnergy was purchased by the utility at nino of the sub* stations, with the utility transmitting energy to the remaining two. During l9, the utility served a maximum of 5,016 consumers over 1,415 miles of distribution and 33 miles of 69 kv transmission line, Une Each of the substations distributes power on a radial feeder basis only, with interconnection between substations possible through the distribution system. The interconnoc- tion between substations is not used in normal service operation. This system is shown an the key map, Figure 1. Data Sources The data for this study was taken from the cenbral office records of Consumers Power, Inc., Corvallis, Oregon, in the form of ìeter reading records, system maps, con- struotion specifications, transformer records, and cost records for construction and operation. The meter reading records 3vo the kilowatt-hour energy consumption per month for each consumer and substation, plus the maximum power demand for each subs bation and a few consumers, The consumer concentration, trans- former size and numbers, and dìstrbution line length were obtained from the system maps. The construction specifi- cations provided the necessary informatiofl to calculate the impedance of the lines. A book of demand tables prepared by the sural Elec- trification Administration (2) was used to convert the kilowatt.-hour energy data bo a power demand basis for sys- tom load calculations. La these tables were prepared using data taken from utilities in the midwestern states, L) ) i) II 'J ¿J 'J KMvu.L( L, DALLAS © I __ _ I O:, MOr4MOvrIl rALLS ,SUB © O 5ALEM ,,____ L t/ V Ii (I (J -t 4 '' 'J I) jo5LMO 5y*Y7aP4© MA: ____, i-1 z p(pE SA,41O O \ ' O j A .J I ?_L I __,r,, I Soci , C O OIJ4':;\);/ I 'q: ME1L -< VALLV 5c.. r'lP AØAR D1O r- r Í I Li ALBANY t, O î 4EWPORT (.) NOflu.4 O SwlMT ; TOLEDO O CA3rkIE O A3 IUl%ç_ V u U t) EDvIL o WtEN ' ¡K w_ O \ r-'- O lAcoM5 CPI.Woq. LE.NO !tODGTT -T-O CORVALUS O TA M ILOMATH T _[ .. ¡fi: Li - O 6DAvILC O O SMOO TiowAreJt O -wipoA'' r- - .. t DI4c,5 , 5 ¼.J t 9_) 5WEE O C.LP.U.'J1 SILPc*Nras SUS \ O O u A I ,__1 __\ I )OPAO -- -A ______ u PLAIRI& '\ -_____I - - j - ti ii Ii %) J__\ (J fUS _____ rd u w a coe" '6 O LINE L, I / EUGENE o S SCALE cj:L DI5TRjuTjON LINE CPI. 69kv. TRAN3P-iISS%QN FOREIC,N TP.5rUH5Si,N LiwE PowER C.fl. SougçE o IOUp4QARy Lu'a 5YsTEr L) ___Ql \ -- - FO3rER CWFP3tLL( I Le T 4*p.iE JALO peRr I O (-.\ ,q. "5 IN MILES certain correction factors had to be applied to them, as discussed later in this thesis. These tables of power demand applied to the domestic type of consumer only. The curve of Figure 2 illustrates the past operation of this system in terms of the average monthly load for domestic consumers as a function of the years of service. An equation for this curve over th limits of the avail- able data is given below. 7,8 P + 20 kwh/mo./consumer (1) Average monthly energy use for domestic consumers where P Y Number of yeais of service after 191.0 Using equation (i) as an indication of the average domestic load growth, an estimated load for any future year can be obtained. The value of the future load obtained by this method becomes less reliable as the future period extends farther from the last data point on the curve. Fic, ire ' 2 represents a segment of a general saturad. tion curve as illustrated n Figure 3, (1) AVERAGE POWER DOMESTIC FOR V "J DD WJ rrr kA(\JT1 EACR FOR z o CONSUMPTION CONSUMERS YEAR g P D 8 Y : AVERAGE KWH. PER MONTH PER NUMBER OF YEARS AFTER l94O z0 t 7 z tJ CONSUMER. 6 ------- __ P . 7.8y .568 +20 I -------;--- P: 549Y - It- ---- 4 zwz '2 4 o 2 i TIME __ ;;; -< )-rIBÍ . - ! 5 )5 -( -- --- - KEY :; SYSTEM DATA. ___EXTRAPOLATION LAST 2i YEARS AFTER Fttgure 2 I94C 1L OF EQUATION. EXTRAPOLATION : 262 OF POINTS. 1L 2 o -J w IfJ) >C!) TiME Figure 3. General Saturation Curve In comparing the two figures, Figure 2 is in the lower portion of the general saturation curve, Figure 3, as the load curve, Figure 2, still has an increasing positive slope at the last data pointe An extrapolation of the data was made mathematically by equation (1), as indicated in Figure 2 An approximate check on the correlation between figures 2 and 3 was made by a straiht line extrapolation of these load data. The elope of equation (i) was evaluated at year l914O+l1, with this slope then applied to straight line equation a paesing through the last data point. The straiht line equation is given bolow P Í4.9 I (2) - 262 kwh/rno./consumer The extrapolations shown on Figue 2 indicate that the last data point is below and near the inflection point o the general saturation curve, Figure 3. The straight line extrapolation would probably cross the general saturation curve within a short distance on the time axis to the right of the last data point. initial Design l'oint The design kilowatt-hours for the entire system was based upon the actual energy consumption for the month of December, l9SJ.. This month was chosen as a base because it represented the winter peak load On the majorit7 ot substations in the $7$ten. AleO during this month, the irrigation load was zero and ali concentrated loads were operating at their normal demand. The space heating load was quite high, and thus would show up in the energy readings The entire distribution system was divïded into see- tione of approximately one to five miles in length. This section length was determined by the consumer concentra- 1enth tion, phasing, wire size changes, and ers. The averace energy consumption wa of tap feed- determined for each section for the domestic consumer load, while the concentrated loads, industrIal, were recorded by installed tran8former capacity, energy consumption, Ing if such were metered. UsinL the &rid demand read- averae domestic con- sumer load per section and the REA demand tables, a peak kilowatt demand was obtained for each section, The total peak load was then computed for each substation service area by adding all oÍ the peak deniands The demand tables included an unknown diversity factor in their conversion from energy to demand. A diversity factor of i.L was assumed for the concentrated loads. to 1.6 This factor was based upoì the types of concentrated load, the type of operation of each load, and the metered demand. Most of the small commercial class loads did not have demand metering, o the factor of seventy per cent of the installed. transformer kva rating was used. The seventy per cent factor accounted for both diversity and loading. This factor was compared with those small loads that had demand metering and was round to give reasonable agreement The calculated peak subst*ttax demand, as found above, was then compared with the substation demand records for the same peiiod. t was round that in most oases, the calculated demand was higher than the metered demand. the error between the metered and If *a1c1&ted demands was greater than five per cent, the ca.cuIations and diversity factor assumptions were rechecked, recorded foD the winter peak load As these data were p criad, the concentrated loads were easily isolated and their diversity factors checked accordjn to the type of plant operation. The diversity factor for the domestic consumers was then chaned until the calculated substation peak demand was within the five per cent high range of the metered demands. An assumption was made that ali domestic consumers in a given substation area would have the same diversity due to similar geographic and economic conditions. No dis- crimination was made for space heating loads as compared to normal domestic use. The energy thus used was cal- eulated into the average kilowstt-hours per consumer for each line section, and the demand for that line section determined accordingly. The short past history of the utility wIth respect to space heating indicated that an increase in this load was usually localized In an area where space heating already existed, sideration, Thus for future con- the space heating load would be accounted for u by the percentage increase In energy consuizption for each. line sectIori The diversity factors obtained by the above outlined method were checked several times by using them to calculate the substation peak demand on various substations in the system for other winter months. calculated demands were within s. In all cases, the ten per cent high rango of the metered dernands As a result of' the above calculations, kilowatt-hour consumption per an average onth por domestic consumer was established for each substation area. This fi,ure was called the design kilowatt-hour figure for each substation for the "present" load conditIons diversity factors and The above calculated desin kilowatt-hours were assumed to be a reliable base from which calculations for future loadIn, could be made. Load and Population Growth Estimates The load estimates for future operating periods were based upon the mathematical extrapolation of the curve in Figure 2 for all domestic consumers. The strait line extrapolation of this curvo was used because the increase in average load per consumer seemed to be approaching a constant value This condition would be represcnted by a 12 curve of constant slope, or the line represented by equatiox (2). At the end of a ten-year period, the average energj use per consumer would be 971 kwh per month by equation (1) and 837 kwh per month by equation (2). figures indicate the load growth per consunier 2fld These are independent of the £rowth in numbers of domestic consumers. The increase in power requirements for existing large eomniereial loads was based upon expansion plans of those paz'' businesses The expansion of other concen- trated loads except irrigation was estimated according to the type of business arid location, The average estimated increane in power requirements was between five and ten per cent per year. Irrigatton was considered as a single concentrated load for each line section, The increase in this load was estimated according to the amount of irri- gable land and available water in any one line section. This estimate was independent of the number of consumers connected to that line section. The population increase in the rural areas was esti mated at approximately three per cent per year as an average for the entire system. Each line section was examined as to the present consumer density and the land sales or new home construction. feasibility of The increase in the numbers of commercial loads was based upon applications or inquiries regardin The large rural industrial loads in usually this service area are awmi1is Qr rock crushing plants. these industries is 1are1y service. The location of detormined. b. th topography and hence their posftion with respect to the distribution system is readily established. The possible conversion ot existing milis or crushers from gasoline or diesel engine drive to electrical drive contributed the largest portion to the estimated commercial load increase, Advanced Load Study Xn ordsr to provide a construction schedule and an accompanying budget to supply adequately the increase in system load, certain future timo periods were chosen as design and construction dates. These future time periods were taken as two, five, and ten years in advance of the "present" date, A process by which the future system design could be estimated would be to determine the substation, line, and line section loadin: at the end of the ten-year future period by the use cf the previously discussed estimating methods. The necessary distribution improvements to adequately serve the future loads would then be determined. The required system changes to meet the two- arid five-year load estimates would be a portion of the changos to fulfill the ten-year program. It can readily be seen that if the above program is carried out, at the end of a ten-year future period the system would have reached its capacity. Miy further in- crease in load or population growth would necessitate a complete system change in the distribution and substation facilities. If the actual load increase was greater than that estimated, the system capacity would be reached in less than ten years. fourth load condition was used in this study, in addition to the twa-, five-, snd ten-year estimates, so that the above terminal design condition would be climi- nated. The value of 3000 kwh per month per domestic con- sumer was chosen as an average use, and an increase in consumers of 25 per cent of the number estimated for the ten-year future period was taken as this fourth condition, Io increase was assumed for the number of concentrated loads, but the load requirement of these loads in the ten- year future period was doubled to account for increased commercial 1oadin. an extended' with it, Tuis fourth load condition was called condition, as no tie element was coulcd There was no dizect basis for choosing the "extertdedt load conditions, There are, however, several line sections on this system that have a "present" average kwh per month per consumer energy use in excess of 2000 during the winter months. The controlling factor in the system design was that in no placo on the distribution lines could the voltage drop exceed seven per cent. The system opration for the estimated extended load was first examined by determining the per cent voltage arop at the end of each line section. This was done using data of the existing lines and transformers. For this condition, no additional diversity factors were applied to the line section loads. The system was then designed to meet the voltage drop specifications by either changing the conductor sise, or increasing the distribution voltage, or by adding new substations to the system, or by the use of any combination of the above tluee. As this was to be the terminal design condition, voltage regulators were also included to assIst in reducing the voltage dz'op. Several alternata plans were calculated for each substation area by changing substation locations and service area boundaries until the prescribed service conditions could be tet with a minimum cost. Line extensions were not included in this study as they were assumed to be accounted for with the increase in loading and numbers of conwumers on the main branch feeders of each substation. The ten-year future period was assumed to be much more accurate for actual load prediction than the "extended" procedure for system planning. The straight line extra- polated load curve of Figure 2 was used as the main guide in determining the load for this period. For the domestic consumer load, the calculated average kwh per consumer per month of the "present" system operation for each substation was used as a base. The average energy use of each lino section was multiplied by the ratio of the average load from equation two at Y equal to the twenty-fourth year to the base quantity above, This results in an average energy use figure for each lino section that is in direct propor- tion to the estimated energy use for the entire system. The increase in the number of consumers for each line sec- tion was calculated by the percentage thcrea8o as stated in the section on Load and Population Growth stimates The concentrated load values for this ten-year future period were determined by the methods stated in the section on Load and Population Growth The voltage drop due to tI-ds stimates. estimated load was then calculated at the end of each lino section on the basis of the existing "presenti' lines and transformers. These results were then compared with those obtained in a similar manner for the ??extonded period. In determining the voltae drop for this ten-year future perïod, ti same 17 diversity factors were used ai previou1y found in calcu1at1n the bases "present" system operation. the sanie diversity factors, it was 13y using aswned that the manner of power use for each consumer would remain the same even though the quantity used would increase. The total system design for this load was then based upon the design previously alculatod ror the "extended" condition with regard to eacb substation area and the tern as a whole, sys- Wire sizes, line phasing, and substations were changed from the existing conditions to coordinate with the "extended" requirements in reducing the maximum oltae drop aeen per at any poiut in the system tQ the allowable cent. lu those areas adjacent to the substa- tions and on ma3oz feeders or tie lines, the improvement as determined by the "extended" study were made to the extent that the voltage arop at the end of the substation boundarIes or tap feeders was not less than six per cent. An example would be that a major feeder would have to be changed from a number six eonductor to a number one nought for 30 per cent of its length and to a number two conductor for an additional 50 per cent to raeet the "extende" requirements. To meet the ten-year requirements, perhaps the first 30 per cent would be changed to number one nought with only 30 per cent changed to number two conductor. This type of examination between the two studies was 18 continued throughout the eutire system. In order to keep the overall costs to a minimum, substation service areas were changed so that improvements could be made in one area but not neeeaari1y in the adjacent service area. New substations were added when the necessary line improve monts wuld exceed practical or economioal limits. The new substations would agree in location to those new ones a determined by the "extended study. Exactly the sune procedure was followed in detorminthe necessary changos and improvements for the five- year and two-year future load periods. straiht line extrapolation was used as a base, In all eases, the as represented by equation (2) ßach study was compared with the results of the studios made for the longer time periods in the same area. To continuo the example quoted for the ten- year period, this same feeder miht require that only the first 30 per cent of its length be replaced by number one nought conductor to meet the seven per cent voltage drop naxiniurn in the five-year period. Voltage regulators were used sparingly in the two-, five-, and ten-year system improvements as tiey are, in most cases, only a temporary expedient. Substation voltage regulators were regarded as permanent devices and hence were required for all substations at all times. The results of the des1ns for all future were examined, and in some cases improvements of the system timo periode readjusted such that facilities would be a prores- sive function from the "presentt system to the "extended" time period. substation area An example for one isiven in the Appendix. Utiljzation of the Advanced Load Study the above study was being made, a cost analysis was made for each of the alternate plans for system imAs final choice of the comparative cost fig- provernent in each substation area. The the improvement plan rested on ures. At the completion of the load study, a construction cost schedule was drawn up for each of the time periods involved. This schedule is used for budot estimating purposes and economical material purchasinß. Some construction contract planning is also based on thes. and results. Conclusions least every five years. portions of the system must be examined at shorter time intervals duo to the inherent error in pre. dieting load and population growth for a small portion at This system study must be repeated at a large area. 20 The calculations revealed that for this sytez, with 7,200 volts line-to-neutral as the majority of ditributian voltage, a number one nought conductor was econorni- cafly the largest conductor to use. The amount of redue- tian in voltage thop by using a l&rger conductor was plotely OffSOt by the additiønal cost of material labor to install it. corn- arid In conjunction with this, it was also determined that an approximate radius of seven miles was the rnazirnum sexvice area for one substation if seven per cent voltage drop was to be the rnaxirnim, With a distribu tion voltage of I1,4OO volts line-toneutral, this radius increases to approximately twenty-four miles, Within the two-year period after the data for this study was taken, the load ,rowth on most of the substa- tions agreed with the predicted load within ten per cent. In sorne areas where single-phase line was ehanged to three- phase line, th load growth was higher than predicted. the caiculation* for the two-year new substations were anticipated. adunced program, two One substction is approximately one year behind the predicted time. Pable I shows a tabulation of the number of substa- tions required to serve the system as ealeulated in this advanced plannin. study. Zn TABLE T NUMBER OF SUBSTATIONS REUIRED FOR SERVICE TO THIS SYSTEM Advanced Planning Period Total Substations Number ot Substations Added Present 11 2Year 13 2 s-Year 16 3 10-Year 18 2 22 14 Extended BIJ3LIOGRJUHY 1, Goode, Harry H. and Robert Ing. 2. U. L New York, McGraw-Hill, S. Dept. of Agriculture. Administration. tables. Systeu engineer- Machal. 197. 3 p. Rural Electrification Technical Standaräs Division. Washington, D. 0., August 1951. (R.E.A. Bulletin no. i42.) 29 p. Demand 23 APPENDIX The foU.owing is an illustration and explanation or the development of the advanced planning for one substa- tion area in this system0 Table II contains the legend of map symbols as used in the following figures. Figure Lj. is a map of this area showing the distribu- tion lines of this substation and connections to two other substation systems, section points. The lettered points indicate the line This figure shows the calculated voltage drop at the major section point for three advanced plan- ning periods and the **presentt period with line conditions that exist under the "present" system. The line is open at point B as indicated by the gap at that point. voltage drop at points J, The K, and L exceed the seven per cent maximum voltage drop for the "present" calculations because voltage regulators that were ifl the system were omitted in the ca1culationa, Figure 5 shows the same system with the necessary improvement for the "extended't operation. The substation delivery voltage has been changed from 7,200 volts line- to-neutral to ]J,tOO volts line-to-neutral with all major distribution lines converted to four-wire, three-phase circuts. The sections to C and B to E are now to be 2I. served from this substation