Minorities in the Barometer, 1977 Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Title and Date Table of contents “Center aids Chicano involvement,” April 7, 1977 “Chicano week continues,” April 12, 1977 “Chicano speaker sites bilingual education need,” April 13, 1977 “Chicano Cultural Center opens with quiet ceremony,” April 14, 1977 “Director says Chicano need to get involved,” April 15, 1977 “Dinner closes Chicano Week, Chicanos perform play,” April 18, 1977 “Minority culture centers to open next week,” October 4, 1977 “First pow-wow to feature drums, dancing, costumes,” October 27, 1977 “AuCoin pledges to support tiny Chicano college,” November 1, 1977 “Colegio claims HUD, Marion Co. conspiracy,” November 4, 1977 “Faculty gives OK to women studies,” December 12, 1977 involvement Chicano aids Center The (5U Is currently inIn a campaign to volved publicize the center and Its goals, and as a part of that campaign Is organizing a )7 3IVE *IORE rer Wer C3dcano Cultural Awareness at at e The Week to let everyone know the fl' what thoee goals are. The (tJ) handbssEs rim: awareness week will run next Monday through Friday. According to Perez-Franks, the Involvement In the center Is growing all the time. They are getting a flow of about "Ameas per . M, asm - (1_s fs th* "Aa.ik _ I d. T students a day and Interest from the faculty is also b,coes." OIU ce cssder, at at I IM a A picking up. , "Robert }Uekel (associate professor of language) has aez'oes frees Gill hI4.4itsrootsatthe shown an Interest In starting a course on (iIcano literature d Is banded Mi and culture," said U wonld be utilized if the course does get started. Optimism Is high at the CU oJ "- Dill. Pu Fruáa a iP--s Is f7s,M I., a botlu ( ui4uc-".4'-( these days, Itaral beckvounda by t1 ethnic groups on Peres-Fr, 'Oer goal is to " aeda of the Cooperation aware of Dill. PeruJ'i, (tkann psrle-'e.peclally In asriler lbs Milazn Hail, .ertcr il the room In center's staff the prev Naomi Agulrre, tophomore In general .iesce zad rrcepdcstst, treuaa Is Iamfly We-exteesics sad Arreguin-Rkhiuond a sophomore in architeetire. a tesas culIsral caster taThz with center, Uy are grateful for the new apace. is now aatsd in their new "The only thing we're office. Thot4b the office I, still working on right now La getquite afl, the people at the ting the basement fixed up for CU are not complaining. In said fact, ccxuddering the lze of a little more apace," [ Rap sheet baa$flw ID.M yet we don't feel any negative feelings from anyone. Maybe It's because we haven't been publicized "AS make the pi (of (EU) yes! from a iuU any talk of XL people ask whet a Is. or what the dater, is," ,aId eiinr.H" After ies,Mg and negative feelings from outside the center brings only r doubtful expression and more Amer1aa well as other Perez- Franks. She added that the 1%at*ntI., &wk4 to 8anel that has since been resolved the beginning and it would appear things are problems In moving more emoothly now. staff members. because of scheduling, but The CU as yet baa not bad Samuel Aguirre, one of the as many problems as might be of a new organization on campus. It expected ilk COPIES 50% OFF '-"--- -.-- --.I.. that MtAi was hampered by staff that much, but we think people wifi see that the center has a lot of potential and can confribute a lot to the University sakf once It gets going," Perez-Franks. week. Icontinues Chicano AM1J MU W tho Exp of BIIhqiaF Edisatlos".....12:3O p.m., MU Unlvef 'tlncrtance to the Oilmo wk of an swar ! "Importance ch Education and will uawarei of "Chicanos ftura variety and Bilingual the in MV in THURSDAY MU Higher "cdcanos in the Cornnumity end Politics" b Montes, Coleglo Educati".....2p.rn.. MU 2)6 displays, fflim, presentations of Qaoom"....1:2) p.m., d by de'4 Vul, the Saturday. ccano Ms$er ..... 12:30 p.m. Flln*....1:30 to 5 p.m., ter and Its gosis Cuitwal is t Job the in "cblcsnoe FibTis....3:3b to 5 p.m., (vez ..... 12:30 p.m., auosin Politics" ..... 1:30 MU guest p.m., MU10O Filins....i3S to The schedule I oi tbe the week is as recnairi'de of follows: TULDAY (c-"o bx3k display ..... all 1h'st U week, Kerr Scuny Cesar MU 106 p.m., MU WI41JNESflAY (a de Ia Eaza ..... 10 e.m., Chicano Cultural Center Open hne rith cuthng reception follows ..... 10 ala., Chicano Culturzil Center FRIDAY Art displays ..... MU 2)8 Film cooperstive pren- tatlons: "History of Mexico. Qnco de Mayo, Ju.ar"... 1 p.m., MU 2)8. director Kramer named of gsaphy at Portland State director of the Oregon UniverMty, has year lgTl-7& Study Ctr in Germany forthóba4ec by Stuart Knapp, dean of made The a±ninisters, through an wiWgra*t. dudies at CU. OSU the Oregon Study Center In Frits L Kram., iwof bspd r.'4 1nt&li1 esec1dlva GennkrtheOregonteqeternofldghredaUon. who retuns in will rep We Waua H1and, Kr Serttenther to his nosifton U Drdor and chairman of the at (U. slides Music, of Mco.....1:45 p.m., MU 2)0 Fl: "A Place In the &in".....2:lSp.na., MU2)0 Panel discussion.. ...3 :45 p.m., MU Film: "Impressions of Prejudice" ..... 4:30 p.m. MU 2)0 SATURDAY Dinner followed by enFriday tertaimnent ..... 