INSTITUTE FOR VALUES IN POLICY AND SCIENCE PUBLIC LECTURE TUESDAY November 12, 2013 6:30 - 9:30 pm SFU Harbour Centre 515 West Hastings St., Vancouver Room 1400-1410, Segal Centre Please RSVP by November 10: THE ETHICS OF DRONES: A PANEL DISCUSSION David Lyon (Queens) Stephen McCammon (Office of the OIPC) Richard Smith (SFU) Micheal Vonn (BCCLA) Ciara Bracken-Roche (Queens) As use of visual surveillance in military and civilian areas expands, legal and ethical questions regarding the use of the role of drones (also known as UAVs, or unmanned aerial vehicles) arise. What counts as appropriate drone use? Are there limits to what drones should be used for? What harm might result from the use of drones? How can drone surveillance enhance human life? Join us for a lively panel discussion that explores the use of drones in public life. Hosted by the SFU Institute for Values in Policy and Science (ViPS) Fostering conversations that are informed by the sciences and guided by consideration of social and environmental impact.