to achieve a more economical cost balance with respect to the two other substations that could also serve these two line sections. One voltage regulator bank of three regulators has been included in line section H to The effect of the regulators has J. been taken into account in the voltage drop calculations as shown on the map. Figure 6 shows the system im:provernsnts necessary for the ten-year future operation. converted to only a 114,)I.00 The entire system has been volts line-to-neutral voltage with portion of the lines rephased from the present con- ditlons. seotion No voltage regulators are necessary. The line B to C and B to E are to be served from thu substation, Figure 7 bows the system improvements necessary ror the five-year futuro operation. verted to lLj.,tOO The system has been eon- volts iine-toneutral. A very small portion of the system must be rephased for satisfactory service. Figure 8 showi the system improvements necessary for the two-year future oper*tion. The system voltage is 7,200 volts line-toneutra1, as in the A small portion of the Une section "present't system. system has been rephased with the to E served from this substation, Two . 25 voltae reu1ator banks are included, t one in line section to J, and one at section point B. if the above figures are examined in reverse order, a pzogress ive development of this system will result. Th. tabulation in Table III illustrates this process. 26 TABLE LEGEND PERCENT II VOLTAGE SYMBOLS MAP OF DROP PRESENT IO 10.6913.691 YEAR I I 5 MILES FROM VOLTAGE PERCENT MILES FROM NUMBER SUBSTATION OF DROP SUBSTATION CONDUCTORS YEAR ji.69(5.0I I [_l° t 5.2 t 10.7 ________ COPPER VOLTAGE GAP OR EQUIVALENT IN LINE 3 _______ 1/1/ 4 WIRE THREE PHASE _____ II I I SUBSTATION PHASE ________ REGULATORS OPEN WIRE 2 SINGLE 1/" CONDUCTOR EXTENDED A WIRE TWO PHASE II2.5I6 IL 20 IO I ___ L K_______ I(0.6 I2.4 IIT88I 6 He.r i 0 6 3. I 7.6 h1651 I}2.463. L [12.01 ii 6 I H O G 6 I3.4110,cI k D Is.6:1 t' '6 6 B to H5HVLLE CAP' SLETZ A L2\6_ SS 10.6 11.41 1.114,81 C, I Io.'?61 To 7E00 Volfs Line 10 Neuirdi J ToLo METER SILETZ Figure Fresetit Sysferti CONSUMERS DRWG. BY D. Ja I: 2 MILES SCALE: ___________________________ 4- POWER, IDATE: MÇ JDRWG. No.: INC. s, %58 1284 28 6 L 643 2Z. 6 K 547 - '9.7 0' i'° I I . GI: I 6 To NßHV'LLE ILET7 'z A CJ4,4 7L To TOLEO0 Lnto METER SILETZ Neutral Figure xteiided Period CONSUMERS DRWG. BY SCALE: I: D. 2 MILES 5 POWER, DATE: Mc DRWG. NO INC. &, V358 1284 L t22.61 K I 4.60 118,71 6 IT r;i 2.1 12.0 E ____ L0. H 6 G F D . 6 6 6 1-o NAHV*LLE SILETZ A r-0 46 Li __ IIo41 J To TOLEDO (4,400 Ltie to Volts METER SILETZ Neutral Figure Ten 'l'eQr Future Period ___________________________ CONSUMERS DRWG. BY: SCALE: o. 2 MILES 6 POWER, DATE: 1DRWG. No INC. B, t958 f284 30 6 L i 122.61 K L J61 iia.d 6 'J- [ï4 112.01 I 2.2ql E io.7 I I4 6 G F D 6 # 6 B Ti;, 4jvut.c SLET7 A *6 A O.'16 I2.441 J To ToLEDo 14,400 Volts Luie fo NeutrQ% METER SILETZ Fsqure Five '(ear Future Period CONSUMERS DRWG. BY SCALE: D. ":2 I MILES 7 POWER, INC. DATE: S, M IDRWG.NO. I'958 I84 3' 'V' L 16.qol 122.61 K /ør4k [le.?l 'V6 '7 ri __ 0 O31 L t I f-4 #6 G F '--t D 4 B 0 SLET7 A A 0 GAP C t0,761 ¡E To TOLEOO 7200 VoLts LLne fo Neutral METER SILETZ Figure TwoYear Future Period CONSUMERS DRWG. BY SCALE: I' D.Jo4m5o 2 MILES 8 POWER, IDATE: MÇ jDRWG. NO INC. 3, f558 i84 32 SYSTEM IM?ROVEMENTS FOR THE SILETZ SUBSTATION AREA Planning Period 2-year mImprovements for the Period Ifl4icated Sincle-phase converted to two-phase 1.9 miles Single-phase converted to three-phase i.7 miles Two-phase converted to three-phase 1.8 miles No charu;e in wire size for the above rephasing Add two regulator banks Add additional line sections B to D and D to s-year Convert entire system to 1,4OO volts, line -to-neutral Add autotraneformer at substation Add line section to C 10-year No chanes necessary Eztsrided Single-phase converted to three-phase 11.9 miles Two-phase converted to three-phase i1.8 miles Change wire size, number six to number two, three-phase 1 mile Add one voltae regulator bank 33 Table XV illustrates the calculated ubetation domand in kilowatts and the avereçe kwh per month per consumer Thr each planning period, Those figures for the prosentr time are system data. TABLE IV AVERAGE KILOWATT-HOUR USE AND SUBSTATION DEMAND Averao kwh per month Pia Peri od per Consumer Pre sent Substation Demand in Kilowatts 2B 300 2-Year 714P3 560 5-Year 860 6140 10-Year 3. , 0/40 860 Extended 3,000 2 , 850