6 p.m., Snell iairam will be accepted until gallery Dpartment of R'lig ota 8tw11 AppUritivi for U CU Office of International Ethamtion. at hicano speaker cites Id ilingual education need YE aiw -- w [ culture. Both would have the opportunity to learn another language, Martinez explained. "In Mexico, a bilingual education has been In existence since l)C. In Canada, a bilingual "If we have youngsters that can't tuition education has existed since Its founding. the school system, that can't speak EngHh, English isn't going to go out the window If ye !y'rt doomed f failure. By offering a teach In other languages in the United States," iiil eatk we're trying to make th besald. e productive in the school s Three schools in the Saii"in area have i and beiter citizens,' said Socro bilingual programs. Spanh, English and Awareness Week iitki, a ()*'no Cultural e.kec Tay in the MU. Martinez, an snlatant professor Riin are taught in grades one through six in 01 m2nities at Oregon College 01 EducatIon In a Woodburn elementary school. Salen Two others In offer Spanish In grades one through four through two. Martinez said thoae attending the school are voluntarily sent Lingual Education." He was one 01 by parents. i-sons speaking Tuesday during an 'lbere Is a waiting list," said Martinez. the week that attempts to eipoae ar 'Preference goes to Uee children who are vtralty community to the Qlcano Cultural hindicapped by speaking a language other oter and Its goals. RngWh" Martinez enihasized the need for education than Although some favor the Idea of their 4r*&ua that include Instruction In languages learning another language In r than Ezlih. Re said In Oregon there are children elementary schools, suprt from the public my students in public schools who cannot for bilingual programs hasn't been eversk, read or uriderstarxl English. 'fls year, whelming, Martinez said. 'The public doesn't to 7,000 rmgrsnt Spanish go all out for It. Some view ft as an enrichment ve are cI mouth, spoke on 'Ibe Intance 01 chfkken In Oregon schools who have of the FngIII language. ilted ak1ng cnmI Areas with heavy fruit harvestKlamath 113, t*llas and Hood Riverhave large and grades one program and say It is going to go out By teaching two languages, you're going to get mixed up they say. Well, we know better. We mixed up speak two languages and we're said when these grant populalionL Ma are we?" Lidren are ent to thoo1, they often fail from At present two state system scbooL, OCE ng unable to understand the teacher. and Eastern Oregon State College, offer Tb'ie youngsters deserve their educaiton, degrees in bilingual education. Martinez said have been 1 at the begInning 01 theIr education, their enrellmrits In the progran Uve tongue," he said. steadily Increasing, and other languages A bilingual education would not only benefit bdes Spanish could be takcn as areas of dents wboae rnoU tongue Is something concentration. also children 01 English er then FngI1h, txit - -- 1 CO ran -- -. ucLx,tor3a1i --'°-°'-- Who -are the Chicanô an. members err*r I *we ate 'Je, -ed ro üzçId in *ni1ii bwetm M-Aniercws cture si'-d We êat prrtexI to know'. We : a-, Ltht"th aA wJtu leeis - Week t1 tsey heive planned have aready come and gocie, bat others (roe pate 2 of Ttle5day'il Daily Baroncter remain. A I1ids1 ofthewecwil1betodyatlll - - week to set d' t*iking aboit Ctheanoe -ncoisry,-------- week. Buciut of the special events ss,eltiin thgCnsca13 Awre Cmatcano the of Uniogt have wuated thlgdly to peç*re to this Stu4ert ---- th Hsspefuily, when the week je over, the term "Cbicano" -w-11 be a bit more farniliarto us ail, R.G. p--, Others soy scy LI Uncle Sam gets 'Yes, students...you too can ~ origin« on defaulted loan anned at helping studrits and tiwsr tarnihes hear ilic hight nail f higher education, bus barn translomried in only three years into 'a 1230 uuulinn-a-year academic gold mine that is cnderwrihng often-questiocable college r :icina that Ille really really dedicated dedicat4!d in- gr hat Use structors Jul structon in colleges ~es arid and joi Tenant-landlord nd Todieediter- vocational orograixis from senior citizens and full tune police officers to Inmates at mom mn-security prisons" One small but well-connected college in the city is accused of Today at 2,30 1 4 30 p.m us the lEt] Council Room, a seminar is being held n Tenant-Landlord Corndoctoring aid acisiicatsons in order to make xnunscation" Do you have univernties (and User-a there are are"" OJ Co vzuveroities many) stl nisusy) do do not not get get paid enoogb enough sti and the Ille lociy lOUllY ones ones should sIlooId be be no et> 'canned'. Why should sIlooId Illere frc camad' Why there be fri tenure in Ie!lure in higher bigber education education on CO; when everyone else i&priva!e when else iii private indwltry ~ has to industry'and and business fllCl\' the. 'discipline of Ille he pr nW!ret'? Either Eilber they y produce (as tie they lose theirjobs P This brings me t* the issues Ho sp in the article- -wit "sty Evalostiom Bill for Pee Oregon House" (Daily students eligible fur larger payments, and questions about your Ianmany soed students at one bossiness school diord's policies? Are you attended classes cosly twice a month, JUst wondering slow your landlord enough to pick up their stipend checks views a curnplaint1 Cisrtuui Although few educators dise itjoillicJy, aboutwhat it is by now also well knoien that many 'nogmel west endeonetttiites tear", and -reputable colleges and universitids hove what the damage cleanup established programs and courses thsL are depmitcovers' Come and find designed primarily to attract government oijt, Listen to their s-easono grants and assistance, Many 'nun-traditiooal and ask your questions. We Barometer April 8) it seexise Pa that Van Vhel is so concerned Or, eitucabssj" courses fell into this category of are dolag thia,/or youeeost how faculty evaluations i'? ' pdc Institutional featherbedding. The prevailing The Legal Aid Symposium attitude seems to be that even if such courses was organized to cover ai-e usade that he's siring this ssasmetcescreentoeoverthe Li deeftaccsenplisb much mUse way ofediscetson, Student cotlCemi; it reason they should be made neither do they lid mitch damage Meanwhile igried for you if you are He says that "unIversity Ybeksinmoney mad, curious or wondering adminIstrators who baCe a Ta The new rules and the announced federal about something, caine tO kowledge of the teaching crackdowswsbeuldpttseieiheigOf*erflxlpin Check thepoetersin profegio bould be g -these activities But whet is fy seininars the MUthere may be responsible for improving the wrung is the attitude that ixi 5*IsttIOtS 0 something of interest to you quality of the professor. more programs is a good thing for everyone If the attitude of Dave concerned, irrespective of their academic JckbOIua Nicodesnusja any indication of capability or quality of the programs. As long the attitude of 'university as that attitude prevails, and as long as mones ails' raters' a given is there practically (Or the taking, it will be Three cheers instructor might as well difficult to expect much more than patchwork evaluate tutorial! I do net anions Totheediter' understand Van VIlat'S TWall8lreetJaoirsal j Three cheers for the ressonatorezcludlngstudenta hea poanage of BB-2702 and-the- -froiss the-evatuelien-peoeuse, excellent lobbying t'Wlitiffilliëlf iiliIlsii lad one Asuffuhe , w DETER su M,,wias siese,, C,nau,, O twit 35 isis CmeiHOe itaieUe,v.flh$V Thsmaybearrsmnportantstep public Lox money pay 1db w aiary (end Moodemnus's as ln us craclung the mooiapottetic well). Studente are iberassan wall of teethe the Oregon Student Lobby I edtscatioei. -, isei er enceofOSU, I do agree with the dabs s po. &iie car 12l3L Corvhs, Oregon O*qet, State Untversfty iA1T Thursday, April 14, 1977 Chicano Culfurul renat ceremony~~~ cerernonns w th quiet M Centeiw I RySVEVEMORItE ltareznetorWrtter ', - ~ 'I made all arrangements the for today~cept up today--except upthere, there"H said coorDena P....-F'rl!nIts, coor­ Della Perez-Franks, at Wednesday's Wednesday's riblib­ dinator dinator of !'residant Robert Robert MacVicar MacVlcar President assisted the assisted the president of the CSU, Eva Vejil, In aym. CSU, Eva Vejil, is the symbollc cutting of the ribbon. boliccuttingoftherlbbon "'!'hi!! Is is a• beginning beginning. These These "Tins op­ students student,ohave haveaa distinct distinct opportuzuty to to contribute contribute to to the Portunity their University University because because of of their ,"Our make the the "Our goal goat is is to make OSU aware people of people of OSU aware of the needs of the . Chicano peopl.....,specially in in educaeduca­ peopleespecially tion. '! soi'4 sai~ Perez-Franks tion, in an earlier interview. In earlier interview ' bon-<:utling cereon00005 C<!remonies at background/' bon.ciitting at the cultural background," MacVicar said. new ChlcanoSludent Union. ClsicanoStudent Union said, Alter the ribbon cutting, the The officiJll opening The offIcial opening of of the officillllywelcomed welcomed center to begin begin in in the theCUCSU center was was to waswas officially the commwlity commUlli\Y .with into the with a fronl the CSU CSU at at 10 10 into front yard of the by the til. Corvallis Corvallis a,m, a in with the traditional plaque given by Besides MacVicar MacVicar and and the Besides reprezent-'itives represent.atives. from the Chamber <I Cmnmeree, ibe Chamber c-f Commerce. the ribbon-cutting rlbbon-<:ultlDg was WWl witnessed witnessed by by Dean Dean of of Undergraduates Undergraduates Stuart Knapp, Dean of and an Students Robert Cluck Chick and representatives of th. CorCor· representatives of the assistant professors and official ~.assortment··{Jf· aasortment of ·{lrofeSSi>ra.·~· ~.""""."'~""'-~;",,!,.!,::~L~H •. Ambas.ad(U'S~_officlal eutthog of the rtbbn. at thuAmbasaadrs, profe000ra front door At about 9th a so the sky darkened and the rain vallis Chamber vallos Chaniber of Cmnmerce. Commerce The began to fall The opening opening of of the the center, lOGO "A" St. (across f"""Gill" from Gilt - With thu-coming of thu-rain, .\969~!A'!·Std.cros.s iii the CoIIs.u,ni) comes in the people attending the Coliseum) ribbon-cutting crowded into middle middle of of Chicano Chicano Cultural CUltural the small one bedroom house Awareness Awareness Week, Week, which which will will that has been converted into continue through this the (SU Center Saturday. The CSU;has Ssturday The CRU has "Well, t guess now they'll dedicated to dedlcated itself to trying' tryInjftto know how smell this place improve understanding of of the the really Is" commented an cultural cultural backgrounds of unidentified refugee from the Mexican-Americans Mexican-Americans.s well as as welt as rain, other ethnic. ethnic groups on When the rain stopped, OSU campus campus, '5055' , . students. students "Tl!e'j)eopleoftheCSU IiOpe TSr people of the fU hope students and the that the the students and the facultyof of 0517 OSV will continue to faculty continue to support the the Chicano Chicano week week. soppnrt And the Chicano Student Union remains remains open, open, small small Union though though itit is, is, to toaU all studants, students, all alt the the time time, As Perez-Franks As Perez-Franks announced In opening in ber her opening addi-ess"Mi Casa address-"Mi Casa as os su Cain," ("My Cass," house is your your "My house "). house. house", Campus balloon~annons illegal CamFJs &': : : cannons illegal B0 DIANA ThOMPSON not knock knock them them unconscious. unconscious nol Barometer Writer Water balloons are a fun with recklessly endangering endangering with recklessly wantlocome another person's Harris "I don't want tocome across another person's ille. life Barns saying stop stop all allballoon balloon said that this cbarge as saying charge is isaa class