Dear Editors: This is to certify that the paper written jointly by Jason Lewis and Robert Ellis, titled "Investigations into the Kaprekar Process", was conducted independently under my supervision. The research began as part of a class project in MATH 3090, Junior Seminar, and was completed as part of an independent study project. The authors are both currently seniors at ETSU, and the research was conducted in its entirety while Lewis and Ellis were undergraduates. I believe that the content of the paper is substantial. There are several aspects that are new; these include the statistical analyses and the generation of the complete tree for the 4-digit Kaprekar process. The paper is certainly not at the level of research conducted, say, by students in the Rose-Hulman REU program. This is only to be expected since the REU group consists of the best students nationwide. However, the Lewis-Ellis paper does represent among the best work done by students at ETSU in recent years and is certainly worthy of publication in the Rose Undergraduate Mathematics Journal. My name and address appear below, as a signature to this email. Sincerely, Anant Godbole Anant Godbole Professor and Chair, Department of Mathematics, Director, REU Program on Discrete Random Structures East Tennessee State University, Box 70663, Johnson City, TN 37614 423-439-5359;; FAX: 423-439-8361 REU webpage: