Creating and establishing the Governor's Commission for, Women; repealing Executive Order DB-32. WHEREAS, more than half the )opdation of our nation and of this state are womed; and , , WHEREAS, it is imperative that.the potential of all our citizens be realized to the fullest measure without regard. : to sex, race, religion, national origin,, or marital status; and WHEREAS, the goal of equal legai,social, political, economic, and educational opportunity and advancement of all women and men is critical to the future of our state; and :, WHEREAS, the. realization of these objectives can be achieved most effectively by a commission established for this purpose; NOW. THEREFORE, I,.Mark white, Governor of Texas, under the authority vested in me, d o hereby create and establish the Governor's Coqmission' for Women, hereafter referred to as the commission, and do hereby evoke, rescind, and repeal Executive Order DB-32. The purpose of the commission will be the promotion of state policies which will,provic~e'equalopportunities for and. aid in the advancement of women. . . The commission will consist of 29 member; appointed by the governor for a two-year term. Members shall serve at the discretion of the governor. The governor shall designate a chairperson and a Vice-chairperson from the director shall adopt and rules of procedure consistent with the provisions of this executive order. The commission will have as its orinciole charge the achievement of the following: 4 areas; id3 addressing the needs of women as new programs are planned,, such as the Job Training Partnership Act and the Community Development Block Grant Program, and making recommendations to the appropriate groups for action; (e) providing information and guidance through publications on issues affecting women; (f) securing recognition of women's accomplishments and contributions to Texas. ~4 i Upon completion of these matters, the commission will: (a) identify and assess the employment and economic status of women in Texas; (b) integrate the needs of women in Texas into the state budget process; (c) monitor legislation affecting.wown; (d) consider the needs of women in the long-range planning process for ?;.Gas; (e) respond to changes at the federal level in the best interests of the wkmen in Texas; (f) review new state statutes for compliance w"lh the Texas Equal RightstAmendment; 4 and human services; (I) study the possibility of establisii~gan independent statutory commission on women's issues in the future. Members shall serve without s'alary, but may be reimbursed for their actual travel expenses incurred while attending officially called meetings of the commission. . d The commission shall convene at least Quarterly and on call of the chair. A maiority shall constitute a Quorum ' All agencies of state and local governments are hereby directed to cooperate with and assist the commission in the perbrmance of its duties. This executive order shall be effective immediately and shall remain in full force and effect until modified, amended, or rescinded by me. Issued in,Austin, Texas, on April 13, 1983. Mark White February 10, 1984 .,