throwing on misdemeanor which which could could throwing on campus," campus," Harris A misdemeanor aregoing going to to bring said, "but "but people people are snid, fineand and up to bring a l,O0Ofine reaUy upset upset when when someone someone one year in lint be really gets-au-eye-put out as wresuli IT a person is injured bythe Harris of the Campus Security wont them to took teunched balloon, the persos Office, ahead and be aware of what ,xezpensibte coulil be-chargedYea, they are-fun-and lairtywith assault This charge safe If thrown by hand or Harris said that other could result so pumohmeot dropped out of the second similar to the class A story window; no, they are sot complaints, apart from those misdemeanar fun and sot aafe when latin- madefromthiaincidentatthe Breaking University winLoin ii DO5 WaY McNary Hall, hove been ehed two to five hundred feet lows is the destruction of Ribbon cuing ceremony byasurgicaltubtngallssgabot, received about the launched pstdic property The student illouf-Baeol MseVt oute the etebes otePo Eva Vejil, etpliomiire In edcat!oo and According to Harris, a balboa would be cited for criminal at the-(e' Stadeuf Uafea Wedaeeday P°t Ha CSU, and Edumrite Garcia, slornhltory meeting hold on the Students should be aware misetnet and talceic- to court IPfNwrel erleoce,, gsnhitlho, second floor of McNary Hall thai evyn if a4ceraonJs noL itre on the-evening of-April-f-was injured the person launching damage, Barns said, a fine In waIMo freon the interrupted by a launched the-balloeii can be charted tijaitoentencerouidreouit way to cool off your best friend aren't usa hotapring day they!2desanul no, says B_i1l , --ir---Deflsg Carter -wants IVPI)Pres- P'A rn*jterp4antor propoaals and are waiting to Maisdayevessiiig The proposals outlined by - - toi4 W.deed.y ' , - -a - spring them on Use public as window which literally exploded Fortunately, the drapes were pulled and obuorbaijuseinitiallinpactofuie flying glass No nose was In~C;IT;.T;~''''··· an alteritetiVe to the plod- 'lured although paU1 on psame eon- thFJHa'deI'skreskjitdactbodk _, _,__ ,,_,. ,'-... --- ,_i,,.. "".' "' ""°' " £do kers and oil and nnlgtd be expected to Wednesday stiideists ancosoBag to a of "''" °""'"" -tang - water balloon The balloon hit a plate glass as tw. the A 1d*. HOeuS gJ geM tha-d y-gI*$si-plaL' pcov a Otisalanor from tahoe', auto and osekero, the RepUcaos. , The Nm-Us Ajne WquldInNdl,ee '1" end Alliance, hi a copyrighted Anrordleg to NAhi!gity e be110om said It ban a copy of tile reach when catapulted gives docsuisesg, the Itepublican p1an proposes "voluntary" energy coecoervatlon aided by tax Inceustives, plus Increased them a rock-like effect on windows, people or whatever else they happen to land en, HarrIs said that If a balloon Weather The unsettled weather The unsettled creasiogclouds-andraiu- will Oontlnue-ia the-Pacific likely l·win.conliJ1ue.In·u.e.l'acifie-~ Northwest as WI the next weather system ap· approaches from the west. preaches west This system system. should' ThIs should I h or earl early arrive Itonlgbt addlllonal , Frtday FrIday to bring aiisrnut .ralnran, Is a raInfall There in chanceof of chow show to marginal chance rau,a,ion tonight, High by ·tonight. and low lownear sear today near 60 60 and 40, - U,.1 $-- - - iChIcanos need to get involved -- , j eor't be fr" ae naveltowrt, and aolo*tbe-n lw 1. "Thine is a inl before saw emororwa baD of a 1st of wint to he dew fiowiwerhete without wpoes fl bilL Itia one more War at Ia 'thmwoee to ator1n- to- vallv. " ore sea to jet *avefaed , tosetveawved*rwetdeeina ore,-inc d I' t way sototime trmncgtet op in are we being diocmmtnated agamot' dbo, Loera aaid thit souse cf the o,, t legal cin, thS'dietecotTo pgi ·O"We·JuM,"t<.· COI!Cem aQ We have In concern selves wltb tbe mi ml with the develogacient of the eo ce cIeveIo!ment munltY.We're We'renevor __9inlW going mwdty ''Oret!QIl is ridlcnlously completely chan.., change II U imens!ti... to the Cbicaoo'. society hainialUVO io societyand andI'm I'm not Dot saylng SOYIDg , need&. But it is OUT 0"" fault, .. have to,' needaBatitxaourownfault? 10," l<Il!d t4l5l Loera.•'1 ~ added Gimtlerroz Gutlem... "We 'We bav. have to baYe have one ooe of 01 Ibe the b< be realize our and use .....m our potential po!entiaI and """ educaUooaI .yotems in t it" ~.AAd_OIl'! of ofli>!o great< Thi~groUp .i!reed "lb8t' societies in world. We w. II.a The group agreed that soexedus tn !be the world, American society !IIIll,gnlIfkant bacause is ijinignificont because we we ..a oociety I. dominated tbisI dar. domsunatedby by!be the Ang\o.Sa.lron Anglo-Saxon the receivers B thIs 1 dcc monte -and- wommmen-are-ra* in- mean be like Anglat-and go culture But tldezg0 chided Rut are atcll>lll>ll. But women women are ..1- up Ill' war OW' culture. things in '" tht~i:ci we axe 'ate" kn.4ra*od ogofeot in ~cmo solon an givax the atincetron. thee we sheald BOt not ~ organised and .00 socIety socle\y elooIe$lIs doom. » em? tin pa to see," sald cloves metoted Mona. "We've d ave olwav boon in an to aeeeee eed xwon, biexts have thins awl these is a ,7 pod'lemi eterausmed Irons tine - wed-nuddlectoar society 'We have to laser more Tt'crsi wawers U we are hOmE When 13w ChicanO etm'uctmiee cc matched on with lacking lIce system oral this ma goirce tom tmajgmomx almein we 5*5 bias it doesn't eosnnorr nhatthChieanornont&, bcmaninetheer&liiem" 'Thcc etics measure gets nod I.- ..... -'L'JII!"~--"""'-"--"""'_"-.,.,.. ~''''_ ''"'''d_u-'aJiQn __,.",.."._ _ -'''''' ..'''''•. 'l.'b«le incll!<ie, but ... 