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p t i v e Order
to Workplace Safety and Health of State Employees. Citizens Served. and Presavation of State Property
t is the policy of the State of Texas to provide a safe and healthy workplace for all statc employees, citizens served, and to
.workplace deaths, injuries and illnesses and destruction of property produce human suffering, ewnomic and social loss&i
operating efficiency of state government; and
lace deaths, injuries, illnesses, and loss of state property can be reduced or eliminated by systematic ~laMwg;training. safe
the effective use of prevention and control m e a m ; and
W,occupational death, accident. illness, and property loss prevention requires management and employee commitment, accountabil~oopuatiam, and l&ship
at dl levels of state government; and
laws, regulations and sound business practices pertaining to safety amd health in the workplace and presenration of property apply
tion of state govutrmalt; and
W, state gwunmeat should lead by example by complying with'all applicable federal, and state laws. standards, rules. regulations
I, GEORGE W. BUSH,Governor of the State of Texas, bj. the authority vtsted in me by the Constitution and the laws
! state, do hueby:
bn that all state agacies, institutions and universities of higher education must develop and implement comprehensive written risk
b t / s a f e t y programs whose purpose is to attain the following objectives:
risk of tlccidentaljob related deaths, occupational injuries and i l hmes, and state property losses by tht
control bxhniques.
~blishwritten p e r f o r m d e b i l i t y standards and objectives to reduce deaths of both employees and c i h served, injuries and
ea' and to comewe -vroperty
- - resources of the state.
w i d e adequate safety and health and property b-ation
training and education for managers supavim and employees.
Wlish risk management/safety and health committees comkhg of representatives from all levels and functional areas of the
te work practices that ensure preservation of state property and safety of employees and citizens.
, peliodic
and hea inspections so that potential hazards are detected and
federal l a
d guidelines regarding employee and citizen safety,and
b a t e an individual to serve as the organization's risk managcrlsafety officer to assist in directing its loss prevention program.
effective invtstigation and management of workers' cornpewtion claims and the prompt return to work of injured employees.
all state agencies' written risk management/safety and health programs must be reviewed and approved by the State Risk
Management Risk Division will report biemlally to the Legislature for agencies within their jurisdiction on progress in achieving
workplace safety and health and property pnservation in state govunment.
state employees must be informed of the Executive Order, of its intent and requirements for f o s t h g a safe and health workplace and
ation of state p r o m throughout state kovemment.