001 limited to, Ibe """'" of lIrt, . drIIma, speech and mllllic. The II!neIldment olI!o HY!' !bat no lII<It'e. tbatI one tIllrQ of !be walvu _ y is to go to lItlIletic pn>grams. . Thrbjfltmaotwecreferredto The b!ll bas be"" referred 10 !be .101m Ways .ondMcamia Mem!II the Jmmint Ways and CommItleewhere wbere itit will he be (emitter to a S subcommittee. Out Ouitrsuttoin ~ ta liSst5Iied AItbough the IsiS bill passed pused10cc the Altlsoingh l:lowie EdllClltkm CommIttee, Rouse EdUCOIIOO cttm it bas nOt mud! escaped much ml tics not escapold cr!ticism .ond n-lbcizrms t'uddiscusl!ioo discuaziun from fritet .........t .ond e-rr'i reprezenta\iv<s emtr-tsvcs cnn $ (0-MIsery, in the Oregon- I DWA face ft DPA NFWR DIES' ,r. - BRUCE LEE- I JFER-DRA AND / - -. - - -i-'"- '-n-- 1$ It'sa all a matter matter of ofgetting getting It returns un insestrnes,te, investments, soya says retoms on AS0SU President David ASOSU President Gomberg. $21),000 won was Gotnberg The 5M,01O split into Iwo two sccoiastc, a=unt5; one on;; split into with $15,000' aoo one 'etth with with ssa,euo and one $5,000. The smaller of of the two two gs,we Tho is to to be be used used to to research research rEo Just,iume toe lose "c' I 'e.xceptiona "T~ on student student To totany totally rely on rccs ridiculous," she SIlid. fees is is ridiculous," the said. "Of states of 01 Of the the five five western stateS Washinl<tOll, Washington, Idaho, Idaho, Montana. Montana, Oregon and Oregon is is Oregon and Utah, Oregon cnly only one that duet does nut not 5 subsidize abs i die C non "revenue -rev once sporu." spom-en future par­ future hecause because ofof that that psitOn's emphasis On non's on steff ,a1arles and statewide statewide reo salaries and ccsearch search. "1 hIke "I Uke the content of OSPIRO OSPIRG hot lrut mt's it's Ilecoming becoming hillrdcr to retW'n on on the harder to see see a return State level; state level;;!'s time to see it's hub to see what they can do locally," locally,H he cLC' '-' a fufi line of Rgdken, Unperm and new The HAIR PALACEIS located 0ppg ww lungs &lv Betweeu aTiTanch8nt accuas t0 returns due WASHINGTON IUPII-Millloris of Mmierieanu are ox5 p pcipaicFridaym one of upriuig'o annual ntustn--tlwlaSt-nsinute itIsli to the poet office to best the midnight deadline fur filing income tax retumna C V;da Sasson products for your hair care needs" Jus "I I/Se lO'haP,J"ICSS experienced growth.., said Neeley, SIle to< f..\gther. are other ....... that need money, lrut said the assist State of Oregon should aSsist with in funding with in some way the funding oJ sports. ittnon-revenue nenrevense sports con!!UIl1er and aoo environmental environmental consumer issue. said issues in ustile theCorvallis Corvallisarea, urea In said. past years years, all an at of OSPIRO's OSPIRG's There is is a possibility possibility that There pent alWcation was dumped OSPIOG will appelll allocation dumped into a OSPIRG appeal the .fund throughout lrudge! cut on on the tileUnxvarsmty Ulllvemty budget Cut lurid for for research throughout Oregon-Gomberg'smriuor major level, according to Norby OregenGomberg's paint of conlaltion. (OSPIRG state and local point contention "Locally, OSPIRG has been board board memberi members could could not not be Ile "Locally OSPOSO contacted for verification), doing good lob so we d Uketo. like to COllta_cte.Lfor.. d\1ing ~a s""djob"".",e'd verification) see more emphaslJ on those schools Throughout Oregon, Oregon, Ichools see emphasis on those Throughout which contribute to I<> OSPIRG OSPIRG local;) kinds of of projects,".. e'hich _Fegs Committeedecide the ftomtsbegg gzplains j(u,t or nsidgnmigbudgetcuts financial fates of many ASOSU hat been supporting student organizations other ncheotu around Oregon ncome tax One atudent organization, whach allocate eel atively little But inside inside a meeting But meetingmom room where a ntisdent where. student organization organization is asking farmomiey for money, enough enough to to get .tlJ<O.ngh.. through next year, nte.rn ni'!'!...l'e",T,. stCTll. faces races in a bunmneaslike businesslike ezmeirurusient semifar farreroo"remuoen"ir"nmenl seem cii from from thill the outside world ed world. in dry,sUl'T<l.UI!lllilgs surroundings that ... Itftis~iIl(ll)' metriberso of the the major student members budgeting ixiardlncidental board-Incidental cgr As a qse as "is r In the past three yoar, w"""",'. athletic programs • OSU lind iri the region hav< - SPRING HAS SPRUNG--COME SEE US TO LOOK AND FEEL GOODI e,ss:'-/-' -- ____ some viny way. subsidized in come Neeley, along 50110 with other i%eoley, members of the Athletic Department and and Uns'.ersity University Department Robert MacVicar, MacVicar, President. Robert President has testified before hills belore the lfuuae Rouse Edueation Committee Eilucatso'm Committee in favor fuvar of tile the bill the Oregon Student Public to OSPIOG "because they -J 1 revenue and and. Women's, women's. to he be reveme interesit lteuearcli Grouptc Jsavasuie _aeena (OliPIRGI, had its request of OSPIFtG'o (statewide) cc$36,tOJ cut te a moderate search results," he aggues blOOO ad ene wore k Nurby, ehalr000 of restrictions on bow thet the Incidental Fees Commit_,_ -. - -_ - -allaestioms--woiild--be--uuud, a -tee5- would-not- be opposed to new experience for toe ruttier OSPIRG'o state fundresearch group mng 115,0th) even mere utbe ,o. -, ANDTHSI*W1ORN "You hillve to look at thill Mllon, the problems Of .n the students .ond oot Just at the Saturday afternoons of the alumni," he said, s..'1dy Necley, women's direclOl', said SliidThucoThurs­ athletic director, day, there definlte need day, there isis a definite neJ fOl' othtctmcs, athletics. especially nunnon· for - a TOeeo1Oguo o_m_mLttee_ ian. OSIkG funds go local tim monday "The','d Like to 00% RICE SWAET see rethicuon of tisticn Bu-mietur Writer day-care cunters and an increase is the budget for Sunslone, brown bodies Sunshine, tha,cing frisbees, chasing after after frillbees, and and stadonts enjoying enjoying life life tycify students typify /the casual casual atmosphere atmospherearm-is....-..i,,· trig with the unset / ing wllh onset of of apeing spring term term. FRI-SAT-SUN ii*sw - top priority for "'' ' IS - P ', studies first." But Curt Jolwloo, ASOSU mit affairs <!!reclor, ...d Tlllnday lbat day care iJ a U of 0 SIudents. "Tho! 1m 'I to ..y day care Die Butmae isn't one of oW' priorities." he BroCweesJttec, SIlid. wt> p!llce Imer-eol· and "But Bat ace p 'et legiale at • higher legiate athletics athletim ol nanny, which wiB ocnte priority thM,.. peisriti than we do day day care." core frx mineerneanse IwodassSen. Padeley. Sen Edward Fuduley, cetegjsg a,xmmjs, carries (D-Eugene), chairmanof 01lice tile 0Eugene), cht?arman Willi It ini axis- thn that Sul>coolmittee of of Education Sabc-ommcuttse en additional would W.ys Means, .Im> Ways and Meson, aiae t of expr...oo the need for 10l' hdtlon tuutlein senators who who fee! feet there tiler. ore esga-erued Wilson waivers fir mm and """aton centered blllll <lpjl<lOOd to to bills as oppacud odser er-ran wl'ere wesnets etindents pvorzig otber where attocatiomis allocationS centered cnn in in 1'lJudllY's Tuasmy's Oregonthis OIle Oregon· ore needed, needed i'gsecazl talents in peogrsncs are '-fastening to the-otsadeustg ---- 4±urt bleUca this is not a tsigt- pemonty said ?ae 'J' A ____ ___ ---- .. _ We Specialize ii then anal Wooseq's Hair Cots 'iscina T533419 As of last Friday, the Internal Revenue Service had received 587 ns&tlien retwcis at its 1(1 servIce centereacm-ooa the nation, an IRS spokesman ash The upokeumnarm said approximately 83 million retw'iam were expected by the deadline, "Mrnoet everybady who in going to get a_svfund-bas aaat ØROETER _............... c..m.. aDd Up -".~b1 IliIIIooo!f __ a.;."",o pride . The diimor . ~ atl:l'aded MuiOlll-Am«ica.as from P\Ir1:Iad.~. Salem and ........ ~c.m.llio. !ie:d mall !be: CSU.will Cil ·;mpjiOit·MdllolP ~ Ibe: Clllcano Week • UaivenIity Ill~ at tb • comedy. tragedy and com­ IDeIlIary to present a llngual portray"l. cf ''macllo'' sIerotype. The play focused on the frustrations a newlywed couple bas wben !be huIIban<! """'" bis job. He Is adam.mt tbat~~·1!IlooId not wOO< because of !be: beIlef that "8 WIlmIIIl bdoogs in !be Ilome and !.be IIUIII is !be bnad­ winner." As the play ~!.be husband is ' ­ resiIltIInt to change, but !.be e.nding Jels tba audience spieeulate ... to what will really bappeo. ''Seven years ago we mole a play caIJed Macho Bag," said Dale Mootoy, a member Tea!ro, ';but we COO).. Formed <rut 01 " Chi"""" drama c'- at San Diego State College in 11100, T... tro Me:sIizo ...... inspired by El Teatro Campeelno, the ftrn! ChIcano Theall'elrol!pe. They have performed lor colleges and Intereot grot.!!l<J In Male<> City, California, Texas. Oregoo and at the IIllIUlllI ChIcano Teatro fesllvalli. The tr<mpe drew loud ebeers and laugh. from lhe predominantly Chicano awile!lce ... they recogni:ud to slere<ltyplcal _ In the play. Tb<mgh IWf (l{ the play wu in . S\WlllIIl.Jl.wllS .rea)islic. and ... U1!dersIand.oble even to 00<1­ and nlated problems of the Klan:Iatha. J. :"""iHdb i A .great-grandmotber marrted to Leonard Norris, Modoc. Nonia !]egan gathering histories 01 the Klamath and Modoc trihas to her dlIIdren WOIIId mow their people. She Is • ~. Iaader, not only among !.be .Klamalh pe<>ple but aIao In the COIlIiIIIlIlIty of KlamathFaIIa.· : SIlewlll he In the Lahgbouoe 011 Fdday .t 3 p.m. and on . at 10 am. by the hr ___ develloo asensitiVify for vorious community .segments IIIlnk minority stu. union. "But eacb group and membenblp fees so It is nol.1In Of........Ie ..1ItiII1I bas a aatomatIc~.. . '!'be Purpollle for eacb _ter 10 to provide 8 faclllty In wbIcb tile individual mInoritlea and tile pablIc can meet, and "develop . .....ttjvlty for tile variDWI '"'fl'ID\lfIII! of the UnivetlIIty and the local communitY," Pitts "SOld. 'lbe faeWUes ....... Intlally funded by ASOSU but ore now .",,!IciIJ.... tbeit fWIded IbtougIi 1M MU budget a:s part of the MU Actlvllles . I'fogr...n. . Amajor advantage for minority students, said Pitts, Is the opportunity to develop Ieadershlp sklIls In the ethnIc centers. "Some students ba_'t bad !be cbance In high IIcllooI to get Involved 10 cultural activities, .. said Pitts, "and II'. good thai they bave a clumce to develop leadersblp qualities here." 'lbi Chl"""" Stadea I Union bas trIId1llona11y !IpOIlSOl'eti ChlCIlIIO dinners, mum. and art _ts. A major activity Is the lIMual celebrallon of MeJdCllll Independence Day. CInco de Mayo (May 5). • '!'be Black Student Union boBted Interiuiltonally known speakers DId< Gregory and AIeJ: Haley ta:st year loan effort to attract more invOlvement from students and o!b... members of the local communlly. TheBlack CulIUl'8l Cent... is located at 2320 NW Mmroe st.• the Chlcano Stadeat Union Is at 1!169 SW A St., and tile Native AmeriCllll Lolll!houae.is located at 28th Street and Jeff...,.,.. Avenue. Each of tile centers is e:xpected to be open IlI!XI week. "Through various cultural center activities and programs," Pitts summarized, "8 greater understanding and awareness of the various minorities and their 'raclal situation, lHestyie, cultiLral traits and blstory can be achieved." EXHI AN Over 00 different leaturlflll the works of Chalail. Dall. Malls.... 8nughel. eetanne. VIII Gogh, HOlll... IUee. Monlll. Ma,rlfte. PlelI5M, MArc, . Bosch. R"nolr;TculollH-La"''': Wylllh• • Giulluin. Rembrandt, anll many men plus >~~ bridal regist a sollKtlon of M.e. ElCh.. prints, 'PRICES $3°0 each 3 for s600 Ot\TE Oct. 3-7 TIME ·':00·5:00 PLACE. -leGit Ballroom. M.U. 'ullding .SPONSORED BY to feature _dancing, costumes 'uma t14aeb*re llb**pa.aCTasathe*etlPtheMU Balfrasin. Zned In the program will be Gilbert - - ' the Native dag The amamaier for the iUgI* 1li be Nathan er dthe Native According tOK*tI*y Grame alan a mesuber the dub, they received the twaIn to epoosor .!1m,avbeiramW*i1fl$IidulL -wa twe*wtss thatwe PmlInnd, wd won't tto powwoiw frian the Mamudal Union Program Council and also from twa Murphy, ow euctty anlorlathePsybologydeperbflenL 5 p.m.erieanUhcuseaCrOsaat his son - whø will *twe the ethtg prayer dma °°° end pei1cm dances," said Greene "He took some dli money he made fromthat 'me dinner will be tram dill, Med bread,e sild cole sliw and will c Greme said the Pow-wow Is open to the co*l. Artladinr,thedanelngeflddruiflmlflg public proftoexchangewithJapan e with Japan doing An Oron State inamlty will spend one month doing ..... University ".,_...... of of iaofelanr, John research at the bane chsaee to Tokyo, followed by one month month of Kyoto Kyolo tine cosedry In a at the University of engineering l. Nath, t of the the U -Japan Eonfmnt Scientist wider the auspices of jjfl 5fl an EadwagePeegreet. Kahiam Foundation. . J naeptindenI fundlng agen<:y in Under tIre program, lndeendentfLIfldJngagencY1n Jap "eminent scientists end J&JII!L Univer1ty of J_JIlIn'. Japan's University ineen esclwige Kyusiw is cooperating with willi Kyuslw Is cooperating OSU 00 l'eIIelIJ'Ch to 0811 cc research related to li$nses* joint advancement systems for floating di1dueted1teldofmdsavor mooring enbreakwat.ers thel en­ that are breakwaters tint baa amjer elgumoence vlatoned multi-purp<llle as multi.purpo$e visioned ... - how Ihese respond how these structures st hires respond forces. The safety of of to such torces. the ocean in Ill. structures In depends to a• large large extent eBlent on on depends deIermlnation of of vibration the determination ___ - S aDd !Itn!nSIh analysis. . Naill's worlt ?4ath'a specIaIlzed. work includes displaCement Includes large dmplaceinent strictures auth structures ""eb as .scables cables and moorings and' floating and and moorings and floating fixed off-5llore platforms for for fired off-shore govenunental agencies and oil firms. aehas basalso aiIIocooperated cooperated fthra tie willi thennal with o!hers others on ocean thermal energy development energy~opment. One wliversity One of\ ,Naill'. liaths wuversity aBIlg is thet assignments Is that of dire<:1or director of the 0613 OSU Environmental Environmental of the Fluid Dyoamlc:s' Laboratory, Laboratory. Flwd Dynamics football-held. inclUlling inciuding the foolball.field· gOil ocean platforms of the future. future cooperative In addition, a cooperative between 0611 OSU and effort between and the of Kyoto Univenltieo Kyolo and and Universities Of Osaka Is hi Osaka ill In progress ~ on the the physlcs of waler water waves. waves With be in j wave tank in which ocean Naill was Will! selected selected because because long ".ve,tanl<in..bleb Nath nIIlrucIure reoearcb. research is con­ ofJ:Iio put work woli< in ocean stricture of his past n ocean engIneerlng, particularly' his dacted and a tow low speed wind ducted particularly his engineering, Per the eadrenge program, The OSU wave tunnel The wave facility facility and publications publicatiODo on 01\ tunnel. research and he will spend one month .l'eIIelIJ'Ch fluid dynamic dyDanlic. forces forces on 01\ is considered among the most lecturing and vialting the fluid advanced in the wo~ld. open ocean ocean structures structures and and advanced world , . research inatitutes. Then he open The chaoge Involving Nath / u ammering away Jackhammer to remove pert of Jetferaøn a employee of OregOn Cascade Avcriae In treat of the MU as theconatructton of Jim K Plumbing slid Heating, Inc., uses a at atcrai4othcrfac1ltt&c eeeUaie c/tawwnt J1ow2jE . 7.ant and and Lounf.jE. ib:.ak andl1§ationi LaI and tLLalion. FJIT OUE happy a hou'l: oa ni:Jhtfy nt1y p.m. - 4toó/2.m. 4 to6 eaj Lteiiliuj rnuLc g,tUE.:i-· :iat VE Lu .at ,:., thuu to fl2?2 ttawzant ofIi -' 5:30 to 10:30 J0:O 5:30 .bi ­ 1'at 11¼ Pumpkins 7C lb. to '17:30 and madirion 271fl 1 1 Tomatos Onions Oranges 3b -$1 00 7 lb-Si 00 5th -$1 00 I Acorn Squash 7 for $1 CO Open 114pm dave a week 4___ _ 975 NW Kings 75-2314 We accept USDA Food Stamps I 5 AuCoin pledges to support tiny Chicano college SAlEM. Ore. (UPI) - Rep. Les AuCoin (D.Ore.) terms the controversy regarding Coleglo Cesar Chavez retaining Its fiveacee campus in Mt. Angel a poor performance on the part ci the federal government. AuCcln said he was disappointed with the efforts of the the voter apathy problem In Chicano communities. He said with Housing and Urban Development Department to evict the miall college from the campus because of failure to repay a $1 million Hill) mortgage assumed In 1973. A Marion County circuit court AuCoin pledged his continued support for keeping the eviction order issued this month was in abeyance while Coleglo predominately Chicano college open during an appearance in attorney Don Whiner appealed the action. Salem's Armory Auditorium Saturday rught. Cesar Chavez, leader of the United Farm Workers union for Only about turned out for the Oregon State whom the college is named, In Angel Chicano Concilio's first major fund-raiser, including State Rep. last week he would seek Monday to call President Carter to ask Gretchen Kafoury (D-Portland), and gubernatorial hopeful Bob him to intervene in HUDs eviction effort. Wood, Lane County commis.oner. The purpose was to raise "Great achievements in history start with slow beginmoney to help pay expenses of bilingual precinct workers to nings," AuCoin told the auditorium audience, "You have to begin voter-registiation drives In Spanish-speaking com- reduubte your efforts and the way to make progress Is to start at munities in January, but Jesus CaprUllo, concillo chairman, the ballot box' said the organization lost money because of the low attendance. Capetlilo said the small turnout for the benefit exemplified 2 no elected officials from their community In local governments, voter-aged Chicanos have no stake in electiona. He said the concillo, composed of about 14 Chicano-oriented organizations representing an estimated BOO persons, will launch its registi-auon drive through meetings in Gervais, Woodburn, ndependence and other cities with a lot of Spanlsh-apeaklng residents. He said they will inform the people of the democratic process and how elections are held. Rep Kafoury said she will seek to have as one of the first R bill she authored to et up the state's first Commission on Hispanic Affairse. She said the bill was introduced too late for thIs year's legislative period items on the legislative agenda In 1979 and died in the Ways and Moans Committee. BIOMErER that bombing and the bombing of an Army recruiting £WLUCZ nvue IJhIerb uieu 10 L1 stituency blatantly fouls the letter and spirit of both the Civil fighting In Aranyaprathet district directly east of Bangkok. No Rights Acts and the 14th Amendment." Thai casualties were reported. Colegio claims HUD, Marion Co. conspiracy SALEM (IJPI )The attorney for Coleglo Cesar Chavez filed an HUD funds for It's application. affidavit Wethiesday claiming there was a conspiracy to obtain Bothoan denied any part ma consracy. the schools campus for the Marion County Hounng Authority. Shadbott, now in Thiamook, was a community development The affidavit from Lawrence M. Shadbot Jr., a former specialist for the Marion County agency for eight montis. employee 01 the housing authority, was fid by Don Wlflner, The college is fighting an eviction order from HUD, which attorney for the Clcano.orlentsd college. claims the school has not made payments on the property. In the affidavit Shabolt claimed William Bollnien, director Wlilner Is requesting the Supreme Court stay 01 the housing authority, and staff member David Knowles and Issued last week by Marion County Circuit Court Judge an order lUdiard several officials of the federal Department 01 Housing and K. Barber that would allow HUI) to evict the college from Its Urban Development, engaged in a secret effort to permit the five-acre M'unt Angel campus. lrcal agenoy to buy the Colegio campus at Mount Angel using In response to that motion, HIJD attorneys Wednesday 2 asked that the eviction order be allowed, claiming the court does not have the power to stay the alt of assistance. The college, HUD attorneys argued, failed to poat a bond required by oc- cupants of premises In dispute. Such bonds are used to cover litigation costs that develop. In addition, said William M. McAllister, who represents HUD, the college should be removed froni the property because It is nota tenant as WiUner claims. HUD foreclosed on the campus property more than two years ago tot allowed the college to remain until last month. ER Faculty gives OK' to women studies By PA.4ZEI lobbyist would be - rW The Faculty Seoute vofed Tbwidsy curricuhim propose) to In favj( a Initiate a program for a certesta Inwin, stwties. Iho gram, wHeb would 4ed In acn to a a major, would be rii bsr bevs ff::ib,e Q1*ye d to l be udI"t or y effect the Others said that y op pd a lobbyist cm - or thet the $egi#awe fran governreis4 - VI-. Input would A faculty lsbb fran the proI4 ob as political science, history, adth teacher tenure, salary, sociology, English, psychology, statistics, evaluations, insurance, education and speech evaiwitlone of anlnis am4.iIa.d of co and . tax il4irrah, The proposal next gs to ruearth, nartty iii, Prdeut Robort MacVicar's libeary aort, _anti-faculty pcoeItres oes for appeoraL atWvii, Zeusigi said. In a repat fran the Interinatltutlonal Faculty Basically, the faculty was Senate (IFS), Robert enthusiastic about the Zawsrskl, professor of possibility of an In- nivs1 .gI.i.euing, gave terü vey on the pvIiIHty of a faculty lobbyist that would represent in- ( a ditutiors of lgher education fran over the state. Of the * Univerty faculty members who responded to U q''T, about 72 psieeit asld they were in yWbsd. faculty lob- New. 21 and fl, C. Wwea Neland, professor ci -Faculty s, Senate was eed prestdent and Bill W%, tofeeaoc of SC41, was elected senate . Because Wilkins is serving a of a faculty lobbyist, threeyssr term as a senator, pd, and at 3 picIceot the Celige ci Uberal Arts will elect a faculty rn.u4r to take fav about Z perceut e op wile %taifl or onclear, Zawonkl s*id. lobbyist would be paid i by m4hly contribotiorts fran la - for the nut two years, said David M. chalrmanof the nuse In other büw. the senate faculty members. Of those elected tires new prr4prs to who favored a faculty lob- U Executive CcTUee aid bytst, about 41 percent were voted to support reports fran willing tocootribute Pa the Faculty Economic month, about nine percent Welfare and the Fiscal would pay more than $3, and Priorities and La Range about percent would give lethsn$3. Png Cwdflees iate The next regular Zwüiiikl said that some meeting Is scheduled for Jan. faculty members were op- L2at 3:30p.m. in Withycombe poeid because they thought a 101.